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When I was doing design, I would imagine myself as a user. I would think of myself as a playing child, a student, or a crossing office-worker nearby, and so on. I will be taking my feelings and needs with these different identities in my design. I hope my design are on my side, always around me. I will be there for this purpose: to explore and feel.............

SUN MINGFENG Date of Birth: 1993/01/17 Email:asdfqwe0123@126.com Phone:(86)15901235103 Postcode:100083 Current address: 401, Unit1, #3, Linbei Rd, 11, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R.China

Education Background Beijing Forestry University. School of Landscape Architecture (Sep,2011-Julv,2015) Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, in July 6, 2015 Overall GPA: 89.35/100; Major GPA:

Scholarships and Honors 11/2012 Second-grade Scholarship for Excellent Student, BJFU Scholarship for Advanced Individual of Cultural and sports activities The First Prize of Women Race in the Beijing Universiade [1500-meter race, Jump match, roller-skate, Triathlon] 12/2013 Second-grade Scholarship for Excellent Student, BJFU Scholarship for Advanced Individual of Cultural and sports activities The First Prize of Women Race in the Beijing Universiade [ Jump match, roller-skate, Triathlon] Excellent League Member 11/2013 Minor degree of computer Art and Design 13/2014 Second-grade Scholarship for Excellent Student, BJFU Scholarship for Advanced Individual of Cultural and sports activities The First Prize of Women Race in the Beijing Universiade [Jump match, roller-skate, Triathlon]

Academic Experiments & Internship 11/2013 Part-time editor in Chinese Society of Soil and Water conservation, Academic institution 2013 Summer Experiment training in Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research (Israel) 13/2014 Intership in Beijing New Era Architectural Design LTD.

Computer Skills 3D Modeling Sketchup, 3DMAX, MAYA(beginner), Artlantis 2D Graphic AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign

Languages Mandarin Chinese: Native Language English: Fluent German: Beginner

CONTENTS 1. Waterfront landscape planning 2. Wudaokou green space design 3. Tianjin commercial ground design 4. Free space transformation & reuse 5. Sketch work & photography



XL Scale 55.9ha

May, 2014 Site: Zhumadian, Henan province, China Type: Waterfront landscape planning & design studioďźˆPersonal part of teamwork Tutor: Zhang Yunlu

More channels, more possibilities

Present condition & Existing problems

1. River channel does not contact tightly with surrounding 2. Traffic laying around the River, only through the viaduct across settlements, the status quo can only be connected by elevated the River on both sides of a main road. highway. Peripheral location interrelatedness is poor.

3. After planning, the river channel will widen to both sides of the 4. Status of plants is not ideal, and the advantages and disadvantages of species distribution is not uniform River, water space will become larger.

Solutions & Strategy

1. Increase water space: hydrophilic space creation has always been as fundamental objectives of priority, created with short of water in different area of space is an important city with its surrounding resources in close liaison will be important in the design of urban waterfront hydrophilic elements reduced to space 2. Shoreline diversity: status of revetment plain and simple, Visual sense of monotonous, in order to avoid repetitive bulkhead form of over-saturation of, and giving the Viewer to create good feelings. Reconstruction of partial bulkhead is designed, soft + hardened hands method in ecological revetment main bulkhead form, creating a natural and harmonious landscape. Meanwhile, through the reshaping of the bulkhead, the associated viewing platform, increasing public participation of the hydrophilic region. 3. Set the landscape node (control point): every once in a while-flow systems to create a node elements into the city as well as multicultural cultural exhibition possible. 4. The penetration of waterfront space and space transportation links: maximize the through platforms on the basis of hydrophilic space, aerial walkway, Corridor bridges and other road systems and waterfront space cleverly links intersection where setting up a small square, meet the needs of open space distribution.

Functional requirements survey

Design goals - Objectives by requirements

Site located in zhumadian city, Henan province, southwest of China, mainly in the North District, Southern development zone, surrounded mainly by residential land, and a large business sites and several kindergartens, primary and secondary schools. The Geographic is complex.

From the above design philosophy to analysis and deduce the idea—Urban connection 1. Create an open urban space Maximizing connections between buildings and streets and promote economic development around the river. 2. Explore the river destination So that different people can get into this unique urban riverside landscape and build a bridge between the North and South of the city, and restoring wetlands, create public spaces, flood and develop a livable Riverfront communities merged into one. 3. Recheck the channel Our cities must plan to re-examine the infrastructure system in response to 20th century urbanization and climate change brings more frequent violent storms. 4. Speed up the interaction between man and nature The reform of the urban River, so that the community and the environment and to improve, creating an important opportunity for the exchange of harmony between man and nature.


