V&A Mutimedia Device Prototype

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Multimedia Device Prototype






Persona Persona 1 1 Persona 1 Persona 1

Jim Jim Fleming Fleming Retired Mechanical Engineering Retired Age Age 70 70 Mechanical Engineering Age 70

Retired Jim Fleming Mechanical Engineering

“You You are are never never too too old old to to learn learn somthing somthing new new” content He retired from Mechanical Engineering 45 He “You too old toafter learn somthing new ” but content but has has enough enough knowledge knowledge of of computer computer devices devices that that he he He retiredare from never Mechanical Engineering after 45 years. years. He has has can capably find his way around. been married to his wife Isabelle for 37 years and has 4 children. been married to his wife Isabelle for 37 years and has 4 children. He who often visit. of retired from Mechanical after 45One years. He has He has has 55 grandchildren grandchildren whoEngineering often come come to to visit. One of the the children is living in the United States with his wife and 2 kids. been married to his wife Isabelle for 37 years and has 4 children is living in the United States with his wife and 2children. kids. He has 5 grandchildren who often come to visit. One of the He’s from Kent, which he migrated to when looking for work and He’s fromisKent, which he migrated to with whenhis looking for work children living inhis thelife United States wife and 2 He kids.and has lived there all since. He was born in Scotland. has lived there all his life since. He was born in Scotland. He worked from aa very young age the and got married He’s from Kent, which he migrated to when looking and worked from very young age as as was was the norm norm andfor gotwork married very young. as he didn't get much formal education, has there his life born in Scotland. He this verylived young. as aaallresult result hesince. didn'tHe getwas much formal education, this has led to a drive in learning new things to make up for missed worked from a very young age as was the norm and got married has led to a drive in learning new things to make up for missed opportunities. very young. as a result he didn't get much formal education, this opportunities. has led to a drive in learning new things his to make up for for missed After his After his retirement retirement he he fully fully indulged indulged in in his passion passion for niche niche opportunities. pottery, especially the history of particular items. He primarily pottery, especially the history of particular items. He primarily visits museums to certain artifacts first After retirement he fully indulged his passion for niche visits his museums to experience experience certain in artifacts first hand. hand. pottery, especially the history of particular items. He primarily Isabelle doesn't the passion for as Isabelle doesn't share share the same samecertain passion for pottery pottery as Jim, Jim, but but visits museums to experience artifacts first hand. loves gardening. When he has a passion for classic cars loves gardening. When he has a passion for classic cars and and is is aIsabelle fan. is several museums the sameof potterynationwide as Jim, but a football footballdoesn't fan. He Heshare is aa member member ofpassion several for museums nationwide including the He seen aa drastic change technology loves gardening. When he has classicin and is including the V&A. V&A. He has has seena passion drasticfor change incars technology and content museum. aand football fan.in is a member of several museums nationwide content inHe museum. including the V&A. He has seen a drastic change in technology He has aa nostalgic relationship He has nostalgic relationship with with museums museums having having visited visited them them and content in museum. as a child. He still gets overwhelmed by museums and as a child. He still gets overwhelmed by museums and their their He has a nostalgic relationship with museums having visited them as a child. He still gets overwhelmed by museums and their

KEY KEY CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS -- Nostalgic Nostalgic KEY CHARACTERISTICS -- Deep Deep appreciation appreciation for for knowledge knowledge - Nostalgic -GOALS Deep appreciation for knowledge GOALS -- Wants Wants to to visit visit museums museums to to very very specific specific items items GOALS -- Wants Wants to to plan plan his his visit visit before before hand hand -- Wants to visit museums to very specific items - Does Does not not want want to to spend spend to to much much time time wandering wandering - about Wantsunnecessarily to plan his visit before hand about unnecessarily - Does not want to spend to much time wandering Appendix 3 about unnecessarily

