1 YANGQI YANG UVA M.ARCH Candidate 2022

3 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE SELECTED WORK 2 Construction - Deconstruction | Archaeology Center Maryland, US, 2018 3 Reopen the Church | Concert Hall Grottole, IT, 2021 58-6138-5134-3718-334-1752-571 A Public Juncture of Lower Manhattan | NYC Complex New York, US, 2019 4 Reassembly the Mechanical | Swimming Pools 6 A Vertical Collage of Painting and Living | Artist Tower 5 A Digital Tectonic of Interlacing | Column Prototype Philadelphia, US, 2022 Philadelphia, US, 2021 Charlottesville, US, 2021 62-75
01/ A Pubic Juncture of Lower Partner: Colin Frazier With a programmatic framework as a public private partnership, this project complexity of programs internally and maximized city pedestrian mobility subtraction within a preliminary volume response to the context of Lower Manhattan, program and propose the potentially shared spaces between or within programs. of the site. It treats that as a driver of a series of unique vertically distributed the various programs and user groups. Their range of scale and orientation attempts to appeal to each individual.

Lower Manhattan / Mix-use Insturctor: Matthew Jull project investigated a high-density architectural strategy that organized the mobility with the existing circulation flows surrounding the site. Through volume Manhattan, it generates spatial sequences that create formal specificity for each programs. The building reveals its contents through an alternative ground condition public spaces, which create a language of connection and circulation between orientation reaches outward to the various surrounding communities and buildings and

Public school + Afforable housing Open Ethnicspacediversity ↑ ↓ urban gird
The site locates in the eastern waterfront area of Lower Manhattan. Compared to Midtown, it's more diverse in community ethnicity and more generous with social infrastructures of public schools and affordable housing. Moreover, the irregular distributed open spaces surrounding the site represent a non-typical Manhattan spatial structure usually represented by the central park and rational rectangular grid. The Existence of the Brooklyn Bridge raises the mobility of the visitors for their accessibility to public spaces surrounding Manhattan City Hall.
The Publicity of the Lower Manhattan

The Seperation of Movements
The Current Type &The Future PPP
CommercialResidential Office Education CulturalCommercialResidential Office EducationalOpenSpace - Public Open Space - Residential Visitor Circulation Office Worker Circulation Student Circulation Subway Station Building Entrance schoolschool public public housingofficeoffice 40%20%25%20%15%75%5%
The current structures contain two public schools of the maker, performance, and one early college located in the lower volume and offices and data centers in the tower. The future design is a mixuse project considering public-private partnership mode bringing in the housing program and public programs to support the school's operation and other public amenities. The required FAR by the site is eight, and the existing programs on the side must be considered for the new project.
The Brooklyn Bridge has a high amount of potential users needed for the economic value that supports the PPP project's public program. Still, the elevated circulation leads the people toward the city hall area across the site on the ground level. On the other hand, the bridge and the police station's defensive traffic control create barriers against potential visitors on the ground coming to the site. Therefore, the main circulations happening on the ground level is left to resident, worker, and students under the protection of the police station. The future project will provide alternative modes of this separate circulation system that strengthen the existing movements on the ground and give accessibility to the future public program through this multi-ground level condition.

Courtyard SlabSlab + TowerCubic Field M FAR 4 FAR 6 FAR 8
N M comunity oriented open spaces visitor oriented open spaces Toward an Intersection of the regional and local The urban envision of the project is to use architecture to reactivate the sense of co-existing between the destinations of regional visitors and the communities of the locals. The response to the city is a juncture of public side.nottheexperiencetheseekingthepublicpartarchitectureTherefore,experiences.whiletheisdefinedasofthewell-developedspacesystemaroundBrooklynbridge,it'salsoachancetoguidecrowdtoa1milestravelfromthesitetonorthernspacespreviouslynoticeablefromthebridge
Early Typological Exercise The study tests different typologies for program organization and chances to respond to the city. With the increasing FAR, the chosen compositional masses create geometrical tensions that fail to be apparent gestures indicating the order of programs or the concept of the site. We realize the first step needs to be critical. The volume assumptions should be more preliminary rather than random given types. Therefore we set back to a pure block tracing the site boundary and the total density allowed by the zoning regulation. Then a more critical and dynamic massing process is created both respond to the program and the city.