Concept diagram

Design analysis

Vegetation planning 1. Suitable land and tree: selected local native trees (well grown), and selection of wet endurance in embankment near the river side tree species. 2. Principle of landscape features: Use levees near the side of the river to create a waterfront landscape, planting a variety of aquatic plants for people to watch, in addition, one side of the dyke near the city create a temperate monsoon climate plants, in Joe-combined with the neighboring natural on the choices of shrub-grass vegetation in harmony. 3. Species diversity principle: achieving fairness in the choice of diversification, but also to note in the design meet the requirements of various plants for microclimate. Create plant community diversity on an active role in maintaining the diversity of local fauna. 4. Economic principle: to select the local native trees. Rare ornamental trees to be planted in an area of management and maintenance level is relatively high. Varieties of aquatic plant selection can purify water as much as possible.

Conclusion 03

Urban River as an important urban ecological corridor, in addition to undertake flood prevention, transportation and other important functions, should also give full play to the river and improve the urban ecological environment and landscape quality and potential function of the spatial organization tasks. While important presentation of the film and television culture and the image of the city. This planning concept has always been around, zhumadian city, humanity and nature, eco-cycle will feature urban context characteristics of continuity and inheritance. In the form language creating the urban line connector, linking old and new districts.

Revetment form intent

Revetment form


Node design


Ground vertical


Stereo-traffic vertical plan


This node is located in the northwest part of the river channel of the entire course of bifurcation point. Facing the problem of soil erosion and the surrounding commercial environmental disturbance. This node selected big area as ecological wetland. Use wetland vegetation to reach the ecological soil reinforce purpose, meanwhile, set vacated stereo traffic with landscape elements. In addition, the bridge can promote the communication between two sides, offering diverse space experience.





L Scale


December, 2014 Site: Wudaokou, Beijing, China Type:Urban green space design (Personal work) Tutor: Li Liang

A study of the ancient and culture space

'The ancient dreams in the modern city' — A study of the ancient culture in the modern space

Present condition & environment investigation


Current condition

Wudaokou subway station (13#) has great discharge and relatively crowded. It has many security implications


The site has been blocked by barriers, with no entrance

Light railway Rail way Education



Park (mixed)

Bicycle park

'Railway hiding underground, leaving spaces on both sides'

Plane traffic system, the creation of landscape

Resolve conflicts through stereo traffic, and to create three-dimensional green environment

Ecological isolation, to maintain the distance between human and natural.

Green railway

Plane landscape

Stereo traffic

Gren corridor

Resident Sports Commercial Camouflage



Light railway Rail way

Start point

The site has great surrounding tranport dicharge

First trunk road Second trunk road Local road

Design plots located in the south of Wudaokou-Business district with the great compact of Population. So the site need a multiple surroundings: environment, buildings for commercial and residential district and some relative institution and universities. This requires a smooth transportation between the function and landscape. Site contradictions mainly appeared in the railway rail City slitting venues, as well as commercial district green binding and classical culture. Finally we choose the extraction of classical culture art ‘Four-tech, Five-sense’, as the literary elements connected together. The structure and morphology of modern landscape architecture are combined to ensure the overall regional modern In harmony with environment, at the same time, the organic combination of ancient and modern culture. In addition, we deal the integrity of Railway Settlement, at the level of urban planning analysis, to obtain more efficient transportation conditions and more complete properties. all preparations are forwards to the urban planning overall green axis.

Investigate Directions

Analysis and summary

Railway planning investigation & analysis

Cross the city Traffic demand

Present & Functions

Lack of landscape

Conflicts and contradictions Public



Solutions and benefits Public

Public Railway

Influence the planning Fast transit

Traffic contradiction

Traffic covenience

Communication of both Division of space

Space & Efficenicy

Block the communication Fragment broken Everage ground

Space fragmentray

Efficient integration

Use efficency

Safety & Natural

Interlacked road

Exhaust pollution

Planning and impress Decline stage The railway goes into Beijing started to decline from Daxing suburbs outside, with 8/1000 of the mild slope into the city, both sides as the case selection of retaining wall or landscape grass slope reinforcement, estimated finish down a length of 1.5 km City transition Railway and light rail in the inner city, using two parallel columns or single line railway flat span bridge, planting on the up face, make landscape to reduce the concussion and railway noise. When the columns of railway paralleling, it will lift the ground to form stereo transportation. To avoid the resonance damages the structure train will be set in parallel. In addition, it can create nodes of ecological corridor landscape structures, natural cooling. Underground in various forms combination of road approach, while generating the overall urban green corridor system

