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Blessed be Sisters! This issue of my newsletter is focused on the events of our Gathering the Goddess festival. If you wanted to come and be a part of it, now is the time to get yourself registered! If you need transportation from San Jose Airport to the Gathering and back, get your bus ride paid for and your seat reserved. Seating is limited! It’s only $25! Registered attendees of the Gathering the Goddess 2008 festival should create themselves a free account at the Dianic University. Email me when you’re done so I can add you by hand to the DU’s area for the Gathering. All the information is posted at the Dianic University. Early Registrants should have paid $200 by now. PayPal payments are sent it to: wsf@zbudapest.com. Final payment due by August 31st. I have more to say on down the page, read on and enjoy the newsletter. Blessed be,

Z Budapest

Z and I are busy doing a number of projects, everything from writing new books to producing new DVDs. I thought it would be fun to share some of the video footage that we might not use, but its fun to watch ... like our bloopers ... which we seem to have a lot of. Go figure! We were taking the photos of Z that we used for this edition of the newsletter and shooting some video, when Z developed a dry mouth because of the wind. Here's what happened....

I hope you enjoy My Life on the Z-List! Click the link or on Z to watch. Blessings, Bobbie

Oh frabjous joy! Welcome to the Moon AND Sun in Cancer for the New Moon begun 2nd July. Intuition, feelings, purity of intention, nurturing, home-loving, emotional, grounded in water; is this blessed month ahead. This is a special time for womyn as it brings all our right-brain qualities to the fore. Now make Gladmother happy by decorating your bodies and selves and homes with joy and abundance, gathering the fruits and berries of the fields, feasting on cherries and apples and squash, and mixing cool summer smoothies. Bright pinks and oranges and colors abound, invest in things that make the heart sing. For those of us with PMS, let your emotions roll through you and back out again. It’s okay to cry and eat chocolate and take those long soaks in privacy. No matter maiden, mother, queen, or crone, age or station, roles, or responsibilities, you are truly crowned in this month of Cancer, ruled by Venus/ Aphrodite, and loving yourself is your first priority.

The Dark Moon showing her crescent on the 9th starts the first quarter of beginnings and solidarity. Things that were foggy in Gemini are now intuitively clear. Ask the Mother for answers to questions and dilemmas that were confusing last month and the answers will appear. Trust your inner self and your Goddess to reveal her truth through omens, signs, and feelings. It’s a gut thing. Go with courage into the unknown, the part of yourself that dared not risk before, for the Full Moon is coming. The Blessed Rose Moon rises on 19th July. This is a most auspicious moon. The Rose is sacred to the Goddess of 10,000 names and is known to many cultures going back far in time. From Kuan Yin, compassionate Mother, to the Virgin Mary, in modern times, the Goddess has always been honored with the rose. Indeed, flowers themselves, such as the lotus and the gardenia, have always been associated with womynhood. Look at the paintings of Georgia O’Keefe who astonished the world with her celebration of the divine feminine in nature on canvas! Honor your garden this Esbat night by having a love affair with your flowers, whatever they be. Make sure they are well-watered, and while watering, visualize love pouring forth onto them from the hose. Burn Rose incense and wear rose oil at your altar. This moon is not to be missed!!! I was lucky enough to celebrate the Full Rose Moon in private with a friend who was a modern kourete, or male devotee of the Goddess. He gave me the fivefold kiss and we

had a single rose on the altar, with a rose tapestry under our altar candles. We went deep into trance and recited the Charge of the Star Goddess, and took scrying water out to the full moon in the bowl under the stars. It was a blessed, meaningful ritual. He honored me as the Goddess drawn down by the moon. You do not need a kourete to hold a Rose Ritual. If you are lucky enough to have friends to celebrate with, make little crescent moon cakes and have cider for the ale, and decorate with your best Rose motifs. If you are alone, realize that this is the high point of the Goddess as Virgin and Mother. Draw down those sacred qualities for yourself. Your time will be enchanting and stay with you like a sacred dream as the Sun moves out of Cancer into Leo on 22nd July. This Full Moon is in Aquarius also, so be prepared for the unusual. Innovative ideas, inspiration, lucid dreaming, and taking risks are the gifts of the Goddess for the Blessed Rose Moon.

