Editor's Note
The world has come a long way in terms of LGBT rights, but there is still a long way to go before everyone feels safe enough to go about their everyday routines without fear of being treated unequally because of their sexual orientation. For quite some time, the people group has been the target of division, prejudice, and savagery. Nevertheless, as more and more people become aware of their rights as human beings, perceptions toward the LGBTQIA+ community have begun to improve.
LGBTQIA+ people can live with more acceptance today than ever before. There is still a long way to go before everyone else in the group can engage in the same civil freedoms as everyone else. Lawmakers and those who made by government should be more aware of this reality and take all necessary steps to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and with respect.
Additionally, the media has a role to play in ensuring that the LGBTQIA+ community is treated with respect. The media shouldn't generalize about individuals of this community by using derogatory slurs against them or by focusing on accusations of violence inflicted against them.
LGBTQIA+ people are one of the most vulnerable groups in our society, suffering from a range of medical issues as a result of social stigma and exclusion in their daily lives. This means they require additional assistance from clinical professionals who understand their specific needs and challenges while seeking treatment for specific conditions.

Historical context of LGBTQIA+ movement
In 1950,

The LGBT rights movement in the United States has taken a major step during the past century, for several decades. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people can now serve openly in the military, despite laws banning homosexual activities. In addition, same-sex couples can now marry and adopt children in all 50 states. However, it has been a long and difficult path for homosexual rights activists, who are still fighting for employment, housing, and transgender rights.
In 1924,
Henry Gerber, a German immigrant, founded the Society for Human Rights in Chicago, the first documented gay rights organization in the United States. While serving in the US Army during World War I, Gerber was inspired to found his organization by the ScientificHumanitarian Committee, a gay emancipation group. The gay rights movement stagnated for the next few decades, though LGBT individuals around the world did come into the spotlight a few times.
Harry Hay founded the Mattachine Foundation, one of the nation’s first gay rights group. The Los Angeles organization coined the term “homophile,” which was considered less clinical and focused on sexual activity than “homosexual. The gay rights movement saw some early progress In the 1960s. In 1961, Illinois became the first state to do away with its anti-sodomy laws, effectively decriminalizing homosexuality, and a local TV station in California aired the first documentary about homosexuality, called The Rejected.
Despite these advances, LGBTQ people lived in a kind of urban subculture and regularly faced harassment and persecution for example in bars and restaurants. In fact, gay men and women in New York City were not allowed to serve alcohol in public due to liquor laws that considered homosexual gatherings disorderly, or kick them out altogether; others served them drinks but forced them to face away other customers to prevent themfromsocializing.
Source: Corbis/Getty Images Homosexual prisoners at the concentration camp at Sachsenhausen, Germany, wearing pink triangles on their uniforms on December 19, 1938.LGBTQIA+ LGBTQIA+

The LGBT+ community has had to fight for recognition of their rights and freedom in order to be acknowledged, respected, and treated fairly. It is important to commemorate and respect the heroic past, significant successes, and future of LGBT+ people globally, while simultaneously developing measures to address the remaining societal and political difficulties.
On a worldwide scale, members of the LGBT+ community are concerned about equal access to healthcare, the risk of violence, and demands for equal rights.
Solvingtheseissuesfrequentlynecessitatesbig policy changes from the government. It also requires the assistance and vigilance of supporters outside the LGBT+ community who may use societal advantages to help protect and empower LGBT+ persons of all backgrounds.

Whetheranallyconfrontstheirownprejudices, informsthoseintheirlifethatanti-LGBT+jokes are inappropriate, or stands up for an LGBT+ personatworkorinpublic,eachofthesesmall daily actions can help alleviate the burden of LGBT+peopleconstantlydefendingthemselves and start the process of reducing discriminationinsociety.
Article sourced from: 150 Years of LGBT History, Bloomberg.com

lgbtqia+ conversion therapy

Reparative"or"conversion"therapyisadangerous method that aims to alter the sexual or gender identity of LGBTQ youth. Conversion therapy, sometimesknownas"reparativetherapy,"refersto agroupofharmfulandunproventechniquesthat fraudulently promise to change a person's sexual orientation,genderidentity,orexpression.
For decades, every mainstream medical and mental health organization has condemned such techniques, yet owing to ongoing prejudice and cultural bigotry towards LGBTQ persons, some practitioners continue to practice conversion therapy. Conversion therapyisextremelydangerousfor minors, as it can lead to melancholy, anxiety, drug addiction, homelessness, and suicide.

