Great Fat Loss Tips by the PRO!

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==== ==== Check-out This Great Fat Loss Pro Tips: ==== ==== Expert trainer Jimmy Smith (JS) interviews top trainer Jen Heath (JH) on the top fat loss information today. JS: Jen thanks for agreeing to this interview today. First why don't you start out by telling the readers about yourself and why you're a fat loss pro? JH: (Laughing) I don't know about that...well, OKAY...I guess I am sort of a fat loss goes. I am a mother of four beautiful children first and foremost. I am also a professional natural bodybuilder and general athletic enthusiast. I run an online personal training program and have clients from all over the world who are making improvements in their physiques by implementing programs that I design for them. I advise them on their nutrition and training both, and carefully mold those two things together for them in a way that fits their lives. It is something I really enjoy and find very rewarding. As far as being a "fat loss pro" I can attribute my knowledge to a lifetime of physical fitness and nutrition manipulation. I have applied most everything I have learned to my own goals and have become adept at quickly honing in on what methods work for my various clients. I also have done an enormous amount of research on how the body reacts to various forms of dieting and training. Some of this has been reading on my own, and some has been through direct interaction with other renowned professionals I have come into contact with. JS: You've obviously made an amazing transformation to be able to compete on stage. When you were going through this transformation what were some of the roadblocks that kept getting in your way? As we both know, fat loss isn't as simple as eating less and exercising more. JH: First of all, in preparation for my first bodybuilding show, I was very lucky to come into contact with a trainer who taught the importance of NOT chronically dieting for competition. I was able to avoid most of the roadblocks such as chronic fatigue, muscle loss and general psychological discontent that most people encounter on their road to competition, or simply on the road to getting leaner. The main things that "stood in my way" were really just everyday life. Having four children doesn't make it exactly easy to plan meals, let alone hauling all of them with me to the gym. However, those were things I decided before hand that I would accept. Doing this actually made is more of a challenge. It was actually rewarding as I found creative ways to include my children and others in my life with what I was doing. That way it was truly a part of my life and I didn't have to impose on other people to accomplish my goals. JS: The idea behind your new product, fat loss pros is get rid of the "soft" fat loss information

being put out there. Your aim is to come with the hard and raw truth for both men and women. After all how long can we hear that you should do intervals to lose fat? What were some of "truths" that you personally had to overcome when you were going through a body recomposition? JH: I learned that there was a time and a place for cardio...and that it was not all the time. I learned that doing too much high intensity work without adequate calories and recovery was highly detrimental to muscle retention and growth. I have also learned over the years, that training one's bodyweight strength is more important in health/fat loss and in improving raw strength, than just jumping under a loaded bar. If you can't do ONE single leg squat with your body weight, you should not be attempting a couple hundred pounds under the bar. I learned that getting enough sleep at night is more important in fat loss than taking a "fat burner pill". JS: Many women out there are just looking to build their best beach body yet keep getting stuck. What are the top three barriers that limit them? JH: First, it is trying to do some big jacked up program that they find somewhere in a book or on the Internet that claims they are going to be that "beach babe" which doesn't take into account their own unique life. Behavior modification and psychological "satiety" if you will are the most important factors in fat loss and physique transformation. How can a person modify their behaviors through a plan that doesn't allow for any leeway as life pops up? I have found that simply not having the knowledge of how to be flexible is highly detrimental to longevity in staying lean. Secondly, there is joy in control. No, that wasn't a typo. I am not talking about being controlled. I am talking about having control as an individual over what you are doing. This is going to sound bad, but how often are we as women branded as control freaks because we remind our significant others to do things or remember every little detail about life and store it away in the card catalogs of our heads. Staying in control of what you are doing (granted that it works WITH you not AGAINST you) is really a great mechanism to success. There is no way to be in control of yourself if you don't have a foundation, a plan and a way to keep track of that plan. The little things do make a difference. That slice of cheese, cracker here and there, and taste of this or that while you are cooking all add up. Targeted nutrition calls for targeted tracking. Not overlooking things like this can make or break a person's physique goals. Lastly, in training most women are simply lost. They are either not resistance training at all, or of they are they are using the hip abductor/adductor machine, thinking they are going to get rid of saddle bags by doing so. It is just not the case. A lot of women do cardio every single day and hardly eat a thing and wonder why they don't look "athletic". I simply find that debunking all of these mythical training ideas is a critical step to helping people make progress. JS: Men seem to be freaks when it comes to supplements but women tend to shy away. What are a few supplements that you would suggest? I personally find great success with my female clients by just adding omega-3 fish oils and branch chain amino acids into their diets. JH: EFA's and BCAA are mandatory for all of my clients, men or women. I also educate women about the use of creatine. The benefits are endless, and the thought that creatine makes you retain water is only true to an extent. If it happens at all, water retention will usually disappear within a week or to of using creatine, particularly is enough water is consumed. I also recommend that all of my clients be on a multi vitamin. You would be surprised at how many women are not

