note from us
primetime Agustus 2009
telkomvision team Penanggung Jawab rahadi arsyad Pemimpin Redaksi Bambang lusmiadi Wakil Pemimpin Redaksi eko B. Bramantyo Redaktur Pelaksana sylvia l. nugraha Public Relations Yustantia eka agustin Advertising sales anggie meilita komara Pudi nendiana dudun Parwanto Rahadi Arsyad
schedule erwansyah d.J anoem Distribusi & sirkulasi sumardiyono, mardani Alamat Redaksi Pt. indonusa telemedia (telkomvision/Yestv) Jl. supomo no 139 Jakarta 12810 tlp 021-8298800 Fax 021-8317400
editorial team Managing Editor: a. Hermawan Executive Editor: Wahyu kartawijaya Deputy Editor: alif abdullah Reporter: ade saputra Fotografer: Bayu asmara Putra Visual & Art Director: dedy damping Design Grafis: Hendra andrian, lukman Published by: trimedia Consultant Jl. asem Baris iX no.25 kebon Baru Jakarta selatan 12830 telp. (021) 830 2706 Printing: Pt Gramedia Prime time diterbitkan satu bulan sekali. Dilarang mengutip maupun memproduksi isi majalah baik secara keseluruhan maupun sebagian tanpa persetujuan penerbit
President Director PT Indonusa Telemedia
Merdeka! tiada kata lain untuk menggambarkan kata di atas, selain kata yang penuh nilai sejarah tinggi bagi bangsa ini. Merdeka! kerap kali dilontarkan oleh para bapak bangsa kita untuk dapat mengobarkan semangat juang. Hakikatnya, kemerdekaan bukanlah sekedar uraian petikan naskah proklamasi melainkan hasil usaha keras dari para bapak bangsa kita dan para pejuang yang telah mewujudkan menegakkan NKRI yang berdaulat dan merdeka. sudah sepatutnya kemerdekaan ini kita jaga dan isi dengan kegiatan yang dapat memberikan sumbangsih terbaik bagi negara ini. Namun, sudahkah anda mengenal sosok bapak bangsa kita? Kami mengajak anda, untuk mengenal lebih dekat sosok soekarno, Muhammad Hatta, dan sutan syahrir ini sebagai suatu motivasi untuk menumbuhkan rasa nasionalisme para pembaca. untuk anda pecinta serial terkenal CsI Miami, Agustus ini AXN kembali menghadirkan musim terbaru CsI Miami. Kenali lebih dekat sosok David Caruso yang berperan sebagai Horatio Caine pada cover story kali ini, ternyata ada sejumlah cerita unik dibalik kesuksesan David Caruso sebelum ia berhasil mendapatkan peran utama di serial CsI Miami ini. selain itu, di bulan Agustus ini, agenda aktivitas rohani yang akan dijalankan oleh umat muslim adalah berpuasa. Ada suatu �fenomena� tersendiri di tengah kalangan masyarakat kita untuk mengisi waktu ibadah puasa, yaitu dengan mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan ibadah umrah di tanah suci Mekah. tetapi tahukah Anda, di setiap ibadah umrah, para jemaah Indonesia kerap kali “mampir� ke turki untuk sekedar melihat-lihat kemegahan sejarah perkembangan Islam, ataupun mencicipi kuliner turki. Pesona turki memang terbukti mampu menghipnotis para jemaah umrah. Lalu, adakah perbedaan antara menjalankan ibadah puasa di Negara ini ataupun di turki? Anda perlu membaca artikel lengkapnya di edisi ini, siapa tahu anda tertarik untuk mengisi aktivitas bulan ramadan kali ini dengan menunaikan ibadah umrah dan singgah sebentar di turki. Dirgahayu Republik Indonesia ke-64 dan selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa!
salam, Rahadi Arsyad President Director Pt Indonusa telemedia
Agustus 2009 | primetime |
Agustus 2009
6 Cover Story David Caruso dan kesempatan kedua 8 Spot Nikmati pengalaman menonton dengan LG LCD New Scarlet dan manjakan lidah anda dengan wine Vin+ 10 FaShion & Beauty Pompakan spirit anda dengan aroma jeruk L’Occitane
8 18 FuntaStiC Channel Channel-channel terbaik pilihan pemirsa
12 Feature Fakta unik sekitar Bapak Bangsa 14 DeStination Istanbul, pesona eksotis Turki
20 kiD’S Corner Game Trivia Jonas dari Disney
16 health Fresh saat berpuasa 17 review Informasi film, buku dan musik
21 Sport American Hot Rod VS Street Customs 2
21 22 highlight Referensi film terbaru
14 | primetime | Agustus 2009
24 Daily SCheDule 56 weekly SCheDule 60 61 62
event QuiZ CSI Miami QuiZ winner
cover story
David Caruso Dan Kesempatan Kedua Bagaimana David Caruso pernah menyia-nyiakan keberuntungannya lalu bangkit lagi jadi bintang lewat CSI: Miami? Inilah kisah klasik tentang kesombongan, keterpurukan, dan kesempatan kedua. DaviD Caruso. Apa yang paling Anda ingat dari sosoknya? Tentu rambut pirang kemerahan—plus kulit putih pucatnya. Konon, bintang Hollywood era lampau James Cagney dan Spencer Tracy juga berambut kemerahan. Tapi mereka hidup di jaman film hitam-putih, jadi tak terlalu dikenali. Tak demikian dengan Caruso, kini 53 tahun, “Rambut merah membuat saya sering dicela orang,” katanya. Caruso muda sudah bercita-cita jadi aktor. Selulus SMA di tahun 1970-an, ia sudah mencoba peruntungan jadi bintang iklan kecil-kecilan. “Saya memutuskan tak melanjutkan kuliah dan langsung turun ke jalan, “katanya, “Mengemis pada agen (minta diberi peran).” Usaha kerasnya berbuah peran kecil-kecil di tahun 1980-an. Ia ikut main di 3 film (Getting Wasted, Falling in Love Again, dan film horor kelas-B Without Warning). Di tahun 1980-an juga ia berkesempatan ikutan main film Rambo pertama, First Blood. Oh ya, masak sih? Yang mana? Putar | primetime | Agustus 2009
kembali koleksi DVD Rambo Anda. Cari deputy-sheriff yang rambutnya merah. Karakternya kecil saja, jadi polisi yang tak percaya kalau Rambo (Sylvester Stallone) sesungguhnya bersalah. Selain itu, wajahnya juga muncul di film An Officer and a Gentleman (bareng Richard Gere, 1982) dan Twins (Arnold Schwarzenegger dan Danny de Vito, 1988). Peran-peran kecil tak membuatnya bahagia. Caruso lantas terjun ke pentas TV. Masih mendapat peran pembantu di serial Hill Street Blues dan Crime Story. Aktingnya menarik perhatian. Ia kembali diajak main film layar lebar, King of New York (1990) sebagai polisi yang jadi jahat dan Mad Dog and Glory (1993), sebagai polisi kota yang sinis. Peran sebagai polisi ternyata begitu melekat padanya. Ia lantas direkrut jadi salah satu tokoh utama serial polisi New York, NYPD Blue di tahun 1993. Serial itu jadi hit. Caruso, memerankan Detektif John Kelly, segera saja jadi bintang. Majalah People memajang wajahnya sebagai salah satu makhluk paling rupawan. Ajang penghargaan Golden Globe menganugerahinya piala—selain nominasi di Emmy Awards. Rekan mainnya di NYPD Blue memujinya. “Penampilannya sangat unik untuk TV. Orang sepertinya jarang ada,” kata lawan mainnya Sherry Stringfield. Majalah wanita The Ladies’ Home Journal melabelinya “cowok seksi.” Pujian selangit membuatnya besar kepala. Caruso lantas jadi orang paling tidak disukai di lokasi syuting NYPD Blue. Ia sering uringuringan, banyak menuntut, dan menjauh dari lawan main dan kru. Puncaknya, ia minta tambahan gaji 3 kali lipat. Keinginannya ditolak. Caruso meninggalkan NYPD Blue saat serinya memasuki season kedua. “NYPD Blue takkan sukses tanpa saya,” gerutunya sesumbar. Nyatanya tak demikian. Serial itu terus sukses meski ditinggalkan bintang utamanya. Nasib sebaliknya justru menimpa Caruso. Pria setinggi 1,83 meter ini meninggalkan layar gelas untuk jadi bintang film. Ia main film Kiss of Death (1995) dengan lawan main Nicolas Cage dan Samuel L. Jackson—kali ini dengan peran mencolok, tak lagi jadi figuran. Tapi filmnya malah flop. Film berbujet $ 40 juta itu hanya menghasilkan $ 14 juta. Filmnya berikut, Jade—sebuah thriller yang tak mengejutkan—hanya menghasilkan $ 9 juta. “Karena orang menganggap saya orang jahat (karena meninggalkan NYPD Blue), orang tak mau menonton film saya,” sesalnya. Sejak itu, banyak orang bilang, karier pria berambut wortel ini sudah tamat Dan sepertinya memang begitu. Ia jadi pengangguran di Hollywood. “Selama 2 tahun saya menganggur,” katanya. Saat tak punya banyak pilihan, ia mengambil peran di serial baru, Michael Hayes (1997). Sayang, serial ini cuma bertahan satu musim. Selanjutnya Caruso mengambil peran-peran kecil di layar lebar seperti dulu ia meniti karier di tahun Teks: ALIF ABDULLAH/BerBAgAI sUmBer. FoTo: Dok. AXN
’80-an. Syahdan, mukjizat datang. Ia didapuk jadi pemeran utama serial CSI:Miami—spinoff dari CSI: Crime Scene Investigation sejak 2002. “Namanya selalu muncul,” kata seorang kreator CSI: Miami Anthony E.Zuiker, “Sepuluh tahun dari sekarang, orang pasti menganggap kami jenius karena memilihnya.” Well, tak perlu menunggu selama itu. CSI: Miami jadi salah satu serial paling banyak ditonton hingga kini. Caruso, memerankan
ahli forensik Horatio Caine, kembali mendapat ketenaran yang sempat hilang. “Saya diberkahi,” katanya, “Saya bahkan tak pernah bermimpi mendapat kesempatan kedua—sungguh keajaiban mendapat kesempatan ini.” Pertanyaan: masihkah ia bermimpi jadi bintang layar perak? “Mungkin suatu saat nanti. Tapi sekarang saya punya pekerjaan hebat,” jawabnya. Sampai season ke-7 kini kita masih melihat Caruso si Horatio Caine mengenakan kacamata hitam di Miami.
Buzz: Salah satu serial paling SeaSon Sea SeaS on 7
diminati sejagad kembali dengan season terbaru: musim tayang ke-7 bulan Agustus ini. Seperti apa kisahnya?
Satu Peluru Mengubah Segalanya EPISODE PERDANA season 7 langsung menghentak. Horatio Caine tertembak. Sebutir peluru mengoyak tubuhnya. Tewaskah ia? Tentu tidak—meski orang mengiranya begitu. Ia lalu mengelabui orang—termasuk rekannya di unit CSI—agar dikira sudah mati. Hal itu dilakukannya untuk melakukan investigasi bawah tanah guna membekuk gembong penjahat Ron Saris. Dalam investigasi ini Caine memilih Ryan Wolfe membantunya—membuat Eric Delko sakit hati. Caine menyadari hal ini. Ia mengutarakan maksudnya, yakni tak mau misinya gagal dan ujungnya akan mempertaruhkan karier Eric. Caine kemudian terlihat di rumah Julia dan Kyle. Demi kebaikan Kyle, Caine mencegah Julia kembali pada Saris, suaminya. Dia memberi Julia kunci “tempat aman” dan memintanya pergi ke sana saat ia berencana memancing Saris keluar dari persembunyiannya. Di ujung episode perdana, Julia mulai sadar. Ia setuju untuk mengajukan gugatan cerai pada suaminya (Saris), tepat ketika ia akan meninggalkan dermaga dengan perahu penuh bekas peluru. Saat orang yang disayangi Caine telah bebas dari cengkeraman Saris, dua pria ini akhirnya berhadapan. Saris menyalakkan senjatanya dan Caine berhasil mengelak. Saris melihat kesempatan untuk kabur. Agar buruannya tak lolos, Caine tak punya jalan lain selain menembak tangki bensin perahu yacht. Ledakan besar terjadi. Usai pemadam kebakaran memadamkan api setelahnya, Eric senang melihat bos sekaligus sahabatnya bangkit dari “kematian”. Tapi, kata Eric pada Caine, mayat Saris tak ditemukan. Dalam episode “Bombshell”, Caine mendapati Julia tengah bermasalah. Julia menghabiskan
semua uangnya. Emosinya juga kadang tak stabil. Ketika hendak mendiskusikan masalah ini, Caine malah mendapati Kyle tengah cekcok dengan tetangganya. Caine melerai mereka. Ia memperingatkan Kyle untuk tak terlibat dalam masalah hukum sekali lagi. Lain waktu, Caine ditelepon untuk datang ke kediaman Julia. Ditemukan mayat seorang pria pirang di sana. Caine khawatir Kyle yang jadi korban. Tapi ternyata korbannya adalah tetangga yang pernah cekcok dengan Kyle. Kontan Kyle dicurigai. Juga Julia yang tengah tak stabil. Syukurlah keduanya kemudian bebas dari segala tuduhan. Julia kembali menjalani pengobatannya. Masih banyak lagi cerita seru di serial CSI: Miami season 7. Juga bintang tamu ternama yang akan tampil di season baru ini. Di antaranya penyanyi hip hop yang sering berganti nama, Sean “Diddy” Combs. “Saya tak ingin jadi musisi atau penjahat. Itu terlalu stereotip. Saya ingin jadi pengacara atau semacamnya,” kata Combs yang dikabulkan si empunya serial ini. Ia berperan jadi jaksa Derek Powell. Jadi, tak ada alasan melewatkan CSI: Miami. Ini serial yang ditonton selayaknya Anda menyaksikan film layar lebar. Bahkan lebih seru.
Saksikan tayangan perdana CSI: Miami Season 7 di TELKOMVision dan YESTV, 12 Agustus 2009, setiap rabu, 21.00 WIB
uis Ikuti Kiami CSI: Mon 7 Sealasman 61.
di ha asang e. iah sep Berhad Horatio Caini ag ata kacam ini terbuka b dan TV S Kuis E Y n ga pelangLKOM Vision TE Agustus 2009 | primetime |
spots The Right Place To Hang Out ( ELBOW ROOM ) Terkadang saat mencari tempat makan yang tepat, selain cita rasa yang lezat, ambience ruangan pun menjadi salah satu alasan Anda untuk memilih restaurant tersebut. Nah, oleh karena itu sudah sepantasnya Anda berkunjung ke Elbow Room. Terdiri dari dua lantai, warna cokelat kayu yang menenangkan kental mendominasi tempat ini. Yang menjadi favorit adalah nuansa living room yang nyaman di lantai dua plus atapnya yang tinggi, sehingga sirkulasi udara pun menjadi lebih lancar. Tempat yang mempunyai daya tampung sekitar 70 sampai 150 orang memiliki spesialisasi pada sajian bir impor yang beragam. Mau bir dengan rasa peach atau chery? Ada! Dijamin Anda pasti suka. Jadi Anda ingin sekadar menikmati sajian nan lezat atau membuat private party? This is the place! Alamat: Jl. Kemang Raya No. 24 A. Telp: 021-7194274.
Perfect Combination ( Pizza e Birra ) Pizza dan bir adalah kombinasi tidak sesuai? Anda salah besar, tunggu sampai Anda mencoba hidangan di Pizza e Birra, pasti akan langsung berubah pikiran. Coba saja men unggulannya semisal big pappi, bond…pizza…bond, atau morning after pizza, mungkin Anda bisa mengombinasikannya dengan mango flavored beer. Harganya pun hanya Rp39.000, ++ saja. Ada satu hal menarik yang bisa Anda temukan di sini. Lantainya ternyata dibikin handmade! Butuh waktu sampai enam bulan hanya untuk menyelesaikan lantainya saja. Memang bukan hanya urusan hidangan, tapi untuk interior juga tempat ini tampil maksimal. Penasaran bukan? Alamat: Plaza Indonesia Extension lt. 5 Telp: 021-31928070
Free Time With Wine (Vin+) Setelah gerai pertamanya di Kemang, kini Vin+ kembali membuka tempat keduanya di kawasan Senayan. Saat Anda melangkah masuk, seketika ruangan pun terasa seperti gudang penyimpanan wine di Perancis. Pilihan interior ruangan seperti ini memang bukan tanpa alasan, karena tempat ini menawarkan pilihan wine yang beraneka ragam, sekitar 300 merk. Bagi yang tinggal di Jakarta ingin menyesap wine nan lezat itu tapi malas untuk keluar rumah? Tinggal telepon ke sini dan pesanan akan pun segera diantarkan, with no additional charge! Selain itu Anda harus coba menu half pound double cheese burgernya. Dagingnya lembut sempurna dijamin bisa bikin Anda ketagihan. Scrumptious! Alamat: Plaza Senayan Arcadia Ground Floor. Telp: 021-57901477. | primetime | Agustus 2009
New Scarlet Menonton TV layaknya di bioskop? Wah, sudah pasti menjadi dambaan Anda. Coba lirik koleksi terbaru televisi dengan layar datar keluaran LG yang di beri nama Scarlet ini. Televisi yang di desain dengan ketebalan hanya 1.6 Inch, akan memberikan kesan mewah apabila diletakkan pada ruangan Anda. Tipis sekali bukan? Teknologi canggih TruMotion 100Hz pun memberikan hasil yang sempurna saat menonton siaran olah raga ataupun bermain game. Hebat! Belum lagi fitur bluetooth, sehingga foto yang Anda ambil dari kamera ponsel Anda bisa langsung ditransfer kedalam TV ini. Selain itu fitur ini pun compatible dengan headset, notebooks atau bahkan PC Anda.
Nokia N 97 Jaman sekarang sepertinya handphone sudah menjadi must have item. Namun hanya beberapa brand besar yang benar-benar dijamin kualitasnya dengan teknologi paling terdepan. Baru-baru ini Nokia meluncurkan ponsel touchscreen berukuran 3.5 inch yang sekaligus memiliki tombol QWERTY, sehingga aktivitas seperti chatting, email atau bahkan hanya sekedar menulis sms pun akan lebih mudah. Gadget ini pun didukung oleh kamera 5 megapiksel dengan lensa Carl Zeiss, yang dapat meng-capture video dalam kualitas DVD dengan aspek rasio 16:9. Dengan perkiraan harga sekitar USD 700. Canggih bukan? Segera kunjungi gerai Nokia dan nikmati fitur-fitur terdepannya.
HTC Magic Selain ponsel dengan model tombol QWERTY, jenis layar sentuh kini sedang digemari. Alat komunikasi keluaran HTC yang baru-baru ini dilansir mempunyai teknologi touch screen dengan menggunakan sistem operasi Anroid, berlayar 3.2 inci TFT-LCD dan dilengkapi dengan kontrol perangkat trackball, beserta tombol enter, yang menjadikan alat berkomunikasi ini terlihat sangat fenomenal. Selain itu fitur tambahan seperti Wi-Fi dan kamera 3.2 megapiksel, mampu meng-upload video langsung ke YouTube. Benar-benar seru seperti magic bukan? Harga yang ditawarkan kepada konsumen sekitar Rp 6.500.000,-. Let’s go get it! Agustus 2009 | primetime |
Tempting Accessories Wanita tak akan pernah luput dari kehadiran aksesori. Sebuah gaun akan berkurang nilai kemewahannya apabila tidak ditopang oleh pernak-pernik yang tepat. Saat Anda mengenakan dress yang baru saja dibeli untuk pergi ke sebuah pesta. Kira-kira aksesori apa yang tepat untuk Anda gunakan? Jam tangan keluaran Folie Folie yang diberi tajuk Emotions bisa menjadi pilihan yang cocok melengkapi gaun tersebut. Klasik, elegan, dan menggoda merupakan katakata yang tepat mendeskripsikan si penunjuk waktu ini. Dirancang bagaikan sebuah gelang, Anda pun dapat mengenakannya bersamaan dengan bangle dan cincin kesayangan Anda. Pilihan warna semisal hitam, silver metalik, rose gold, dan yellow gold ditunjang sempurna dengan sentuhan kristal yang memesona. Aura luks dan feminin langsung terpancar pada item ini, selain itu modelnya pun tak lekang oleh waktu. Fabulous!
Strong And Sensible Pergantian musim telah tiba. Tinggalkan aksesori dengan warna menyolok khas musim panas. Di musim gugur dan dingin kali ini segala item fashion berubah menjadi lebih kokoh dengan warna yang semakin solid. Brand Longchamp asal Paris memperkenalkan Gatsby bag. Si teman setia pelengkap gaya ini tampil modern dengan desain kontemporer nan mewah. Bentuknya dibuat sedikit maskulin namun sentuhan bahan kulit dengan warna yang memikat, berikut motif pilihan yang eksotis seperti kulit ular menjadikan tas ini incaran dan dambaan setiap wanita. Baik dalam busana kasual maupun pakaian kerja aksesori ini tepat menjadi pelengkap aksi totalitas bergaya. Wow!
Extreme Timepiece Bagi pria jam tangan merupakan aksesori wajib. Bahkan sebuah jam tangan bisa sekejap mengangkat tampilan yang mengenakannya. Item ini pun kini semakin diperbaharui untuk menambah fungsi selain hanya sebagai penunjuk waktu. Hasil perkembangan tersebut pun biasanya disesuaikan dengan hobi dan aktivitas para kaum Adam. Tengok saja jam tangan canggih keluaran label Nautica ini. Jam tangan seri 300 NMX yang diperuntukan bagi Anda yang memiliki hobi diving ini mampu dibawa ke dalam laut hingga 200M. Selain itu bentuk kokoh dengan material metal, tersambung langsung ke bagian strap yang terbuat dari resin, menjadikan jam tangan ini cocok bagi pencinta olah raga outdoor. Dikenakan saat berbusana kasual ataupun semi formal, rasanya jam tangan tetap akan menambah rasa percaya diri Anda.
10 | primetime | Agustus 2009
Masculinity Fragrance Setiap individu memiliki kepribadian yang berbeda-beda. Anda pun pasti memiliki wewangian favorit yang Anda sukai. Tetapi apakah Anda tahu, yang menjadikan setiap aroma parfum tersebut menjadi unik adalah ketika menyatu dengan kulit setelah disemprotkan. Wangi yang khas tercipta dengan sendirinya dan tidak bisa disamakan dengan milik orang lain. Parfum lansiran terbaru dari Carolina Herrera yang kini muncul dengan nama Customize 212 Men limited edition ini menawarkan harum sensual dari aroma bunga. Selain itu yang paling menarik perhatian adalah motif yang terdapat di bagian flacon, kemasan tersebut dirancang dengan menambahkan ilustrasi kota New York, beserta grafiti bergaya urban yang sangat memikat. Sepertinya produk ini pantas menjadi koleksi Anda.
A Perfect Touch For Your Face
Freshen Up Your Body Aroma jeruk selalu memberikan kesan tersendiri. Cita rasa tersebut yang kini diolah kembali oleh L’Occitane. Bahan dasar alami memang sudah menjadi menjadi ciri khas brand kecantikan ini. Kali ini jenis jeruk bergamont yang tumbuh di Calibria bagian selatan Italy, diolah dengan daun teh hitam untuk menciptakan wewangian penuh kesegaran dan menggoda. “The Bergamote” merupakan koleksi wewangian limited edition yang diciptakan untuk melengkapi L’Occitane fragrance collection. The Bergamote disuguhkan dalam bentuk shower gel, body milk mist, hand crème, dan pot pouri. Yang menarik dari serangkaian ini, para pria pun bisa ikut memakainya. Nah, ingin tampil segar dan fresh sepanjang waktu? Coba saja rangkaian produk ini.
Beban berat yang harus ditanggung kulit wajah memang sudah tidak dapat dipungkiri. Pengaruh lingkungan luar yang berlebihan seperti sinar ultraviolet atau polusi dapat mengakibatkan iritasi kulit. Tak perlu bingung lagi karena Anda kini bisa bernafas lega. Clinique memperkenalkan Bright-c powder make up dengan SPF 29/PA+++. Produk yang mengandung SPF dan PA sun protection paling tinggi ini mampu melindungi agar tidak terjadi iritasi dan perubahan warna kulit. Teksturnya ringan, mudah menyatu dengan kulit, sekaligus dapat memutihkan dan menutupi sempurna noda-noda pada wajah. Sehingga hasil yang cantik dan natural pun Anda raih seketika. Selain itu produk ini cocok untuk segala jenis kulit. Apapun aktivitas Anda, kulit akan tetap tampil fresh dan berbinar setiap harinya. Perfect!
Agustus 2009 | primetime |
cover story
Jenaka Pun Bisa Sisi Unik Bapak Bangsa
n dengan emas atau uang. Bung Bung Hatta meminang istrinya dengan buku, buka pernah “menyerah” pada Belanda Karno ternyata, sstt… tak bisa berenang. Syahrir gati lamasi kali ini, tak ada demi tetap bisa mengirim surat cinta. Memperindari prok kejenakaan mereka. salahnya mengenang bapak bangsa kita
Ibunda Hatta pernah gusar pada putranya. Hal itu terjadi di hari pernikahan putra kesayangannya itu. Ada apa gerangan? Bayangkan. Hadiah pengantin Hatta kepada Rahmi Rachim yang dinikahinya hari itu bukanlah emas, uang, atau intan permata. Melainkan bukunya yang baru selesai ia rampungkan: Alam Pikiran Yunani—sebuah ikhtisar pemikiran filsuf-filsuf Yunani kuno semisal Socrates, Plato, dan lainnya. Kontan saja ibunya tak setuju. Tapi, itulah Hatta. Di hari bahagianya itu, di vila Mega Mendung, Jawa Barat, 18 November 1945, Hatta tak ingin meninggalkan kecintaannya pada buku. Buku, bukan wanita, yang jadi cinta pertamanya. Bahkan, saat menjalani pembuangan oleh Belanda, Hatta membawa koleksi bukunya kemana-mana. Semuanya diangkut dalam 16 peti! Mohammad Hatta dikenal sebagai sosok yang serius. Kaku sekaligus disiplin. Tapi justru itu ia dianggap lucu. Saat menjalani pembuangan di Banda Neira, Hatta rutin dari Senin hingga Sabtu sore, sekitar pukul 4-5, mengelilingi Pulau Banda melewati 12 | primetime | Agustus 2009
kebun pala. Rutenya selalu sama. Saking rutin dan tepat waktu, Hatta dijadikan jam. Bila Hatta muncul, para pekerja perkebunan akan berseru, “Wah, sudah jam lima.” Mereka lalu berhenti bekerja. Kehadiran Hatta dianggap penting, karena di kebun tak ada jam. Di kala senggang di Banda Neira, Hatta lebih suka terpekur membaca buku. Beda dengan syahrir, yang dibuang bersamanya. Syahrir yang flamboyan sukanya mendengar musik klasik macam Beethoven di sebuah gramofon. Hatta sering merasa terganggu, tapi jarang menegur langsung. Des Alwi, anak angkat Syahrir, yang biasanya ditegur Hatta karena sering membantu memutarkan. “Jangan keras-keras. Itu terlalu Barat, seperti Syahrir yang kebarat-baratan.” Des Alwi mengadu ke Syahrir. “Hatta bilang aku kebarat-baratan? Ah, dia sendiri kalau mimpi pakai bahasa Belanda.” Berbagai kesibukan dicari Hatta selama di pembuangan. Di antaranya mengecat perahu. Suatu hari, ia kedapatan mengecat perahu dengan warna merah-putih oleh
pejabat setempat, seorang Belanda. Tidak ada warna biru satu titikpun. Ini bisa dikategorikan tindakan berbau politis. Tapi Hatta berdalih, “Tuan kan tahu sendiri, laut sudah berwarna biru.” Si Belanda lantas ngeloyor pergi. Lain Hatta, lain Sutan Syahrir. Saat diasingkan ke Boven Digul, Papua—daerah pembuangan paling terasing yang menjadi horor setiap aktivis pergerakan—oleh Belanda Syahrir konon sempat stres. Perangainya jadi aneh. Cara jalannya juga aneh. Ia bisa berjalan terus begitu jauh. Kawan-kawan menjulukinya Kelana Jenaka. Ia kerap pula bertandang ke rumah orang di waktu tak lazim— ketika kelewat malam, misalnya. Keperluannya
pun unik. Ia datang hanya untuk minta gula atau minyak. Atau mengobrol ngalorngidul. Menulis surat buat istri pertamanya, seorang wanita Belanda bernama Maria Duchateau, jadi hiburan utama. Ia bisa menulis 4-5 surat sebulan. Isinya panjangpanjang. Suatu ketika, ia “menyerah” kepada Belanda. Ia meneken surat pernyataan takkan ikut aktivitas merongrong Belanda lagi. Tak tahunya itu hanya trik Syahrir. Dengan meneken surat itu, Belanda menambah uang sakunya jadi 4,9 gulden, dari semula 2,6 gulden. Uang itu dipakai Syahrir untuk menambahi biaya berkirim surat dengan istrinya di Belanda. BApAk-BApAk BAngSA kita ternyata bisa bertingkah jenaka. kisahnya begini. Bintang film idaman Soekarno salah satunya norman kerry. Begitu gandrungnya Bung karno pada bintang Hollywood tahun 1920an itu, sampai-sampai ia meniru penampilan sang pujaan. Soekarno memelihara kumis biar mirip. kerry punya kumis tipis melintang yang ujungnya melengkung ke atas. Tapi kumis Bung karno tak bisa melengkung, dan Inggit ganarsih, seorang istrinya, berkomentar, “kumismu lebih mirip Charlie Chaplin.” kontan Soekarno berhenti meniru pujaannya itu. Ada kisah lain soal bintang Hollywood dan Soekarno. Suatu hari di akhir tahun 1950-an, di istana diputar film Tarzan yang dibintangi Johnny Weismuller, juara renang Olimpiade. “Wah, Johnny Weismuller hebat ya, pak,” komentar guntur usai nonton. “Iya! Malah lebih hebat dari Frank Merril dan Herman Brix, tarzan-tarzan tahun ’40-an,” jawab Bung karno. “Bapak bisa berenang tidak?” tanya guntur lagi. “Ooh, itu perkara gampang! Berenang bapak lebih hebat dari Johnny Weismuller,” sesumbar sang bapak. Untuk membuktikan kehebatan sang ayah, guntur mengajaknya berenang. Soekarno bersedia, tapi saat ditanya waktu dan tempat jawabannya berbelit. Alasannya macam-macam. Sakit encoklah, airnya kotorlah, atau tempatnya angker. Hingga akhirnya disepakati, mereka berenang di Tampaksiring, istana presiden di Bali. Janji berenang bareng itu baru terwujud setahun kemudian. ketika itu, guntur dan adiknya, Megawati, sudah mencebur ke kolam. Tapi, Soekarno masih mondar-mandir. guntur bertanya-tanya. Sepertinya tak ada cara lagi buat Bung karno menghindar. Lalu, dengan teriakan ala Tarzan, ia mencebur ke kolam. TibaTeks: ALIF ABDULLAH/BerBAgAI sUmBer FoTo: Dok. IsTImewA
tiba… “Haaeeep, pengawal… tolong bapak!” terdengar suara Bung karno terbatuktabuk. Melihat presiden tenggelam, para pengawal segera menolong. Setelah itu, di pinggir kolam Soekarno mengaku. “Bapak sebetulnya… ndak bisa berenang.” Ada lagi kelakuan Bung karno yang bikin jengkel sekaligus tertawa. Dalam sebuah perjalanan pulang dari Jepang ke Jakarta di tahun 1945, Bung karno, bersama Hatta dan lainnya, terpaksa menumpang pesawat pengebom yang sudah uzur. Badan pesawat penuh lubang peluru. Seperti selayaknya pesawat pengebom, tak ada tempat duduk di kabin pesawat. penumpang terpaksa berdiri. Suatu saat, Bung karno ingin buang air kecil. Tapi pesawat itu pun tak punya kamar kecil. Tak kurang akal, soekarno melangkah ke bagian belakang pesawat untuk buang hajat. Siapa sangka, angin begitu kencang. Angin itu malah menerbangkan air seninya ke seluruh ruangan lewat lubang-lubang bekas terjangan peluru. keruan saja semua kuyup, termasuk Hatta. Dalam keadaan setengah basah inilah mereka mendarat. Bung karno, Hatta, dan Syahrir pernah dibuang Belanda bersama ke prapat usai aksi militer kedua. Di tempat pengasingan, cerita Hatta, Bung karno sering membuat Syahrir kesal karena setiap kali mandi pasti menyanyi keras-keras. Saking kesal Syahrir berteriak begini, “Hou je mond, Bung!—Tutup mulutmu, Bung!” Bung karno tersinggung dan marah-marah terus pada Syahrir. Cerita unik terjadi pula saat Soekarno memilih ajudan usai Indonesia baru merdeka. Ya, sebagai presiden baru ia harus punya ajudan. Untuk keperluan itu ditunjuklah seorang bekas pejuang. Oleh Soekarno, ia diberi pangkat letnan. Tapi soal ini belum selesai. Seorang penasihatnya nyeletuk, “Ini tak mungkin. Ratu Belanda, yang memerintah 10 juta manusia, mempunyai ajudan seorang kolonel. Bagaimana pandangan orang nanti melihat Soekarno, presiden Republik Indonesia yang memerintah 70 juta orang, punya ajudan berpangkat letnan.” Soekarno mengangguk, “Betul juga,” katanya. Segeralah dipanggil ajudannya. “Sudah berapa lama engkau jadi letnan?” tanya sang presiden. “Satu setengah jam,” jawab si ajudan. “nah, negara kita ini negara yang baru lahir dan tumbuhnya cepat. Mulai sore ini, engkau menjadi mayor.” WAnITA TenTU selalu jadi topik menarik. Bagaimana para bapak bangsa kita bersikap pada wanita? Soekarno tentu semua orang tahu adalah penakluk wanita. Ia tahu betul memperlakukan wanita dengan santun. Ia pria romantis. pada seorang istrinya, Yurike Sanger, soekarno biasa menulis surat begini saat tak bisa menemuinya: Dear darling Yuri,/Today I cannot come./ I’m so busy, that I cannot find time to see you./But I do see you in my heart./Take good
care of yourself. Sikap Soekarno pada wanita sepertinya pula sudah dimulai sejak muda. Saat masih kuliah di Bandung, Soekarno berkenalan dengan seorang indo Belanda bernama Anne yang lebih tua darinya. Ingin mengajak kencan, Soekarno tak punya uang. Ia lantas minta dikirim uang pada kakaknya. Untuk menambah biaya kuliah, katanya. Uang dikirim. Soekarno kencan dengan noni itu. kencan berlanjut sampai dua kali. Lalu berhenti saat Soekarno kapok. kok, bisa? “Lho, dia jadi jelek, ya. kelihatan tua lagi,” kata Soekarno. Hatta berbanding terbalik dengan Soekarno. Hatta, kata Soekano, seorang yang mukanya memerah bila bertemu wanita. Cara terbaik melukiskan pribadi Hatta, menurut Soekano adalah dengan menceritakan sebuah kejadian di suatu sore. Suatu saat, Hatta dalam perjalanan ke suatu tempat dan penumpang lain di mobil itu adalah seorang wanita cantik. Di tempat sepi dan terasing, ban pecah. Si sopir pergi mencari bantuan. ketika si sopir kembali, ia mendapati gadis itu tidur di sudut yang jauh di mobil, dan Hatta mendengkur di sudut lainnya lagi. Benarkah demikian? Di mata temantemannya Hatta tak pernah menunjukkan ketertarikan pada wanita. Suatu ketika, saat kuliah di Belanda, kawan-kawan Hatta berniat menjebaknya: mereka mengatur Hatta kencan dengan wanita polandia yang “menggetarkan lelaki manapun”. Tentu saja si gadis sudah dipesan agar menggoda Hatta dengan segala cara. Apa yang terjadi? Malam itu mereka cuma makan di kafe. ketika ditanya kenapa rayuannya gagal total, si perempuan menjawab putus asa, “Semuanya tak mempan. Dia ini pendeta, bukan laki-laki.” TeRAkHIR, TAHUkAH Anda apa perintah Soekarno setelah menjadi presiden pertama RI? ketika pulang dari Jalan pegangsaan Timur 56 menuju rumah, di tengah jalan ia bertemu tukang sate. pria yang kelak menyebut paduka Yang Mulia pemimpin Besar Revolusi dan panglima Angkatan perang ini memanggil penjaja sate yang tak berbaju, dan mengeluarkan perintah pertama, “Sate ayam lima puluh tusuk.” Setelah itu Soekarno jongkok di dekat selokan, menyantap sate dengan lahap. Agustus 2009 | primetime |
Istanbul Pesona Eksotis Turki
Kekayaan budaya dan banyaknya situs peradaban masa lalu yang diwarisi Turki menjadikan negeri ini magnet yang menyedot jutaan manusia untuk berkunjung. Ya, Turki adalah sebuah negeri indah yang membentang di sepanjang Laut Hitam dan Laut Mediterania.
destinasi pariwisata di Turki. Banyak situs bersejarah yang unik berada di Istanbul. Sebut saja Leander’s Tower, Masjid Ortakoy, Istana Topkapi, Masjid Biru Sultanahmet, Obelisk, Istana Dolmabache dan lainnya.