Meditation and rosaries are special to this month. The rosary was originally from the Fertile Crescent cultures and only became adopted for the worship of Mary later on. Greek worry beads, Indian malas, and chakra and Marian rosaries are all special devices for meditation. The beads marked prayers, or spells, or thoughts of uplifting valor. If you are lucky enough to make one or own one blessed be! The rosary above is special because I made it for the bride of a Scottish handfasting. The Rose is eternally young, as is the Goddess. Send your love for self and for the Goddess up on a cloud of roses under the Rose Moon.

Then know, as the waning moon darkens, Last Quarter 25 th July, that all will be bright and closure will come. Put away your cares and bask in the knowledge that you are loved. Everything will get done in its own time. No need to rush. This is a time to savor. Let the rose from your Goddess celebration dry and remind you that all is well, and all manner of things shall be well. By Solocrone, 9th July, Moon in Via Combusta and Libra Original Marrying Maiden rosary by Solocrone for a handfasting ______________________________________________________________________________

After more than thirty years in circulation, The Holy Book of Women’s Mysteries is still a ground-breaking book in the forefront of women’s spirituality. I have survived all of these years almost 30 years since I read your first book, Holy Women’s Mysteries. I was a practicing Buddhist in 1972, and then came your book and my whole life changed. I carry with me the inside knowledge that I am Goddess and so are my sisters--in secret we have always gathered. A deep thank you Z for writing that first book as I awoke the Goddess in me and I have been on the path ever since. I love you and respect you and I am deeply grateful for you for spawning the Women’s Spiritually Movement. Blessed Be and Bright Blessings. - KRS

Z’s Sister Fates Books

MEDUSA, and the Priestesses of ARTEMIS The Priestesses of Artemis: Ancient Medusa hath guarded the Shadow-Realms, and of Her love Became the Teacher. We kissed the Hag at the Gates of the Abyss and this Rune became the Portal to Deeper places of the Heart. Behold the Lotus of the Soul – DIANA - Sweet Mistress of the Magickal Art. I dedicate this image to the Susan B. Anthony Coven in which We are One! We are the Priestesses of Artemis - Divine in Her Lunar Mansions - Where Her Sweet works of Magick Shall be done!

Gathering the Goddess A Festival Celebration of Women’s Spirituality Presented by Z Budapest Goddess herstory comes full-circle! Our newest announcement is that is that Z and Bobbie will be sharing their Tryst with the women who attend the Gathering, but we have also been gathering up the women who helped Z start the Women's Spirituality Movement and the Susun B. Anthony Coven Number One. It doesn't get any more herstorical than this! Come look at our updates for the Gathering's highlights Z is bring us all together to celebrate the 30th year of the Holy Book of Women’s Mysteries with the women who started the movement … it’s going to be a powerful gathering! Women attending this ritual will get a huge hit on what it was like to be a part of the inception of this movement. You'll be able to ask questions, listen to the stories from the women who were actually there, ... you're getting your education, training and ritual experiences from the sources themselves. We are never again repeating this once in a lifetime gathering of women. It's a special event and as a goddess woman, you should be there. We are currently putting together the schedule of speakers, workshops and events. We will announce more information as we move closer to the gathering’s date. This is definitely an event you’ll want to be a part of if dancing, singing and celebrating the goddess surrounded by majestic redwoods and spiritual sisters sounds wonderful to you! Reserve your place in herstory today! Z Budapest is the High Priestess of the Dianic Tradition and foremother of the Women's Spirituality Movement. She is the author of the Holy Book of Women's Mysteries. Z will lead us through the Holy Book of Women's Mysteries towards a deeper understanding of the Dianic Tradition through intensive workshops and ritual experiences.

Let us gather, sisters. We come in many colors, sizes, traditions, and sexual orientations; lesbian and gay women, straight women and all. We are the old women, we are the new women, we are the same women, and better than ever. Blessed be. Holy Book Herstory Have you ever wondered the who, what, where and when's of the creation of the Holy Book of Women's Mysteries? We've put together a web page that highlights the answers to these questions.

Join us for Gathering the Goddess 2008 Sept. 5-7th, Santa Cruz Mountains, CA http://zbudapest.com/goddess-festival.html

Registration deadline August 31, 2008, but we expect to sell out before that date. Admission is $300 and includes: - All meals - Heated shared cabins - A bed (you bring bedding & pillow) - All events and rituals - Access to vendors - Limited San Jose Airport transportation (must be pre-arranged - ALMOST FULL!!!)

