01_Apex Basketball shooting form monitor p/ 3 - 8 02_Injection Mould Tool LBJ Shoe holder p/ 9 - 14 03_Universal Design Inclusive sports realted product p/ 15 - 16 04_Mana Mens aftershave bottle p/ 17 - 22 05_Jaga Smart city fitness app p/ 23 - 28 06_Alpha’s Signature basketball shoe p/ 29-36
01_APEX The Internet of Things Basketball shooting form monitor 10 week individual project
A University project with the brief focusing on the internet of things, meaning the product had to be networked in some way. With great emphasis on the form of the product, the final high fidelity model had to look realistic, considered and desirable. three
Form Direction
“ The final product must fit seamlessly with the initial form direction images. �
Before ideation began a form direction had to be specified. Six images were chosen that should convey a very particular form that had to be reflected in the final product. I decided on slightly biologically influenced forms with layers to aid with proportion. I wanted the product to stand tall and feel alive like it was actually watching you train as I felt this would force the player to work harder as if there was a coach present. four
02_ apex
Once a suitable form has been uncovered rapid sketch models are made from foam to help with proportion and sizing. I find going back and forth from modelling and sketching incredibly useful, and since the product had to match my original form direction, it was important the proportion, details and overall form were highly considered. I like to produce a large amount of models and sketches to ensure I’ve explored every possibility.
Sketching Rapid Prototyping Development
After the final form has been uncovered through ideation and development, the making of the appearance model could begin. I take great attention to detail throughout every stage of the process because I know that this is what will make the design stand out from others in the end.
As with most of my design projects, the process starts quick ideation sketching, highlighting stand out forms with economical marker usage to refine the form and add value. Gathering unbiased feedback from others is a key part of this process to ensure I am going in the right direction. six
Scenario of Use
Connection Setup Workout selection Monitoring Results The scenario of use shows how the user interacts with Apex and how the app is used in conjunction. By a push of a button the product connects to the app via blue-tooth, and will instruct the user on where to place Apex based on their selected shooting workout. Using technology similar to hawk-eye, Apex will monitor the players shooting form over a specified time limit and will alert the player to stop using sound via a speaker on the product. The data collected from the workout will immediately sync with the app on your mobile device allowing you to see your results, progress and tips on how to improve. You can also see how you stack up against your friends to add competition. seven
What is Apex? Apex is a device that will help basketball players of all levels improve their shot. It does this by tracking your body movement and the path of the ball. The data is stored on a mobile companion app for the player to review. The app will also suggest how the player can improve, acting like a coach when there isn’t one present. The Model The final appearance model was made by hand using Pro-Lab, HIPs and various fillers with a spray painted top coat. Shaped using Pro- Lab, the main body was used as a mould for the HIPs which was vacuum formed around it then shaped to form the white outer layer, which really helps proportion the product and fits in with the form direction. The main button and camera lens fit into protruding housing that were shaped using car body filler. The speaker grill is also made form hips and the pattern was laser cut.
Why Apex? The word Apex denotes the highest point of something so the name is appropriate considering all players should be aiming to reach the highest point in terms of their skill. Also since Apex tracks the path of the ball, the highest point of the arc is important as to whether the player is shooting in the most effective way possible.
02_INJECTION MOULDING TOOL Injection Moulded Promotional Widget Nike Inspired Shoe Holder 12 Week 6 Person Group Project
A University brief to design and develop a promotional ‘widget’ that is suitable for injection moulding. In groups of 6, manufacture the mould tool and inject the polymer in order emulate producing the ‘widget’ on a mass scale.
A combination of individual and group design development work, followed by a collaborative effort manufacturing the finalised injection mould tool for one chosen design out of a possible six. nine
The chosen design is a sports shoe holder that allows the user to hang their shoes on the outside of their rucksack. The promotional ‘widget’ is design for LeBron James, a Nike sponsored basketball player and incorporates his logo in a functional manner in order to hold the users’ shoes.
Prior to the group phase, an individual submission was required which included mould tool development from scratch, plastic flow simulations and engineering drawings - these were all taken forward into the group manufacturing phase.
3D printed rapid prototype A 3D printed version of the design was produced prior to manufacturing the tool to identify any issues. The ‘widget’ is made from two pieces that slot together - the prototype showed us that the tolerances on the interference fit needed to be revised as it was a very tight fit. ten
Manufacturing Process - Prototyping - CNC Milling - Manual Milling
G code Simulations of the mould block cavity were first performed on foam blocks to check the tool paths and speeds were correct. Once completed, the aluminium blocks could be milled using a 2.5 axis CNC milling machine. The next stage was the manufacture the inserts to the engineering drawings.
CAD Consolidation Before any further manufacturing could be done, the Solidworks CAD file of the entire tool had to be revised and finalised, then prepared for simulations.
