Oraculum – Digital Programme

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december 1 – 14, 2024

Buddies in Bad Times TheaTre is siTuaTed on The lands of The haudenosaunee, The anishinaaBe, and The WendaT, and The TreaTy TerriTory of The mississaugas of The CrediT. We aCknoWledge Them and any oTher naTions Who Care for The land (aCknoWledged and unaCknoWledged, reCorded and unreCorded) as The pasT, presenT and fuTure CareTakers of This land, referred To as TkaronTo (“Where The Trees meeT The WaTer”; “The gaThering plaCe”). Buddies is honoured To Be a home for queer, Trans and 2-spiriT arTisTs on These sToried and saCred lands ThaT have Been sTeWarded By Indigenous peoples for Thousands of years Before The arrival of Colonial seTTlers.

cover photography + design by
Fran Chudnoff

Oraculum is part of Buddies’ Queer Voices Canada Series, presented with the support of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

Oraculum was selected by MAI to participate in a creative residency, offered in the context of the organization’s studio residency program. This program is financially supported by the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec and the Ville de Montréal as part of l’Entente sur le développement culturel de Montréal, as well as by the Canada Council for the Arts.

cast + crew + creative team

Denim and Pythia // creators

Denim // performer – Kayleigh

Pythia // perfomer – Matt / Madame P

Lauren Gillis // ghostwriter

ted witzel // director

Cosette “Ettie” Pin // set, projection + lighting designer

Alessandra Cronin // projection associate

steph raposo //sound designer

River Oliveira // sound design associate

Pythia // costume designer

Jaime Lujan // costume design associate

Elm Reyes // choreographer

Lisa E. Morrison // assistant director + stage kitten

Sandy Plunkett // stage manager

Sasha Velour // performer (voice actor) - ‘producer’


Rebecca Vandevelde // production manager

Amber Pattison // chamber coordinator

Sebastian Marziali // technical director

Kit Norman // lighting assistant + head technician

River Oliveira // sound design associate + audio technician

Olya Glotka // projection cinematographer

Darren Shaen, El Patey / head technicians

Mike Grdosic // head carpenter

Susanna Feng, Matty Armour // scenic painters

Nicole Eun-Ju Bell, Mike Dowdall, Van Ward, Julie M. Li, David Fisher, Mojo Noble, Nate Gurarie, Diamond Srey + Anthony Allan // crew

thank you

Dasha Plett

Trevor Schwellnus and Aluna Theatre

Mike Scott and Theatre Gargantua

Daniel Birnbaum and Vision Drag

Maria Popov

artIst bIos


Sanderson (Denim) (Emerson: he/him; Denim: she/her) // creator + performer (Bimbo)

Emerson Sanderson was born and raised in Prince Edward Island and earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Intermedia and Cyber Arts from Concordia University in 2023. Drag allows Emerson to combine his passions of performance, fashion, makeup, video, and textile art into one medium. Emerson’s drag persona, Denim, is best known for being on Canada’s Drag Race Season 4, showcasing her otherworldly looks and performances. As an autistic trans man, Denim seeks to broaden the boundaries of drag, making it more inclusive for neurodiverse and trans communities. Denim manifested from the hyper-feminine persona Emerson saw as a “gender performance” before his medical transition. Through Denim, Emerson explores identity as fluid, creating something physical and tangible from imposed gender and neurotypical stereotypes.

Christos Darlasis (Pythia) (Christos: he/they;

Pythia: she/her) // creator, costume designer + performer (Twink / Mme. P)

Christos Darlasis is a Greek-Canadian artist, best known for his appearances as Pythia on Canada’s Drag Race Season 2 and RuPaul’s Drag Race Global All Stars, and ORACULUM is his debut project at Buddies in Bad Times. Christos has a unique gift for turning fantasy into reality, weaving intricate storytelling through drag, which alchemizes his obsession with history, mythology, culture, fashion, and art. He holds a degree in Costume and Set Design from the National Theatre School of Canada (2019), and his work embodies years of passion and devotion, delivering other-worldly experiences every time he struts in heels on stage.

