Automatic speed and torque monitoring in induction motors using zigbee and sms zebros ieee projects

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FINAL YEAR PROJECTS IEEE PROJECTS 2013-2014 CONTACT: 9940098300, 9500075001

Office Address: No 4 / Flat No 3D, Sai Kiran Apts, First Main Road, Kasturba Nagar, Chennai-20 web: e mail : mob: 99400 98300,9500075001

ZEBROS PROJECTS AUTOMATIC SPEED AND TORQUE MONITORING IN INDUCTION MOTORS USING ZIGBEE ABSTRACT This system is for monitoring the speed and torque in induction motors in real time by employing ZigBee based wireless sensor network. An embedded system is used for acquiring electrical signals from the motors in a noninvasive manner. The processing for speed and torque estimation is done locally. Embedded system is used to control the speed of the motor. The values calculated by the embedded system are transmitted to a monitoring unit through ZigBee based wireless sensor network. The real time monitoring of various motors can be done at the base unit. Speed of deployment, maintenance, low cost, security, reliability and throughput are the main advantages of using ZigBee. From simulation, plot for output voltage, output current, speed and torque can be obtained by applying different load values. EXISTING SYSTEM An induction or asynchronous motor is an inherently self-starting AC motor in which energy is transferred by electromagnetic induction from a primary winding to a secondary winding. The two windings being separated by an air gap and such transfer usually from the stator to either a wound rotor or a short-circuited squirrel cage rotor. It is the existing system. Induction motor is used here. Induction motor used is three phase induction motor. It is advanced than single phase induction motor. Three phase induction motor is self-starting. It is an asynchronous motor. Speed can be controlled by varying the voltage. Motor systems use nearly 70% of the total electric energy consumed by industry in the U.S. Among industrial motor systems, three-phase induction motors are dominant because of their simple design, rugged performance, and easy maintenance. This existing system is high cost, rugged performance, could not accurate measuring. Office Address: No 4 / Flat No 3D, Sai Kiran Apts, First Main Road, Kasturba Nagar, Chennai-20 web: e mail : mob: 99400 98300,9500075001

ZEBROS PROJECTS PROPOSED SYSTEM This proposed an embedded system integrated into a ZigBee based wireless sensor network (WSN) for online speed and dynamic torque monitoring in induction motors. Electrical signals from the motors were taken in noninvasive manner and given to the embedded system. The calculations for estimating the targeted values are done locally and then transmitted to a monitoring base unit using ZigBee based wireless sensor network. Speed of deployment, maintenance, low cost, security, reliability and throughput were the main advantages of using ZigBee. Even with the difficulties in data transmission using the WSN in some scenarios, the system was able to provide useful monitoring information. Plot for speed, torque, output voltage and output current are obtained from the simulation for different load values.

BLOCK DIAGRAM CONTACT: ZEBROS PROJECTS PHONE: 9940098300, 9500075001 DESCRIPTIONS This system aims at monitoring the speed and torque in induction motors. An embedded system is used for acquiring electrical signals from the motors in a noninvasive manner. It performs local processing for speed and torque estimation. The values calculated by the embedded system are transmitted to a monitoring unit through a ZigBee based wireless sensor network. Local processing capability is essential for this type of application. AC induction motors, which contain a cage, are very popular in variable-speed drives. They are simple, rugged, inexpensive and available at all power ratings. Progress in the field of power electronics and microelectronics enables the application of induction motors for high-performance drives, where traditionally only DC motors Office Address: No 4 / Flat No 3D, Sai Kiran Apts, First Main Road, Kasturba Nagar, Chennai-20 web: e mail : mob: 99400 98300,9500075001

ZEBROS PROJECTS were applied. AC induction drives offer the same control capabilities as high performance four quadrant DC drives. This drive application allows vector control of the AC induction motor. Measuring directly the rotor speed can be impractical in some cases. Several methods of sensor less rotor speed estimation have been proposed. Embedded system is used for determining speed and torque in industrial electric motors by employing WSNs technology. For a set of electric motors, current and voltage measures are gathered for later processing into an embedded system. Speed and Torque results of the induction motor are then sent to a base unit for real-time monitoring. Wireless sensor networks presents a number of advantages compared to wired networks. The ZigBee standard has advantages related to energy consumption, scalability, reduced time for node inclusion, and low cost. ADVANTAGES   

Accurate measurement Less delay Low cost


Wind mill applications Grainne applications

 Industrial applications

Office Address: No 4 / Flat No 3D, Sai Kiran Apts, First Main Road, Kasturba Nagar, Chennai-20 web: e mail : mob: 99400 98300,9500075001





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What is IEEE? The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers or IEEE (read eye-triple-e) is Incorporated in the State of New York, United States. It was formed in 1963 by the merger of the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE, founded 1912) and the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE, founded 1884). A membership organization comprised of engineers, scientists and students that sets standards for computers and communications. It is a nonprofit organization with more than 365,000 members in around 150 countries. The IEEE describes itself as "the world's largest technical professional society -promoting the development and application of electro technology and allied sciences for the benefit of humanity, the advancement of the profession, and the well-being of our members." Why IEEE based projects?   

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Office Address: No 4 / Flat No 3D, Sai Kiran Apts, First Main Road, Kasturba Nagar, Chennai-20 web: e mail : mob: 99400 98300,9500075001


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Office Address: No 4 / Flat No 3D, Sai Kiran Apts, First Main Road, Kasturba Nagar, Chennai-20 web: e mail : mob: 99400 98300,9500075001

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