Computer Networking and Applications
Computer Networking and Applications
Transport Layer
l ca gi lo
• The Transport Layer is responsible for providing logical communica8on between processes. Uses the services of the Network Layer to (try) to transfer data between hosts. application transport network • The TL relies on the services of the data link physical Network layer protocol, so it is limited in the services it can provide. • TCP/IP provides d en
nd -e
conges8on flow control TCP connec8on setup reliable, in-‐order delivery of data best effort delivery UDP mul8plexing of data from several processes both
Source IP: C Dest IP: B source port: y dest. port: 80
port use: simple telnet app
Web client host A
application transport network
host 2
host 3
32 bits source port #
TCP/UDP segment format
RFC 768
Web client host C
server B
source port:23 dest. port: x
dest port #
other header fields Application data (message)
Computer Networking and Applications
Multiplexing/demultiplexing: examples source port: x dest. port: 23
©Kurose & Ross, 2002
Computer Networking and Applications
host A
P1 P1
host 1 application transport network data link physical
• TCP/IP doesn t provide (although some other protocol suites do, and TCP/IP may in future) Reading: – bandwidth or latency guarantees Kurose & Ross: Ch 3
= process
t or sp an tr
– – – – – –
= socket
Source IP: A Dest IP: B source port: x dest. port: 80
Source IP: C Dest IP: B source port: x dest. port: 80
Web server B port use: Web server
User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
• no connec8on establishment (which can add delay) • simple: no connec8on state at sender, receiver Length, in bytes of UDP • small segment header segment, • no conges8on control: UDP can including blast away as fast as desired header • can add reliability at applica8on layer • 1 s complement checksum can be used to detect (but not correct) errors. (example) • segments can be lost or delivered to applica8on out of order. • each segment is independent of others.
32 bits source port #
dest port #
Application data (message) UDP segment format
©Kurose & Ross, 2002
Computer Networking and Applications
©Kurose & Ross, 2002
Computer Networking and Applications
Reliable Data Transfer • Many applica8ons want reliable data transfer, so many transport layer protocols provide this. • The service level of the underlying network may vary. Assume the TL needs to deal with errors and loss of data packets. • Start with the assump8on of a reliable network and progressively add in mechanisms for dealing with errors… (on blackboard)
Reliable data transfer: getting started rdt_send(): called from above, (e.g., by app.). Passed data to deliver to receiver upper layer
send side
udt_send(): called by rdt, to transfer packet over unreliable channel to receiver
deliver_data(): called by rdt to deliver data to upper
receive side
rdt_rcv(): called when packet arrives on rcv-side of channel ©Kurose & Ross, 2002
Computer Networking and Applications
Computer Networking and Applications Rdt1.0: reliable transfer over a reliable channel
Reliable data transfer: getting started
We ll: • incrementally develop sender, receiver sides of reliable data transfer protocol (rdt) • consider only unidirec8onal data transfer
• underlying channel perfectly reliable – no bit erros – no loss of packets
• separate FSMs for sender, receiver:
– but control info will flow on both direc8ons!
– sender sends data into underlying channel – receiver read data from underlying channel
• use finite state machines (FSM) to specify sender, receiver event causing state transition actions taken on state transition state: when in this state next state uniquely determined by next event
state 1
state 2
event actions
©Kurose & Ross, 2002
Computer Networking and Applications Rdt2.0: channel with bit errors
©Kurose & Ross, 2002
Computer Networking and Applications
rdt2.0: FSM specification
• underlying channel may flip bits in packet – recall: UDP checksum to detect bit errors
• the ques8on: how to recover from errors: – acknowledgements (ACKs): receiver explicitly tells sender that pkt received OK – nega6ve acknowledgements (NAKs): receiver explicitly tells sender that pkt had errors – sender retransmits pkt on receipt of NAK – human scenarios using ACKs, NAKs?