Kota Dua Benua
Karena letaknya yang berdekatan dengan kedua laut tersebut dan perpaduan Eropa dan Asia, maka Turki banyak sekali memiliki obyek wisata. Yang pertama tentu saja, obyek yang berada di Istanbul. Dulu, Istanbul adalah kota terbesar di Turki. Sampai dengan tahun 1930, kota ini lebih dikenal oleh orangorang Barat dengan nama Konstantinopel. Bahkan, pada abad ke-19, beberapa orang memanggil kota ini dengan nama Stambul. Istanbul adalah kota padat penduduk di Turki, populasi penduduknya mencapai 11 hingga 15 juta. Kota ini juga sekaligus menjadi salah satu kota terbesar di Eropa. Selain sebagai ibukota administratif Turki, Istanbul juga menjadi salah satu kota 14 | primetime | Agustus 2009
Di Istanbul, terdapat sebuah selat yang menghubungkan Laut Hitam dengan Laut Marmara. Selat ini memisahkan Turki bagian Asia dan bagian Eropa. Di atas selat ini terbentang sebuah jembatan yang juga diberi nama Bosphorus. Jembatan inilah yang menghubungkan peradaban Eropa dan Asia. Sebagai salah satu obyek wisata, Jembatan Bosphorus bisa dinikmati dengan menaiki kapal feri yang berangkat dari Eminonu sampai akhirnya berlabuh di Laut Hitam. Di sepanjang perjalanan tersebut, mata Anda akan dimanjakan oleh beragamnya obyek wisata Laut Hitam, berbagai tempat menarik akan Anda lalui, seperti Istana Dolmache, Istana Belerbeyi, bangunan hotel, restoran dan rumah-rumah bergaya paduan arsitektur Eropa dan Asia.
Kota Museum
Di dalam kotanya, Istanbul memiliki obyek wisata bersejarah. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari banyaknya museum. Sebut saja Museum Arkeologi yang berada di dalam kompleks Istana Topkapi. Di museum ini banyak
terdapat peninggalan Alexander Sarcophagus atau yang dikenal dengan The Great Alexander. Selain itu masih banyak museum lainnya yang wajib untuk dikunjungi. Basilia of Hagia Sophia adalah sebuah museum yang saat ini lebih dikenal dengan nama Museum Ayasofya. Ayasofya didirikan oleh Konstatius pada abad ke-4. Saat itu bangunan ini difungsikan sebagai sebuah gereja. Namun, di bawah kepemimpinan Sultan Mahmed, Hagia teks: ttN MX foto: ist.
Sophia beralih fungsi menjadi masjid yang memiliki kubah besar nan megah. Banyak ahli sejarah mengatakan bahwa Hagia Sophia dapat dinominasikan sebagai salah satu bangunan keajaiban dunia. Alasannya, Hagia Sophia memiliki arsitektur bangunan bergaya Romawi yang unik pada bagian eksterior dan interiornya.
Kota Modern
Berwisata ke Istanbul tidak cukup hanya dengan menjelajahi tempat-tempat bersejarah. Banyak lagi tempat menarik lainnya yang sayang untuk di lewati.Taksim Square misalnya, merupakan tempat pusat kota modern Istanbul. Di area ini, terdapat banyak hotel berbintang, restoran dan pusat kehidupan malam lainnya. Tempat sering dijadikan tempat berkumpulnya berbagai komunitas untuk merayakan tahun baru, konser musik, parade dan pertunjukan lainnya
ramadan di Turki
Sebagaimana diketahui bahwa mayoritas penduduk Turki adalah Muslim, maka sudah sepantasnya mereka melakukan ibadah puasa. Pertanyaannya, apakah ada perbedaan dengan yang kita lakukan di Indonesia? Apa kebiasaan mereka ketika menunggu waktu berbuka? Apa saja makanan yang disajikan? Bulan Ramadan di Turki itu biasanya jatuhnya bertepatan dengan dua musim yang berbeda. Jika bertepatan dengan musim gugur, waktu siang di Turki pendek sehingga adzan Maghrib-yang menandai berbuka puasa juga lebih cepat sekitar pukul 19.30. Berbeda jika bertepatan dengan musim panas. Waktu siangnya akan sangat panjang sehingga waktu berbuka biasanya jatuh pada pukul 21.00.
Persamaan yang menyenangkan
Suasana Ramadan juga amat terasa di kalangan masyarakat. Biasanya di supermarket-supermarket sudah ada diskon Ramadan untuk bahan-bahan sembako dan barang lainnya. Kemudian iklan-iklan di TV sudah bernuansakan Ramadhan, begitu pula dengan iklan tentang program-program Ramadan yang akan ditayangkan selama bulan Ramadan di televisi Turki. Hampir sama dengan Indonesia, televisi-televisi Turki juga menyiarkan banyak acara Islami. Misalnya, saat menunggu waktu iftar (berbuka puasa) ditayangkan ceramah penyejuk hati dari ustadz-ustadz ternama.
Begitu juga ketika waktu sahur, stasiun TV menayangkan aneka acara untuk menemani masyarakat bersantap sahur. Meskipun tidak sedikit tayangan yang tidak Islami tetap tayang di bulan Ramadan dan banyak artis-artis turki yang tetap mengumbar auratnya di bulan yang suci ini. Tapi, itulah Turki. Untungnya, karena di Turki banyak masjid, maka masyarakat bisa dengan mudah mengetahui waktu berbuka puasa lewat adzan maghrib yang dikumandangkan lewat masjid-masjid. Seperti halnya di Indonesia, pada malam hari masjid-masjid di Turki dipenuhi oleh orangorang salat tarawih. Saat Ramadan tiba, akan banyak sekali iklan permen dan coklat di stasiun TV Turki, apalagi menjelang lebaran nanti, permen dan coklat pasti menjadi produk yang laris manis. Selain itu toko-toko pakaian juga banyak yang diserbu pembeli. Rupanya tradisi baju baru untuk lebaran adalah tradisi masyarakat Turki, dan biasanya mereka berbelanja usai salat Tarawih.
Hal lain yang berbeda adalah tidak adanya tukang jualan dadakan untuk sajian berbuka seperti di Indonesia. Di Turki ada makanan yang boleh dibilang istimewa yang muncul di bulan Ramadan, yaitu Roti Pide yang bentuknya bundar dan bertabur wijen. Roti Pide ini hanya ada dijual di bulan Ramadan dan dimakan sebagai panganan untuk berbuka dan untuk menu sahur. Selain Roti Pide, makanan lainnya yang biasa disantap saat sahur oleh masyarakat Turki adalah Makarna (makaroni) atau Pılav (nasi Turki) dan yang spesial adalah Hosaf
Beda itu indah
Hal yang agak berbeda adalah tradisi dari sajian makanan selama bulan Ramadan. Di Turki tidak ada sajian istimewa untuk berbuka, seperti kolak yang menjadi makanan khas pada bulan Ramadan. Ketika waktu berbuka tiba, masyarakat Turki biasanya langsung makan makanan berat. Kecuali jika ada kurma, barulah berbuka dimulai dengan makan kurma. Sedangkan untuk minumannya, masyarakat Turki lebih suka teh saat berbuka maupun sahur.
(komposto). Hosaf adalah manisan buahbuahan. Buah-buahannya itu terdiri dari apel, aprikot, peach, pear, anggur, berry, ayva. Hosaf ini biasanya dibuat sehari atau dua hari sebelum bulan Ramadan dalam jumlah yang cukup banyak, lalu didinginkan di lemari es. Jika di pertengahan Ramadan Hosaf sudah habis maka akan dibuat lagi hosaf yang baru. Itulah sekelumit cerita tentang obyek wisata menarik di kota Istanbul dan tradisi apa saja yang dilakukan warga Turki saat bulan Ramadan. Mudah-mudahan cerita di atas menginsiprasi Anda bahwa biarpun letak negara dipisahkan lautan membentang, namun tradisi menyambut Hari Kemenangan itu tak terlalu beda rupanya. Turki memang memiliki obyek-obyek wisata yang indah… seindah perbedaan kebiasaannya menyambut Ramadan.
Agustus 2009 | primetime |
Puasa Penuh Tenaga! Selamat datang Ramadan. Mereka yang muslim kembali mendapat kesempatan untuk menjalankan puasa dan memperoleh pahala berlipat selama sebulan penuh. Nah, walaupun harus menahan rasa lapar serta haus sepanjang hari, puasa sebaiknya tidak dijadikan alasan untuk mengurangi aktivitas sehari-hari. Siapa bilang pekerjaan rutin tak bisa diselesaikan sembari beribadah? Cobalah menjaga kondisi tubuh agar tetap dalam kondisi prima walaupun perut harus “merana” selama 12 jam.
Tetap fit saat berpuasa sebenarnya tidaklah sulit untuk dilakukan asal kita tahu cara menyiasatinya. Dr. Farouk Haffejee, seorang pakar kesehatan dari Asosiasi Dokter Islam (Islamic Medical Association) Durban, Afrika Selatan memberikan kiat yang diperlukan. Haffejee berpendapat bahwa pola makan pada bulan Ramadan sebaiknya tidak jauh berbeda dari bulan-bulan lainnya. Jadi Anda tak perlu mengonsumsi lebih banyak makanan saat sahur untuk menjaga stamina di siang hari. Yang penting adalah mengakali agar makanan—terutama karbohidrat—yang dikonsumsi saat sahur tetap bisa digunakan sebagai cadangan energi oleh tubuh dari pagi hingga sore hari. “Pilihlah makanan yang membutuhkan waktu lebih lama dicerna usus”, jelasnya dalam karya tulis ilmiah yang berjudul “Some Health Guidelines for Ramadhan”. Jenis karbohidrat yang lama dicerna oleh usus (slow digesting food) perlu waktu cerna sampai delapan jam oleh tubuh. Sementara, karbohidrat yang cepat dicerna usus (fast digesting food) hanya butuh waktu cerna tiga sampai empat jam. Jenis karbohidrat yang lama dicerna usus itu disebut juga disebut karbohidrat kompleks. Contoh karbohidrat jenis ini antara lain biji-bijian seperti gandum, oat, dan beras merah. Sedangkan yang cepat cerna merupakan karbohidrat sederhana misalnya gula, nasi, dan tepung putih. Hindari makanan seperti ini karena hanya Anda akan merasa kenyang sebentar saja. Karbohidrat yang lambat dicerna akan membuat kadar gula dalam tubuh naik secara 16 | primetime | Agustus 2009
perlahan dan bertahan lebih lama di dalam tubuh. Zat gula adalah salah satu sumber energi utama dalam tubuh. Ini artinya tubuh kita akan tetap punya cadangan energi yang cukup di siang hari. Dengan energi cukup, kondisi tubuh pun bisa tetap oke meski perut tak lagi diisi makanan. Jenis makanan berserat yang banyak terdapat dalam sayur dan buah juga lama dicerna usus sehingga bermanfaat untuk menahan lapar. Haffejee juga menambahkan, menu Ramadan haruslah seimbang dan menu tersebut harus berisi makanan dari semua kelompok, seperti buah, sayur, daging/ayam/ikan, karbohidrat dan produk olahan susu. Selain itu, yang menyebabkan kondisi lemah saat menjalankan ibadah puasa adalah kurang cairan atau dehidrasi. Maklumlah, biasanya cairan tubuh ada terus-menerus, karena kita minum beberapa kali dalam satu hari, dengan jumlah 1,5 sampai 2 liter air per hari. Tapi, saat berpuasa frekuensi minum sangat terbatas. Untuk menyiasati kurangnya air, perbanyaklah minum air putih di malam hari. Anda juga harus menghindari minuman berkafein seperti kopi dan teh, serta minuman ringan. Hal ini dikarenakan kafein bersifat diuretik atau menyebabkan kita lebih sering buang air kecil. Ini tentu akan mengurangi cadangan cairan tubuh sehingga
risiko dehidari meningkat. Selama berpuasa, tubuh memerlukan banyak asupan nutrisi yang akan menjaganya tetap bugar. Selain asupan vitamin bisa didapatkan dari buah dan sayur, suplemen vitamin juga bisa menjadi alternatif solusi untuk menjaga stamina dan vitalitas. Vitamin juga berfungsi untuk membantu pemeliharaan dan pemenuhan sel-sel tubuh. Hindari memproses sayur dan buah terlalu lama karena vitamin mudah hilang saat proses berlangsung. Ingin lebih praktis? Anda bisa mengonsumsi suplemen saat sahur untuk memenuhi kebutuhan vitamin tersebut. Tetapi sebelum Anda mengonsumsi suplemen yang akan digunakan sebagai pendongkrak energi, sebaiknya Anda mengenal terlebih dahulu karakter masingmasing multivitamin. Pilihlah yang mengandung banyak vitamin dan mineral. Contohnya adalah vitamin B kompleks yang mampu meningkatkan metabolisme dan memperkuat sistem kekebalan tubuh. Selain itu juga vitamin C, yang berguna untuk mencegah infeksi serta meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh. Serta adanya mineral, serta kelompok antioksidan seperti lycopene dan polifenol untuk menangkal radikal bebas. Jadi, siapa bilang puasa harus lemas dan tidak bertenaga? word: amanda Photograph: Ist.
review movies G.I. JOE: THE RISE OF COBRA
Film ini dibuat berdasar franchise mainan anak-anak G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero yang diproduksi oleh Hasbro antara tahun 1982 dan tahun 1994. Kisahnya tentang awal terbentuknya tim G.I. Joe yang beranggotakan Conrad Hauser / Duke (Channing Tatum), General Clayton Abernathy / Hawk (Dennis Quaid), Shana M. O’Hara / Scarlett (Rachel Nichols), Wallace Weems / Ripcord (Marlon Wayans), SnakeEyes (Ray Park), Lamont A. Morris / Heavy Duty (Adewale AkinnuoyeAgbaje), Abel Shaz / Breaker (Saïd Taghmaoui) dan Courtney A. Kreiger / Cover Girl (Karolína Kurková). Tim ini harus berjuang mati-matian melawan kelompok kejahatan Cobra Organization pimpinan Cobra Commander (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) yang ingin berencana menguasai dunia.
Pengungsi adalah sekumpulan manusia yang menyingkir dari negara atau daerah asalnya yang telah hancur demi mencari kehidupan lebih baik. Lalu bagaimana jika pengungsi itu adalah sekumpulan mahluk asing alias alien? Peter Jackson (sutradara film Lord of the Ring, King Kong, dan lain-lain) menggarap film ini. Para pengungsi alien ini mengungsi ke bumi karena planet mereka hancur akibat perang. Kini mereka diasingkan di daerah Afrika Selatan. Pertanyaannya, apakah manusia bisa hidup berdampingan dengan alien? Sayangnya, di tengah konflik ini masih ada saja orang yang mengail di air keruh denga mencari tahu persenjataan para alien demi keuntungan pribadi.
music FOR (N) EVER
Setelah vakum selama 3 tahun, band yang terdiri dari Doug Robb, Estrin Chris, dan Jesse Charland kembali merilis album baru mereka. Album ini terdiri dari 11 track. Dimulai dengan single “My Turn”. Di album ini Hoobastank tetap bermain di area pop rock, walau ada sentuhan post grunge sedikit. Yang terpenting adalah album ini adalah ajang pembuktian diri bahwa mereka masih eksis dengan tetap memunculkan sound-sound baru yang orisinil dan berwarna. Bagi fans berat Hoobastank, album ini wajib dimiliki sebagai koleksi Anda.
Universal Music Indonesia baru saja meluncurkan album berjudul Another Shot Os Old School Of Rock” yang berisikan 32 lagu rock dari tipe klasik, glam, ballad sampai trash era 80 sampai awal 90-an. Semua lagu ini dirangkum dalam kemasan 2 CD yang kalau boleh dibilang terbagi dalam dua bagian. CD pertama didominasi musik hard rock sampai funk rock. Di bagian ini tercatat nama-nama seperto Alice Cooper, Kiss, Motley Crue, Extreme, hingga Primus. Sedangkan yang kedua lebih condong ke thrash atau metal. Nama-nama seperti Rainbow, The Scorpions, Airbourne, Manowar, White Zombie, Anthrax, sampai Pantera.
Pernahkah Anda melihat sebuah sandal bermerek Nokia? Atau tas olahraga bermerek Aridas? Ya, barang-barang itu memang palsu dan beredar di sekitar kita. Kepleset! adalah buku yang menghibur karena merefleksikan gaya hidup khas kota besar di mana warganya mengutamakan gaya hidup. Bagi sebagian yang mampu, membeli semua barang branded tak masalah. Tapi bagaimana dengan mereka yang kantongnya pas-pasan dan ingin tampil gaya? Biar palsu yang penting gaya! Buku ini menggambarkan dunia bajak-membajak bukanlah hal yang baru dan sebagai kegelisahan terhadap dunia brand dan metafora status.
Penulis : Budiman Hakim
Budiman Hakim adalah seorang praktisi periklanan yang memiliki pengalaman segudang. Yang harus digarisbawahi bahwa buku ini bukan buku teori copywriting, bukan juga kumpulan cerpen, apalagi biografi. Buku ini adalah sebuah pengamatan Budiman yang dicatat ke dalam bentuk cerita. Budiman yakin, kalau mau sedikit peka, banyak hal-hal sepele yang ada di sekitar kita dapat mengggugah emosi, dan pastinya semua ini akan sangat bermanfaat. Misalnya sedih ketika melihat berita Taufik Savalas meninggal atau sebal mendengar suara hancur pengamen di dalam bis. Mudah-mudahan dengan membaca buku ini Anda menjadi lebih terinspirasi dan peka dengan lingkungan sekitar.
Agustus 2009 | primetime |
memberinya semangat. Berdua mereka merekrut teman sekelas untuk berlatih dan ikut kontes tari jalanan.
tastic channel
10 Agustus, pukul 22.00 WIB.
10 Channel Terfavorit Pilihan Anda Bulan Ini 2 Agustus, 20.00 WIB
Dicap pecundang, pekerja kantoran 1 Wesley Gibson (James McAvoy) merasa dunianya runtuh saat mendapati kekasihnya selingkuh. Lalu ia bertemu Fox (Angelina Jolie), yang memperlihatkannya dunia yang tak pernah ia pikir ada—dunia pembunuh bayaran. Seperti Fox, ayah Wesley seorang pembunuh bayaran yang bekerja untuk Fraternity. Cross, seorang pembunuh lain, ingin membunuh Wesley. Bersama Sloan, kepala Fraternity, Wesley belajar jadi pembunuh bayaran. Ia berlatih menembak membengkokkan arah peluru.
dan temannya, Kopral Miguel Silva, terluka dan mesti pensiun dini. MacPherson mengunjungi Miguel di South West, tapi menemukannya. Sementara itu Rhodes, seorang pengusaha, membeli tanah di sana dengan harga murah dan membangun rumah dengan pekerja Meksiko yang tak dibayar. MacPherson lalu menyelidiki Rhodes yang terlibat pada hilangnya Miguel secara misterius.
Bersiaplah untuk perlombaan seumur hidup. Sebanyak 10 kali sehari selama sebulan penuh perayaan Oak Tree Meet di Santa Anita Race Track, joki paling tangguh dan berani sedunia berlomba demi uang—atau pulang bangkrut—mempertaruhkan hidup dan anggota badan mereka agar jadi juara. Peserta datang dari seluruh dunia, semuanya ingin menang dan kecintaan pada kuda.
3 Agustus, 02.00 WIB
X Games 15
“X Games 15”, event tahunan olahraga ekstrim. Berlangsung di Los Angeles bulan Agustus, event yang diselenggarakan untuk ke-15 kalinya sebagai bagian Summer X Games ini diikuti lebih dari 200 atlet olahraga ekstrim, termasuk juara motocross James Stewart. Bersamaan dengan ajang ini berlangsung pula X Fest—ajang olahraga aksi pamungkas dan festival musik berisi live music, sesi foto dan tanda-tangan bareng atlet, dan event menarik lain.
Jumat-Sabtu-Minggu, 19.30 WIB
Teknologi otomotif kini telah menjadi gaya hidup dan tren masa kini. Karena perkembangan teknologi otomotif jika tidak diikuti secara berkelanjutan tentu akan membuat kita ketinggalan jaman. Untuk itu Otowheeler hadir sebagai tayangan yang membahas berbagai informasi lengkap mengenai seputar otomotif terkini yang dirangkum secara apik dan unik.
3 Agustus, 20.30 WIB
Perfect Day
Ini tayangan terbaru tentang kuliner, travel, dan gaya hidup dari produser seri sukses New Scandinavian Cooking. Perfect Day menawarkan kuliner terbaik negara-negara wilayah Nordik. Acara ini dipandu oleh koki dan penulis masakan terbaik Skandinavia. Di antaranya Andreas Viestad (Norwegia), Tina Nordstrom (Swedia), Clause Meyer (Denmark) dan Sara La Fountain (Finladia). Setiap episode dipandu ahli kuliner yang akan membawa kita pada tempat-tempat dan makanan terbaik negara-negara di wilayah Nordik.
10 Agustus, 20.00 WIB.
House (Season 5)
Kita semua suka tapi benci dengan Dr. House. Kadang kita dibuatnya jengkel, tapi sekaligus dibuatnya kagum—terutama oleh gayanya mengobati pasien yang sering disebut Sherlock Holmes-nya dokter. Tapi ada dokter yang tak tahan dengannya, Dr. Wilson (Robert Sean Leonard). Ia berhenti dari rumah sakit dan memutuskan persahabatannya dengan Dr. House di awal musim tayang kali ini. Dr. House curiga akan kepergian Dr. Wilson. Ia menyelidikinya. Tapi itu cuma satu kisah saja. Banyak kisah lain. Dan saatnya mengakhiri musim tayang ke-5 ini. Anda pasti ingin tahu bagaimana akhirnya.
16 Agustus, 16.67 WIB
Motor Sports: MotoGP Kejuaraan motor dunia sudah setengah jalan. Casey Stoner tengah di puncak. Lomba grand prix di Republik Ceko dan Indianapolis akan jadi ajang pertaruhan pembalap untuk meraih posisi puncak. Inilah aksi non-stop dari pabrikan motor dan pembalap elit di kelas 800 cc, 250 cc, dan 125 cc. Saksikan semuanya!
7 Agustus, 21.00 WIB.
The Browning Version
Sebelum Dead Poets Society dan Mr. Holland’s Opus, ada kisah lain tak terlupakan tentang murid yang terinspirasi gurunya. Film yang diangkat dari naskah drama ini dibintangi Albert Finney sebagai Andrew Crocker-Harris, seorang guru latin sekolah negeri yang sebentar lagi pensiun. Hidupnya berantakan. Ia merasa sendirian di rumah maupun sekolah. Hingga seorang murid menyemangatinya untuk memulai hidup baru. Film ini dibesut Mike Figgis, sutradara peraih Oscar lewat Leaving Las Vegas.
16 Agustus, 20.00 WIB
Step Up 2: The Streets Melanjutkan sukses Step Up di 2006, sekuel ini berkisah tentang Andie (Brian Evigan), seorang penari jalanan berwatak pemberontak yang bersekolah di Maryland School of the Arts. Tarian bebasnya terlihat aneh di sekolah dengan kurikulum konservatif. Tapi persahabatannya dengan Chase (Robert Hoffman)
18 | primetime | Agustus 2009
9 Agustus, 20.00 WIB
Conspiracy 7
Saat operasi Badai Gurun di Irak, MacPherson, seorang prajurit angkatan laut
Sumber: Polling Website Telkomvision
60 | prime time | juni 2009
Serial Komedi Terbaru!
Saksikan drama komedi terbaru persembahan Disney Channel, Jonas Brothers! Joe, Nick, dan Kevin berperan sebagai Lucas bersaudara yang mempunyai talenta luar biasa. Mereka telah meraih simpati dari para penggemar lewat lagu-lagu yang menarik dan penampilan yang mengagumkan. Saksikan bagaimana mereka mencoba membagi waktu antara kehidupan remaja, keluarga dan sekolah sebagai bintang rock yang populer dan memiliki banyak penggemar!
Taya ng p 9 Ag erdana setia ustus p , min sabtu da gg 16.3 u pukul n 0 WI B
S KENALI JOmNu A Jonas brother berikut er kt ra ka an kk co Co s? na Jo mengenal Sejauh manakah ka ng tepat! ini dengan jawaban trivia ya
Dia memulai sebuah kegiatan amal bernama “Change for the children foundation�, untuk membantu anak-anak yang mengidap penyakit diabetes.
Pekerjaan pertamanya ialah membantu memotong rumput halaman rumah tetangganya.
Dia pernah harus berhadapan dengan kepala sekolah pada hari pertama ia masuk sekolah karena mengolok-olok temannya.
Dia memiliki 12 gitar. Dia mempunyai bekas luka goresan di atas hidungnya karena bertabrakan dengan dinding pada saat pembuatan video bersama adik-adiknya.
Dia senang bermain Guitar Hero, tetapi sangat buruk memainkannya.
Ia meminum Red Bull untuk tetap bangun (terjaga).
Dia adalah penggemar berat high school musical.
Dia hanya mau memakan hamburger secara melingkar.
Jawaban: Joe (C,F,H), Nick (A,D,I), Kevin (B,E,G)
20 | prime time | juni 2009 Š Disney
American Hot Rod American Hot Rod mengajak Anda melihat lebih jelas bagaimana jago modifikasi mobil hot rod Boyd Coddington bekerja. Coddington adalah legenda industri otomotif Amerika yang jasanya pada jenis mobil hot rod sangat
besar. Dari kampung halamannya, kota pertanian kecil Rupert, Idaho, Coddington pindah kle California, mencipta ulang hotrod di tahun 1960-an, dan beberapa tahun berikutnya jadi legenda hidup. Ia membuat
Saksikan American Hot Rod, Jumat, 14 Agustus, 18.00 WIB
mobil-mobil hot rod paling keren sejagad. Tayangan ini berupa reality show yang memperlihatkan bagaimana Coddington memimpin kru di bengkelnya memodifikasi mobil-mobil hot rod. Yang bikin tayangan jadi seru, Coddington dan krunya hanya punya waktu terbatas mempermak mobil. Dari sini terjadi ketegangan antar kru. Anak buah Coddington, misalnya, ada yang membangkang. Bongkar pasang kru kerap terjadi di bengkel Coddington. Namun, pekerjaan mereka tetap beres. Coddington dan krunya tercatat memodifikasi mobilmobil legendaris macam Alumatub, Silver Bullet, Ven Luce’s coupe, Cadzilla. Di episode pertama, Coddington membangunkan lagi mobil klasik Chevy tahun 1956 dari tidur panjangnya. Mobil ini tadinya terdampar di tempat pembuangan sampah bersama besi-besi dan bangkai mobil lainnya. Hanya Coddington yang bisa mengubah bekas tempat tidur anjing liar ini jadi mobil hot rod kelas wahid.
Street Customs 2 Ryan Friedlinghaus, pemilik bengkel West Coast Customs, punya aturan sendiri dan bekerja sekehendak hatinya. Meski begitu, ia punya franchise di Timur Tengah dan Rusia dengan reputasi tinggi dalam desain dan teknologi. West Coast Customs telah mempermak dan memodifikasi mobil jalanan sampai mempreteli mobil mewah seharga 100 ribu dollar. Sukses bengkel ini tak pernah disangka Friedlinghaus. Ia masih ingat, 15 tahun lalu, meminjam 5 ribu dollar dari kakeknya untuk mendirikan bengkel, mengajak rekan sekampungnya di Corona agar punya pekerjaan. Siapa mengira apa yang dirintisnya kini sudah jadi bisnis jutaan dollar. Anda mungkin mengenal mereka saat dulu muncul di acara MTV, Pimp My Ride. Dengan gaya nyeleneh, kru bengkel mempermak mobil bobrok jadi keren, kinclong, sekaligus canggih. Kini mereka punya tayangan TV sendiri. Selebriti Hollywood, olahragawan, pemusik dan orang kaya Amerika jadi pelanggan mereka. Bulan ini, Street Customs memasuki season ke-2. Penonton diajak melihat West Coast Customs memodifikasi mobil untuk dipakai bintang NBA Shaquille O’Neal; bekas penghuni Riverside, penyiar TV dan pemilik motor Jesse James; bintang CSI Gary Dourdan, rapper Snoop Dog, dan banyak lagi.
Saksikan Street Customs 2, Jumat, 28 Agustus, pukul 21.30 WIB Agustus 2009 | primetime |
HIGHLIGHT Special Agent Oso Sebagai penghormatan terhadap kisah agen rahasia, serial ini berkisah tentang agen khusus Oso, sesosok beruang lucu yang bekerja untuk U.N.I.Q.U.E. (United Network for Investigating Quite Usual Events— jaringan kerja untuk menyelidiki kejadian biasa), sebuah lembaga internasional berisi binatang kesayangan yang bertugas membantu anak pra-sekolah mengerjakan tugas-tugas sederhana sehari-hari. Seperti merapikan kamar atau bagaimana menggunakan perpustakaan. Agen Khusus Oso, diisi suaranya oleh Sean Astin (pemain Lord of the Rings), adalah agen rahasia dalam pelatihan yang menyukai tugas-tugas baik. Ia penyayang dan peduli serta suka menolong sesama. Meski terkadang ceroboh dan kerap membuatnya celaka, Oso tetap menjalani tugasnya dengan gembira dan bersemangat. Bersama Paw Pilot, tidak ada tugas yang tak bisa diselesaikan Oso. Paw Pilot adalah rekan kepercayaan Oso yang memberitahunya setiap kali ada tugas khusus. Seperti kebanyakan agen rahasia lain, Oso menggunakan beragam gadget untuk menuntaskan misinya. Ia pandai mencocokkan puzzle dari atas ke bawah, kiri ke kanan dan membedakan warna. Bersama penonton di rumah, Agen Khusus Oso menyelamatkan hari dan meraih medali DigiMedals setiap kali misinya selesai. Kisah ini penuh pesan moral agar anak-
anak pra-sekolah peduli pada teman dan siap membantu orang yang kesulitan. Serial Special Agent Oso mengajak anak-anak pra-sekolah untuk bersimpati dan ikut merasakan petualangan bersama karakter-karakter di serial ini. Diharapkan, anak-anak pra-sekolah di rumah bisa belajar bagaimana menyelesaikan pekerjaan sehari-hari dengan 3 langkah sederhana seperti yang dilakukan Oso. Contohnya, di episode To Grandma with Love—Untuk Nenek dengan Cinta”, saat kartu ucapan ultah milik Stacey untuk neneknya jatuh dari tas ibunya ketika ke kantor pos, jadi tugas Oso mengantarkan surat itu. Caranya ada 3 langkah yang harus dilakukan Oso. Satu, temukan suratnya. Dua, tempel perangko di atasnya. Tiga, masukkan ke kotak surat. Mudah dan sederhana ‘kan?
Saksikan Special Agent Oso, setiap sabtu dan minggu, pukul 10.30 WIB
HBO is a registered trademark of Home Box Office, Inc. Used with permission. IRON MAN, the Movie © 2008 MVL Film Finance LLC.. ©2009 HBO Asia. All rights reserved.
Iron Man
Iron Man, versi layar lebar dari kisah komik superhero rekaan Stan Lee, dikenang utamanya lantaran jadi pembuktian diri kembalinya sosok Robert Downey Jr. sebagai aktor idola. Yang mengikuti kisah hidupnya pasti tahu betapa bertahun-bertahun belakangan ini, Downey menyia-nyiakan bakatnya dalam belenggu narkoba. Ia hanya muncul sesekali dalam peran-peran kecil. Wajahnya lebih sering masuk majalah dan tabloid gosip sedang ditangkap polisi karena mabuk atau keluar-masuk tahanan. Padahal, lebih dari 15 tahun lalu, ia pernah bermain cemerlang sebagai Charlie Chaplin di film Chaplin yang dipuji kritikus. Tapi kini, si anak hilang itu kembali. Downey amat cocok memerankan Tony Stark, biliuner yang beralih rupa jadi pahlawan super. Dengan baju besi ia melejit di angkasa,
menghajar keserakahan perusahaan senjata. Stan Lee mencipta Tony Stark sebagai pengusaha senjata yang jadi pemasok utama militer Amerika Serikat. Dia bukan hanya pedagang, tapi juga seorang penemu, ilmuwan brilian yang tampan, gemar berpesta dan perempuan cantik. Hm, Robert Downey Jr. sekali ya? Ya, Downey si Tony Stark adalah si Iron Man, manusia besi. Tidak bisa lain. Ia begitu tampil meyakinkan. Kisahnya tak jauh-jauh dari apa yang terjadi di dunia saat ini—ketika Amerika berperang ke Afghanistan demi membasmi teroris. Saat memperkenalkan senjata barunya di Afghanistan, Tony Stark diculik gerilyawan. Ia diminta membuat senjata pamungkas: rudal Jericho. Alih-alih menuruti kemauan penculiknya, Tony membuat baju besi yang menjadi prototype bagi Iron Man. Dibantu seorang insinyur bernama Yinsen, Tony bisa menyelesaikan misinya dan kabur dari tahanan. Kejadian di Afghanistan membuatnya sadar: ia bisa
Saksikan Iron Man, Minggu 30 Agustus, 20.00 WIB 22 | primetime | Agustus 2009
menubah dunia dengan kekuatannya. Jadilah ia kemudian pahlawan super dengan baju zirah dari besi (bukan besi, tepatnya, tapi semacam logam hibrida yang digunakan satelit militer dan disepuh warna emas dan merah mentereng). Ia terbang kesana-kemari menghancurkan apa yang dulu dibuatnya dengan rasa bangga. Tentu, ada kekuatan jahat yang menentang niat baiknya. Iron Man harus bertempur agar niatannya tercapai. Untuk mengimbangi akting prima Downey, filmnya sendiri bakal memanjakan mata setiap pecinta film super-hero. Secara teoritis, ahli film Australia Geoff King menyebut film-film superhero Hollywood sebagai spectacular narrative. Maksudnya, kisahnya tak hanya bersandar pada perang si baik melawan si jahat. Tapi, peperangan itu berlangung dalam efek kolosal. Tujuannya, mencipta tontonan penuh sensasi. Di film ini, kita akan lihat Iron Man terbang di antara dua pesawat Jet Hornet F-22 dan berbagai aksi ledak dan baku hantam lainnya. Saatnya Anda merasakan sensasinya di HBO bulan Agustus ini.
HIGHLIGHT Jonas Kabar baik buat cewekcewek penggemar Jonas Brothers. Mereka kembali! Bulan Agustus ini, jangan lewatkan seri terbaru “Jonas” di Disney Channel. Kisahnya tentang Jonas bersaudara dan band mereka, JONAS, menghadapi hosteria fans saat manggung dari pentas ke pentas. Di balik kostum keren dan gitar berkilat, mereka sebenarnya cuma anak muda dari Jersey yang mencoba menyeimbangkan hidup antara kegilaan sebagai anak band dengan kehidupan normal sehari-hari. Anda bisa lihat serunya kejadian yang tak disangkasangka dan heboh saat mereka dikejar fans yang seperti kesetanan waktu membuang sampah di rumah; atau lagi waktu mereka tak bisa kemana-mana usai belanja di toko karena dikerubungi fans, sementara mereka harus balik ke rumah untuk makan malam. Kakak-beradik ini mungkin satu-satunya bintang idola yang masih harus mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah dan tinggal bersama ayah, ibu, dan adik bungsu mereka, Frankie (si bungsu Jonas bersaudara sungguhan, dipanggil Bonus Jonas!). Namun mereka tahu
betapa beruntungnya mereka hidup bersama keluarga sambil jadi super-star. Serasa mimpi, kata mereka. Selalu bersama Jonas bersaudara adalah kawan lama mereka di sekolah sekaligus pengarah gaya, Stella Malone, yang percaya fesyen adalah indera keenam, dan Macy Misa, cewek yang menyebut dirinya fans Jonas nomor wahid. Cewek ini bisa senang bukan main (tapi juga tak terkendali) bila sedang bersama Jonas bersaudara. Pokoknya, serial terbaru ini bakal bikin cewek-cewek fans The Jonas Brothers termehek-mehek. Anda bisa memelototi wajah-wajah imut mereka lama-lama. Atau ikut jejingkrakan bersama saat lagu-lagu favorit mereka dimainkan. Sebab, buat pendukung serialnya sendiri, seri baru ini dibuat dengan kesungguhan hati. Hasilnya meninggalkan kisah yang sulit dilupa. Chelsea Staub, pemeran Stella, sangat berkesan bekerja bareng Jonas bersaudara. “Mereka sangat profesional dan selalu kompak,” katanya. Pun begitu bagi kakak-beradik Jonas. Mereka begitu penuh kesan dengan tayangan yang masuk kategori serial komedi ini. “Main
serial komedi terkadang lebih sulit ketimbang drama. Saya harus berusaha keras agar leluconnya lucu. Kami belajar hal baru setiap hari dan berharap nantinya kami jadi aktor hebat,” kata Nick Jonas. Sementara itu, Kevin Jonas berujar perannya sangat menarik. “Peran saya agak lain. Banyak aspek yang bikin ketawa. Sutradara memakaikan saya kostum-kostum aneh, melakukan hal-hal gila, tanpa saya tahu apa yang sebenarnya terjadi. Pembuat serial ini sepertinya dipenuhi ide-ide gila. Saya pikir hasilnya akan sungguh lucu. Saya tak sabar melihat hasilnya,” seru Kevin. Ya, kami yakin kalian juga ikutan tak sabar. Tayang perdana 9 Agustus ini, JONAS juga menampilkan lagu-lagu Jonas Brothers yang khusus dibuat untuk serial ini.