- Surface Grinding - Insert Assembly - Plastic Injection
Our injection mould tool worked successfully on the first attempt. A complete fill was achieved with zero flashing and ejection of the part was simple. We ran multiple injections so that the pressure and fill speeds were optimsed for our widget. With the widget complete the next stage was meet a mass manufacutre brief by emulating industry production.
Once the inserts had been milled roughly to size, the surfaces had to be ground to meet the very specific tolerancing of 0.003mm. After this, holes were drilled into the inserts and they could be assembled into the block. The final stage was to perform the injection procedure.
Mass Manufacture Proposal Cycle Time FILL TIME 1.56s
3 Months 13 Weeks 160 Hours per Week 8 Hours maintenance per week 7,488,000 Seconds Total 233,198 Injections Per Week 40.8g of Plastic per Injection
7.41s Cycle Time
3,031,578 Widgets HDPE
Radial Layout
HDPE was selected as the most suitable material for the creation of this widget. The properties of high impact strength and good rigidity allow the widget to withstand the weight of a pair of hanging shoes. Satisfactory UV stability increases the longevity of the widget’s outdoor use, enhancing promotional value.
Radial filling layout with 6 cavities (3 widgets) would produce 3,031,821 widgets in the time period of 160 hours per week over 3 months. thirteen
Product Scenario
Final Presentation For the final presentation we were required to produce an A0 promotional board with manufacturing details and a product scenario. I designed and made the poster as well as a matching cover for the plinth our mould tool and widget were displayed on. Strong branding also had to be portrayed through the poster presentation.
Inclusive Design Project Sports related Accessible Product 12 Week individual project
A University brief to design and develop inclusive sports related product for disabled students at the local RNIB college. Over 4 visits to the college, user research was carried out with the students identify their needs and desires in terms of sports related activity. A gap in the market was noticed for a multifunctional, adaptable table top game which I designed and I have been awarded a ÂŁ950 bursary from ASSET to develop and batch produce. fifteen
User Research - Product Scenario - Configurations The concept allows the students to partake in a large variety of games that can be adapted to most table top surfaces. Team, pair or solo play can all be achieved with multiple configurations of the elastic barriers, flexible goal nets and easy to use pusher sticks and balls.
User research was an incredibly important aspect of this project. Through research activities such as co-design and empathic modelling I was able to gain insight into how the students’ lives were affected by their vastly ranging disabilities, and design a sports related product that they could use and enjoy.
Award Winning The concept I designed won first prize in the ASSET design competition. I won ÂŁ950 to develop, prototype, license and batch produce my design in association with Youth Sports Trust. The concept was recognised for its inclusiveness and commercial viability. Prototype will commence soon with batch production aimed for August.
04_MANA CAD Modelling (Solidworks) Mens aftershave bottle 7 Week Individual Project
A University project set to learn surface modelling techniques in Solidworks along with manufacturing details of a perfume bottle. The brief was to design and model a perfume bottle with manufacturing considerations on Solidworks using both surface and solid modelling techniques. I considered the packaging for the bottle outside of the project brief. seventeen
Ideation Inspiration The influence for the design comes from the Maori people. Strength, power and heart are prevalent male characteristics within the culture, and I experienced this first hand when interacting with the Maori people in New Zealand. I felt the theme of spirit and strength is exactly what should be portrayed in a mens aftershave product. The name Mana comes from the indigenous language and means spirit and strength. Prior to modelling, a sketch proposal of the perfume bottle form had to be submitted. This ensured that I worked to a plan and had to replicate the proposal, much like in a real world client situation. The sketch was done on Sketchbook pro and includes the diffuser which had to be accommodated as part of the brief. Developments have been made to the design since the sketch submission to meet manufacturing standards.
Frequent evaluation of surface curvature and their relationship with adjacent surfaces was necessary to ensure a smooth body. The zebra stripe evaluation tool in Solidworks helped with this a lot. The gradient tool also helped avoid singularities and crumples. nineteen
Manufacturing Considerations
Varying wall thickness Accurate thread feature Interference lid securing mechanism
In order for the aftershave bottle to be as realistic as possible, manufacturing details had to be considered. The bottle was hollowed to create variable wall thickness much like how glass performs in real life. Also, a thread was added that complements the diffuser mechanism donor part. The lid was also glass, and to ensure it would be secure, a cork stopper with an interference fit to the lid was added. twenty
Final Model
Keyshot renderings Once the model had been finalised, I then rendered it using Keyshot to give more of an idea of what the actual product could look like. I chose a jade green colour for the glass as this is the colour of the national stone of New Zealand, again reinforcing the brand message. twenty_one
05_JAGA UX/App design Smart city fitness app 48 Hour pair project
This personal project within a very tight space of time of 48 hours. The fundamentals of UX and app design processes were all self taught within the time-frame. Research was conducted beforehand. twenty_three
“ I’m just not motivated to run, I get bored of it so easily ”
Persona: Felix Jackson Age 22 Chelsea, London Real Estate Agent Situation Felix Jackson is a university graduate who has just started his first full time job. His motivation to run has massively decreased as a result of a longer working day and week. Felix is finding it very hard to make himself run either before work in the morning or after work in the evening. He would love to get back into a fitness routine to improve and maintain better health. twenty_four
What does Felix want? - An app that will motivate him more than he is now - Increase his incentive to go for a run - The chance to aim for realistic goals and to get rewards in return. - The opportunity to compete with others so he is more likely to want to improve - Give him more of chance to keep his exercise levels higher than they currently are.