Some right-wing religious groups advocate the idea that an individual may alter their sexual orientation or gender identity via prayer or other religious endeavors, or throughso-called"reparative"or"conversion" therapy. The study on such initiatives has shown that they are both ineffective and damaging.

Beyond studies focusing primarily on reparative therapy, larger research shows that social discriminationandfamilyrejectiondoconsiderable harm to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) persons, particularly the young. Furthermore, there is much anecdotal evidence of LGBTQ persons suffering injury as a result of attempts to modify their sexual orientation and genderidentity.

Conversion Therapy 101 Conversion Therapy
3. What do the experts think?

What is conversion therapy?
Conversion therapy, sometimes known as reparative therapy, is a specific type of therapy to try and change someone's sexual orientation or gender identity, and most harmful for folks under 18.
2. Isn't it just talk therapy? (like, regular therapy)
There is no proven science that therapy can change someone's sexual orientation or gender identity, Therapists can have a conversation with a patient about feelings, values, and supports, but the provider must be neutral in regards to the patient's sexual orientation or gender identity.
Well, this is all based around the idea that sexual orientation or gender identity are mental illnesses that can be "fixed." When we're talking about someone's innate way of being, that's super harmful in fact, the American Psychological Association removed it from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in 1973. Since then, every major medical assoclation has formally opposed conversion therapy based on its lack of scientific evidence.
4. How bad is it?
Pretty bad. Numerous studies have shown that there are serious risks for the patient both during and after including: depression, guilt, helplessness, hopelessness, shame. social withdrawal, suicidal attempt, substance abuse, which are even greater for youth.

5. How to put an end to it?
Stern of OutRight Action International and Pick of the Trevor Project both said that building a broad coalition of religious leaders, public figures, politicians, and everyday citizens is key to banning the practice. The first step is raising awareness.

Using style to signal identity
If you identify as LGBTQ+, you've likely heard myths about queers wearing button-down shirts, lesbians wearing belt loop carabiners, and bisexuals wearing cuffed jeans. The LGBTQ+ community has its own style language that is now used to distinguish members of the community. Although it has been around for a while, this method of expression through clothing is not new. The ability to communicate one's identity to the outside world has always been accomplished throughfashion.

In the 1970’s, the ‘anti-fashion’ movement was originated by lesbian feminists who attempted to dress against the male gaze. They wore clothing items that intentionally didn’t fit into the societal norms and leaned toward more androgynous outfits. These included items like bowties, suit jackets, and baggier silhouettes.

During the 1960s and 1970s, political activism grew in the United States. As a result, a number of social justice causes flourished, including the civil rights, Black Power, and feminist movements. The gay rights movement gained traction following the 1969 Stonewall Riots in Greenwich Village, New York, instigated by Marsha P. Johnson, a transgender woman of color and gay liberation activist.

This resulted in a plethora of distinct LGBTQIA+ styles originating from subcultures such as Disco and S&M. Gay clones and anti-fashion lesbians were two iconic queer aesthetics of thetime.
Since LGBTQ+ people have historically been marginalized by society, participation in these fashion brands has typically been done behind closed doors. Unbeknownst to the outside world,membersofthecommunity would express their sexuality with one another by using particular accessories or outfits. There are numerous instances of insiders onlyusingfashionidentifiersinthe historyofqueerfashion.

By using disproportion, asymmetrical cuts, and monochromatic tones as a social and political statement against the grotesquely excessive aestheticism of the 1980s, the poster designers for avant-garde fashion from Japan, Yohji Yamomoto and Rei Kawakubo, tore a complete rip into the fabricofParisianaestheticism.

By eschewing high heels, glamour, and plainly perceptible "sexiness" in womenswear, Yamomoto invented grungestyle details. In one of her many well thought-out exhibitions, Kawakubo sent models down the catwalk in costumes with excessive padding in the wrong places as a criticism of the compulsive fixation with the feminineformandculturalexaggeration.
“Ithinkperfectionisugly.Somewhereinthe things humans make, I want to see scars, failure,disorder,distortion.”
Anti-fashion is a movement of disruption dedicated to changing our notions of silhouette, form and production before and perhaps beyond the rise of sustainability in fashion,throughtheideathatourconsumer habits and industrial-cultural complex and our psyche devastate consciousness. In antifashion, we choose to dress ourselves. We choose not to allow conglomerates, boardrooms and economic paradigms to dictate our accessibility to expressing our identity and how we do it. In the antifashion, we find a rebellious purpose with a cause and with the cultivation of a thoughtful, well-designed and avant-garde existence.