9 FAR15 LOCAL COMMUNITIES FAR10 NYC CITYHALLBROOKLYNAREA FAR18FAR23 HEIGHTMAX Method of Responsive Subtraction The preliminary volume represents the Max FAR Subtaction1 - Traingular open plaza extends the community spaces Subtraction 2 - Oblique surfaces - the sky exposure requirement, a public library terrace whose corner connects the circulations from two ground levels. Subtraction 3 - Create interior and semi-interior multi-story spaces as public programs or shared spaces within programs - define a transportation deck area for pedestrians from or toward the ground.

The alternative ground condition leading to the spatial sequence of mix-use F21 Office + Public Housing F23 Resturant F9 -10 GYM + Hot Desk F8 Schools(Maker + Performace) F2 Library

11 ExhibitionAuditoriumHallOpen Workshop School Activity ExperimentBusinessGYMTheaterAtrium Open Deck F4-8 Public Schools F9-17, 21-25 Office Community Atrium F16-25 Housing Office - Hot desk - Gym Performace - ExhibitionSchool - Gym Quiet Zone Entrance Connectors F1-3 Lobbies + Public library TransferTheaterDeckRoofResturantWorkshopGymGarden F2,4,9,20 Public Visiting Subtractive Disassembly School Lobby Entrance School LobbySchoolEntranceLobby Library Lobby Entrance

14 The Opacity of Self-Support Concrete Framework Against Solar Heat Gain Transparency of Multi-Storey Space Revealing Public Living Floor 9 - 11 Gym + Hot Desk 6m 12m 18m 1.basketball courts 2.training track 3.locker 5.gathering4.sharedroomhotdeskdeck Floor 18 Housing + Office 6m 12m 18m 1.studio apartment 2.one bedroom apartment 3.two bedroom apartment 4.three bedroom apartment 5.luxury 6.sharedapartmentworkingarea 7.office spaces 8.community terrace 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 6 7 8

15 Transparent Corner Activate the Ground Pedestrian Corridor Toward New City Experiences 6m 12m 18m 1 1.performance theater 2.maker 3.performancehub classroom 4.exhibition 5.experimentalhall theater 7.shared6.Fablab activity space Floor 7 Maker + Performer School 2 3 33 3 4 5 6 6 4 5

While all the multi-story spaces are defined as public spaces that could be shared, there's a hierarchy of publicity that is inserted into each space based on program specificity, just like the open space and community space observed in the earlier analysis of the context. They are differentiated by whether shared by the public or particular user groups.
0 6 8 9 6.activity center - student 7.experimental theater - student 8.Open Platform - worker/student 9.viewing deck - worker/resident 10.business atrium - worker 11. apartment terrace - resident specific users oriented shared space

2 71 5 3 11 10 5 4 0.to retail store 1.public library 2.to 5.restaurant4.sport3.artcafeworkshopcenterpublicoriented shared space

18 02 Construction - Deconstruction / Archaeology Center
Independent work Insturctor: Luis Pancorbo
This project investigates how architecture can engage with a historical river park full of historic shipwrecks. Based on the unstable status of the exposures of shipwrecks, this project created a language of structural unit alignment that has the flexibility to construct various interior spaces of continuity and deconstruct the building into elemental pieces fitted in the beauty of the broken materiality of the vessels. It shapes a new exhibition experience during the kayaking tour; a new transfer point of hiking trail in the future national marine sanctuary ; a responsive intervention inside the unique tran-scales landscape of deconstructive materiality.


