Practical Project -- Kingston Museum Family Trail

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Amazing Animals


Welcome to the Museum... I am May Queen. I am wearing a crown and holding a flower. I like dancing, and you can see me in the museum's stained-glass Window. I live in this museum with my amazing friends. Let me introduce them to you.


He is one of my friends. We all call him Wall y bird.

Can you find him?


u be s I wil l flap could bird. like a

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u i f yo

ings w r u yo

Wally Bird is a pot. It is part of a collection of art which belonged to Mr Marsh who lived in Kingston. Do you collect anything?


Woolly Mammoth Teeth

my Woolly Mammoth is shy friend. It has huge teeth.


Look at the size of the teeth compared to yours... imagine how big the animal was!

These huge teeth were dug up in Kingston. They belonged to a Woolly Mammoth. This amazing animal might have lived here during the Ice Age which is a very very long time ago!


Fish shield, this in Kingston’s sh fi 3 re a lmon There d to be 3 sa se u re e th se is becau ston. farms in King

on t t h r e e fi s h o p s u o y n Ca e Museum? th in e ls e g in anyth



This crocodile is a children’s toy and was made by women in an airplane factory in Kingston. It was sold in Bentalls. We call him ‘Snappity’.

Can you


snap you

er like

geth h ands to ! my mouth



This frog was made by artist Denise Wren who lived in Kingston and made pots. She loved bright colours and nature.


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Can you colour the bird? It is also designed by Denise Wren.


Nipper the dog Nipper was a famous Kingston dog, a picture of him was painted and it was later used for the HMV logo. There is a road in Kingston named after him!

What noise does a dog make?


Stag This is the shield for the Ro yal Borough of Kingston Upon Thames. The impressive stags remind us that part of Richmond Park is in Kingston.


Do you want to design your own shield?


Horse Eadweard Muybridge​ was a fa m ou s p h oto g ra p h er f ro m Kingston. He liked to take photos of anima ls moving and was one of the first people to make pictures move.


Which is your favourite amazing animal at Kingston Museum?


Wheatfield Way Kingston upon Thames KT1 2PS Phone: 020 8547 5006

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