Dr. Željko Uvanović LIST OF CONFERENCE TALKS GIVEN (in German, in Croatian, and in English) 43 conference talks (Stand: 30.06.2017) Invited section talks in conferences: 1. - Invited section lecture at the international scientific conference (invitation by Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Magallanes sent by email in September 2007, University of Seville, 3rd International German Congress of the Faculty of Philology, Seville University) under the title „Die Germanistik innerhalb und außerhalb deutschsprachiger Länder. Begriffe, Methoden, Tendenzen“, Sevilla, 17.-19. prosinca 2007.) – title of the conference talk: Kulturwissenschaftliche Öffnung der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft für Literaturverfilmungen und adaptation studies. Neuester Forschungsstand und der Fall „Die Rättin“. 2. - Invited section lecture at the international conference (invitation by Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Magallanes sent by email in June 2008, Seville University, IV International German Congress of the Faculty of Philology, Seville, Seville, 15-17 December 2008) – title of the conference talk: Pop-Postmoderne in deutscher Literatur und in Pedro Almodovars Filmen. Ein intermedialer poetologischer Vergleich. 3.- Invited section lecture at the international research conference within the framework of the international and inter-state project "Days of Ivan Mažuranić in Cetinje 2009" (Project Leader Prof. Dr. Milorad Nikčević), University of Osijek, 27 September – 1 October 2009. – the invitation sent by mail in March 2009 by the secretary of the project Jakov Sabljić, mag. philol. – title of the conference talk: Klasika i(li) romantizam i(li) bidermajer? Izvorna religiozna poezija i prepjevi kao i ljubavna poezija Petra II. Petrovića Njegoša i Ivana Mažuranića u kontekstu njemačke književnosti. [Classicism and/or Romanticism and/or Biedermeier? Original religious poetry and lyric adaptations as well as love poetry of Petar II. Petrović Njegoš and Ivan Mažuranić in the context of German literature] Invited talk in university classes 1.- Invited guest lecture within the course of Prof. Dr. Sabine Schneider "Theodor Fontane" (Deutsches Seminar of the University of Zurich), on November 10, 2010, lecture was held under the title Theodor Fontanes Gesprächskunst zwischen Realismus und l'art pour l'art. (Hörsal KOL-F-118, Zeitrahmen: 10-11 Uhr)
PARTICIPATION IN SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCES ABROAD / OUTSIDE OF CROATIA (22, Stand: 30.06.2017) After the appointment to the post of Assistant Professor (Univ.-Doz.) from 1 January 2004 1. 2005. - The Seventh Joint Symposium of the University of Augsburg and the University of J. J. Strossmayer in Osijek under the title „Europa. Politik, Literatur,
Recht und Wirtschaft“, Augsburg, 13-14 June 2005. – title o the talk: Hofmannsthal und Europa 2. 2005. - XI. Congress of the International German Association Internationale Vereinigung für Germanistik under the title „Germanistik im Konflikt der Kulturen“, Paris, Sorbonne, 26 August - 3 September 2005. – title of the talk in section no. 30 (Deutsch-jüdische Kulturdialoge/Konflikte) Ahasver und Jesus werden Freunde. Stationen einer dialektis chen Annäherung in Stefan Heyms „Ahasver“ 3. 2005. - International Conference of INST with Honorary Sponsorship of Austrian
President Dr. Heinz Fischer under the title „Innovationen und Reproduktionen in Kulturen und Gesellschaften“ Beč, 9-11. prosinca 2005. – title of the conference talk (in section 2.3 Lebensinteressen – Innovationen und Reproduktionen; Liebe in der Dichtung) Kosmos, Alogisches, diesseitiges Chaos. Sprengung des persönlichen Rahmens in der Liebeslyrik von Yvan und Claire Goll 4. 2006. - 32. Nestroy Gespräche Schwechat, Vienna, 1-5 July 2006. – title of the