QUESTIONS QUESTIONS -- Where Where can can II find find xyz? xyz? QUESTIONS -- Where do I start my Where do I start my visit? visit? - Where can I find xyz? -OTHER Where do I start my visit? OTHER APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS -- Skype Skype OTHER APPLICATIONS -- Internet Internet browser browser - Skype - Internet browser

can capably find his way around. content butpersonal has enough knowledge of computer devices that he He has his computer at home and he is using it for He has his personal computer at home and he is using it for can capably find his waywith around.family abroad (Skype) and for emails, emails, communicating communicating with his his family abroad (Skype) and for reading news and he using in He has his personal computer at home andSkype he is using for few reading news and articles. articles. he began began using Skype in the theitlast last few years as a result of the birth of his youngest grandchild. He emails, communicating with his family abroad (Skype) and for years as a result of the birth of his youngest grandchild. He has has learned to use technology out of necessity. And due to the ever reading news and articles. he began using Skype in the last few learned to use technology out of necessity. And due to the ever changing some museums he to years as acontent result ofof birth of his youngest grandchild. He has changing content ofthe some museums he has has adapted adapted to gaining gaining alearned lot of information online before visiting. to use technology out of necessity. And due to the ever a lot of information online before visiting. changing content of some museums he has adapted to gaining He is a fit guy needs to in He fit guy but but he heonline needsbefore to rest restvisiting. in museums museums every every once once in in aa awhile, lotisofahence information he appreciates the stools and benches available while, hence he appreciates the stools and benches available in in most museums. he is wearing glasses for reading books and guides He is a fit guy but he needs to rest in museums every once in a most museums. he is wearing glasses for reading books and guides and texts under items (in museums). He also suffers from mild while, hence he appreciates the stoolsHe and benches and texts under items (in museums). also suffersavailable from mildin arthritis in his wrists. most museums. he is wearing glasses for reading books and guides arthritis in his wrists. and texts under items (in museums). He also suffers from mild Jim is guy Jim is aa sociable sociable guy and and during during his his rest rest and and tea/coffee tea/coffee break break in in arthritis in his wrists. museums museums he he likes likes to to chat chat with with other other people people and and share share his his experience and Given his age, he completely Jim is a sociable guy and during tea/coffee break in experience and knowledge. knowledge. Givenhis hisrest age,and he is is completely comfortable his shoes. museums hein chat with other people and share his comfortable inlikes his to shoes. experience and knowledge. Given his age, he is completely comfortable in his shoes.

INFLUENCES INFLUENCES -- Family Family and and relatives relatives INFLUENCES -- A feeling that A feeling that he he needs needs to to make make up up for for his his lack lack of of education education - Family and relatives FRUSTRATIONS // PAIN -FRUSTRATIONS A feeling that he needs make up for his lack of education PAINtoPOINTS POINTS -- Using touch screen often Using touch screen - often incorrectly incorrectly presses presses buttons buttons FRUSTRATIONS / PAIN POINTS -- No No complicated complicated controls controls - Using touch screen - often incorrectly presses buttons - No complicated controls 30

Persona 2 Persona 2 Persona 2

Hannah Church Fashion studying Hannahstudent Church BA Fashion Design Fashion student studying at Royal Academy of Art BA Fashion Design at Royal Age 21 Academy of Art Age 21

“You need to experience things first hand to be inspired” “SheYou need to experience first hand She to isbe inspired was born in Nottingham but now livesthings in london for University. advanced user of ” current technology. She uses a mac for her She's theborn youngest in her family herlives dadinspoils her.for She has 2 She was in Nottingham but so now london University. older brothers. She's the youngest in her family so her dad spoils her. She has 2 She the museums mainly for her course work. She enjoys oldervisits brothers. visiting museums with her boyfriend. He is a Design student and She visits the museums mainly for her course work. She enjoys does not mind attending museums with her. She is more visiting museums with her boyfriend. He is a Design student and motivated by her competitiveness (with regards to her classmates) does not mind attending museums with her. She is more than visiting museums for leisure. motivated by her competitiveness (with regards to her classmates) She on Sunday afternoons thanvisits visiting museums for leisure.as it does not get in the way of Uni or her nightlife. At the museum she takes photos of artefacts She visits on Sunday afternoons as it does not get in the way of when no one is looking, jots down quick notes and is often inspired Uni or her nightlife. At the museum she takes photos of artefacts by them. when no one is looking, jots down quick notes and is often inspired Shethem. enjoys witnessing the details in person, and believes by experiencing things first hand is good for inspiration. She doesn't She enjoys witnessing the details in person, and believes want to limit herself with university theories so she’ll constantly experiencing things first hand is good for inspiration. She doesn't put herself in unusual situations. Sleep deprivation, walking bare want to limit herself with university theories so she’ll constantly foot, walk in forests through the night. She believes in experiencing put herself in unusual situations. Sleep deprivation, walking bare things to understand them. foot, walk in forests through the night. She believes in experiencing Her favourite designerthem. is Vivienne Westwood, who has a lot of her things to understand items in the V&A. Her favourite designer is Vivienne Westwood, who has a lot of her items in the V&A.

