Help Keep Your Family Healthy by Keeping A Clean Home
Nowadays we live in tightly sealed, energy efficient homes, in which toxins can easily build up.
There are, however, a few things you can do to keep your living environment clean, and help protect your family from illness. When using toxic and harsh cleaning products and solvents, we are advised to keep our windows open, but there are alternatives.
Instead of using manmade chemicals to keep your home clean there are several, more natural homemade cleaning solutions available.
Make sure you keep a stock of these useful ingredients: - bicarbonate of soda ; - vinegar; - lemon juice.
Each of them can be used in a variety of cleaning recipes, and offer a healthier alternative to shop bought cleaning products.
Dissolve 4 tablespoons of bicarbonate of soda in a litre of warm water. This solution can be used as an
for all your home surfaces.
For cleaning your drains pour half a cup, followed by half a cup of white vinegar, down the drain. Wait 5 minutes and flush with a kettle of freshly boiled water.
Lemon juice and borax can be used to clean the
Make a paste and apply to the bowl, leaving for 2 hours. Scrub clean and then rinse.
Vinegar and water, in a weak solution, is a marvelous cleaner for
mirrors and windows.
Don't leave spills in the oven to dry and go hard. Sprinkle water on them when the oven is still warm, and add salt. Allow the oven to cool, and you will be able to scrape the spill away.
High humidity in a home, is the perfect environment for the growth of mould. Many people suffer from coughs and wheezing, and often attribute these symptoms to a reaction to fur or pollen. Mould spores can also be a possible cause. Keep a watchful eye for leaks and drips. Regularly service heating appliances and ensure all rooms are well ventilated.
A house cleaning Camden company can help keep germs to a minimum. But there are things you can do yourself to reduce the risk of family members catching colds and becoming victim to other nasty viruses. Encourage all family members to regularly wash their hands. Particularly before preparing or eating food. Use a disinfectant spray on door handles and other frequently touched surfaces, such as telephone receivers and taps.
Other useful tips: - Try to keep your
consider have more than one toothbrush that you use. - The
sponge in your kitchen is a
breeding ground for bacteria. Change it on a weekly basis, and always allow it to dry completely between each use.
Keep up with these few simple your family will be greatly reduced.
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