PadangKampongPi ndah,af i el dt hathaswi t nes s edf ew gener at i onsoff oot bal lpl ayer si nKampong Bahr u.cur r ent l y,i t ' st heonl ycommuni t yf i el dt hati sopenf ort hel ocal sofkampongBahr ut ohaveevent s andact i vi t i es .i t ' sal s ot het r ai ni ngbas eofanonpr of i tf oot bal lt r ai ni ngcl ub,whi chi sOmbakf oot bal l cl ub.Tocont i nuet hes pi r i toft hi sf i el d,t hebui l di ng,JOMSEPAK!i sdes i gnedt ocel ebr at et he t oget her nes soft hel ocal sgat her i ngatt hi sf i el dandal s o,t obr i ngbackt hegl or ydaysofMal ays i an f oot bal lt oget hers t ar tf r om PadangKampongPi ndah.Hence,t hebui l di ngi sdes i gnedt ohaveacl os e r el at i ons hi pwi t ht hef i el d.
Thes i t e,KampongPi ndah,i sapeacef ulandhar moni ouspl ace.Ther ear e f ew pr i mar ys chool s ,bust opsandaMRTs t at i onnear byt hes i t e.I ti sver y s ui t abl ef ort heyout hst ocomeoverJOMSEPAK!t ol ear nf oot bal l .
PadangKampongPi ndah,t heonl ycommuni t yf i el di n KampongBhar u.Local sal wayshaveevent sandact i vi t i es att hi sf i el d.Dur i ngweekends ,t her ei sanonpr of i t abl e f oot bal lcl ub,OMBAKFoot bal lCl ub,t r ai nst eenager sand chi l dr enf oot bal li nt hi sf i el d.
Padang Kampong Pi ndah
PadangKampongPi ndahi st heonl yonef i el dt hatopenf orpubl i cf r eel y.
Tr ai ni ngTar get
bui l di ngf or m concept
i nt ent i on
s pat i alconcept Ma l a y s i a nf o o t ba l lbo l e h! !
Fi nalOut come
Vol ume/ Subs t ances t udy
Hei ghts t udy
( Week7)
( Week7)
( Week7)
( Week7)
( Week8)
( Week8)
( Week8)
( Week9)
( Week91 2)
Rearf acades ket ches
( Week91 2)
Towerf acades ket ches
s p a c e s e x p e r i e n c e i n j o ms e p a k !
Sect i onXXnts
Sect i onYYnts