The Movement of Shipwrecks Images of Shipwrecks - From the Figurative to the Elemental
2. The site photos reflect the perceptions of the shipwrecks through different scales. They are part of the landscape system from the overlooking view, while from a closer view, they start to reveal the module, the materials, and the details.
1. With the force of water flow. A few of the shipwrecks gradually shifted and attached to the bank of the river, and the structure became a new ecosystem with vegetation.
3. The mapping shows the location of the archaeology center as a shallow water area almost enclosed by the ship structures attached to the shore, responding to the movement of shipwrecks that start to blur the boundary between water and land. It will engage with the middle point of the kayaking route and extend the hiking route into the waterfront. It reconciles the kayaking and hiking experiences inside the marine sanctuary park.

Physical Models are applied as a progressive tool to develop the internal exhibition space and its interaction with external spaces of the historic landscape. The result is a semi-open vessel exhibition center covered by a shelter structure that can create a solid connection to the water and land environment. The roof structure is further panelized through a structural unit system. The columns support the dead load of the roof, and the cables absorb the tension from the load of the roof deck. Spatially, it creates a language of structural rhythm that reveals the shipwreck's tectonic. Technically, it will benefit the feasibility of pre-fab construction and on-site assembly.
Construct - Deconstruct - Reconstruct Envelope - Open the Elevation Roof - Occupiable Surface Unit - Panelized Disassembly Space - Exhibition Hall

23 Fiber Glass Walkway Glass Roof Gap Joint Laminated Panel Steel Structure Frame Interior Enclosing Glass Concrete Foundation Cap Underwater Driven Concrete Pies

The perception of the architecture is inspired by the appreciation of the unstable material images of shipwrecks. The space reading becomes dynamic according to the distance to the building. It starts with a symbolic reading of the structures similar to that of shipwrecks, then an abstract interface defined by the column alignment and roof cover, and eventually the exposure of the tectonic details as the final status of the reveal of the elemental materiality defining the building, the site, and the context.
Deconstruction of the Spatial Perception

Construct the Unit as Continuous Space
30 SECTION B-B’ 5m 15m 5m 15m SECTION A-A’ 5m 15m SECTIONC-C' 5m 15m SECTION D-D’ 1.fiber glass 2.wood panel 3.steel connetion 4.steel beam panel 5.glass gutter 7.timber6.cable 9.pile8.concretepillarfoundationfoundation 3 4 6 7 5 892 1
A modular canopy structure is applied to achieve the variations of the building envelope and the interior space as a synchronized spatial continuity. The sections demonstrate how these low-tech structures, composed of various ground conditions, can accommodate various leisure programs, exhibitions, presentations, and scientific research. The plan demonstrates the continuity of different programs rather than separating the structural adaptations. While the roof is perceived as a singular complex canopy structure, the ground condition is simplified as a continuous platform of circulations providing three wandering loops centralized by the main exhibition hall, the lecture hall, and the open workshop.

1.reception hall 2.exhibition room 3.presentation hall 4.ship exhibition corridor 5.management office 6.guest washrooms 7.restroation workshop 1st Floor Plan

GLASS JOINT 1.glass 2.fiber glass 3.steel 9.heat8.sandewich7.seal6.cover5.steel4.woodconnetionpanelbeampanelpanelinsulation 1 1 3 4 5 7 8 22 9 JOINT-ROOF&DECK The section perspective space in three directions: space, the main exhibition the front to the back is the the research center with is the roof deck hiking entrance, folded space and the lecture

perspective further demonstrates the continuity of the directions: From the left to right is the dark exhibition exhibition hall, and the open waterfront walkway; From the main exhibition space, the lecture hall and open workshop; From the top to the bottom entrance, the sightseeing stairs in between the lecture hall with the ground.