conference talk Der slawonische Volksstückshumor in Ilija Okrugics „Das Brotkörbchen und die Pelzkappe“ und Ferdo Becics „Die Deputation der Leutnantinnen“ im Vergleich mit der Raimund-Kaiser-Nestroy- Lachkultur 5. 2006. – 12th Symposium of the International Brecht Society (IBS) under the title
„Brecht und der Tod“, Augsburg, 12-16 July 2006. – title of the conference talk (in parallel session nr. 19: The Heart of the Matter) Brecht's „Baal“ zwischen Eros, Philia und Thanatos. 'Kleiner Tod' und Mehanismen des Mordes. 6. 2007. - III. International Congress of German Philology at the University of Sevilla
(Faculty of Philology) under the title „Die Germanistik innerhalb und außerhalb deutschsprachiger Länder. Begriffe, Methoden, Tendenzen“, Sevilla, 17-19 December 2007. – title of the talk: Kulturwissenschaftliche Öffnung der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft für Literaturverfilmungen und adaptation studies. Neuester Forschungsstand und der Fall „Die Rättin“ After the appointment to the post of Associate Professor (Ao.Prof.) from December 2008 7. 2008. - IV. International Congress of German Philology at the University of Sevilla (Faculty of Philology), Sevilla, 15-17 December 2008, title of the conference talk: PopPostmoderne in deutscher Literatur und in Pedro Almodovars Filmen. Ein intermedialer poetologischer Vergleich 8. 2009. – Inter-state, bilateral international project "Days of Ivana Mažuranića in Cetinje 2009" and international symposium held 27 September – 1 October 2009. Invited section talk under the title: Klasika i(li) romantizam i(li) bidermajer? Izvorna religiozna poezija i prepjevi kao i ljubavna poezija Petra II. Petrovića Njegoša i Ivana Mažuranića u kontekstu njemačke književnosti. 9. 2009.- V. International Congress of German Philology at the University of Sevilla (Faculty of Philology), Research Group "Filologia Alemana" (HUM-252), 16 – 18 December 2009, title of the conference talk: Themen und Konventionen des Unterhaltungstheaters in
zeitgenössischen Produktionen von Marin Držićs "Dundo Maroje" (1551) und Ferdinand Raimunds Volksdramen. Ein Vergleich. 10. 2010. - The third international scientific and expert conference on "Teacher Education for the Future" at the Faculty of Pedagogy of the University of Zenica, from 22 to 23 April 2010, the co-author talk with Mr. Đevad Šehović, MA in German Studies, title of the talk: Edukacija za interkulturalni suživot u kontekstu njemačke migrantske književnosti - slučaj njemačko-turske književnice Emine Sevgi Ozdamar. [Education for Intercultural Coexistence in the Context of German Migrant Literature / and the case of German/Turkish writer Emine Sevgi Ozdamar] 11. 2010. - XII. Congress of the Internationale Vereinigung für Gemanistik at the University of Warsaw from 30 July to 7 August 2010. Conference talk in section no. 36 (Film und visuelle Medien, chair of section: Prof. Dr. Ryozo Maeda, Tokio) under the title: Sally Perels Lebensbericht "Ich war Hitlerjunge Salomon" ("Europa, Europa") und dessen Verfilmung von 1990. Visualisiertes Deutschtum, Opfer-Judentum und Holocaust-Gedächtniskultur. 12. 2010. - VI. International Congress of German Philology at the University of Sevilla (Faculty of Philology), Research Group "Filologia Alemana" (HUM-252), 15 – 17 December 2010, title of the co/author conference talk (co/author Mr. Daniel Dobranić, MA) under the title Zeitgenössische deutsche und kroatische Pop-Literatur. Ein Vergleich im internationalen Kontext. 13. 2011. - Interdisciplinary International Conference of the Institute for German and Romance Studies at the School of Advanced Study, University of London, under the title “The Carneval of Death. Perceptions of Death in Europe and the Americas”, held 24 – 26 February 2011. Title of the conference talk held on 25 February 2011 under the title Pathological aesthetics of men killing women vs. manipulative (im)morality of women killing men - as seen in some selected films. 