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Building Anew
Before students and faculty returned for in-class education this fall, Zaytuna took advantage of an unoccupied campus to reevaluate its existing facilities and infrastructure under the leadership of Jacobus (J.J.) Botha, the College’s director of facilities and security. Zaytuna recently acquired two existing homes as well as an empty lot on which faculty housing can be built, all within walking distance of the campus. To meet the immediate needs of a growing student body, the College prioritized dormitory upgrades, including a newly renovated kitchen, and the repurposing of office space in the College’s Euclid Avenue property for additional male student housing. Zaytuna’s vision strives to ensure a dignified living environment for students and scholars, so the College’s strategic plan remains sensitive to the housing and facility needs of its oncampus community. Beyond expansion, campus beautification remains at the forefront of the College’s master plan. Traditional Muslim learning centers were renowned architectural wonders of their time, still admired and studied today. The intricate geometric designs and opulent gardens were a direct reflection of the subjects of study: sacred art mirroring sacred knowledge. At Zaytuna, an expression of truth, goodness, and beauty is witnessed in the mystical hills of the upper campus. To that end, President Yusuf has commissioned a local talented architectural firm to review the topographical survey of the campus and formulate a master expansion plan that will not only optimize housing and classroom facilities but also include a landscape design that exemplifies the concept of gardens and courtyards from the Islamic tradition. In the coming years, the College hopes to be a sanctuary for students as well as visitors who come to witness the natural beauty of the campus.
Zaytuna recently acquired two existing homes as well as an empty lot on which faculty housing can be built, all within walking distance of the campus.