Saksikan Jonas, mulai 9 Agustus, setiap sabtu dan minggu, pukul 16.30 WIB Horton
Berkaitan dengan STAR MOVIES FAN FEST 09 dari Juli hingga Agustus, Horton jadi salah satu sajian utama yang tayang perdana 2 Agustus pada jam 20.00 WIB. Dibuat oleh pencipta Ice Age hadir Horton, film animasi
blockbuster. Kisahnya diangkat dari dongeng favorit anak-anak karya Dr. Seuss berjudul Horton Hears a Who. Buku aslinya tipis dan sedikit kata-kata. Maka, seperti apa film layar lebarnya? Apakah setipis bukunya? Di sini sineas dituntut untuk kreatif. Ia harus bisa membuat film panjang dari naskah asli yang tipis dan kisahnya straight to the point. Jadi, problem memfilmkan novel ke film bukanlah persoalan memadatkan cerita novel jadi tontonan dua jam. Terkadang, hal sebaliknya terjadi. Cerita yang pendek harus dipanjang-panjangkan untuk memenuhi kuota layak disebut film panjang alias length feature film. Kisahnya masih sama dengan bukunya. Alkisah, hiduplah Horton (dialihsuarakan oleh Jim Carrey), seeekor gajah yang hidup tenteram di hutan. Hingga sebuah kejadian anah menimpanya. Ia mendengar suara-suara entah dari mana. Dicari-cari ketemulah setitik noda kecil yang keluar dari telinganya. Di situ tak tahunya jadi tempat hidup makhlukmakhluk liliput. Horton memindahkannya ke setangkai bunga semanggi dan dari situlah ia mulai berkomunikasi dengan makhlukmakhluk super kecil itu. Walikota Whoville (Steve Carell), sebutan bagi komunitas liliput itu, meminta Horton mencarikan mereka tempat hidup yang baru, jauh dari ancaman tangan-tangan
jahil. Horton setuju. Tapi ia menemukan rintangan. Kangaroo (Carol Burnett) yang memerintah hutan percaya pada doktrin “jika tak bisa dilihat, berarti wujudnya tak ada.” Ia tak melihat ada makhluk hidup tinggal dalam noda debu kecil. Maka, ia memerintah Vlad (Will Arnett) si burung nazar untuk membasmi makhluk di debu kecil itu. Sementara itu, walikota kesulitan membuat penduduknya percaya ada gajah di langit yang bicara dengannya. Bahkan istrinya sendiri, Sally (Amy Poehler) meragukannya. Hanya seorang dokter di Whoville bernama Mary Lou Larue (Isla Fisher) yang mempercayainya. Jim Carrey yang memerankan Horton, kata kritikus film James Berardinelli di situs ReelViews, membawakan karakternya selevel dengan saat Robin Williams jadi jin di film animasi Aladdin di tahun ’90-an. Ia memberi interpretasi yang melampaui imajinasi di bukunya. Tapi dengan hasil mengagumkan. Versi filmnya berisi dipenuhi adegan seru yang tak muncul dibukunya. Lihat adegan yang megacu pada film perang Apocalypse Now maupun fenomena situs My-Space. Pokoknya, seperti dikatakan Lawrence Toppman di Charlotte Observer, film ini “akhirnya! Untuk pertama kali, Hollywood membuat dongeng unik, cerdas, dan versi panjang dari kisah Dr. Seuss.” Jadi, tak ada satu alasan pun melewatkan film ini.
Saksikan Horton, Minggu, 2 Agustus, 20.00 WIB Agustus 2009 | primetime |
1 Agustus
06:00 No Reservations 07:45 Captain America 09:15 Random Hearts 11:30 Hbo Central 12:00 The Mummy Returns 14:00 Leatherheads 16:00 Rush Hour 17:45 Vertical Limit 19:45 The Making Of Freedom Writers 20:00 Freedom Writers 22:00 Doomsday 23:45 No Reservations ch.
06:00 Dangerous Liaisons 08:00 Hbo World Boxing: Roy Jones Jr Vs Johnson 10:30 Closure 11:45 Epad On Max 19 12:00 Drop Zone 14:00 Fire Serpent 15:30 Gridiron Gang 17:45 Epad On Max 19 18:00 Dangerous Liaisons 20:00 Palmetto 22:00 True Blood S107: Burning House Of Love 22:50 True Blood S108: The Fourth Man In The Fire 23:45 Closure
00:10 01:50 03:25 05:10 07:00
Get Shorty Shrooms What Happens In Vegas Flying Scotsman, The Vip Access: Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs 07:30 Doctor Dolittle 4: Tail To The Chief 09:05 Hocus Pocus 10:50 When Harry Met Sally 12:35 Stargate: The Ark Of Truth 14:25 Dark Is Rising, The 16:10 Lions For Lambs 17:50 What Lies Beneath 20:00 Hitman 21:30 Apocalypto 23:40 Contract, The
02:00 The Manhattan Project 04:00 Convicts 05:30 The Extreme Adventures of Super Dave 07:00 Recipe for Disaster 08:30 Board Heads 10:00 The French Lieutenant’s Woman 12:00 Dublin Murders 13:30 Dead of Winter 15:15 Billy Galvin 17:00 Fiddler on the Roof 20:00 MAC 22:15 Eureka
00:00 Friends 00:30 Friends 01:00 The Simpsons 01:30 The Simpsons 02:00 Brothers & Sisters 03:00 Friday Night Lights 04:00 COPS 04:30 COPS 05:00 Smallville 06:00 Shark 07:00 Boston Legal 08:00 COPS 08:30 COPS
09:00 Bones 10:00 Friends 10:30 Friends 11:00 Friends 11:30 Friends 12:00 Friends 12:30 The Simpsons 13:00 Prison Break 14:00 Smallville 15:00 Friday Night Lights 16:00 Shark 17:00 Bones 18:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live 18:30 Jimmy Kimmel Live 19:00 Best of Saturday Night Live 20:00 Howie Do It 21:00 Most Haunted 22:00 Most Haunted 23:00 Best of Saturday Night Live
00:00 ER (S6) 01:00 Mystery Woman: Sing Me A Murder 03:00 Midsomer Murders (S8) 05:00 Love Is A Four Letter Word 06:40 Gentle Ben: Terror On The Mountain 08:20 Mystery Woman 10:00 The Nanny (S2) 10:30 The Nanny (S3) 11:00 The Nanny (S3) 11:30 The Nanny (S3) 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 13:00 Love Is A Four Letter Word 15:00 Homeless To Harvard 17:00 Without A Trace (S3) 18:00 Oprah’s Big Give 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S21) 20:00 Killer Instinct: From The Files Of Agent Candice DeLong 22:00 The Nanny (S2) 22:30 The Nanny (S3) 23:00 The Nanny (S3) 23:30 The Nanny (S3)
05:00 I Spy 07:00 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 07:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 08:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 08:30 Ebuzz 09:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 10:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 11:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 12:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 13:00 Numb3rs (Season 5) 14:00 I Spy 16:00 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 16:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 17:00 Ebuzz 17:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 18:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 19:00 Numb3rs (Season 5) 20:00 Beast, The 21:00 House (Season 5) 22:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 23:00 Las Vegas (Season 5)
00:00 Sportscenter Asia 00:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 01:00 2008/09 IRB Sevens World Series 01:30 Sportscenter Asia 02:00 Grand American Series : Daytona 03:00 X Games 15 05:00 2008/09 IRB Sevens World
Series 05:30 Sportscenter Asia 06:00 Cheerleading Worlds 07:00 X Games 15 10:00 Incredible Dog Challenge 11:00 Sportscenter Week In Review 2009 11:30 FIA World Touring Car Championship 2009 Highlights 12:00 US Senior Open Championship 2009 15:00 Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 17:55 Sportscenter Weekend 2009 18:00 Sportscenter Week In Review 2009 18:30 Princess European Golf Challenge Tour, The 19:00 X Games 15 22:00 US Senior Open Championship 2009
00:00 US Senior Open Championship 2009 04:00 Ace 2009 04:30 Golf Focus 2009 05:00 Behind The Baseline 05:30 2009 Hannspree FIM Superbike World Championship H/L 06:00 Mobil 1 The Grid 06:30 Asian Tour Weekly 2009 07:00 Formula V6 Asia 08:00 Tennis Central 08:30 Global Football 09:00 FUEL TV 09:30 FUEL TV 10:00 Glitch 10:30 Soccer Cities 11:00 Soccer Cities 11:30 Soccer Cities 12:00 FIA F1 World Championship Highlights 2009 13:30 FIA WRC - Inside WRC 2009 14:00 Global Football 14:30 MotoGP World Championship 2009 - Highlights 15:30 Indonesia President Invitational 16:30 FIA F1 World Championship Highlights 2009 18:00 Spar European Team Championships 21:00 Premier League Asia Trophy 2009 23:00 FIA F1 World Championship Highlights 2009
00:00 One Step Beyond S2 00:30 One Way Out 01:00 Solved 02:00 Gateway Asia 03:00 Guilty Or Innocent? 04:00 Undercover: Double Life 05:00 Blueprint For Disaster S2 06:00 Mthybusters S6 07:00 How Stuff Works 08:00 How Do They Do it? S2 08:30 How Do They Do it? S2 09:00 Everything You Need To Know 09:30 How Its Made S10 10:00 Discovery Kids 11:00 Mthybusters S6 12:00 One Step Beyond S2 12:30 One Way Out 13:00 Discovery Turbo 14:00 Discovery Turbo 15:00 Mean Machines: The Transatlantic Challenge 15:30 Mean Machines: The Transatlantic Challenge 16:00 Man Vs Wild S3
17:00 Dirty Jobs S4 18:00 Gateway Asia 19:00 Built From Disaster 20:00 Survivorman 21:00 Supervolcano - Real Time Apocalypse 22:00 Supervolcano - Real Time Apocalypse 23:00 Blueprint For Disaster S2
00:00 Evolutions 01:00 Riddles of The Dead 02:00 Interpol Investigates 03:00 About Asia 04:00 Evolutions 05:00 Riddles of The Dead 06:00 Interpol Investigates 07:00 Evolutions 08:00 About Asia 09:00 Is It Real? 10:00 Nat Geo Junior 10:30 Nat Geo Junior 11:00 Food Lovers Guide To The Plane 11:30 Food Lovers Guide To The Plane 12:00 In The Womb: Cats 13:00 Crash - A Tale Of Two Species 14:00 Korea Sparkling 15:00 Ancient Megastructures 16:00 My Music Brain 17:00 By Any Means 18:00 Generals At War 19:00 Light At The Edge Of The World 20:00 Korea Sparkling 21:00 Carrier 22:00 Air Crash Investigation 23:00 Light At The Edge Of The World
05:00 07:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 15:00 17:00 19:00 21:00 23:00
48 Hrs. Sudden Death Nuts Lucky You Jagged Edge Front Of The Class Short Circuit 2 Bernard And Doris Rails & Ties Lucky You
00:00 Timon And Pumbaa 00:30 Teamo Supremo 01:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:30 Hannah Montana 02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Mickey Mouseworks 06:00 House Of Mouse 06:30 Shaun The Sheep 07:00 Animal Mechanicals 07:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 08:00 Amazing Spiez, The 08:30 Phineas And Ferb 09:00 Phineas And Ferb 09:30 Brian O’Brian 09:34 Brian O’Brian 09:38 Brian O’Brian 09:40 Brian O’Brian 09:42 Brian O’Brian 09:45 Brian O’Brian
09:49 09:54 10:00 11:30 12:00 12:30
Brian O’Brian Brian O’Brian Bug’s Life, A Oggy And The Cockroaches Mr.Bean - Live Action Series Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 13:00 Twisted Whiskers 13:30 Replacements, The 14:00 Totally Spies 14:30 Totally Spies 15:00 Amazing Spiez, The 15:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 16:00 Hannah Montana 16:30 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 17:00 Oggy And The Cockroaches 17:30 Suite Life On Deck, The 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 18:30 Tarzan 20:00 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 20:30 Cory In The House 21:00 Leroy & Stitch 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:00 Shaun The Sheep
05:00 40 Celebrity Weddings and A Funeral #2 E! News Halle Berry Style Star E! News Daily 10, The Terminator Salvation Behind the Scenes 08:00 Land of the Lost Behind the Scenes 08:25 Extreme Hollywood 09:15 Forbes 20 Most Expensive Celebrity Weddings 10:05 Janet Jackson THS 11:00 E! News 11:25 Daily 10, The 11:50 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 12:15 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 12:40 Glow 13:05 Glow 13:30 Stripped 13:55 Stripped 14:25 Taking of Pellham Behind the Scenes 14:50 My Sister’s Keeper Behind the Scenes 15:15 Forbes 20 Under 25: Young, Rich and Famous 16:10 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 16:35 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 17:00 E! News 17:25 Daily 10, The 17:50 Michael J. Fox THS 19:30 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 19:55 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 20:20 15 Most Infamous Child Star Mugshots 22:00 E! News 22:25 Daily 10, The 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Area 05:55 06:20 06:45 07:10 07:35
05:05 07:30 09:05 11:15 13:05 15:00 16:40
Closed Note Lamb Killer I Not Stupid Too Gen-Y Cops Every Dog has its Date Almost Perfect Initial D
Bones (Season 3) Pukul 17.00 WIB
24 | primetime | Agustus 2009
Di musim tayang kali ini, antropolog forensik Dr. Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) dan agen FBI Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) harus menghadapi pembunuh berantai yang membuang korbannya di jalan tol. Di lain pihak, ayah Brenan dihadapkan ke pengadilan atas tuduhan membunuh wakil direktur FBI.
18:30 Heroes in Love 20:00 Glorious Team Batista 22:05 Hong Kong Bronx 23:35 Re-Cycle
00:00 Downsize My Pet 00:30 Downsize My Pet 01:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia 02:00 Orangutan Island 02:30 Orangutan Island 03:00 Equator 04:00 Great Ocean Adventures 2 05:00 Cell Dogs 06:00 The Most Extreme 3 07:00 Groomer Has It 08:00 Animal Allies 08:30 Animal Allies 09:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6 09:30 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6 10:00 Wild Island 10:30 Vets on the Wild Side II 11:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures 2 12:00 Dolphin Days 12:30 Lords of the Animals 13:00 Animal Cops South Africa 14:00 North America Uncovered 15:00 Spotlight: Earth 16:00 BITE NITE 17:00 The Animals’ Guide to Survival 18:00 Dolphin Days 18:30 Lords of the Animals 19:00 Animal Cops South Africa 20:00 Malaysia Uncovered 21:00 Wild Hearts 22:00 The Most Extreme 3 23:00 Dolphin Days 23:30 Lords of the Animals
weekly 2 Agustus
01:30 Leatherheads 04:00 Center Stage 06:00 Beneath 07:30 Vertical Limit 09:30 Hbo Central 10:00 Freedom Writers 12:00 Rush Hour 13:30 Curb Your Enthusiasm S604: The Lefty Call 14:00 Random Hearts 16:15 Leatherheads 18:15 Shaft 20:00 Wanted 21:45 The Mummy Returns
01:00 Monster! 02:30 Drop Zone 04:15 Palmetto 06:00 Closure 07:45 Epad On Max 19 08:00 Gray Lady Down 10:00 Dangerous Liaisons 12:00 True Blood S107: Burning House Of Love 12:50 True Blood S108: The Fourth Man In The Fire 13:35 The Finest Hour 15:15 Palmetto 17:00 The Assassination Bureau 18:45 Closure 20:00 The Reaping 21:35 Epad On Max 19 22:00 Gridiron Gang
01:15 02:45 04:45 06:55 08:40 10:15
Rise Courage Under Fire What Lies Beneath Romulus, My Father Titan A.e. Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer 11:50 Tmnt 13:25 Hitman 14:55 Behind Enemy Lines 16:40 Bridge To Terabithia 18:15 The X-men 20:00 Horton 21:30 Emma 23:35 Dragonfly
00:15 02:00 03:30 05:45 07:15
Christmas Eve Summer Lovers Love in the Afternoon Bright Angel The Taking of Pelham One Two Three 09:00 Breathless 10:30 Avanti! 12:45 Delirious 14:30 In the Heat of the Night 16:30 Child in the Night 18:15 Echoes of a Summer 20:00 Throw Momma from The Train 21:45 Body Slam 23:15 The Manchurian Candidate
00:00 Most Haunted 01:00 My Wife and Kids 01:25 Rita Rocks 01:50 Kath & Kim 02:15 How I Met Your Mother 02:40 The IT Crowd 03:00 30 Rock 03:30 Stacked 04:00 COPS 04:30 COPS 05:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out
07:00 Best of Saturday Night Live 08:00 Howie Do It 09:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? 10:00 Friends 10:30 Friends 11:00 Friends 11:30 Friends 12:00 Friends 12:30 The Simpsons 13:00 My Wife and Kids 13:25 Rita Rocks 13:50 Kath & Kim 14:15 How I Met Your Mother 14:40 The IT Crowd 15:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out 17:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? 18:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live 18:30 Jimmy Kimmel Live 19:00 Scoop 21:00 Asia Uncut 22:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out
00:00 American Dreams (S2) 01:00 Mystery Woman 03:00 Gentle Ben: Terror On The Mountain 05:00 Homeless To Harvard 07:00 Killer Instinct: From The Files Of Agent Candice DeLong 09:00 McLeod’s Daughters (S8) 10:00 Midsomer Murders (S8) 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S21) 13:00 Without A Trace (S3) 14:00 Oprah’s Big Give 15:00 American Dreams (S2) 16:00 McLeod’s Daughters (S8) 17:00 Just Desserts 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 20:00 Ann Rule Presents: The Stranger Beside Me 21:45 We Were The Mulvaneys 23:30 Just Desserts
00:00 Nip/tuck (Season 4) 01:00 Numb3rs (Season 5) 02:00 Las Vegas (Season 5) 03:00 House (Season 5) 04:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 04:30 Ebuzz 05:00 Hollow Man 2 07:00 Video Zonkers 07:30 Ebuzz 08:00 Beast, The 09:00 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 10:00 Video Zonkers 10:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 11:00 Csi: Miami (Season 5) 12:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 13:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation (Season 9) 14:00 Hollow Man 2 16:00 Ebuzz 16:30 Video Zonkers 17:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 17:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 18:00 Leverage 19:00 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 20:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation (Season 9) 21:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 22:00 Csi: Miami (Season 5) 23:00 Leverage
Mummy 01:00 Sportscenter Week In Review 2009 01:30 Sportscenter Weekend 2009 01:35 PBA All STAR Shootout 02:00 X Games 15 05:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 05:30 Sportscenter Week In Review 2009 06:00 FIA World Touring Car Championship 2009 Highlights 06:30 X Games 15 10:00 2009 Espys 12:00 US Senior Open Championship 2009 15:00 Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 17:55 Sportscenter Weekend 2009 18:00 Football Asia 2009/10 18:30 Princess European Golf Challenge Tour, The 19:00 X Games 15 22:00 US Senior Open Championship 2009
00:30 Ace 2009 01:00 Formula V6 Asia 02:00 US Senior Open Championship 2009 05:00 IAAF Grand Prix 08:00 FUEL TV 08:30 FUEL TV 09:00 FUEL TV 09:30 FUEL TV 10:00 FA Classics 10:00 FA Classics 11:00 Audemars Piguet International Polo 2009 12:00 IAAF Grand Prix 15:00 2009 Hannspree FIM Superbike World Championship H/L 15:30 Golf Club 2009, The 16:00 FIA GT Championship Highlights 2009 17:00 MotoGP World Championship 2009 - Highlights 18:00 IAAF Grand Prix 21:00 Premier League Asia Trophy 2009 23:00 MotoGP World Championship 2009 - Highlights
00:00 Futureweapons S1 01:00 How Stuff Works 02:00 Discovery Project Earth 03:00 Crossings: John Woo 04:00 Storm Surfers 05:00 Fearless Planet 06:00 Mean Machines: The Transatlantic Challenge 06:30 Mean Machines: The Transatlantic Challenge 07:00 Crossings: John Woo 08:00 Storm Surfers 09:00 Dirty Jobs S4 10:00 Discovery Kids 11:00 Fearless Planet 12:00 Everything You Need To Know 12:30 How Its Made S10 13:00 Built From Disaster 14:00 Discovery Project Earth 15:00 Fearless Planet 16:00 The Detonators 17:00 Building The Biggest 18:00 What The Ancients Knew S2 19:00 Baby Mammoth 20:00 Secrets Of The Dinosaur Mummy 21:00 The Four-Winged Dinosaur 22:00 Built From Disaster 23:00 Secrets Of The Dinosaur
00:00 Korea Sparkling 01:00 Carrier 02:00 Air Crash Investigation 03:00 Light At The Edge Of The World 04:00 Korea Sparkling 05:00 Carrier 06:00 Air Crash Investigation 07:00 Light At The Edge Of The World 08:00 Generals At War 09:00 Is It Real? 10:00 Nat Geo Junior 11:00 In The Womb: Dogs 12:00 Carrier 13:00 My Music Brain 14:00 Riddle of the Romanovs 15:00 World’s Toughest Fixes 16:00 Salvage Code Red 17:00 Air Crash Investigation 18:00 My Music Brain 19:00 Ancient Megastructures 20:00 Waking The Baby Mammoth 22:00 World’s Toughest Fixes 23:00 Ancient Megastructures
01:00 03:00 05:00 07:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 15:00 17:00 19:00 21:00 21:55
Front Of The Class 48 Hrs. Thief Of Hearts Sweet Nothing In My Ear Rails & Ties The Invasion Bernard And Doris Little Shop Of Horrors Jawbreaker Sweet Nothing In My Ear The Wire S307: Back Burners The Wire S308: Moral Midgetry 23:00 The Invasion
00:00 Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 01:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:30 Hannah Montana 02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Mickey Mouseworks 06:00 House Of Mouse 06:30 Shaun The Sheep 07:00 Animal Mechanicals 07:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 08:00 Amazing Spiez, The 08:30 Phineas And Ferb 09:00 Twisted Whiskers 09:30 Metajets 10:00 Aaron Stone 10:30 Yin Yang Yo! 11:00 Pucca 11:30 Oggy And The Cockroaches 12:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 12:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 13:00 Twisted Whiskers 13:30 Replacements, The 14:00 Totally Spies 14:30 Totally Spies 15:00 Amazing Spiez, The 15:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place
16:00 Hannah Montana 16:30 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 17:00 Oggy And The Cockroaches 17:30 Suite Life On Deck, The 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 18:30 Scream Team, The 20:00 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 20:30 Cory In The House 21:00 Hatching Pete 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:00 Shaun The Sheep
00:30 John Stamos THS 01:20 Terminator Salvation Behind the Scenes 01:45 Land of the Lost Behind the Scenes 02:15 25 Celebrity Near Death Experiences 04:05 Forbes 20 Most Expensive Celebrity Weddings 05:00 Paula Abdul THS 06:45 The Proposal Behind the Scenes 07:10 Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince Behind the Scenes 07:35 E! News 08:25 25 Most Stylish 09:15 10 Most Shocking Hollywood Divorces 10:05 Simon Cowell THS 11:00 E! News 11:50 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 12:15 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 12:40 Glow 13:05 Glow 13:30 Stripped 13:55 Stripped 14:25 The Proposal Behind the Scenes 14:50 Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince Behind the Scenes 15:15 10 Most Compelling Mama Dramas 16:10 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 16:35 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 17:00 E! News 17:50 Celebrity Medical Nightmares: In Their Own Words 18:40 Celebrity Crises: 10 Most Shocking Mental Disorders 19:30 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 19:55 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 20:20 The Osbournes THS 22:00 E! News 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Area
23:35 Magic Cop
00:00 Animal Cops South Africa 01:00 Malaysia Uncovered 02:00 Wild Hearts 03:00 The Most Extreme 3 04:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures 2 05:00 BITE NITE 06:00 BITE NITE 07:00 Meerkat Manor 07:30 Meerkat Manor 08:00 Dolphin Days 08:30 Lords of the Animals 09:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6 09:30 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6 10:00 Growing Up 11:00 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 11:30 In Too Deep 12:00 Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli 12:30 Safari Sisters 13:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 14:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 15:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia 16:00 BITE NITE 17:00 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 17:30 In Too Deep 18:00 Meerkat Manor 18:30 Meerkat Manor 19:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 20:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 21:00 Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli 21:30 Safari Sisters 22:00 The Most Extreme 3 23:00 Meerkat Manor 23:30 Meerkat Manor
01:30 Fun & Fury 03:20 Beloved Son of God 05:05 Path of Glory 06:50 Sudden Lover 08:20 2000 A.D. 10:05 Cinema Today 11:05 My DNA Says I Love You 12:45 L For Love L For Lies 14:35 Kidnap 16:15 Drink-Drank-Drunk 18:00 I am a Cyborg, But that’s OK 20:00 Ticket 21:55 Kung Fu Hustle
Ticket Pukul 20.00 WIB
Bintang-bintang dari China, Hong Kong dan Taiwan yakni Zuo Xiao-qing, Nicky Wu, dan Cecilia Yip disatukan sutradara Jacob Heung dalam satu layar. Kisahnya tentang kecintaan orang tua pada anaknya yang digambarkan dengan indah. Diangkat dari 3 cerita pendek Li Jia-tong, film ini mengangkat hubungan anak dan orang tua di pedesaan China.
Agustus 2009 | primetime |
3 Agustus
00:00 Doomsday 02:00 Wanted 04:00 Freedom Writers 06:00 Chattanooga Choo Choo 08:00 Let’s Get Harry 10:00 Center Stage 12:00 Wanted 14:00 Deliverance 16:00 Vertical Limit 18:00 Beneath 19:30 Hbo Central 20:00 Regarding Henry 22:00 Flight Of The Conchords S201: A Good Opportunity 22:25 Flight Of The Conchords S202: A New Cup 23:00 Wanted ch.
00:00 Dangerous Liaisons 02:00 The Finest Hour 04:00 The Reaping 06:00 True Grit 08:15 Monster! 10:00 Gray Lady Down 12:00 The Finest Hour 14:00 Closure 15:15 Epad On Max 19 16:00 The Secret Ways 18:00 True Blood S107: Burning House Of Love 18:50 True Blood S108: The Fourth Man In The Fire 20:00 Witchboard 2 22:00 The Finest Hour 23:45 Epad On Max 19
01:25 Max Havoc: Ring Of Fire 03:00 Right At Your Door 04:40 The X-men 06:25 Posse 08:15 Squanto: A Warrior’s Tale 10:00 Flirting With Disaster 11:30 Baby’s Day Out 13:10 I Think I Love My Wife 14:35 Miss Potter 16:10 Courage Under Fire 18:05 Jack 20:00 Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World’s End 22:50 White Noise: The Light
01:30 Crimes of Passion 03:00 In the Time of the Butterflies 04:30 Slamdance 06:15 April Morning 08:00 Class 09:30 What Happened was… 11:00 The Winter People 13:00 Sibling Rivalry 14:30 Baby Boom 16:30 After Dark My Sweet 18:15 Separate Tables 20:00 Miss Julie 21:45 Staying Together 23:15 Birdman of Alcatraz
00:00 Desperate Housewives 01:00 Scoop 03:00 7th Heaven 04:00 Whose Line is it Anyway 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND 05:00 Seinfeld 05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 The Simpsons 06:30 Scrubs 07:00 Friends 07:30 Friends
08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 Brothers & Sisters 10:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? 11:00 Desperate Housewives 12:00 Ghost Whisperer 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:00 7th Heaven 15:00 Brothers & Sisters 16:00 Whose Line is it Anyway 16:30 The Simpsons 17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Hope & Faith 18:00 Friends 18:30 Friends 19:00 My Wife and Kids 19:25 Rita Rocks 19:50 According to Jim 20:15 Jake in Progress 20:40 The IT Crowd 21:00 30 Rock 21:30 Cavemen 22:00 Scrubs 22:30 Jimmy Kimmel Live 23:00 Seinfeld 23:30 COPS
01:30 Thicker Than Water 03:15 For One More Day 05:00 Midsomer Murders (S9) 07:00 The Nanny (S4) 07:30 The Nanny (S4) 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S22) 09:00 The Lives Of The Saints 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S4) 14:25 For One More Day 16:00 ER (S6) 17:00 The Nanny (S4) 17:30 The Nanny (S4) 18:00 The Biggest Loser (S4) 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 20:00 Without A Trace (S3) 21:00 Murder 101 23:00 The Nanny (S4) 23:30 The Nanny (S4)
00:00 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 01:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation (Season 9) 02:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 03:00 Csi: Miami (Season 5) 04:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 04:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 05:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 06:00 House (Season 4) 07:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 08:00 Guardian, The (Season 2) 09:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 10:00 House (Season 4) 11:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 12:00 Gothika 14:00 Leverage 15:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 16:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 16:30 Ebuzz 17:00 Gothika 19:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 20:00 Leverage 21:00 House (Season 5) 22:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 23:00 Leverage
01:00 01:05 02:00 05:00
Sportscenter Weekend 2009 Incredible Dog Challenge X Games 15 Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 08:01 US Figure Skating Championships : Men’s Long 10:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 10:30 PBA All STAR Shootout 10:59 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 11:00 Open De Espana 12:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 12:01 US Senior Open Championship 2009 15:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 15:01 X Games 15 18:00 KIA X Games Asia 2009 - Inline Vert 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 19:00 Football Asia 2009/10 19:30 KIA X Games Asia 2009 - Show 2 20:30 Football Asia 2009/10 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 21:30 US Senior Open Championship 2009
00:00 FIA GT Championship Highlights 2009 01:00 Hot Water 2009/10 02:00 US Senior Open Championship 2009 05:00 Sports Max 06:00 MotoGP World Championship 2009 - Highlights 07:00 FIA GT Championship Highlights 2009 08:00 Indonesia President Invitational 09:00 Nordic Light 10:30 World Of Gymnastics 11:00 Formula V6 Asia 12:00 Behind The Baseline 12:30 World Of Gymnastics 13:00 Premier League Asia Trophy 2009 15:00 Audemars Piguet International Polo 2009 16:00 FUEL TV 16:30 FUEL TV 17:00 FIA GT Championship Highlights 2009 18:00 Fina Aquatics World 18:30 Premier League Asia Trophy 2009 20:30 Score Tonight 21:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 21:30 Engine Block 2009 22:00 FIA WRC Daily Highlights 2009 22:30 FIA WRC Daily Highlights 2009 23:00 FIA WRC Daily Highlights 2009 23:30 Engine Block 2009
00:00 The Four-Winged Dinosaur 01:00 Man Made Marvels: Songdo, Future City 02:00 Fearless Planet 03:00 Solved 04:00 Undercover: Double Life 05:00 Everything You Need To Know 05:30 How Its Made S10 06:00 How Do They Do it? S2 06:30 How Do They Do it? S2 07:00 Secrets Of The Dinosaur Mummy 08:00 The Four-Winged Dinosaur 09:00 One Step Beyond S2
09:30 One Way Out 10:00 Everything You Need To Know 10:30 How Its Made S10 11:00 How Do They Do It? S3 11:30 How Its Made S10 12:00 Mythbusters S2 13:00 Secrets Of The Dinosaur Mummy 14:00 The Four-Winged Dinosaur 15:00 Survivorman 16:00 Dirty Jobs S4 17:00 How Its Made S10 17:30 How Do They Do It? S3 18:00 Sayonara Changi 19:00 Man Vs Wild S3 20:00 Dirty Jobs S4 21:00 Survivorman 22:00 Treasure Quest 23:00 Dirty Jobs S4
00:00 Waking The Baby Mammoth 02:00 World’s Toughest Fixes 03:00 Ancient Megastructures 04:00 Waking The Baby Mammoth 06:00 World’s Toughest Fixes 07:00 Naked Science 08:00 About Asia 09:00 Lockdown 10:00 In The Womb: Cats 11:00 Naked Science 12:00 About Asia 13:00 Lockdown 14:00 In The Womb: Cats 15:00 Naked Science 16:00 Nat Geo Junior 16:30 Nat Geo Junior 17:00 Light At The Edge Of The World 18:00 Lockdown 19:00 About Asia 20:00 Generals At War 21:00 Light At The Edge Of The World 22:00 Racing To America 23:00 Light At The Edge Of The World
01:00 03:00 05:00 07:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 15:00 17:00 19:00 21:00
Little Shop Of Horrors Rails & Ties City Hall Illegal Tender Payback Without Limits Red Planet Mail Order Bride City Hall Illegal Tender Flight Of The Conchords S201: A Good Opportunity 21:25 Flight Of The Conchords S202: A New Cup 22:00 Without Limits
00:00 Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 01:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:30 Hannah Montana 02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 06:00 Mickey Mouseworks 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 07:00 Good Morning Mickey
07:30 House Of Mouse 08:00 Phineas And Ferb 08:30 Replacements, The 09:00 Replacements, The 09:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 10:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 10:30 Amazing Spiez, The 11:00 Pucca 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 13:00 Monster Allergy 13:24 Monster Allergy 13:53 American Dragon: Jake Long 14:17 Totally Spies 14:40 Totally Spies 15:02 Yin Yang Yo! 15:30 Yin Yang Yo! 16:00 Pucca 16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 18:30 Cheetah Girls, The: One World 20:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 20:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 21:00 Proud Family Movie, The 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:00 Cory In The House 23:30 Shaun The Sheep
00:30 Steven & Liv Tyler THS 01:20 Land of the Lost Behind the Scenes 01:45 Taking of Pellham Behind the Scenes 02:15 Rock Star Kids THS 04:05 10 Most Shocking Hollywood Divorces 05:00 Even Bigger Celebrity Oops! 05:55 E! News 06:45 E! News 07:35 Glow 08:00 Stripped 08:25 Area 09:15 JFK Jr. THS 11:00 E! News 11:50 The Last Days of Judy Garland THS 13:30 Olivia Newton-John THS 14:25 My Celebrity Home 15:15 Glow 15:40 Stripped 16:10 Charlize Theron Style Star 16:35 Streets of Hollywood 17:00 E! News 17:50 The Many Loves of Marilyn Monroe THS 19:30 The Last Days of Elvis THS 21:10 E! News 22:00 My Celebrity Home 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Area
01:10 02:55 04:25 05:50 07:25 09:10 10:40 12:10 13:40 14:40 16:20
Mongolian Tale Drowning Paradise Hotel Son on the Run Alan & Eric Between Hello & Goodbye Heavenly Kings Letter from an Unknown Woman Love in Macau Cinema Today Justice, My Foot World Without Thieves
Men Vs. Wild: Will Ferrell Special Pukul 19.00 WIB
26 | primetime | Agustus 2009
Bear Grylls kembali menantang alam liar. Tapi kali ini ia mengajak teman, aktor Will Ferrell (dari film Land of the Lost) dalam program Men VS Wild: Will Ferrell Special. Bear mengajak Will menaklukkan alam pegunungan yang dipenuhi salju dan gletser di bagian ujung utara Swedia. Mereka harus bisa hidup dengan hanya dibekali peralatan sederhana.
