Wentzville Newspaper

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Published by Zamco LLC.


Phone: 314-258-4412


HOMETOWN NEWS Serving Wentzville, O’Fallon, Lake St. Louis & Surrounding St. Charles County

SUNDAY JULY 15, 2012 EDITION LOCAL 2nd Annual Wentzville Rotary Brew Fest and Beer Tasting

MISSOURI Teenager Drowns in Missouri River While Fishing Lightning Injures 5 Campers in Eastern Missouri Teen is Listed in Serious Condition after Crash on Lake of the Ozarks

EDITORIAL The Effects of Nicotine on a Woman’s Body

Missouri State Parks To Offer Free Kayak Lessons Page 4

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Man Facing Jail For Hosting Bible Study in His Home ordained pastor. He and his wife have been hosting Bible studies on their 4.6 acre property since 2005. The gatherings were originally attended by as many as 15 people. Hill said the city became aware of the meetings after neighbors apparently complained about traffic congestionon-family members coming to the home and such use is considered church use.”r and was granted the proper building permits. He also said the building has passed a city inspection. “At what point does the government have the right to state that you cannot have family and friends over at your home three times a week?” he asked. “People have a right to gather on their property as long as parking is available, as long as they aren’t parking in the street, as long as they aren’t violating noise ordinances.” Salman’s attorney has filed an appeal with the federal court – and unless they intervene – Salman will start serving his sentence on July 9.

A Phoenix man has been sentenced to 60 days in jail after he refused to stop hosting Bible studies in the privacy of his home – in violation of the city’s building code laws. “It came down to zoning and proper permitting,” said Vicki Hill, the chief assistant city prosecutor. “Any time you are holding a gathering of people continuously as he does — we have concerns about people being able to exit the facility properly in case there is a fire — and that’s really all this comes down to.” According to court documents provided to Fox News Radio, Michael Salman was found guilty in the City of Phoenix Court of 67 code violations. He was sentenced to 60 days in jail along with three years probation and a $12,180 fine. He could be jailed as early as next week unless the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals grants an emergency injunction. “They’re cracking down on religious activities and religious use,” Salman told Fox News Radio. “They’re attacking what I as a Christian do in the privacy of my home.” “If I had people coming to my home on a regular basis for poker night or Monday Night Football, it would be permitted,” he said. “But when someone says to us we are not allowed to gather because of religious purposes – that is when you have discrimination.” However, the Arizona courts consistently ruled against Salman – ultimately declaring that he was engaged in church activities and that the city did not violate his constitutional rights to religious freedom. The long-running feud between Salman and the City of Phoenix culminated in the summer of 2009 when nearly a dozen police along with city inspectors raided their home. Armed with a search warrant, police confined the Salman family to the living room as they combed the property looking for violations. Salman is the owner of Mighty Mike’s Burgers — and he is also an

Teenager Drowns in Missouri River While Fishing

The victim has been identified by the Missouri Water Patrol as Andrew L. Williams of St. Louis. The body of the 18-year-old man has been pulled from the Missouri River in south Boone County. The Boone County Fire Protection District said Williams, who could not swim, was fishing with an uncle and cousin when he waded into the water and fell into a deep spot. The others formed a human chain and tried to pull him to safety but lost their grip on him. The incident happened near Cooper’s Landing off a sandbar that sits at the mouth of the Perche Creek. Williams went under around 2 p.m. and his body was recovered in the same area about three and a half hours later.

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Electrocution Claims Another Victim at Lake of the Ozarks

Another person has been electrocuted at the Lake of the Ozarks. Authorities are not releasing the name of the 26-year-old woman from Hazelwood who died shortly before 8 p.m. The woman and two children were swimming near a dock in dry branch cove in Morgan County and felt a current of electricity in the water. The two children swam away from the dock. The woman swam toward the dock and died.

Lightning Injures 5 Campers in Eastern Missouri PARK HILLS, MO. — Five people are recovering after a close call with lightning in eastern Missouri. Reports stated that two adults and three children were camping at St. Joe State Park near Park Hills Saturday when lightning struck nearby. All five went to the hospital, but their injuries were minor. Lightning from weekend storms in eastern Missouri also caused a fire at a St. Louis County apartment complex and started a brush fire in Madison County. Fire officials say heavy rain kept the brush fire from spreading.