How to cleanse a crystal ball Cleansing a crystal ball really depends upon your crystal. You will want to cleanse it and charge it. Other than running it under water you have to consider charging the crystal. If the stone is projective, sit it in the sunlight outside for a while or in a brightly lit window where there are no flammables. In the case of a receptive stone (best for divination) you want to charge them with moonlight. If the stone is receptive and projective (in the case of clear crystal quartz), charge in the sun and then in the moon. It should be noted that sun charging is very strong. It only needs a few minutes. Moon charging can be an overnight affair. If it's a quartz of some kind (rose, smokey, or amethyst) it's receptive unless it's clear. Then it's both. Black stones are receptive, like obsidian. Very few crystal balls are forged of projecting stones. Those are special and rather than using for divination, they can be used for remote healing and casting spells among other things.

The Dianic University Online is adding new classes! If you're not studying with us, you should be.

We added a new Witchy Herbal Studies class that is the first in a series of excellent herbalist classes. The first class is Healing Herbs - Nervous System & Reducing Stress and is part of a series of courses designed to give you the most thorough, practical, hands-on and sacred learning experience with herbs. Though it does require a time commitment on your behalf, if used as intended, these lessons will provide a comprehensive understanding of herbalism, providing you with the skills necessary to be an herbalist using the herbs from the lessons. We also added a Dianic Philosophy and Thought class. Dianic spirituality starts with feminist thought. This class is meant to bring a basic grasp of Dianic spiritual philosophy through feminism writings and Dianic practices. New classes and more new teachers are on the way! Make yourself a free account at the Dianic University if you haven't already done so ... do it now! Now's the time to come study with Z and her dedicated group of teachers!

Have you visited the Women's Spirituality Forum store online?

Now on Disk!

You can get autographed copies of Z's books there!

Also Featuring: Lindie Lila's Goddess Music downloads now available in the Women’s Spirituality Forum online store! We All Come from the Goddess

Lots more! We're adding more items too ... come see!!!

Please share this newsletter with your friends.

I am going to look this month at the Daughter’s of the Moon tarot, which was one of the first feminist tarot decks done by witches for witches in the modern era. It was originally conceived as an idea by two of our beloved foremothers, Ffiona Morgan and the late Shekhinah Mountainwater. It became a large collaborative effort after its conception and over a dozen womyn took part in its creation from start to finish. It is the only deck that I know of that offers the chance to work with female imagery only, which I find to be incredibly empowering when I am in need of a big womon-positive burst of energy. The whole concept behind this deck is radical and magickal. First of all, there is no Major Arcana like in other decks, rather there has been made a fifth suit of Spirit/Aether energy, so there is no hierarchy in the cards themselves in terms of Major and Minor Arcana. Also eliminated from the deck are the patriarchal ideas of power; instead there are feminist images of womyn who are powerful from inner strength and ability, and the King, Queen, Knight, and Page of each suit have been substituted with Maiden, Mother, and Crone. The roundness of the cards eliminates a duality-based interpretation scheme from readings. They are large cards, which offers womyn the chance to really stretch their hands and feel the strength of their fingers as they shuffle the cards. It’s like a challenge to let go of our inner programming to be dainty and grab this big deck and really use our strength. The imagery of the cards is bold and lush. These female images are of womyn of all races. There are Goddesses of many cultures in all five suits of the deck. Just looking at the cards is a feast for the eyes and womonsoul. I was going to do a meditation on the cards for this month as well, but I feel more compelled to write about their beauty and power for right now. Sometimes we get so purpose-driven that we forget to actually take joy in those things which we do. We focus too much on the goal – or a perceived goal – and forget to enjoy the process. So I am listening to myself and just feasting on these cards. I will tell you of one of my favorite cards for now. It is The Priestess, which is represented by the Goddess Isis. In the picture, She is serene, Her mind focused in a meditative state. Her clothing is rich and evocative of ancient Egypt. The hues are restful blues and purples, which also convey Her power and numinous energy. She looks like She is reaching into Her inner soul and finding Her insight, Her voice. It is breathtaking. Without having to look in a book of defined interpretations for the card, you can feel through the visual and emotive cues, what Her purpose is and what She is saying to you. That’s what I love about these cards, especially this one. Books of interpretations are great, and Ffiona did a very useful and concise one for this deck, which I do recommend, but the cards themselves should speak to you. They should give

you a chance to just trust your inner voice, as Isis does in the picture. After all, that’s what being a Priestess is about.