03/ Reopen the Church / Concert Hall
The second floor of Chiesa Diruta could be an informal amphithe ater and a bar that could host spontaneous performances, public gatherings, and light dining activities. While using the continuous paving from Matera’s sidewalk, opening up the façade, and toggling the landform, the space will attract people in town and serve as a community gathering hot spot. The first floor will be a 130-people concert hall with a gift shop, restrooms and box office, the spaces for musicians. The hall takes the complex conditions above ground to create interaction with the church but also autonomy for itself.
Partner: Yangqianqian Hu, Qingqing Zhou
By challenging the binary of indoor and outdoor traditional religious space, this project transforms the abandoned Chiesa Diruta into a concert hall. The ruins are maintained and redesigned as an extension of the public spaces in Grottole, Matera. A professional concert hall is located under the parking space and accessible from the road Viale Della Resistenza. This imagination for Chiesa Diruta was inspired by the celebration of San Rocco Festa, a three-day religious celebration throughout Italy, which traditions include eating, playing, and praying. People follow a specific route to multiple churches, singing and playing.

Ground Floor Plan Outdoor Festival Celebration Spatial
The wall thickness of the lower concert hall was designed for dynamic situ ations. There are two typical situations with the church structure above. In the first one, the wall reaches the max thickness to bear the load from the heavy columns. But it still eludes when it meets the ground to negotiate the width of the concert space. In the Second one, the concert walls reach the minimum thickness without the load above. The result is the undulating lateral surfaces which will benefit the music performances.

B1 Floor Plan Indoor Music Performance 37

04/Reassembly the Mechanical/Natural Pool Park Borden Natural Swimming
Purification system
Carolyn Lynch Laboratory Water BioGravelRecycleBedFilterPondPurifIed
Room Gravel Bed Filteration
Water BioGravelRecycleBedFilterPondPurifIed
Double layered Sky Bath
Partner: Yanbo Chen Insturctor: Bailo Manuel
Inspired by the projects of Louis Khan and gh3* that revealed the mechanical thinking of architecture, this project investigates the reconciled relationship between the spatial and technical within architecture, landscape, and hydrobotanical purification system. It questions if technical elements of buildings can be the driving force to generate interior and exterior spaces as a total architecture. With the given program of swimming pools, the project initially planned a systematic framework of water purification based on the existing bio pond on the site. It then embedded the system into the park's open space through a series of pool spaces to articulate the water distribution and circulation. The water pipelines are not only integrated into the tectonic strategies of each architectural space but also become the ecological materiality of the park that will primarily benefit the micro-climate in terms of temperature and humidity. It starts to imagine the coexistence of people, space, and technology with formal specificities. Pool by gh3*- Hydro-Botanical
Bio Pond Swimming
Light Mechanical Pipes Hot

39 Richard Medical Research Center by Louis Kahn Exhaust Shafts Brick Cast-in-placeFinishingConcreteAirDucts Yale Museum of British Art by Louis Kahn Cold Bath Gravel Bed Filter Bontanical FilterPumpsPumps Open Swimimg Pools University of Pennsylvania Department of Biology Richard ResearchMedicalLaboratory Leidy Laboratory Steven A. Levin Building

40 Volume Generation Spatial Constraint - Open Space Limitation Park Circulation Pools Distribution Water Movement Bio Pond

The design of swimming pools is a chance to define a hierarchical organization of water supplies.
Water Movements - From the City to the Pond lab1 pool pool pond lab2 lab3
The urban water plants MOD6 and Mod7 provide clean, cool water to the laboratories as urban-level water supplies, while the laboratories provide water for the pools as campus-level supplies. Eventually, the project established internal water circulations within the Pools through the purification systems connected to the bio pond.