Wentzville Hometown News

Couple Walking Across the Country with their Dogs for a Great Cause

CENTERVILLE, IOWA — If you were driving around Centerville today, you probably noticed a couple walking a long distance with their dogs and they’re doing it for a great cause. Since March 1, John and Kait Seyal of Louisville, Kentucky have been walking about 20 miles a day across the country from the east coast in Louis, Delaware to the west coast with their dogs Grace and Max. They’re walking to help spread awareness and stress the importance of pet adoption and pet therapy in hospitals, nursing homes, and schools in their “Dog Walk Across America” campaign. They got inspired to do this by other travelers to go out and help make a difference in the world. They’ve been using money they saved, donations, and sponsorship to help pay the expenses. Their friend, John Slater, is driving a car filled with supplies for the couple and the dogs. The couple said it has been the never-ending support of family, friends, and strangers that help keeps them going. “It’s been very challenging and the hardest thing we have ever done. But it has been extremely rewarding. We’ve been humbled and overwhelmed by the generosity, support, and encouragement from random strangers. It’s inspiring. We’re inspiring others and they’re inspiring back,” John Seyal said. Almost halfway there, the couple says this has been already a lifechanging experience. “We wanted to restore our faith in humanity. We heard from other travelers about the generosity of other people. You watch on the news about all this bad news out there and that people can’t trust their neighbors anymore. We felt like we needed to meet our country face to face. This is going to stay with us for the rest,” Seyal said. The couple hopes to reach their final destination of San Francisco by Thanksgiving

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Teen is Listed in Serious Condition after Crash on Lake of the Ozarks

A teenage boy was taken to the hospital after a crash on the Lake of the Ozarks. It happened at about 1 o’clock Sunday afternoon at the 1 mile marker at Niangua in Camden County. The Highway Patrol’s Water Division says 15-year-old Seth Schenk jumped the wake of another cruiser on his jetski. That’s when they say the teen was ejected. He was taken to Lake Regional hospital with serious injuries.

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Wentzville Hometown News

Missouri State Parks Offer Free Kayak Lessons

MACON, MO — Have you ever wanted to learn how to kayak? Well, the Missouri State Parks is volunteering to teach you for free. It’s apart of their Learn2Paddle Program. On Saturday, they offered free kayaking lessons at Long Branch State Park. When it comes to kayaking, instructors said you should always wear a lifejacket, go with a buddy, drink lots of water, wear sunscreen, and be aware of the weather and elements nearby. One newcomer said kayaking is much easier than canoeing because it offers more independence. “It’s you by yourself. You have to make go. You don’t depend on somebody else. It all depends on what you do and how much you put out,” said Greg Natsch, of Jefferson City, MO. “How fast you go depends on your energy. How slow you go depends on you. It doesn’t depend on nobody else. You got nobody else to blame.” The Learn2Paddle Program is part of a series of Learn2Programs sponsored by the Missouri State Parks.

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5 Safe Boating Tips To Use All Summer Long

As the boat operator you are responsible for the safe operation of your boat and the safety of your passengers. The subject of operating a boat safely is replete with many different sub topics. This article addresses five of those subtopics. 1. Safe Fueling: Gasoline vapors mixed with air are explosive. Because they are heavier than air they have the potential to accumulate in the bilge of your boat. In order to rid the bilge of these fumes requires some type of forced ventilation. Proper safeguards while fueling your boat will prevent the introduction of gasoline vapors into the bilge. When fueling: tie your boat securely to the dock, put out all flames and turn off all electrical equipment that could possibly create a spark. Be sure to close all doors, hatches and portholes leading to the interior of the boat. After fueling open up the boat while checking for the smell of fuel vapors then turn on the bilge blower and let it run for five minutes before starting the engine. 2. Boats Fuel System: Check your boats fuel system to insure it has been properly installed and is not in a state of deterioration. Are the fuel hoses in good condition? Check for proper grounding of the fuel tank and filler pipes to the boats electrical system to ensure against static electricity build up. Finally, check on a regular basis for corrosion, damage and cleanliness. 3. Check Weather Forecast: Before you begin your cruise check the weather in the area of your cruise. If your boat is equipped with a marine radio periodically check the National Weather Service forecasts. During your cruise pay attention for signs of deteriorating weather conditions such as cloud formations, increase in wind conditions and so on. 4. File a Float Plan: Prepare an itinerary of your cruise with a description of your boat and its registration number. Include who and how many are on board and where you intend to cruise with ports of call and