Confluence center

Railway terminal

Hidden dangerous Noise pollution

City center

Cross parallel

Dangerous road

Relatively safe

When the train gets to the terminal, both 2 sides will combine plants to form the natural ecology Isolation. The noise and exhaust pollution will be purified by green plants. To some extent mitigate pollution

Railway terminal


Formation Diagram

Function evolution - 'Weiqi'


Chessboard grid

Gather parts into a whole

Trim rhythm

Divid area

Add function

Use the chessboard as a base

Pawn as a structural column

Regard the board separator as the beam

Combined with the Chinese classical slope roof form

Divide the whole slope roof into two parts

The evolution of beam column with pieces of compartments, in order to avoid the waste of space will be green and rainwater on the roof

Every single chess will derive to a plant hole

Use the chessboard's distance as the row and plant spacing

Arrangement to form tree-trunk

Finally form to the tree-trunk plaza

Every single chessboard grid repersent to the farm field

Refine the grid in order to enlarge the diversity of cultivate.

Change the formation of the division, increase the ornamental surface

Use different height to creat the three-dimension space


Planning forecast



Light railway

Main elevation

Traffic mode

City interface

Main linger area


Main through area


Main linger line


Main through line

Terminal point

Transion interface Nature interface


Vegetation design

1. Hualian commercial building 2. Park exit 3. Park entrance 4. Breaker-type chair 5. Bicycle park square 6. Wudaokou subway station 7. 'Sounds of spring' arraytree plaza 8. Special pavement tea-square 9. Ecologic dry-stream 10. Advanture playground 11. Grass-glope ecologic stores 12. Sakura pavement 13. Sakura tea-seat 14. Walk-grass pavement 15. Sand garden 16. Roller-skate area 17. Bicycle park 18. Sunken specialized garden 19. Photography area 20. Lawn 21. Forest auditorium 22. Giant - screen landscape Wall


Overall design

Theme research - Culture Chinese calligraphy - Culture corridor Poetry and sculpture

Cultural hollow trail

Poetry & flower trail

exegetical relieft

Carved the classical poetry and literature on the pavement and landscape wall

Chinese metaphysics - ‘Five sense’


Consider with the metaphysics of ' 五 感 '(a kind of classical Chinese) ’ into the design, with a specific form to express ‘ 行 ’, ‘ 声 ’ represents the voice of the people, animal sounds, the noise of traffic. ‘ 闻 ’ expressed by plant odors, ‘ 味 ’ represents the site of small and medium-sized food,tea fragrance. ‘ 触 ’ represent that we can use hands to feel the nature.


3 1

1. Sakura pavement 2. Forest auditorium


3. Grass-slope store





M Scale


Sep.-Oct. 2014 Site: Binhai New area, Tianjin, China Type: Commercial environment design(Personal design) Tutor: Mr. Wang xiangrong

Business&Office Environment Design

Binhai New Area(38°40′N~39°00′N, 117°20′E~118°00′E) locates in the east of the central city of Tianjin. It is 2270km2, with a coastline of 153km and sea area of 3000 km2. The average annual temperature is 12.6°C, the average annual precipitation is 604.3km, the altitude of this area is between 1m and 3m, ground gra-dient is lower than 1/10000, the main geomorphic types are Binhai plain, lagoon and beach. The soil can be classi- fied into meadow solonchak and saline meadow, with general characteristic of cling soil texture, bad vent-ing, water permeability, high percent of salt content.

