Grizzly Peak Fly Fishers - March 2021 Irideus

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THE IRIDEUS The Newsletter of the Grizzly Peak Fly Fishers Based in Kensington, Serving the East Bay & Environs since 1982

Skwalas on the Yuba By Josh Genser

Q&A With Josh Genser By Peter Burrows



CLUB MEETINGS Online Zoom Meetings Every second Wednesday Due to COVID-19 Concerns, Meetings will be conducted online in Zoom Business Meeting - 7:00pm




q&a with josh genser 13 skwalas on the yuba

03 The President’s Message


03 BOARD 04 CALENDAR 05 Conservation Conversation 08 news, notes & random casts 09 Fishing Throwbacks 16 Classifieds & Notices


the President’s message By Josh Genser


rizzly Peak Fly Fishers serves four main functions: fishing, education, conservation and fellowship. The relative importance of each of these functions certainly differs among the Club’s membership, but, in ordinary times, the Club is able to deliver all four. In these times of pandemic precautions, however, delivering on our promise has been much more difficult. We had no fishing outings last year and held meetings only via Zoom, so we were able to present some really great speakers providing education about both fishing and conservation, but the other three functions suffered. We expect to do much better going forward. There will be fishing outings this year. In fact, we’ve already had one (Eagle Canyon Trophy Trout) and there are two more already on the calendar and open to registration (unless they are already full). Since the advent of the pandemic, we have learned that the virus is transmitted via aerosols emitted by breathing, sneezing or coughing, but not so much by touching surfaces on which the virus may have been deposited. We now know that the chances of transmission are very low between people who are outdoors and placed reasonably apart and who are masked when close to one another, so we can have group outings as long as we all stay outdoors, wear masks and stay at least six feet apart. The Board of Directors has adopted a set of protocols to be followed on outings, which can be viewed here: Covid-19-Protocols/. You are required to agree to follow those protocols before going on an outing, so please actually read the document! Similarly, we can expect that there will be actual, in-thefield conservation events this year, such as creek clean-ups, following the same protocols. What I really miss, though, is the social opportunities of in-person meetings. These informal discussions and the friendships that have developed from them have enriched my fly fishing experience and my experience with GPFF. We hope that we can resume in-person meetings sometime later this year, but we can make no promises, so I’m afraid Zoom meetings remain in our future. So, stay patient. Renew your membership (the price is discounted this year!). Attend our monthly meetings (the second Wednesday of each month). Sign up for outings. Lead an outing. Go fishing!

Josh Genser

Executive Board OFFICERS

Josh Genser President

Eric Larson Secretary

Mike Lippman Treasurer


Mark Likos

Julie Haselden

Mark Likos

Peter Burrows

Dave Garfin

Zachary Karinen

Bob Fabini

Mike Leong

Program Chair

Conservation Chair

Education Chair


Trout in the Classroom





Lee Hahn Webmaster

Bob Marshak

At Large


Outings Coordinator THE IRIDEUS

Peter Burrows Content Editor

Zachary Karinen Design Editor


Cover............................................................ Roger Wachtler Table of Contents........................................... Doug Williams Calendar..................................................... Zachary Karinen Conservation................................Various & Roger Wachtler Fishing Throwbacks............................................ Q&A With Josh................................................... Josh Genser Skwalas on the Yuba.......................................... Josh Genser Joshua’s Cabin Trip..........Richard Jordana - Public Domain

We are always looking for photos! Submit your photos to Zachary Wong at or Peter Burrows at


Upcoming Events March 10

March Club Meeting - Maurrie Sussman of Sisters on the Fly

March 20-21

Lower Yuba on the UC Property. Joint event w/ JMTU Fishmaster: Roger Wachtler

April 14

April Club Meeting - Putah Creek Restoration & Fishing Tips A presentation by Steve Karr, Chairman of Putah Creek Trout

April 16

Kistler Bass Ranch Outing

Past Events February 21 Eagle Canyon Trout Lakes

February 10 February Club Meeting

January 13

January Club Meeting



onservation onversation

With Julie Ruth Haselden

Bristol Bay 1/21/2021 Yesterday, Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th President of the United States. When he was Vice President, Obama’s EPA used the Clean Water Act to initiate protections for Bristol Bay. It’s time to pick up where they left off. This past summer, President Biden said that Bristol Bay was no place for a mine. He promised to ensure Bristol Bay was protected. With the inauguration ceremony behind us, it’s time for the we look forward to encouraging the Biden administration to follow through on their word and stand up for Bristol Bay. Join us in encouraging the new administration to protect Bristol Bay! Bristol Bay must remain at the top of his priority list and your voice is critical to ensure these protections remain a priority. Only through this work can we ensure that Alaska Native communities and tens of thousands of jobs are protected.

From Mark Rockwell - NCCFI Klamath Dam Removal Projects “Below is a list of a few of the many articles circulating on the new Klamath MOA signed recently, ensuring great progress to remove 4 dams on the historic Klamath River. These can be used to craft articles to inform your membership of this accomplishment. NCCFFI has been the fly fishing community representative in this process for the past nearly 18 years, including work on this recent agreement.” • Capitol Weekly. Capitol Weekly Podcast: Craig Tucker on Klamath dam agreement – November 22, 2020 • The Willits News. Governors announce agreement to advance historic salmon restoration plan – November 23, 2020 • Popular Resistance. Indigenous Peoples’ victory: largest dam removal in the world – November 23, 2020 • ValueWalk. Proposed Klamath River dams removal: the height of obtuse thinking? November 24, 2020 • California Trout. Klamath Dams Q&A webinar – November 24, 2020 • Fishing Wire. Dam Removal on Klamath River Will Restore Salmon Waters – November 24, 2020 • Adventure Journal. The Biggest Dam Removal Project in American History is Back on Track – November 25, 2020 • California Department of Fish andWildlife - Award of 10.7 Million for Fisheries Program Projects.



From the Wild Salmon Center 2020: Silver Linings for Salmon Conservation It’s been a tough year for communities around the North Pacific. Covid-19. Economic hardship. Record-breaking wildfires. Yet in a painful year, you helped deliver major salmon conservation milestones. The list includes halting Pebble Mine in Alaska, a historic deal for Oregon forests, new momentum to remove four Klamath River dams and prevent a Chehalis dam, and growth for grassroots salmon groups in Russia. More than ever, we’re humbled and inspired by the strength and support of the Wild Salmon Center community. The Key in the Code On Oregon’s Rogue River, DNA detectives take on salmon shapeshifters, strange science, and a 15-million-year-old mystery. That’s all in Part III of our ongoing spring Chinook series First Salmon, Last Chance. (New to the series? Catch up with Part I: The Urgency of the Moment and Part II: If the Dams Fall.)


Study in BioScience Spotlights Indigenous Salmon Practices The study—from WSC Salmon Watershed Scientist Dr. Will Atlas and a team of Indigenous leaders and conservation scientists—finds that Indigenous fishing practices and governance models can help revitalize struggling North Pacific salmon fisheries. New Temporary Rules for Washington Steelheaders This month, WDFW took important and necessary steps to address escapement goals that again won’t be met on many of its steelhead rivers. The new angling restrictions follow advocacy and conservation efforts by coastal Tribes and groups including WSC. KeepEmWet Becomes Non-Profit, Changes Name to “Keep Fish Wet” We’ve always been massive fans of the #KeepEmWet movement, promoting proper fish handling regardless of the season. The movement kicked off simply as a reminder to keep fish wet or in the water for as much time as possible before release. They have rebranded as “Keep Fish Wet”, now a nonprofit, to further increase the impact they’re


already having on proper fish handling education. Keep Fish Wet helps anglers improve the outcome for each fish they release. Science shows that when anglers make small changes in how they catch, handle, and release a fish it can create better outcomes for fish. Not only does using best practices increase survival rates of fish, but it also helps fish return to their normal behavior and physiology as quickly as possible after release. Every time you catch a fish, you have an opportunity to practice one-on-one conservation. You don’t need to buy any special gear, you don’t need radically change how you fish, you just need to follow three simple principles — minimize air exposure, eliminate contact with dry surfaces, and reduce handling time.

A TAIL OF TWO WORLDS! “I often wonder what it’s truly like to live underwater in these pristine mountain habitats. Not so it would help me catch more fish but so I would know these magnificent colored creatures. I find my underwater photography helps me see this world from their perspective, if only for a glimpse. This fine rainbow lives somewhere on the McCloud River.” ~ Roger Wachtler

GPFF Members Clean Up! In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Black History Month, GPFF members Mike Leong, Bob Fabini and Julie Haselden offered their efforts in service for our communities. We collected and hauled off trash. You are welcome to offer your time and efforts to pick up trash in your neighborhoods and in our watershed through the rest of the year. If it is on the ground or in water, it will make its way to foul our creeks, bays, and oceans, affecting wildlife habitats and our fisheries.

WHO LOVES WATER MORE? “Cattle dogs have many talents but are not necessarily know for their love of water. But my dog Etta has no greater joy than everything that is water; pools, oceans, hoses or rivers. Must have been a fly fisher I guess in another life. I am training her to hunt trout for me. This image was part of our off the grid trip to the North Umpqua River Oregon last summer. This is truly a place of volcanic wonder.” ~ Roger Wachtler



News, Notes & Random Casts GPFF March Meeting Wednesday, March 10, 6:30 pm

our credo as we socialize, mobilize and recreate together.

Our speaker will be Maurrie Sussman of Sisters on the Fly.

We encourage you to join Sisters on the fly on our activities & adventures and expand your horizons. Learn to fish, ride a horse, kayak, camp under the stars, travel to various destinations near and far. The best part of Sisters on the Fly is simply meeting new sisters, like minded and kindred spirits. Network through our organization and find your very own Sisters! Sisters on the fly rules are simple to follow- “No men, no kids, be nice & have fun.”

For all the fly fishers out there who wish their female companions, spouses or family members were more interested in fly fishing, this is the program for you! Invite your wives, girlfriends and daughters to attend to learn about Sisters on the Fly, an organization dedicated to bringing the joys of fly fishing to women...or is it women to the joys of fly fishing? Although, watch out: if they get into it and join Sisters on the Fly, the men don’t get to go with them! From their web site: “Offering empowerment and sisterhood through exceptional outdoor adventures.” As a group of women, we challenge ourselves in all that we set our minds to. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, nationality, color, sexual orientation, marital status, disability or age (>21). All women who want to share in the adventures of our sisterhood are welcome. “WE HAVE MORE FUN THAN ANYONE” is


Becky and Maurrie are truly sisters. They were brought up by their adventurous mother Mazie who was the best role model for these two and taught them how to enjoy the outdoors and become capable, independent women. Mazie lived to be 94 and her spirit is still with her daughters as they continue to inspire women to travel and camp and fish and explore every horizon as empowered adventurers. In 1999, Becky and Maurrie were fishing in Montana with Austin Lowder, Maurrie’s son, an outfitter and guide. One of the sisters (which one has never been disclosed and is part of the lore and fish tale) had the good luck to catch an 8-pound trout.


Well, while they were celebrating with a glass of wine back at camp, they got to thinking, “We are having way too much fun to keep all the good times to ourselves. Let’s invite some of our girlfriends to come along on the next trip.” And that’s just how Sisters on the Fly was born.


Since that August day in 1999, more than 12,500 women have joined the SOTF ranks. Our current active membership is in excess of 8,000 and growing daily- women who take advantage of all Sisters on the Fly offers. Come join the fun! Yuba River Outing March 20 & 21, 8:30 am - 6 pm This is a joint event with GPFF and JMTU. Fishmaster: Roger Wachtler GPFF Covid-19 Rules will be strictly enforced. STEELHEAD CARD REQUIRED. Trout and (very unlikely) steelhead. The Yuba has been fishing great. The water is running cold, clear and is easily wadeable. Kistler Bass Ranch Outing April 16, 8:30 am - 6 pm Kistler Bass Ranch Outing. Friday, April 16. The ranch is located on Hwy 108 near Fishmaster: Bob Woznicki Jamestown with 3 large ponds to fish for big bass as well as bluegill. The ponds can be fished from small water craft such as pontoon boats or float tubes, but walking and wading are also good as much of the fishing is very near shore. A 6-8wt rod is best to cast the large bass bugs,but wooly buggers, damsel and dragonfly nymphs work well, too. We’ll have a more detailed information sheet for everyone that

This month’s fishing throwback is a vintage travel poster produced by Maurice Poulton for the Government Tourist Department for New Zealand. New Zealand even today is one of the world renowned destinations for fly fishing with McCloud river rainbow trout imported from the famed McCloud river fishery. Spencer Baird the 1st Fish Comissioner of the US was tasked with figuring out how to transport fish and figured out methods to transport salmon across the US in a specially fitted “Aqua Train”. Eggs and minnows would be shipped across the Pacific ocean in 1875 to Australia and New Zealand and there the trout would flourish into making one of those most world class fisheries.