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Continued > when you expect to return. Leave the plan with your home port, yacht club or with a responsible friend. Be sure to notify whoever you leave the plan with if your plans change along the way this to prevent false searches from occurring. 5. Check Your Equipment: Prior to leaving your moorage check your equipment. Do you have Coast Guard approved safety equipment on board such as life jackets for each person, fire extinguishers, distress flares, and a throwable flotation device? Are you equipped with a basic tool kit and first aid kit? You should have a standard equipment check list to use prior to leaving the moorage to ensure the necessary equipment is on board and in good working order. Adherence to these five basic safe boating tips will go a long way toward assuring that your boating experience will be an enjoyable one and that you and your passengers will return safe.

Tips On Bidding At An Auction 1. Research – Before placing a bid, it is wise to check out the reputation of the seller, the product and the price especially for collectible items. Check the seller’s location. Trading with people from other countries maybe a lot more complicated and expensive due to shipping and handling costs, and customs duty may also apply. 2. Payment – Does the seller accept credit cards. Be more careful with sellers who only accept money orders or cheques. Using a credit card can be safer and more convenient for the buyer because if something goes wrong you can rais a claim with the credit card company. 3. Budget – After doing the research, decide on your maximum bid considering the quality of the product. Remember to take into account any postage and packing charges. 4. Privacy – Private auction can be done online where confidential information such as the bidder’s e-maid address, products bought, etc. are not shown. This works well with individuals who would rather keep their transaction private. 5. Convenience – If you do not have the time to stay online till the end of the auction, you can use Proxy bidding. The system will do your bidding for you even when you are offline. For example: if you are willing to pay $50.00 for an item that is currently priced at $15 you can ask the system to bid for you until the price reaches $50. At the end of the auction, an e-mail will be sent to you informing you if you have won or lost the bidding. A tradition auction is normally held at auction rooms. You can normally examine the products before the auction. During the auction you can see and hear the other bidders and the auctioneer. For the first time bidder, the fast-talking auctioneer and anxious bidders can be overwhelming.

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Wentzville Hometown News

Household Remedies for Heartburn that are Effective Household remedies for heartburn relief are literally a lot better than the majority of the over-thecounter antacid. Should you suffer heartburn symptoms at times, you don’t really need to take the antacid to heal your heartburn. Actually, you can look at some household remedies to eliminate your heartburn. I personally have attempted a few household remedies for heartburn aid and discovered that some household remedies are truly powerful. These household remedies are inexpensive and simply provided by grocers or kitchen. Right here is the set of household remedies for heartburn remedy. 1. Alkaline juices for example aloe vera or wheatgrass juices. These alkaline juices are able to become antacid to neutralize excess stomach acid. 2. Ginger or ginger tea. One can chew a piece of fresh ginger to reduce your heartburn. You may also make warm ginger tea by adding ginger powder to hot water. Ginger can assists digestion and also move food lower, which will reduce heartburn from developing. 3. Baking soda. Mix half a teaspoon of baking soda right into a glass of warm water and drink it. Mainly because baking soda is basic naturally, it will reduce the effects of gastric acid swiftly. Baking soda is really works as fine as other liquid kind of antacid for instance Maalox. 4. Chamomile tea. Another really good household remedies for heartburn relief. Can drink consistently. 5. Honey. Slowly swallow a teaspoon of organic honey down. Honey has proven to have antibacterial components, honey could also fix inflammation on esophagus. Take advantage of raw and organic honey for getting best result. 6. Papaya enzyme. Chew one or two tablets of papaya enzyme every 15 minutes. 7. Chewing gum. Chew gum will stimulate secretion of saliva, the saliva acts as natural antacid to neutralize excessive stomach acid. 8. Apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is only beneficial if your heartburn is contribute to by low stomach acid content. Drink only organic and unfiltered apple cider vinegar. Having said that, even if you have got excess stomach acid, apple cider vinegar also can improve the acid-alkaline level in your intestine. You can also add natural honey on your apple cider vinegar. 9. Slipper elm tea. Slippery elm tea can also be a good household remedies for your heartburn relief.

