1 minute read

Is Your Subconscious Keeping You Fat?

Chapter 8 STEP 3: View Your Future Success

In the past decade or so, hundreds of studies have been conducted that demonstrate the powerful connection between mind and body and scientists now believe that what you think about actually shapes your life.


In landmark studies, Dr. Bruce Lipton, respected medical researcher and author of The Biology of Belief, proved that your mind can affect the cells of your body and even your DNA. Dr. Lipton’s work explains how our expectations and desires can affect our body’s ability to fight illnesses and heal itself.

This is pretty exciting stuff because what it tells us is that we have the power to make great strides in our health – just by applying our thoughts in a positive manner!

Is Your Subconscious Keeping You Fat?

I want you to take a minute and close your eyes and just think about who you. What is the self-image you have of yourself? If you were to write down five descriptive words about yourself – what would those words be? Are they positive and loving? Or are they mean and judgmental?

Do you only see yourself as a fat person who has failed miserably over and over again on diet after diet? Is your image that of a victim who is doomed to be fat forever? Or are you strong and focused and confident that you now have the knowledge you need to lose the weight and become that slim person you’ve always envied?


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