The Canticle
May 2010
May 2010 St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church 14700 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73134 (405) 751‐7874 http://staugustine. episcopaloklahoma .org/
Spring Fling was a dream! Photo Page on pg. 3
Christian Formation Page 6
St. Augustine of Canterbury: Feast Day May 27 An excerpt of the essay by Terry Matz
At the end of the sixth century anyone would have said that Augustine had found his niche in life. Looking at this respected prior of a monastery, almost anyone would have predicted he would spend his last days there, instructing, governing, and settling even further into this sedentary life. But Pope St. Gregory the Great had lived under Augustine's rule in that same monastery. When he decided it was time to send
missionaries to Anglo‐Saxon England, he didn't choose those with restless natures or the young looking for new worlds to conquer. He chose Augustine and thirty monks to make the unexpected, and dangerous, trip to England. Missionaries had gone to Britain years before but the Saxon conquest of England had forced these Christians into hiding. Augustine and his monks were to bring these Christians back into the fold and convince the warlike conquerors to become Christians themselves. Every step of the way they heard the horrid stories of the
cruelty and barbarity of their future hosts. By the time they had reached France the stories became so frightening that the monks turned back to Rome. Gregory had heard encouraging news that England was far more ready for Christianity than the stories would indicate, including the marriage of King Ethelbert of Kent to a Christian princess, Bertha. He sent Augustine and the monks on their way again fortified with his belief that now was the time for evangelization …. To read more about St. Augustine, go to our website
The Canticle
April 2010
Episcopal Church Women
ECW 2010 Annual Meeting & Bishop’s Day May 15 Annual Spring Luncheon at Inspirations Tea Room. Contact Diana Lauffer 302‐0370.
ECW 2010 Spring Retreat When: Jun 4 – 5, 2010 Where: St. Crispin's Conference Center Featured session, June 5, 2‐5: Safeguarding God’s Children
Birthdays 5/7 Mike Starcevich 5/8 Chance Shamblin 5/9 Heather Gonzales 5/11 Vivian Hall 5/15 Brett Holleman 5/17 Amy Tison
ARE YOU GRADUATING HIGH SCHOOL OR COLLEGE? We recognize our graduates during the month of May. Notify Mother Lynn ASAP as to who is graduating, where is the student graduating from and what future plans the graduate may have in store.
5/18 Carol Yarbrough 5/19 Evan Chamberlain 5/21 Joel Kahn 5/24 Myron Strassner 5/26 Kailyn Karasek 5/27 Al Ginsberg
FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE ALTAR The Altar Guild needs donations to the flower fund year‐ round. Please consider making a memorial or thanksgiving donation for a special remembrance. The Flower Dedication Book is located on the table in the narthex. Make checks payable to “St. Augustine Episcopal Church” and write “Altar Guild‐Flowers” in the memo space. Thank you.
UNITED THANK OFFERING The time for the Spring Ingathering is drawing near. Have you remembered to place a few coins in your “Blue Box” daily as you pray for the blessings in your life? If you do not have a “Blue Box,” you may pick one up from the table in the foyer. The monies from the blue boxes will be collected on Sunday, May 16.
Anniversaries 5/15 Kathy & Darin Herndon 5/17 Dee & Rick March 5/21 Joan & Myron Strassner 5/22 Cindy & Al Ginsberg 5/27 Diana & George Lauffer Your date not here? Let us know!
Guild of St. George MAY: Canned meat or fish 2
The Canticle
April 2010
Spring Fling 2010 In what is sure to become an annual event, the congregation of St. Augustine’s and friends enjoyed a magical night under “twinkling stars.” The event started at 6 p.m. with casual conversation and music, and moved on to great food and drink & fun games. The event raised money for several ongoing projects.
The menu: roast pork, grilled chicken, green beans, pasta salad and rice pilaf. Above: Barbara checks out the dessert table. Left: The Dennings. From top, the Kelleys, the Throwers and the Chamberlains.
The Canticle
April 2010
From top: Barbara Maroney and Cindy Ginsberg, and Chef Chad Yarbrough.
From top: the Borregos and Joel Kahn, the Halls, the Lauffers and Mother Lynn during “Heads or Tails.”
Several group shots and shots of couples were taken during the event.
The Canticle
April 2010
ST. CRISPIN’S SUMMER CAMP The Spring Fling was a hit! Here’s who attended (plus friends) Barbara Maroney, Al and Cindy Ginsberg, Diana and George Laugger, Len and Averil Steedman, Yvette and Karen Walker, Patsy Hollingsworth, Carl and Claren Denning, Janet Kerr, Bill and Melva Hall, Jan Pope, Bill and Sandy Collins, Robbie and Linda Trammell, Mr. and Mrs. James Kuller, Don and Judy Moon, Gardner and Sarah Kelley, Lynn and John Borrego, Eric and Evelyn Thrower, Margaret and Joel Kahn, Rick and Barb Inselman, Sam, Karen and Stuart Hall, Bob and Jaimee March, Carol and Chad Yarbrough, Carol and Tim Shanahan, Angelique and Ron Chamberlain, Father (and Mrs.) Egbert. If I missed anyone, I apologize!
Several “games “here held at the dinner party. The first was a dessert auction. Several desserts were prepared (or bought) by loving hands, including: Chocolate Roulade, Krispy Kreme donuts, Carrot Cake, Lemon Chifffon Cake, Lemon Cream Pie, Chocolate Bundt Cake, Cream Puffs, Triple Layer Chocolate Cake, Pavlova‐Meringue and Fresh Cream, and an Amaraille and Almond Cheesecake. Bidding was fast and furious, especially toward the end. But in the spirit of the
church, all the winners shared their desserts with the rest of the tables. The second game was called “Heads or Tails.” After buying a strand of beads, people had to guess which side a coin would land, and signify by placing their hands on their heads or their “tails.” If you didn’t guess correctly, you had to sit down. The last person standing was Karen Hall, who win a crisp $50 bill. But as a good steward of the church, Karen donated the money back. It was a really fun game.
Spring Fling photos for sale Several group shots and shots of couples were taken during the event. Photos are available for a donation to the church. See Carol Yarbrough, Carol Shananhan or Yvette Walker. 5
The Canticle
April 2010
Christian Formation VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL ‐‐ JULY 25‐28
ST. CRISPIN’S SUMMER CAMP Youth must have completed the 3RD‐ 12TH grade to attend. St. Augustine has set aside some scholarship funds for our youth to attend. If you are interested, contact Mother Lynn. Applications are available on the diocesan Web site . Sign up early. Spaces fill quickly! Go to: Http://www.episcopal tcrispins.html
St. Augustine of Canterbury will be celebrating its annual Intergenerational Vacation Bible School July 25 – 28. The four day event will kick off with “Walk the Red Carpet” brunch with our own Chef Chad Yarbrough and assistants! Followed by the first movie, lesson and craft of the event. The next three days will be in the evening beginning with a light meal for those attending and a full
evening of “glitter, glam, and stars of fame”! We will be making our own “Walk of Fame” and celebrating people from the Bible that taught us to “walk the walk”. Wednesday night will be a “SAC Movie Festival” starring “Jesus’ Superstars”. Don’t miss out on the fun. All are invited, just call and let us know you would like to join us.
Happening 2010 It’s an intense, amazing and inspirational retreat for high school
students!! Participants must be in, or have completed grades 10, 11, or 12. The retreat is led by high school and college students, and can be attended only once . When: Wed. July 7th (at 7 p.m.) through Friday July 9th, 2010. Where: St. Crispin’s.Cost is $85, which covers food, supplies and activities for the two day event! Hurry, space is limited! More info: