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What is BREEAM? How BREEAM enhances the future? Why should you choose BREEAM? BREEAM for balancing cost and life Takeaway
BREEAM Assessments Enhance Your Future Plans
BREEAM was the world’s first environmental assessment method for building designs. It uses a balanced approach to enable the market to decide how to achieve optimum performance. Over the years, BREEAM has been grown, updated and applied to a range of development types, lifecycle stages and designs. But how BREEAM can enhance your plans? Let's learn in this article.
What is BREEAM? BREEAM was the first environmental assessment method that balances approach with tradable credits
BREEAM HEA 06 assessments UK committed to widening the group of stakeholders both strategically and at the local level. It aims to be a solution for design support and assessment across all development life cycle stages and infrastructure. Objectives In BREEAM communities, the assessment method has been expanded to become more sustainable with great consideration of the social and economic impacts of development. BREEAM is evolving continuously, which place it at the forefront of sustainable development.
How BREEAM enhances the future? BREEAM ensures that its standards provide economic and social benefits while managing the environmental impacts of the built environment. It enables the developments to be recognised according to their benefits. BREEAM assessment has been developed to meet the following principles:
1. Ensure the quality through holistic, accessible and balanced measures. 2. BREEAM uses quantified measures for determining sustainability 3. It provides a common assessment framework tailored to meet the local and economic sectors. 4. Seeks social, economic and environmental gains simultaneously. 5. It integrates professionals in the development and operational processes. 6. To ensure credibility and attendance, it adopts third-party certification. 7. Ensures wide accessibility and understanding by providing construction professionals. 8. Ensures consistency of the labels. 9. Adopt existing tools, practices and standards to support developments in technology. 10. Use stakeholder consultation to inform about development with underlying principles in performance standards.
Why should you choose BREEAM?
The BREEAM certification enhances the future with its sustainable efforts. It helps the clients deliver and validate the sustainability value of their assets effectively. Since its launch in 1990. It is recognised for its robust standard. BREEAM helps the clients manage the risks through demonstrating their sustainable performance during the design, planning, construction, or refurbishment. It helps them lower the running costs and maximise the returns through market value. It lets the clients attract and retain tenants with desirable places to work and live without worries. BREEAM is global. Holistic, trusted and adaptable.
BREEAM for Balancing Cost and Life Cycle Value BREEAM was created as a cost-effective means of recognising the value of development sustainably. It lets the investors, designers, developers and constructors use resources efficiently. Moreover, the capital cost uplift required to achieve higher ratings is typically less than 1%. These costs are relatively modest forecast payback is less than five years for energy.
Takeaway By providing an evidence-based framework that sets targets and benchmarks performance, BREEAM gives its clients the confidence to innovate. It is based on cost-effective, meaningful and practical actions that provide common understanding at all stages in the development life cycle. BREEAM assessment can enhance the future of decision-makers with its expanded certification scheme and technical standards.
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