18:15 Home Sweet Home 20:00 Heartful of Love 22:15 Shamo
00:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 01:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 02:00 Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli 02:30 Safari Sisters 03:00 The Most Extreme 3 04:00 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 04:30 In Too Deep 05:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 06:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 07:00 Big Cat Diary II 07:30 Big Cat Diary II 08:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6 08:30 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6 09:00 Incredible Journeys with Steve Leonard 10:00 Cell Dogs 11:00 The Most Extreme 3 12:00 Big Cat Diary II 12:30 Big Cat Diary II 13:00 Crime Scene Wild 14:00 Wild Hearts 15:00 Groomer Has It 16:00 Downsize My Pet 16:30 Downsize My Pet 17:00 Incredible Journeys with Steve Leonard 18:00 Big Cat Diary II 18:30 Big Cat Diary II 19:00 Crime Scene Wild 20:00 Wild Hearts 21:00 Groomer Has It 22:00 Downsize My Pet 23:00 Big Cat Diary II 23:30 Big Cat Diary II
weekly 4 Agustus
00:45 Beneath 02:15 Captain America 03:45 Random Hearts 06:00 Running Scared 08:00 No Reservations 10:00 The Deep End Of The Ocean 12:00 Regarding Henry 13:45 Captain America 15:30 Center Stage 17:30 Hbo Central 18:00 No Reservations 20:00 The Water Horse: Legend Of The Deep 22:00 Charlie’s Angels
00:00 Gray Lady Down 02:00 Witchboard 2 04:00 True Blood S107: Burning House Of Love 04:50 True Blood S108: The Fourth Man In The Fire 06:00 The Assassination Bureau 08:00 The Reaping 10:00 Witchboard 2 11:35 Epad On Max 19 12:00 Palmetto 14:00 Dangerous Liaisons 16:00 Hbo World Boxing: Roy Jones Jr Vs Johnson 18:15 The Reaping 20:00 Airport ‘77 22:00 Palmetto
00:30 01:40 03:40 05:40 07:35 09:05 10:35
Storm Warning From Hell The Singer Jack Fire & Ice Do You Know Me? Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World’s End 13:25 Moonlight Mile 15:25 Code Name: The Cleaner 17:00 Black Box, The 18:25 Smother 20:00 Blonde Ambition 21:35 Meet The Spartans 23:10 Ice Spiders
01:45 Running Scared 03:30 The Witches 05:15 The Object of Beauty 07:00 The Comfort of Stangers 08:45 That Sinking Feeling 10:15 Carbon Copy 11:45 Watch It 13:30 Sayonara 16:00 The Believers 18:00 A Family Thing 20:00 Cutter’s Way 22:00 Palookaville 23:30 Ten Seconds to Hell
00:00 Friends 00:30 Friends 01:00 The Simpsons 01:30 The Simpsons 01:55 Dilbert 02:00 Brothers & Sisters 02:55 Different Strokes 03:00 7th Heaven 03:55 Who’s the Boss? 04:00 Whose Line is it Anyway 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND 05:00 Seinfeld 05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 The Simpsons
06:30 Scrubs 07:00 Friends 07:30 Friends 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:55 Dilbert 09:00 Brothers & Sisters 09:55 Different Strokes 10:00 My Wife and Kids 10:25 Rita Rocks 10:50 According to Jim 11:15 Jake in Progress 11:40 The IT Crowd 12:00 30 Rock 12:30 Cavemen 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 13:55 Dilbert 14:00 7th Heaven 14:55 Different Strokes 15:00 Brothers & Sisters 15:55 Who’s the Boss? 16:00 Whose Line is it Anyway 16:30 The Simpsons 17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Hope & Faith 18:00 Friends 18:30 Friends 19:00 Ghost Whisperer 19:55 Dilbert 20:00 Desperate Housewives 20:55 Different Strokes 21:00 Bionic Woman 21:55 Who’s the Boss? 22:00 Scrubs 22:30 Jimmy Kimmel Live 23:00 Seinfeld 23:30 COPS
00:00 ER (S6) 01:00 Monster Makers 03:00 Scarlett 05:00 Midsomer Murders (S9) 07:00 The Nanny (S4) 07:30 The Nanny (S4) 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S21) 09:00 Murder 101 11:00 Without A Trace (S3) 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S4) 14:00 Monster Makers 16:00 ER (S6) 17:00 The Nanny (S4) 17:30 The Nanny (S4) 18:00 The Biggest Loser (S4) 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 20:00 The Biggest Loser (S6) 21:00 Commander In Chief (S1) 22:00 Lipstick Jungle (S1) 23:00 The Nanny (S4) 23:30 The Nanny (S4)
00:00 House (Season 5) 01:00 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 01:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 02:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 03:00 House (Season 4) 04:00 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 04:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 05:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 06:00 House (Season 4) 07:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 08:00 Guardian, The (Season 2) 09:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 10:00 House (Season 4) 11:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 12:00 The Amazing Race Asia (Season 2) 13:00 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 13:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 14:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 15:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 16:00 The Amazing Race Asia
(Season 2) 17:00 House (Season 5) 18:00 Leverage 19:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 19:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 20:00 Chuck (Season 1) 21:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 22:00 Beast, The 23:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 23:30 Csi: Ny (Season 5)
00:30 01:00 01:30 02:00
Planet Speed 2009/10 PBA All STAR Shootout Sportscenter Asia Spar European Team Championships 05:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 05:30 Sportscenter Asia 06:00 PGA Europro Tour 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 08:01 US Figure Skating Championships : Ladies Long 10:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 10:30 PBA All STAR Shootout 10:59 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 11:00 Uca National All-STAR Cheerleading Championship 12:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 12:01 X Games 15 15:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 15:01 US Senior Open Championship 2009 18:00 KIA X Games Asia 2009 - Inline Street 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 19:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 19:30 Senior Open Championship Highlight 2009, The 20:30 PBA All STAR Shootout 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 21:30 Asian World Cup Qualifiers 23:30 Sportscenter Asia
00:00 Score Tonight 00:30 International Motorsport News 2009 01:30 Nordic Light 03:00 FIA GT Championship Highlights 2009 04:00 Premier League Asia Trophy 2009 06:00 Fina Aquatics World 06:30 Engine Block 2009 07:00 International Motorsport News 2009 08:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 08:30 Engine Block 2009 09:00 Nordic Light 10:30 Engine Block 2009 11:00 International Motorsport News 2009 12:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 12:30 Engine Block 2009 13:00 Premier League Asia Trophy 2009 15:00 International Motorsport News 2009 16:00 FUEL TV 16:30 FUEL TV 17:00 FIA WRC Daily Highlights 2009 17:30 FIA WRC Daily Highlights 2009 18:00 FIA WRC Daily Highlights 2009 18:30 Premier League Asia Trophy 2009 20:30 Score Tonight 21:00 Behind The Baseline 21:30 Ace 2009 22:00 Fina Aquatics World 22:30 Engine Block 2009
23:00 Behind The Baseline 23:30 Ace 2009
00:00 Survivorman 01:00 Treasure Quest 02:00 Destroyed In Seconds 02:30 Lost Tapes: Monterey Monster 03:00 Guilty Or Innocent? 04:00 Man Vs Wild S3 05:00 What The Ancients Knew S2 06:00 Destroyed In Seconds 06:30 Lost Tapes: Monterey Monster 07:00 Dirty Jobs S4 08:00 Treasure Quest 09:00 Man Vs Wild S3 10:00 What The Ancients Knew S2 11:00 How Do They Do It? S3 11:30 How Its Made S10 12:00 Mythbusters S2 13:00 Man Vs Wild S3 14:00 Treasure Quest 15:00 Built From Disaster 16:00 Mthybusters S6 17:00 How Its Made S10 17:30 How Do They Do It? S3 18:00 Building The Biggest: Underground Singapore 19:00 Secrets Of The Dinosaur Mummy 20:00 Fearless Planet 21:00 Rogue Nature With Dave Salmoni: Bear 22:00 Destroyed In Seconds 22:30 Lost Tapes: Devil Dragon 23:00 Fearless Planet
00:00 Generals At War 01:00 Light At The Edge Of The World 02:00 Racing To America 03:00 About Asia 04:00 Generals At War 05:00 Light At The Edge Of The World 06:00 Racing To America 07:00 Naked Science 08:00 About Asia 09:00 Lockdown 10:00 Light At The Edge Of The World 11:00 Naked Science 12:00 About Asia 13:00 Lockdown 14:00 Generals At War 15:00 Naked Science 16:00 Nat Geo Junior 16:30 Nat Geo Junior 17:00 Salvage Code Red 18:00 Lockdown 19:00 About Asia 20:00 Air Crash Investigation 21:00 Salvage Code Red 22:00 Air Crash Investigation 23:00 Salvage Code Red
S204: Murray Takes It To The Next Level 22:15 True Crime
00:00 Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 01:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:30 Hannah Montana 02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 06:00 Mickey Mouseworks 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 07:00 Good Morning Mickey 07:30 House Of Mouse 08:00 Phineas And Ferb 08:30 Replacements, The 09:00 Replacements, The 09:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 10:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 10:30 Amazing Spiez, The 11:00 Pucca 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 13:00 Monster Allergy 13:24 Monster Allergy 13:53 American Dragon: Jake Long 14:17 Totally Spies 14:40 Totally Spies 15:02 Yin Yang Yo! 15:30 Yin Yang Yo! 16:00 Pucca 16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 18:30 Little Mermaid, The: Ariel’s Beginning 20:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 20:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 21:00 Emperor’s New Groove, The 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:00 Cory In The House 23:30 Shaun The Sheep
00:30 01:20 01:45 02:15 04:05 05:00 05:55 06:20
Martha Stewart THS Charlize Theron Style Star Streets of Hollywood 15 Most Shocking Political Sex Scandals Forbes Top 20 Hip Hop Cash Kings 101 Even Bigger Celebrity Oops! E! News Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Behind the Scenes
00:00 Mail Order Bride 01:30 Payback 03:15 Red Planet 05:00 Rock Monster 07:00 Pay It Forward 09:00 Running On Empty 11:00 True Crime 13:00 Illegal Tender 15:00 Pink Cadillac 17:00 Rock Monster 19:00 Pay It Forward 21:00 Flight Of The Conchords S203: Tough Brets 21:25 Flight Of The Conchords
06:45 E! News 07:10 Daily 10, The 07:35 Glow 08:00 Stripped 08:25 Area 09:15 Jessica, Ashlee and the Simpson Family THS 11:00 E! News 11:25 Daily 10, The 11:50 Cameron Diaz: Sexy Angel 12:40 Jennifer Lopez THS 14:25 My Celebrity Home 15:15 Beyonce Revealed 17:00 E! News 17:25 Daily 10, The 17:50 Angelina Jolie THS 18:40 Jennifer Aniston 19:30 Reese Witherspoon 20:20 Nicole Kidman THS 21:10 E! News 21:35 Daily 10, The 22:00 My Celebrity Home 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Area
00:10 Troublesome Night 10 01:45 Mission of Justice 03:10 Honey Moon in Jakarta 04:40 Rebirth 06:20 Best of Best 07:55 Look Out, Officer 09:25 Go Master 11:10 Twins Effect 13:00 Rough 14:50 Enter the Phoenix 16:40 Manhattan Midnight 18:15 New Blood 20:00 Ip Man 22:00 Ticket 23:55 Big Sting
00:00 Crime Scene Wild 01:00 Wild Hearts 02:00 Groomer Has It 03:00 Downsize My Pet 04:00 Incredible Journeys with Steve Leonard 05:00 Cell Dogs 06:00 The Most Extreme 3 07:00 Big Cat Diary II 07:30 Big Cat Diary II 08:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6 08:30 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6 09:00 Incredible Journeys with Steve Leonard 10:00 Cell Dogs 11:00 The Most Extreme 3 12:00 Big Cat Diary II 12:30 Big Cat Diary II 13:00 Spotlight: Earth 14:00 BITE NITE 15:00 BITE NITE 16:00 Animal Cops South Africa 17:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 18:00 Big Cat Diary III 18:30 Big Cat Diary III 19:00 Spotlight: Earth 20:00 BITE NITE 21:00 BITE NITE 22:00 Animal Cops South Africa 23:00 Big Cat Diary III 23:30 Big Cat Diary III
The Beast (Season 1) Pukul 22.00 WIB
Seorang agen FBI kawakan mendidik partnernya, seorang anak baru, melakukan penyamaran. Meski diakui yang terbaik—termasuk oleh si anak baru agen Ellie Dove (Travis Fimmel)—di bidangnya, pakar penyamaran FBI Charkes Barker (Patrick Swayze) punya gaya tak biasa. Barker menekan Dove jadi penyamar sempurna hingga ke lewat batas. Oleh Barker, Dove dilatih jadi penyamar untuk berbagai sindikat kejahatan, dari pedagang narkoba, penjual senjata ilegal, polisi korup, hingga pembunuh bayaran.
Agustus 2009 | primetime |
5 Agustus
00:00 Freedom Writers 02:00 Regarding Henry 04:00 Shaft 06:00 Random Hearts 08:15 Freedom Writers 10:30 Beneath 12:00 The Water Horse: Legend Of The Deep 14:00 The Deep End Of The Ocean 16:00 Chattanooga Choo Choo 18:00 Freedom Writers 20:00 Dead Silence 21:30 Curb Your Enthusiasm S605: The Freak Book 22:00 The Water Horse: Legend Of The Deep ch.
00:00 Witchboard 2 01:35 Epad On Max 19 02:00 Airport ‘77 04:00 The Hand 06:00 The Secret Ways 08:00 The Finest Hour 10:00 The Reaping 12:00 Closure 13:30 Black August 16:00 Airport ‘77 18:00 The Finest Hour 20:00 The Untouchables 22:00 The Presidio
00:45 Rising Sun 02:50 Local Color 04:40 Mystery, Alaska 06:40 Romulus, My Father 08:25 Muppet Treasure Island 10:05 Beach, The 12:00 Blonde Ambition 13:35 Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer 15:10 Mask Of The Ninja 16:40 Picture Perfect 18:25 Contract, The 20:00 Death Defying Acts 21:40 Strange Wilderness 23:05 Rise
01:15 Bright Lights Big City 03:00 Koyaanisqatsi 04:30 Best Seller 06:00 A Rage in Harlem 07:45 A Day in October 09:30 Thief 11:30 White of the Eye 13:15 Kiss Me Stupid 15:30 Frankie and Johnny 17:00 Brenda Starr 18:30 Death Wish II 20:00 Final Combination 21:45 Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings 23:15 The Ambulance
00:00 Friends 00:30 Friends 01:00 The Simpsons 01:30 The Simpsons 01:55 Dilbert 02:00 Brothers & Sisters 02:55 Different Strokes 03:00 7th Heaven 03:55 Who’s the Boss? 04:00 Whose Line is it Anyway 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND 05:00 Seinfeld 05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 The Simpsons 06:30 Scrubs
07:00 Friends 07:30 Friends 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:55 Dilbert 09:00 Brothers & Sisters 09:55 Different Strokes 10:00 Ghost Whisperer 10:55 Who’s the Boss? 11:00 Desperate Housewives 12:00 Bionic Woman 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 13:55 Dilbert 14:00 7th Heaven 14:55 Different Strokes 15:00 Brothers & Sisters 15:55 Who’s the Boss? 16:00 Whose Line is it Anyway 16:30 The Simpsons 17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Hope & Faith 18:00 Friends 18:30 Friends 19:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? 19:55 Dilbert 20:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out 21:55 Who’s the Boss? 22:00 Scrubs 22:30 Jimmy Kimmel Live 23:00 Seinfeld 23:30 COPS
00:00 ER (S6) 01:00 The Engagement Ring 03:00 Scarlett 05:00 Midsomer Murders (S9) 07:00 The Nanny (S4) 07:30 The Nanny (S4) 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 09:00 The Biggest Loser (S6) 10:00 Commander In Chief (S1) 11:00 Lipstick Jungle (S1) 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S4) 14:00 The Engagement Ring 16:00 ER (S6) 17:00 The Nanny (S4) 17:30 The Nanny (S4) 18:00 The Biggest Loser (S4) 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S22) 20:00 American Dreams (S2) 21:00 Mystery Woman: Snapshot 23:00 The Nanny (S4) 23:30 The Nanny (S4)
00:30 Beast, The 01:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 02:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 03:00 House (Season 4) 04:00 Chuck (Season 1) 05:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 06:00 House (Season 4) 07:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 08:00 Guardian, The (Season 2) 09:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 10:00 House (Season 4) 11:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 12:00 The Amazing Race Asia (Season 2) 13:00 Chuck (Season 1) 14:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 14:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 15:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 16:00 The Amazing Race Asia (Season 2) 17:00 Beast, The 18:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 19:00 Slamball
19:30 Slamball 20:00 Numb3rs (Season 5) 21:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 22:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation (Season 8) 23:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)
00:00 Open De Espana 01:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 01:30 Sportscenter Asia 02:00 US Senior Open Championship 2009 05:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 05:30 Sportscenter Asia 06:00 WNBA Action 2009 06:30 WNBA Regular Season 2009 08:30 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 08:31 Table Tennis Masters 10:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 10:30 PBA All STAR Shootout 10:59 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 11:00 Cheerleading Worlds 12:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 12:01 X Games 15 15:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 15:01 US Senior Open Championship 2009 18:00 KIA X Games Asia 2009 - Skateboard Vert 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 19:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 19:30 KIA X Games Asia 2009 - Show 3 20:30 Global Football 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 21:30 Asian World Cup Qualifiers 23:30 Sportscenter Asia
00:00 Score Tonight 00:30 Max Power 2009/10 01:30 Nordic Light 03:00 Max Power 2009/10 04:00 Premier League Asia Trophy 2009 06:00 Behind The Baseline 06:30 Ace 2009 07:00 Max Power 2009/10 08:00 Behind The Baseline 08:30 Ace 2009 09:00 Nordic Light 10:30 Ace 2009 11:00 Max Power 2009/10 12:00 Behind The Baseline 12:30 Ace 2009 13:00 Premier League Asia Trophy 2009 15:00 Max Power 2009/10 16:00 FUEL TV 16:30 FUEL TV 17:00 Behind The Baseline 17:30 Ace 2009 18:00 Global Football 18:30 Premier League Asia Trophy 2009 20:30 Score Tonight 21:00 Golf Club 2009, The 21:30 Golf Focus 2009 22:00 Indonesia President Invitational 23:00 Golf Club 2009, The 23:30 Golf Focus 2009
00:00 Rogue Nature With Dave Salmoni: Bear 01:00 Man Vs Wild S3 02:00 Survivorman 03:00 Guilty Or Innocent? 04:00 Treasure Quest 05:00 Gateway Asia 06:00 Mthybusters S6 07:00 Fearless Planet 08:00 Rogue Nature With Dave
Salmoni: Bear Survivorman Gateway Asia How Do They Do It? S3 How Its Made S10 Mythbusters S2 Fearless Planet Rogue Nature With Dave Salmoni: Bear 15:00 Nextworld 16:00 One Step Beyond S2 16:30 One Way Out 17:00 How Its Made S10 17:30 How Do They Do It? S3 18:00 Man Made Marvels: Changi Airport Terminal 3 19:00 Building The Ultimate S1 19:30 Building The Ultimate S1 20:00 Futureweapons S1 21:00 Built From Disaster 22:00 Nextworld 23:00 Futureweapons S1
09:00 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 14:00
00:00 Air Crash Investigation 01:00 Salvage Code Red 02:00 Air Crash Investigation 03:00 About Asia 04:00 Air Crash Investigation 05:00 Salvage Code Red 06:00 Air Crash Investigation 07:00 Naked Science 08:00 About Asia 09:00 Lockdown 10:00 Salvage Code Red 11:00 Naked Science 12:00 About Asia 13:00 Lockdown 14:00 Air Crash Investigation 15:00 Naked Science 16:00 Nat Geo Junior 16:30 Nat Geo Junior 17:00 21st Century Shark 18:00 Lockdown 19:00 About Asia 20:00 Wild Wednesday 22:00 Wild Wednesday 23:00 Wild Wednesday
00:45 Illegal Tender 03:00 Pink Cadillac 05:00 Payback 07:00 Jawbreaker 09:00 Sweet Nothing In My Ear 11:00 Bernard And Doris 13:00 Thief Of Hearts 15:00 48 Hrs. 17:00 Lucky You 19:15 Jawbreaker 21:00 Flight Of The Conchords S205: Unnatural Love 21:25 Flight Of The Conchords S206: Love Is A Weapon Of Choice 21:50 Flight Of The Conchords S207: Prime Minister 22:30 Payback
00:00 Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 01:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:30 Hannah Montana 02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Good Morning Mickey
06:00 Mickey Mouseworks 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 07:00 Good Morning Mickey 07:30 House Of Mouse 08:00 Phineas And Ferb 08:30 Replacements, The 09:00 Replacements, The 09:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 10:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 10:30 Amazing Spiez, The 11:00 Pucca 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 13:00 Monster Allergy 13:24 Monster Allergy 13:53 American Dragon: Jake Long 14:17 Totally Spies 14:40 Totally Spies 15:02 Yin Yang Yo! 15:30 Yin Yang Yo! 16:00 Pucca 16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 18:30 Rocketman 20:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 20:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 21:00 Jungle Book 2, The 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:00 Cory In The House 23:30 Shaun The Sheep
Complicated 18:40 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 19:05 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 19:30 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 19:55 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 20:20 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 20:45 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 21:10 E! News 21:35 Daily 10, The 22:00 The Cosby Kids THS 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Area
00:30 Heidi Klum THS 01:20 Stylemakers Style Star 01:45 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Behind the Scenes 02:15 Britney Spears: Price of Fame THS 04:05 10 Most Compelling Mama Dramas 05:00 101 Even Bigger Celebrity Oops! 05:55 E! News 06:20 Public Enemies Behind the Scenes 06:45 E! News 07:10 Daily 10, The 07:35 Glow 08:00 Stripped 08:25 Area 09:15 The Kardashians THS 10:05 Kimora Lee Simmons THS 11:00 E! News 11:25 Daily 10, The 11:50 Kimora: Life in the Fab Lane 12:15 Kimora: Life in the Fab Lane 12:40 Kimora: Life in the Fab Lane 13:05 Kimora: Life in the Fab Lane 13:30 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane: Growing Up Fabulous! 13:55 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane Mommy Fabulous 14:25 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 14:50 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 15:15 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 15:40 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 16:10 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 16:35 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 17:00 E! News 17:25 Daily 10, The 17:50 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 18:15 Denise Richards: It’s
00:00 Spotlight: Earth 01:00 BITE NITE 02:00 BITE NITE 03:00 Animal Cops South Africa 04:00 Incredible Journeys with Steve Leonard 05:00 Cell Dogs 06:00 The Most Extreme 3 07:00 Big Cat Diary II 07:30 Big Cat Diary II 08:00 Animal Allies 08:30 Animal Allies 09:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 10:00 Cell Dogs 11:00 The Most Extreme 3 12:00 Big Cat Diary III 12:30 Big Cat Diary III 13:00 The Animals’ Guide to Survival 14:00 Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli 14:30 Battle of the Sexes 15:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 16:00 Meerkat Manor 16:30 Meerkat Manor 17:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 18:00 Big Cat Diary III 18:30 Big Cat Diary III 19:00 The Animals’ Guide to Survival 20:00 Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli 20:30 Battle of the Sexes 21:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 22:00 Meerkat Manor 22:30 Meerkat Manor 23:00 Big Cat Diary III 23:30 Big Cat Diary III
The Reaping
Pukul 10.00 WIB
28 | primetime | Agustus 2009
Katherine Winter tak lagi percaya pada Tuhan usai keluarganya tewas secara tragis. Ia menolak beragama. Namun, saat ia ditugaskan menyelidiki wabah di kota kecil Lousiana yang sepertinya mirip apa yang ada di kitab suci, ia mendapati teori ilmiahnya buntu. Kini, ia harus membangkitkan lagi bagian dirinya yang sudah dikuburnya dalam-dalam itu, untuk melawan kekuatan setan yang tengah mengancam masyarakat di sana. Dibintangi Hillary Swank, David Morrissey, Idris Elba, dan Anna Sophia Robb.
01:25 Lost My Love 03:10 Twelve Years of Ups and Downs 05:05 Shao Nian Lei Feng 06:30 Hot Cops in the City 07:50 Moments of Love 09:30 Tripping 11:15 Confession of Pain 13:10 Nothing is Impossible 14:50 Wonder Women 16:35 Almost Perfect 18:15 House of Fury 20:00 Getting Home 21:45 New Police Story 23:55 Cinema Today
weekly 6 Agustus
00:00 Vertical Limit 02:00 Center Stage 04:00 Deliverance 06:00 Center Stage 08:00 Beneath 10:00 Shaft 12:00 No Reservations 14:00 Regarding Henry 15:45 Random Hearts 18:00 Wanted 20:00 Charlie’s Angels 21:45 No Reservations 23:30 Rush Hour
00:00 The Reaping 02:00 Closure 03:30 The Untouchables 06:00 Palmetto 08:00 The Hand 10:00 The Finest Hour 12:00 Airport ‘77 14:00 Looker 16:00 The Untouchables 18:00 Palmetto 20:00 Into Thin Air: Death On Everest 22:00 Hbo World Boxing: Taylor Vs Hopkins
00:40 Lost Colony 02:20 Max Havoc: Curse Of The Dragon 04:00 Vip Access: Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs 04:30 Jack And Jill Vs. The World 06:05 Impy’s Island 07:30 Big Trouble In Little China 09:15 She’s The One 10:55 Death Defying Acts 12:35 Things To Do In Denver When You’re Dead 14:30 Contract, The 16:10 Double Take 17:40 Master And Commander:the Far Side Of The World 20:00 Death Sentence 21:45 Perfume: The Story Of A Murderer
01:00 Audrey Rose 03:00 Shag 04:45 Board Heads 06:15 Suture 08:00 Christmas Eve 09:45 Willy Milly 11:15 The Missouri Breaks 13:15 A Midsummer Night’s Sex Comedy 14:45 Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey 16:15 Tune in Tomorrow 18:00 The Entertainer 20:00 The Aviator 21:45 The Mean Season 23:30 Under Fire
00:00 Friends 00:30 Friends 01:00 The Simpsons 01:30 The Simpsons 01:55 Dilbert 02:00 Brothers & Sisters 02:55 Different Strokes 03:00 7th Heaven 03:55 Who’s the Boss? 04:00 Whose Line is it Anyway 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND 05:00 Seinfeld
05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 The Simpsons 06:30 Scrubs 07:00 Friends 07:30 Friends 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:55 Dilbert 09:00 Brothers & Sisters 09:55 Different Strokes 10:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out 11:55 Who’s the Boss? 12:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 13:55 Dilbert 14:00 7th Heaven 14:55 Different Strokes 15:00 Brothers & Sisters 15:55 Who’s the Boss? 16:00 Whose Line is it Anyway 16:30 The Simpsons 17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Hope & Faith 18:00 Friends 18:30 Friends 19:00 Bones 19:55 Dilbert 20:00 Criminal Minds 20:55 Different Strokes 21:00 Prison Break 21:55 Who’s the Boss? 22:00 Scrubs 22:30 Jimmy Kimmel Live 23:00 Seinfeld 23:30 COPS
00:00 ER (S6) 01:00 Curse Of King Tut’s Tomb 03:00 Scarlett 05:00 Midsomer Murders (S9) 07:00 The Nanny (S4) 07:30 The Nanny (S4) 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 09:00 Curse Of King Tut’s Tomb 11:00 American Dreams (S2) 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S22) 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S4) 14:00 Mystery Woman: Snapshot 16:00 ER (S6) 17:00 The Nanny (S4) 17:30 The Nanny (S4) 18:00 The Biggest Loser (S4) 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S22) 20:00 Oprah’s Big Give 21:00 Crossing Jordan (S3) 22:00 She Spies (S2) 23:00 The Nanny (S4) 23:30 The Nanny (S4)
00:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation (Season 8) 01:00 Numb3rs (Season 5) 02:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 03:00 House (Season 4) 04:00 Slamball 04:30 Slamball 05:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 06:00 House (Season 4) 07:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 08:00 Guardian, The (Season 2) 09:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 10:00 House (Season 4) 11:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 12:00 The Amazing Race Asia (Season 2) 13:00 Slamball 13:30 Slamball 14:00 Numb3rs (Season 5) 15:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 16:00 The Amazing Race Asia (Season 2)
17:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation (Season 8) 18:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 19:00 Slamball 19:30 Slamball 20:00 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 21:00 Las Vegas (Season 5) 22:00 Damages 23:30 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed
00:00 Senior Open Championship Highlight 2009, The 01:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 01:30 Sportscenter Asia 02:00 US Senior Open Championship 2009 05:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 05:30 Sportscenter Asia 06:00 Senior Open Championship Highlight 2009, The 07:00 Football Asia 2009/10 07:30 WNBA Action 2009 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 08:01 WNBA Regular Season 2009 10:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 10:30 PBA All STAR Shootout 10:59 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 11:00 Princess European Golf Challenge Tour, The 11:30 Football Asia 2009/10 12:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 12:01 X Games 15 15:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 15:01 US Senior Open Championship 2009 18:00 Fina Aquatics World 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 19:00 Global Football 19:30 Football Asia 2009/10 20:00 Open De Espana 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 21:30 Asian World Cup Qualifiers 23:30 Sportscenter Asia
00:00 Score Tonight 00:30 Sports Max 01:30 Nordic Light 03:00 Sports Max 04:00 Premier League Asia Trophy 2009 06:00 Global Football 06:30 Golf Focus 2009 07:00 Sports Max 08:00 Golf Club 2009, The 08:30 Golf Focus 2009 09:00 Nordic Light 10:30 Golf Focus 2009 11:00 Sports Max 12:00 Golf Club 2009, The 12:30 Golf Focus 2009 13:00 FA Classic Matches 02:00hrs 15:00 Gt3 Asia 16:00 FUEL TV 16:30 FUEL TV 17:00 Community Shield 2009/10, The 17:30 Asian Tour Weekly 2009 18:00 Mobil 1 The Grid 18:30 Premier League Asia Trophy 2009 20:30 Score Tonight 21:00 Tennis Central 21:30 Classic Boxing 01:00hrs 22:30 FA Classics 22:30 FA Classics 23:30 Mobil 1 The Grid
00:00 Built From Disaster 01:00 Nextworld
02:00 One Step Beyond S2 02:30 One Way Out 03:00 Guilty Or Innocent? 04:00 Built From Disaster 05:00 How Stuff Works 06:00 One Step Beyond S2 06:30 One Way Out 07:00 Survivorman 08:00 Discovery Project Earth 09:00 Nextworld 10:00 Futureweapons S1 11:00 How Do They Do It? S3 11:30 How Its Made S10 12:00 Mythbusters S2 13:00 Discovery Project Earth 14:00 Building The Ultimate S1 14:30 Building The Ultimate S1 15:00 Futureweapons S1 16:00 Destroyed In Seconds 16:30 Lost Tapes: Devil Dragon 17:00 How Its Made S10 17:30 How Do They Do It? S3 18:00 Megawheel 19:00 I Shouldn’t Be Alive S1 20:00 The Detonators 21:00 Building The Biggest 22:00 Man Made Marvels: Taipei 101 23:00 The Detonators
00:00 Wild Wednesday 02:00 Wild Wednesday 03:00 About Asia 04:00 Wild Wednesday 06:00 Wild Wednesday 07:00 Naked Science 08:00 About Asia 09:00 Lockdown 10:00 In The Womb: Cats 11:00 Naked Science 12:00 About Asia 13:00 Lockdown 14:00 In The Womb: Cats 15:00 Naked Science 16:00 Nat Geo Junior 17:00 World’s Toughest Fixes 18:00 Lockdown 19:00 About Asia 20:00 Mega Thursday 21:00 Mega Thursday 22:00 Mega Thursday 23:00 Mega Thursday
00:30 02:45 05:00 07:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 15:00 17:00 19:15 21:00
Sweet Nothing In My Ear Lucky You Rails & Ties The Ladies Man Bernard And Doris Short Circuit 2 Sudden Death Rails & Ties Nuts The Ladies Man Flight Of The Conchords S208: New Zealand Town 21:25 Flight Of The Conchords S209: Wingmen 21:50 Flight Of The Conchords S210: Evicted 23:00 Bernard And Doris
00:00 Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 01:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:30 Hannah Montana 02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The
04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 06:00 Mickey Mouseworks 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 07:00 Good Morning Mickey 07:30 House Of Mouse 08:00 Phineas And Ferb 08:30 Replacements, The 09:00 Replacements, The 09:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 10:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 10:30 Amazing Spiez, The 11:00 Pucca 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 13:00 Monster Allergy 13:24 Monster Allergy 13:53 American Dragon: Jake Long 14:17 Totally Spies 14:40 Totally Spies 15:02 Yin Yang Yo! 15:30 Yin Yang Yo! 16:00 Pucca 16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 18:30 Jungle Book 2, The 20:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 20:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 21:00 Adventures Of Food Boy, The 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:00 Cory In The House 23:30 Shaun The Sheep
00:30 Lionel & Nicole Richie THS 01:20 Eva Mendes Style Star 01:45 Public Enemies Behind the Scenes 02:15 The Osbournes THS 04:05 Raising Celebrity: Tales Of Hollywood Moms 05:00 101 Even Bigger Celebrity Oops! 05:55 E! News 06:20 Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Behind the Scenes 06:45 E! News 07:10 Daily 10, The 07:35 Glow 08:00 Stripped 08:25 Area 09:15 Who’s the Boss? THS 11:00 E! News 11:25 Daily 10, The 11:50 Survivor THS 13:30 Beverly Hills 90210 THS 15:15 Seinfeld THS 16:10 24 THS 17:00 E! News 17:25 Daily 10, The 17:50 Friends THS 19:30 American Idol: Girls Rule THS
20:20 The Apprentice THS 21:10 E! News 21:35 Daily 10, The 22:00 My Celebrity Home 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Area
00:55 Closet 02:25 Blue Automobile 04:00 Unbearable 05:30 My Baby Shoot Me Down 07:05 Meeting Life and Death 08:55 Chicken and Duck Talk 10:40 Zhou Yu’s Train 12:20 One Last Dance 14:05 Twins Mission 15:50 Lady Iron Chef 17:35 Closed Note 20:00 Love is Elsewhere 21:40 Kung Fu Mahjong 3 The Final Duel 23:15 Scare 2 Die
00:00 The Animals’ Guide to Survival 01:00 Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli 01:30 Battle of the Sexes 02:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 03:00 Meerkat Manor 03:30 Meerkat Manor 04:00 Incredible Journeys with Steve Leonard 05:00 Cell Dogs 06:00 The Most Extreme 3 07:00 Big Cat Diary II 07:30 Big Cat Diary II 08:00 Wild Island 08:30 Vets on the Wild Side II 09:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 10:00 Cell Dogs 11:00 The Most Extreme 3 12:00 Big Cat Diary III 12:30 Big Cat Diary III 13:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures 2 14:00 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 14:30 In Too Deep 15:00 North America Uncovered 16:00 Dolphin Days 16:30 Lords of the Animals 17:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 18:00 Big Cat Diary III 18:30 Big Cat Diary III 19:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures 2 20:00 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 20:30 In Too Deep 21:00 Malaysia Uncovered 22:00 Dolphin Days 22:30 Lords of the Animals 23:00 Big Cat Diary III 23:30 Big Cat Diary III
Love is Elsewhere Pukul 19.00 WIB
Pasangan Sung (Jason Chan) dan Ching (Sherman Chung) membuka kafe di Soho demi menabung untuk belajar ke luar negeri. Sebagai layanan unik pada pengunjung, mereka jadi tempat curhat orang-orang yang minum kopi. Berbagai masalah cinta mereka tangani dan selesaikan. Tapi, hubungan Sung dan Ching bermasalah saat mantan kekasih Ching muncul.
Agustus 2009 | primetime |
7 Agustus
01:00 Dead Silence 02:30 Running Scared 04:00 Wanted 06:00 The Water Horse: Legend Of The Deep 08:00 Dead Silence 10:00 Vertical Limit 12:00 Freedom Writers 14:00 Punchline 16:00 Hbo Central 16:30 Police Academy 4: Citizens On Patrol 18:00 Regarding Henry 20:00 Stardust 22:00 Freedom Writers ch.
00:00 The Finest Hour 02:00 Into Thin Air: Death On Everest 03:45 Airport ‘77 06:00 Gridiron Gang 08:00 Witchboard 2 10:00 Palmetto 12:00 True Blood S107: Burning House Of Love 12:50 True Blood S108: The Fourth Man In The Fire 14:00 The Reaping 15:45 Torn Curtain 18:00 Witchboard 2 19:45 Epad On Max 20 20:00 My Bloody Valentine 21:30 The Reaping 23:15 True Blood S107: Burning House Of Love
00:05 Close Encounters Of The Third Kind (Director’s Cut) 02:25 Max Havoc: Ring Of Fire 04:00 Master And Commander:the Far Side Of The World 06:20 Flying Scotsman, The 08:05 Miracle Dogs Too 09:30 Deck The Halls 11:05 Death Sentence 12:50 Terminator, The 14:35 Edge, The 16:35 Mermaids 18:25 Forgotten, The 20:00 1408 21:50 The X-men 23:35 Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer
01:45 Love at Large 03:30 Sunday Bloody Sunday 05:15 The Manchurian Candidate 07:30 Garbo Talks 09:15 Dead On 10:45 Broadway Danny Rose 12:15 Elmer Gantry 14:45 Without You I’m Nothing 16:15 Four Friends 18:15 Throw Momma from The Train 20:00 Just a Little Harmless Sex 21:45 Shadows and Fog 23:15 Men At Work
00:00 Friends 00:30 Friends 01:00 The Simpsons 01:30 The Simpsons 01:55 Dilbert 02:00 Brothers & Sisters 02:55 Different Strokes 03:00 7th Heaven 03:55 Who’s the Boss?