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The Effects of Nicotine on a Woman’s Body Despite knowing the fact that smoking causes more health complications than alcoholism and obesity, there are millions of people who still smoke. It is simply because they fail to curb the craving and withdrawal symptoms which they usually experience while quitting. The result is that they get exposed to numerous smoking-related diseases every year. Lately, it has been observed that there has been a significant increase in the percentage of women who smoke regularly. There are thousands of women who light up frequently even if they are aware about smoking side effects in women. Most common side effects of smoking in women It is clinically proven that women who smoke are at an increased risk of developing fatal forms of breast and vulva cancer. This risk is almost 75% higher in women who are chain smokers and thereby affecting the cancer surviving rate. Regular smoking also contributes to osteoporosis i.e. weakening of the bones in women. You can also develop the risk several other cancers such as lung cancer, cervical cancer and cancer of the mouth, bladder and pancreas. Smoking also causes a substantial increase in your blood pressure which can ultimately lead to heart attacks or stroke. It can cause bad breath along with staining your teeth and gums. Therefore, it is said that women who seek suitable anti smoking treatment will enjoy several health benefits. How is Champix different from other quit smoking treatments? Champix is known to be one of the most effective treatments which can help you to quit smoking by reducing the associated withdrawal symptoms. Champix medication is considered better than the traditional quit smoking methods such as nicotine replacement therapy, which still require you to supply your body with nicotine. In this case, there is a possibility that you may go back to smoking once the nicotine supply is stopped or you experience withdrawal symptoms. Champix treatment goes on for 12 weeks during which it inhibits your brain receptors from responding to nicotine. It also prevents you from deriving any pleasure from smoking. Even if at the end of 12 weeks you are unable to quit smoking, you can continue taking the pills and consult a doctor. This treatment is useful for both men and women who are above 18 years of age and are looking forward to get rid of their smoking habit. However, Champix medication should be avoided by those who have a medical history of depression, impaired kidney function and epilepsy. This treatment should not be prescribed to women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Champix treatment comes in the dosage strength of 0.5mg and 1mg. You need to take one 0.5mg pill for the first three days, followed by two 0.5mg pills for the next four days. After that you would be asked to take a 1mg pill twice a day for the next 11 weeks. The common side effects of this medication include nausea, headaches, fatigue, depression, stomach pain, diarrhoea, unpleasant taste in your mouth, insomnia and indigestion.

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For Our 55+ Readers Remeber You Are Never Too Old!

5 Parts of a Healthy-Aging Workout: 1. Endurance Exercise: running, brisk walking, biking, aerobics, tennis, (a minimum recommendation of 25-30 minutes a day) 2. Strength Training Exercise: weight lifting, uphill training (walking, running, hiking up an incline). 3. Stretching Exercise: pre- and after workout stretches retain flexibility. Try yoga and pilates. 4. Balance Exercise: use a balance ball for core exercises or stand on one foot without support. 5. Meditative Exercise: reduce stress with yoga and tai chi. 5 Keys to Exercise Success: Dream big and set realistic goals. If you’re not use to exercise don’t try to run a marathon right away. Create a step-by-step plan to increase your stamina, strength and stability. Too much, too soon can end up causing injuries. Gradually work up to your dream achievement, such as participating in the Senior Olympics or climbing Pikes Peak.

At age 47, Martina Navratilova returned to Wimbledon and represented the United States in the 2004 Athens Olympics. In September, seventy-three year old Ed Whitlock shattered his own world age class marathon record by completing a marathon in under 3 hours. Ed is the first 70+ human in history to attain this goal and he has done it twice! Why is exercise so important as we age? After 50, we begin to loose muscle mass at the rate of 6 percent every decade (about 5 pounds) and we gain 15 pounds of fat every ten years to replace it. Less muscle and more fat stores in the body, combined with inactivity and poor diet, can contribute to a wide array of degenerative conditions and disabilities, among them: osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and osteoarthritis. Researchers speculate that Alzheimer’s disease and certain cancers can also be linked to a lack of activity as we age. The Stanford University Medical Center has conducted several longterm studies on active individuals over 50, particularly runners. They found that runners had a lower death rate and dramatically less disabilities compared to non-runners. They observed that running regularly was associated with an increase of HDL (good) cholesterol, plus a positive effect on muscle mass, as well as heart and lung health. Other studies have concluded that regular exercise increases bone strength, controls weight gain, and keeps diabetes in check. Active seniors are better able to take care of themselves, perform common household tasks, and remain mentally sharp.

Exercise daily. Create your own special time for exercise every day. Whether it’s a morning jog through the neighborhood, a mid-day walk with the dog or an afternoon swim at your local gym, daily exercise is much more effective at reaping healthy benefits than the “weekend warrior” approach. Exports recommend 25-30 minutes of moderate to strenuous exercise every day just to maintain your current weight. If you are trying to loose weight, extend your workout time to 60 minutes. Be aware of your body. If you feel soreness or a slight achy feeling in your muscles, that’s OK. Your body is responding to a good workout. Use ice therapy to ease small aches and pains, and to reduce inflammation. A few 20-minute sessions with a cold pack and you should be ready for your next daily workout. Never use heat on stressed or strained muscles, as it will increase pain and swelling, slowing recovery time. Heat is appropriate to relax tight muscles. If you experience serious problems such as extreme pain, fainting, numbness in arms or legs, or chest pain, seek medical attention immediately. Stay well hydrated. Always a consideration for any athlete, dehydration can pose a serious problem in older athletes as aging bodies contain less body water. Sweating and exposure to heat can easily deplete the body of fluids. Drink plenty of liquids before, during and after your workout. Be a health leader! Encourage others through example and participation. Be positive and motivated. An enthusiastic attitude is contagious! It will also keep you going running through puddles on a rainy day; surviving aching legs on a downhill descent; or arriving at the finish line of your first race!


Wentzville Hometown News

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BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Find Out How Your Business Can Be In The Spotlight. Call 314-258-412

Classic Travel and Cruises

Hometown Treasures

Classic Travel and Cruises offer a full service travel agency providing vacation planning and booking services for family, romantic, adult (including honeymoons, destination weddings, and travel groups!), corporate and leisure travel, cruises, and vacations, both domestic and international. Their travel services also include arranging for airline tickets, making reservations for resorts, hotels and rental cars, and event planning. Owners, Shelly Lowry and Harry Yeakey and their team of inhouse travel specialists, including Hannah Lowry, Connie Byrne, Christy Althage, Laura Mains, Glenn Phillips and Deb Smith, as well as several outside agents, opened the Classic Travel and Cruises Lake St. Louis, MO office as of December 6, 2010. They emphasize that they are not a new business, they are an established business with a new name. The owners and staff bring over 110 years of travel and vacation industry experience to the agency, and Shelly and Harry are very pleased to have them!

Hometown Treasures is a local Wentzville consignment and resale store. Opening for business on January 8, 2011 the business is a family owned and operated business with a wide selection of products. At Hometown Treasures one can find home furnishings, decor items, clothing, yard and garden products, toys, tools and so much more. When you visit this consignment store you will be amazed at the vast selection of inventory. If your looking for a sofa or maybe a dinette set, you can possibly find it here and at a price you can afford. Children grow out of their clothes so fast you can save money by purchasing gently used clothing at a very good deal. That also includes toys which we all know children break or get tired of so easily. Just this past March Hometown Treasure had expanded to almost twice its size to accommodate the ever ending increase in inventory. Also new product is always needed so bring in your unwanted furniture, decor, clothing or what ever you no longer need and make a few extra bucks by doing so. Hometown Treasure is located next door to Club Fitness in the Rural King Center. Tell them you found out about them in the Wentzville Hometown News or call them at (636) 327-7170.