14. 2011. - International Scientific Symposium on Ivi Andrić (on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Nobel Prize award) organized by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Mostar and the Institute for Croatian Language, Literature and History of the University of Mostar, November 4, 2011 Title of the co-authored conference talk (co-author Mrs. Darija Glibić, MA): Sličnosti i razlike između zbirke pjesama u prozi Ive Andrića (Ex Ponto i Nemiri) i lirske proze R. M. Rilkea (Zapisci Maltea Lauridsa Briggea) [Similarities and differences between the collection of poems in prose by Ivo Andrić (Ex Ponto and Unrest) and lyric prose by R. M. Rilke (Notes of Malte Laurids Brigge)] 15. 2011. - 4. Konferenz des Südosteuropäischen GermanistInnenverbandes (SOEGV) titled "Gefühlswelten - Emotionsdiskurse". Bled, Slovenija, 10 -13 November 2011. Conference talk held on 11 November 2011. under the title: Liebe und Hass zwischen Deutschland und dem Islam. Zu Vladimir Vertlibs "Am Morgen des zwölften Tages"
After the appointment to the post of Full Professor (O.Prof.) from December 2013 16. 2015 – 10th year conference of the Association of the Adaptation Studies, held at the University of London (Institute of English Studies, School of Advanced Study), Senate House, 24-25 September 2015. Title of the conference talk: The reflection of Zagreb's exteriors and interiors as well as of centre and periphery of the urban life as seen in selected adaptations of Croatian literature. 17. 2015 - XII. International Congress of the Spanish Goethe Society, held at the University of Sevilla, 14 -16 October 2015. Title of the conference talk: Erinnerter Widerstand und inszenierte Anpassung. Bekämpfung der Nazi-Herrschaft in Zagreb in Zeignissen der Schauspielerin Tilla Durieux im Vergleich mit Philip Kerrs fiktionaler Modellierung der NaziKarriere einer kroatischen „Greta Garbo“. 18. 2015 – International Conference of the Slovenian Society for Comparative Literature and the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana under the title „Universality of Literature and Universals in Literature: Spread Your Love“, Ljubljana 26 – 27 November 2015. Title of the conference talk: Men in Love with Galateas, Gynoids and Fatal Aliens. Vidi: http://sdpk.si/datoteke/Univerzalnost%20literature%20in%20univerzalije%20v %20literaturi_Program%20in%20zbornik%20povzetkov.docx 19. 2015 – International conference within the research project at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz under the title Medienkonvergenz (https://www.medienkonvergenz.unimainz.de), held 3 – 5 December 2015. Under the title „Adaptation and perception: Media Convergence“. Title of the conference talk: On Some Divergences and Convergences of Bodies and Media in Philip Kaufman's „The Unbearable Lightness of Being“ (1988) and in David Cronenberg's „Videodrome“ (1983) and „eXistenZ“ (1999). Youtube-video of the conference talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5K8DmsdCUE 20. 2016 - MLA International Symposium at the Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf, 23 – 25 June 2016 under the title “Other Europes: Migrations, Translations, Transformations”. Title of the conference talk held on Saturday 25 June 2016 in section no. 46 (Yoko Tawada’s New Maps and New Worlds: Moving across Place, Identity, and Genre): Yoko Tawada and Marica Bodrožić as Migrant Writers in Germany. 21. 