04:00 Whose Line is it Anyway 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND 05:00 Seinfeld 05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 The Simpsons 06:30 Scrubs 07:00 Friends 07:30 Friends 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:55 Dilbert 09:00 Brothers & Sisters 09:55 Different Strokes 10:00 Criminal Minds 10:55 Who’s the Boss? 11:00 Prison Break 12:00 Bones 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 13:55 Dilbert 14:00 7th Heaven 14:55 Different Strokes 15:00 Brothers & Sisters 15:55 Who’s the Boss? 16:00 Whose Line is it Anyway 16:30 The Simpsons 17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Hope & Faith 18:00 Friends 18:30 Friends 19:00 Friday Night Lights 19:55 Dilbert 20:00 Boston Legal 20:55 Different Strokes 21:00 Shark 21:55 Who’s the Boss? 22:00 Scrubs 22:30 Asia Uncut 23:30 COPS
00:00 ER (S6) 01:00 Curse Of King Tut’s Tomb 03:00 Scarlett 05:00 Blue River 07:00 The Nanny (S4) 07:30 The Nanny (S4) 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 09:00 Curse Of King Tut’s Tomb 11:00 Oprah’s Big Give 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S22) 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S4) 14:00 Crossing Jordan (S3) 15:00 She Spies (S2) 16:00 ER (S6) 17:00 The Nanny (S4) 17:30 The Nanny (S4) 18:00 The Biggest Loser (S4) 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 20:00 Midsomer Murders (S8) 22:00 Sea Patrol (S1) 23:00 The Nanny (S4) 23:30 The Nanny (S4)
00:30 Las Vegas (Season 5) 01:30 Ebuzz 02:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 03:00 House (Season 4) 04:00 Slamball 04:30 Slamball 05:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 06:00 House (Season 4) 07:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 08:00 Guardian, The (Season 2) 09:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 10:00 House (Season 4) 11:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 12:00 The Amazing Race Asia (Season 2) 13:00 Slamball 13:30 Slamball 14:00 Ebuzz 14:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2)
15:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 16:00 The Amazing Race Asia (Season 2) 17:00 Six Degrees Of X 18:00 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 19:00 Ebuzz 19:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 20:00 Crimson Rivers, The 22:30 Nip/tuck (Season 4) 23:30 Ebuzz
00:00 Global Football 00:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 01:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 01:30 Sportscenter Asia 02:00 US Senior Open Championship 2009 05:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 05:30 Sportscenter Asia 06:00 Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 09:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 09:01 Incredible Dog Challenge 10:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 10:30 PBA All STAR Shootout 10:59 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 11:00 Princess European Golf Challenge Tour, The 11:30 Global Football 12:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 12:01 X Games 15 15:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 15:01 Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 18:00 Global Football 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 19:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 19:30 KIA X Games Asia 2009 - Show 4 20:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 21:30 Asian World Cup Qualifiers 23:30 Sportscenter Asia
00:00 Score Tonight 00:30 Hot Water 2009/10 01:30 Nordic Light 03:00 Hot Water 2009/10 04:00 Asian Tour Weekly 2009 04:30 FIA WRC Daily Highlights 2009 05:00 FIA WRC Daily Highlights 2009 05:30 FIA WRC Daily Highlights 2009 06:00 Tennis Central 06:30 Community Shield 2009/10, The 07:00 Hot Water 2009/10 08:00 Mobil 1 The Grid 08:30 Asian Tour Weekly 2009 09:00 Nordic Light 10:30 Golf Club 2009, The 11:00 Hot Water 2009/10 12:00 Mobil 1 The Grid 12:30 Asian Tour Weekly 2009 13:00 FA Classic Matches 02:00hrs 15:00 Hot Water 2009/10 16:00 FUEL TV 16:30 FUEL TV 17:00 MotoGP World Championship 2009 - Highlights 18:00 Tennis Central 18:30 FIA GT Championship 2009 20:30 Score Tonight 21:00 FIA WRC Highlights Show 2009 22:00 FIA GT Championship Highlights 2009 23:00 Tennis Central 23:30 Fina Aquatics World
00:00 Building The Biggest 01:00 Blueprint For Disaster S2 02:00 What The Ancients Knew S2 03:00 Guilty Or Innocent? 04:00 Mthybusters S6 05:00 Nextworld 06:00 Building The Ultimate S1 06:30 Building The Ultimate S1 07:00 Futureweapons S1 08:00 Mthybusters S6 09:00 The Detonators 10:00 Man Made Marvels: Taipei 101 11:00 How Do They Do It? S3 11:30 How Its Made S10 12:00 Mythbusters S2 13:00 Everything You Need To Know 13:30 How Its Made S10 14:00 Built From Disaster 15:00 One Step Beyond S2 15:30 One Way Out 16:00 Survivorman 17:00 How Its Made S10 17:30 How Do They Do It? S3 18:00 Man Made Marvels: Singapore’s Marina Barrage 19:00 Mthybusters S6 20:00 One Step Beyond S2 20:30 One Way Out 21:00 Solved 22:00 Undercover: Double Life 23:00 Fearless Planet
00:00 Mega Thursday 01:00 Mega Thursday 02:00 Mega Thursday 03:00 About Asia 04:00 Mega Thursday 05:00 Mega Thursday 06:00 Mega Thursday 07:00 Naked Science 08:00 About Asia 09:00 Lockdown 10:00 World’s Toughest Fixes 11:00 Naked Science 12:00 About Asia 13:00 Lockdown 14:00 Ancient Megastructures 15:00 Naked Science 16:00 Nat Geo Junior 16:30 Nat Geo Junior 17:00 Riddles of The Dead 18:00 Lockdown 19:00 About Asia 20:00 Secret Bible 21:00 Riddles of The Dead 22:00 Interpol Investigates 23:00 Riddles of The Dead
01:00 03:00 05:00 07:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 15:00 17:00 19:00 21:00 23:00
Sudden Death Short Circuit 2 Red Planet The Invasion Lucky You Rails & Ties Without Limits Pay It Forward Red Planet The Invasion The Browning Version Rails & Ties
03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 06:00 Mickey Mouseworks 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 07:00 Good Morning Mickey 07:30 House Of Mouse 08:00 Phineas And Ferb 08:30 Replacements, The 09:00 Replacements, The 09:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 10:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 10:30 Amazing Spiez, The 11:00 Pucca 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 13:00 Monster Allergy 13:24 Monster Allergy 13:53 American Dragon: Jake Long 14:17 Totally Spies 14:40 Totally Spies 15:02 Yin Yang Yo! 15:30 Yin Yang Yo! 16:00 Pucca 16:30 Twisted Whiskers 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 17:30 Aaron Stone 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 18:30 Finn On The Fly 20:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 20:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 21:00 Brother Bear 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:00 Cory In The House 23:30 Shaun The Sheep
00:30 Eva Longoria Parker THS 01:20 Eva Longoria Style Star 01:45 Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Behind the Scenes 02:15 Michael J. Fox THS 04:05 Celebrity Crises: 10 Most Shocking Mental Disorders 05:00 101 Even Bigger Celebrity Oops! 05:55 E! News 06:20 Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince Behind the Scenes 06:45 E! News 07:10 Daily 10, The 07:35 Glow 08:00 Stripped 08:25 Area 09:15 Tyra Banks THS 10:05 Heidi Klum THS 11:00 E! News 11:25 Daily 10, The 11:50 25 Most Stylish 12:40 25 Most Stylish 13:30 25 Most Stylish
00:00 Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 01:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:30 Hannah Montana 02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas And Ferb
Brothers & Sisters (Series 2) Pukul 15.00 WIB
30 | primetime | Agustus 2009
Drama peraih Emmy Award ini hadir dengan season baru Agustus ini. Kebersamaan keluarga Walker kembali diuji berbagai tragedi. Justin (Dave Annable) yang pulang dari perang Irak dalam keadaan terluka kecanduan obat penahan sakit. Nora (Sally Field) ditaksir seorang penasihat politisi (dibintangi Danny Glover). Di lain pihak, Sarah (Rachel Griffiths) berebut hak asuh anak dengan mantan suaminya. Sedang Kitty (Calista Flockhart) semakin dengan dengan senator Robert McAllister (Rob Lowe).
14:25 25 Most Stylish 15:15 25 Most Stylish 16:10 Victoria’s Secret: What Is Sexy? 2008 17:00 E! News 17:25 Daily 10, The 17:50 Glamour’s 25 Biggest Do’s and Don’ts 18:40 Glamour’s 50 Biggest Fashion Do’s and Don’ts 19:30 40 (More) Crimes of Fashion 21:10 E! News 21:35 Daily 10, The 22:00 My Celebrity Home 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Area
00:45 One and a Half 02:25 Fun & Fury 04:10 b420 05:45 Heavenly Kings 07:15 Summer Breeze of Love 09:10 Cala, My Dog 10:55 Mr 3 Minutes 12:30 Purple Storm 14:25 I Not Stupid Too 16:30 Every Dog has its Date 18:25 China Vampire 20:00 Guard Post GP506 22:05 Heavenly Mission
00:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures 2 01:00 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 01:30 In Too Deep 02:00 Malaysia Uncovered 03:00 Dolphin Days 03:30 Lords of the Animals 04:00 Incredible Journeys with Steve Leonard 05:00 Cell Dogs 06:00 The Most Extreme 3 07:00 Big Cat Diary II 07:30 Big Cat Diary II 08:00 Growing Up 09:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 10:00 Cell Dogs 11:00 The Most Extreme 3 12:00 Big Cat Diary III 12:30 Big Cat Diary III 13:00 Downsize My Pet 13:30 Downsize My Pet 14:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia 15:00 Orangutan Island 15:30 Orangutan Island 16:00 Equator 17:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 18:00 Big Cat Diary III 18:30 Big Cat Diary III 19:00 Downsize My Pet 20:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia 21:00 Orangutan Island 21:30 Orangutan Island 22:00 Equator 23:00 Big Cat Diary III 23:30 Big Cat Diary III
weekly 8 Agustus
00:00 Flight Of The Conchords S201: A Good Opportunity 00:25 Flight Of The Conchords S202: A New Cup 01:00 The Water Horse: Legend Of The Deep 03:00 Love And Money 04:30 Beneath 06:00 Stardust 08:00 Wanted 10:00 Deliverance 12:00 Shaft 14:00 The Water Horse: Legend Of The Deep 16:00 Regarding Henry 18:00 Charlie’s Angels 20:00 Perfect Stranger 21:45 Wanted 23:30 Stardust
00:05 True Blood S108: The Fourth Man In The Fire 01:00 The Hand 02:30 Palmetto 04:30 My Bloody Valentine 06:00 The Untouchables 08:00 Hbo World Boxing: Taylor Vs Hopkins 10:00 Into Thin Air: Death On Everest 11:45 Epad On Max 20 12:00 The Reaping 14:00 Airport ‘77 16:00 Black August 18:00 The Untouchables 20:00 The Salton Sea 21:35 Epad On Max 20 22:00 True Blood S109: Plaisir D’amour 22:50 True Blood S110: I Don’t Wanna Know 23:45 The Reaping
01:10 Strange Wilderness 02:35 White Noise: The Light 05:30 Forgotten, The 07:05 Dude, Where’s My Car? 08:30 Finding Rin Tin Tin 10:05 Keeping Up With The Steins 11:35 Jack 13:30 Ramen Girl, The 15:15 Over Her Dead Body 16:50 Lake Placid 18:15 Street Kings 20:00 Alien Vs Predator: Requiem 21:45 In The Valley Of Elah 23:45 Meet The Spartans
01:00 The Handmaid’s Tale 02:45 Billy Galvin 04:30 Dublin Murders 06:00 Running Scared 07:45 Child in the Night 09:30 Wisdom 11:15 The Falcon and the Snowman 13:30 The Winter People 15:30 Yanks 18:00 Castaway 20:00 Fatal Beauty 22:00 The Children’s Hour 23:30 Bright Angel
00:00 Friends 00:30 Friends 01:00 The Simpsons 01:30 The Simpsons 02:00 Brothers & Sisters
03:00 Friday Night Lights 04:00 COPS 04:30 COPS 05:00 Smallville 06:00 Shark 07:00 Boston Legal 08:00 COPS 08:30 COPS 09:00 Bones 10:00 Friends 10:30 Friends 11:00 Friends 11:30 Friends 12:00 Friends 12:30 The Simpsons 13:00 Prison Break 14:00 Smallville 15:00 Friday Night Lights 16:00 Shark 17:00 Bones 18:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live 18:30 Jimmy Kimmel Live 19:00 Best of Saturday Night Live 20:00 Howie Do It 21:00 Most Haunted 22:00 Most Haunted 23:00 Best of Saturday Night Live
00:00 ER (S6) 01:00 Blue River 03:00 Midsomer Murders (S8) 05:00 Love’s Unfolding Dream 06:40 Mystery Woman: Snapshot 08:20 Mystery Woman: Wild West Mystery 10:00 The Nanny (S3) 10:30 The Nanny (S3) 11:00 The Nanny (S3) 11:30 The Nanny (S3) 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 13:00 Love’s Unfolding Dream 15:00 Saving Lives 17:00 Without A Trace (S3) 18:00 Oprah’s Big Give 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 20:00 Monster Makers 22:00 The Nanny (S3) 22:30 The Nanny (S3) 23:00 The Nanny (S3) 23:30 The Nanny (S3)
00:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 00:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 01:00 Nip/tuck (Season 4) 02:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 03:00 House (Season 4) 04:00 Nip/tuck (Season 4) 05:00 Black Dawn 07:00 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 07:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 08:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 08:30 Ebuzz 09:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 10:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 11:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 12:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 13:00 Numb3rs (Season 5) 14:00 Black Dawn 16:00 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 16:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 17:00 Ebuzz 17:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 18:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 19:00 Numb3rs (Season 5) 20:00 Beast, The 21:00 House (Season 5) 22:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 23:00 Las Vegas (Season 5)
00:00 Incredible Dog Challenge 01:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 01:30 Sportscenter Asia 02:00 Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 05:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 05:30 Sportscenter Asia 06:00 Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 09:00 Senior Open Championship Highlight 2009, The 10:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 10:30 PBA All STAR Shootout 11:00 Sportscenter Week In Review 2009 11:30 Global Football 12:00 2009 Scripps National Spelling Bee 14:00 Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 16:55 Fina Aquatics World 17:25 Sportscenter Weekend 2009 17:30 Sportscenter Week In Review 2009 18:00 X Games 15 21:00 Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 23:55 Sportscenter Week In Review 2009
00:00 Score Tonight 00:30 FIA WRC Daily Highlights 2009 01:00 FIA WRC Daily Highlights 2009 01:30 FIA WRC Daily Highlights 2009 02:00 Nordic Light 03:30 Behind The Baseline 04:00 Ace 2009 04:30 Golf Focus 2009 05:00 Golf Club 2009, The 05:30 Engine Block 2009 06:00 Mobil 1 The Grid 06:30 Asian Tour Weekly 2009 07:00 Gt3 Asia 08:00 Tennis Central 08:30 Global Football 09:00 FUEL TV 09:30 FUEL TV 10:00 IAAF Grand Prix 13:00: Tennis Central 13:30 Asian Tour Weekly 2009 14:00 Global Football 14:30 Community Shield 2009/10, The 15:00 Engine Block 2009 15:30 ATP Swedish Open 16:00 Golf Focus 2009 16:30 Ace 2009 17:00 Brunei Open 18:00 FIA WRC Highlights Show 2009 19:00 FA Classic Matches 02:00hrs 21:00 FA Classic Matches 02:00hrs 23:00 Brunei Open
00:00 One Step Beyond S2 00:30 One Way Out 01:00 Solved 02:00 Gateway Asia 03:00 Guilty Or Innocent? 04:00 Undercover: Double Life 05:00 Blueprint For Disaster S2 06:00 Mthybusters S6 07:00 How Stuff Works 08:00 How Do They Do it? S2 08:30 How Do They Do it? S2 09:00 Everything You Need To Know 09:30 How Its Made S10 10:00 Discovery Kids 11:00 Mthybusters S6
12:00 One Step Beyond S2 12:30 One Way Out 13:00 Discovery Turbo 13:30 Discovery Turbo 14:00 Discovery Turbo 15:00 Building The Ultimate S1 15:30 Building The Ultimate S1 16:00 Man Vs Wild S3 17:00 Dirty Jobs S4 18:00 Mad About English 19:00 Built From Disaster 20:00 Survivorman 21:00 First Emperor: The Man Who Made China 23:00 Blueprint For Disaster S2
00:00 Secret Bible 01:00 Riddles of The Dead 02:00 Interpol Investigates 03:00 About Asia 04:00 Secret Bible 05:00 Riddles of The Dead 06:00 Interpol Investigates 07:00 Secret Bible 08:00 About Asia 09:00 Naked Science 10:00 Nat Geo Junior 10:30 Nat Geo Junior 11:00 Food Lovers Guide To The Plane 11:30 Food Lovers Guide To The Plane 12:00 In The Womb: Dogs 13:00 21st Century Shark 14:00 Korea Sparkling 15:00 Ancient Megastructures 16:00 Waking The Baby Mammoth 18:00 Generals At War 19:00 Light At The Edge Of The World 20:00 Korea Sparkling 21:00 Secrets Of Tang Treasure Ship 22:00 Inside 23:00 Light At The Edge Of The World
01:00 03:00 05:00 07:00 09:00 11:00 11:25 11:50 12:15
12:40 13:15 15:00 17:00 19:00 21:00 23:00
Without Limits The Browning Version True Crime Yellow Fur: An Imaginary Portrait Of Diane Arbus Flight Of The Conchords S201: A Good Opportunity Flight Of The Conchords S202: A New Cup Flight Of The Conchords S203: Tough Brets Flight Of The Conchords S204: Murray Takes It To The Next Level Flight Of The Conchords S205: Unnatural Love City Hall True Crime Sweet Nothing In My Ear The Browning Version Be Kind Rewind Fur: An Imaginary Portrait Of Diane Arbus
00:00 Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 01:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:30 Hannah Montana 02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The
04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Mickey Mouseworks 06:00 House Of Mouse 06:30 Shaun The Sheep 07:00 Animal Mechanicals 07:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 08:00 Amazing Spiez, The 08:30 Phineas And Ferb 09:00 Brother Bear 10:30 Yin Yang Yo! 11:00 Pucca 11:30 Oggy And The Cockroaches 12:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 12:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 13:00 Twisted Whiskers 13:30 Replacements, The 14:00 Totally Spies 14:30 Totally Spies 15:00 Amazing Spiez, The 15:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 16:00 Suite Life On Deck, The 16:30 Hannah Montana 17:00 Oggy And The Cockroaches 17:30 Suite Life On Deck, The 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 18:30 Ratatouille 20:30 Cory In The House 21:00 Hannah Montana And Miley Cyrus: The Best Of Both Worlds Concert 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:00 Shaun The Sheep
00:30 01:20 01:45 02:15
Naomi Campbell THS Ashlee Simpson Style Star Streets of Hollywood The Many Loves of Marilyn Monroe THS 04:05 Extreme Hollywood 05:00 Forbes TV 20: Famous, Fabulous, and Filthy Rich 05:55 E! News 06:20 Charlize Theron Style Star 06:45 E! News 07:10 Daily 10, The 07:35 Taking of Pellham Behind the Scenes 08:00 My Sister’s Keeper Behind the Scenes 08:25 25 Most Stylish 09:15 My Celebrity Home 10:05 Forbes 10 Most Expensive Celebrity Divorces 11:00 E! News 11:25 Daily 10, The 11:50 Forbes 20 Under 25: Young, Rich and Famous 12:40 Forbes Top 15 Supermodels: Beauties Who Made Bank 13:30 Forbes 20 Billionaire Heiresses: Young, Fabulous and Incredibly Rich 14:25 Forbes 20 Cash Queens of Music 15:15 Forbes Top 20 TV Cash Queens
16:10 Forbes Top 20 Celebrity Cash Couples: Crazy Double Incomes 17:00 E! News 17:25 Daily 10, The 17:50 Forbes Celebrity 100 2009 Who Made Bank 18:40 Forbes 15 Hot Hollywood Moms 19:30 Forbes 20 Richest Women In Entertainment 20:20 Cash & Burn: Celebrity Money Meltdowns 21:10 E! News 21:35 Daily 10, The 22:00 Forbes 20 Most Expensive Celebrity Weddings 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Area
00:10 Love Message 01:45 Heartful of Love 04:00 Magic Touch 05:50 Story of My Son 07:10 Idol 08:55 Option Zero 10:45 Peacock 13:05 Cop Unbowed 14:35 Hi, Dharma 2 Showdown in Seoul 16:20 Linger 17:55 Simply Actors 20:00 Bizan 22:05 Connected
00:00 Downsize My Pet 01:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia 02:00 Orangutan Island 02:30 Orangutan Island 03:00 Equator 04:00 Incredible Journeys with Steve Leonard 05:00 Cell Dogs 06:00 The Most Extreme 3 07:00 Groomer Has It 08:00 Animal Allies 08:30 Animal Allies 09:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6 09:30 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6 10:00 Wild Island 10:30 Vets on the Wild Side II 11:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures 2 12:00 Dolphin Days 12:30 Lords of the Animals 13:00 Animal Cops South Africa 14:00 Malaysia Uncovered 15:00 Spotlight: Earth 16:00 BITE NITE 17:00 The Animals’ Guide to Survival 18:00 Dolphin Days 18:30 Lords of the Animals 19:00 Animal Cops South Africa 20:00 Malaysia Uncovered 21:00 Wild Hearts 22:00 The Most Extreme 3 23:00 Dolphin Days 23:30 Lords of the Animals
Flight Of The Conchords S201: A Good Opportunity Pukul 11.00 WIB
Setelah menolak Murray menghabiskan waktu bersama band lain, Brett dan Jemaine memutuskan meraih sukses. Saat mereka mendapat kontrak membuat jingle iklan, Dave malah membuat strategi bisnis yang bikin kacau.
Agustus 2009 | primetime |
9 Agustus
01:30 Hbo Central 02:00 The Water Horse: Legend Of The Deep 04:00 Punchline 06:00 The River Rat 08:00 The Deep End Of The Ocean 10:00 Wanted 12:00 Charlie’s Angels 13:30 Curb Your Enthusiasm S605: The Freak Book 14:00 Perfect Stranger 16:00 The Water Horse: Legend Of The Deep 18:00 Hollow Man 20:00 Journey To The Center Of The Earth (2008) 21:30 Rush Hour 23:30 Perfect Stranger ch.
01:30 The Salton Sea 03:15 Genghis Khan 06:00 Into Thin Air: Death On Everest 08:00 Airport ‘77 10:00 The Untouchables 12:00 True Blood S109: Plaisir D’amour 12:50 True Blood S110: I Don’t Wanna Know 13:40 Epad On Max 20 14:00 Witchboard 2 15:45 True Grit 17:45 Epad On Max 20 18:00 Into Thin Air: Death On Everest 20:00 Conspiracy 21:30 The Salton Sea 23:30 The Untouchables
01:20 02:50 04:30 06:20 07:30 09:05 10:35
Doa: Dead Or Alive Death Defying Acts Street Kings Storm Warning That Darn Cat Simpsons Movie, The Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium 12:10 Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World’s End 15:00 Chronicles Of Narnia, The: Prince Of Caspian 17:50 Rogue Assassin 19:30 Vip Access: Gi Joe: The Rise Of Cobra 20:00 Shutter 21:30 Moulin Rouge 23:35 From Hell
01:00 Tom Sawyer 02:45 Till the End of the Night 04:15 CrissCross 05:45 Sibling Rivalry 07:15 Body Slam 08:45 A Fistful of Dynamite 11:15 The Believers 13:15 Texasville 15:30 The Killer Elite 17:45 Eureka 20:00 Dirt 21:45 Miss Julie 23:30 Fiddler on the Roof
00:00 Most Haunted 01:00 My Wife and Kids 01:25 Rita Rocks 01:50 According to Jim 02:15 Jake in Progress
02:40 The IT Crowd 03:00 30 Rock 03:30 Cavemen 04:00 COPS 05:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out 07:00 Best of Saturday Night Live 08:00 Howie Do It 09:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? 10:00 Friends 10:30 Friends 11:00 Friends 11:30 Friends 12:00 Friends 12:30 The Simpsons 13:00 My Wife and Kids 13:25 Rita Rocks 13:50 According to Jim 14:15 Jake in Progress 14:40 The IT Crowd 15:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out 17:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? 18:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live 18:30 Jimmy Kimmel Live 19:00 Alien Agent 21:00 Asia Uncut 22:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out
00:00 American Dreams (S2) 01:00 Mystery Woman: Snapshot 03:00 Mystery Woman: Wild West Mystery 05:00 Saving Lives 07:00 Monster Makers 09:00 McLeod’s Daughters (S8) 10:00 Midsomer Murders (S8) 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 13:00 Without A Trace (S3) 14:00 Oprah’s Big Give 15:00 American Dreams (S2) 16:00 McLeod’s Daughters (S8) 17:00 Hearts Adrift 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 20:00 Annie’s Point 21:45 Roman Spring Of Mrs Stone 23:45 Hearts Adrift
00:00 Nip/tuck (Season 4) 01:00 Numb3rs (Season 5) 02:00 Las Vegas (Season 5) 03:00 House (Season 5) 04:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 04:30 Ebuzz 05:00 Cowboy Bebop: Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door 07:30 Ebuzz 08:00 Beast, The 09:00 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 10:00 Video Zonkers 10:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 11:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation (Season 8) 12:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 13:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 14:00 Cowboy Bebop: Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door 16:30 Ebuzz 17:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 17:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 18:00 Leverage 19:00 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 20:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 21:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5)
22:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation (Season 8) 23:00 Leverage
00:25 00:30 02:30 03:00
Sportscenter Weekend 2009 PGA Europro Tour Planet Speed 2009/10 Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 06:00 Sportscenter Week In Review 2009 06:30 US Senior Open Championship 2009 09:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 10:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 10:30 PBA All STAR Shootout 11:00 X Games 15 14:00 Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 16:55 Football Asia 2009/10 17:25 Sportscenter Weekend 2009 17:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 18:00 X Games 15 21:00 Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 23:55 Sportscenter Weekend 2009
00:00 FIA WRC Highlights Show 2009 01:00 Behind The Baseline 01:30 Nordic Light 03:00 Gt3 Asia 04:00 FA Classics 04:00 FA Classics 05:00 IAAF Super Grand Prix Herculis 08:00 FUEL TV 08:30 FUEL TV 09:00 FUEL TV 09:30 FUEL TV 10:00 Brunei Open 11:00 Bowling World Cup 2008 13:00 Audemars Piguet International Polo 2009 14:00 Volvo Masters Of Asia 15:00 42nd Singapore International Open Bowling Championship 16:00 FIA WRC Highlights Show 2009 17:00 IAAF Super Grand Prix Herculis 20:00 Community Shield 2009/10, The 20:30 Community Shield 2009/10, The 20:55 Community Shield 2009/10, The 23:00 Community Shield 2009/10, The 23:30 IAAF Grand Prix
00:00 Futureweapons S1 01:00 How Stuff Works 02:00 Discovery Project Earth 03:00 Secrets Of The Dinosaur Mummy 04:00 The Four-Winged Dinosaur 05:00 Fearless Planet 06:00 Building The Ultimate S1 06:30 Building The Ultimate S1 07:00 Secrets Of The Dinosaur Mummy 08:00 The Four-Winged Dinosaur 09:00 Dirty Jobs S4 10:00 Discovery Kids 11:00 Fearless Planet 12:00 Everything You Need To Know 12:30 How Its Made S10 13:00 Built From Disaster 14:00 Discovery Project Earth 15:00 Fearless Planet 16:00 The Detonators
17:00 Building The Biggest 18:00 Half Man Half Tree 19:00 The God Of Rice 20:00 The History Of Singapore 21:00 The History Of Singapore 22:00 The History Of Singapore 23:00 The History Of Singapore
00:00 Korea Sparkling 01:00 Secrets Of Tang Treasure Ship 02:00 Inside 03:00 Light At The Edge Of The World 04:00 Korea Sparkling 05:00 Secrets Of Tang Treasure Ship 06:00 Inside 07:00 Light At The Edge Of The World 08:00 Naked Science 09:00 Naked Science 10:00 Nat Geo Junior 11:00 21st Century Shark 12:00 Secrets Of Tang Treasure Ship 13:00 Waking The Baby Mammoth 15:00 Inside 16:00 Salvage Code Red 17:00 Air Crash Investigation 18:00 Racing To America 19:00 Ancient Megastructures 20:00 Inside 21:00 Draining The Ocean 23:00 Ancient Megastructures
01:00 Flight Of The Conchords S201: A Good Opportunity 01:25 Flight Of The Conchords S202: A New Cup 01:50 Flight Of The Conchords S203: Tough Brets 02:15 Flight Of The Conchords S204: Murray Takes It To The Next Level 02:40 Flight Of The Conchords S205: Unnatural Love 03:15 Sweet Nothing In My Ear 05:00 Eat A Bowl Of Tea 07:00 Crime Of The Century 09:00 Be Kind Rewind 11:00 Flight Of The Conchords S206: Love Is A Weapon Of Choice 11:25 Flight Of The Conchords S207: Prime Minister 11:50 Flight Of The Conchords S208: New Zealand Town 12:15 Flight Of The Conchords S209: Wingmen 12:40 Flight Of The Conchords S210: Evicted 13:15 The Browning Version 15:00 Lucky You 17:00 Cotton Mary 19:00 Eat A Bowl Of Tea 21:00 The Wire S309: Slapstick 21:55 The Wire S310: Reformation 23:00 Crime Of The Century
00:00 Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 01:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:30 Hannah Montana 02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Mickey Mouseworks
06:00 House Of Mouse 06:30 Shaun The Sheep 07:00 Animal Mechanicals 07:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 08:00 Amazing Spiez, The 08:30 Phineas And Ferb 09:00 Twisted Whiskers 09:30 Metajets 10:00 Aaron Stone 10:30 Yin Yang Yo! 11:00 Pucca 11:30 Oggy And The Cockroaches 12:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 12:30 Ratatouille 14:30 Wall-E 16:30 Jonas 16:55 Camp Rock (Rock-Along Version) 18:30 Dadnapped 20:00 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 20:30 Cory In The House 21:00 Monsters Inc. 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:00 Shaun The Sheep
00:30 Donald Trump THS 01:20 Taking of Pellham Behind the Scenes 01:45 My Sister’s Keeper Behind the Scenes 02:15 Forbes Celebrity 100: Who Made Bank 04:05 Glamour’s 20 Wedding Do’s and Don’ts 05:00 Young Royals THS 06:45 The Ugly Truth Behind the Scenes 07:10 The Proposal Behind the Scenes 07:35 E! News 08:25 25 Most Stylish 09:15 My Celebrity Home 10:05 Pussycat Dolls THS 11:00 E! News 11:50 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 12:15 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 12:40 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 13:05 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 13:30 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 13:55 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 14:25 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 14:50 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 15:15 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 15:40 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 16:10 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 16:35 Keeping Up with the Kardashians
Draining The Ocean Pukul 21.00 WIB
32 | primetime | Agustus 2009
Seperti apa kelihatannya bila air di lautan disingkirkan? Sebuah lanskap yang tak terbayangkan. Inilah penjalajahan ke dasar laut berdasar data-data ilmiah mutakhir yang dipadu dengan grafik komputer canggih yang akan memberi gambaran jelas yang tak pernah dilihat sebelumnya.
17:00 E! News 17:50 Hollywood Heartthrobs THS 18:40 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 19:05 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 19:30 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 19:55 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 20:20 The Kardashians THS 21:10 E! News 22:00 Society Girls THS 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Area
00:00 Forest of Death 01:45 Whampoa Blues 03:25 Twilight of the Forbidden City 05:15 Time to Love 07:10 Paradise Hotel 08:35 Metade Fumaca 10:15 Cinema Today 11:15 Six Strong Guys 13:05 SPL 14:40 Marriage Trap 16:20 2 Become 1 18:00 My Mighty Princess 20:00 Champions 22:00 Confession of Pain 23:50 Look Out, Officer
00:00 Animal Cops South Africa 01:00 Malaysia Uncovered 02:00 Wild Hearts 03:00 The Most Extreme 3 04:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures 2 05:00 BITE NITE 06:00 BITE NITE 07:00 Meerkat Manor 07:30 Meerkat Manor 08:00 Dolphin Days 08:30 Lords of the Animals 09:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6 09:30 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6 10:00 Growing Up 11:00 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 11:30 In Too Deep 12:00 Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli 12:30 Safari Sisters 13:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 14:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 15:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia 16:00 BITE NITE 17:00 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 17:30 In Too Deep 18:00 Meerkat Manor 18:30 Meerkat Manor 19:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 20:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 21:00 Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli 21:30 Safari Sisters 22:00 The Most Extreme 3 23:00 Meerkat Manor 23:30 Meerkat Manor
weekly 10 Agustus
01:15 Journey To The Center Of The Earth (2008) 02:45 Deliverance 04:30 Dead Silence 06:00 The Notorious Bettie Page 08:00 Punchline 10:00 Dead Bang 12:00 Journey To The Center Of The Earth (2008) 13:30 Stuart Little 15:00 Internal Affairs 16:45 Charlie’s Angels 18:30 Rush Hour 20:00 Mission Impossible 22:00 Flight Of The Conchords S203: Tough Brets 22:25 Flight Of The Conchords S204: Murray Takes It To The Next Level 23:00 Journey To The Center Of The Earth (2008)
01:30 My Bloody Valentine 03:00 Monster! 04:30 Conspiracy 06:00 The Hand 08:00 Black August 10:00 Airport ‘77 12:00 My Bloody Valentine 13:30 Gridiron Gang 15:45 Epad On Max 20 16:00 Into Thin Air: Death On Everest 18:00 True Blood S109: Plaisir D’amour 18:50 True Blood S110: I Don’t Wanna Know 20:00 Dark Storm 21:30 My Bloody Valentine 23:00 Epad On Max 20 23:15 Airport ‘77
01:35 03:05 04:35 06:15 07:45 09:20 11:20 12:55 14:45 16:15
Aztec Rex Trailer Park Boys: The Movie Rogue Assassin My Silent Partner Titan A.e. Rising Sun Alvin And The Chipmunks Enchanted Horton National Treasure: Book Of Secrets 18:20 John Rambo 20:00 Planet Of The Apes 22:00 What Happens In Vegas 23:40 Rise Of The Gargoyles
02:30 Irma La Douce 05:00 Delirious 06:45 Koyaanisqatsi 08:15 Purple Haze 10:00 Babette’s Feast 11:45 Frankie and Johnny 13:15 Echoes of a Summer 15:00 Convicts 16:30 Those Lips Those Eyes 18:15 Still of the Night 20:00 The Music Lovers 22:00 MAC
00:00 Senior Open Championship Highlight 2009, The 01:00 Incredible Dog Challenge 02:00 X Games 15 04:00 IAAF Super Grand Prix Herculis
07:00 2009 Scripps National Spelling Bee 09:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 09:01 Women’s World 10-Ball Championship 11:59 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 12:00 Asian World Cup Qualifiers 14:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 14:01 Ebu European Circuit Finals 16:59 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 17:00 Senior Open Championship Highlight 2009, The 18:00 KIA X Games Asia 2009 - Skateboard Street 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 19:00 Beach Soccer 2008 Tape 01:00hrs 20:00 Football Asia 2009/10 20:30 Players Lives 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 21:30 Beach Soccer 2008 Tape 01:00hrs 22:30 Evian Masters 2009 Day 1
01:25 McBride: Dogged 03:10 Annie’s Point 05:00 Midsomer Murders (S9) 07:00 The Nanny (S4) 07:30 The Nanny (S4) 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S22) 09:00 McBride: Dogged 11:00 Sea Patrol (S1) 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S4) 14:00 Roman Spring Of Mrs Stone 16:00 ER (S6) 17:00 The Nanny (S4) 17:30 The Nanny (S4) 18:00 The Biggest Loser (S4) 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 20:00 Without A Trace (S3) 21:00 Back To You And Me 23:00 The Nanny (S4) 23:30 The Nanny (S4)
00:00 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 01:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 02:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 03:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation (Season 8) 04:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 04:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 05:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 06:00 House (Season 4) 07:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 08:00 Guardian, The (Season 2) 09:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 10:00 House (Season 4) 11:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 12:00 7 Seconds 14:00 Leverage 15:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 16:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 16:30 Ebuzz 17:00 7 Seconds 19:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 20:00 Leverage 21:00 House (Season 5) 22:00 House (Season 5) 23:00 Leverage
00:00 Desperate Housewives 01:00 Alien Agent 03:00 7th Heaven
04:00 Whose Line is it Anyway 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND 05:00 Seinfeld 05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 The Simpsons 06:30 Scrubs 07:00 Friends 07:30 Friends 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 Brothers & Sisters 10:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? 11:00 Desperate Housewives 12:00 Ghost Whisperer 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:00 7th Heaven 15:00 Brothers & Sisters 16:00 Whose Line is it Anyway 16:30 The Simpsons 17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Hope & Faith 18:00 Friends 18:30 Friends 19:00 My Wife and Kids 19:25 Rita Rocks 19:50 According to Jim 20:15 Jake in Progress 20:40 The IT Crowd 21:00 30 Rock 21:30 Cavemen 22:00 Scrubs 22:30 Jimmy Kimmel Live 23:00 Seinfeld 23:30 COPS
02:30 Behind The Baseline 03:00 Philippine Open 10-Ball Pool Championship 06:00 FIA Asia Pacific Rally Championship 2009 07:00 FIA WRC Highlights Show 2009 08:00 Brunei Open 09:00 Community Shield 2009/10, The 11:00 Gt3 Asia 12:00 IAAF Super Grand Prix Herculis 15:00 Brunei Open 16:00 FUEL TV 16:30 FUEL TV 17:00 FIA Asia Pacific Rally Championship 2009 18:00 ATP Swedish Open 18:30 Community Shield 2009/10, The 20:30 Score Tonight 21:00 FIA WRC Junior World Rally 2009 21:30 Engine Block 2009 22:00 FIA Asia Pacific Rally Championship 2009 23:00 FIA WRC Junior World Rally 2009 23:30 Score Tonight
00:00 The History Of Singapore 01:00 Man Made Marvels: Taipei 101 02:00 Fearless Planet 03:00 Solved 04:00 Undercover: Double Life 05:00 Everything You Need To Know 05:30 How Its Made S10 06:00 How Do They Do it? S2 06:30 How Do They Do it? S2 07:00 The History Of Singapore 08:00 The History Of Singapore 09:00 One Step Beyond S2 09:30 One Way Out 10:00 Everything You Need To Know 10:30 How Its Made S10 11:00 How Do They Do It? S3
11:30 How Its Made S10 12:00 Mythbusters S2 13:00 The History Of Singapore 14:00 The History Of Singapore 15:00 Survivorman 16:00 Dirty Jobs S4 17:00 How Its Made S10 17:30 How Do They Do It? S3 18:00 Destroyed In Seconds 18:30 Lost Tapes: Devil Dragon 19:00 Man Vs Wild S3 20:00 Dirty Jobs With Peter Schmeichel 21:00 Survivorman 22:00 Treasure Quest 23:00 Dirty Jobs With Peter Schmeichel
00:00 Inside 01:00 Draining The Ocean 03:00 Ancient Megastructures 04:00 Inside 05:00 Draining The Ocean 07:00 Naked Science 08:00 About Asia 09:00 Lockdown 10:00 In The Womb: Dogs 11:00 Naked Science 12:00 About Asia 13:00 Lockdown 14:00 In The Womb: Dogs 15:00 Naked Science 16:00 Nat Geo Junior 16:30 Nat Geo Junior 17:00 Light At The Edge Of The World 18:00 Lockdown 19:00 About Asia 20:00 Generals At War 21:00 Light At The Edge Of The World 22:00 Racing To America 23:00 Light At The Edge Of The World
01:00 Flight Of The Conchords S206: Love Is A Weapon Of Choice 01:25 Flight Of The Conchords S207: Prime Minister 01:50 Flight Of The Conchords S208: New Zealand Town 02:15 Flight Of The Conchords S209: Wingmen 02:40 Flight Of The Conchords S210: Evicted 03:15 Be Kind Rewind 05:00 Jawbreaker 07:00 Rails & Ties 09:00 48 Hrs. 11:00 Pay It Forward 13:00 Rock Monster 15:00 Jawbreaker 17:00 Pink Cadillac 19:00 Rails & Ties 21:00 The Tudors S101: 21:55 The Tudors S102: 22:50 The Tudors S103: 23:45 Pay It Forward
04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 06:00 Mickey Mouseworks 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 07:00 Good Morning Mickey 07:30 House Of Mouse 08:00 Phineas And Ferb 08:30 Replacements, The 09:00 Wall-E 11:00 Pucca 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 13:00 Monster Allergy 13:24 Monster Allergy 13:55 Action Man A.T.O.M.: Alpha Teens On Machines 14:17 Totally Spies 14:40 Totally Spies 15:02 Yin Yang Yo! 15:30 Yin Yang Yo! 16:00 Pucca 16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 18:30 Monsters Inc. 20:00 Jonas 20:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 21:00 Chicken Little 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:00 Cory In The House 23:30 Shaun The Sheep
00:30 Colin Farrell THS 01:20 My Sister’s Keeper Behind the Scenes 01:45 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Behind the Scenes 02:15 15 Most Infamous Child Star Mugshots 04:05 Confessions of Celebrity Assistants 05:00 My Celebrity Home 05:55 E! News 06:45 E! News 07:35 Glow 08:00 Stripped 08:25 Area 09:15 The Baldwins THS 10:05 Cash & Burn: Celebrity Money Meltdowns 11:00 E! News 11:50 Rich Kids: Cattle Drive 12:40 Keanu Reeves THS 13:30 The Terminator THS 14:25 My Celebrity Home 15:15 Glow 15:40 Stripped 16:10 Stylemakers Style Star 16:35 Streets of Hollywood 17:00 E! News 17:50 Ben & Matt THS 19:30 Keeping Up with the Kardashians
19:55 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 20:20 Pam: Girl on the Loose 20:45 Eva Mendes Style Star 21:10 E! News 22:00 My Celebrity Home 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Area
01:20 Sisters in Law 02:50 Ice Speed 04:30 Rebirth 06:10 Lamb Killer 07:45 Beloved Son of God 09:20 New Blood 10:55 Heroes in Love 12:25 Sparkle in the Dark 14:00 Cinema Today 15:00 Drink-Drank-Drunk 16:45 My DNA Says I Love You 18:25 Naked Weapon 20:00 Manhattan Midnight 21:35 Closet 23:05 Hong Kong Bronx
00:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 01:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 02:00 Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli 02:30 Safari Sisters 03:00 The Most Extreme 3 04:00 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 04:30 In Too Deep 05:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 06:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 07:00 Big Cat Diary II 07:30 Big Cat Diary II 08:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6 08:30 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6 09:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 10:00 Cell Dogs 11:00 The Most Extreme 3 12:00 Big Cat Diary III 12:30 Big Cat Diary III 13:00 Crime Scene Wild 14:00 Wild Hearts 15:00 Groomer Has It 16:00 Downsize My Pet 17:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 18:00 Big Cat Diary IV 18:30 Big Cat Diary IV 19:00 Crime Scene Wild 20:00 Wild Hearts 21:00 Groomer Has It 22:00 Jockeys 22:30 Off the Leash 23:00 Big Cat Diary IV 23:30 Big Cat Diary IV
00:00 Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 01:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:30 Hannah Montana 02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The
A.T.O.M. (Alpha Teens on Machine) Pukul 13.55 WIB
Melawan kejahatan tak pernah sekeren ini sebelumnya! Di kota metropolitan Landmark City, raja penjahat Mr. Paine berniat menghabisi pemberontak cilik—Alex Manning dan kelompoknya, A.T.O.M.. Namun itu takkan mudah karena A.T.O.M. punya kendaraan paling keren dan mereka tak gentar memakainya—meski itu artinya mesti melanggar aturan.
Agustus 2009 | primetime |
11 Agustus
00:30 Shaft 02:15 The Deep End Of The Ocean 04:00 Blood Ties 06:00 Journey To The Center Of The Earth (2008) 08:00 Stardust 10:00 Dead Silence 12:00 Mission Impossible 14:00 Racing With The Moon 16:00 Journey To The Center Of The Earth (2008) 18:00 Stardust 20:00 Starter For 10 21:45 Mission Impossible 23:45 Hollow Man ch.
01:00 Looker 02:30 Dark Storm 04:00 True Blood S109: Plaisir D’amour 04:50 True Blood S110: I Don’t Wanna Know 06:00 Conspiracy 07:45 Gridiron Gang 10:00 Dark Storm 11:30 Epad On Max 20 12:00 The Salton Sea 14:00 Street Smart 16:00 Hbo World Boxing: Taylor Vs Hopkins 18:30 Conspiracy 20:00 High Risk 21:30 World Trade Center
01:20 02:50 04:25 06:05
Black Box, The Do You Know Me? John Rambo Vip Access: Gi Joe: The Rise Of Cobra 06:35 Miracle Dogs Too 08:05 Hocus Pocus 09:45 Max Havoc: Ring Of Fire 11:20 Planet Of The Apes 13:25 I Think I Love My Wife 14:55 Deck The Halls 16:35 Contract, The 18:10 Nanny Diaries, The 20:00 Dr. Dolittle 2 21:30 Hitman 23:05 Count Of Monte Cristo, The
00:00 The Manhattan Project 02:00 The Field 04:00 La Cage Aux Folles II 05:45 Breathless 07:15 Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings 08:45 Starchaser: The Legend of Orin 10:30 Some Like It Hot 12:30 The Unforgiven 14:30 Married to it 16:30 The Extreme Adventures of Super Dave 18:00 The Taking of Pelham One Two Three 20:00 Crime and Punishment in Suburbia 21:45 Final Combination 23:15 The Comfort of Stangers
00:00 Friends 00:30 Friends 01:00 The Simpsons 01:30 The Simpsons 01:55 Dilbert 02:00 Brothers & Sisters 02:55 Different Strokes
03:00 7th Heaven 03:55 Who’s the Boss? 04:00 Whose Line is it Anyway 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND 05:00 Seinfeld 05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 The Simpsons 06:30 Scrubs 07:00 Friends 07:30 Friends 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:55 Dilbert 09:00 Brothers & Sisters 09:55 Different Strokes 10:00 My Wife and Kids 10:25 Rita Rocks 10:50 According to Jim 11:15 Jake in Progress 11:40 The IT Crowd 12:00 30 Rock 12:30 Cavemen 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 13:55 Dilbert 14:00 7th Heaven 14:55 Different Strokes 15:00 Brothers & Sisters 15:50 Who’s the Boss? 15:55 Who’s the Boss? 16:00 Whose Line is it Anyway 16:30 The Simpsons 17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Hope & Faith 18:00 Friends 18:30 Friends 19:00 Ghost Whisperer 19:55 Dilbert 20:00 Desperate Housewives 20:55 Different Strokes 21:00 Bionic Woman 21:55 Who’s the Boss? 22:00 Scrubs 22:30 Jimmy Kimmel Live 23:00 Seinfeld 23:30 COPS
00:00 ER (S6) 01:00 McBride: The Chameleon Murder 03:00 LaVyrle Spencer’s Home Song 05:00 Midsomer Murders (S9) 07:00 The Nanny (S4) 07:30 The Nanny (S4) 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S21) 09:00 Back To You And Me 11:00 Without A Trace (S3) 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S4) 14:00 McBride: The Chameleon Murder 16:00 ER (S6) 17:00 The Nanny (S4) 17:30 The Nanny (S4) 18:00 The Biggest Loser (S4) 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S22) 20:00 The Biggest Loser (S6) 21:00 Commander In Chief (S1) 22:00 Lipstick Jungle (S1) 23:00 The Nanny (S4) 23:30 The Nanny (S4)
00:00 House (Season 5) 01:00 House (Season 5) 02:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 03:00 House (Season 4) 04:00 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 04:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 05:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 06:00 House (Season 4) 07:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 08:00 Guardian, The (Season 2) 09:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 10:00 House (Season 4)
11:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 12:00 The Amazing Race Asia (Season 2) 13:00 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 13:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 14:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 15:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 16:00 The Amazing Race Asia (Season 2) 17:00 House (Season 5) 18:00 Leverage 19:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 19:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 20:00 Chuck (Season 1) 21:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 22:00 24 (Season 6) 23:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 23:30 Csi: Ny (Season 5)
00:30 01:00 01:30 04:30
Sportscenter Asia PBA All STAR Shootout X Games 15 KIA X Games Asia 2009 - Skateboard Vert 05:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 05:30 Sportscenter Asia 06:00 US Open Championship Highlights 07:00: PGA Europro Tour 09:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 09:01 Women’s World 10-Ball Championship 11:59 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 12:00 Asian World Cup Qualifiers 14:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 14:01 Ebu European Circuit Finals 15:00 Evian Masters 2009 Day 1 16:59 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 17:00 World Of Gymnastics 17:30 WNBA Action 2009 18:00 KIA X Games Asia 2009 - M & W Speed Sport Climbing 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 19:00 Football Focus With John Dykes 20:00 Beach Soccer 2008 Tape 01:00hrs 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 21:30 Football Focus With John Dykes 22:30 Evian Masters 2009 Day 2
00:00 Engine Block 2009 00:30 International Motorsport News 2009 01:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 02:00 FIA Asia Pacific Rally Championship 2009 03:00 Philippine Open 10-Ball Pool Championship 06:00 FIA WRC Junior World Rally 2009 06:30 Engine Block 2009 07:00 International Motorsport News 2009 08:00 FIA WRC Junior World Rally 2009 08:30 Engine Block 2009 09:00 Open De Espana 10:00 FIA WRC Junior World Rally 2009 10:30 Engine Block 2009 11:00 International Motorsport News 2009 12:00 FIA WRC Junior World Rally 2009 12:30 Engine Block 2009 13:00 PGA Europro Tour 15:00 International Motorsport News 2009 16:00 FUEL TV 16:30 FUEL TV
17:00 FIA WRC Highlights Show 2009 18:00 Spirit Of Yachting Viii : Giraglia Rolex Cup 18:30 AFC Champions League 20:30 Score Tonight 21:00 Behind The Baseline 21:30 Ace 2009 22:00 ATP Swedish Open 22:30 Spirit Of Yachting Viii : Giraglia Rolex Cup 23:00 Behind The Baseline 23:30 Score Tonight
00:00 Survivorman 01:00 Treasure Quest 02:00 Destroyed In Seconds 02:30 Lost Tapes: Devil Dragon 03:00 Guilty Or Innocent? 04:00 Man Vs Wild S3 05:00 Half Man Half Tree 06:00 Destroyed In Seconds 06:30 Lost Tapes: Devil Dragon 07:00 Dirty Jobs With Peter Schmeichel 08:00 Treasure Quest 09:00 Man Vs Wild S3 10:00 Half Man Half Tree 11:00 How Do They Do It? S3 11:30 How Its Made S10 12:00 Mythbusters S2 13:00 Man Vs Wild S3 14:00 Treasure Quest 15:00 Built From Disaster 16:00 Mthybusters S6 17:00 How Its Made S10 17:30 How Do They Do It? S3 18:00 The History Of Singapore 19:00 The History Of Singapore 20:00 Fearless Planet 21:00 Rogue Nature With Dave Salmoni: Chimp 22:00 Destroyed In Seconds 22:30 Lost Tapes: Thunderbird 23:00 Fearless Planet
00:00 Generals At War 01:00 Light At The Edge Of The World 02:00 About Asia 03:00 Racing To America 04:00 Generals At War 05:00 Light At The Edge Of The World 06:00 Racing To America 07:00 Naked Science 08:00 About Asia 09:00 Lockdown 10:00 Light At The Edge Of The World 11:00 Naked Science 12:00 About Asia 13:00 Lockdown 14:00 Generals At War 15:00 Naked Science 16:00 Nat Geo Junior 16:30 Nat Geo Junior 17:00 Salvage Code Red 18:00 Lockdown 19:00 About Asia 20:00 Air Crash Investigation 21:00 Salvage Code Red 22:00 Air Crash Investigation 23:00 Salvage Code Red
01:45 03:15 05:00 07:00 08:30 10:00 11:30
48 Hrs. Rock Monster Without Limits New Best Friend Mail Order Bride The Ladies Man 48 Hrs.
13:15 15:00 16:45 19:00 21:00 21:55 22:50 23:45
Rails & Ties The Browning Version Without Limits New Best Friend The Tudors S104: The Tudors S105: The Tudors S106: Mail Order Bride
00:00 Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 01:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:30 Hannah Montana 02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 06:00 Mickey Mouseworks 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 07:00 Good Morning Mickey 07:30 House Of Mouse 08:00 Phineas And Ferb 08:30 Replacements, The 09:00 Replacements, The 09:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 10:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 10:30 Amazing Spiez, The 11:00 Pucca 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 13:00 Monster Allergy 13:24 Monster Allergy 13:55 Action Man A.T.O.M.: Alpha Teens On Machines 14:17 Totally Spies 14:40 Totally Spies 15:02 Yin Yang Yo! 15:30 Yin Yang Yo! 16:00 Pucca 16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 18:30 Chicken Little 20:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 20:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 21:00 Fox And The Hound, The 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:00 Cory In The House 23:30 Shaun The Sheep
00:30 01:20 01:45 02:15 04:05
24 THS Stylemakers Style Star Streets of Hollywood Survivor THS Forbes TV 20: Famous, Fabulous, and Filthy Rich 05:00 My Celebrity Home 05:55 E! News 06:20 Public Enemies Behind the Scenes 06:45 E! News 07:10 Daily 10, The 07:35 Glow 08:00 Stripped 08:25 Area 09:15 Diet Fads THS Investigates 11:00 E! News 11:25 Daily 10, The 11:50 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 12:15 Keeping Up with the
Cavemen Pukul 12.30 WIB
34 | primetime | Agustus 2009
Dalam komedi tentang gegar budaya ini, 3 manusia pra-sejarah jenis Neanderthal mencoba hidup di kota jaman modern. Joel (Bill English) seorang pekerja keras yang mencoba berevolusi jadi manusia modern. Ia berbagi apratemen dengan adiknya, Andy (Sam Huntington) dan sahabatnya, Nick (Nick Kroll). Masalah timbul saat Joel melanggar aturan kelompok saat ia mengencani gadis pirang di luar kelompoknya, Kate (Kaitlin Doubleday).
Kardashians Will Smith THS LL Cool J THS My Celebrity Home Glow Stripped Eva Mendes Style Sta Public Enemies Behind the Scenes 17:00 E! News 17:25 Daily 10, The 17:50 Hollywood Heartthrobs THS 18:40 Luke & Owen Wilson THS 19:30 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 19:55 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 20:20 Rich Kids: Cattle Drive 21:10 E! News 21:35 Daily 10, The 22:00 My Celebrity Home 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Area 12:40 13:30 14:25 15:15 15:40 16:10 16:35
00:35 Drowning 02:10 Path of Glory 03:55 Honey Moon in Jakarta 05:30 Big Sting 07:00 Gen-Y Cops 08:50 Getting Home 10:35 Heavenly Mission 12:40 2000 A.D. 14:25 Glorious Team Batista 16:30 House of Fury 18:15 Go Master 20:00 Brothers 22:00 Champions
00:00 Crime Scene Wild 01:00 Wild Hearts 02:00 Groomer Has It 03:00 Jockeys 03:30 Off the Leash 04:00 Incredible Journeys with Steve Leonard 05:00 Cell Dogs 06:00 The Most Extreme 3 07:00 Big Cat Diary III 07:30 Big Cat Diary III 08:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6 08:30 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6 09:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 10:00 K-9 to 5 10:30 K-9 to 5 11:00 The Most Extreme 3 12:00 Big Cat Diary IV 12:30 Big Cat Diary IV 13:00 Spotlight: Earth 14:00 BITE NITE 15:00 BITE NITE 16:00 Animal Cops South Africa 17:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 18:00 Big Cat Diary IV 18:30 Big Cat Diary IV 19:00 Spotlight: Earth 20:00 BITE NITE 21:00 BITE NITE 22:00 Animal Cops South Africa 23:00 Big Cat Diary IV 23:30 Big Cat Diary IV
weekly 12 Agustus
01:45 Punchline 04:00 Let’s Get Harry 06:00 Racing With The Moon 08:00 Perfect Stranger 10:00 The Notorious Bettie Page 12:00 Starter For 10 13:45 Indictment: The Mcmartin Trial 16:00 Punchline 18:00 Perfect Stranger 20:00 The River Rat 21:30 Curb Your Enthusiasm S606: The Rat Dog 22:00 Starter For 10 23:45 Internal Affairs
00:00 Dark Storm 01:30 Gridiron Gang 03:30 Epad On Max 20 04:00 High Risk 06:00 Street Smart 07:45 The Victors 10:15 Conspiracy 12:00 Into Thin Air: Death On Everest 13:30 The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax 15:00 The Assassination Bureau 17:00 High Risk 18:30 My Bloody Valentine 20:00 Cool Hand Luke 22:00 Into Thin Air: Death On Everest
01:20 02:30 04:05 05:55 07:45 09:40
Storm Warning Shut Up & Sing Dixie Chicks Nanny Diaries, The Local Color Mystery, Alaska Vip Access: Gi Joe: The Rise Of Cobra 10:10 Dude, Where’s My Car? 11:40 Dr. Dolittle 2 13:15 Keeping Up With The Steins 14:50 She’s The One 16:25 Edge, The 18:25 Blonde Ambition 20:00 Juno 21:35 Lake Placid 23:00 Vip Access: Gi Joe: The Rise Of Cobra 23:30 Code Name: The Cleaner
01:00 Kiss Me Stupid 03:15 Class 04:45 The Witches 06:30 Carbon Copy 08:00 Sweet Smell of Success 09:45 In the Time of the Butterflies 11:15 Separate Tables 13:00 Slamdance 14:45 Recipe for Disaster 16:15 Molly 18:00 Watch It 20:00 Love at Large 21:45 Dead On 23:15 Mystic Pizza
00:00 Friends 00:30 Friends 01:00 The Simpsons 01:30 The Simpsons 01:55 Dilbert 02:00 Brothers & Sisters 02:50 Different Strokes 02:55 Different Strokes 03:00 7th Heaven 03:55 Who’s the Boss?
04:00 Whose Line is it Anyway 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND 05:00 Seinfeld 05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 The Simpsons 06:30 Scrubs 07:00 Friends 07:30 Friends 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:55 Dilbert 09:00 Brothers & Sisters 09:50 Different Strokes 09:55 Different Strokes 10:00 Ghost Whisperer 10:55 Who’s the Boss? 11:00 Desperate Housewives 12:00 Bionic Woman 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 13:55 Dilbert 14:00 7th Heaven 14:55 Different Strokes 15:00 Psych 15:55 Who’s the Boss? 16:00 Whose Line is it Anyway 16:30 The Simpsons 17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Hope & Faith 18:00 Friends 18:30 Friends 19:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? 19:55 Dilbert 20:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out 20:55 Charlie’s Angels 21:00 Ghost Hunters 21:55 Who’s the Boss? 22:00 Scrubs 22:30 Jimmy Kimmel Live 23:00 Seinfeld 23:30 COPS
00:00 ER (S6) 01:00 Killer Instinct: From The Files Of Agent Candice DeLong 03:00 Assignment Berlin 05:00 Midsomer Murders (S9) 07:00 The Nanny (S4) 07:30 The Nanny (S4) 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 09:00 The Biggest Loser (S6) 10:00 Commander In Chief (S1) 11:00 Lipstick Jungle (S1) 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S22) 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S4) 14:00 Killer Instinct: From The Files Of Agent Candice DeLong 16:00 ER (S6) 17:00 The Nanny (S4) 17:30 The Biggest Loser (S1) 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S22) 20:00 American Dreams (S2) 21:00 Mystery Woman: At First Sight 23:00 The Nanny (S4) 23:30 The Nanny (S4)
00:30 24 (Season 6) 01:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 02:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 03:00 House (Season 4) 04:00 24 (Season 6) 05:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 06:00 House (Season 4) 07:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 08:00 Guardian, The (Season 2) 09:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 10:00 House (Season 4) 11:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 12:00 The Amazing Race Asia (Season 2) 13:00 Chuck (Season 1)
14:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 14:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 15:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 16:00 The Amazing Race Asia (Season 2) 17:00 Chuck (Season 1) 18:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 19:00 Slamball 19:30 Slamball 20:00 Numb3rs (Season 5) 21:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 22:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation (Season 8) 23:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7)
00:30 01:00 01:30 04:30
Sportscenter Asia PBA All STAR Shootout X Games 15 KIA X Games Asia 2009 - Skateboard Street 05:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 05:30 Sportscenter Asia 06:00 US Open Championship Highlights 07:00 Football Focus With John Dykes 07:59 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 08:00 WNBA Regular Season 2009 10:00 Incredible Dog Challenge 10:59 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 11:00 Football Focus With John Dykes 12:00 Asian World Cup Qualifiers 14:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 14:01 Asian Cup 2009 15:00 Evian Masters 2009 Day 2 16:59 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 17:00 Football Asia 2009/10 17:30 Football Focus With John Dykes 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 19:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 19:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 20:00 Global Football 20:30 Football Asia 2009/10 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 21:30 Football Asia 2009/10 22:00 Global Football 22:30 Evian Masters 2009 Day 3
00:00 Ace 2009 00:30 Max Power 2009/10 01:30 Spirit Of Yachting Viii : Giraglia Rolex Cup 02:00 Brunei Open 03:00 Philippine Open 10-Ball Pool Championship 06:00 Spirit Of Yachting Viii : Giraglia Rolex Cup 06:30 Ace 2009 07:00 Max Power 2009/10 08:00 Behind The Baseline 08:30 Ace 2009 09:00 International Motorsport News 2009 10:00 Spirit Of Yachting Viii : Giraglia Rolex Cup 10:30 Ace 2009 11:00 Max Power 2009/10 12:00 Behind The Baseline 12:30 Ace 2009 13:00 Brunei Open 14:00: Spirit Of Yachting Viii : Giraglia Rolex Cup 14:30 ATP Swedish Open 15:00 Max Power 2009/10 16:00 FUEL TV 16:30 FUEL TV 17:00 Behind The Baseline 17:30 Ace 2009 18:00 Global Football 18:30 AFC Champions League 20:30 Score Tonight
21:00 Golf Club 2009, The 21:30 Golf Focus 2009 22:00 Brunei Open 23:00 Golf Club 2009, The 23:30 Score Tonight
00:00 Rogue Nature With Dave Salmoni: Chimp 01:00 Man Vs Wild S3 02:00 Survivorman 03:00 Guilty Or Innocent? 04:00 Treasure Quest 05:00 Mad About English 06:00 Mthybusters S6 07:00 Fearless Planet 08:00 Rogue Nature With Dave Salmoni: Chimp 09:00 Survivorman 10:00 Mad About English 11:00 How Do They Do It? S3 11:30 How Its Made S10 12:00 Mythbusters S2 13:00 Fearless Planet 14:00 Rogue Nature With Dave Salmoni: Chimp 15:00 Nextworld 16:00 One Step Beyond S2 16:30 One Way Out 17:00 How Its Made S10 17:30 How Do They Do It? S3 18:00 Discovery Project Earth 19:00 Building The Ultimate S1 19:30 Building The Ultimate S1 20:00 Futureweapons S2 21:00 Doing Davinci 22:00 Nextworld 23:00 Futureweapons S2
00:00 Air Crash Investigation 01:00 Salvage Code Red 02:00 Air Crash Investigation 03:00 About Asia 04:00 Air Crash Investigation 05:00 Salvage Code Red 06:00 Air Crash Investigation 07:00 Naked Science 08:00 About Asia 09:00 Lockdown 10:00 Salvage Code Red 11:00 Naked Science 12:00 About Asia 13:00 Lockdown 14:00 Air Crash Investigation 15:00 Naked Science 16:00 Nat Geo Junior 16:30 Nat Geo Junior 17:00 In The Womb: Cats 18:00 Lockdown 19:00 About Asia 20:00 Wild Wednesday 21:00 Wild Wednesday 22:00 Wild Wednesday 23:00 Wild Wednesday
01:15 03:00 05:00 07:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 15:00 17:00 19:00 21:00 21:55 23:00
The Browning Version The Ladies Man Front Of The Class Fur: An Imaginary Portrait Of Diane Arbus Yellow The Browning Version Cotton Mary Nuts Front Of The Class Fur: An Imaginary Portrait Of Diane Arbus The Tudors S107: The Tudors S108: Cotton Mary
00:00 Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 01:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:30 Hannah Montana 02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 06:00 Mickey Mouseworks 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 07:00 Good Morning Mickey 07:30 House Of Mouse 08:00 Phineas And Ferb 08:30 Replacements, The 09:00 Replacements, The 09:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 10:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 10:30 Amazing Spiez, The 11:00 Pucca 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 13:00 Monster Allergy 13:24 Monster Allergy 13:55 Action Man A.T.O.M.: Alpha Teens On Machines 14:17 Totally Spies 14:40 Totally Spies 15:02 Yin Yang Yo! 15:30 Yin Yang Yo! 16:00 Pucca 16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 18:30 Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers 20:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 20:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 21:00 Disney’s Stitch! The Movie 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:00 Cory In The House 23:30 Shaun The Sheep
00:30 Sean “Diddy” Combs THS 01:20 Eva Mendes Style Star 01:45 Public Enemies Behind the Scenes 02:15 Jennifer Lopez THS 04:05 Superstar Slimdown Secrets 05:00 My Celebrity Home 05:55 E! News 06:20 Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Behind the Scenes 06:45 E! News 07:10 Daily 10, The 07:35 Glow 08:00 Stripped 08:25 Area 09:15 Heath Ledger THS 10:05 Mariska Hargitay THS 11:00 E! News 11:25 Daily 10, The 11:50 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 12:15 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 12:40 Cheating Death: 15 Incredible Survival Stories 14:25 My Celebrity Home 15:15 Glow 15:40 Stripped
16:10 Eva Longoria Style Star 16:35 Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Behind the Scenes 17:00 E! News 17:25 Daily 10, The 17:50 Celebrity Medical Nightmares: In Their Own Words 18:40 Patrick Swayze THS 19:30 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 19:55 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 20:20 Pam: Girl on the Loose 20:45 Ashlee Simpson Style Star 21:10 E! News 21:35 Daily 10, The 22:00 My Celebrity Home 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Area
00:00 Alan & Eric Between Hello & Goodbye 01:45 Best of Best 03:20 Heavenly Kings 04:50 Magic Cop 06:25 Shanghai Fever 08:05 Kung Fu Mahjong 3 The Final Duel 09:40 My Baby Shoot Me Down 11:15 Home Sweet Home 12:55 Cafe Lumiere 14:45 Moments of Love 16:20 Ticket 18:15 Kidnap 20:00 Lady Iron Chef 21:45 I am a Cyborg, But that’s OK 23:35 Cinema Today
00:00 Spotlight: Earth 01:00 BITE NITE 02:00 BITE NITE 03:00 Animal Cops South Africa 04:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 05:00 K-9 to 5 05:30 K-9 to 5 06:00 The Most Extreme 3 07:00 Big Cat Diary III 07:30 Big Cat Diary III 08:00 Animal Allies 08:30 Animal Allies 09:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 10:00 K-9 to 5 10:30 K-9 to 5 11:00 The Most Extreme 3 12:00 Big Cat Diary IV 12:30 Big Cat Diary IV 13:00 The Animals’ Guide to Survival 14:00 Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli 14:30 Battle of the Sexes 15:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 16:00 Meerkat Manor 16:30 Meerkat Manor 17:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 18:00 Big Cat Diary IV 18:30 Big Cat Diary IV 19:00 Orangutan Island 19:30 Orangutan Island 20:00 Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli 20:30 Battle of the Sexes 21:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 22:00 Meerkat Manor 22:30 Meerkat Manor 2 23:00 Big Cat Diary IV 23:30 Big Cat Diary IV
Lady Iron Chef Pukul 19.00 WIB
Pelayan sekaligus model paruh-waktu Ceci (Charmaine Sheh), tak bisa memasak— bahkan mie instant yang sederhana. Nasib mempertemukannya dengan pengusaha makanan sukses, SK (Hacken Lee). Meski berbeda latar belakang, keduanya dekat. Namun ibu SK (Bonnie Wong) tak setuju. Ia lebih suka anaknya berhubungan dengan Jade (Liu Yang), anak pengusaha. Ceci harus mengalahkan Jade dalam lomba kuliner demi memenangkan hati calon mertuanya.
Agustus 2009 | primetime |
13 Agustus
01:45 Dead Bang 04:00 Captain America 06:00 Deliverance 08:00 Police Academy 4: Citizens On Patrol 10:00 The River Rat 12:00 Stardust 14:00 Mission Impossible 16:00 Dead Bang 18:00 Journey To The Center Of The Earth (2008) 20:00 Hollow Man 22:00 Stardust ch.
00:00 Conspiracy 02:00 Cool Hand Luke 04:15 Witchboard 2 06:00 Black August 08:00 The Salton Sea 10:00 My Bloody Valentine 12:00 High Risk 14:00 Gabriel 16:00 Cool Hand Luke 18:00 The Salton Sea 20:00 The Hitcher 22:00 Hbo World Boxing: Roy Jones Jr Vs Telesco
01:10 03:00 04:35 06:15 07:45 09:25 11:15 12:50 14:25 16:35 18:25
Flying Scotsman, The Mask Of The Ninja Blonde Ambition Jack And Jill Vs. The World Baby’s Day Out Bordertown Juno Bridge To Terabithia What Lies Beneath I Know Who Killed Me Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo 20:00 Premonition 21:40 Skinwalkers 23:20 Courage Under Fire
01:00 In the Heat of the Night 03:00 Bright Lights Big City 04:45 After Dark My Sweet 06:30 Sunday Bloody Sunday 08:15 Sayonara 10:45 Four Friends 12:45 Birdman of Alcatraz 15:15 Special Effects 17:00 That Sinking Feeling 18:30 Without You I’m Nothing 20:00 A Dangerous Woman 21:45 Woman in the Window 23:30 Brenda Starr
00:00 Friends 00:30 Friends 01:00 The Simpsons 01:30 The Simpsons 01:55 Dilbert 02:00 Psych 02:55 Charlie’s Angels 03:00 7th Heaven 03:55 Who’s the Boss? 04:00 According to Jim 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND 05:00 Seinfeld 05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 The Simpsons 06:30 Scrubs 07:00 Friends 07:30 Friends 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:55 Dilbert
09:00 09:55 10:00 10:55 11:00 12:00
Psych Charlie’s Angels Ghost Hunters Who’s the Boss? I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 13:55 Dilbert 14:00 7th Heaven 14:55 Charlie’s Angels 15:00 Psych 15:55 Who’s the Boss? 16:00 According to Jim 16:30 The Simpsons 17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Hope & Faith 18:00 Friends 18:30 Friends 19:00 Bones 19:55 Dilbert 20:00 Criminal Minds 20:55 Charlie’s Angels 21:00 Prison Break 21:55 Who’s the Boss? 22:00 Scrubs 22:30 Jimmy Kimmel Live 23:00 Seinfeld 23:30 COPS
00:00 ER (S6) 01:00 Human Trafficking 03:00 The Final Days Of Planet Earth 05:00 Midsomer Murders (S9) 07:00 The Nanny (S4) 07:30 The Nanny (S4) 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 09:00 Human Trafficking 11:00 American Dreams (S2) 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S22) 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S1) 14:20 Mystery Woman: At First Sight 16:00 ER (S6) 17:00 The Nanny (S4) 17:30 The Nanny (S4) 18:00 The Biggest Loser (S1) 19:00 Oprah’s Best Life 20:00 Oprah’s Big Give 21:00 Crossing Jordan (S3) 22:00 She Spies (S2) 23:00 The Nanny (S4) 23:30 The Nanny (S4)
00:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation (Season 8) 01:00 Numb3rs (Season 5) 02:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 03:00 House (Season 4) 04:00 Slamball 04:30 Slamball 05:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 06:00 House (Season 4) 07:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 08:00 Guardian, The (Season 2) 09:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 10:00 House (Season 4) 11:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 12:00 The Amazing Race Asia (Season 2) 13:00 Slamball 13:30 Slamball 14:00 Numb3rs (Season 5) 15:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 16:00 The Amazing Race Asia (Season 2) 17:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation (Season 8) 18:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 19:00 Slamball 19:30 Slamball 20:00 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest
Secrets Finally Revealed 21:00 Las Vegas (Season 5) 22:00 Damages 23:00 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed
00:30 01:00 01:30 04:30
Sportscenter Asia PBA All STAR Shootout X Games 15 KIA X Games Asia 2009 - M & W Speed Sport Climbing 05:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 05:30 Sportscenter Asia 06:00 Bassmaster Elite Series : Optima Batteries Battle On The Border 07:00 Football Asia 2009/10 07:30 Global Football 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 08:01 IAAF Grand Prix 10:59 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 11:00 Football Asia 2009/10 11:30 Global Football 12:00 WNBA Regular Season 2009 14:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 14:01 Bassmaster Elite Series : Optima Batteries Battle On The Border 15:00 Evian Masters 2009 Day 3 16:59 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 17:00 Bupa Great North 10k Run - Sunderland 17:30 Global Football 18:00 Tiger Global Football Show Tape 00:30hrs 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 19:00 Football Crazy Live/ Tape 00:30hr 19:30 Players Lives 20:00 Football Asia 2009/10 20:30 Global Football 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 21:30 Football Crazy Live/ Tape 00:30hrs 22:00 Players Lives 22:30 Evian Masters 2009 Day 4
00:00 Golf Focus 2009 00:30 Sports Max 01:30 Golf Club 2009, The 02:00 Golf Focus 2009 02:30 Behind The Baseline 03:00 Philippine Open 10-Ball Pool Championship 06:00 Global Football 06:30 Golf Focus 2009 07:00 Sports Max 08:00 Golf Club 2009, The 08:30 Golf Focus 2009 09:00 Max Power 2009/10 10:00 Behind The Baseline 10:30 Golf Focus 2009 11:00 Sports Max 12:00 Golf Club 2009, The 12:30 Golf Focus 2009 13:00 International Motorsport News 2009 14:00 Porsche Carrera Cup Asia 15:00 Sports Max 16:00 FUEL TV 16:30 FUEL TV 17:00 FEI Equestrian World 2009 17:30 Asian Tour Weekly 2009 18:00 Mobil 1 The Grid 18:30 AFC Champions League 20:30 Score Tonight 21:00 Tennis Central 21:30 Classic Boxing 01:00hrs 22:30 FA Classics 22:30 FA Classics 23:30 Score Tonight
00:00 Doing Davinci 01:00 Nextworld 02:00 One Step Beyond S2 02:30 One Way Out 03:00 Guilty Or Innocent? 04:00 Doing Davinci 05:00 How Stuff Works 06:00 One Step Beyond S2 06:30 One Way Out 07:00 Survivorman 08:00 Discovery Project Earth 09:00 Nextworld 10:00 Futureweapons S2 11:00 How Do They Do It? S3 11:30 How Its Made S10 12:00 Mythbusters S3 13:00 Discovery Project Earth 14:00 Building The Ultimate S1 14:30 Building The Ultimate S1 15:00 Futureweapons S2 16:00 Destroyed In Seconds 16:30 Lost Tapes: Thunderbird 17:00 How Its Made S10 17:30 How Do They Do It? S3 18:00 Blueprint For Disaster S2 19:00 I Shouldn’t Be Alive S1 20:00 Discovery Atlas: India Revealed 21:00 Revealed: Diwali 22:00 Man Made Marvels: The Great Wall 23:00 Discovery Atlas: India Revealed
00:00 Wild Wednesday 01:00 Wild Wednesday 02:00 Wild Wednesday 03:00 About Asia 04:00 Wild Wednesday 05:00 Wild Wednesday 06:00 Wild Wednesday 07:00 Naked Science 08:00 About Asia 09:00 Lockdown 10:00 Mystery of the Wolf 11:00 Naked Science 12:00 About Asia 13:00 Lockdown 14:00 Caught In The Act 15:00 Naked Science 16:00 Nat Geo Junior 17:00 World’s Toughest Fixes 18:00 Lockdown 19:00 About Asia 20:00 Mega Thursday 21:00 Mega Thursday 22:00 Mega Thursday 23:00 Mega Thursday
01:00 03:00 05:00 07:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 15:00 17:00 19:00 21:00 21:50 23:00
Nuts Yellow Be Kind Rewind Lucky You The Browning Version 48 Hrs. The Invasion Be Kind Rewind Pay It Forward Lucky You The Tudors S109: The Tudors S110: The Browning Version
00:00 Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 01:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:30 Hannah Montana 02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas And Ferb
03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 06:00 Mickey Mouseworks 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 07:00 Good Morning Mickey 07:30 House Of Mouse 08:00 Phineas And Ferb 08:30 Replacements, The 09:00 Replacements, The 09:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 10:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 10:30 Amazing Spiez, The 11:00 Pucca 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 13:00 Monster Allergy 13:24 Monster Allergy 13:55 Action Man A.T.O.M.: Alpha Teens On Machines 14:17 Totally Spies 14:40 Totally Spies 15:02 Yin Yang Yo! 15:30 Yin Yang Yo! 16:00 Pucca 16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 18:30 Cadet Kelly 20:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 20:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 21:00 Secret Of The Magic Gourd, The 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:00 Cory In The House 23:30 Shaun The Sheep
00:30 The Real Life CSI THS Investigates 01:20 Eva Longoria Style Star 01:45 Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Behind the Scenes 02:15 20 Most Shocking Unsolved Crimes 04:05 Husbands Who Kill THS Investigates 05:00 My Celebrity Home 05:55 E! News 06:20 Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince Behind the Scenes 06:45 E! News 07:10 Daily 10, The 07:35 Glow 08:00 Stripped 08:25 Area 09:15 Colin Farrell THS 10:05 Posh & Becks THS 11:00 E! News 11:25 Daily 10, The 11:50 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 12:15 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 12:40 Hulk Hogan & Family THS 13:55 10 Ways 14:25 My Celebrity Home 15:15 Glow 15:40 Stripped 16:10 Ashlee Simpson Style Star 16:35 Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince Behind the Scenes 17:00 E! News
Blonde Ambition Pukul 04.35 WIB
36 | primetime | Agustus 2009
Jessica Simpson berakting dalam komedi romantis ini sebagai Katie, ratu kecantikan kota kecil yang terdampar di New York sebagai pegawai perusahaan konstruksi. Saat ia mencoba bertahan dari kejamnya dunia kerja, ia malah terjebak di tengah konflik 2 petinggi perusahaan kejam yang ingin mendepak direktur.
17:25 Daily 10, The 17:50 25 Most Sensational Hollywood Meltdowns 19:30 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 19:55 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 20:20 Rich Kids: Cattle Drive 21:10 E! News 21:35 Daily 10, The 22:00 My Celebrity Home 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Area
00:35 02:40 04:25 05:55 07:25 09:20
Re-Cycle Tripping Sudden Lover Cop Unbowed Summer Breeze of Love Hi, Dharma 2 Showdown in Seoul 11:05 SPL 12:40 Almost Perfect 14:20 Linger 15:55 Simply Actors 18:00 Purple Storm 20:00 Gift 22:05 Kung Fu Hustle 23:45 Guard Post GP506
00:00 Orangutan Island 00:30 Orangutan Island 01:00 Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli 01:30 Battle of the Sexes 02:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 03:00 Meerkat Manor 03:30 Meerkat Manor 2 04:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 05:00 K-9 to 5 05:30 K-9 to 5 06:00 The Most Extreme 3 07:00 Big Cat Diary III 07:30 Big Cat Diary III 08:00 Wild Island 08:30 Vets on the Wild Side II 09:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 10:00 K-9 to 5 10:30 K-9 to 5 11:00 The Most Extreme 3 12:00 Big Cat Diary IV 12:30 Big Cat Diary IV 13:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures 2 14:00 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 14:30 In Too Deep 15:00 Malaysia Uncovered 16:00 Dolphin Days 16:30 Lords of the Animals 17:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 18:00 Big Cat Diary IV 18:30 Big Cat Diary IV 19:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures 2 20:00 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 20:30 In Too Deep 21:00 Malaysia Uncovered 22:00 Dolphin Days 22:30 Lords of the Animals 23:00 Big Cat Diary IV 23:30 Big Cat Diary IV
weekly 14 Agustus
00:15 A Perfect Murder 02:00 Racing With The Moon 04:00 Journey To The Center Of The Earth (2008) 06:00 The Patriot 08:45 Starter For 10 10:15 Perfect Stranger 12:00 Internal Affairs 14:00 Hollow Man 16:00 The River Rat 18:00 Mission Impossible 20:00 Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street 22:00 Perfect Stranger 23:45 Flight Of The Conchords S203: Tough Brets
00:00 My Bloody Valentine 02:00 The Hitcher 04:00 High Risk 06:00 Looker 08:00 Dark Storm 10:00 The Salton Sea 12:00 True Blood S109: Plaisir D’amour 12:50 True Blood S110: I Don’t Wanna Know 14:00 Conspiracy 15:45 World Trade Center 18:00 Dark Storm 19:45 Epad On Max 21 20:00 Sniper 2 21:30 Conspiracy 23:00 True Blood S109: Plaisir D’amour 23:50 True Blood S110: I Don’t Wanna Know
01:15 Right At Your Door 02:50 Ice Spiders 04:15 The Singer 06:10 Finding Rin Tin Tin 07:45 Black Box, The 09:10 Beach, The 11:05 Premonition 12:45 Nanny Diaries, The 14:35 Rogue Assassin 16:15 Meet The Spartans 17:50 Apocalypto 20:00 Pathology 21:35 Alien Vs Predator: Requiem 23:20 1408
01:00 Crimes of Passion 02:30 Staying Together 04:00 Shag 05:45 The Entertainer 07:30 CrissCross 09:00 Dublin Murders 10:30 Under Fire 12:45 Willy Milly 14:15 The French Lieutenant’s Woman 16:15 The Mean Season 18:00 How to Beat the High Cost of Living 20:00 Follow that Dream 22:00 A Midsummer Night’s Sex Comedy 23:30 Palookaville
00:00 Friends 00:30 Friends 01:00 The Simpsons 01:30 The Simpsons 01:55 Dilbert 02:00 Psych
02:55 Charlie’s Angels 03:00 7th Heaven 03:55 Who’s the Boss? 04:00 According to Jim 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND 05:00 Seinfeld 05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 The Simpsons 06:30 Scrubs 07:00 Friends 07:30 Friends 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:55 Dilbert 09:00 Psych 09:55 Charlie’s Angels 10:00 Criminal Minds 10:55 Who’s the Boss? 11:00 Prison Break 12:00 Bones 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 13:55 Dilbert 14:00 7th Heaven 14:55 Charlie’s Angels 15:00 Psych 15:55 Who’s the Boss? 16:00 According to Jim 16:30 The Simpsons 17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Hope & Faith 18:00 Friends 18:30 Friends 19:00 Friday Night Lights 19:55 Dilbert 20:00 Boston Legal 20:55 Charlie’s Angels 21:00 Shark 21:55 Who’s the Boss? 22:00 Scrubs 22:30 Asia Uncut 23:30 COPS
00:00 ER (S6) 01:00 Human Trafficking 03:00 The Final Days Of Planet Earth 05:00 Murder 101 07:00 The Nanny (S4) 07:30 The Nanny (S4) 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 09:00 Human Trafficking 11:00 Oprah’s Big Give 12:00 Oprah’s Best Life 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S1) 14:00 Crossing Jordan (S3) 15:00 She Spies (S2) 16:00 ER (S6) 17:00 The Nanny (S4) 17:30 The Biggest Loser (S1) 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 20:00 Midsomer Murders (S8) 22:00 Sea Patrol (S1) 23:00 The Nanny (S4) 23:30 The Nanny (S4)
00:00 Las Vegas (Season 5) 01:00 Damages 02:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 03:00 House (Season 4) 04:00 Slamball 04:30 Slamball 05:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 06:00 House (Season 4) 07:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 08:00 Guardian, The (Season 2) 09:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 10:00 House (Season 4) 11:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 12:00 Amazing Race Asia Memories (Season 2) 13:00 Slamball 13:30 Slamball 14:00 Ebuzz
14:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 15:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 16:00 Amazing Race Asia Memories (Season 2) 17:00 Damages 18:00 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 19:00 Ebuzz 19:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 20:00 Shanghai Noon 22:30 Nip/tuck (Season 4) 23:30 Ebuzz
00:30 01:00 01:30 04:30
Sportscenter Asia PBA All STAR Shootout X Games 15 KIA X Games Asia 2009 - BMX Vert 05:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 05:30 Sportscenter Asia 06:00 US Open Championship Highlights 07:00 Football Crazy Live/ Tape 00:30hrs 07:30 WNBA Action 2009 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 08:01 Ebu European Circuit Finals 09:00 Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 12:00 Asian World Cup Qualifiers 14:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 14:01 Bassmaster Elite Series : Toyota Trucks Diamond Drive 15:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 15:01 Evian Masters 2009 Day 4 17:00 Football Asia 2009/10 17:30 Football Crazy Live/ Tape 00:30hrs 18:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 19:00 Football Forecast 19:30 Football Asia 2009/10 20:00 First Edition 20:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 21:30 Football Forecast 22:00 First Edition 22:30 Bwf Super Series - Swiss Open 23:30 Bwf Super Series - Singapore Open
00:00 Mobil 1 The Grid 00:30 Hot Water 2009/10 01:30 FEI Equestrian World 2009 02:00 Porsche Carrera Cup Asia 03:00 Philippine Open 10-Ball Pool Championship 06:00 Tennis Central 06:30 Golf Club 2009, The 07:00 Hot Water 2009/10 08:00 Mobil 1 The Grid 08:30 Asian Tour Weekly 2009 09:00:Sports Max 10:00 FEI Equestrian World 2009 10:30 Golf Club 2009, The 11:00 Hot Water 2009/10 12:00 Mobil 1 The Grid 12:30 Asian Tour Weekly 2009 13:00 FEI Equestrian World 2009 13:30 Tennis Central 14:00 FIA Asia Pacific Rally Championship 2009 15:00 Hot Water 2009/10 16:00 FUEL TV 16:30 FUEL TV 17:00 Aussie’s Surf Life Saving Final Highlights 01:00hr 18:00 Tennis Central 18:30 AFC Champions League 20:30 Score Tonight 21:00 Le Mans Series 2009
22:00 Aussie’s Surf Life Saving Final Highlights 01:00hr 23:00 Tennis Central 23:30 Score Tonight
00:00 Revealed: Diwali 01:00 Blueprint For Disaster S2 02:00 Half Man Half Tree 03:00 Guilty Or Innocent? 04:00 Mthybusters S6 05:00 Nextworld 06:00 Building The Ultimate S1 06:30 Building The Ultimate S1 07:00 Futureweapons S2 08:00 Mthybusters S6 09:00 Discovery Atlas: India Revealed 10:00 Man Made Marvels: The Great Wall 11:00 How Do They Do It? S3 11:30 How Its Made S10 12:00 Mythbusters S3 13:00 Everything You Need To Know 13:30 How Its Made S10 14:00 Doing Davinci 15:00 One Step Beyond S2 15:30 One Way Out 16:00 Survivorman 17:00 How Its Made S10 17:30 How Do They Do It? S3 18:00 How Stuff Works 19:00 Mthybusters S6 20:00 One Step Beyond S2 20:30 One Way Out 21:00 Solved 22:00 Undercover: Double Life 23:00 Fearless Planet
00:00 Mega Thursday 01:00 Mega Thursday 02:00 Mega Thursday 03:00 About Asia 04:00 Mega Thursday 05:00 Mega Thursday 06:00 Mega Thursday 07:00 Naked Science 08:00 About Asia 09:00 Lockdown 10:00 World’s Toughest Fixes 11:00 Naked Science 12:00 About Asia 13:00 Lockdown 14:00 Ancient Megastructures 15:00 Naked Science 16:00 Nat Geo Junior 16:30 Nat Geo Junior 17:00 Riddles of The Dead 18:00 Lockdown 19:00 About Asia 20:00 Secret Bible 21:00 Riddles of The Dead 22:00 Interpol Investigates 23:00 Riddles of The Dead
01:00 03:00 05:00 07:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 15:00 17:00 19:00 21:00 23:00
The Invasion Pay It Forward Sweet Nothing In My Ear Nuts Crime Of The Century Be Kind Rewind True Crime Sweet Nothing In My Ear Running On Empty Crime Of The Century Loving Leah Be Kind Rewind
00:00 Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers
00:30 01:00 01:30 02:00 02:30 03:00
Donald Duck Presents Wizards Of Waverly Place Hannah Montana Kim Possible Phineas And Ferb Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 06:00 Mickey Mouseworks 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 07:00 Good Morning Mickey 07:30 House Of Mouse 08:00 Phineas And Ferb 08:30 Replacements, The 09:00 Replacements, The 09:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 10:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 10:30 Amazing Spiez, The 11:00 Pucca 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 13:00 Monster Allergy 13:24 Monster Allergy 13:55 Action Man A.T.O.M.: Alpha Teens On Machines 14:17 Totally Spies 14:40 Totally Spies 15:02 Yin Yang Yo! 15:30 Yin Yang Yo! 16:00 Pucca 16:30 Twisted Whiskers 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 17:30 Aaron Stone 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 18:30 Meet The Robinsons 20:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 20:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 21:00 Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:00 Cory In The House 23:30 Shaun The Sheep
00:30 Rod & Kimberly Stewart THS 01:20 Ashlee Simpson Style Star 01:45 Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince Behind the Scenes 02:15 Kidnapping THS Investigates 04:05 Doomed to Die? 13 Most Shocking Hollywood Curses 05:00 My Celebrity Home 05:55 E! News 06:20 The Proposal Behind the Scenes 06:45 E! News 07:10 Daily 10, The 07:35 Glow 08:00 Stripped 08:25 Area 09:15 Nicole Kidman THS 10:05 Eva Longoria Parker THS 11:00 E! News 11:25 Daily 10, The 11:50 Rich Kids: Cattle Drive 12:40 Forbes 15 Hot Hollywood Moms 13:30 Angelina Jolie THS 14:25 My Celebrity Home 15:15 Glow 15:40 Stripped 16:10 Kristin Davis Style Star 16:35 Streets of Hollywood 17:00 E! News 17:25 Daily 10, The 17:50 Celine Dion THS
18:40 Sheryl Crow THS 19:30 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 19:55 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 20:20 Pam: Girl on the Loose 20:45 Naomi Campbell Style Star 21:10 E! News 21:35 Daily 10, The 22:00 My Celebrity Home 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Area
01:50 Mission of Justice 03:15 Idol 05:00 Mongolian Tale 06:45 Look Out, Officer 08:15 Peacock 10:35 Love is Elsewhere 12:15 Bizan 14:20 Connected 16:15 Six Strong Guys 18:05 L For Love L For Lies 20:00 Twins Effect 21:50 Escape from Huang Shi 23:40 Chicken and Duck Talk
00:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures 2 01:00 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 01:30 In Too Deep 02:00 Malaysia Uncovered 03:00 Dolphin Days 03:30 Lords of the Animals 04:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 05:00 K-9 to 5 05:30 K-9 to 5 06:00 The Most Extreme 3 07:00 Big Cat Diary III 07:30 Big Cat Diary III 08:00 Growing Up 09:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 10:00 K-9 to 5 10:30 K-9 to 5 11:00 The Most Extreme 3 12:00 Big Cat Diary IV 12:30 Big Cat Diary IV 13:00 Downsize My Pet 14:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia 15:00 Orangutan Island 15:30 Orangutan Island 16:00 Equator 17:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 18:00 Big Cat Diary V 18:30 Big Cat Diary V 19:00 Jockeys 19:30 Off the Leash 20:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia 21:00 Orangutan Island 21:30 Orangutan Island 22:00 Equator 23:00 Big Cat Diary V 23:30 Big Cat Diary V
Aaron Stone Pukul 17.30 WIB
Aksi semakin membara dalam seri Aaron Stone! Charlie Landers, seorang remaja biasa, jago main game “Hero Rising”, permainan online di mana jagoannya membela dunia dari 7 setan jahat anggota Omega Defiance. Kini Charlie, juara dunia permainan online itu, diminta pencipta game miliuner T. Abner Hall menjadi versi nyata dari jagoan khayal di game itu, Aaron Stone.
Agustus 2009 | primetime |
15 Agustus
00:15 Flight Of The Conchords S204: Murray Takes It To The Next Level 00:45 Starter For 10 02:30 Superbad 04:00 The Notorious Bettie Page 06:00 Places In The Heart 08:00 A Perfect Murder 10:00 Journey To The Center Of The Earth (2008) 12:00 Lost & Found 13:30 Starter For 10 15:00 Police Academy 4: Citizens On Patrol 16:30 Hollow Man 18:30 Stuart Little 20:00 Georgia Rule 22:00 Journey To The Center Of The Earth (2008) 23:35 The Making Of Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street ch.
00:45 Epad On Max 21 01:00 Street Smart 02:45 The Salton Sea 04:30 Sniper 2 06:00 Dark Storm 08:00 Hbo World Boxing: Roy Jones Jr Vs Telesco 10:15 The Hitcher 12:00 Conspiracy 13:30 Epad On Max 21 14:00 High Risk 15:30 The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax 17:00 Dark Storm 18:30 Sniper 2 20:00 Sniper 3 21:30 Epad On Max 21 22:00 True Blood S111: To Love Is To Bury 22:50 True Blood S112: You’ll Be The Death Of Me
01:10 Things To Do In Denver When You’re Dead 03:00 Guantanamero 04:25 Apocalypto 06:35 Fire & Ice 08:05 Romulus, My Father 09:50 Muppet Treasure Island 11:35 Smother 13:10 Pathology 14:50 Vip Access: Gi Joe: The Rise Of Cobra 15:20 Death Defying Acts 17:00 Dr. Dolittle 2 18:30 Horton 20:00 Awake 21:30 Misery 23:20 Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World’s End
01:00 Avanti! 03:15 Suture 05:00 Tune in Tomorrow 06:45 Tom Sawyer 08:30 Thief 10:30 Babette’s Feast 12:15 Broadway Danny Rose 13:45 The Field 15:45 The Missouri Breaks 18:00 The Perez Family 20:00 Hair 22:00 Some Girls 23:30 The Killer Elite
00:00 Friends 00:30 Friends 01:00 The Simpsons 01:30 The Simpsons 02:00 Psych 03:00 Friday Night Lights 04:00 COPS 04:30 COPS 05:00 Smallville 06:00 Shark 07:00 Boston Legal 08:00 COPS 08:30 COPS 09:00 Bones 10:00 Friends 10:30 Friends 11:00 Friends 11:30 Friends 12:00 Friends 12:30 The Simpsons 13:00 Prison Break 14:00 Smallville 15:00 Friday Night Lights 16:00 Shark 17:00 Bones 18:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live 18:30 Jimmy Kimmel Live 19:00 Best of Saturday Night Live 19:55 Who’s the Boss? 20:00 Howie Do It 21:00 Most Haunted 22:00 Most Haunted 23:00 Best of Saturday Night Live 23:55 Charlie’s Angels
00:00 ER (S6) 01:00 Murder 101 03:00 Midsomer Murders (S8) 05:00 Love’s Unending Legacy 06:40 Mystery Woman: At First Sight 08:20 Night Of The Wolf 10:00 The Nanny (S3) 10:30 The Nanny (S3) 11:00 The Nanny (S3) 11:30 The Nanny (S3) 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 13:00 Love’s Unending Legacy 15:00 A Time To Remember 17:00 Without A Trace (S3) 18:00 Oprah’s Big Give 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 20:00 Redeemer 22:00 The Nanny (S3) 22:30 The Nanny (S3) 23:00 The Nanny (S3) 23:30 The Nanny (S3)
00:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 00:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 01:00 Nip/tuck (Season 4) 02:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 03:00 House (Season 4) 04:00 Nip/tuck (Season 4) 05:00 Shanghai Noon 07:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 08:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 08:30 Ebuzz 09:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 10:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 11:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 12:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 13:00 Numb3rs (Season 5) 14:00 Shanghai Noon 16:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 17:00 Ebuzz 17:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3)
18:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 19:00 Numb3rs (Season 5) 20:00 Keith Barry: The Escape 21:00 House (Season 5) 22:00 House (Season 5) 23:00 Wipeout (Season 1)
00:30 01:00 01:30 02:00
Sportscenter Asia Planet Speed 2009/10 First Edition Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 05:00 First Edition 05:30 Sportscenter Asia 06:00 US Open Championships Highlights 07:00 First Edition 07:30 Football Forecast 08:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 08:30 World Of Gymnastics 09:00 Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 12:00 Sportscenter Week In Review 2009 12:30 Players Lives 13:00 First Edition 13:30 Football Forecast 14:00 X Games 15 16:55 Football Forecast 17:25 Sportscenter Weekend 2009 17:30 Sportscenter Week In Review 2009 18:00 IAAF Super Grand Prix Herculis 21:00 Major League Baseball 2009 (E)
00:00 Asian Tour Weekly 2009 00:30 Le Mans Series 2009 01:30 PGA Europro Tour 03:30 Behind The Baseline 04:00 Ace 2009 04:30 Golf Focus 2009 05:00 Golf Club 2009, The 05:30 Engine Block 2009 06:00 Mobil 1 The Grid 06:30 Asian Tour Weekly 2009 07:00 Porsche Carrera Cup Asia 08:00 Tennis Central 08:30 Global Football 09:00 FUEL TV 09:30 FUEL TV 10:00 Golf Focus 2009 10:30 Ace 2009 11:00 Istanbul Open 12:30 Istanbul Open 14:00 Engine Block 2009 14:30 Global Football 15:00 Le Mans Series 2009 16:00 Golf Focus 2009 16:30 Ace 2009 17:00: Worldwide Holdings Selangor Masters 18:00 Istanbul Open 19:30 Istanbul Open 21:00 Open De Espana 22:00 FIA Asia Pacific Rally Championship 2009 23:00 Worldwide Holdings Selangor Masters
00:00 One Step Beyond S2 00:30 One Way Out 01:00 Solved 02:00 Mad About English 03:00 Guilty Or Innocent? 04:00 Undercover: Double Life 05:00 Blueprint For Disaster S2 06:00 Mthybusters S6 07:00 How Stuff Works 08:00 How Do They Do it? S4 08:30 How Do They Do it? S4 09:00 Everything You Need To
Know How Its Made S10 Discovery Kids Mthybusters S6 One Step Beyond S2 One Way Out Discovery Turbo Discovery Turbo Discovery Turbo Building The Ultimate S1 Building The Ultimate S1 Man Vs Wild S3 Dirty Jobs With Peter Schmeichel 18:00 Merchants Of Destiny: The Huizhou Merchants Of Ancient China 19:00 Doing Davinci 20:00 Survivorman 21:00 Treasure Quest 22:00 A Haunting 23:00 Blueprint For Disaster S2
09:30 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:00 15:30 16:00 17:00
00:00 Secret Bible 01:00 Riddles of The Dead 02:00 Interpol Investigates 03:00 About Asia 04:00 Secret Bible 05:00 Riddles of The Dead 06:00 Interpol Investigates 07:00 Secret Bible 08:00 About Asia 09:00 Naked Science 10:00 Nat Geo Junior 10:30 Nat Geo Junior 11:00 Food Lovers Guide To The Plane 11:30 Food Lovers Guide To The Plane 12:00 Animals At The Edge 13:00 In The Womb: Cats 14:00 Korea Sparkling 15:00 Draining The Ocean 17:00 By Any Means 18:00 Generals At War 19:00 Light At The Edge Of The World 20:00 Korea Sparkling 20:30 Korea Sparkling 21:00 Carrier 22:00 Air Crash Investigation 23:00 Light At The Edge Of The World
01:00 03:00 05:00 07:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 15:00 17:00 19:00 21:00 23:00
Hostel 2 Loving Leah New Best Friend Mail Order Bride Pink Cadillac Punch-drunk Love Payback Eat A Bowl Of Tea Mail Order Bride Loving Leah The Kingdom Flight Of The Conchords S201: A Good Opportunity 23:25 Flight Of The Conchords S202: A New Cup 23:50 Flight Of The Conchords S203: Tough Brets 00:15 Flight Of The Conchords S204: Murray Takes It To The Next Level 00:40 Flight Of The Conchords S205: Unnatural Love
00:00 Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 01:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:30 Hannah Montana
02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Mickey Mouseworks 06:00 House Of Mouse 06:30 Shaun The Sheep 07:00 Animal Mechanicals 07:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 08:00 Amazing Spiez, The 08:30 Phineas And Ferb 09:00 Meet The Robinsons 10:30 Yin Yang Yo! 11:00 Pucca 11:30 Oggy And The Cockroaches 12:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 12:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 13:00 Twisted Whiskers 13:30 Replacements, The 14:00 Totally Spies 14:30 Amazing Spiez, The 15:00 Amazing Spiez, The 15:30 Twisted Whiskers 16:00 Hannah Montana 16:30 Jonas 17:00 Oggy And The Cockroaches 17:30 Suite Life On Deck, The 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 18:30 Halloweentown 20:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 20:30 Cory In The House 21:00 Finding Nemo 23:00 Shaun The Sheep
00:30 01:20 01:45 02:15 04:05
Halle Berry THS Kristin Davis Style Star Streets of Hollywood 40 (More) Crimes of Fashion Glamour’s 25 Biggest Do’s and Don’ts 05:00 Jennifer Aniston 05:55 E! News 06:20 Stylemakers Style Star 06:45 E! News 07:10 Daily 10, The 07:35 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Behind the Scenes 08:00 Public Enemies Behind the Scenes 08:25 25 Most Stylish 09:15 My Celebrity Home 10:05 Life is Great with Brooke Burke 10:30 Life is Great with Brooke Burke 11:00 E! News 11:25 Daily 10, The 11:50 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 12:15 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 12:40 Glow 13:05 Glow 13:30 Stripped 13:55 Stripped 14:25 Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Behind the Scenes 14:50 Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince Behind the Scenes 15:15 Forbes 20 Billionaire Heiresses: Young, Fabulous and Incredibly Rich 16:10 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 16:35 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 17:00 E! News
Howie Do It (Season 1) Pukul 20.00 WIB
38 | primetime | Agustus 2009
Howie Mandel (Deal or No Deal) memandu kuis baru yang menaruh orang-orang tak terduga dalam situasi tak nyata. Apa yang akan mereka lakukan di saat genting, atau peserta yang tak tahu harus berbuat apa jadi sajian menarik kuis ini.
17:25 17:50 18:40 19:30
Daily 10, The Donald Trump THS The Apprentice THS Keeping Up with the Kardashians 19:55 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 20:20 Oprah THS 21:10 E! News 21:35 Daily 10, The 22:00 My Celebrity Home 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Area
01:25 Forest of Death 03:10 Twelve Years of Ups and Downs 05:00 City Kids 1989 06:35 Meeting Life and Death 08:25 Hot Cops in the City 09:45 Blue Automobile 11:20 China Vampire 12:55 One Last Dance 14:40 Summer I Love You 16:20 Mr 3 Minutes 17:55 Wonder Women 19:40 Celestial Cameos 20:00 Crying out Love, in the Center of the World 22:25 Enter the Phoenix
00:00 Jockeys 00:30 Off the Leash 01:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia 02:00 Orangutan Island 02:30 Orangutan Island 03:00 Equator 04:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 05:00 K-9 to 5 05:30 K-9 to 5 06:00 The Most Extreme 3 07:00 Groomer Has It 08:00 Animal Allies 08:30 Animal Allies 2 09:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6 09:30 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6 10:00 Wild Island 10:30 Vets on the Wild Side II 11:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures 2 12:00 Dolphin Days 12:30 Lords of the Animals 13:00 Animal Cops South Africa 14:00 Malaysia Uncovered 15:00 Spotlight: Earth 16:00 BITE NITE 17:00 Orangutan Island 17:30 Orangutan Island 18:00 Dolphin Days 18:30 Lords of the Animals 19:00 Animal Cops South Africa 20:00 Malaysia Uncovered 21:00 Wild Hearts 22:00 The Most Extreme 3 23:00 Dolphin Days 23:30 Lords of the Animals
weekly 16 Agustus
00:00 Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street 02:00 Starter For 10 03:45 Indictment: The Mcmartin Trial 06:00 Dead Bang 08:00 Mission Impossible 10:00 Georgia Rule 12:00 Stuart Little 13:30 Curb Your Enthusiasm S606: The Rat Dog 14:00 Journey To The Center Of The Earth (2008) 16:00 Starter For 10 18:00 The Bone Collector 20:00 Prom Night 21:30 Internal Affairs
00:00 The Hitcher 01:30 Conspiracy 03:00 Any Place But Home 04:30 Sniper 3 06:00 World Trade Center 08:15 The Hitcher 09:45 Epad On Max 21 10:00 Cool Hand Luke 12:00 True Blood S111: To Love Is To Bury 12:50 True Blood S112: You’ll Be The Death Of Me 13:45 Sniper 2 15:15 Sniper 3 16:45 Any Place But Home 18:15 Epad On Max 21 18:30 The Hitcher 20:00 Wind Chill 21:30 Dark Storm 23:00 Cool Hand Luke
02:10 Unearthed 03:45 Vip Access: Gi Joe: The Rise Of Cobra 04:15 Rising Sun 06:20 Flirting With Disaster 07:55 Doctor Dolittle 4: Tail To The Chief 09:25 Horton 10:55 Terminator, The 12:40 Awake 14:10 What Happens In Vegas 15:50 Man In The Iron Mask, The 18:00 Planet Of The Apes 20:00 Step Up 2: The Streets 21:40 Anastasia 23:15 Smother
01:30 What Happened was… 03:00 White of the Eye 04:45 Sibling Rivalry 06:15 The Ambulance 08:00 Ten Seconds to Hell 09:45 Garbo Talks 11:30 A Fistful of Dynamite 14:15 We Think the World of You 16:00 Wisdom 18:00 Married to it 20:00 Man of La Mancha 22:15 The Music Lovers
00:00 Most Haunted 01:00 My Wife and Kids 01:25 Rita Rocks 01:50 According to Jim 02:15 Jake in Progress 02:40 The IT Crowd 03:00 30 Rock 03:30 Cavemen
04:00 COPS 04:30 COPS 05:00 Ghost Hunters 06:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out 07:00 Best of Saturday Night Live 07:55 Dilbert 08:00 Howie Do It 09:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? 10:00 Friends 10:30 Friends 11:00 Friends 11:30 Friends 12:00 Friends 12:30 The Simpsons 13:00 My Wife and Kids 13:25 Rita Rocks 13:50 According to Jim 14:15 Jake in Progress 14:40 The IT Crowd 15:00 30 Rock 15:30 Cavemen 16:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out 17:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? 18:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live 18:30 Jimmy Kimmel Live 19:00 School for Scoundrels 21:00 Asia Uncut 22:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out 23:00 Ghost Hunters
00:00 American Dreams (S2) 01:00 Mystery Woman: At First Sight 03:00 Night Of The Wolf 05:00 A Time To Remember 07:00 Redeemer 09:00 McLeod’s Daughters (S8) 10:00 Midsomer Murders (S8) 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 13:00 Without A Trace (S3) 14:00 Oprah’s Big Give 15:00 American Dreams (S2) 16:00 McLeod’s Daughters (S8) 17:00 Monster Makers 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 20:00 Audrey’s Rain 21:45 Returning Lily 23:30 Stranger’s Heart
00:00 Las Vegas (Season 5) 01:00 Nip/tuck (Season 4) 02:00 Numb3rs (Season 5) 03:00 House (Season 5) 04:00 House (Season 5) 05:00 Bad Boys Ii 07:30 Ebuzz 08:00 Keith Barry: The Escape 09:00 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 10:00 Video Zonkers 10:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 11:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation (Season 8) 12:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 13:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 14:00 Bad Boys Ii 16:30 Ebuzz 17:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 17:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 18:00 Leverage 19:00 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 20:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 21:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 22:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation (Season 8)
23:00 Leverage
00:00 PGA Europro Tour 02:00 Sportscenter Weekend 2009 02:05 Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 05:00 Sportscenter Week In Review 2009 05:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 06:00 Bassmaster Elite Series : Toyota Trucks Diamond Drive 07:00 Players Lives 07:30 Kaohsiung World Games - Dance Sports Tape 01:30hrs 09:00 Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 12:00 IAAF Super Grand Prix Herculis 15:00 Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 17:55 Football Asia 2009/10 18:25 Sportscenter Weekend 2009 18:30 IAAF Grand Prix 21:30 Major League Baseball 2009 (E)
00:00 Istanbul Open 01:30 Istanbul Open 03:00 Hot Water 2009/10 04:00 Porsche Carrera Cup Asia 05:00 FA Classics 05:00 FA Classics 06:00 Aussie’s Surf Life Saving Final Highlights 01:00hr 07:00 Worldwide Holdings Selangor Masters 08:00 FUEL TV 08:30 FUEL TV 09:00 FUEL TV 09:30 FUEL TV 10:00 Max Power 2009/10 11:00 Engine Block 2009 11:30 Aussie’s Surf Life Saving Final Highlights 01:00hr 12:30 Worldwide Holdings Selangor Masters 13:30 Istanbul Open 14:57 Open De Espana 15:57 MotoGP World Championship 2009 - Main Race 20:00:Istanbul Open 21:30 IAAF Super Grand Prix Herculis
00:00 Futureweapons S2 01:00 How Stuff Works 02:00 Discovery Project Earth 03:00 The History Of Singapore 04:00 The History Of Singapore 05:00 Fearless Planet 06:00 Building The Ultimate S1 06:30 Building The Ultimate S1 07:00 The History Of Singapore 08:00 The History Of Singapore 09:00 Dirty Jobs With Peter Schmeichel 10:00 Discovery Kids 11:00 Fearless Planet 12:00 Everything You Need To Know 12:30 How Its Made S10 13:00 Doing Davinci 14:00 Discovery Project Earth 15:00 Fearless Planet 16:00 Discovery Atlas: India Revealed 17:00 Revealed: Diwali 18:00 Asian Enigma S2 19:00 Miracle Man: John Of God 20:00 Treeman: The Cure 21:00 Anatomy Of A Pandemic 22:00 Built From Disaster 23:00 Treeman: The Cure
00:00 Korea Sparkling 00:30 Korea Sparkling 01:00 Carrier 02:00 Air Crash Investigation 03:00 Light At The Edge Of The World 04:00 Korea Sparkling 04:30 Korea Sparkling 05:00 Carrier 06:00 Air Crash Investigation 07:00 Light At The Edge Of The World 08:00 Naked Science 09:00 Naked Science 10:00 Nat Geo Junior 11:00 Mystery of the Wolf 12:00 Carrier 13:00 Draining The Ocean 15:00 Secrets Of Tang Treasure Ship 16:00 Salvage Code Red 17:00 Air Crash Investigation 18:00 Racing To America 19:00 Ancient Megastructures 20:00 Inside 21:00 Inside 22:00 Inside 23:00 Ancient Megastructures
01:15 New Best Friend 03:00 Eat A Bowl Of Tea 05:00 Fur: An Imaginary Portrait Of Diane Arbus 07:00 Cheaters 09:00 The Kingdom 11:00 Reno 911: Miami 12:30 Loving Leah 14:30 Without Limits 17:00 The Ladies Man 18:45 Cheaters 21:00 The Wire S311: Middle Ground 21:55 The Wire S312: Mission Accomplished 23:00 Flight Of The Conchords S206: Love Is A Weapon Of Choice 23:25 Flight Of The Conchords S207: Prime Minister 23:50 Flight Of The Conchords S208: New Zealand Town 00:15 Flight Of The Conchords S209: Wingmen 00:40 Flight Of The Conchords S210: Evicted
00:00 Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 01:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:30 Hannah Montana 02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Mickey Mouseworks 06:00 House Of Mouse 06:30 Shaun The Sheep 07:00 Animal Mechanicals 07:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 08:00 Amazing Spiez, The 08:30 Phineas And Ferb 09:00 Twisted Whiskers 09:30 Metajets 10:00 Aaron Stone 10:30 Yin Yang Yo! 11:00 Pucca
11:30 Oggy And The Cockroaches 12:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 12:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 13:00 Twisted Whiskers 13:30 Replacements, The 14:00 Totally Spies 14:30 Amazing Spiez, The 15:00 Amazing Spiez, The 15:30 Twisted Whiskers 16:00 Hannah Montana 16:30 Jonas 17:00 Oggy And The Cockroaches 17:30 Suite Life On Deck, The 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 18:30 Finding Nemo 20:30 Cory In The House 21:00 Inspector Gadget’s Biggest Caper Ever 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:00 Shaun The Sheep
00:30 Star Jones THS 01:20 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Behind the Scenes 01:45 Public Enemies Behind the Scenes 02:15 15 Most Shocking Political Sex Scandals 04:05 Forbes 20 Richest Women In Entertainment 05:00 Young Hollywood: A to Zac THS 06:45 Behind the Scenes 07:10 The Ugly Truth Behind the Scenes 07:35 E! News 08:25 25 Most Stylish 09:15 My Celebrity Home 10:05 Miley Cyrus 11:00 E! News 11:50 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 12:15 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 12:40 Glow 13:05 Glow 13:30 Stripped 13:55 Stripped 14:25 Behind the Scenes 14:50 The Ugly Truth Behind the Scenes 15:15 The Last Days of Elvis THS 17:00 E! News 17:50 Insanely Pampered Hollywood Dogs 18:15 Life is Great with Brooke Burke 18:40 Pussycat Dolls THS 19:30 World’s Most Expensive 19:55 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 20:20 Extreme Hollywood 21:10 E! News 22:00 My Celebrity Home 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Area
00:15 01:45 03:30 05:15 06:55 08:30 10:15 11:15 12:55 14:35 16:45
Scare 2 Die Son on the Run Honey Moon in Jakarta Best of Best b420 Magic Touch Cinema Today Zhou Yu’s Train Nothing is Impossible New Police Story Letter from an Unknown Woman 18:15 Justice, My Foot 20:00 Beast Stalker
22:00 Ong Bak 2 23:55 Troublesome Night 10
00:00 Animal Cops South Africa 01:00 Malaysia Uncovered 02:00 Wild Hearts 03:00 The Most Extreme 3 04:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures 2 05:00 BITE NITE 06:00 BITE NITE 07:00 Meerkat Manor 07:30 Meerkat Manor 2 08:00 Dolphin Days 08:30 Lords of the Animals 09:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6 09:30 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6 10:00 Growing Up 11:00 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 11:30 In Too Deep 12:00 Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli 12:30 Safari Sisters 13:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 14:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 15:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia 16:00 BITE NITE 17:00 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 17:30 In Too Deep 18:00 Meerkat Manor 18:30 Meerkat Manor 2 19:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 20:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 21:00 Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli 21:30 Safari Sisters 22:00 The Most Extreme 3 23:00 Meerkat Manor 23:30 Meerkat Manor 2
Audrey’s Rain Pukul 20.00 WIB
Menyusul kematian kakak perempuannya, Audrey Walker terperangkap jadi ibu asuh 2 keponakannya dan adiknya yang rapuh dan emosinya tak stabil. Sanggupkah ia menerima tanggung jawab itu?