Area Study: Find conflicts The site is surrounded by 2 parts of agriculture area, Residential area and Industrial area. Conflicts: • No commercial district within the radius of 5 Km. • Lack of green space and symbolized landmark

Functional System Red lines: A-grade highway Blue lines: Urban artery


(High traffic flow) (High traffic flow)

Conflicts: • Lack of parking space, results in low posibility to stay

Area Traffic System 7 newly built commercial & office building

(High rise)

Conflicts: •Interior space is slightly depressed


Area Building


[Public Space Sections]

[Measures & Solutions]

Comfortable & Repressive


West entrance Obviously repressive

Transform the focus from tall building to the shorter tree crown, reduce the repressive

Central area Comfortable

Divided into different parts: avoid walking in chaos

East area Repressive

Distinguish the public area & private area (affiliate to each commercial & office building)

North elevation North elevation (with front buildings)

Street tree planting: indicates each ex/intrance


The scale of pavements Empty & enormous pavement without the sense of scale

Architecture & Density

Ex/intrance people & vehicle

Suitable-size pavement can enlarge people's sense of scale

Dense pavement reduce the sense of scale

Basement condition

Fire escape

Public area


Affliate lawn

Vegetation 12

Core nodes

Service & Facilities



S Scale


Oct. 2014 Beijing, China Site: Beijing Forestry University Type: Roof-environment transformation & space utilization

Reuse & reform

Roof conditions Right height compared to other architectures in BJFU, the roof-plate of the site is low.




The roof of the site is easy to 04 get.



The roof-plate has already equipped with guardrails (1m). Site The stadium in Beijing Forestry University, Haidian District, Beijing, China. The grandstands of the playground has 5 roof-plats and those are directly connected with the indoor of the grandstand. Those plats are empty now, only used for store old things.

Right height

Other BJFU buildings

Four flat-roof forms

Existing problems 30cm wide gutter, length consistent with field length, But it takes up much space, and influence the aesthetic impact. Beijing’s air is dry, annual precipitant is low. Waterproof cover plate can be used to cover the drainage. In order to reflect landscape as much as possible put the permeable supports, above the Bowl underneath to grow plants with water permeability.

The round part of the site is surrounded by tall wall, the east side is 2m and the north side’s height is 1m. Use the tall circular-barrier to build a mini greenhouse.

North side relying-wall with only one window, the rest fully closed. Decoration and stereo planting can be used to reduce depression


Requirements research

Conceptual design

Small greenhouses constant-temperature board Thermal conductivity of translucent folding glass


Drainage & Landscape buck




The usage of the drainage

Gutter bracket 1. improving the Visual effect. 2. Increase landscape effect. 3. Reduce the rain-water flow in rainy days of the year, and use it for storage purposes offer some water to plant on the bracket. 4. When the summer rains, drains can be used as a temporary reservoir, the previous eco-bracket to provide some moisture and decrease the speed of discharge.

Use movable glass panels and width control can achieve the light and heat control, temperature control, forming micro-climate zone.


Planting material

Material is mainly dominated by biennial and annual herbs, with a small pot placed on the mobility wooden boxs. Marigold

Tagetes erecta

Jerusalem artichoke

Rad sage

Salvia splendens

Salvia farinacea

Germany Iris Iris germanica

Winter sweet

Chimonanthus praecox

Helianthus tuberosus

Salvia farinacea


Gay feather

Season flower

Winter sweet


Rudbeckia laciniata

Coleus blumei

Coleus scutellarioides

Liatris spicata

Begonia semperflorens

Chimonanthus praecox

Hemerocallis middendorfii


Camellia japonica.L.


Pennisetum glaucum


Yucca gloriossa

Jerusalem artichoke

Gold mound

Gold flame

P. propingua

Hosta plantaginea


Rad sage

Gold flame

Helianthus tuberosus

Spiraea japonica

Phyllostachys propingua

Hosta plantaginea

Salvia splendens

Spiraea X bumalda

Spiraea X bumalda Petunia hybrida. Vilm

Coleus blumei

Coleus scutellarioides

Longitudinal section


Small nodes

Campus greenland design prospect 1. Residential area 2. Playground greenland 3. Canteen area 4. Educationation area 5. Dormitry area









SUPPLEMENTS Drawings Photograph

Yuxi, Yunnan, China 02, 2013

Gaoxiong, Taiwan 01, 2014

Tel vev, Israel 07, 2013

“住所”/HOUSE Watercolor painting 05,2013

“故居”/HOMETOWN Watercolor painting 03,2013

“寺庙”/TEMPLE Sketch drawing(pen) 05,2014

“森林物语”/JUNGLE STORY Sketch drawing(pen) 02,2014


School of Landscape Architecture Beijing Forestry University Email:asdfqwe0123@126.com Phone:(86)15901235103 Postcode:100083 Current address: 401, Unit1, #3, Linbei Rd, 11, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R.China

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