InteractionStructure Strategy + Water Circulation from the
Considered the existance of Richard Medical Laboratry on the site, a tower of lifted pools is considered to create dialogue with the master piece. The curvey form is translated into elevated concrete pools with various depths and lengths. Three mechinical tower provides water paths structural stability by at least three anchor points for each pools. pond pond
Nautral Light 1.Steel Truss 2.Laminated Wood Cover 3.Metal Pipe(in) 4.Suspended Concrete Slab 5.Metal Pipe(out) 6.Evaporation Void 7.Mechanical Pumps 8.Hot Bath 9.Hollow Steel Column 10.Pier Foundatiioon 11.Steel Gird Floor 12. Heater 13. Pipeline(Campus Water) 14. PV Panels 1 23 6 6 9 7 8 10 11 12 13 4 5 14 8 To the Pond From the Pond Original Water Source Reconcile the Spatial and the Mechanical 2m 4m 8m Electric for Pumps
42 A leaf shape of form is selected to reconcile the distributed architecture volumes and create clear gesture for the program of swimming pools. The underground part is developed as a continuous space covered by two double layered roof truss. The hollow small span columns are defined as pipeline extended into the truss and circulate the water back and forth from the pond. The suspened concrete slab underneath starightly interact with the pools, leaving the both sides slightly open for natural ventilation. The pipes, pump systems and voids of evaporations are visible thorugh metal grid for visitor while using the spaces.
to the

43 Structural StrategyWater CirculationInteraction 1.Concrete Plate 2. Concrete Beam 3. Tensile Wire 4. Anchor Point 5.Water Pipeline(Out) 6.Water Pipeline(in) 7.Central Pump 8.Pipeline (Campus Water) 9. Pump 10. Pier Foundation 11.PV Panels Cladding 5 1 2 3 11 4 6 7 8 8 10 9

44 Quarzt Sandstone Layer Filtration 0.8-1.2m Gravel Bed Layer Filtration 0.2-0.4m12 Heterotrophic Bacteria Transform Detritus into H2O, CO2, Amonia(NH3) Nitrosomonas Bacteria Convert Ammonia to (NO2-) Nitryfying Bacteria Convert Nitrities to Nitrates, the Fertilizer for the Plants543 Physical BiologicalPurificationPurification

- HCMA Architecture +
45 Reimgaine the Bio Pond of Kaskey Park in University of Pennslyvania - Hydrobotanical Purification Showcase

1. The internal purification circulation between the bio pond and swimming pools from both sides.
2. The purified water spray from pipes to mediate the park's temperature during hot weather. The solar energy is stored inside the solar panel for the pumping system.
3. Rainwater reuse for the pond and pools. Following the gradient elevations and gravity, rainwater can be biologically purified through the green roof of the medical building and the
Bio PondPark RoadOpen PoolsWalkwayRichard Medical laboratory
Water Treatments
The intervention of the water pipelines within all the natural pools reclaims the whole park as an internal water treatment infrastructure engaging the bio pond and Richard Medical Research Building. The sections show three typical water treatment processes:

Hot BathCold Bath Park RoadPark RoadPond

05 A Digital Tectonic of Interlacing / Column Prototype Partner: Luis Medina Insturctor: Ehsan Barharlou

Soil Reuse Concept excavated soil excavation foundation solomonic’ colums,
column concrete +
53 Joint Generation
column Column Form Genration History of Hybrid Columns
Architectural elements have historically been constructed using singular materials, construction methods, and functions within building systems. For example, columns have traditionally been implemented exclusively as part of the structural system of buildings. Although intensive efforts to design and ornament columns have been set forth from very early ages (dating back to the bronze era in Egyptian architecture, circa 3,000 BC), a hybridization of both structural efficiency and secondary programmatic functionality has rarely been explored. We use the concepts of “architectural tectonics“ and ‘duality’ to design and build the hybrid column typology through computation and additive robotic fabrication techniques. Dry-joint, also known as ‘cold joint’, refers to a construction technique that uses high-precision geometries to provide ‘dry’ interlocking connections between building unit layers. The benefits of developing dry-joint connections include, but are not limited to ease of construction, rapid assembling time, and the non-necessity of wet bonding materials. Paris Duomo di Cefalù,Italy Orvieto Cathedral, Italy Lazare church, France concrete soil
This project explores the untold relationships between concrete and soil in conventional architecture construction. Erecting concrete columns often requires soil excavation for foundational purposes, which results in a surplus of this material. The hybrid prototype rethinks the use-cycle of the soil by reinterpreting its function within the structural design and ornamentation of the column.
customized sectiontwisted interlockbasic intersection concrete core earth component