Prayer Requests We see daily prayer requests on our lists, in our groups and in the DU. Requests for prayers, for healing and life’s concerns. Requests for energies to be sent, we all long for some help every now and then. The women of the Susan B. Anthony Coven Number One are pleased to announce a special place for you to go to make you prayer requests. We wanted to make asking for help, for prayers, for energies … a little easier.

Do you have a prayer request? Also sisters, please visit this location daily and remember each other when say your prayers to the Goddess. Blessings, Women’s Spirituality Forum

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Climate change is upon us here in the Bay Area. Almost every day it looks like November when you look out the window. Thick fog, sweater days in July. I rather have this than the stifling heat, which also comes for about three days a month. Then its seeking the shade of the large trees in my cemetery park where they let trees get big and old . It’s my favorite place for prayer and meditation. I don’t know if I told you about my favorite two trees? One is a mighty golden poplar, planted on the slope. She is lush with green leaves now, and when I visit with her she shakes her leaves like is she was a Quaking Aspen. I tell her my troubles. I just look up at her and admire. She expresses herself with the tremblings of her leaves, sometimes very emotional, other times just soothing and light. I call her my FRIEND tree. The other Tree, being with whom I have developed a deep attachment is a Live Oak. This fine tree has a definite sexy crotch, a green moss lined little crack, very vagina like. I kiss her there and stick my face into her and sing. There is a little echo when I do this. She is not deep enough to really echo my voice, but this act of singing between her two main branches, creates a deep sound. And I get inspired there. Often I hear a song in my head and sing it. Sometimes I just whisper to her, asking her to give me strength. Nothing is as strong as a LIVE Oak. She is a couple hundred years old; watches over the graves of several old families from Oakland’s past. I read the names. I bless the dead. In the whole city, this is where my dog Zyna doesn’t have to worry about traffic, and me about being disturbed. This is my temple. My sacred site. The dead are all nice people, I know them all by name. I know where the little Knudson boy lies, nine years old when he died, and the entire family of the Bronson’s. There was some epidemic back in the early 19th century that took down a lot of people. So today I think of you and sending you my best prayers, Play nice with each other, life is too short. Loi ve,

Z Budapest

I told you we were making herstory at this Gathering the Goddess festival of Women's Spirituality. In addition to bringing together the women who started the movement for you to meet and learn from in-person, in addition to teaching you the songs from the Holy Book of Women's Mysteries, in addition to taking you back to the magickal origins of real ritual, in addition to bringing you together with some of the greatest Dianic teachers of our era, in addition to laughing, dancing, worshipping the Goddess together, in addition to all that ... Bobbie and I will be sharing our Tryst with all of you who attend the Gathering. Indeed the Holy Book of Women's Mysteries is coming alive for this Gathering of the Goddesses. The events of this festival will never be repeated again. Don't miss out! Reserve you place in herstory today! Blessed be,

Z Budapest PS. In lieu of Trysting gifts, if so inclined, we ask that you donate to the Women's Spirituality Forum to further advance women's spirituality efforts.

Resource Links Z Budapest Website Dianic Wicca University Online Dianic Nation Women's Events Z's Blog Z's Events Schedule Z's MySpace Calendar Z's University Calendar Z's Books Summoning the Fates Holy Book of Women's Mysteries Celestial Wisdom Grandmother of Time Grandmother Moon Goddess in the Office Goddess in the Bedroom Holy Book Herstory Have you ever wondered the who, what, where and when's of the creation of the Holy Book of Women's Mysteries? We've put together a web page that highlights the answers to these questions.

Please share this newsletter with your friends. Have you done your self-blessing today? We do self-blessing every day. In fact, it's the first thing I do every morning when I rise as I'm preparing to get dressed. It's good mental health. Do your self-blessings and life will be sweeter. The SelfBlessing is on page 120 of the Holy Book of Women's Mysteries.

This newsletter is sponsored by the Women’s Spirituality Forum. Please help support our efforts to help keep the Goddess Alive!

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