Dear Linda, Happy Birthday!!! There are no words that could sum up how much we love you and care for you!! We are so proud of you for everything you are and everything you do, you inspire us to be kinder, happier and better people. Whenever we need you, you are a FaceTime away and that does not go unnoticed. Your excitement for life; the little joys and big victories are all met with the same enthusiasm and thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what make spending mundane days better with you. Thank you for the love and for having our backs (always) !! Hope you love this mini fanzine that we made for you and have the best birthday !! Onwards and upwards <3 Love,
â&#x20AC;&#x153;To our one and only mollu, as you journey into adulthood, we wish your suitcases to be filled in plenty with... Love, Happiness & Fun that surround you... Best of Health forever.... Wealth, Prosperity & Success that follow you everywhere.. Wisdom & Talent that help you to overcome challenges that come your way... and most important of all The Everlasting Guidance & Protection of the Almighty... May all your dreams come true.. May God bless you with only the bestâ&#x20AC;? - Dadda & Mumma.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;2020 is still not as weird as Mollu being the loudest for New yearsâ&#x20AC;? - Renuka
I love Linda because she shares my love for pretty little liars and the song Irreplaceable. I love Linda because she forgave me for stealing her tshirt (BY ACCIDENT). I love Linda because she remembers the names of all the people in my life. I DO NOT love Linda because of that damned slap bet. I know how much I love Linda because it hurts when she leaves. And I love Linda because she is the biggest cutie inside and out- Leeza. Because we can FaceTime and then start working in silence and it’s not awkward . Because we are somehow polar opposites but make it work and that its been hundreds of calls and we still have shite to say and we are proof long distance works. Because you are the kindest soul and emotional in the best way!! And perfect company for lazy sundays and perfect company for going out to dance ! best of both worlds baby!! love you- Zara. i love linda because she had my back when no one did. i love linda because she learned so much amount mental illness when i was going through a bad time. i love linda because she LOVES MY COOKING. I love linda because she was so charmed by me in 9 grade, we had to become best friends. i love linda because i remember a day in school i was sitting all alone because we were 5 in class and the others wanted to sit with each other all the time, and i was all alone as i came to school only three days after it started, and she saw me alone and silently crying in class and she just took all her things and came and sat right next to me and hugged me and told me, “it’s okay, i’m here.” and since then i know she’s there. and will always be there. and I love linda, because she took the time to know me and learn everything about me like me her- Zainab. I love Linda because she helps me with math hw. That’s it. Those are all the reasons I love her.Jk.I love Linda because she was smart enough to be friends with me. I love Linda because she is our very own *model*. I love Linda because she does the right thing. I love Linda cause she loves on everyone around her and is intentional with everything she does. I love Linda because she is strong, brave and kind- and those are not qualities you see in everyone. But most of all, I love Linda because she has the most beautiful heart. She shows others that yowu can be a leader and still serve, that you can be firm but still tender-hearted. Linda- you are so loved and I hope you will always remember that- Gaby.