Lauren Gillis (she/her) // ghostwriter

Lauren Gillis does a bunch of things (performance, creation. dancing around all weird, and now, ghostwriting). Her most recent appearance at Buddies was giving people the visceral experience of being overwhelmed by snakes while coated in diluted J-lube at her installation, “Snakepit”. Lauren is the co-artistic director (with pal Alaine Hutton) of the Dora-winning duo Lester Trips, a theatre, film & digital-not-otherwise-specified entity that cranks out cringe comedy, speculative fiction, and horror including the CBCGem series Content Farm, and most recently, the overstimulation doom fable Honey I’m Home at Factory Theatre. Up next, an animated series about earwig pick-up artists, Daygamers, and a glorious dive into darkest recesses of content moderation, Public Consumption

ted witzel (he/him) // director

ted witzel is a queer theatre-maker and artistic leader based in toronto / tkaròn:to (these days). primarily a director, ted is also variously a dramaturg, curator, teacher, writer, translator, designer, and performer. he has worked with theatres and cultural organizations across canada, the uk, germany, and italy (she gets around). fusing high-octane performance, rigorous dramaturgy, filthy homosexuality, digital aesthetics, and poetic text, ted’s directing is located at the intersection between the personal and the political, and the (visceral, emotional, intellectual) frictions between them. previous buddies credits: artist-in-residence 2014–18 with LULU // aspects of a femme fatale, the scavenger’s daughter [2019], taylor mac’s holiday sauce (the afterparty) [2020], Roberto Zucco (2024).

Cosette “Ettie”

Pin (he/she/they) // set, projection + lighting designer

Cosette “Ettie” Pin is an international, multi-disciplinary designer based out of New York City, specialising in lighting, sound, projection, and scenic design for theatre and live performance.

For Buddies in Bad Times: Box 4901 (Lighting Design); Off-Broadway: Stranger Sings! (Sound Design), The Big Reveal: Live Show! (Production Design, LaMama), Loula: 19/85 (Video & Scenic, LaMama). Select design credits: Velour: A Drag Spectacular (Video, Tectonic Theatre Project, La Jolla Playhouse), Third Law (Video & Sound, WWTNS?), Hypothetical Baby (Sound, Howland Theatre Company), Traces (Video, WWTNS?), The Gambler (Video & Scenic, Exponential Theatre Festival), Orestes (Video & Scenic, University of Oxford), The Ballad of Stompin’ Tom (Lighting, The Capitol Theatre), Children of Fire (Sound, Nightwood Theatre Company), Resident Designer (House of Velour), Resident Designer (Sister Sylvester). Awards: Dora Award nomination for Box 4901. Education: National Theatre School of Canada www.cosettepin.com

Alessandra Cronin (they/she) // projection associate

Alessandra Cronin is a multi-dick-siplinary projection designer, projection ass-ociate, and animator living, laughing, and loving in Queens, New York.

Projection Design credits include Magic Flute (Mannes Opera), Sleeper (The Tank), and How to Find A Husband in 37 Years or Longer (Edinburgh Fringe). Associate Projection Design credits include We Live in Cairo (NYTW), Velour: A Drag Spectacular (La Jolla Playhouse), Water For Elephants (The Imperial Theatre), Scene Partners (Vineyard Theatre). Alessandra is a technical collaborator for The New York Neo-Futurists. Alessandra is elated to be here doing queer theater with queer people, making their Buddies debut! alessandracronin.com

steph raposo (they/them) // sound designer

steph raposo is a toronto-based theatre designer. as a trans artist they have a deep interest in presenting queer histories, uplifting queer communities, and celebrating queer joy through their work and within their life.

selected credits: Lighting Designer, No One’s Special at the Hotdog Cart (Theatre Passe Muraille, 2024); Lighting Designer, The Rhubarb Festival (Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, 2024); Sound Designer, Sugar Plum (Nightwood Theatre, 2024); Sound Designer, This Inescapable City (Audio Play, Probably Theatre Collective, 2021). upcoming credits: Lighting Designer, The Holiday! (Bad Dog Theatre & Factory Theatre, December 2024); Lighting Designer, Blind Dates (Theatre Passe Muraille, 2025).