Rei Kawakubo YohjiYamamoto
Source: Rei Kawakubo official facebook photo Source: Yohji Yamamoto official twitter photo
The Harlem Renaissance
It is a disservice to the often-ignored growth of gay and lesbian communities during the Harlem Renaissance to start LGBTQ+ history in 1969. The contributions of black women, particularly lesbian and transgender women, to this explosion of black culture are even more marginalized. Their efforts not only aided the movement's growth but also started to create a space for LGBTQ+ people in the United States.

Lesbian and transgender black women were able to create spaces for freedom of expression and visibility during the Harlem Renaissance, which not only saw a flourishing of black culture and the arts but also provided an opportunity for some in the straight community to recognize the emerging black LGBTQ+ community.
Lesbian and transgender women's historical roles must be closely examined and critically examined in the ongoing effort to write a more inclusive and representative national history. Understanding how race, gender, and sexual orientation intersect and how that affects how society as a whole perceives identity helps to put this time period into a more comprehensive and extensive historical context.
was “surely as gay as it was black.” In particular, and the 1920s as a whole are covered by this claim made by African American historianHenryLouisGatesJr.

stonewall stonewall riot riot INN INN
Q: When did it happen?
A: The Stonewall riots, also known as the Stonewall uprising, were a series of violent clashes between police and gay rights activists outside the Stonewall Inn, a gay nightclub in New York's Greenwich Village borough, in the early hours of June 28, 1969.

Q: Why did it happen?
A: The purpose was to protest the treatment of gay people in Cuba and US employment discrimination.


What was the impact of this riot?
A: The rebellion did constitute a watershed moment, as formerly "homophile" organizations such as the Mattachine Society gave way to more radical organizations such as the Gay Liberation Front (GLF) and the Gay Activists Alliance (GAA).
Q: Who were the leaders of this riot?
A: Marsha P. Johnson, Sylvia Rivera, Stormé DeLarverie and Miss Major Griffin-Gracy, young New York residents at the time are all referenced as participants in the Stonewall uprising
Q: Did this riot sets off the First Pride Parade?
A: On the one-year anniversary of the Stonewall Inn attack, LGBT activists in New York staged the Christopher Street Liberation March to conclude the city's inaugural Gay Pride Week. As hundreds of people began marching up 6th Avenue into Central Park, crowd supporters joined them. The march eventually spanned 15 city blocks and included thousands of people.

An old friend of Versace's, Lady Gaga, and her foundation Born This Way, which promotes inclusion, equality, and diversity, are working together. A beret and t-shirt with the brand's logo printed in rainbow colors were part of the collection Versace and the artist unveiled for the occasion.

Michael Kors
Michael Kors and Paper worked together to create a gender-neutral capsule for his Pride 2021 campaign. The organization OutRight Action International, which works to protect the rights of LGBTQ+ people worldwide, will receive a donation of everysale.

Vans sneakers comes in the rainbow colors for Pride Month to show support for the LGBTQ+ community. Vans also announced a donation of $200,000 to four organizations that support the LGBTQ+ community, including GLSEN, Casa 1, Where Love is Illegal, and Tokyo Rainbow Pride, in an effort to foster a more tolerant and inclusive society.


According to Coach, "Pride is where you find it." In honor of Pride Month, the company is releasing a special capsule featuring notable LGBTQ+ figures like Rina Sawayama, Bob the Drag Queen, and Stasha Sanchez. The Coach Foundation will also make financial contributions to organizations like the Albert Kennedy Trust, Hetrick-Martin Institute, Point Foundation, and CenterLink Community of LGBTQ Centers in order to support the LGBTQ+ community.