Visit their office or give them a call

1313 Lake St. Louis Blvd. Lake St. Louis, MO 63367 636-625-8747

Advertise Your Business In The WENTZVILLE HOMETOWN NEWS As Low As $2.50 Per Week! Call 314-258-4412 For Details!

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Important City Phone Numbers

City Hall 310 West Pearce Blvd. 636-327-5101 Police Department, 1019 Schroeder Creek Blvd. 636-327-5105 Fire Protection District 209 W. Pearce Blvd. 636-332-9869 Public Works 636-327-5102 Parks & Recreation 636-332-9236 City of Wentzville Parks and Recreation The City of Wentzville Parks and Recreation department provides many opportunities for people of all ages. Programs offered include fitness, sports leagues, cultural arts and enrichment classes. In addition, the department offers special events throughout the year including the Hill of Thrills Soapbox Race, Easter Egg Hunt, Holiday Night Lights and many others. We strive to offer something for everyone in the community. The Parks and Recreation Department prides itself in keeping each park safe and beautiful for everyone to enjoy. Parks in the community feature playgrounds, picnic shelters, paved trails, ball fields, a fishing lake, swimming pool, and many other outdoor amenities. Progress Park houses the administrative offices, gymnasium, fitness center and Progress Park Center. The Center is a banquet hall facility which can be rented to host wedding receptions, birthday parties or other indoor festivities. The Parks and Recreation brochure is published three times each year. All residents receive the brochure by mail. To view an online PDF version click Fun Times or pick up a copy from the Parks and Recreation office.

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USS Columbus To Hold Reunion

Send Us Your Upcoming Events and We Will Post Them FREE Of Charge! Simply Send Your Information to wentznews@gmail.com

Crate Car Raffle For "Leap of Love" Leaps of Love, an organization established to embrace families affected by childhood brain tumors and late-effects of childhood cancer, has recently been donated a 2008 Rayburn Combo Race Car w/604 Crate to be raffled off to raise funds for its organization. Winner may choose between the Car or $10,000! The 'Race Ready' Crate Car will be taken and displayed at many of the tracks throughout the race season where they will sell tickets $20 each or 6 for $100. You may also purchase tickets online at www.leapsoflove.org. DRAWING WILL BE HELD Friday, October 12, 2012 at intermission at the Tri City Speedway in Granite City, IL. No tickets will be sold after the start of the first race at Tri City Speedway Friday, October 12, 2012; and no tickets will be sold after 12:00 noon on October 12, 2012, if purchased over the internet. The winner does not have to be in attendance to win. Highland Speedway has also designated Saturday, July 21, 2012 as Leaps of Love Night at the Races. Many of the families that LOL serves will be at the track that afternoon playing games and meeting the drivers as they arrive. "Most of these families have never attended a dirt track race before. They are so excited to not only be there but to have the opportunity to meet and greet the drivers." For every admission ticket sold for this race, $5 will be donated to 'Leaps of Love.' There will be also be a 50/50 drawing and raffle items throughout the evening. Sponsorship opportunities are also available; a tax-deductible donation of a product for the raffle, donation of a service for the raffle, monetary donation OR 'Event Sponsor; for $500. As an 'Event Sponsor', you will receive recognition on signage posted at the event, name mentioned throughout the evening, as well as 4 VIP tickets that include draft beer, wine and food. Leaps of Love is a nonprofit organization out of Highland, IL that was established in 2010 to embrace families affected by childhood brain tumors and late-effects of childhood cancer by providing hope, strength and encouragement to meet the challenges they face today as well as the long-term effects of tomorrow. For more information about the raffle, contact Traci Riechmann at traci@leapsoflove.org. For more information about Leaps of Love, call 618-410-7212 or go online at www.leapsoflove.org.