Q & A with r e s n e G h s o J Peter Burrows interviews GPFF’s new nt e id s e r p b u l c g in m o c in So who is this Genser fellow who is now president of our esteemed club? Here’s a hard-hitting Q&A to find out: Q: So where are you from, and when did you start fishing? I grew up in Richmond, where I still live. My father had a little law practice before becoming a judge when I was five. He used to take me fishing all the time. I didn’t know it at the time, but he was the world’s worst fisherman. We never caught anything, and he had this these really crappy fiberglass rods that were solid, not hollow, so they were stiff as a board and really hard to cast. Finally, when I was 16 I took some of the money I’d made mowing lawns and went to the local hardware store and bought a rod for $10 that was vastly superior to Dad’s. A friend and I started going to San Pablo reservoir every Saturday morning. We’d throw salmon eggs and catch our limit and then go over to his house and have them for lunch. Q: How did you get into fly-fishing?


A: I started fly fishing about 14 years ago. I’d gotten to know Bob Woznicki, whose family went to the same synagogue as ours. Our sons were both going to college in Oregon, so one year we decided to drive up four days early to pick them up to go fishing. I went to Fish First and they set me up with waders and a rod and all the stuff, and we went up to this ranch that was stocked with gigantic trout. I don’t even remember where it was. After that, I started fly fishing on our property on Battle Creek, which I’d had the opportunity to buy in 1999. Before then I’d used worms, but it was too easy, and too many fish died. But fly fishing on a small creek was difficult, so I was getting discouraged. Then, at an International Sportsman’s Expo – this is maybe ten years ago – I saw a tenkara rod and decided it would be absolutely ideal for the creek. And I was right. Tenkara requires so much less skill to cast, and you spend so much more time in the water and less time in the trees. So I bought it. And now I have like 12 rods. It’s amazing how they accumulate.


Q: So have you devised a system for how to fish the creek since then? A: So I’ll take carry three tenkara rods and put them in this quiver. One is rigged up for indicator nymphing, one has a dry fly, and the other one really there in case one of the others breaks. And since there are a few places a tenkara can’t reach, I also bring my seven-foot bamboo four weight. Q: When did you get involved with the club? A: Shortly after I started fly fishing. I picked up a brochure at the Solano Stroll, and there was no doubt I was going to join. Q: Tell me about the annual fundraiser trip to your property. A: It started off as an auction, but the way it ended up us that charge $200 each for up to a dozen fisherman to come up for a long weekend. We have about two miles of private water, and 300 acres of land. So you can do all sorts of things. We do trapshooting and target shooting, and there’s hiking a good swimming hole.

to drive themselves (due to COVID), but it’s six miles in on a dirt road, so you need four-wheel drive. Q: What are your plans for GPFF? A: My short-term goal is get fishing outings going again. Attendance at our Zoom meetings has been pretty poor, and that could be Zoom fatigue. But let’s face it, you’ve got to be going fishing for this club to be really interesting to people. Financially, we have enough cash for this year and maybe next year, even without a lot of income. But at some point, we’re going to have to start doing the auction again, because that’s been our biggest fundraiser. Q: What do you love about fly fishing? A: I love being on the stream when the sun’s coming up and the insects are starting to move, and maybe you see a great blue heron or a turtle or an otter or beaver, and there’s no cars or city noises. And there’s some artistry to it, even with a tenkara rod.

Q: When is it, and where do people stay? A: It’s usually in June, when the water is higher and the fishing is the best. But we weren’t sure it would work in June due to COVID, so we’re planning on doing it in August. We have a cabin, but most people just sleep out on the big deck. We have bunch of mattresses, and people bring their own inflatable mattresses or camping mattresses. A few people bring tents and put them up around the cabin. There are a couple of beds inside the cabin, but it’s usually too damn hot to sleep there. The problem this year is that everyone needs



