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2.2 Limitations
2.2 Limitations
As a formative assessment, this study adopted a generalist approach to cover as many themes as possible and had three main limitations:
• KAM membership sampling bias: This study was conceptualised with KAM and the majority of the sample for data collection came from the group of companies with
KAM membership. While efforts were made to include other BMOs in sampling for participants, the focus on manufacturing meant that many of the manufacturing companies in other BMOs were already members of KAM.
Participants sampled from outside KAM membership included participants from enterprises in the informal sector.
• Participant subjectivity in self-reporting: Data from the IDI and FGD are dependent on participant subjectivity.
This was addressed through the triangulation of data from existing literature as well as technical reviews and validation of the data by stakeholders and women working in the manufacturing sector.
• Low response rate (online survey): Of the 300 KAM affiliated companies targeted for the online survey, only100 responded. With KAM’s membership of 1350 companies; this sample is not representative but provides key insights into the status of women in Kenya’s manufacturing sector.