RECORDING STAGE Elle is in desperation for her lost love, a current allegory to our industry in this pandemic. We miss our audience; our crews and their creative collaborations. We are mourning our lost love, our audience is an integral part of our art. As production personnel are artists in their own mediums, we respond to the environment as creatively as possible, within our limitations.
La Voix humaine set at the Chan Centre
I am every proud of my team who rose to meet the new challenges in our creative collaborations. The curtain deadline remains, schedule subject to change for post-production. These new challenges may positively transform our world, perhaps change crisis into opportunity, with our new artistic relationships and community partners. The recording process adds a layer of production, but also a new perspective and way to see the story. Autumn Coppaway is Technical Director at Vancouver Opera.
Mireille Lebel transforms into Elle
Rehearsal at the O'Brian Centre for Vancouver Opera
Director Rachel Peake, Mezzo-soprano Mireille Lebel, & Music Director Kinza Tyrrell