River Oliveira (he/they) // sound design associate

River is a queer, trans multi-disciplinary artist based in Toronto/ tkaròn:to. He works as a musician, sound artist, creator, performer, and dramaturg. As an artist, he enjoys uplifting and unearthing queer voices and histories.

Selected sound associate/assistant credits include The First Stone (Buddies in Bad Times), The Darkest Dark (Young People’s Theatre), Cockroach (Tarragon Theatre).

Jaime Lujan (he/him) // costume design associate

Jaime Lujan is the result of a lifelong obsession with Elizabeth Taylor, surrealism, and wax-coated denim. A performance artist/ actor/writer whose name is misspelled at least once a day, he made his Buddies debut earlier this year appearing in his underwear as Jeremy in WHITE MUSCLE DADDY. Also a prolific costume designer by day, he’s had the good fortune of marrying his design prowess with his love of being in front of a camera by co-hosting OutTV’s original series, Sew Fierce. To this day, however, he is most recognized on the street for his TikToks.

Elm Reyes (he/they) // choreographer

Elm is a queer/trans theatre and movement artist, drag king, and arts worker with a BFA in Acting degree from the University of Windsor. Recently seen at Canadian Stage as a part of the Canadian Festival of New Musicals and performing internationally as their alter ego El Experimento. Currently Elm is working on emerging works as well as developing performance workshops for queer/trans youth. In his work, Elm is inspired by community building, physical theatre, and devised work that pulls from the fantastical, the mundane and all the magic in between.

Lisa E. Morrison (they/them) // assistant director + stage kitten

Lisa E. Morrison is a director, drag artist, and puppet consultant based in Tiohtià:ke (Montréal). A 2023 graduate of Concordia University’s Theatre program, specializing in Performance Creation, Morrison seeks to blur their cabaret roots with theatrical storytelling. Their work and practice, including the award-winning What It Means (PussyPop Productions, 2024), delves into realms of queer intimacy, neurodivergent approaches, and sustainable artistic creation. This is their debut at Buddies!

Sandy Plunkett (he/him) // stage manager

STAGE MANAGER: Buddies in Bad Times: LULU v.7 // aspects of a femme fatale, The Silicone Diaries, The Beauty Salon

Recent Credits: The Lehman Trilogy (Theatre Calgary); The Farm Show: Then and Now, Resort to Murder (Blyth Festival).

Selected Credits: Guilt (A Love Story), Withrow Park Orphan Song, Bunny, (TarragonTheatre);The Donnelly Trilogy, The Drawer Boy, (Blyth Festival); Bigger than Jesus (Necessary Angel); The Fish Eyes Trilogy, Boys with Cars (Nightswimming); Dividing Lines, Madre, (Aluna Theatre); Public Servant (Common Boots); Gladstone Variations, Yichud (seclusion) (Convergence).

Sandy is the great-grandson of Morley Plunkett of the almost forgotten WW1 Canadian Vaudeville Troupe, The Dumbells.

