1 minute read
6-Desires of Plants Bookstore
The design of this project is to allow people to resonate with their own desires through experiencing the desires of plants, and to provoke thinking. Reading a way to relieve stress for a many people in modern society. As people soothe their body and mind by reading, the bookstore becomes a good carrier of this design concept.
1.Desire for a good environment – Moderate sunlight, moderate moisture, suitable soil, suitable temperature, humidity, etc.
2.Desire for active growth – The roots of plants go deep underground and the branches always grow upwards.
3.Desire to reproduction – Seeds are light and in large quantity, which can be spread by wind or animals. They secrete special substances to attract insects to pollinate.
4.Desire to self-protection – Spiny, secretive chemicals to prevent insects from biting.
General conception of exterior façades
The manuscript was designed as plane elements and these elements were applied to the space and the facades
General conception of the space
Site analysis
Overview of the population
An unused google community r&d center-current status
The proportion of population in each industry:
Structural analysis
Relective matte metal plates are used on the exterior walls of the two main buildings, which can vaguely relect the surrounding vegetation, environment, and people onto the main architecture to echo people's own desires, and at the same time, the use of materials distinguishes the primary and secondary.