even taking that. Depending on diet preferences, I might also recommend calcium/magnesium complexes as well. As long as good nutrition in actual food is being consumed, there are a lot of supplements that can be taken and results seen. JS: Women seem to naturally under eat. This is obviously going to slow down their thyroid and wreck havoc on their gains. They under eat both carbs and fats. So how can women and men for that matter, get as lean as they want to be still eating carbs and healthy fats? Everyone can eat carbs and everyone SHOULD be eating healthy fats. The levels differ from one person to the next of course for maximal efficiency in achieving goals, but in general targeting starchier carbs around training and earlier in the day (particularly if you do not train at night) will help the body utilize those nutrients for muscular gains and energy expenditure rather than fat storage. Conversely, Fats should be consumed away from carbs ie. Eating less fats in the a.m. and more fats at night. Veggies are an exception to this rule, as any amount of fat can be consumed with vegetables at any time without having an adverse effect on body composition. So, less fat in the a.m. more at night, more carbs in the a.m. less at night. Carbs around training. It has been said a million times, but it simply just works. Fat intake is REQUIRED for optimum hormone function. Roughly ½ a person's body weight can be consumed in fat, give or take depending on the individual, and have optimal results in transformation and training performance. Something interesting and sort off the subject is that by taking a fish oil supplement, I have had 3 clients now be completely relieved from the use of ibuprofen, as fish oils act as an anti-inflammatory. Simply put, in order to function normally and naturally, good fats must be ingested. As long as a sensible fat intake is not established, full physique goals will never be realized. JS: We've focused on women for the first part in the interview but let's shift focus. Most guy trying to get their ideal both just focus on adding size. The times when they attempt to diet, they just go extremely low on the carbs and lose a good amount of muscle mass. What's the deal with that? What are they doing wrong. Utilizing a low carbs scheme can actually be effective in gaining muscle mass, but this normally only happened if enough fat is consumed and/or a cyclical approach is taken. I have known some men who can get into a state of Ketosis (under 30 grams carbs plus green veggies) and stay there and experience no muscle loss, but that is because they become fat adapted. This means that they are consuming appropriate levels of fat. Many metabolisms tend to lay down fat if carbs are too high in a caloric excess, so the tendency is to reduce carbs out. The natural result is not enough calories to sustain muscle to begin with. On a low carbs scheme, a person can eat MUCH more food and still get lean, simply because it is much more difficult for the body to process fats and proteins than carbohydrates. So it is in getting the calories up. This can be done so by adding in the much needed and neglected fats from nuts, avocados, oils, etc...Additionally, considering adding in some high carb days here and there is wise. When the body is depleted of carbohydrates, there is no need of being afraid of high carb days from time to time, as all of those carbs will go to muscle growth. That brings me to the important part about the fats. On a low carb scheme, it is important to consume and enormous amount of fat. The body will become a "burner" of the nutrient that is in