2016 – 22 -23 September 2016. - 1. INTERDISZIPLINÄRE TAGUNG in Kraków des Neophilologischen Instituts, Fachbereich Germanistikder Pädagogischen Universität, Kraków, Polen und der Abteilung für deutsche Sprache und Literatur der Fakultät für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften der Josip-Juraj-Strossmayer-Universität Osijek, Kroatien. Youtube-Talk under the title Distanzierung vom Kroatentum, dalmatinischer Regionalismus, exjugoslawischer (Migranten)multikulturalismus und ‚Nirwana‘-Zustände in Marica Bodrožićs Roman Mein weißer Frieden (2014). (YOUTUBEVersionen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7GVm_3bDNI & https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=lcw2p_8Iwe0&t=822s ) 22. 2016 - International Conference of the Slovenian Society for Comparative Literature and the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana under the title MEDIALTY AND
LITERATURE, 24 -25 November 2016. Conference talk held on 24 November 2016 under the title Kathrin Röggla as the Intermedial, Multimedial and Transmedial Queen of Contemporary German Literature. See: http://sdpk.si/datoteke/povzetki_medialnost.pdf
PARTICIPATION IN SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCES IN CROATIA (21, Stand: 30.06.2017) As university assistant, before the appointment to the post of assistant professor on 1 January 2004 1. 1998. – Krleža’s Days in Osijek, 7 – 10 December 1998. – title of the conference talk: O razgraničenju umjetnik-neumjetnik u drami M. Krleže i G. Hauptmanna u prvoj trećini 20. stoljeća [On the demarcation artit/non-artist in dramatic works of M. Krleža and G. Hauptmann in the first third of the 20th century] 2. 2002. – Research colloquium with international participation within the research project of the Department of German of the University of Zagreb under the title “Porträts und Konstellationen 2, deutschsprachig-kroatische Literaturbeziehungen“, held in Zagreb on 7 November 2002. – title of the conference talk: Patriotische und chauvinistische Töne in politischer Lyrik der deutschen und kroatischen Literatur des 19. Jahrhunderts 3. 2003. – International Symposium of the Department of German of the University of Zagreb, in cooperation with German departments of the universities in Mainz, Munich, Grazu and Rijeka under the title “Tendenzen im Geschichtsdrama und Geschichtsroman des 20. Jahrhunderts“, held in Opatija, 1- 5 October 2003. – title of the conference talk: Postmodernes in Stefan Heyms „Der König David Bericht
After the appointment to the post of assistant professor (Univ.-Doz.) on 1 January 2004 1. 2004. – Research colloquium of the Department of German of the University of
Zagreb under the title „Porträts und Konstellationen 3, deutschsprachig-kroatische Literaturbeziehungen“, held in Zagreb on 5 November 2004. – title of the conference talk: Zdenko Škreb im Kontext der internationalen Diskussion über die Probleme der literarischen Periodisierung 2. 2005. – Joint Symposium of Austrian and Croatian Germanists under the title „Woher wir kommen – wohin wir gehen. Kroatische und österreichische Germanistik im europäischen Kontext“ held in Opatija 29 September – 1 October 2005. – title of the conference talk: Kroatische Konversationsmarker. Versuch einer Extraktion im Kontrast mit deutschen Modalpartikeln (d.h. Abtönungspartikeln) und deren englischen Entsprechungen 3. 2005. – Krleža’s Days in Osijek, 7 – 10 December 2005. – title of the conference talk:
Hrvatska recepcija „Kola“ Arthura Schnitzlera u kontekstu međunarodne recepcije [The Croatian reception of Arthur Schnitzler’s “Reigen” in the context of its international reception]
4. 2006. – Krleža’s Days in Osijek 2006. – title of the conference talk: Vrijeme i prostor
u filmskim ekranizacijama hrvatskih drama [Time and space in film adaptations of Croatian dramas] 5. 2007. – Krleža’s Days in Osijek 2007. – title of the conference talk: Krležina