54 Early casting test Printing Toolpath Generation Fabrication Process A 4’ a1 b1 c1 a2 b2 c2 a3 b3 B C RPMFormworkConcrete Layer Height mmSpeed section A section B section C NOZZLE SIZE ROBOT 1.5mm606080 MDPH2 - PELLET HEAD EXTRUDER KR6-10 R1100-2 1mm1mm1mm0.060.060.04 EXTRUEDER The mix designs of concrete and earth are studied and applied to joint blocks for the form study. The material ratios are evaluated by the ability to shape the formwork's joint forms and keep the shapes after hardening. Considering fabrication parameters such as robotic movement speed, extrusion rate, and nozzle size, the thickness of the printed formworks is optimized for saving material and time and supporting the formwork structure.

56 1.Rebar + Wiremesh Reinforcement 2.Sand Box Hydrostatic Equilibrium 4. Rammed Earth Construction3. Rammed Earth Formwork Preparation Casting Process


06 A Vertical Collage of Painting and Living / Artist Studio Independent Work Insturctor: WG Clark

59 The Intersection of Studio Spaces, Living Spaces and Green Spaces Iterations of Organizing Living and Wokring Programs Livinng Spaces Studio GardenSpacesSpacesExhibitionSpace

60 Variety of Size of Living and Working Spaces

Company: Xkool Technology Supervisor: Liu Kan Contact: liu.kan@qq.com
62 P1/ Facade Optimization Based on Grasshopper + Machine Learning
Clustering across various building units 30 standard panels replacing 10000+ panels
- Qionglai Biodiversity Museum The design team had already won the competition when I joined the team. The project is expected to be built in the next three years. One of the biggest challenges is the cost control on the facade panelization, which aims to subdivide the surface of various curvatures into fewer triangular panels. Based on the study of the Soumaya museum, I developed a grasshopper script that uses machine learning to divide surface areas that can be fitted with module-based triangular panels. This study concludes that around 100,000 pieces of panels can be clustered and replaced by 30 standardized panels. It facilitated the conversation between the design team and facade consultant ( VS-A ). Credit - Xkool

63 1.Quasi Qquilateral Triangular Meshes 2.Trim the Additional Mesh 3.Define the Geomtric Features 4.Panel Clustering 5.Create Standard Panels based on Average Features 6.Generate the Gap Between Panels 1.Shape the Basic Equilateral Triangular Mesh

Solar Radiation - HOY Solar Benefit (Balance Point 15°C) - Harmful Radiation Image Credit - Xkool Responsive Modular Facade Unit Provide Various Level of Sunshade Kunming_Yunnan_CHN_20051JAN1:00-31DEC24:00
Company: Xool Technology Supervisor: Liu Kan Contact: liu.kan@qq.com
64 P2/ Yunnan Baiyao Medical Research Building
The second project I worked on with Xkool Technology was a medical research building competition. I am mainly responsible for early analysis, plan drawings, and helped with part of the model(atrium+twist facade) and diagram making. The early solar analysis identified the harmful radiation environment, facilitating the discussion of more facade opacity against radiation. The main concept of interior space is using a public atrium space to reconcile three branches of GMP labs, pilot production space, and supportive labs.

65 Office Staff Lab Staff Raw InspectionPollutantsMaterialAnimalDropOffCenterGLPLabServiceCenterPilotProductionLogisticStorageOpenAtirum Image Credit - Xkool Self-made Axon Circulation Organization Image Credit - Xkool Each branch will function independently with different levels of cleanness requirements. Buffer areas are considered near the specific elevators before entering the labs if required. The communications across different areas within one story are guaranteed by setting up buffer areas surrounding the perimeter of the atriums.

