Raising Tax Revenue in California from Medical Cannabis Sales
With the latest in Cannabis News, Colorado, the first state to legalize marijuana, has shown other doubting states that this new industry – allowing for medical marijuana and casual Pot use provides an added additional source of medical supply and revenue. State governments should be interested because medical cannabis can help with national development through income obtained from taxation. Since Colorado made that epic move it has taken in $53 million in tax revenue. California can look to redeem similar benefits if it makes the step into the marijuana industry.
According to money.cnn.com, the governor’s budget office estimate Colorado will collect $184 million in the first 18-months of recreational pot sales. $40 million to public school construction, $85 million on youth prevention and substance abuse treatment, $12.4 million on public health, $3 million on law enforcement and public safety and almost $2 million on industry oversight.
Several factors caused this outcome, firstly, the assumption that consumers would simply stop buying pot illegally. Yes, consumers may now be happy that they can indulge in pot legally but marijuana sold on the black market is cheaper than the proper kind sold in stores which has added tax and fees.
The introduction of online sites that allow consumers buy marijuana online, helps to make the herb available to persons in need to use marijuana for migraines, glaucoma, anxiety and marijuana cancer treatment more easily and conveniently. We are still only in the first stages of discovering the many benefits of this versatile and resourceful herb, Marijuana. Many consumers, doctors and patients have discovered its benefits for treatment of various medical issues. The government has already seen its income potential from tax revenue earnings in Colorado alone, and it’s just in year one.
California needs to get on the bandwagon and legalize marijuana. Not only will its citizens benefit from being able to legally attain marijuana for their various aces and pains, Marijuana Anti Aging, Marijuana For Anxiety, Marijuana For Glaucoma, the benefits are almost endless. But also, as seen by the Colorado case study, California will accumulate revenue from various sales taxes on marijuana sales thereby adding total state budget.
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