• new mechanisms in rdt2.0 (beyond rdt1.0): – error detec8on – receiver feedback: control msgs (ACK,NAK) rcvr-‐>sender
sender FSM
receiver FSM
©Kurose & Ross, 2002
Computer Networking and Applications
©Kurose & Ross, 2002
Computer Networking and Applications
rdt2.0: in action (no errors)
sender FSM
rdt2.0: in action (error scenario)
receiver FSM ©Kurose & Ross, 2002
sender FSM
receiver FSM ©Kurose & Ross, 2002
Computer Networking and Applications
Computer Networking and Applications rdt2.1: sender, handles garbled ACK/NAKs
rdt2.0 has a fatal flaw! What happens if ACK/NAK corrupted? • •
sender doesn t know what happened at receiver! can t just retransmit: possible duplicate
What to do? • •
sender ACKs/NAKs receiver s ACK/NAK? What if sender ACK/NAK lost? retransmit, but this might cause retransmission of correctly received pkt!
Handling duplicates: • sender adds sequence number to each pkt • sender retransmits current pkt if ACK/NAK garbled • receiver discards (doesn t deliver up) duplicate pkt stop and wait Sender sends one packet, then waits for receiver response
©Kurose & Ross, 2002
Computer Networking and Applications rdt2.1: receiver, handles garbled ACK/NAKs
©Kurose & Ross, 2002
Computer Networking and Applications
rdt2.1: discussion Sender: • seq # added to pkt • two seq. # s (0,1) will suffice. Why? • must check if received ACK/ NAK corrupted • twice as many states – state must remember whether current pkt has 0 or 1 seq. #
©Kurose & Ross, 2002
Computer Networking and Applications
• note: receiver can not know if its last ACK/NAK received OK at sender
©Kurose & Ross, 2002
rdt3.0: channels with errors and loss
sender FSM
• same func8onality as rdt2.1, using ACKs only • instead of NAK, receiver sends ACK for last pkt received OK
• duplicate ACK at sender results in same ac8on as NAK: retransmit current pkt
– state indicates whether 0 or 1 is expected pkt seq #
Computer Networking and Applications
rdt2.2: a NAK-free protocol
– receiver must explicitly include seq # of pkt being ACKed
Receiver: • must check if received packet is duplicate
New assump8on: underlying Approach: sender waits channel can also lose packets reasonable amount of 8me for ACK (data or ACKs)
• retransmits if no ACK received in this 8me • if pkt (or ACK) just delayed (not lost): Q: how to deal with loss? – retransmission will be – sender waits un8l certain data or duplicate, but use of seq. # s already handles this ACK lost, then retransmits – receiver must specify seq # of – yuck: drawbacks? pkt being ACKed • requires countdown 8mer – checksum, seq. #, ACKs, retransmissions will be of help, but not enough
©Kurose & Ross, 2002
©Kurose & Ross, 2002
Computer Networking and Applications
Computer Networking and Applications
rdt3.0 sender
rdt3.0 in action
©Kurose & Ross, 2002
Computer Networking and Applications
©Kurose & Ross, 2002
Computer Networking and Applications
Need for Pipelining • 1 Gbps link, 15 ms e-‐e prop. delay, 1KB packet:
rdt3.0 in action
Ttransmit =
8Kb/pkt = 8 microsec/packet 10**9 b/sec
8 microsec fraction of time = 0.00027 Utilization = U = sender busy sending = 30.008 msec 1KB pkt every 30 msec -> 33KB/sec thruput over 1 Gbps link network protocol limits use of physical resources!
