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Knowledge Hub : for lifelong learning

A learning and sharing environment at the heart of a densely populated urban city like Mumbai, for mixed income and age groups living in the neighborhood and largely the suburb where it is situated in.

Creating a prototype learning environment for lifelong holistic learning in cities ,such spaces that receive the maximum influx of people and have the maximum observable urban disparities at their fringes.


Axonometric showing all the floors


Economic anchors

Urban farming block

Learning centre spaces

Art gallery

Lift to carry the books and other storage to the rest of the floors

Cylindrical lift viewing the reading lawn and the common reading spaces on each floor developement

Takes the visitors from ground to the art gallery on floor 1 and 2

Vertical connecting between the floors on the learning centre blocks

Horizontal connection between the buildings gradual sloped amphitheatre

Partially submerged

Revenue generation activity

Art related activities & outdoor classroom

Activities to activate the edge Play

Relaxation & outdoor gym


Massing based on overall volume

Circulation developement ideas situated and suited to

Visual lines

Nature and built environment, coexist together, where the serendipitous encounters of nature-based activities and the visual connectivity of the spaces to nature creates the ideal learning environment.

Guggenhiem Museum for Kochi

The floating museum in Kochi seamlessly integrates traditional architecture with wind, light, and waves. It features clustered buildings and strategic breaks for uninterrupted interaction with the environment. Two bridges connect sections: an aerial bridge for exhibitions and a water bridge for administration. The main exhibition block reflects the ocean sky, while transparent elements provide horizon views. South-facing eaves reduce heat gain, and an undulating roof echoes waves. Indirect light enters exhibition spaces with adjustable shutters. The design offers a captivating and immersive museum experience.

Roof plan

First floor plan

Ground floor plan

This space 1.5m to 3.2m acts as insulation against extreme temperatures, winds, and sound improving the building’s thermal efficiency for both high and low temperatures.

Each glass panel measures 1.5mx3m and has a unique shape and curvature.

In cold climates, the air buffer works as a barrier to heat loss. Sun-heated air contained in the cavity can heat spaces outside the glass, reducing the demand for indoor heating systems.


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