PORTFOLIO Zara Hejdeman, 2008-2011
Table of contents Battlefields 5th semester
A place to live
House on an island
Glass workshop
Plastic fantastic workshop
4th semester
2nd semester
3rd semester
3rd semester
Series of rooms 28-29 1st semester
Arctic climate station 1st semester
curriculum vitae 32-33
Battlefields Trying to solve the increasing co2 emissions by choosing a battle and problem area in copenhagen. The battle on our site is the difference in scale between the large buildings and the green lawn, the green lawn being huge and monotone, and the isolation of the area from its surroundings. Our site is an example of a green space which has no people or activity in it. And we wanted to make this area more active and useful to people. We also wanted to help reach one of the goals in the copenhagen climate plan, which is getting people to use a park twice as much as they do today. We did this by use four strategies; Overlapping, Dividing, Extension and Connection. We also moved and redesigned a metrostation in order to further brake the isolation and to make sort of an entrance to the area. The metrostation is an assembly of all the strategies put together.
A place to live The idea was to create something new of the already existing. Along the site lies the villas in lines. These lines exchanges here and there by apartments and vacation homes. I wanted to collect the good qualities in the surrounding area and try to merge them to something new.
? ?
House on an island A famous danish chef wants a house were he can invite friends and people interrested in fruit production. The house should have a large room for dinners, a small room for private conversations, a toilet, a room were fruit can be cleaned and a room to store fresh fruit. The result is a house with a closed off northside to protect from wind and an open southside to use the heat from the sun. The house is arranged by a circular movement around the functions like a path. Starting with the most public spaces and ends with the most private and the ocean view on the top.
Smaller works
Architectual analysis -Atelier BowWow
Our porposal to an additional glass facade. The elements are attached in tracks under the roof. They are moveable and change function according to the seasons: In winter, they work as a skin and reflect the light making it feel britughetr than it actually is. In summer, they hang along the brick wall and things can grow behind them.
24 -Glass workshop
A city park pavilion folded from one piece of plastic.
26 -Plastic fantastic workshop Snit 1:25
Plan 1
A series of rooms created for a analytic botanist. The shape is based on a single cubic form, forming serveral small rooms and cavities. Different rooms for different purposes. On the ground floor is the private home environment with entrance, reading room, rest room, library and a dark archive for dried plants and seeds. On the second floor we have the room for planting, a laboratory and a roof terrace. One more stair and you find the greenhouses. The four light shafts provides the different rooms light in different character. 28 -Series of rooms
Plan 2 C
Tvärsnitt A-A
Längdsnitt D-D
Ett rumsförlopp byggt för en ordningsam botaniker som tycker om att göra olika saker i olika rum. Rumsförloppet bygger på en en enda kubisk form som bildar många små rum och håligheter. Olika rum för olika aktiviteter. På bottenvåningen finns den privata hemmiljön med trägolv. Här finns entré, läsrum, vilorum, bibiliotek och längst in i mörkret ett arkiv för torkade växter och fröer. På andra våningen finns ett rum för plantering och ett laboratorie. Här finns också den gröna takterassen där man kan känna av väder och vind. Från denna våning går trappan upp till växthuset på taket. I rumsförloppet finns fyra ljusschakt som ger olika ljus i olika rum. Ett ger svagt ljus på vägen in till arkivet. I rummet för plantering är arbetsytan precis under ett schakt som ger ett klart arbetsljus. Ett ljusschakt ger ljus ner i passagen mellan Plan 1 läsrummet och bibilioteket. Det fjärde ljusschaktet går rakt ner i entrén.
Materialen är rå betong på utsidan och på golven där det arbetas med växter, vatten och jord. På insidan är betongen vitmålad för mer ljus. På bottenvåningen är golvet av trä, för en varm, dämpad känsla. Ljusschakten är gjorda av rost, som Tvärsnitt förändras B-B av väder och vind precis som växterna.
Tvärsnitt B-B
Plan 2 C
Tvärsnitt C-C Framsida Tvärsnitt C-C Framsida
30 -Arctic climate station
The assignment was to create a single room only from the inside. It was ment to serve one person while working with climatic changes. Focus was on daylight, natural ventilation and materials. I worked with a crystalline shape with a wooden inside to create an warm and enfolding space.
Curriculum Vitae
Contact \\ Zara Hejdeman Phone: +45 2388 2250 E-mail: zara.hejdeman@gmail.com Work experience\\ 2011 3XN architects - 3D modeling, CAD drawings, model building. Schmidt Hammer Lassen architects - model building. 2010 3XN architects - 3D modeling, CAD drawings, model building. Christensen&Co architects - model building. Karlskrona Naval Base - Summer replacement at recreational camp. 2009 Karlskrona Naval Base - Summer replacement at recreational camp. 2008 Karlskrona Naval Museum - Museum guide. 2007 Karlskrona Naval Base - Summer replacement at recreational camp. 2006 Karlskrona Naval Base - Summer replacement at recreational camp. 2005 Karlskrona Naval Base - Summer replacement at recreational camp. Education\\ 2008-20XX Royal Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, Copenhagen, Denmark. 2006-2008 Ă–sterlenskolan, School of art and design, Simrishamn, Sweden. 2004-2006 Teacher training in technology and design, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Language\\ Swedish -Native English -Fluent in speaking and writing Danish -Almost fluent in speaking and writing French -Basics Other\\ Driving License since 2004-09-16 Computer program experience: AutoCAD, Rhinoceros, SketchUp, Vray, Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. References and grades\\
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