kozmička drama ratnog apsurda u mediju filma. Od novele „Cvrčak pod vodopadom“ do filma „Put u raj“ [Krleža’s cosmic drama on war absurdity in the film medium. From the novella “Cricket under the waterfall” to the film adaptation “Way to Paradise”] 6. 2007. – International symposium of the German Department of the University of
Zagreb within the project led by Professor Marijan Bobinac under the title „Gedächtnis, Identität, Differenz. Zur kulturellen Konstruktion des südosteuropäischen Raums und ihr deutschsprachiger Kontext“, held in Lovran 4 – 7 October 2007. – title of the conference talk: Das kroatische Volksstück der slawonischen Schriftsteller Ilija Okrugić und Ferdo Becić zwischen Innovation und Loyalität den deutschsprachigen Vorbildern gegenüber
After the appointment to the post of Associate Professor (ao.Prof.) since December 2008 1. Jahreskonferenz des Südosteuropäischen GermanistInnenverbandes (SOEGV) held in
Zadar 20 – 22 November 2008 under the title „Mobilität und Kontakt. Deutsche Sprache, Literatur und Kultur in ihrer Beziehung zum südosteuropäischen Raum“. Title of the conference talk: Gerhart Hauptmanns „Griechischer Frühling“. Zwischen Geographischem und Spekulativem. 2. XIX Krleža’s Days in Osijek, 5-10 December 2008 under the title: "Tekst, podtekst i intertekst u hrvatskoj drami i kazalištu". Title of the conference talk: Drama opredjeljivanja između ljevice i desnice. O domobranima, Drugom svjetskom ratu i poraću u filmovima "U gori raste zelen bor" (1971.) i "Četverored" (1999.) [Dramatic Challenges of Choosing between the Left and the Right Wing. On the Croatian Home Guard, World War II, and the Post-War period in the films “A Green Pine Tree is Growing in the Hill” (1971) and “Walking in Four-Rows” (1999)] 3. XX. Krleža’s Days in Osijek, 7-10 December 2009 – under the title: "Hrvatska drama,
kazalište i društvo". Conference talk held in Pecs, Hungary, on 9 December 2009 under the title: Nešto je trulo u socijalističkom kolektivizmu. Dvije filmske drame Krste Papića ("Predstava Hamleta u Mrduši Donjoj", i "Život sa stricem") u usporedbi s predlošcima Ive Brešana i Ivana Aralice. [Something is rotten in Socialist collectivism. Two film dramas by Krsto Papić (“The Hamlet Performance in the Village of Lower Mrduša” and “Life with Uncle”) in comparison with their source texts by Ivo Brešan and Ivan Aralica ] 4. XXI Krleža’s Days in Osijek 7-9 December 2010. Under the title “Naši i strani
povjesničari hrvatske drame i kazališta, teatrolozi i kritičari. U spomen Nikoli Batušiću”. Title of the conference talk: Talijansko-germanske antipatije naspram anglo-američkih simpatija? O razlici u teatrološkoj i književnopovijesnoj procjeni djela Marina Držića. [Italian-German antipathy versus Anglo-American sympathies? About the differences in theater and literary estimate of the work of Marin Držić. ]
5. Year symposium of the Croatian Philosophical Society, held in Zagreb 1-3 December
2011 under the title "Filozofija i umjetnost" [Philosophy and Arts]. Title of the conference talk held on 1 December 2011 "Estetika" i "etika" savršenog zločina. Pokušaj razumijevanja filozofije zla kod nekažnjenih serijskih ubojica-likova iz odabranih igranih filmova. [“Aesthetics” and “ethics” of perfect crime. An attempt to understand the philosophy of evil with unpunished serial killer-characters from selected feature films. ] 6. XXII Krleža’s Days in Osijek, 5-8 December 2011 under the title “Naši i strani
povjesničari hrvatske drame i kazališta, teatrolozi i kritičari. Drugi dio”. Title of conference talk held on 6 December 2011: Heinz Kindermann (i Slavko Batušić) o hrvatskoj drami i kazalištu u (južno)slavenskom kontekstu od antike do impresionizma. [Heinz Kindermann (and Slavko Batušić) on the Croatian Drama and Theater in the (South) Slavic context from the Antiquity period till Impressionism]
