José Manuel Martín nez Zamora
Name: Address
Escudo E 3, Tres T Cantoss,28760,Ma adrid, Spain
Mobile phone:
00346 670600946
00349 911280654
josem manuelmartinezzamora
zamo oraydepaz@ ww
Web: Date of birtth: Place of birrth/citizensh hip
15/03/1965 1 Madrrid/Spanish
Education at Brittish Institute Madrid. (Wh hole educatio on in English). school and d high schoo ol period.
Deu utsche Kulturrinstitut Madrrid (German language) 3 year training g while in hig gh school.
Grad duated as Architect A and d Master in Architecture e (6 years) by the ETS SAM Univers sity (Escuela a Tecn nica Superio or de Arquitecctura de Mad drid). Distinction in Projeccts I, II, III an nd main subjects.
Postt-graduate trrainings in de esign for the e disabled, ac ccessible arcchitecture, elimination off architectura al barrriers and envvironmental architecture a ( (ETSAM University Madrrid).
Training coursess in Allplan, Autocad, Presto, P Archiimedes (bud dgets, with U UBC/IBC/CTE standardss, usin ng "Precio de e la construccion centro",, PREOC, CS SI MF 2004)), Cypecad (sstructure calculation) and d Cypecad MEP (B Building facillities calculattion, thermal, acoustic, energetical, e electrical, plumbing, etc).
ew and Purse er in Iberia aiirlines. Training course as cabin cre
e year training as pre-e executive affter being se elected in the t III Deve elopment Pla an for future e One execcutives in Ibe eria Airlines (10 ( persons out of 5.000), consisting of the follow wing training:
Training for trainers. Self-D Discovery, Auto A Leadership, Leade ership in Hig gh Performa ance Teamss, Perssuasive Com mmunication, Coaching leadership sttyle, Change e Manageme ent, Talent Management M t, Agile e Project Management M t, Time Ma anagement, Diversity, Confidence C employee engagement e t, posiitively impacting retention n (The whole e training wa as specially designed d by top executiv ve trainers at a Adecco and Franklin Covey)).
g in differentt executive areas a in Iberria: Human Resources R (H HR), flight su upport, Deve elopment and d Training Quality,, Training Prrograms Unitt, In-Compan ny Communication, Plan nning, Joint B Business, Sa afety, Income e Manage ement, Ope erational Co ontrol, Comm mercial Dev velopment, and a Claims. CRM faciilitator (crew w resourcce management). ated as traine er in " The sp peed of trust " by Franklin n Covey. Gradua ealing " Lead ding Strategic Innovation n in Organiza ations " at th he Vanderbilt University, "TechniCityy" Now De at the Ohio O State University U (ssmart grids, smart city frramework an nd technolog gic urban planning), and d starting g a Master in Photovoltaicc Technologyy.
EMPLOYM MENT HISTO ORY c and Purser in Ibe eria since May 1.991. After A being selected s in tthe mentione ed executive e Cabin crew program m, appointed d Superviso or (a team of 40 mem mbers in hum man resourcces in charrge of 5.000 0 employyees) and crew instructo or (a team of o 7 memberrs in charge of the whole companie es flight crew w operatio onal and attitudinal training). Designer of specific c training, Co oach, mento or and trainer in diversityy, leadersship, change,, talent and time t manage ement ,comm munication, trrust, employe ee engagem ment, etc, (stilll working g now as a Senior S Manag ger). h centre e Architecct in Francissco Merino'ss Architectural Bureau(1.991-1.995), making hosspitals and health projectss for the Spa anish Public Health H Syste em. Co-worrking in Miguel Martin Esccanciano Arcchitecture Offfice (1.993). er of Madrid Architects College C Assocciation (COA AM) since 1.9 995. Membe o in parttnership with h Concepcion de Paz Cisneros sinc ce 1.995, stilll Creation of own arrchitectural office g together (Z Zamora & de Paz Archite ects), building g more than 200 projectss mainly in small-medium m working buildings, to scale, (Residential ( ownhouses and villas). In case furtther informa ation should be required d, certifica ated building g history can be achievved at the Madrid M Arch hitects Colleg ge Associatiion (COAM)). Likewisse, it can also o be consulte ed at: www.zzamoraydepa g for the Co ourts as judicial appraisser in Archite ecture since e 2.007. Acccomplishmen nt of expert'ss Working reports and judicial appraisals,, as well ass Arbitration, a form of alternative d dispute reso olution (ADR R) between property and promoters, builders and cooperatiive managerrs. i Zamora & de Paz S.L..N.E. since 2.006, 2 a com mpany dedica ated to buildin ng promotion n Creation and CEO in onstruction, as a well as dealer in prroducts rega arding new technologiess in constru uction, home e and co automa ation and Dom motics. Beco oming experienced adviso or in propertyy developme ent viability. uction of one e of the firstt bioclimatic,, self-sufficie ent buildings in Spain, w with thermodynamic solar Constru power and a waste water recoveryy system, accting as Architect and builder. uction of the first villa in Spain S with se elf supported wooden sa andwich cove er without strructure. Constru a & de Paz S.L.N.E S has a staff of six persons and forms a netw work of more e than 50 persons. Zamora
Capsola ar CST dea aler, a comp pany dedicatted to manu ufacture and d install therrmodynamic solar power equipm ments since 2.006. er, a Germ man compan ny dedicated d to the crreation of m mechanisms s and home e Rademacher deale atisms (domo otics). automa T de Control y Exportacion n S.L., engineering offic ce in selling g Regular Collaborattion with Tecnicas ut Central American market, as well as in n construction and engineering equipmentss throughou way, Madrid)). architecctural supporrt in engineering projectss (M-50 highw
Spanish: Native English: nglish (Unive ersity of Ca ambridge), P Proficiency (University of o Native. Certificatess: First Certificate in En d Higher leve el (Universityy of Oxford). Spanish Offficial School of Language es: courses 1 Cambridge). Oxford 4 º, 2 º, 3 º, 4 º, and 4ºspecial. German: e level: Mitte elstufe Certifiicate by Deu utsche Kulturrinstitut Madrid. Spoken a and written skills s Average
ny of its versiions, managing Mac IOS S environmen nt. Experrt skills in Windows, in an
W Excel and PowerP Point, Prezi, Adobe Acrrobat Professsional. Microsoft Projecct Experrt skills in Word, Manager. Internett: e-mail, , crreation of ow wn web page and own blo og, webinar training in Authors A Rankk, SEO positioning p a web repu and utation.
