The unbelievable power of certainty

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The Unbelievable Power Of Certainty /business/the-unbelievable-power-of-certainty Aug 14, 2017 56 views Written by Sergei VanBellinghen

Author Sergei VanBellinghen

Articles written: 162 Joined: 23 September 2016 Niche: Internet and Businesses Online Reference and Education Self Improvement

For centuries now, in history, the unbelievable power of certainty is the attribute that draws people to leaders and experts. It is what comes into play when you want to influence, make an impact or achieve the impossible whereas a lack of it can stop you dead in your tracks. But what is certainty?

How do you get such trait? Do you have a lack of confidence from time to time? Are you allowing yourself to doubt, even if it is for a second? Why do you still lack confidence, despite knowing, doing, preparing or practicing? 1/4

The reason is you possess some uncertainty! It can be about yourself, your abilities, what you believe in, your relationship or anything else. Have you ever known someone who knows their stuff, but just lacked confidence? Well, confidence comes from knowing yourself or your own business, but in taking it a step further, you understand that the power of certainty comes from not doubt at all. My Shaolin Kung Fu master always says that self-confidence is for children and you have better to be certain. If you do not sense an inner certainty about what you want or what you need to do, then it will be over before you know it. Luckily for you, the power of certainty can be developed. Gaining certitude can take time but the more you use it, the better you will get. It begins with you sharing your ideas so often that you finally find your voice and become sure in what you believe or teach. It is a big deal because the more you share with others, the more certain you will become. The power of certainty provides the key to unlocking what is holding you back.

“Certainty helps us take the actions to achieve our dreams.” - Tony Robbins

The Inner battle for Certainty You have to understand that when ideas take hold in your mind, an inner battle begins between your unconscious and conscious mind. It often comes down to your conscious mind which wants something while your unconscious mind may not believe a thing you say. When you lack power of certainty, there is automatically a conflict, a struggle, and ideas just remain thoughts. You might be trying to tell your unconscious that you are going to you will be financially free in ten years’ time or that you will have millions by the time you are thirty. But if your conscious mind is uncertain and has doubts, it will go ‘Yes, right. No way in hell!’ Then rejects your energy and desires into space where it will just bounce back and have no effect. Your certitude needs to be anchored so deeply that it becomes unshakable. But at first, your power of certainty has to be greater than your doubts. When you choose to act with such inevitability, you can overcome any fear or doubt you might have. You can achieve it mentally through invocations, not affirmations, but invocation as it involves feelings of certainty through your bones, body, heart, and soul. As an expert, I believe you owe it to yourself to act with certitude. I truly believe and have also personally experienced the power of certainty which grows over time and goes beyond self-confidence.

The Lack of Certainty brings a Lack of Action If you unsure and do not feel a power of certainty, you will surely lack taking action. To live their financial dreams, most people always think about wanting to generate an enormous amount of money. They love to talk a good game with some ‘If…,' and tell others about their big dream, but in the end, they never take action to realize it. What are the reasons? Well, they do not have the certainty that they can do it. They have no certitude about the outcome. They do not believe in themselves or how they can get there. They then begin to fall into fears and doubts. As a result, their self-thinking and self-talking put things off. Self-talk combines that little voice and the quiet conversations you have with it. You should be more careful of these little internal phrases as they can build your power of certainty or to tear it apart. It is a fact that certainty has a real influence on your conduct and actions. How? If you have failed to take decisions in any part of your life, it is somewhat because you are uncertain or unsure as to which method could succeed or fail. So you put off what you 2/4

need to do today until later.

The Influence of Certainty over Confidence The power of certainty paves the way for you to take action, even massive action. And the impact of these massive actions is how you improve your confidence and make things happen in your life. But what is holding you back from raising your game? From what I have seen and learned from my experiences all over the world, is that it does not matter how confident or successful you are, we all have certain zones of weakness from time to time. I do not believe that anyone is immune to uncertainty. But if you decide to do something, and start to plan towards it, you then create confidence which in turn builds in time, certainty. Therefore, it is when you decide with absolute certitude that you are going to create your dreams and then start to build a plan that something almost magical happens. You start to develop a power of certainty that influences and surpasses your confidence. You unexpectedly see that there are ways to achieve your objectives. Suddenly, your goals dribble, drop by drop, deep into your unconscious to find the means to make your dream a physical reality. It is when the fairy tale begins. I am pretty sure that there was at least one time in your life where you experienced the absolute power of certainty.

The Power of Certainty Is Personal Too many people live between reality and fiction when it comes to sensing certainty. But I know from personal experience that you or anyone is capable enough to do many things that most people think are impossible. Your certainty and confidence are about what you believe it to be. What is important is your perception.

“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are dead right.” - Henry Ford

Therefore, perhaps it is often up to what you believe to be true. It sounds annoyingly accurate, isn’t it? Of course, the power of certainty is not something you can just switch on or off. Very often, you need help with your ability to build and uphold your certainty as well as your confidence, mainly when it comes to challenging circumstances.

The Unbelievable Power of Certainty At the moment you begin to carry yourself with certainty, people become logically attracted to that quality you have. When others feel your power of certainty, they tend to start trusting you as well. And as soon as you speak with certitude and act with conviction, it alters the way the world around you responds. Great leaders and dictators throughout history are excellent examples of this. You need to realize that the power of certainty creates opportunities that would not have existed otherwise. Your body language also has a significant influence on the way others perceive you. It includes the way you carry yourself, your gestures, facial expressions, walk, and even your care. And all of these, in turn, send strong signals to your nervous system and unconscious mind. It means that if your body sends signals to your nervous system which matches a personal power of certainty, your attitude will also adjust as to be in tune with these signs. You have to learn to develop and display incomparable certainty because it will change your life for good at every level of your being. Certainty and confidence are like powerful magnets. 3/4

Possessing the Power of Certainty When you possess the power of certainty, with no doubt in yourself and your abilities, you begin to attract new chances, means, opportunities, resources, and people into your life. You suddenly start to find ways to open whatever doors are necessary to create the life you want. Today, certainty is a necessity for being a successful person. So if this post resonates with you, why don’t you start building certainty for yourself and see the difference it will make for you. You now know that it only takes common sense and discipline to reach beyond confidence and tap into the power of certainty. Remember that if other people can do it, you can, too. But to actually develop, grow and improve the power of certainty, you should make it a routine to find the role models and take example by reading about people who inspire you to what is possible and impossible. So do not be reticent to plunge into the unbelievable power of certainty to help you achieve your goals and dreams. Related articles How To Be Exceptional Rather Than Only Capable How To Increase Your Self-Discipline

Sergei VanBellinghen, Founder & CEO of First-Class Lifestyle, currently a Self-Improvement & Success Expert Consultant, using selfdevelopment techniques to help you succeed and have a better life. Visit my website at


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