What makes people want to run? People are more likely to run when they know there will be a reward for them. For example running for a charitable organisation, winning a competition or achieving a goal. Running’s positive impact on physical and mental health provides an added incentive. Considering all of this, people should want to run - but how can we add more incentive?
Lead to another screen Single tap on screen Swiping motion
The wire-frames shows a section of the app the user will make their way through when planning and completing a run and checking their profile and leader boards.
Pain points, experience goals and task goals were first identified. The site-maps were produced to show a general plan of how the app would work in terms of hierarchy of interfaces. By testing the interface layout in the early stages with prototype screens we were quickly able to deduce problems from our potential users.
‘ Design a fitness app that encourages competition, exploration and social activity.’ twenty_five
An important message we wanted to communicate with the user is that this is not an app aimed at professional runners looking for a high level of competition. We wanted to provide amateur and intermediate level runners with a fun, friendly and accessible way to get back into running.
Feedback and Analysis
“ The main function button is too hard to see.” We addressed this by making the main function button slightly larger and adding a wave graphic to make it stand out more.
“ I like how I can see how my friends are doing through notifications.”
“ Can I see in depth stats on my profile?”
We felt this was important; it adds competitiveness to the app without getting too serious.
Originally the only stats we had displayed on the profile was your points and rank. To improve this and add more depth, we added distance and pace history for the user to review.
The log-in page. Sign in if the user is existing, or sign up if new
Jaga is a fitness app that encourages users to go running, and change their routes by introducing
a points system. Users accumulate points by running. Each week a number of local areas will become ‘high value’ locations. Running to these locations will reward the user with a larger amount of points. These ‘high value’ areas will be locations such as viewpoints, landmarks or parks with the possibility of paid promotional locations. Points will accumulate over a 4 week period with the locations refreshing every week. After each 4 week cycle, the runners with the most points in their respective leader-boards will be rewarded with monetary prizes in the form of healthy lifestyle promoting vouchers. The app will automatically assign you to an appropriate leader-board based on your activity, so you don’t get left behind and have more chance to place high, as long as you work hard.
The information page displays all locations that are up for grabs, and how many points they are worth
The same layout has been adopted to create the notification page. This makes the app more accessible and intuitive.
The leader-boards page show the points for both global users and users in your specific leaderboards in your local area
This is the page the user will see when they select a desired high value location to run to. Jaga will suggest a route and the user can commence the run by pressing GO
During the run this screen will be open, it allows the user to see where they need to go, how far is left on the journey and a running total of their points.
A profile page shows the users’ performance over time. Here they will be able to access the settings.
Final Screens
The word Jaga means chase in Swedish. The app interfaces were produced on the program Sketch. The style of the app was made so it was sleek and stylish, so that the user would want to use the app. Also, the colour scheme and font is welcoming and friendly in comparison to other fitness apps which can look loud and intimidating. The layout is informative and intuitive with a considered layout. twenty_eight
06_ALPHAS Footwear Design Signature basketball shoes 2 Week individual project Work in progress
I set myself a brief to ‘design a debut signature basketball shoe for an up and coming NBA star’. I decided to do this as it combines two great interests of mine; basketball and footwear. The player I designed the shoes for is Giannis Antetokounmpo, a 22 year old who plays for the Milwaukee Bucks. He has prospects to become one of the greatest players ever, and I feel he is ready for his debut signature shoe. twenty_nine
Direction Since this is Giannis’ debut shoe I wanted to sell a story. Giannis is unique in the NBA as he is only 1 of 4 active Greek players in the league, a huge minority. His background is unique and I felt that this should play a large role in his debut shoe which would be a massive milestone in his career.
Inspiration Giannis plays for Milwaukee, whose logo is a Buck or a Deer. Since this is the team that drafted him they have played the largest part in his career by giving him the opportunity to play at the highest level. I aimed to credit the bucks by using their playing colours and also adopting some of the natural forms seen in Bucks, such as the unique texture on the antlers.
