Sensor less control of bldc motor drive for an automotive fuel pump using a hysteresis comparator ze

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FINAL YEAR PROJECTS IEEE PROJECTS 2013-2014 CONTACT: 9940098300, 9500075001

Office Address: No 4 / Flat No 3D, Sai Kiran Apts, First Main Road, Kasturba Nagar, Chennai-20 web: e mail : mob: 99400 98300,9500075001

ZEBROS PROJECTS SENSOR LESS CONTROL OF BLDC MOTOR DRIVE FOR AN AUTOMOTIVE FUEL PUMP USING A HYSTERESIS COMPARATOR ABSTRACT This system develops the brushless dc (BLDC) motor sensor less control system for an automotive fuel pump. The sensor less techniques based on a hysteresis comparator and a potential start-up method with a high starting torque are suggested. The hysteresis comparator is used to compensate for the phase delay of the back-EMFs due to a low-pass filter (LPF) and also prevent multiple output transitions from noise or ripple in the terminal voltages. The rotor position is aligned at standstill for maximum starting torque without an additional sensor and any information of motor parameters. Also, the stator current can be easily adjusted by modulating the pulse width of the switching devices during alignment. EXISTING SYSTEM Now the brushless dc (BLDC) motor is receiving much interest in automotive applications especially on vehicle fuel pumps due to its high efficiency, compact size, and lower maintenance when compared to a brush dc motor. In order to obtain an accurate and ripple-free instantaneous torque of BLDC motor, the rotor position information for stator current commutation must be known, which can be obtained using hall sensors mounted on a rotor. This results in a high costs as well as poor reliability, which are serious problems at the vehicle applications. The existing system is control the motor speed using the different type of sensors. We are the sensor is not accurate measurement and control. But we are using comparator good measurement and control.

Office Address: No 4 / Flat No 3D, Sai Kiran Apts, First Main Road, Kasturba Nagar, Chennai-20 web: e mail : mob: 99400 98300,9500075001

ZEBROS PROJECTS PROPOSED SYSTEM This paper presents a sensor less control based on a hysteresis comparator of terminal voltage and a potential start-up method with a high starting torque for an automotive fuel pump application. As the maximum commutation phase lag is significantly reduced from -13째to -3째by adjusting both the resistance ratio and the output voltage level of the hysteresis comparator, the commutation signal is nearly in phase with the back-EMF. If a peak of ripple voltage in the terminal voltage is within the hysteresis band +1V regardless of magnitude of the terminal voltage, it can prevent multiple output transitions at a hysteresis comparator by high frequency ripples in the terminal voltage. After aligning the rotor position for achieving the maximum starting torque, the BLDC motor accelerates from a standstill up to a nominal speed within 1.2sec. The magnitude of the stator current for aligning the rotor position can be easily controlled by modulating the pulse width of specific switching devices. Through the experimental results, it can be seen that the proposed sensor less and start-up techniques are ideally suited for the automotive fuel pump application. BLOCK DIAGRAM

CONTACT: ZEBROS PROJECTS PHONE: 9940098300, 9500075001

Office Address: No 4 / Flat No 3D, Sai Kiran Apts, First Main Road, Kasturba Nagar, Chennai-20 web: e mail : mob: 99400 98300,9500075001

ZEBROS PROJECTS DESCRIPTIONS The sensor less control techniques using the phase-locked loop (PLL) and the third-harmonic back-EMF are suggested. The motor commutation drifts away from the desired phase angle due to the conduction of the freewheel diode. Furthermore, the drift angle varies as the motor parameters, speed, and load conditions change. The improved sensor less controller by removing the effect of the freewheel diode conduction is suggested. Access to the motor neutral point is required, which will complicate the motor structure and increase the cost. Most sensors less techniques are based on back-EMF estimation. However, when a motor is at standstill or very low speed, it is well known that the back-EMF is too small to estimate a precise rotor position. Therefore, a specific start-up process in sensor less drive systems is required. The general solution to the problem is the open-loop start-up method named ‘align and go’. The procedure is to excite two phases of the three-phase windings for a preset time. The permanent magnet rotor will then rotate to align to a specific position. With a known initial rotor position and a given commutation logic, an open-loop control scheme is then applied to accelerate the motor from a standstill. Although this technique can be applied to certain automotive applications, it causes a large instantaneous peak current and generates a temporary vibration. In addition, the rotor position of the BLDC motor can be identified and driven smoothly from standstill without any position sensors by utilizing the inductance variation technique. This is done by monitoring the current responses to the inductance variation on the rotor position. Although these methods can detect a precise rotor position at standstill, they result in a complex control algorithm and an increase of the system costs due to an additional current sensor. Instead of detection of current, only terminal voltage level is used for detection of the initial position of the permanent magnet.

Office Address: No 4 / Flat No 3D, Sai Kiran Apts, First Main Road, Kasturba Nagar, Chennai-20 web: e mail : mob: 99400 98300,9500075001


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Office Address: No 4 / Flat No 3D, Sai Kiran Apts, First Main Road, Kasturba Nagar, Chennai-20 web: e mail : mob: 99400 98300,9500075001

ZEBROS PROJECTS What is IEEE? The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers or IEEE (read eye-triple-e) is Incorporated in the State of New York, United States. It was formed in 1963 by the merger of the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE, founded 1912) and the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE, founded 1884). A membership organization comprised of engineers, scientists and students that sets standards for computers and communications. It is a nonprofit organization with more than 365,000 members in around 150 countries. The IEEE describes itself as "the world's largest technical professional society -promoting the development and application of electro technology and allied sciences for the benefit of humanity, the advancement of the profession, and the well-being of our members." Why IEEE based projects?   

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Office Address: No 4 / Flat No 3D, Sai Kiran Apts, First Main Road, Kasturba Nagar, Chennai-20 web: e mail : mob: 99400 98300,9500075001

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Office Address: No 4 / Flat No 3D, Sai Kiran Apts, First Main Road, Kasturba Nagar, Chennai-20 web: e mail : mob: 99400 98300,9500075001

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