In support of the LGBTQIA+ community around the world, Levi's is releasing a capsule collection ahead of Pride Month.Through a genderless and size-inclusive capsule known as the "Pride Collection," Levi's hopes to increase awareness and highlight the encouraging message of diversity and inclusion

IKEA is a proud contributor in the Stonewall Global Diversity Champions program and the Workplace Pride Foundation, both of which promote workplace inclusion for LGBTQ+ people. The UN Standards of Conduct on combating discrimination against LGBTQ+ people in the workplace and in the community were co-created by them, and they haveendorsed them.

Celebrities that supports pride pride pride pride pride pride pride pride

Lady Gaga Kesha

Madonna Christina Aguilera

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga is an openly bisexual woman, who is known to have shown support to the LGBTQ community in various ways. She is well known for her participation when she memorably screamed "Are you listening?" to President Obama at the National Equality March — she has been an activist. Her work and voice have been appreciated by LGBT people around the world. She also has a foundation named "Born This Way Foundation" that helps to combat bullyingamongLGBT youth.

Madonna has gained popularity among gay people and is regarded as a gay icon. She contributed to the popularization of gay culture and, in the words of music critic Kelefa Sanneh, "helped define gay nightlife in New York." She contributed to the socioartistic evolution of queer culture globally by dissolving the barriers between queer culture and queer faith communities. Her exploration of established gender roles has contributed to the acceptanceof lesbianismin society at large.

Since many years ago, Kesha has been outspoken about her sexuality. Kesha discusses her passion for gender equality and what drives her to vote in the most recent installment of Vevo's "Why I Vote" series. She claims to be a part of the fight to defend the recently passed marriage equality act and transgender rights when she pays a visit to the Los Angeles LGBT Center in thevideo.

Christina Aguilera
Long a supporter of the LGBTQ community, Christina Aguilera opened up about her relationship with the LGBTQ+ community. She said she's all about "people standing up for what they believe in". One of those tales involved the singer's emotionally charged ballad "Beautiful," which has long been hailed as a gay anthem in part because of its inclusive music video, which featured a gay couple and a trans woman— something that was incredibly uncommon in 2002.

7 Changemakers Helping The LGBTQ+ Community In Malaysia
Groups of changemakers have since banded together to advocate for LGBTQ+ rights in Malaysia. Their efforts bear the emblem of diversity, from digital advocacy to HIV screening to shelter homes, much like the plurality of gender identity that unites them.

History: PLUHO was created in June 2016 by a group of friends who noticed a need for community development amongMalaysianqueerpeople.PLUHO has evolved into an NGO that provides queer-inclusive services to Malaysia's LGBTQ+ population. HIV/STD services for homosexual, bisexual, and queer maleswereoneofPLUHO'sinitialplan.

Initiatives/Advocacy: PLUHO also operates a queer-inclusive shelter in KlangValleyforwhohavebeenbooted out of their homes and left unemployed.PLUHO actively promotes the need for queer-inclusive mental health services in which the LGBTQ+ community may communicate about their mental health in a safe and nonjudgmentalatmosphere.
History: Pelangi Campaign was formedin2016byagroupofactivist friends who wanted to increase LGBT visibility. The campaign had previously organized a number of public events, but has lately shifted its focus to specialized lobbying work.
Initiatives/Advocacy: The Pelangi Campaign has been outspoken about contemporary LGBTQ+ concerns, including as the Federal Court judgement against Selangor's Syariah rule on unnatural sex and the Act 355 amendment, which increases penalties for LGBTQ+ people.

Pelangi Campaign
Source: PLUHO official twitterHistory: SEED was created by a group of transgender persons who saw the needforatransgender-ledorganization (at that point in time). SEED was founded on the conviction that no one shouldbeleftbehind.

Awareness and advocacy for transgender persons is an ongoing process. The SEED Foundation conducts monthly meet-ups where the transgender community may seekassistancefromotherswhoare goingthroughsimilarexperiences.
The Trans Solidarity Fund was formed on the concept that no one shouldbeleftbehind,withthegoal of providing assistance to the trans community most impacted by the epidemic.
SEED Foundation
History: Queer Lapis' mission is to inspirethequeerfamilyandalliestobe the loving, beautiful, and proud people that they are. The website queerlapis.com provides concise information about LGBTQ+ rights in Malaysia.

Initiatives: Itincludesshortstoriesfrom the streets, rainbow-themed artwork, and essays on current LGBTQ+ issues. Thewebsitealsoincludesachronology that details important episodes and stories that affected Malaysia's LGBTQ+ history.Arandompartfeaturingdiverse dish recipes and gastronomic adventuresisalsoincluded.

