Architecture Portfolio Zhang Guoxian - Museum of memories

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Simulacrum, in this a particular means of of communication, based on the reconstruction, during verbal communication, of purely connotative meanings of statements Ryszard W. Wolny- “Hyperreality and Simulacrum- Jean Baudrillard and European Postmodernism”

Museum of memories

Core Studio 2: Unreal Engine Project

Over the course of human history, there have been countless cases of shameful events and atrocities carried out on the human populace over the world: such as The Jewish Holocaust, Tiananmen Square Massacre, Agent Orange during the Vietnam war. With the passing of time, people today have become distracted from the severity of these events and the significance they possess even up to today’s societies. ‘The Museum of Forgotten Shames’ aims to archive the experiences of loss and injustice throughout history by taking users through the emotional experiences and traumas of each event. The museum is located as a hidden hole within the ocean. In order to approach the museum, one has to go through the steep steps down to a well-like outdoor space carved inside the ocean. Once entered, visitors travel beneath the ocean through series of differentiated hallway spaces shaped by varied water flow into the hallways. In the exhibition space, users can view exhibits and displays of the lives of victims of the past, which serve as trigger points that lead the visitor into the Virtual World where they witness the events/ stories/ scenes linked to the artefacts. Towards the end one finds him/ herself climbing towards the surface of the ocean


Sectional overview of each hallway


Daunting/ Intimidation

Transition between physical & virtual world

Realisation, relief

Each hallway takes the user through the traumatic emotional experiences of victims of these events

Narrow Hallways evoking sense of pressure & intimidation

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