Giannis was born in Athens, arguably the global capital of sport due to it being the origin of the Olympics. I wanted to use this part of his heritage to influence the shoe design. Using topographic data of Athens provides some interesting graphics that have meaning that I thought would look good on the shoe. Also, the elevation digram of the original Athens marathon provides an interesting shape that could also be utilised in the shoe while having meaning.
“ He’s going to be like an MVP, a champion, this dude he’s going to put Milwaukee on the map. ” - MAGIC JOHNSON
Storytelling I drew the topographical data for Mount Lycabettus in Athens and visualised it in 3D using Illustrator. I did this as basketball is all about elevation and flow. I wanted to use these patterns in the shoe design as they hold meaning and point towards Giannis’ heritage. The flat version makes a very effective sole pattern. The 3D version I thought would look good in the branding
Again with the use of Illustrator I simplified the elevation graph of the original Athens marathon to produce a pleasing shape that carries meaning. This curve I used as inspiration for the out-sole design because it can provide heel and forefoot support at the two peaks thirty_one
Using the inspiration cues from the previous pages, I began to ideate using sketches. I wanted to look at the more technical aspect by sketching the mid-sole unit and shank on sole designs which I liked and followed the direction.
I then produced some loose renders using Photoshop of the final form. The upper design is inspired by the texture of the Buck’s antlers. The sole pattern is a rough representation of the Mount Lycabettus topography. The perspectives have been exaggerated to suggest motion and to see what the shoe would look like in use.
Initial throw-down Loose renders
Final Design
The upper pattern is inspired by the natural patten seen on the antlers of the Buck. This is meaningful as Giannis plays for and was drafted by the Milwaukee Bucks, it is a tribute to the team for giving him a very special opportunity to play in the NBA
I have designed a personal logo for Giannis that can follow him throughout his career. The logo is inspired by Greek symbols through its blocky design. It is also meant to symbolise both his initials, GA, and his playing number, 34 twenty_three
The alpha logo situated on the heel counter is the name of this signature show, the ‘alpha’s’. I decided to call them this as alpha is the first letter in the Greek alphabet and shows that this is his first signature show.
Manufacturing detail The upper is made up of multiple layers; a padded mesh and foam sandwich underlay with hollow LDPE structures running through to add structural support and a stiff black mesh upper layer. A hard heel counter wraps around the back of the shoe adding support and space for branding. A memory foam insole sits on top of a rubber out-sole that emulates the shape of the Athens marathon elevation graph, and has both rear and forefoot lateral support. A carbon fibre shank adds rigidity to the rubber out-sole, which features a topographic map of Mount Lycabettus - near Giannis’ birthplace - as the sole pattern. thirty_five
When prototyping the shoe I wanted to explore how shoes are made in industry. For that reason I began with the last which I shaped by hand out of blue foam. This provides me with a structure around which the upper can be wrapped and secured.
I experimented with different net shapes for the upper to ensure the correct size was found to fit the foam last. The pattern and eyelets were included to add a more complete feel. The heel counter was made from foam board and added to the model. The final materials have not been sourced yet since this project is a work in progress. I aim to have a high fidelity prototype of the whole shoe constructed as it would be in industry.
About me
IBM Design Thinking Workshop UX Designer 1 day, November 2017 Waitrose Supermarket Assistant 2014 - 2016 Tony Hogg Design Design Intern, Shadowing 1 Week - November 2015
Loughborough University, Product Design BSc 1:1 achieved in 1st year_71.5% Predicted 1:1 in 2nd year St. Brendan’s Sixth Form College, A Levels Design Technology_A* Biology_B Physics_C St. Bede’s Catholic College GCSE’s 8A*, 5A AS Level Philosophy_A
I am a second year product design student
studying at Loughborough university and am currently seeking a 6 or 12 month industry placement.
CAD SolidWorks KeyShot 2D Design v2 Adobe Photoshop Illustrator InDesign Sketchbook Pro
I would consider myself a well rounded designer who takes interest in all parts of the design process. My strengths lie in the sketching and prototyping stages and proficient in both digital and analogue techniques.
Workshop Foam Modelling Multi-Media Prototyping Wood, Metal Lathe Milling Machine Hand Tools
When I am not designing I enjoy being active I play basketball for Loughborough Student Rider’s. Travel is a passion of mine; prior to attending Loughborough I travelled for 6 months in South East Asia, Australia and New Zealand.
Other Sketching Ideation Team Management Confident Presenter Highly Organised High Standards
I am a high achiever and take great attention to details. I am disciplined in my time management and always want to learn and improve my skills. thirty_seven
Adventure and travel; SE Asia, Australia, NZ Basketball for Loughborough University
What else? Hand lettering and calligraphy