After the appointment to the post of Full Professor (o.Prof.) since December 2013 1. XXIV Krleža’s Days in Osijek 9-11 December 2013 under the title: “Supostojanja i suprotstavljanja u hrvatskoj drami i kazalištu”. Conference talk held on 11 December 2013 under the title: Kazališni tekst Mate Matišića Svećenikova djeca (1999.) i istoimeni filmski tekst Vinka Brešana (2013.) u usporedbi. [Theater text “The Priest’s Children” (1999) by Mato Matišić and the film text of the same name by Vinko Brešan (2013) in comparison] 2. International symposium of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the German Department of the University of Zadar under the title „Transition – Mauerfall, Ostblockzerfall, Sonderfall Kroatien?“ held on 28-30 October 2014. Title of the conference talk held on 30 October 2014: Rudolf Horvat, Franjo Tuđman und Holm Sundhaussen über das Misslingen zweier Jugoslawien-Experimente 3. International interdisciplinary symposium of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the German Department of the University of Zadar under the title „Vergangenheitsbewältigung“ held on 27 October 2015. Title of the conference talk: Rituale deutscher politischer Vergangenheitsbewältigung am Beispiel von Dani Levys Film „Mein Führer“ (2007) sowie Timur Vermes' Roman „Er ist wieder da“ (2012). 4. Year symposium of the Croatian Philosophical Society under the title "Čovjek u prostoru" [Man in Space], held in Zagreb 15-17 December 2016. Title of the conference talk: (Bogo)čovjek u prostoru torinskog platna. Filozofske, teološke i estetske meditacije o pokušaju trodimenzionalne rekonstrukcije nestalog tijela. [(God-)Man in the space of the Turin Shroud. Philosophical, theological and aesthetic meditations on the attempts of threedimensional reconstruction of the missing body ] 5. First international conference of the English Department of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences on Adaptation Studies under the title "Adaptation: Theory, Criticism, Pedagogy", held in Osijek on 23-25 February 2017. Title of the conference talk held on 23 February 2017: Changing values of Johanny Spyri's HEIDI (1880/1881) and its film adaptations (1937-2015) within the American, British, and German-speaking cultures. Also, film adaptation of G. Keller’s Kleider machen Leute titled as OSIJEK SWEET OSIJEK (dir.
Ž. Uvanović) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dl23IQ0QHC8) was presented on 24 Febrary 2017. 6. International interdisciplinary conference of the Department of Cultural Studies of the University of Osijek under the title “Heritage Culture and Digital Humanities: A Bond between the Old and the New — HerCul&DigiHum2017” -, held on 19-20 May 2017. As part of the Research Project “Digitalizacija baštinskih knjižničnih fondova: naša nužnost i obveza kojeg financira europski konzorcij Digitalne istraživačke infrastrukture za umjetnosti i humanistiku” (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities, DARIAH-EU), co-organized by Department of Cultural Studies of the University of Osijek and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Pecs, Hungary. Title of the conference talk held on 19 May 2017: Digitalna galaksija. Od „digitalnih“ predviđanja Marshalla McLuhana do teorije i prakse digitalnih medija Huberta Burde. [Digital Galaxy. From “digital” predictions of Marshall McLuhan to the theory and practice of Hubert Burda’s digital media] Youtube video of the talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNDjN_jLoFs
A CONFERENCE TALK PLANNED FOR SEPTEMBER 2017: At the Association of Adaptation Studies’ 12th Annual Conference "Returns", De Montfort University, Leicester, 18-19 September 2017 http://www.adaptation.uk.com/call-for-papers-returns under the title:
Alexander Sokurov's Faust (2011) as Free Interpretation of the Faust Legend, Goethe's Drama and Thomas Mann's Novel