Blog 1:
LIVE TV- A CURE TO HOMESICKNESS Homesickness is perfectly a good reason why a lot of people are opting for satellite TV because they don’t want to miss the culture, the language and the entertainment from their home country. For example, many Arabic people residing in say Switzerland opt for live Arabic TV as they enjoy their channels more than the local television programs of the country. A number of people that are not even born in their own country also opt for live TV be it Arabic or Greek. There are various reasons because of which people move to other countries like job, family, for a better life etc. But the sense of homely feeling naturally comes when you look or meet your own people. And not everyone can pay the steep airfares, so going to your motherland is totally out of question. Live TV reduces the feeling of homesickness to a level as watching your own actors and actress is quite connecting. The next big thing is that you have constant news and information about your country right in your home. Additionally the elderly people residing in some foreign land miss their language and culture even more. Even people who had fled from dictatorships or wars, who left awful living situations, still feel a connection to their native towns. Whether it is Arab TV shows, the Greek shows, and the Indian TV serial - you can get all of them in a live TV. With the appearance of online editions of newspapers, from around the world has majorly kept you informed about your hometown but there is nothing like seeing them on a small screen. There are more than 50 channels that you can view, devoted solely to your country. No matter what kind of TV helps you rekindle the nostalgia of your native town, an Arabic live TV will help you line up all the packages and deals.