66 GLP前厅 货物存放货物存放 货运前室 消防控制室 监控室 厨房 餐厅 中试车间 一更 二更 脱衣 脱衣 男更 浴室女更 厕所 二更 脱衣 前厅 中试车间前室 开放中庭 暂存间拆包间 办公室清洁暂存 收发室 厕所 厕所 休息室 储物 厕所 浴室 污物前室 实验室入口 参观入口 洗消间 办公室 办公室 办公室 办公室 污 动物 客 客 消 消污净 客 客 洁 消 净 客 客 客 客 实验室入口 洁物入口 中庭办公入口 中庭办公 入口 洁物入口 洁物入口 5M 15M 30M 北 厕所 厕所 污物运输 污物运输 洁物卸货 洁物入口 货物存放 展示 区域 公共入口研发平台 园区 北入口 研究室 研究室 研究室 研究室 研究室 研究室 研究室 研究室 研究室 研究室 研究室 研究室 研究室 研究室 研究室 研究室 研究室 研究室 研究室 休息室 一更 二更 厕所 厕所 男更 浴室 厕所 二更 物料 前厅 厕所 浴室 脱衣 脱衣 脱衣 女更 中试车间 中试车间 污物暂存 净物暂存 净物 暂存 污物 暂存 厕所 厕所 研究室 研究室 研究室 研究室 会议室 会议室 会议室 男厕 女厕 办公室 办公室 办公室 办公室 办公室 会议室 休息室 休息室 污 动物 客 客 消 消污净 客 客 洁 消 净 客 客 客 客 中庭办公 骑楼上空 骑楼上空 骑楼上空 骑楼上空 骑楼上空 骑楼上空 骑楼上空 GLP Lobby Staff Service Open Atirum Pilot Production Logistic Storage Staff Office GLP Lobby Open Atirum Pilot Production Buffer + Changing Area Clean Workshop Area Buffer + Changing Area Clean Workshop Area visitor office staff lab staff raw Visitorpollutantsmaterial Office Staff Lab Staff Raw PollutantsMaterial Ground Floor Plan - 6856SQM Second Floor Plan - 6479SQM material lab material office visitor office materialrawmaterialrawlab material unload pollution transportation pollutiontransportation

67 暂存间生殖毒理研究 暂存间 暂存间 暂存间 动物前室 毒理研究室 毒理研究室 制片室 动物实验室动物实验室动物实验室动物实验室 厕 浴 厕 浴 女更 洗消间男更 动物实验室 污物 前室 休息室 脱衣一更 脱衣二更 男更 女更 脱衣 厕所脱衣 中试配套 实验室 研究室 发酵室 中试配套 实验室 研究室 库房 厕所 更衣 脱衣 摇瓶间 摇瓶间 制备工艺设备 试剂室 高温室 低温室 控制室 中试提炼室 消毒间 无菌室 试剂室 摇瓶间 摇瓶间 摇瓶间 摇瓶间 中试配套 实验室 洁净区 无菌室 无菌室 无菌室 无菌室 无菌室 仪器室 男厕 女厕 仪器室 实验室 实验室 研究室 试剂室 实验室 污 动物 客 客 消 消污净 客 客 洁 消 净 客 客 客 客 污物 暂存 污物 暂存 生殖毒理研究阅片室 中庭办公 更衣 脱衣 洗消间 污物 暂存 污物 暂存 暂存间 清洁实验室 清洁实验室 清洁实验室 物料室 清洁实验室 暂存间 暂存间 暂存间 实验室 研究室 研究室 厕 浴 厕 浴 女更 男更 脱衣一更 休息室 脱衣二更 动物前室 污物 前室 男更 浴室 厕所 二更 脱衣 物料前厅 厕所 浴室 一更 二更 脱衣 脱衣 厕所 女更 公告 工程区 厕所 污物暂存 净物暂存 净物暂存 污物暂存 研究室 研究室 研究室 实验室 实验室 实验室 实验室 研究室 男厕 女厕 仪器室 实验室 实验室 试剂室 实验室 办公室 污 动物 客 客 消 消污净 客 客 洁 消 净 客 客 客 客 中试车间 中试车间 中庭办公 Supportive Lab GLP Lobby PilotInspectionProductionCenter GLP Lobby Open Atirum Pilot Production Buffer + Changing Area Clean Workshop Area Clean Laboratory Area Buffer + Changing Area Clean Workshop Area Clean Laboratory Area Open Atirum Visitor Office Staff Lab Staff Raw visitorPollutantsMaterial office staff lab staff raw pollutantsmaterial Fifth Floor Plan - 9124SQM Thrid Floor Plan - 9437SQM