©Kurose & Ross, 2002
Computer Networking and Applications
©Kurose & Ross, 2002
Computer Networking and Applications
Selective Repeat
• Sender
– one 8mer – on 8meout, retransmit all packets in window from last ACK + 1
• Receiver – cumula8ve ACK – discard out of order packets
• Example • Advantages & disadvantages
Example (board) ©Kurose & Ross, 2002
©Kurose & Ross, 2002
Computer Networking and Applications
Computer Networking and Applications
Selective Repeat - window size
RFCs 793, 1122, 1323, 2018, 2581
• TCP is designed to provide the appearance of a reliable channel over the unreliable network layer (IP). • In addi8on to the checksum and mul8plexing as provided by UDP, TCP also provides flow control and conges8on control and a reliable connec8on. • The channel, or connec6on, is not a virtual circuit. All state informa8on resides in the sending and receiving hosts, not in the routers. • TCP deals with
❒ seq # s: 0, 1, 2, 3 ❒ window size=3 ❒ receiver sees no difference in two scenarios ❒ incorrectly passes duplicate data as new in (a)
– Lost packets – Re-‐ordered packets – Delayed packets
Q: what is the relationship between seq# size and window size? 37 ©Kurose & Ross, 2002
Computer Networking and Applications
ACK: ACK # valid PSH: push data now (generally not used) RST, SYN, FIN: connection estab (setup,teardown commands) Internet checksum (as in UDP)
Seq #s and ACKs in TCP
32 bits source port #
counting by bytes of data (not segments!)
dest port #
sequence number acknowledgement number headnot UAP R S F rcvr window size len used checksum
• TCP is a modified hybrid of go-‐back-‐N and selec8ve repeat. Cumula8ve ACKs. Only ACK up to correctly received segments.
Computer Networking and Applications
TCP segment structure URG: urgent data (generally not used)
# bytes rcvr willing to accept
ptr urgent data
Options (variable length) application data (variable length)
Seq. # s: – byte stream number of first byte in segment s data ACKs: – seq # of next byte expected from other side – cumulative ACK – Piggybacked in data packets Q: how receiver handles outof-order segments – A: TCP spec doesn t say, - up to implementor
Host B
Host A User types C
timer seq 42 host ACKs receipt of echoed C
timer seq 43
2, ACK
=79, da
79, A
ytes d
=100 ACK
2, 8 b
ytes d
Seq=100 timeout Seq=92 timeout
2, 8 b
X loss Seq=9
Host A
Host B
lost ACK scenario
host ACKs receipt of C , echoes back C
simple telnet scenario
©Kurose & Ross, 2002
How long should the timeout be?
Host B
Seq=9 2, 8 b ytes d Seq= ata 100, 20 by tes d ata 0 10 0 K= K=12 C A AC Seq=9 2, 8 b ytes d ata =1 CK
Computer Networking and Applications
Retransmission Scenarios Host A
ta = 3, da
3, ACK
©Kurose & Ross, 2002
Computer Networking and Applications
ta =
premature timeout, cumulative ACKs ©Kurose & Ross, 2002
• Timer should 8me out only rarely. – Ideally only when a segment is lost – Prac8cally usually only when a segment is lost, may 8meout on some long delays; but not average delays.
• The delay is expressed as a round trip 8me (RTT). Delay varies due to conges8on and path. We need an es8mate. Exponen8al Weighted Moving Average is used EstimatedRTT = (1 - x)*EstimatedRTT + x*SampleRTT! Typically, exis8ng es8mate is weighted more (x = 0.125)
• To prevent delays from causing 8meouts too frequently, the 8mer takes into considera8on the devia8on from the average. Timeout = EstimatedRTT + 4 * Deviation ! Deviation=(1-x)*Deviation+x*|SampleRTT-EstimatedRTT|! • Note that one ACK may acknowledge several segments, so calcula8ng the 8meout is non-‐trivial.
Computer Networking and Applications
Computer Networking and Applications
TCP - flow control
Establishing a Connection
• Flow control exists to prevent the sender from overwhelming the receiver. • Receiving host informs sender of the receive window size in the header of TCP segments (ini8ally = receive buffer size) • At sending host LastByteSent -‐ LastByteAcked <= Receive Window • What if the receive buffer is full? Receive window = 0. How will the sender know when more space is available?
