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/ Product Design
Vendor cycle
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Bluetooth Design
/ Booth Design
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入圍 2022年 第十一屆KYMCO設計挑戰盃決賽
蔬果販賣機 + 市場攤販之載具
販賣機和交通工具結合的創新載具。冷 藏空間能在運輸蔬果時避免蔬菜腐敗的 機會,且市場自動化販賣,減少了人與 人的接觸有效降低接觸傳染的風險
Vendor Cycle 是將販賣機和交通工具結合的創新載具。冷藏空間能在運輸蔬果時避
免蔬菜腐敗的機會,且市場自動化販賣,減少了人與人的接觸有效降低接觸傳染的風 險
這款載具和各大市場合作,並採用攤販和市場長期的租車制度,減少攤商龐大的支出 和閒置問題
Dashboard interface
Purchase interface
Configure 1500mm 2420mm
機車電量顯示 購物車
考慮到市場顧客多為年長 者,故將販賣機高度降低, 且出口設置於上方,避免年 長者需要蹲下拿取商品
將偵測器所偵測到的畫面 顯示,讓騎乘者能注意前 方路況
因為前方販賣機體積大,故加裝 偵測器,以防視線死角
在市場內設置多個販賣機的無線 充電座,在開市前各個小販騎乘 分配好的Vendor Cycle,將自己 要販賣的生鮮蔬果放置充電台上
加裝遮罩,讓騎士在載送 的過程中有防曬的作用
機車編號 無線充電座
由市場分配的Vendor Cycle,因此加上編號讓 市場人員更方便管理
充電抬使用無線充電的方 式,讓小販放下販賣機之 後無須下車充電
放大的數字按鍵,簡單明 瞭的介面設計,讓長者能 容易選購
野外露營燈×便攜式藍芽揚聲器 藍芽揚聲器結合戶外照明的設計,此產 品方便隨身攜帶,無論是家中客廳、戶 外露營還是在野外活動,都可以盡情享 受美妙音樂,讓音樂隨行相伴
LED化妝鏡×藍芽揚聲器 美妙的音樂具有陪伴的功能,這款藍芽 揚聲器與LED化妝鏡結合,不論置放 在何處,希望此產品都可以用溫暖豐潤 的聲音陪伴化妝時的你
The mask for construction woker
Wearing a mask in a hot climate for a long time is uncomfortable. Re-mask is a product, let you feel good during work.
Yellow is a more conspicuous color, which has a prompting effect in the construction site.
The transparent block of the mask allows the user to see the mouth shape.
Use the height of the cushion to keep the mask and face at a certain distance.
It is more convenient to wear ,through the magnetic connection method.
Adjust the tightness of the goggles strap by rotating the shaft.
It can be installed conveniently and quickly by using the combination of magnetic attraction.
Using the removable concept, it is easy to replace,through the meltblown nonwoven. Most of the mask area can be cleaned and reused, reducing the problem of waste of resources.
Use the height of the cushion to keep the mask and face at a certain distance.
Plastic Magnet
Let the third-hand smoke go
Third-hand smoke will stick to various objects, so even if no one smokes at home.
"-3"is a product help you to clean the third-hand smoke.
Optical fiber
Ultraviolet light
Plastic / Metallic paint
Fiber wipes
Silicone strip Filter
Through the existing fiber optic technology, the amount of nicotine in the detection range.
Ultraviolet light:
Use the characteristic of nicotine to be oxidized by light to make the object live.
Power Supply
Warning light:
Use the characteristic of nicotine to be oxidized by light to make the object live.
Ceramic filter:
The ceramic filters the nicotine in the water so that the water can be recycled when the product is used.
Fiber wipes:
Use a fiber towel to take away the remaining nicotine on the object
Waterproof silicone:
Through the barrier of silicone, prevent water leakage during use.
Using the chemical reaction that oxidizes nicotine under light, the nicotine on the object appears.
The optical fiber has a detection function to remind the user of the range of residual nicotine.
Take advantage of the water-soluble properties of nicotine to take away the nicotine from the object
Use a filtering device to recycle the water, without changing the water all the time during each use.
The warning light will illuminate red when nicotine is detected.
After cleaning, the warning light will show a green light to determine the toxic substances in the range to clean up.
Twist the cap to update the filter and pour the water.
Through the process of water circulation, users do not need to change the water all the time because of the dirty water.
Because it passes through the filter, there is no need to worry about becoming another hidden worry when pouring water.
A light stool for going out
Fold it into a piece, Take it to anyway.
It is a stool,which is convenient to disassemble and close up. Using light material to let it easy to take to anyway.
Y-type structure
Making it easier to support a person seat on the stool.
Devil felt
Use the " devil felt " between the Y-type structure to make the stool more convenient to disassemble and close up
Using the seemingly unstable material " translucent PP pieces ", diving and bending into a stool.
Using curves to make the visual soft. On the face material, the curves are more stable than the beeline.
公園設有兒童遊樂區,且經常舉辦市集的空地,卻無設置吸菸區域 給有需求的民眾,當民眾有吸菸需求時,卻找不到一個合適的區域 吸菸,只能在親子遊樂區附近尋找空間快速吸菸。