Source: SEED FoundationJEJAKA

History: Numan Afifi founded JEJAKA in 2017 after seeing a dearth of role models in the local community, particularly among homosexual males. There was no community to which they could turn when faced with religious andsexualdifficulties.

Around August 2018, Numan and four others (Egha, Anas, Mus, and Ujen) hosted the first JEJAKA gaytherings in TTDI. JEJAKA aspires to lead the conversation on healthcare, social welfare, and HIV stigma, all of which are important issues in the LGBTQ+ community. Theyarestillactivethroughout the epidemic, using podcasts, clubhouse events, and seminars to replace face-tofacemeetings.
History: The KRYSS Network, which stands for (Knowledge and Rights with Young People via Safer Spaces), was founded in2002withtheambitiousgoal of helping various people understand each other across religion, race, gender, and sexuality.Theyareinterestedby howthestoriesofothersweave into our own narratives and implant their life experiences withinus.

Initiatives: KRYSS collects and publishes these experiences andnarratives,regardlessofthe disagreements that may arise. Their efforts resulted in the anthology "Mata Hati Kita" (Our Hearts'Eyes),whichcontains25 stories about lesbians, bisexual women, and transgender persons.

Source: JEJAKAHistory: Justice for Sisters is a grassroots initiative formed by members of the public to help raise awareness about issues including violence and persecution against Malaysia's Mak Nyah (transwomen)community.

Initiatives: JusticeforSistersputLGBTQ+materialson their website tohelp themresist repressive laws. This covers a list of discriminatory laws in Malaysia's severalstates.JusticeforSistersfoughttoobtaincash to fund legal proceedings brought up against transgenderpeopleprosecutedinSyariahcourt.Their most recent fundraising campaign was aimed at providing assistance to displaced flood victims and their families. The Trans Solidarity Fund, in collaboration with the SEED Foundation, distributed food, cleaning materials, and hygiene supplies to villagesinPerakandPahang.
Justice For Sisters

Nisha Ayub is one of Southeast Asia's driving figures at the forefront of the region's transgender rights movement. Nisha was recognized across the world for her humanitarian efforts in strengthening and safeguarding the local transgender community. She co-founded Justice for Sisters (JFS), a nongovernmental organization that attempted to raise public awareness about the brutal persecution of trans persons.
With the tagline "nobody gets left behind," the activist founded Seed in 2007, a grassroots organization that not only acted as a safe environment but also provided food, housing, and medical services. Nisha Ayub is one of Southeast Asia's driving figures at the forefront of the region's transgender rights movement. Nisha was recognized across the world for her humanitarian efforts in strengthening and safeguarding the local transgender community. She co-founded Justice for Sisters (JFS), a nongovernmental organization that attempted to raise public awareness about the brutal persecution of trans persons. With the tagline "nobody gets left behind," the activist founded Seed in 2007, a grassroots organization that not only acted as a safe environment but also provided food, housing, and medical services.
Having experienced mockery and violence during her own imprisonment at the age of 21, Nisha's determination to speak out against Malaysia's discriminatory laws and unfriendly atmosphere towards the local transgender population is inspiring. Nisha successfully spearheaded the charge alongside JFS in 2014 to challenge a religious rule that prohibited Malaysian Muslim trans women from cross-dressing, which the Court of Appeal affirmed as a violation of human rights. Despite the fact that the verdict was overturned by the federal court the following year, it was a watershed event in Malaysia's struggle for transgender rights.
Nisha has received multiple human rights accolades for her work both locally and internationally, including the Alison Des Forges Award for Extraordinary Activism in 2015. She is also the only Malaysian in the BBC's list of the "100 Women to Watch in 2019."

Nisha Ayub is a renowned trans rights activist and social justice advocate at the forefront of empowering the local transgender community
"We are more than what society makes us to be."


the beginning of the epidemic, over 76 million individuals have gotten infected with HIV. Today, over 38 million people are living with HIV, and tens of millions have died from AIDS-related causes since the epidemic's inception.
Ending the AIDS pandemic is more than a historical duty to the 39 million individuals who have perished as a result of the disease. It also provides a historic chance to create the groundwork for a more healthy, just, and equitable society for future generations.