TL send buffer
Receiving process
TL receive buffer
©Kurose & Ross, 2002
Computer Networking and Applications
– Request connec8on – Grant connec8on – Acknowledge
server SYN(seq
• Ini8al sequence numbers of the sender and receiver are exchanged as part of the connec8on establishment. • A SYN bit in the header is set to 1 for the first two segments to indicate the set up. • The third handshake is required to deal with duplicate segments/ACKs
= x)
q = y, AC
(Seq = x+1
K = x+1)
, ACK = y+1
Computer Networking and Applications
Terminating a Connection • It is equally important to have an agreed termina8on of a connec8on – need to guarantee that all data has been delivered in both direc8ons • Such a guarantee is not possible (but assurance can be given with a high probability) – consider the problem in the diagram below – the blue armies (on the hills) are to amack the red army (in the valley) – the blue armies need to guarantee a coordinated amack
Terminating a connection in TCP • 8meouts at client and server guarantee that the connec8on will eventually be closed on both sides. • 8med wait increases the chance of server receiving a final ACK
timed wait
Sending process
• TCP connec8ons are established by a 3-‐way handshake.
Computer Networking and Applications
Computer Networking and Applications
Reasons to avoid Congestion
• Conges8on can occur within the network. Too many sources and/ or too much data being sent for the routers.
• Throughput is capped at routers. Sending at higher rates has no Host A λ : original data benefit. • Conges8on increases average delay. in
Host B
• Can result in – packet loss (buffer overflows) – high delays (queuing in buffer)
λ router buffering
unlimited shared output link buffers
©Kurose & Ross, 2009
• Retransmission of packets, dropped or delayed, adds overhead to network. For delayed packets, this is wasted overhead. • When a packet is dropped, the effort of earlier routers, is wasted. • Performance degrades exponen8ally as conges8on level approaches capacity. We want to avoid reaching this state!
Computer Networking and Applications
Computer Networking and Applications
TCP congestion control - Tahoe 1988
Approaches to avoiding congestion • Network layer assisted – Routers provide explicit feedback of conges8on and/or available rate. – ATM-‐ABR, Explicit Conges8on No8fica8on (TCP/IP -‐ proposed)
• End-‐to-‐end – End systems amempt to infer conges8on based on packet acknowledgment 8mes, etc. – Current TCP/IP implementa8ons
• Network layer assisted increases complexity of routers • End-‐to-‐end may make an incorrect inference of conges8on (e.g. in mobile networks)
Computer Networking and Applications
• Vegas -‐ 1995 – detect conges8on before packet loss.
cwnd window size (in segments)
– Fast retransmit • 3 duplicate ACKs -‐ retransmit immediately – Fast recovery • 3 duplicate ACKs -‐ stay in conges8on avoidance, don't re-‐enter slow start
– Initially CongWin = 1 Maximum Segment Size (MSS)! – Set a threshold, Thresh = 65535 bytes! – While CongWin <= Thresh! • Send a segment! • If ACK is received before timeout, CongWin = CongWin + 1 MSS! Slow Start • If timeout occurs, Thresh = 1/2 min(ReceiveWin, CongWin), CongWin = 1 MSS! – While CongWin > Thresh! • Send a segment! Congestion• If ACK is received before timeout, CongWin = CongWin + MSS * MSS/CongWin! Avoidance • If timeout occurs Thresh = 1/2 min(ReceiveWin, CongWin), CongWin = 1 MSS!
Computer Networking and Applications
TCP Congestion Control - open issues
TCP Congestion Control & extensions • Extensions • Reno -‐ 1990
• In addi8on to the Receive Window (for flow control) the senders rate is also controlled by a Conges8on Window LastByteSent - LastByteAcked <= min (ReceiveWin, CongWin) • Determining the conges8on window
TCP Reno
• Under conges8on condi8ons, TCP provides fair sharing of available throughput – When a segment is not ACK’ed, the Threshold of senders will converge Send1 = 20/2 = 10 Send2 = 10/2 = 5 – Only fair if each applica8on has same number of TCP streams open!
• TCP doesn’t spend much 8me in slow start (due to exponen8al increase) unless – Transmission rates are high rela8ve to latency (not gerng enough ACKs back to grow window size) – Object being sent is small (not enough 8me to escape slow start)
TCP Tahoe
Transmission round
©Kurose & Ross, 2002
• Somewhat problema8c for the web. • UDP is osen used to avoid TCP conges8on control. This will be a problem if UDP traffic becomes more prevalent. • TCP conges8on control is s8ll an ac8ve area of research with many varia8ons on the basic Reno protocol.