work and is a self-confessed Facebook addict which access on her She is advanced user of current technology. She uses a mac for her iPhone. She Loves her iPhone and has many apps on it. Evernote is work and is a self-confessed Facebook addict which access on her a godsend for her. She enjoys playing the Nintendo wii with her iPhone. She Loves her iPhone and has many apps on it. Evernote is boyfriend. Due to her course she has become proficient at using a godsend for her. She enjoys playing the Nintendo wii with her Adobe Creative Suite boyfriend. Due to her course she has become proficient at using She approaches the museum like a shopping list, a box ticking Adobe Creative Suite exercise. She’ll systematically visit it and try and squeeze as much She approaches the museum like a shopping list, a box ticking out of the experience as she can. So she will be frustrated if she exercise. She’ll systematically visit it and try and squeeze as much cannot experience all of it, and would likely come back to out of the experience as she can. So she will be frustrated if she experience parts she hasn't already visited. cannot experience all of it, and would likely come back to Given her very unique tastesalready and personal experience parts she hasn't visited.preferences, she is very opinionated and selects friends with similar outlook on life. She is Given her very unique tastes and personal preferences, she is very socially very conscious and is into recycling.She is a member of opinionated and selects friends with similar outlook on life. She is the V&A because she visits the exhibitions often and it economically socially very conscious and is into recycling.She is a member of better for her. She can take also guests with her for free as well. the V&A because she visits the exhibitions often and it economically better for her. She can take also guests with her for free as well.

KEY CHARACTERISTICS -KEY Competitive CHARACTERISTICS -- Tech savvy Competitive -- Facebook/twitter user Tech savvy

QUESTIONS -QUESTIONS How can I review all the material I have seen today? -- What if I Icannot everything one visit? How can reviewsee all the materialinI have seen today?

-GOALS Facebook/twitter user -GOALS Wants to be able to take notes for her work -- Wishes take photos fornotes inspiration Wants totobe able to take for her work -- Wants to share her experiences with friends Wishes to take photos for inspiration

OTHER APPLICATIONS -OTHER iPhone APPLICATIONS -- Itunes iPhone -- Adobe Itunes Photoshop

-Appendix Wants to share her experiences with friends 3

- Adobe Photoshop

- What if I cannot see everything in one visit?

INFLUENCES -INFLUENCES Boyfriend -- Social trends Boyfriend - Social trends FRUSTRATIONS / PAIN POINTS -FRUSTRATIONS PC’s / PAIN POINTS -- Restrictions PC’s - Restrictions 31

Persona 3

“I like a bit of fun, nothing too serious� Finance and Marketing employees in PWC. She is 32 and married and working in a same company as her husband Alex. She is living in London but she was born in Plymouth. No art background. Studied Marketing and advertising in Kings College.

Veronica Streisand Finance and Marketing employees in PWC Age 32

They come for visit every once in a while for exhibitions at the V&A for couple get together. normally they for a dinner date straight after.

She finds the text information on labels adequate and she doesn't need more information about the museum and the history behind each item. BUT she is expecting the museum to have a better guiding system ( like a navigation system) because she usually feels lost and cannot find the rooms in V&A.