season 46 | 2024 – 25

a BuddIes In Bad TImes produCTIon

roBerTo ZuCCo

WriTTen By

Bernard-marIe kolTÈs

TranslaTed By marTIn CrImp

dIreCTed By Ted WITZel

sepT 15 – oCT 5, 2024

a BuddIes In Bad TImes and denIm + pyThIa Co-produCTIon


CreaTed By denIm + pyThIa

nuIT BlanChe and BuddIes In Bad TImes presenT

nuIT BlanChe (nuIT des mauvaIs Jours)

feaTurIng fakeknoT, karIm olen ash, vivek shraya + ChrisTopher sherman, and Xlq

oCT 5, 2024

a Bad neW days produCTIon In parTnershIp WITh Common BooTs TheaTre

ToronTo frInge presenTs

neXT sTage TheaTre fesTIval

feaTurIng Works By keir CuTler, louise Casemore, lyndsey Bourne, frankÉTienne, lou CampBell, and Bonnie duff

oCT 16 – 27, 2024

deC 1 – 15, 2024

a BuddIes In Bad TImes and naTIve earTh performIng arTs Co-produCTIon

There Is vIolenCe and There Is rIghTeous vIolenCe and There Is deaTh or, The Born-agaIn CroW

dIreCTed By JessICa


mar 9 – 29, 2025

BuddIes In Bad TImes parTy In resIdenCe

ConCeived and dIreCTed By adam paoloZZa CreaTIve produCer vICTor pokInko

Jan 12 – 26, 2025 lasT landsCape

a nIghTWood TheaTre produCTIon In assoCIaTIon WITh BuddIes In Bad TImes

sheddIng a skIn

By amanda WIlkIn dIreCTed By CherIssa rIChards

The 46Th edITIon of fesTIval dIreCTor ludmylla reIs

feB 13 – 23, 2025 The rhuBarB fesTIval

a BuddIes In Bad TImes performanCe serIes In parTnershIp WITh fu-gen TheaTre, pnsnv, and penCIl kIT produCTIons

apr 22 – may 4, 2025

a podCasT By vivek shraya, Co-produCed WiTh Buddies in Bad Times

oCT 31 | feB 1 | pride ’25 neW ho queen queer asian love I Won’T envy

never Walk alone By JulIe phan goner By marIkIsCryCryCry reIna By augusTo BITTer BIJurIya By gaBrIel dharmoo

may 14 – 31, 2025 genrefuCk.

your favouriTe queer Bar

CheCk ouT BuddIesInBadTImes.Com/ evenTs or @TallulahsCaBareT for upComing evenTs Tallulah’s CaBareT

feaTuring ConversaTions WiTh pyThia + denim, alok, kiran rai, paul sepuya, sara quin, and aliCia ellioTT Wed – sun, 6:30pm – 12am +

buddIes In bad tImes theatre

Artistic Director


Artistic Associate


Interim Director of Operations KRISTINA LEMIEUX

Rhubarb Festival Director LUDMYLLA REIS

Operations Coordinator MASON MCDONALD


Technical Director




Marketing Manager


Social Media Coordinator


Facility Manager


Tallulah’s Cabaret Manager AL THOMAS-HALL

Development Manager


ArtAttack! Coordinator


Rentals Coordinator


Chamber Coordinator AMBER PATTISON




Hosting Team




Bar Personnel


Residency Program Artists





Emerging Creators Unit Director AMANDA CORDNER

Board of Directors







buddIes communIty oF donors

legaCy CIrCle

Ed Cabell + Roy Forrester

John Alan Lee

Russell Mathew + Scott Ferguson

Richard McLellan

Adam Morrison + James Owen

Jim Robertson + Jim Scott

vIsIonarIes ($5000+)

Fabio Mascarin Foundation

The Estate of George Grant

The Estate of Dr. Beverly Harris

The Kingfisher Foundation

Metcalf Foundation

Pride and Remembrance Foundation

heroes ($2500+)

Elephant Shoes Foundation

House of Beida

The KM Hunter Charitable Foundation

Martha LA McCain

leaders ($1000+)

Ed Cabell + Roy Forrester

Carol Dilworth

Andrew Gillespie

Paul Hartwick

William Hodge + Robert Wylie

Jim Lawrence + David Salak

Lydia Leatherdale + Mike Cox, in memory of Calvin Cox

Richard McLellan

NIgE Gough Shine On Foundation

Oldfield Management Inc.

