You Have The Ability To Edit Your Life /business/you-have-the-ability-to-edit-your-life Dec 09, 2016 1 views Written by Sergei VanBellinghen
Author Sergei VanBellinghen
Articles written: 81 Joined: 23 September 2016 Niche: Business Internet and Businesses Online Self Improvement
You may not often realize it but you are a constant work in progress. You ultimately control your own story. And since you are always the author of your existence, you have the ability to edit your life in any way you want. So, how does it feel?
How does it feel to live on a tiny mysterious rock that spins on its axis and travels at the speed of 107,000 kilometers an hour throughout space?
In that place, the most precious resource simply rains down from the sky. This same sky turns Technicolor at dawn and dusk, providing a unique light show for its inhabitants to simply enjoy. All of this because of the angle of the main star called the sun that hits it from 93 million miles away, and who by the way is also the energy source of all life on it. This energy source has allowed for all 9 million of its current species to coexist, most of the time, in synchronicity with one another. Well, here we are you and I, experiencing this divine symphony, orchestrated by a composer who is beyond our comprehension, yet give you the ability to edit your life, write and re-write your own story limitlessly as long as you go forward.
“Life is the art of drawing without an eraser ” – John W. Gardner
The Future is not written in Stone This ability includes many variants like changing, character, plot, design, strategy and structure. Remember, you hold the keys to your future. Destiny is not yet written, and it doesn’t matter what everyone else’s says or what cards you have been dealt with, what your family tells you or even what you currently believe, you still have the ability to change and edit your life just the way you please. If something doesn’t feel right, you usually feel it, that nagging feeling is there for a reason. If a relationship isn’t working for you, be it friendship or platonic, it is maybe time for you to move on, or at the very least, insert a conversation about how to make it work. Your life gives you the choice to be who you want to be. You are in charge. So do whatever feels right for you and not what’s good for someone else.
The Dark Times aren’t forever You will have, have or have had dark times in your life, moments you are not proud of, or when you hit a low point of your existence. But during those times, it is the perfect period to see and know which people are sticking with you and which ones are leaving. I am always one to forgive, but never to forget.
“If you were absent during my struggle, don’t expect to be present during my success ” – Will Smith
Not everyone who started with you will finish with you. And that is perfectly okay because you only need the people in your life who were with you through the dark times. They saw you at some low points but kept around supporting you. You may face loss and become defeated at times, and that is when most people leave your side. But it is also at those times, when you look around, that you see who’s worth keeping around. It is better to have one such friend than dozens of superficial buddies.
The Ability to edit your Life The ability to edit your life is being constant with your actions and intentions. It is the key to creating the life you want and even turn passions into a consistent income. I have come to realize that it can be very challenging to work day in
and day out on oneself. It is like one of those kits, which come knocked down for putting together. It will take some gluing here, sanding some rough spots there, hammering a bit now, filing down the scratches on this side, planning a bit on that side, carving a piece, bending this section slightly, varnishing, backing off for a frequent look, dusting, waxing, polishing, until at last what you have is a thing of beauty and joy forever. And if you follow this principle by working on yourself and your business every day, you will get to where you want to be soon enough, you know you have the ability to edit your life and if you take action daily towards your dreams and goals, you will achieve them, it is only a matter of time. Create a life worth living >>> Edit Life Now Share your thoughts below or contact me, I'll be more than happy to help you.
Sergei VanBellinghen, Founder & CEO of First-Class Lifestyle and, Success & Self-Improvement Coach, Freedom entrepreneur & business partner of Stuart Ross, also counselor in East Europe-West relationships, a passionate Globetrotter and an avid audio booker