68 P3/ Chengdu Future Science City Launch Area Company: OMA Supervisor: Ravi Kamisetti Contact: RKamisetti@oma.com Image Credit - OMA Image Credit - OMA

On the other side, I was also working on designing a gate structure in the entrance area. Iterations are made to understand the gate as a habitable installation and part of the ecosystem.
69 P4/ Shenzhen Qianhai Unit 19 Model Making
I participated in two rounds of this master plan competition. In the first round, I was mainly responsible for submission production regarding diagram drawings. After winning the first round, I became engaged with designing the education campus inside the public cluster. Particularly, my design option for the students' amenities area is selected. (highlight area)
Iterations of porosity indicating, illumination and ventilation Concept of Duality

70 Office Tower Sky Lobby Trading Verenda Public Quadrants Conference Center Trading Floor Public Level Sky lobby Collage - Enscape + PS Open Space Program Circulation

The client is China's biggest oil industry company, planning on a carbon offset trading platform in Hainan. They want a new headquarter in Haikou to represent their identity and respond to future sustainability. Based on the tropical marine climate of the context, this project proposed a veil envelope with the performance of thermal radiation mediation and solar energy collection. It covers a highly proficient tower structure with programs of public ground, trading floor, conference center, and office tower. The third system of semi-open spaces is created between the veil and the curtain wall. Participating in the whole competition phase, I contributed to the process of ground floor circulation design, concept diagram, physical and digital modeling, and render production.
Concept Model Showing the In-between Spaces - Acrylic Model
71 P5/ Sinopec Haikou Veil Company: OMA Supervisor: John Thurtle Contact: JThurtle@oma.com
VIP officer Tradervisitor

Company: Archi - Union Supervisor: Feng Yuan Contact: philipyuan007@archi-union.com P5/ Shanghai Lohas Town

I was responsible for this cultural center's spatial development and facade concept with three commercial, exhibition, and education program clusters in the concept design phase. The first level uses a glass and stone facade to penetrate light for the commercial-oriented program. In contrast, the laminated panel facade creates a shading screen for exhibition and more private study, meetings, and discussion. I help with the plan drawing, including building units and interior furniture. The whole model and all renders are finished independently.

This project is based on an actual school renovation project in which the new teaching building was built as an unsatisfied one for the new coming chair, who thought the neo-classicism style failed to convey the lively atmosphere of the campus. We are required to use interior design as a chance to evoke the emotional feeling inside the school as the one all the coming students will love. Specifically, I tested different color designs with the long corridor spaces inside. Using two colors on different sides of the wall was a positive proposal to give vitality to the linear spaces everywhere. Besides, the lobbying proposal shows the extension of the color system combing with the granite columns. I also worked out the standard classroom and workshop design with the guidance of the principal.
74 走廊做法参考 吊顶、管道、墙面 喷涂: 钢灰 过门石: 墨玉含香L1146-4 漆刷墙面B: 青瓷蓝L0637-5 踢脚线: 墨玉含香L1146-4 木门: 烟灰l1132-2 Company: Whale Deisgn Supervisor: Simin Wang Contact: wangsimin@whalesdesign.com