Ending the AIDS pandemic would inspire larger global health and development initiatives by proving what is possible through global solidarity, evidence-based action, and cross-sectoral collaboration.

In Malaysia & Why It’s Important Where to find LGBTQ Affirming Therapy
By: Ken Khoo
In our daily lives, we encounter extraordinary situations as LGBTQ individuals. The rejection we and groups puts LGBTQ individuals at a higher risk of experiencing mental health concerns such as

We are aware that trans persons are twice as likely to consider and try suicide as LGB people, and that LGB adolescents are nearly five times more likely t attempt suicide than heterosexual youth. There is an added risk for the many LGBTQ persons who seek support in Malaysia because not every "help" i actually useful due to the country's inadequate
The pitfall of conversion therapy
Conversion therapy, sadly, is still widely used and thrives in Malaysia. Even by highly experienced mental health professionals who ought to know better, it's not unusual to hear of incidents where religion is abused as a mandate to undertake conversiontreatment.
Stories of conversion efforts are detailed in a study by the Galen Centre. One such story involves Damian (not his actual name), a cis homosexual man who was directed to a Christian conversion therapy support group after admitting his sexual orientation to a licensed private-sector psychiatrist. They struggle with the same issues you do and want to improve, the doctor stated. You can change,justliketheycan.
A queer-affirming mental health practitioner respects the client's sexual orientation and gender identity regardless of how the client feels these conflict with other areas of their existence. A queeraffirming mental health practitioner recognizes that being LGBTQ is not a mental disorder and that all types of conversion treatment, voluntary or otherwise, are unproductive and dangerous. They would never do that or condone somebody doing it. Instead, a queer-affirming therapist attempts to understand the oppressive institutions that effect their client and empathize fully/
Many mental health practitioners in Malaysia avoid using the phrase "queer-affirming," instead identifying as "queer-friendly" or maintaining a neutral approach
During vulnerable times in therapy, practitioners must validate their clients' sexual orientations and gender identities, because advocating conversion or enabling denial of any kind can inflict profound and long-lasting trauma.

WhatisSection377a 377band377c ofthe penal code?
Most people, even from the LGBT community, do not have a clear idea of which laws actually criminalise us and our behaviour. We need to know them in order to understand how these laws are being used by the Malaysian government to justify the raids and conversion camps
Consensual intercourse between consenting adults of any gender or sexual orientation is illegal under Sections 377A and B. Section 377A is sometimes seen as "anti-gay," yet this is incorrect because anybody who has oral and anal intercourse can be prosecuted.

Carnal intercourse against nature is defined as the entrance of a penis into the anus or mouth of another person, regardless of gender, making it a gender-neutral offence. However, while the law appears to be neutral, it has a substantial impact on LGBTQ people in terms of arrest threats, violation of privacy, and extortion.
"Sexual intercourse against the order of nature" is illegal in four states, however it is not defined in all of them. The legislation is gender-neutral, and it applies to everyone, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. In reality, it is applied in the same way as the liwat and musahaqah laws outlined above.
The terminology used for sexual intercourse against the order of nature differs by state, but the idea is the same as Section 377 before its 1989 modifications.
377A. Any person who has sexual connection with another person by the introduction of the penis into the anus or mouth of the other person is said to commit carnal intercourse against the order of nature.
377B. Whoever voluntarily commits carnal intercourse against the order of nature shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to twenty years, and shall also be liable to whipping.

377C. Whoever voluntarily commits carnal intercourse against the order of nature on another person without the consent, or against the will, of the other person, or by putting the other person in fear of death or hurt to the person or any other person, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term of not less than five years and not more than twenty years, and shall also be liable to whipping.
Carnal intercourse against the order of nature: These legislation do not represent a multicultural, modern society that is aware of equality, consent, and rights. Everyone is affected by them, and because LGBTQ individuals are viewed as criminals, they run the high danger of being arrested, raided, mistreated by the police, harassed, blackmailed, and other things. These laws blatantly violate the human rights of Malaysian citizens, making it evident that they are unconstitutional.
source: Queer Lapis


These initiatives, which include Love Wins, Gay Pride, and Sexualiti Merdeka, are examples of the LGBT movement that is expanding quickly in Malaysia. The #LoveWins campaign, which advocates for people's right to love whoever they want, is also connected to the LGBT community.
The most well-known LGBT movement in Malaysia is Seksualiti Merdeka, or sexual independence. They work to create forums for the Malaysian LGBT community to share their stories, viewpoints, history, and aspirations for the future (Independent Voices, 2018). Pang Khee Teik, a Chinese-Malaysian artist and LGBT activist, organizes a series of English-language discussions on LGBT issues, LGBT workshops, film screenings, and performances centered on sexuality rights. According to Sa'dan, Awang, and Farhana (2018), the pressure from the LGBT community and their allies to get Malaysia to lift the ban on Seksualiti Merdeka and its activities has increased social tension and fueled antiLGBT marches and demonstrations.