the most plentiful source. On a low carb diet, without adequate fat, the body will simply use protein for energy, including those that are in the muscle belly. Proteins within the muscle are only protected if there is fat there to serve that purpose. Beware of muscle loss if you choose not consume healthy fats while eating this way and consider the benefits of adding I some high carb days from time to time. JS: Word Association. Just throw out the first thing that comes to your mind. Leptin: A hormone tells your brain how much body-fat you are carrying, and also how much nutrition you are consuming. How much leptin is released in your body is regulated by your total body fat stores. It also (sorry if this is too scientific) binds to receptors in the brain and controls the release of certain neurotransmitters that affect things that affect our metabolisms, like such as thyroid and nor-epinephrine, as well as neurotransmitters that affect mood appetite and energy levels such as dopamine and serotonin. Basically leptin is the down and dirty science behind true fat manipulation in the body and learning how to manipulate it is VERY interesting. All of this is one of the many "nitty gritty" topics that it is covered in great depth in certain parts of the Fat Loss Pros Collection Insulin Sensitivity Supplements: The first thing that comes to mind here is to eat more fiber. I am big on accomplishing things by the use of nutrition first rather than supplements. I have HEARD that chromium purported to improve insulin sensitivity, but whether that is actually true is obviously not for me to say. As far as diet is concerned eating lots of fiber improves insulin sensitivity, but could this be partly due to the fact that weight loss is a side effect of eating lots of fiber in conjunction with other healthful nutritional habits? Losing weight and body fat alone is the best single way to increase insulin sensitivity (reduce insulin resistance). Secondarily, consuming lower net carbs and consuming them after training can train the body how to properly process carbs instead of releasing a sea of insulin all the time. Training for Fat Loss: Periodize it with your nutrition...seriously! Fat loss is almost all nutrition. Fat loss occurs best in a caloric deficit. So it would be important to point out that in a deficit is the easiest state to lose muscle in. Less muscle = lowered metabolism = getting fatter, not leaner. This is compounded of course if the diet is not dialed in and proper weight training is not occurring. The goal in "training for fat loss" should be to "retain muscle", which again rolls around back to nutrition! The best way to retain muscle is to lift heavier weights. It must be an integral part of ANY fat loss program if long-term leanness is going to be achieved and maintained. JS: Jen thank you so much for the interview. Please spend some time telling the readers about your phenomenal fat loss product, fat loss pros and where they can pick it up. JH: Fat Loss Pros is a series of audio interviews in which I picked the brains of some of the most genius fat loss minds in the world. Their qualifications are unmatched and their cumulative knowledge cannot be found anywhere but in this product. All of the interviews are in convenient mp3 format so they can be easily uploaded to an ipod or other listening devices. I thought to myself based on my won experience, that it was about time that all of the effective fat loss information that existed, the meat and potatoes - not the fluff - be put into one place. Now, nothing is left to question. All the truths are right there contained in the interviews. I cannot even describe the education I received as I interviewed these experts. That alone makes creating the

product worth it. I give a lot of the credit for the physique I have achieved to these individuals, who are now available to anyone! Not to mention the free bonuses that are available for a limited time. Included in this package are e-books, training and diet programs and separate exclusive interviews. The combined worth of the free gifts alone far exceed the cost of the entire audio package in it's entirety. You know, it means a lot to me...what I have been able to achieve as a normal, working class wife and mother. Though it would cost hundreds just to have a consultation with one of these Pros alone, I did not want this to be out of reach to people just like me. We all just want to know what really works, and with fat loss pros, nothing is left to question. Anyone who is armed with this will know everything they need to be well on their way to a lean and muscular physique...permanently. This is the stuff real fat loss is made of and I want everyone to have access to it. Fat Loss Pro's is the best fat loss info product on the market today. JS: Thanks Jen! Jimmy Smith, CSCS, is a fitness coach who trains athletes and injured individuals as well as fitness competitors and enthusiasts in Stamford, Connecticut. He is also a body enhancement coach who has helped individuals and athletes of all levels from high school to the top collegiate and national ranks in reaching their elite performance and body enhancement goals. Although Jimmy is well versed in several bodies of knowledge, he specializes in performance and body enhancement as well as biomechanics as it relates to injury rehabilitation and human movement. In addition, Jimmy is currently advancing his education as a masters degree student in Human Movement and writes for various online magazines. Visit Jimmys website to sign up for his FREE newsletter that contains a FREE report with exclusive fat loss information. Jen Heath is a fitness trainer and competitor who serves as a nutrition consultant for females and males all around the word. For more information on Jen head to Article Source:

==== ==== Check-out This Great Fat Loss Pro Tips: ==== ====

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