Brian Sambourne

Peter Taylor

Greg Tranah

David Wong + Dennis Yu

Woody’s on Church

advoCaTes ($500+)

Mark Aikman + Gustavo Cerquera Benjumea

Emily Derr

Philip Doiron

Philip Gazaleh

Sean Hillier

Richard Isaac

Kent James

Sarah Kaplan and Anita McGahan

Karim Karsan + John Rider

Montana Kimel

Stephen McGregor + Tony De Franco

Aidan Morishita-Miki

Adam Morrison and James Owen

Option Properties (Canada) Inc.

Paul Petro

Smokestack Studio


Michael David Trent

Anu Radha Verma

R. Howard Webster Foundation

parTners ($250+)

D. Arcand + A. Karmali

Kate Bishop + Doug Gerhart

Mark Brodsky

Jeffrey Buttle

Robert Coates

Russell Connelly

James Davis

Alan Dingle

Dennis Findlay

Berkha Gupta

Neil Guthrie

Ronald Haynes

Raymond Helkio

Jaigris Hodson

Tom Hutchinson

Alex Hutchison

Dr. Ben Louie

Dhanveer Mangat

Gilles Marchildon

Rebecca Markus

Al Rajan

Nik Redman

Andrea Ridgley

Jim Robertson + Jim Scott

David Steinberg

Rick Sutton

Lionel Tona

Allison Vanek

monThly donors

Mark Aikman + Gustavo Cerquera Benjumea

Golboo Amani

Artun Anto Azad

Leyla Bikbulatove

Allen Braude

Mark Brodsky

Jeffrey Buttle

Ed Cabell & Roy Forrester

Herng Yi Cheng

Nancy Clemo

Russell Connelly

David Couture

Arjun Dhanjal

Jennifer Duffy

Barbara Fingerote

Randy Goldman

Neil Guthrie

Matthew Harding

Raymond Helkio

Allen Hernandez

Sean Hillier

William Hodge + Robert Wylie

Jaigris Hodson

Andrea Houston

Alex Hutchison

Montana Kimel

Chanti Zoelene Laliberte

Kristina Lemieux

Dr. Ben Louie

Jonathan MacArthur

in memory of Stuart Hamilton

Cameron MacLeod

Gilles Marchildon

Rebecca Marcus

Catherine May

Joseph McLean

Richard McLellan

Option Properties (Canada) Inc.

Aidan Morishita-Miki

Bernadette + Gene Morishita-Miki

Hakeem Muhammad

Thompson Nguyen

Rui Pires

Al Rajan

Ingrid Randoja

Nik Redman

Andrea Ridgley

Sonja Scharf

Peter Taylor

Lionel Tona

Ayse Turak

Uncle Tee

Allison Vanek

Anu Radha Verma


Paul Wollaston

David Wong + Dennis Yu

Arielle Zamora

AudAcity. LiberAtion. [Artistic] rigour.

Buddies in Bad Times is the longest-running queer theatre in Canada, and the largest in the world. And we’re still here thanks to you.

For as little as $5 a month, you can play an instrumental role in bringing vital queer arts and community programming to our city and beyond; supporting programs like our Queer Emerging Artists Awards, our community rentals program, and productions like Oraculum.

Speak to a member of our hosting team, give us a call at [416] 975-8555, or visit buddiesinbadtimes.com/support to learn more about supporting queer theatre in Toronto and beyond.

our season sPonsors

lead C orpora T e sponsor

C ommun IT y and edu C a TI on par T ner

C orpora T e par T ners

Great theatre lives here.

We are pleased to support Buddies in Bad Times Theatre and the artists that are captivating audiences with exciting, innovative, and entertaining productions.

BMO is proud to be the 2024/25 Season Platinum Sponsor.

Photo: Jeremy Mimnagh

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