EPI (Propertyy developmen nt viability to ool). Experrt skills in HE
Design Tools:
Expert skills in Allplan byy Nemetschek, a BIM design E d tool fo or the creation of 3D virrtual modelss, d developing th he architectu ural project up to 2D plans, p photorrealistic rend ders and movies in AV VI fo ormat, with full f engagem ment with strructural prog grams like Cypecad C or T Tricalc, budg get programss like Presto orr Archimedess and installa ation program ms (Cypecad d MEP). E Expert skills in i Star Archie e (Architectu ure 3D). E Expert skills in i Autocad E Expert skills in Corel Dra aw, Corel Ph hoto paint, Pllan and Plan n Design by Nemetschek k and Sketch h U Up B Basic knowle edge of Photo oshop, Micro ostation and 3DStudio Ma ax
esto and Arcchimedes (bu udgets), Cype ecad (structu ure calculatio on) and Cype ecad MEP. Experrt skills in Pre
Avera age skills in Calener, C Leader and Ce3 3, Ce3x, (building energettic qualification programs s).
uent LinkedIn n and twitter user (@zamoraydepaz). Frequ
R programs: Merlin M and Nemo N Specific Iberia HR
n's National Mountain M Bikke Champion nship betwee en 1.989 and d Professsional Cycliist, participatting in Spain 1.994, sponsored by Tukka-Tikka and Trekk.
n, employed at " El Sherpa " ski cclub (nowad days SherpaInstructor in the Spanish Ski Federation en 1.985 and d 1.995. Nevassport) betwee
Madrid, 27 February F 201 13
I would like e to be conssidered as an a ideal can ndidate for this t job. I ha ave a large experience in a similar responsibilityy employme ent, I am a dynamic, proactive p an nd team builder person.. Focused towards t goa al achievement, I develop with my tea ams a coach h style leade ership. I am used to opttimize teams s working on n target alignm ment through h diversity an nd effective communicatio c on skills. As executive e, I work on the compan ny values and principles in order to create c or rein nforce our own o companyy culture, help ping employe ee growth, de evelopment, and emotion nal implication. I am used to o make publlic business presentation ns for big au udience, as well w as for th he board of directors d and d customers about a new prrojects and company c pla ans, I am als so experiencced in trainin ng employee es in order to o develop attittudinal skills. Strategic thinker with attention a to detail and drive d for ope erational excellence. Sttrong in dev veloping new w relationshipss and excelle ent communicator in a multisectorial, m , multilinguall and multina ational enviro onment. Able e to combine project planning ahead d of time with w management of the e unexpecte ed. Motivated d by difficullt objectives, which w I can plan p and reacch. About my technical know wledge, in Sp pain, a Maste er in Architec cture meanss a full Architectural Degrree plus a fulll Civil Engine eer Degree. That mean ns a comple ete compreh hension and d skill to de evelop comp plex building g structures, as a well as full design capa acity and buiilding superv vision. I have great experience in any building scale, ha aving develop ped large hospitals, as w well as high-e end villas and d townhouses, from the first f drawing gs to 1/1 sccale construction detailss, budgets, building memory, safetyy documents, and on the supervision s o the whole building proc of cess. I am used to o deal with technical and d political authorities with h a high knowledge abou ut constructio on standardss as well as sp pecific UBC/IBC/CTE req quirements. I am alwayss looking forw ward to acqu uire skills in new procedu ures and com mputer programs to wha at I believe iss going to be the best wayy to work on the future, and a to make e our projectss valuable fo or our custom mers. For thiss reason, I lefft 2D designiing for 3D modelling m in 1990 1 with Sttar Archie in UNIX worksstations, and d started BIM M procedures with w Allplan (Nemetschek ( k) in 1997, being 10 yearrs ahead most Architectu ural Offices in n Spain. This same attitude a focussed on workiing against change c resistance and automatic beh haviour, conttinues on the e building tech hniques itselff, with one of o the first the ermodinamic cal buildings, or waste wa ater recovery y installationss in Spain, For all of thiis reasons, I hope you are a interested d in contacting me for fu urther detailss, with full disposal either through e-m mail, phone or o Skype vide eo-conferencce. I am sure e it is going to be as inte eresting for my m career ass convenient for f your firm. With best regards,
Jose Manuel Martinez Zaamora
Copy of Arch hitectural deegree
Copy of Arch hitectural deegree 2
Copy of Mad drid Architeccts College Association m membership(C COAM)