Navy and Marine Corps shipmates who served on the USS COLUMBUS CA-74/CG-12 from 1944 through 1976 and the USS COLUMBUS (SSN-762) past and present, if you would like to share memories and camaraderie with old friends and make new ones, please contact Allen R. Hope, President, 3828 Hobson Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46815-4505 Home: (260) 486-2221 - 8AM 5PM Eastern Time Fax: 260-4929771 . USS COLUMBUS CA-74/ CG-12/SSN-762 Reunion September 12 – September 16, 2012 at HOLIDAY INN PORTLAND AIRPORT –PORTLAND, OR. Please contact Allen R. Hope, President, 3828 Hobson Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46815-4505 Home: (260) 486-2221 - 8AM 5PM Eastern Time Fax: (260) 492-9771

Wentzville Weekly Flea Market 500 Main Street

Open 6:00am till ? every Sunday year-round. Spaces for vendors just $20.00 and are first come first/taken prior to 7:00am unless marked "Reserved.". Ample parking, restrooms and concessions. No pets allowed or to be sold un the flea market grounds.

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Saint Charles County Fair Days July 24-28, 2012 4:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M. Tuesday through Friday 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M on Saturday at Rotary Park Show Hours Tue-Fri 4-11, Sat 9-11 Public Admission Price Adult Tuesday - Thursday $10, Adult Friday $15, Adult Saturday $20, Children ages 6 - 12 Tues.- Sat. $5, Children ages 5 & under Tues.- Sat. Free, Senior Citizens Day (60 yrs & older) Wednesday Only $5

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2nd Annual Cystic Fibrosis Fundraiser At VFW 5327 Wentzville My two year-old son Cole was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis when he was ten days-old. Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a life threatening genetic disease that causes thick, sticky mucus to form in the lungs, pancreas and other organs. In the lungs, this mucus blocks the airways, c...ausing lung damage and making it hard to breathe. In the pancreas, it clogs the pathways leading to the digestive system, interfering with proper digestion. Just two generations ago, most children with CF did not live long enough to attend elementary school, but thanks to the support of caring individuals who support CF research, nearly half of the people with CF are now 18 or older. Much progress has been made toward finding a cure for CF, but the CF Foundation’s work is far from over, as we continue to lose precious lives to this disease every day. Cole takes at least eleven pills a day, needs 2-4 nebulizer treatments a day, and has to use a therapy vest at least four times a day. The nebulizer and vest treatments help break up the mucus that builds up in his lungs. Through it all, Cole is a happy little guy who wears a smile 99% of the time. What my little guy doesn’t know is that the life expectancy for someone diagnosed with CF is only in their 30’s. Imagine raising a son or daughter knowing that someday you are going to have to tell him or her that they aren’t expected to live past their 30’s…the prime of their life! My family and friends have made a commitment to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. We appreciate any support you can give us to help us reach our goal of $10,000 by making a tax deductible donation of cash or in-kind donations that we can use at this event. With sincere appreciation from our family and friends, and the many families of those whose lives are affected by CF…we thank you! Respectfully, Tiffany Mays & Family, 97 Weatherby Lane, Wright City, MO 63390 636-697-8189 - BubbaMansTeam@yahoo.com

The following events will take place ~The Mindspin Band LIVE from 7:00P.M-11:00P.M ~BBQ(porksteaks, brats, hotdogs, hamburgers) + sides ~Silent Auction ~Live Auction ~Basket Raffle ~Cake Walk ~Henry Golden Boy Lever Action .22 ———— $5.00 each or 5 for $20.00 *Must be able to register gun in your name to win *Must pick gun up at H&H Guns in Warrenton MO or have a store in your location to ship gun to and register. You pay shipping charges that may apply ~CVA Wolf .50 cal—— *only selling tickets day of event $1.00each or 6 for $5.00 *must be there to win this gun Washer Tournament will be $30.00 per team (2 people) Please send the following information to regiser your team to 2nd ACFF 97 Weatherby Lane Wright City MO 63390 TEAM NAME: PLAYER 1: PLAYER 2: Amount inclosed:

A free service by the Wentzville Hometown News. If you are having a charity fundraiser or special announcement please send your information to: wentznews@gmail.com Thank You, Tony Davis- Editor/Publisher

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The Wentzville School District Announces Free and Reduced Meals Guidelines for 2012-13