Announcement: New GPFF covid protocols GPFF is starting up fishing outings for 2021. The Board has now adopted a new set of COVID-19 protocols. A new requirement to join in on these events, you will need to sign a copy of these protocols. These rules are in effect for any outings sponsored by the Grizzly Peak Fly Fishers Club From February 1, 2021 until further notice. STAY HOME if, on the day before or the day of the outing, you have: · Any one of the following symptoms: o Shortness of Breath (unusual shortness of breath if you are, say, asthmatic and shortness of breath is an ordinary condition). o New or worsening dry cough. o Fever. o Flu-like symptoms (e.g. lethargy, body aches; unusual lethargy or aches if you are, say, old, and lethargy or arthritis is an ordinary condition). o Vomiting. o Diarrhea. o Loss of sense of smell or taste. · Any two of the following symptoms: o Mild unusual lethargy or body aches. o Cough. o Rash. o Sore Throat. o Open Sore. STAY HOME if within the past ten days: · You have been in close contact with anyone who has Covid-19 or was suffering from typical Covid-19 symptoms. · You or anyone with whom you have been, within the past 10 days, in close contact has, within the 14 days prior to your close contact, been on a cruise ship, travelled internationally or visited an area with a known communicable disease outbreak. If you have previously registered for the outing, please notify the fishmaster that you will not be attending. Rules of the Outing: o The fishmaster is also the Covid safety officer. Please obey his or her instructions. o Travel to the outing in your own vehicle. Vehicles may be shared only by people within the same family or who live together. o Each person or family group must plan for, obtain, pay for, and stay in their own campsite or hotel room. The Club will not be responsible for accommodations. o There will be no communal meals nor shared food. Each person is responsible for supplying their own food and drink. o Always stay at least six feet away from others whenever possible. o Wear a mask when within ten feet of others, even if only briefly. Bandanas, buffs, and neck gaiters are not sufficient masks. Wear N95 or surgical masks or cloth masks with at least two layers of cloth. o Every person must carry hand sanitizer and use it after touching any surface also touched by others. Sanitize any shared restroom after you use it. o Do not share fishing gear or equipment. Bring your own rods and flies. If you need help with flies or other equipment, contact the fishmaster or go to Fish First in advance of the trip so that you may acquire what you need. o Any communal gatherings (campfires, briefings, fish stories) shall nevertheless be at least six feet apart from each other, with every person wearing a mask. No singing or wind instruments are permitted. o Bring your own chair and table so that you have a place to eat and conduct other affairs apart from others. o Every participant must promise, in writing, to comply with these rules and provide that written promise to the fishmaster.



Almost exactly three months later, at about 8:30 a.m., we were launching Ben’s boat onto the Yuba River just a few hundred yards east of the Highway 20 Bridge. It was what has been becoming a typical Northern California winter day: sunny with blue skies peppered with clouds that occasionally occluded the sun and dropped the temperature to near what winter should be. Ben said that the skwalas had been emerging in the afternoon, so we would spend that morning nymphing, and switch after lunch to our dry-fly rigs.

Skwalas on the Yuba By: Josh Genser


ettling up in the parking lot on Putah Creek last November, Mark Likos asked our guide, Ben Thompson, on what other waters he guided. He told us that he spent a lot of time on the Yuba River and recommended that we try it in February, when the Skwala hatch meant that there was great dry fly fishing. I think that dry fly fishing is far and away the most fun that can be had in fishing, so we signed up right there and then.

Nymphing on the Yuba was very much like doing so on the Lower Sacramento River: nine-and-ahalf-foot six-weight nymphing rods rigged with a strike indicator above three nymphs, usually an egg pattern, a rubber legs and a caddis pupa. Casting is water-loaded, which requires little technique or experience, and avoids the tangles and snags that would come with air casting that much line with so many hinge points. The strikes on the Yuba seemed to be more tentative than are the strikes one experiences on the Sacramento, such that we missed several until we learned to be more trigger-happy. And then, of course, we had to deal with the adrenaline rush which caused us to set the hook too enthusiastically, breaking our flies off before we could even feel the fish on the hook. Eventually we calmed down and figured it out



and had a marvelous morning, catching several trout of between twelve and sixteen inches. The highlight of the morning was the catch of a twenty-one inch wild steelhead. Ben had put 5X tippet on the end of our lines, so we had to be as gentle as possible when reeling in these fish, but that steelhead really tested my ability to keep the tension on the line while not letting it break off. It took me at least ten minutes to bring the fish to the surface, with several false alarms along the way, where the fish would seem to be tiring, and then would take off, diving deep and running upstream. As we ate lunch, we could see fish rising around us. “Rising” doesn’t do it justice: the fish were jumping all the way out of the water, like dolphins at Sea World. It really got us excited, but excitement is not always your friend in a sport like fly fishing, where timing is so important. Even as we were watching the rising and jumping fish, we did not see any skwalas, but we did see a lot of pale morning duns. The pale morning dun is a small mayfly, whereas the skwala is a stone fly, small as stone flies go but much, much larger than the PMD. After lunch we rigged up our dry-fly rods and Ben tied on his custom-made skwala pattern and we


