FINAL YEAR PROJECTS IEEE PROJECTS 2013-2014 CONTACT: 9940098300, 9500075001 E-Mail:zebrosprojects@gmail.com
Office Address: No 4 / Flat No 3D, Sai Kiran Apts, First Main Road, Kasturba Nagar, Chennai-20 web: www.zebros.in e mail : zebrosprojects@gmail.com mob: 99400 98300
ABSTRACT In this system, we present the design and implementation of a voice based wheel chair system where communication technologies and Bluetooth technologies have been used. All these techniques are successfully merged in a voice controlled mode and keypad mode wheel chair system. With this, the first mode fully designed voice controlled system can be designed where it can move from any part of the house or office and also controlled home appliances via Bluetooth. . Master Bluetooth connected to control of home appliances. The wheel chair that is to be controlled is connected to the voice recognition circuit and keypad circuit. The voice recognition software should be used only with one person at a time.
EXISTING SYSTEM The heart of the circuit is the voice recognition software. The voice controlled wheel robot project today needs to make use of the latest technological components available. In this system, we present the design and implementation of a voice based wheel chair system. Speech recognition is classified into two categories, speaker dependent and speaker independent. Speaker dependent systems are trained by the individual who will be using the system. The systems are capable of achieving a high command count and better than 95% accuracy forward recognition. The drawback to this approach is that the system only responds accurately to the individual who trained the system.
Office Address: No 4 / Flat No 3D, Sai Kiran Apts, First Main Road, Kasturba Nagar, Chennai-20 web: www.zebros.in e mail : zebrosprojects@gmail.com mob: 99400 98300
CONTACT: ZEBROS PROJECTS PHONE: 9940098300, 9500075001
PROPOSED SYSTEM Our proposed system at designing and developing a microcontroller based voice controlled electric wheelchair with a voice recognition system to drive the wheelchair using voice commands. A wireless transmission unit is also integrated in this wheelchair which can be controlled home appliances wirelessly while sitting on the wheelchair or within the range of 100metres which is an additional feature of this equipment. The main circuit units integrated to the wheelchair is:
Voice Recognition circuit
Microcontroller based Motor Control circuit and key pad
Bluetooth controlling home appliances
Voice recognition unit This unit recognizes the voice command from the voice reception unit. IC HM2007P is the main component of this Voice Recognition circuit. This IC can recognize 20 voice different commands. This Voice Recognition circuit produces an 8-bit digital output for each voice commands.
Micro controller based controller unit:
Office Address: No 4 / Flat No 3D, Sai Kiran Apts, First Main Road, Kasturba Nagar, Chennai-20 web: www.zebros.in e mail : zebrosprojects@gmail.com mob: 99400 98300
ZEBROS PROJECTS The 8-bit digital output obtained from the voice recognition circuit is used to drive a microcontroller based control circuit. A PIC16F877 microcontroller is used in this circuit. The microcontroller is programmed in such a way to produce the required outputs for corresponding voice commands. Keypad interface with this microcontroller. We can also control the wheel chair using keypad and also control home appliances via Bluetooth. Relays are used to switch ON and OFF the motors of the wheelchair according to the output of motor controller unit 8 relays are used. Bluetooth controlling home appliances Bluetooth receives signals from user via wirelessly it can control home appliances depends upon user command. ADVANTAGE
Low power
Low cost
Good efficiency
Less delay
Disable people applications
Patient applications
Old people applications
Office Address: No 4 / Flat No 3D, Sai Kiran Apts, First Main Road, Kasturba Nagar, Chennai-20 web: www.zebros.in e mail : zebrosprojects@gmail.com mob: 99400 98300
Data Mining
Mat lab
Grid Computing
Network Security
Image Processing
Bio Medical
Web Applications
Power Systems
Mobile Computing
Power Electronics
Software Engineering
Java with Embedded
Cloud Computing
What is IEEE? The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers or IEEE (read eye-triple-e) is Incorporated in the State of New York, United States. It was formed in 1963 by the merger of the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE, founded 1912) and the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE, founded 1884). A membership organization comprised of engineers, scientists and students that sets standards for computers and communications. It is a nonprofit organization with more than 365,000 members in around 150 countries. The IEEE describes itself as "the world's largest technical professional society -promoting the development and application of electro technology and allied sciences for the benefit of humanity, the advancement of the profession, and the well-being of our members." Why IEEE based projects?
It grantees for standard It assured latest solution for problems It delivers new patented technologies at an ever-increasing pace
Office Address: No 4 / Flat No 3D, Sai Kiran Apts, First Main Road, Kasturba Nagar, Chennai-20 web: www.zebros.in e mail : zebrosprojects@gmail.com mob: 99400 98300
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Office Address: No 4 / Flat No 3D, Sai Kiran Apts, First Main Road, Kasturba Nagar, Chennai-20 web: www.zebros.in e mail : zebrosprojects@gmail.com mob: 99400 98300
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Office Address: No 4 / Flat No 3D, Sai Kiran Apts, First Main Road, Kasturba Nagar, Chennai-20 web: www.zebros.in e mail : zebrosprojects@gmail.com mob: 99400 98300