She doesn't care about details much and they just want to have a break from their everyday working life and spend time together. They also find it refreshing as it is not part of of their daily lifestyle. she is socially an active person and since she was a small kid, she used to go to museums, exhibitions and galleries as with the family. She is currently taking drawing lessons, and is known for following fads.

KEY CHARACTERISTICS - Working mother - Very busy - Makes time for romantic outings - Follows fads, easily swayed by gimmicks GOALS - Spend interesting days out with spouse without being too mentally taxing

QUESTIONS - Where is the audio on the device? - Where is the shop? - Whats the most famous items in this museum

INFLUENCES - Spouse - Friends - Ease of use

OTHER APPLICATIONS - iPhone - Itunes - Adobe Photoshop

FRUSTRATIONS / PAIN POINTS - Learning new devices (gets spouse to teach)

Appendix 3 32

Room Usage of the V&A Museum Visual representation of persona


Level 6



Level 5




Level 4








Level 3



Level 2



Level 1









Street Entrances

Level 0

Tunnel Entrances

Jim Fleming Level 1 - Level 6

Hannah Church Level 0 - Level 3








Veronica Streisand Level 1 - Level 2

Appendix 2 27

Room Usage of the V&A Museum visual representation of density of people


Level 6



Level 5




Level 4








Level 3



Level 2



Level 1







Street Entrances

Level 0

Tunnel Entrances









Appendix 2 28

Requirements table

Appendix 4 34

Requirements table

Appendix 4 35

Storyboard Jim Flemming

Appendix 5


Storyboard Jim Flemming

Appendix 5


Storyboard Hannah Church

Appendix 5


User Flow Work In Progress

Appendix 5


Flow Journey

Appendix 5 41

Flow Journey

Appendix 5 42

Detail Design Sketches

Appendix 6


Detail Design Sketches

Appendix 6


Design The V&A V&A Device DeviceDetail Concept Design 67mm




4 5

3 93mm












Camera lens


Strap holder


Camer button


Return button


Touch screen


Main menu


Volume control


Directional pad and ok button


Audio port


Slide out Keyboard

Appendix 6

Dimensions Length 134mm Width 67mm Screen Length 93m Width 56m


Information Architecture High Level Menu

Appendix 6


The V&A Device Potential Main Menu Map The V&A Device Potential Main Menu Map

Help People in the V&A Staff

People outside the V&A People




Navigation visitor



Museum Tour


Exhibitions Learning Info Details

Appendix 6


The V&A Device Content Management

Infomation breakdown

General Infomation Indepth Infomation Specialist Infomation

Infomation Search Coverage

All V&A Item and Info Search Romm Item Search Category Search

Appendix 6


User Interface Design Sketches

Appendix 6


User Interface Design Sketches

Appendix 6


User Interface Design Sketches

Appendix 6


User Interface Design Sketches

Appendix 6


User Interface Design Sketches

Appendix 6


User Interface Design Sketches

Appendix 6


Detailed Design Jim Flemming Journey These are the screens he would interact with through his journey J1.

J2. Since he is a member

J4. Now that he has

J6. His item is presented

name and password


Appendix 6

J7. He has now arrived at


Detailed Design Jim Flemming Journey These are the screens he would interact with through his journey

Appendix 6


J11. Now the new item is


J12. Once he is done with

10. He searches the item and enters the items



Detailed Design Jim Flemming Journey These are the screens he would interact with through his journey


Appendix 6


Detailed design Hannah Church Journey These are the screens she would interact with through her journey H1.


device and starts her

H2. Since she is a member


H3. She doesn’t have a


and wants to search

Appendix 6


Detailed design Hannah Church Journey These are the screens she would interact with through her journey H7.


H8. She has arrived at the fashion room



Appendix 6



The V&A Device Potential Main Menu Map

Participent 1 The following images were taken of a participant during our evaluation of the prototype

Participent 2 The following image was taken of our 2nd participant during our evaluation of the prototype.

Appendix 8



Appendix 7



Appendix 8



Appendix 8



Appendix 8



Appendix 8



Appendix 8



Appendix 8


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