Social media has a significant impact on the LGBT movement in Malaysia. According to the interviews, the informants think that social media has contributed to the spread of knowledge regarding movements pertaining to Malaysia's LGBT community. In addition to helping the LGBT movements gain ground in Malaysia, social media has also had a significant impact on how Malaysians think.

LGBTGIA+ Inclusion in the workplace
LGBTQ+ inclusion is so important for making sure everyone feels safe and comfortable in bringing their whole selves to work.
While ensuring that workers of all sexual orientations and gender expressions feel secure and valued is the main benefit of an LGBTQ+ inclusive workplace, there are additional advantages as well. Businesses also gain in terms of productivity and profitability from LGBTQ+ inclusive environments.
According to a US research by Out Now titled "LGBT 2020LGBT Diversity Show Me the Business Case," businesses that adopted more effective inclusion practices for their LGBTQ+ employees might save the US economy $9 billion yearly. This is partly explained by reducing the costs of stress and illness causedbyLGBTQ+employeeshavingtoconcealtheiridentities at work or facing prejudice. The survey also mentioned the LGBTQ+ market's strong brand loyalty and purchasing power. Customers are also more likely to quit firms when discriminationchargeshavebeenmadepublic.

Therefore, having strong inclusion initiatives in place for LGBTQ+ employees makes sense from both a commercial and ethical viewpoint. This is due to the fact that as valued members of a strong team, all employees will feel less stressed andmoreproductive.
Strategies for LGBTQIA+ inclusion in the workplace

The establishment of LGBTQ+ policies in the workplace is essential for establishing the standards for being more inclusive and preventing discrimination. Having a distinct policy for LGBTQ+ inclusion is an even more obvious method to demonstrate your commitment to combating prejudice in this area.

Creating an LGBTQ+ network may be a fantastic strategy to help workers for expanding SMEs. A network enables LGBTQ+ workers to connect with one another in a secure environment at work.

Do you work with any non-LGBTQ+ individuals that are enthusiastic about or interested in LGBTQ+ rights? Get them on board as an ally so they can promote workplace inclusiveness for LGBTQ+ people and support LGBTQ+ employees.
It has become far more common in business and the wider world to use pronouns in email signatures, social media accounts, and meeting statements. Everyone may now accept not presuming someone's gender by clearly specifying their pronouns, whether they are she/her, he/him, they/them, or a combination of pronouns like she/they or he/they.
Language that is gender-neutral prevents bias towards one particular gender. This can be accomplished by replacing "he/she" with "they" in contracts and other business papers and by keeping an eye on current interactions for gender neutrality.
Similar to how you would observe other significant dates on the calendar, you should observe LGBTQ+ History Month, Pride, or Trans Day of Visibility. This will significantly increase LGBTQ+ inclusion and awareness throughout the year.



Why Netflix is leading the way when it comes to LGBTQ+ representation on TV
For several years, streaming services have led the way, with more LGBTQ+ characters on their shows than all major US networks combined. GLAAD recently announced that Netflix has the most LGBT characters of any platform and has more than tripled the number of queer characters it airs inthelastyearalone.
Netflix Originals like Elite, Sex Education, The Haunting of Hill House and Chilling Adventures of Sabrina have shone a spotlight on threedimensional queer characters who are defying the stereotypes LGBTQ+ peoplehavelongfaced.
A number of foreign productions, like Pose and American Crime Story, set standards for diversity and help Netflix setthebarforLGBTQ+representation.
These new methods of dissemination avoid the typical straight white cis male paradigm of most networks, giving more diverse storytellers like Ryan O'Connell the chance to finally telltheirtalesandtellthemeffectively.
Well, it has long been apparent that Netflix's experimenting with original programming is the cornerstone of its business model. It's simple to forget what a gamble it was to invest money in content like House of Cards now that other streaming services are playing catch up and trying to match the success of shows like Stranger Things.
Although that specific program wasn't exactly ground-breaking in terms of LGBTQ+inclusion,-
its popularity spurred Netflix to try out other concepts, enlisting a variety of varied voices to produce more diverse content.