(July 12, 2012) Wentzville, MO‌ The Wentzville School District has announced its revised free and reduced price policy for school children unable to pay the full price of meals served in schools under the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program. Federal education officials have adopted the following family-size income criteria for determining eligibility: Household Maximum

Household Income Maximum Household Income

Size Eligible for Free Meals Eligible for Reduced Price Meals Annually Monthly Weekly Annually Monthly Weekly 1 $14,521 $1,211 $280 $20,665 $1,723 $398 2 19,669 1,640 379 27,991 2,333 539 3 24,817 2,069 478 35,317 2,944 680 4 29,965 2,498 577 42,643 3,554 821 5 35,113 2,927 676 49,969 4,165 961 6 40,261 3,356 775 57,295 4,775 1,102 7 45,409 3,785 874 64,621 5,386 1,243 8 50,557 4,214 973 71,947 5,996 1,384 Each add’member +5,148 +429 +99 +7,326 +611 +141 Children from families whose current income is at or below these levels are eligible for free or reduced price meals. Applications are available at each school office in the District. To apply, fill out a Free and Reduced Price School Meals Family Application and return it to the school. The information provided on the application is confidential and will be used only for the purpose of determining eligibility. Applications may be submitted at any time during the school year. A complete application is required as a condition of eligibility. (more) A complete application includes: (1) household income from all sources or Food Stamp/Temporary Assistance case number, (2) names of all household members, and (3) the signature and last four digits of the social security number or indication of no social security number of the adult household member signing the application. School officials may verify current income at any time during the school year. Foster children may be eligible regardless of the income of the household with whom they reside. If a family member becomes unemployed or if family size changes, the family should contact the school to file a new application. Such changes may make the children of the family eligible for these benefits. Under the provisions of the policy, the Child Nutrition Department Administrative Assistant will review the applications and determine eligibility. If a parent is dissatisfied with the ruling, they may discuss the decision with the hearing official on an informal basis or they may make a request either orally or in writing to the Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services at: One Campus Drive, Wentzville, MO 63385, (636)-327-3800. Hearing procedures are outlined in the policy. A complete copy of the policy is on file in each school and in the Central Office where any interested party may review it.

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Wentzville Hometown News

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BABY BACK BBQ RIBS 2 tbsp. kosher salt 2 tbsp. paprika 4 tbsp. granulated garlic 1 tbsp. onion powder 1 tsp. cumin seed 1 tsp. Durkee Ancho pepper 2 tsp. dry mustard 2 tsp. black pepper Combine ingredients well and rub on ribs.

General Instructions for Preparing Ribs Using the back of a knife or a butter knife, remove membrane from ribs by sliding knife underneath and peeling back the membrane on the back. Season ribs all over with rub, concentrating on the meatier portions and rubbing seasonings well into the ribs. Cook ribs over indirect heat (250°F-300°F) for 3-4 hours. Hickory, mesquite, apple or other fruit wood may soaked in water and tossed in small quantities over the hot coals periodically during the cooking in order to impart a smoky flavor. You will need to also add more charcoal to the fire as the cooking progresses in order to maintain temperature. After 3 or 4 hours of slow barbequing, arrange the ribs on a shallow-sided disposable aluminum pan and mop them on both sides with the mixture below. Cook for another hour, mop again, turn. Baste the ribs and check the coals at least once every hour for the next 3-4 hours. Baste on both sides well with your preferred BBQ sauce (we make our own molasses-based sauce), sprinkle lightly with garlic and onion powder, and wrap each rack of ribs well (straight from the grill) in heavy duty aluminum foil. Allow to rest in the foil for 30 minutes. If the coals are nearly out by now, it’s ok to rest the ribs on the edges of the grill away from the coals. When ribs are done, they will be fall-off-the-bone tender, and the meat will have shrunken away from the ends of the bone by 1/4-inch or so. Total cooking time is approximately 4-8 hours but this will vary according to your grill and the size of the rib rack (s) being cooked. The ribs are done when falling-off-the-bone tender and you just can’t wait any longer! MOP: 1 cup red wine vinegar 1 tablespoon garlic 1 cup water 3 tablespoons soy sauce

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