set off looking for the hatch. The skwalas turned out to be not hard to find, as they are weak flyers who, once we were among them, landed on the boat and on us as if to rest their weary wings. A problem with winter fishing is that it’s been a while since the last time we were fishing with dries, and our timing was off. We both had a number of strikes but we seemed too fast or too slow on the set. Finally, Mark timed one right and hooked a nice fourteen-incher, and Ben got so excited that he jumped out of the boat with his net and chased the fish down so it wouldn’t get away. Our float was only about six miles long, but the Yuba’s flow is relatively gentle, so Ben was able to row upstream so we could repeat runs over and over again, but that meant we found ourselves with over a mile to go before the take-out in the waning rays of the sun. So, we pulled out the nymph rigs again and, in just that last forty-five minutes, we caught five good sized trout. The Yuba is not the prettiest of rivers. Decades of dredging for gold and quarrying have scarred the river and its banks. No river is ugly, however, and we had the pleasure of seeing bald eagles and wood ducks, and twittering songbirds flitted among the bushes and trees on the river banks. There were signs of beaver in half-gnawed trees, and deer crossing the river. The Yuba has one great virtue: it is only about a two-hour drive from the Bay Area. There are few places to fly fish close enough to the Bay Area such that it can be a day trip, so it was delightful to discover such a productive location as the Yuba. Ben Thompson may be




Maurrie Sussman of Sisters on the fly


aurrie Sussman calls the West Coast of the United States her home. As a child she, along with her parents, Jesse and Mazie Morrison, and her sister Rebecca, spent her summers camping, fishing and touring the great outdoors. Mazie made certain the camping experiences continued even while Jesse, a Marine Corp colonel, was assigned overseas. These adventures helped create an outgoing and adventurous spirit in the girls. Sussman, as an adult, used this spirit and her entrepreneurial skills to create small businesses in the service industry. In addition to managing these businesses Sussman’s humanitarian interests in others led her to volunteer work with the Phoenix Red Cross, feeding the homeless at Andre House and working with AIDS projects. In 1999 she and Rebecca established Sisters on

the fly, which has become the largest women’s outdoor adventure organization in the country. Sussman serves as president of Sotf and is President/Chairman of the board of the newly formed Mazie Morrison Foundation. The Mazie Morrison Foundation is dedicated to supporting women and children in their endeavors to succeed in any capacity, as represented by the spirit of their mother Mazie.



Classifieds and Notices Grizzly Peak Related All inclusive ‘On-Line’ Fly Tying Seminar Includes a full color course book and all materials for the 13 Foundational Flies taught. Vise & Tools available upon request. Go to https:// ... $90.

Fly Tying Desk (almost new)

McCloud River Photo

almost new, measures 20” x 11-3/4” x 4-3/4”, For $20.00

Beautiful, framed Photograph of the McCloud River, near the Nature Conservancy site. The frame measures 21.5” x 17.5” . For $10.00

Contact Juan Ordonez if interested

Contact Juan Ordonez if interested

Learn at your own pace! 24/7 Contact Mark Likos with any questions

Fly Fishing Related Gear ‘Fishing Backpack’ - Abu Garcia brand, REVO (Brand new) Comes with 4 storage organizers, detachable sunglasses case, (2) Side rod holders, Lots of fishing tool pockets/ holders. NO LONGER AVAILABLE FROM GARCIA. Asking $75 Contact Mark Likos if interested

BEST TRAVEL ROD CASE Brand new and unused, made in Ireland by RIS and not available I the US, it has a hard but light shell, telescopic, with a convenient carrying handle, shoulder strap, lock security and integrated wheels for easy transportation. 46” closed , telescopes to nearly 7 feet. For $40.00 Contact Juan Ordonez if interested

New! To post classifieds in next month’s Irideus please submit a photo, and description of the item in 150 words or less to Zach Wong ( Subject: Classified Ad Request)


THE IRIDEUS - MARCH 2021 Other Sports

Snow Skis - Rossignol Cut - 170cm skis. Excellent condition, sharp edges, used only once! Start of the art quick release adjustable bindings, with poles.

Wanted & In Search Of

Asking $70 Contact Mark Likos if interested

Golf Clubs for Sale - Mixed Bag. Lynx woods, Wilson Staff & McGregor Irons, used but still good for a starter or spare loaner set. Driver & (2) fairway woods, putter, pitching wedge and mixed irons with bag. Asking $40 Contact Mark Likos if interested


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