It Always Seems Impossible Until It Is Done /it-always-seems-impossible-until-it-is-done/ Sergei VanBellinghen
It always seems impossible until it is done shows in its first part that our mind limits our beliefs and potential as to what we believe we can do. The second part, however, demonstrates that people, who push forward, not believing in limitation, contradict the world by making things possible.
Why do you believe things are impossible or possible? Is something that has never been done before means it is in no way possible to realize? How do you reach this possibility thinking? Many of the things that we take as truth now were considered impossible not so long ago. In a previous time, most people thought it unlikely to take flight, walk on the moon, have a smartphone or be able to see someone on the other side of the world via video.
“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.� – Christopher Reeve
Impossible and Possible During my time in the Soviet army, I remember computers being as massive as a room with cards getting perforated while running through to analyze things. A little more than 30 years passed and yet what an 1/4
astonishing change! Understand that your personal experiences create your belief system. It crafts what you believe to be impossible and possible. And just because something seems like an impossibility, it does not mean that it cannot be done. Minds are like parachutes; they only work when we open them. Therefore, I believe that our comfort zone contradicts our way of considering that anything is possible, destroys our goals and stop us from reaching our dreams. All around the world, you can see how many successful people took bold moves to make the impossible possible.
Impossible Is Just a Word I am sure you have dreams and aspirations; we all do. And it does not matter if they are big or small. What matters is how important they are to you, and how you go about fulfilling and turning them into a reality. If you think it seems impossible, you will keep dreaming, and they will remain just that, dreams.
“Impossible is a word found only in the dictionary of fools.� – Napoleon Bonaparte
So, it is sad that instead of experiencing real pleasure and fulfillment of your dreams, you settle for average conditions in your life. You only see how impossible things seem because you create them up that way. And yes, some stuff looks not possible because, in truth, they are tough. Either way, the challenge here is to overcome it and grow.
Pursuing the Impossible Of course, pursuing a dream that seems impossible is hard work, but you should know that anything is possible with the right amount of belief, hard work, ability, and persistence. You also have to realize the difference between wishful thinking and possibility thinking. The latter is backed up by a plan and actions while the earliest is just a thought or idea. You and I can dream and imagine great things. But when it comes to taking action, it is where most people fail. They usually come with excuses that it is impossible to realize without even giving themselves a chance to try. So, to cut a long story short, many individuals disqualify themselves from the race to success before even making the first step. However, the reverse is conceivable for some people. They have an approach and boldness in believing that things are possible for them to achieve, and so pursue it with tenacity.
Making the Impossible Possible But what is the approach to an impossibility? The answer to that question is to develop, in your own life, the attitude of a scientist or child that discover and learn new things. Try different ways no matter how crazy they may be. And then you have to experiment things out over and over to progress, move forward and make what seems impossible possible. The crucial element is to form a stable possibility mindset as well as a productive one. Be careful to not slide back into a wishful thinking mode. Therefore, take actions every day, no matter how small or tiny they are. You have to get away from the belief and thinking that it is not possible. Avoid the negative self-talk such as thinking that you cannot do it or that you are not good enough. And stop believing that the time is not right or that you should have done this a long time ago.
Changing the Impossibility Thinking From early on as a child or as we reach adulthood, our minds learn to begin accepting impossibility thinking. It 2/4
often happens from past failures and unfavorable experiences. There is also evidence of peers or real-life examples which seem to show us things seem impossible. Therefore, you have a pre-installed defense mechanism that rationalizes your mind to think and believe that you are not the one who could make it happen or have not the abilities to succeed. And if you think you cannot, well guess what, you are right. So today, I ask you and encourage you to accept, embrace and adopt a new version of thinking in your life. You have to admit to yourself that anything is possible until proven beyond a shred of doubt that it is impossible to do.
Tips to Overcome the Impossible Be fearless and remind yourself that anything is possible. Have a scientist or childlike mind to discover and learn things. Believe in yourself and your ability to succeed even if you have not done so before. Go after the dream you cherish regardless of barriers. Write the book you want to write despite the belief of the limitations you have. Acquire and implement the possibility mindset and a growth approach. Start the business you desire by making a plan and taking action. Avoid assuming that something is impossible just based on your previous thoughts and ideas. Realize that what seems impossible is more than often possible to do. Change your state of mind from impossible to possible. Remember that the enthusiasm and fear of a new challenge sparks an essential incentive and makes the experience worthwhile. The path to success is never easy, yet you should never let circumstances or obstacles restrict you. Instead, use impossible things like a drive to reach higher. Many people want success but are not ready to make what seems impossible a reality. Success usually comes with a price. If you want something better for you and your loved ones, you may have to let go of one life. It may feel quite comfy now, but it might not advantage you in the long run. So, if your dream is to be a successful entrepreneur, you have to act and think like an entrepreneur. Even it means giving up your current job and essential paycheck. When you want something that bad, you have to focus on what always seems impossible until done. And do it without letting anything else distract you. If everyone thought that things were impossible, there would be no entrepreneurs and inventors who create inventions or make breakthroughs in this world. Just remember that what seems unlikely is a worthy challenge until it is done. And success does not come to the people who only dream about it but to those who will do their best to make their dreams possible. And if you feel like doing the impossible, you might be interested in a great opportunity, click here. Related articles or blog posts Awaken The Warrior Within You How To Change Yourself In Positive Ways One Day Or Day One You Decide Picture What You Want In Your Mind How To Have A Winning Mentality How To Set Goals You Can Achieve Your Thoughts Determine Your Life Never Give Up On Your Dreams No Matter What 3/4
Sergei VanBellinghen, Founder & CEO of First-Class Lifestyle, currently a Personal Growth & Success Expert Consultant, using self-development techniques to help you succeed and have a better life. Visit my personal growth page or check who is Sergei Would you like to share? Š LikeBtn.comClose XI like thisUnlike Like1I dislike thisUndislike 0