In the conventional sense, the prominence of LGBT characters on Netflix is likewise a numbers game. Netflix released 44 new original series this month alone, and according to a Quartz estimate, the streaming behemoth created around 1,500 hours oforiginalmaterialin2018.
It becomes obvious that Netflix has far more latitude than any other platform to diversify and experiment. When you consider the numerous chances the corporation has to lead the way in LGBTQ+ inclusion, it would really be veryoddifitdidn't.


Did you know..?
Since the beginning of history, homosexuality has been documented in China and is frequently referred to as "the cut sleeve" and "pleasures of the bitten peach."

One in seven LGBT persons (14%) have resisted receiving care out of concern for homophobicprejudice.
The Kinsey Institute published its groundbreaking investigation of American men's sexual behavior in 1948. Gay people's sense of belonging and self-acceptance have benefitedfromKinsey'sstudies.
In Nazi concentration camps during World War II, homosexual men were ordered to wear the pink triangle as a sign. Sometimes ablacktrianglehastobewornbylesbians.

Only 50%oflesbian,gay,bi,andtransgender persons (46%) and trans people (47%) feel comfortable telling their family members anything about their sexual orientation or genderidentity.
The Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) replaced the Gay Related Immune Disorder(GRID)in1982.
Nine out of ten of them (92%) reported verbal abuse, three out of ten (29%) reported physical violence, and two out of ten (17%) reportedsexualviolence.
Many studies related homosexuality with parentingduringthemajorityofthetwentieth century. Freud, for example, proposed that male homosexuality was influenced by overprotectivemothersanddistantfathers.
Slightly over a quarter of LGBT students (28%) report they were isolated by other students becausetheyareHomosexual.
The term "gay" can apply to any member of the LGBTQ community, but the term "lesbian" solely refers to female homosexuality. As opposed to complex human romantic sentiments, others contend that the label "homosexual" should be avoided because it mainlyreferstosexualacts.

Content sourced from: factretriever.com and stonewall.org.uk

Imp o discrimin

Many lesbian, gay, bi, trans, intersex, and queer (LGBTIQ+) people report handling systemic discrimination surprisingly well, and the majority do not suffer from depression or any other mental health conditions. However, exposure to discrimination and stigmatization can increase the risk of emotionaldistress,depression,andanxiety.
People sometimes experience pressure to conform to society's preconceived notions of what it means to be male or female. Those who don't fit the mold may experience physical abuse, intimidation,andevenmockery.

act f nation
Even though LGBTIQ+ people are becoming more accepted by society and are more visible in the media and public life, many LGBTIQ+ people continue to face violence, harassment, and discrimination at their places of employment, their places of education,andinotherpublicandprivatesettings.

Blatant discrimination and prejudice in action (e.g. someone who is open about being transgender being refused employmentorpromotion)
More subtly expressed discrimination that feeds into unfavorable stereotypes and a sense of difference (for example,theuseoftheterm"gay"inaderogatorymanner).
Content sourced from: beyondblue.org.au
How would you act on it? A question for the society Practising Inclusion
Do you think by practicising inclusion in public place such as educational institutes and workplace organizations would solve discrimination issues? Give a thought on it

Patience & Understanding
With patience and understanding, do you think we can all become better educated on LGBTQIA+ issues and work together to find the best solutions?

Policy makers

Lastly, do you think with this zine it could create a better impact towards the society and are able to raise awareness for the young Members of Parliament with hope it open their eyes to debate and amend the current laws that criminalizes the queer community?
Community Support

Should LGBTQIA+ people come together, share experiences within community support to learn new things and grow into a positive and productive community?

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All other pages designed and written by Zafran Zakaria
This fanzine is dedicated to all members of the LGBTQIA+ community worldwide who face injustice and prejudice on a regular basis.
Published by Editor
Art Director
Zafran Zakaria
FIND US ON @the.wemattertoo

“If I wait for someone else to validate my existence, it will mean that I’m shortchanging myself.” – Zanele Muholi