Agustus 2009 | primetime |
17 Agustus
00:00 Georgia Rule 02:00 Prom Night 04:00 Against The Wall 06:00 Love And Money 08:00 The River Rat 10:00 The Bone Collector 12:00 Prom Night 14:00 Poetic Justice 16:00 Georgia Rule 18:00 Recount 20:00 Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome 22:00 Flight Of The Conchords S205: Unnatural Love 22:25 Flight Of The Conchords S206: Love Is A Weapon Of Choice 23:00 Prom Night ch.
01:00 Gabriel 03:00 Sniper 2 04:30 Wind Chill 06:00 The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax 07:45 Cool Hand Luke 10:00 High Risk 12:00 Sniper 2 14:00 A Man Called Gannon 15:45 Epad On Max 21 16:30 Street Smart 18:00 True Blood S111: To Love Is To Bury 18:50 True Blood S112: You’ll Be The Death Of Me 20:00 The Butterfly Effect 2 21:30 Sniper 2 23:00 Epad On Max 21 23:15 High Risk
00:50 Rise 02:20 Lost Colony 03:55 Planet Of The Apes 06:00 Aztec Rex 07:30 Romulus, My Father 09:15 That Darn Cat 10:45 Beach, The 12:40 She’s The One 14:15 Count Of Monte Cristo, The 16:25 Mermaids 18:15 Ramen Girl, The 20:00 Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer 21:35 Street Kings 23:20 From Hell
00:15 Audrey Rose 02:15 Just a Little Harmless Sex 03:45 Cutter’s Way 05:30 Some Like It Hot 07:30 Body Slam 09:00 Fatal Beauty 10:30 Elmer Gantry 13:00 Mystic Pizza 14:45 Those Lips Those Eyes 16:30 Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey 18:00 The Object of Beauty 20:00 Wild Orchid 21:45 The Children’s Hour 23:30 The Aviator
00:00 Desperate Housewives 01:00 School for Scoundrels 03:00 7th Heaven 04:00 According to Jim 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND 05:00 Seinfeld 05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 The Simpsons
06:30 Scrubs 07:00 Friends 07:30 Friends 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 Psych 10:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? 11:00 Desperate Housewives 12:00 Ghost Whisperer 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:00 7th Heaven 15:00 Psych 16:00 According to Jim 16:30 The Simpsons 17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Hope & Faith 18:00 Friends 18:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 19:00 My Wife and Kids 19:25 Rita Rocks 19:50 According to Jim 20:15 Jake in Progress 20:40 The IT Crowd 21:00 30 Rock 21:30 Cavemen 22:00 Two and a Half Men 23:00 Seinfeld 23:30 COPS
01:30 Monster Makers 03:15 Audrey’s Rain 05:00 The Final Days Of Planet Earth 07:00 The Nanny (S4) 07:30 The Nanny (S4) 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S22) 09:00 Returning Lily 11:00 Sea Patrol (S1) 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S1) 14:20 Stranger’s Heart 16:00 ER (S6) 17:00 The Nanny (S4) 17:30 The Biggest Loser (S1) 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S21) 20:00 Without A Trace (S3) 21:00 Jane Doe: Vanishing Act 23:00 The Nanny (S4) 23:30 The Nanny (S4)
00:00 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 01:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 02:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 03:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation (Season 8) 04:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 04:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 05:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 06:00 House (Season 4) 07:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 08:00 Guardian, The (Season 2) 09:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 10:00 House (Season 4) 11:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 12:00 Ultraviolet 14:00 Leverage 15:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 16:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 16:30 Ebuzz 17:00 Ultraviolet 19:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 20:00 Scare Tactics (Season 3) 20:30 Scare Tactics (Season 3) 21:00 Criss Angel Mindfreak (Season 4) 21:30 Criss Angel Mindfreak (Season 4) 22:00 Wipeout (Season 1)
23:00 Scare Tactics (Season 3) 23:30 Scare Tactics (Season 3)
00:30 Sportscenter Weekend 2009 00:35 Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 03:30: Ebu European Circuit Finals 04:30 Evian Masters 2009 Highlights 05:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 06:00 Bassmaster Elite Series : Evan Williams Dixie Duel 07:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 07:30 Fina Aquatics World 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 08:01 X Games 15 10:59 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 11:00 Football Asia 2009/10 11:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 12:00 Asian World Cup Qualifiers 14:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 14:01 Bassmaster Elite Series : Evan Williams Dixie Duel 15:00 Winter X Games 13 16:59 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 17:00 Fina Aquatics World 17:30 Football Asia 2009/10 18:00 Nuts 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 19:00 Beach Soccer 2008 Tape 01:00hrs 20:00 Football Asia 2009/10 20:30 Players Lives 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 21:30 Beach Soccer 2008 Tape 01:00hrs 22:30 Football Asia 2009/10 23:00 Sportscenter Asia 23:30 Women’s World 10-Ball Championship (H/l)
09:30 One Way Out 10:00 Everything You Need To Know 10:30 How Its Made S10 11:00 How Do They Do It? S3 11:30 How Its Made S10 12:00 Mythbusters S3 13:00 Treeman: The Cure 14:00 Anatomy Of A Pandemic 15:00 Survivorman 16:00 Dirty Jobs With Peter Schmeichel 17:00 How Its Made S10 17:30 How Do They Do It? S3 18:00 Destroyed In Seconds 18:30 Lost Tapes: Thunderbird 19:00 Man Vs Wild S3 20:00 Dirty Jobs With Peter Schmeichel 21:00 Survivorman 22:00 Treasure Quest 23:00 Dirty Jobs With Peter Schmeichel
00:00 Inside 01:00 Inside 02:00 Inside 03:00 Ancient Megastructures 04:00 Inside 05:00 Inside 06:00 Inside 07:00 Naked Science 08:00 About Asia 09:00 Built For Destruction 10:00 Animals At The Edge 11:00 Naked Science 12:00 About Asia 13:00 Built For Destruction 14:00 Animals At The Edge 15:00 Naked Science 16:00 Nat Geo Junior 16:30 Nat Geo Junior 17:00 Light At The Edge Of The World 18:00 Built For Destruction 19:00 About Asia 20:00 Generals At War 21:00 Light At The Edge Of The World 22:00 Racing To America 23:00 Light At The Edge Of The World
00:30 Istanbul Open 02:00 Sports Max 03:00 4th Belgrade International Meeting - Artur Takatch Memorial 2009 05:30 Behind The Baseline 06:00 MotoGP World Championship 2009 - Main Race 09:00 PGA Europro Tour 11:00 Porsche Carrera Cup Asia 12:00 MotoGP World Championship 2009 - Main Race 15:00 Worldwide Holdings Selangor Masters 16:00 FUEL TV 16:30 FUEL TV 17:00 Behind The Baseline 17:30 Formula Drift Proam Series 2009 - Highlights 18:30 Worldwide Holdings Selangor Masters 19:30 Open De Espana 20:30 Score Tonight 21:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 21:30 Engine Block 2009 22:00 MotoGP World Championship 2009 - Main Race 23:30 Score Tonight
01:15 Fur: An Imaginary Portrait Of Diane Arbus 03:00 The Kingdom 05:00 Short Circuit 2 07:00 Be Kind Rewind 09:00 Sudden Death 11:00 Yellow 13:00 Running On Empty 15:00 Jagged Edge 17:00 Short Circuit 2 19:00 Be Kind Rewind 21:00 Front Of The Class 23:00 Hostel 2
00:00 Anatomy Of A Pandemic 01:00 Man Made Marvels: The Great Wall 02:00 Fearless Planet 03:00 Solved 04:00 Undercover: Double Life 05:00 Everything You Need To Know 05:30 How Its Made S10 06:00 How Do They Do it? S4 06:30 How Do They Do it? S4 07:00 Treeman: The Cure 08:00 Anatomy Of A Pandemic 09:00 One Step Beyond S2
00:00 Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 01:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:30 Hannah Montana 02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Good Morning Mickey
06:00 Mickey Mouseworks 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 07:00 Good Morning Mickey 07:30 House Of Mouse 08:00 Phineas And Ferb 08:30 Replacements, The 09:00 Brother Bear 2 10:30 Amazing Spiez, The 11:00 Pucca 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 13:00 Monster Allergy 13:24 Monster Allergy 13:55 Action Man A.T.O.M.: Alpha Teens On Machines 14:17 Totally Spies 14:40 Totally Spies 15:02 Yin Yang Yo! 15:30 Yin Yang Yo! 16:00 Pucca 16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 18:30 Labou 20:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 20:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 21:00 Go Figure 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:00 Cory In The House 23:30 Shaun The Sheep
00:30 Kimora Lee Simmons THS 01:20 Public Enemies Behind the Scenes 01:45 Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Behind the Scenes 02:15 Whitney & Bobby THS 04:05 Forbes 10 Most Expensive Celebrity Divorces 05:00 My Celebrity Home 05:55 E! News 06:45 E! News 07:35 Glow 08:00 Stripped 08:25 Area 09:15 Charlize Theron THS 10:05 Kate Hudson THS 11:00 E! News 11:50 Rich Kids: Cattle Drive 12:40 Jessica, Ashlee and the Simpson Family THS 14:25 My Celebrity Home 15:15 Glow 15:40 Stripped 16:10 Eva Mendes Style Star 16:35 Streets of Hollywood 17:00 E! News 17:50 Forbes Top 20 TV Cash Queens 18:40 Eva Longoria Parker THS 19:30 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 19:55 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated
Inside Air Force One
Pukul 01.00 WIB
40 | primetime | Agustus 2009
Air Force One adalah Gedung Putih seberat 416 ton yang bisa terbang. Sejarahnya sudah berumur setengah abad. Dia telah menerbangkan banyak presiden Amerika Serikat ke berbagai belahan bumi. Dia telah jadi saksi kemenangan, kekalahan dan bahkan—dalam kasus Presiden John F. Kennedy—kematian para presiden. National Geographic mengajak Anda terbang bersama Air Force One yang sayapnya telah mengubah tatanan dunia dan menempatkan lembaga kepresidenan Amerika dalam sebuah kantor global.
20:20 Pam: Girl on the Loose 20:45 Eva Longoria Style Star 21:10 E! News 22:00 My Celebrity Home 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Area
01:30 One and a Half 03:10 Unbearable 04:40 Story of My Son 06:00 Paradise Hotel 07:25 Moments of Love 09:00 My DNA Says I Love You 10:40 Kung Fu Hustle 12:20 Metade Fumaca 14:00 Cinema Today 15:00 Kidnap 16:40 Love Message 18:15 Hi, Dharma 2 Showdown in Seoul 20:00 Linger 21:35 Twins Mission 23:20 Cala, My Dog
00:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 01:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 02:00 Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli 02:30 Safari Sisters 03:00 The Most Extreme 3 04:00 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 04:30 In Too Deep 05:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 06:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 07:00 Big Cat Diary IV 07:30 Big Cat Diary IV 08:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6 08:30 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6 09:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 10:00 K-9 to 5 10:30 K-9 to 5 11:00 The Most Extreme 3 12:00 Big Cat Diary V 12:30 Big Cat Diary V 13:00 Crime Scene Wild 14:00 Wild Hearts 15:00 Groomer Has It 16:00 Jockeys 16:30 Off the Leash 17:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 18:00 Big Cat Diary V 18:30 Big Cat Diary V 19:00 Crime Scene Wild 20:00 Wild Hearts 21:00 Groomer Has It 22:00 Jockeys 22:30 Off the Leash 23:00 Big Cat Diary V 23:30 Big Cat Diary V
weekly 18 Agustus
00:30 Recount 02:30 A Perfect Murder 04:15 Lost & Found 06:00 Prom Night 08:00 The Astronaut’s Wife 10:00 A Perfect Murder 12:00 Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome 14:00 Prom Night 16:00 The Thing Called Love 18:00 Internal Affairs 20:00 How She Move 21:30 Stuart Little 23:00 American Pie 2
01:00 The Funhouse 02:30 The Butterfly Effect 2 04:00 True Blood S111: To Love Is To Bury 04:50 True Blood S112: You’ll Be The Death Of Me 06:00 Over The Top 08:00 Wind Chill 10:00 The Butterfly Effect 2 11:30 Epad On Max 21 12:00 Sniper 3 14:00 Cool Hand Luke 16:00 Hbo World Boxing: Roy Jones Jr Vs Telesco 18:30 Wind Chill 20:00 The Ultimate Warrior 21:45 Sniper 3 23:30 The Butterfly Effect 2
01:20 Max Havoc: Curse Of The Dragon 02:55 My Silent Partner 04:30 Storm Warning 05:45 Dude, Where’s My Car? 07:10 Shut Up & Sing Dixie Chicks 08:45 Edge, The 10:45 Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer 12:20 Man In The Iron Mask, The 14:30 Jack 16:25 Courage Under Fire 18:20 Premonition 20:00 Mad Money 21:45 Pathology 23:20 Strange Wilderness
01:15 03:00 04:45 06:15
La Cage Aux Folles II The Handmaid’s Tale Till the End of the Night Starchaser: The Legend of Orin 08:00 Molly 09:45 Fiddler on the Roof 12:45 MAC 14:45 Bright Angel 16:15 The Believers 18:15 Convicts 20:00 Rush 22:00 A Day in October 23:45 Dead of Winter
00:00 Friends 00:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 01:00 The Simpsons 01:30 The Simpsons 01:55 Dilbert 02:00 Late Show with David Letterman 02:55 Charlie’s Angels 03:00 7th Heaven 03:55 Who’s the Boss? 04:00 According to Jim
04:30 KENNETH COPELAND 05:00 Seinfeld 05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 The Simpsons 06:30 Hope & Faith 07:00 Friends 07:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:55 Dilbert 09:00 Psych 09:55 Charlie’s Angels 10:00 My Wife and Kids 10:25 Rita Rocks 10:50 According to Jim 11:15 Jake in Progress 11:40 The IT Crowd 12:00 30 Rock 12:30 Cavemen 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 13:55 Dilbert 14:00 7th Heaven 14:55 Charlie’s Angels 15:00 Psych 15:55 Who’s the Boss? 16:00 According to Jim 16:30 The Simpsons 17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Hope & Faith 18:00 Friends 18:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 19:00 Ghost Whisperer 19:55 Dilbert 20:00 Desperate Housewives 20:55 Charlie’s Angels 21:00 Bionic Woman 21:55 Who’s the Boss? 22:00 Two and a Half Men 23:00 Seinfeld 23:30 COPS
00:00 ER (S6) 01:00 Jane Doe: Til Death Do Us Part 03:00 Midsomer Murders (S9) 05:00 The Final Days Of Planet Earth 07:00 The Nanny (S4) 07:30 The Nanny (S4) 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S21) 09:00 Jane Doe: Vanishing Act 11:00 Without A Trace (S3) 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S21) 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S1) 14:20 Jane Doe: Til Death Do Us Part 16:00 ER (S6) 17:00 The Nanny (S4) 17:30 The Nanny (S4) 18:00 The Biggest Loser (S1) 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 20:00 The Biggest Loser (S6) 21:00 Commander In Chief (S1) 22:00 Lipstick Jungle (S1) 23:00 The Nanny (S5) 23:30 The Nanny (S5)
00:00 Criss Angel Mindfreak (Season 4) 00:30 Criss Angel Mindfreak (Season 4) 01:00 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 01:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 02:00 The Amazing Race (Season 14) 03:00 House (Season 4) 04:00 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 04:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 05:00 The Contender Asia 06:00 House (Season 4) 07:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 08:00 Guardian, The (Season 2) 09:00 The Contender Asia 10:00 House (Season 4) 11:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4)
12:00 The Amazing Race Asia (Season 3) 13:00 Scare Tactics (Season 3) 13:30 Scare Tactics (Season 3) 14:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 15:00: Csi: Ny (Season 4) 16:00 The Amazing Race Asia (Season 3) 17:00 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 17:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 18:00 Criss Angel Mindfreak (Season 4) 18:30 Criss Angel Mindfreak (Season 4) 19:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 19:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 20:00 Chuck (Season 1) 21:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 22:00 24 (Season 6) 23:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 23:30 Csi: Ny (Season 5)
00:30 Sportscenter Asia 01:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 01:30 KIA X Games Asia 2009 03:30: Asian Cup 2009 05:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 05:30 Sportscenter Asia 06:00 Bassmaster Elite Series : Advance Auto Parts Blue Ridge Brawl 07:00 Incredible Dog Challenge 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 08:01 X Games 15 10:59 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 11:00 Evian Masters 2009 Highlights 12:00 Asian World Cup Qualifiers 14:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 14:01 Bassmaster Elite Series : Advance Auto Parts Blue Ridge Brawl 15:00 Asian Cup 2009 16:30 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 16:31 WNBA Action 2009 17:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 17:30 Beach Soccer 2008 Tape 01:00hrs 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 19:00 Football Focus With John Dykes 20:00 Beach Soccer 2008 Tape 01:00hrs 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 21:30 Football Focus With John Dykes 22:30 Players Lives 23:00 Sportscenter Asia 23:30 Women’s World 10-Ball Championship (H/l)
00:00 Engine Block 2009 00:30 International Motorsport News 2009 01:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 02:00 PGA Europro Tour 04:00 William Jones Invitational 2009 Tape 2hrs 06:00 Formula Drift Proam Series 2009 - Highlights 07:00 International Motorsport News 2009 08:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 08:30 Engine Block 2009 09:00 Worldwide Holdings Selangor Masters 10:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 10:30 Engine Block 2009 11:00 International Motorsport News 2009 12:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 12:30 Engine Block 2009 13:00 Istanbul Open
14:30 Engine Block 2009 15:00 International Motorsport News 2009 16:00 FUEL TV 16:30 FUEL TV 17:00 Le Mans Series 2009 18:00 Engine Block 2009 18:30 Ricoh Women’s British Open 2009 20:30 Score Tonight 21:00 Behind The Baseline 21:30 Ace 2009 22:00 Istanbul Open 23:30 Score Tonight
00:00 Survivorman 01:00 Treasure Quest 02:00 Destroyed In Seconds 02:30 Lost Tapes: Thunderbird 03:00 Guilty Or Innocent? 04:00 Man Vs Wild S3 05:00 Asian Enigma S2 06:00 Destroyed In Seconds 06:30 Lost Tapes: Thunderbird 07:00 Dirty Jobs With Peter Schmeichel 08:00 Treasure Quest 09:00 Man Vs Wild S3 10:00 Asian Enigma S2 11:00 How Do They Do It? S3 11:30 How Its Made S10 12:00 Mythbusters S3 13:00 Man Vs Wild S3 14:00 Treasure Quest 15:00 Doing Davinci 16:00 Mthybusters S6 17:00 How Its Made S10 17:30 How Do They Do It? S3 18:00 Treeman: The Cure 19:00 Anatomy Of A Pandemic 20:00 Raging Planet 21:00 Rogue Nature With Dave Salmoni: Squid 22:00 Destroyed In Seconds 22:30 Lost Tapes: Cave Demons 23:00 Raging Planet
00:00 Generals At War 01:00 Light At The Edge Of The World 02:00 About Asia 03:00 Racing To America 04:00 Generals At War 05:00 Light At The Edge Of The World 06:00 Racing To America 07:00 Naked Science 08:00 About Asia 09:00 Built For Destruction 10:00 Light At The Edge Of The World 11:00 Naked Science 12:00 About Asia 13:00 Built For Destruction 14:00 Generals At War 15:00 Naked Science 16:00 Nat Geo Junior 16:30 Nat Geo Junior 17:00 Salvage Code Red 18:00 Built For Destruction 19:00 About Asia 20:00 Air Crash Investigation 21:00 Salvage Code Red 22:00 Air Crash Investigation 23:00 Salvage Code Red
01:00 03:00 05:00 07:00 09:00 11:00
Sudden Death Jagged Edge Payback Cotton Mary Jawbreaker Sweet Nothing In My Ear
13:00 15:00 17:00 19:00 21:00 23:00
Be Kind Rewind Loving Leah The Invasion Cotton Mary Red Planet Sweet Nothing In My Ear
00:00 Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 01:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:30 Hannah Montana 02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 06:00 Mickey Mouseworks 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 07:00 Good Morning Mickey 07:30 House Of Mouse 08:00 Phineas And Ferb 08:30 Replacements, The 09:00 Little Mermaid, The: Ariel’s Beginning 10:30 Amazing Spiez, The 11:00 Pucca 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 13:00 Monster Allergy 13:24 Monster Allergy 13:55 Action Man A.T.O.M.: Alpha Teens On Machines 14:17 Totally Spies 14:40 Totally Spies 15:02 Yin Yang Yo! 15:30 Yin Yang Yo! 16:00 Pucca 16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 18:30 Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has A Glitch 20:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 20:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 21:00 101 Dalmatians II: Patch’s London Adventure 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:00 Cory In The House 23:30 Shaun The Sheep
00:30 01:20 01:45 02:15
Vanessa Williams THS Eva Mendes Style Star Streets of Hollywood 50 Cutest Child Stars: All Grown Up 04:05 Society Girls THS 05:00 My Celebrity Home 05:55 E! News 06:20 Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Behind the Scenes 06:45 E! News 07:10 Daily 10, The 07:35 Glow 08:00 Stripped 08:25 Area 09:15 Friends THS 11:00 E! News 11:25 Daily 10, The 11:50 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 12:15 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 12:40 Reese Witherspoon
13:30 Forbes 15 Hot Hollywood Moms 14:25 My Celebrity Home 15:15 Glow 15:40 Stripped 16:10 Eva Longoria Style Star 16:35 Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Behind the Scenes 17:00 E! News 17:25 Daily 10, The 17:50 Insanely Pampered Hollywood Dogs 18:15 World’s Most Expensive 18:40 Cash & Burn: Celebrity Money Meltdowns 19:30 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 19:55 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 20:20 Rich Kids: Cattle Drive 21:10 E! News 21:35 Daily 10, The 22:00 My Celebrity Home 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Area
01:10 Sisters in Law 02:40 Ice Speed 04:15 Whampoa Blues 05:50 Time to Love 07:45 Cafe Lumiere 09:35 Confession of Pain 11:25 Gen-Y Cops 13:15 Marriage Trap 14:55 Ip Man 16:45 Love in Macau 18:15 Almost Perfect 20:00 Initial D 22:00 Beast Stalker 23:55 Twilight of the Forbidden City
00:00 Crime Scene Wild 01:00 Wild Hearts 02:00 Groomer Has It 03:00 Jockeys 03:30 Off the Leash 04:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 05:00 K-9 to 5 05:30 K-9 to 5 06:00 The Most Extreme 3 07:00 Big Cat Diary IV 07:30 Big Cat Diary IV 08:00 Lemur Street 08:30 Lemur Street 09:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 10:00 K-9 to 5 10:30 K-9 to 5 11:00 The Most Extreme 3 12:00 Big Cat Diary V 12:30 Big Cat Diary V 13:00 Spotlight: Earth 14:00 BITE NITE 15:00 BITE NITE 16:00 Animal Cops South Africa 17:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 18:00 Big Cat Diary V 18:30 Predators’ Prey 19:00 Spotlight: Earth 20:00 BITE NITE 21:00 BITE NITE 22:00 Animal Cops South Africa 23:00 Big Cat Diary V 23:30 Predators’ Prey
Wind Chill Pukul 18.30 WIB
Dua mahasiswa pulang kampung bersama berkendara mobil. Saat mobil mereka mogok di tengah jalan entah di mana, mereka bertemu hantu-hantu yang pernah tinggal di situ. Dibintangi Ashton Holmes dan Emily Blunt.
Agustus 2009 | primetime |
19 Agustus
00:45 Hideaway 02:30 Dead Bang 04:15 Internal Affairs 06:00 Dancers 08:00 Georgia Rule 10:00 Places In The Heart 12:00 How She Move 14:00 Against The Wall 16:00 Lost & Found 18:00 Georgia Rule 20:00 Are We Done Yet? 21:30 Curb Your Enthusiasm S607: The Tivo Guy 22:00 How She Move 23:30 Superbad ch.
01:00 The Hitcher 02:30 The Ultimate Warrior 04:00 Black August 06:00 Under Siege 08:30 The Funhouse 10:00 Wind Chill 12:00 The Hitcher 14:00 The Andromeda Strain Part 1 16:00 The Ultimate Warrior 18:00 Gridiron Gang 20:00 Switchback 22:00 The Hitcher 23:30 Wind Chill
00:45 Max Havoc: Ring Of Fire 02:20 Unearthed 04:00 Premonition 05:45 The Singer 07:40 Squanto: A Warrior’s Tale 09:25 Black Box, The 10:50 Mad Money 12:35 Picture Perfect 14:20 Master And Commander:the Far Side Of The World 16:40 Smother 18:15 Death Sentence 20:00 Lions For Lambs 21:30 Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo 23:05 Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer
01:30 Best Seller 03:00 The Manchurian Candidate 05:15 Billy Galvin 07:00 The Winter People 09:00 Texasville 11:15 Purple Haze 13:00 The Unforgiven 15:00 April Morning 16:45 Running Scared 18:30 Shadows and Fog 20:00 Cherry 2000 21:45 Crime and Punishment in Suburbia 23:30 Men At Work
00:00 Friends 00:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 01:00 The Simpsons 01:30 The Simpsons 01:55 Dilbert 02:00 Late Show with David Letterman 02:55 Charlie’s Angels 03:00 7th Heaven 03:55 Who’s the Boss? 04:00 According to Jim 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND 05:00 Seinfeld 05:30 The Simpsons
06:00 The Simpsons 06:30 Hope & Faith 07:00 Friends 07:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:55 Dilbert 09:00 Psych 09:55 Charlie’s Angels 10:00 Ghost Whisperer 10:55 Who’s the Boss? 11:00 Desperate Housewives 12:00 Bionic Woman 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 13:55 Dilbert 14:00 7th Heaven 14:55 Charlie’s Angels 15:00 Psych 15:55 Who’s the Boss? 16:00 According to Jim 16:30 The Simpsons 17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Hope & Faith 18:00 Friends 18:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 19:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? 19:55 Dilbert 20:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out 21:55 Who’s the Boss? 22:00 Two and a Half Men 23:00 Seinfeld 23:30 COPS
00:00 ER (S6) 01:00 Where There’s A Will 03:00 Midsomer Murders (S9) 05:00 Assignment Berlin 07:00 The Nanny (S5) 07:30 The Nanny (S5) 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 09:00 The Biggest Loser (S6) 10:00 Commander In Chief (S1) 11:00 Lipstick Jungle (S1) 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S1) 14:00 Where There’s A Will 16:00 ER (S5) 17:00 The Nanny (S5) 17:30 The Nanny (S5) 18:00 The Biggest Loser (S1) 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 20:00 American Dreams (S2) 21:00 Mystery Woman: Oh Baby 23:00 The Nanny (S5) 23:30 The Nanny (S5)
00:30 24 (Season 6) 01:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 02:00 The Contender Asia 03:00 House (Season 4) 04:00 24 (Season 6) 05:00 The Contender Asia 06:00 House (Season 4) 07:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 08:00 Guardian, The (Season 2) 09:00 The Contender Asia 10:00 House (Season 4) 11:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 12:00 The Amazing Race Asia (Season 3) 13:30 Chuck (Season 1) 14:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 15:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 16:00 The Amazing Race Asia (Season 3) 17:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 18:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 19:00 Slamball
19:30 Slamball 20:00 Numb3rs (Season 5) 21:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 22:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation (Season 8) 23:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7)
00:30:Sportscenter Asia 01:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 01:30 PGA Europro Tour 03:30 Asian Cup 2009 05:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 05:30 Sportscenter Asia 06:00 Bassmaster Elite Series : Marine Formula Sta-Bil Southern Challenge 07:00 Football Focus With John Dykes 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 08:01 X Games 15 10:59 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 11:00 Football Focus With John Dykes 12:00 Asian World Cup Qualifiers 14:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 14:01 Bassmaster Elite Series : Marine Formula Sta-Bil Southern Challenge 15:00 Winter X Games 13 16:00 Winter X Games 13 16:59 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 17:00 Football Asia 2009/10 17:30 Football Focus With John Dykes 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 19:00 Players Lives 19:30 Tiger Global Football Show Tape 01:00hrs 20:00 Global Football 20:30 Football Asia 2009/10 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 21:30 Players Lives 22:00 Tiger Global Football Show Tape 01:00hrs 22:30 Global Football 23:00 Sportscenter Asia 23:30 Women’s World 10-Ball Championship (H/l)
00:00 Ace 2009 00:30 Max Power 2009/10 01:30 Istanbul Open 03:00 Behind The Baseline 03:30 MotoGP World Championship 2009 - Main Race 06:30 Ace 2009 07:00 Max Power 2009/10 08:00 Behind The Baseline 08:30 Ace 2009 09:00 Istanbul Open 10:30 Ace 2009 11:00 Max Power 2009/10 12:00 Behind The Baseline 12:30 Ace 2009 13:00 Istanbul Open 14:30 Ace 2009 15:00 Max Power 2009/10 16:00 FUEL TV 16:30 FUEL TV 17:00 Behind The Baseline 17:30 Ace 2009 18:00 Global Football 18:30 Ricoh Women’s British Open 2009 Day 20:30 Score Tonight 21:00 Golf Club 2009, The 21:30 Golf Focus 2009 22:00 Worldwide Holdings Selangor Masters 23:00 Golf Club 2009, The 23:30 Score Tonight
00:00 Rogue Nature With Dave Salmoni: Squid 01:00 Man Vs Wild S3 02:00 Survivorman 03:00 Guilty Or Innocent? 04:00 Treasure Quest 05:00 Merchants Of Destiny: The Huizhou Merchants Of Ancient China 06:00 Mthybusters S6 07:00 Raging Planet 08:00 Rogue Nature With Dave Salmoni: Squid 09:00 Survivorman 10:00 Merchants Of Destiny: The Huizhou Merchants Of Ancient China 11:00 How Do They Do It? S3 11:30 How Its Made S10 12:00 Mythbusters S3 13:00 Raging Planet 14:00 Rogue Nature With Dave Salmoni: Squid 15:00 Nextworld 16:00 One Step Beyond S2 16:30 One Way Out 17:00 How Its Made S10 17:30 How Do They Do It? S3 18:00 Discovery Project Earth 19:00 Building The Ultimate S1 19:30 Building The Ultimate S1 20:00 Futureweapons S2 21:00 Doing Davinci 22:00 Nextworld 23:00 Futureweapons S2
00:00 Air Crash Investigation 01:00 Salvage Code Red 02:00 Air Crash Investigation 03:00 About Asia 04:00 Air Crash Investigation 05:00 Salvage Code Red 06:00 Air Crash Investigation 07:00 Naked Science 08:00 About Asia 09:00 Built For Destruction 10:00 Salvage Code Red 11:00 Naked Science 12:00 About Asia 13:00 Built For Destruction 14:00 Air Crash Investigation 15:00 Naked Science 16:00 Nat Geo Junior 16:30 Nat Geo Junior 17:00 Mystery of the Wolf 18:00 Built For Destruction 19:00 About Asia 20:00 Wild Wednesday 21:00 Wild Wednesday 22:00 Wild Wednesday 23:00 Wild Wednesday
01:00 03:00 05:00 07:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 13:25 13:50 14:15
15:00 17:00 19:00 21:00
Loving Leah Payback Punch-drunk Love Pay It Forward Eat A Bowl Of Tea Loving Leah Flight Of The Conchords S201: A Good Opportunity Flight Of The Conchords S202: A New Cup Flight Of The Conchords S203: Tough Brets Flight Of The Conchords S204: Murray Takes It To The Next Level Punch-drunk Love True Crime Pay It Forward Fear And Loathing In Las
Vegas 23:00 Eat A Bowl Of Tea
00:00 Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 01:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:30 Hannah Montana 02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 06:00 Mickey Mouseworks 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 07:00 Good Morning Mickey 07:30 House Of Mouse 08:00 Phineas And Ferb 08:30 Replacements, The 09:00 Kim Possible Movie: So The Drama 10:30 Amazing Spiez, The 11:00 Pucca 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 13:00 Monster Allergy 13:24 Monster Allergy 13:55 Action Man A.T.O.M.: Alpha Teens On Machines 14:17 Totally Spies 14:40 Totally Spies 15:02 Yin Yang Yo! 15:30 Yin Yang Yo! 16:00 Pucca 16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 18:30 Return To Halloweentown 20:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 20:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 21:00 Tarzan 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:00 Cory In The House 23:30 Shaun The Sheep
00:30 Tyra Banks THS 01:20 Eva Longoria Style Star 01:45 Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Behind the Scenes 02:15 Forbes Celebrity 100: Who Made Bank 04:05 Extreme Hollywood 05:00 My Celebrity Home 05:55 E! News 06:20 Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince Behind the Scenes 06:45 E! News 07:10 Daily 10, The 07:35 Glow 08:00 Stripped 08:25 Area 09:15 The Last Days of Elvis THS 11:00 E! News 11:25 Daily 10, The 11:50 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 12:15 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 12:40 Patrick Swayze THS 13:30 Hollywood Heartthrobs THS 14:25 My Celebrity Home 15:15 Glow 15:40 Stripped
Kangaroo Kaos Pukul 20.00 WIB
42 | primetime | Agustus 2009
Ya, ada sisi gelap dari makhluk manis yang disayang banyak orang ini. Tak peduli sepertinya ia bisa nyaman duduk di sofa Anda. Saat kanguru menyerbu kota, kekacauan melanda.
16:10 Ashlee Simpson Style Star 16:35 Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince Behind the Scenes 17:00 E! News 17:25 Daily 10, The 17:50 The Baldwins THS 18:40 Celebrity Crises: 10 Most Shocking Mental Disorders 19:30 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 19:55 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 20:20 Pam: Girl on the Loose 20:45 Kristin Davis Style Star 21:10 E! News 21:35 Daily 10, The 22:00 My Celebrity Home 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Area
01:40 Option Zero 03:40 Rough 05:40 Path of Glory 07:30 Purple Storm 09:25 I Not Stupid Too 11:35 World Without Thieves 13:30 New Blood 15:05 2 Become 1 16:45 2000 A.D. 18:30 Hong Kong Bronx 20:00 My Mighty Princess 22:00 Home Sweet Home 23:40 Cinema Today
00:00 Spotlight: Earth 01:00 BITE NITE 02:00 BITE NITE 03:00 Animal Cops South Africa 04:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 05:00 K-9 to 5 05:30 K-9 to 5 06:00 The Most Extreme 3 07:00 Big Cat Diary IV 07:30 Big Cat Diary IV 08:00 Animal Allies 08:30 Animal Allies 2 09:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 10:00 K-9 to 5 10:30 K-9 to 5 11:00 The Most Extreme 3 12:00 Big Cat Diary V 12:30 Predators’ Prey V 13:00 Orangutan Island 13:30 Orangutan Island 14:00 Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli 14:30 Battle of the Sexes 15:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 16:00 Meerkat Manor 16:30 Meerkat Manor 2 17:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 18:00 Predators’ Prey 18:30 Predators’ Prey 19:00 Orangutan Island 19:30 Orangutan Island 20:00 Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli 20:30 Safari Sisters 21:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 22:00 Meerkat Manor 2 22:30 Meerkat Manor 2 23:00 Predators’ Prey 23:30 Predators’ Prey
weekly 20 Agustus
01:00 The Astronaut’s Wife 03:00 Screwed 04:30 Police Academy 4: Citizens On Patrol 06:00 Blood Ties 08:00 Dark Horse 10:00 Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome 12:00 Are We Done Yet? 13:45 Recount 16:00 Places In The Heart 18:30 Prom Night 20:00 The Bone Collector 22:00 Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street
01:30 World Trade Center 03:45 Switchback 06:00 Sniper 2 08:00 Sniper 3 09:45 World Trade Center 12:00 The Ultimate Warrior 14:00 The Andromeda Strain Part 2 16:00 Switchback 18:00 Sniper 3 20:00 Dream Man 22:00 Hbo World Boxing: Mosley Vs Brown
00:45 Dragonfly 02:35 Aztec Rex 04:10 Death Sentence 06:00 Vip Access: Gi Joe: The Rise Of Cobra 06:30 Trailer Park Boys: The Movie 08:05 Miracle Dogs Too 09:35 Keeping Up With The Steins 11:10 Lions For Lambs 12:50 Apocalypto 15:05 I Think I Love My Wife 16:30 Things To Do In Denver When You’re Dead 18:20 What Happens In Vegas 20:00 Quentin Tarantino’s Thunder Bolt: Death Proof 21:55 Shutter 23:30 I Know Who Killed Me
01:15 Delirious 03:00 Summer Lovers 04:30 Kiss Me Stupid 06:45 Follow that Dream 08:30 Still of the Night 10:00 Miss Julie 11:45 The Manhattan Project 13:45 Class 15:15 Willy Milly 16:45 Death Wish II 18:15 Dirt 20:00 The Great Train Robbery 22:00 A Rage in Harlem 23:45 The Falcon and the Snowman
00:00 Friends 00:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 01:00 The Simpsons 01:30 The Simpsons 01:55 Dilbert 02:00 Late Show with David Letterman 02:55 Charlie’s Angels 03:00 7th Heaven 03:55 Who’s the Boss? 04:00 According to Jim 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND 05:00 Seinfeld 05:30 The Simpsons
06:00 The Simpsons 06:30 Hope & Faith 07:00 Friends 07:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:55 Dilbert 09:00 Psych 09:55 Charlie’s Angels 10:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out 11:55 Who’s the Boss? 12:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 13:55 Dilbert 14:00 7th Heaven 14:55 Charlie’s Angels 15:00 Psych 15:55 Who’s the Boss? 16:00 According to Jim 16:30 The Simpsons 17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Hope & Faith 18:00 Friends 18:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 19:00 Bones 19:55 Dilbert 20:00 Criminal Minds 20:55 Charlie’s Angels 21:00 Prison Break 21:55 Who’s the Boss? 22:00 Two and a Half Men 23:00 Seinfeld 23:30 COPS
00:00 ER (S5) 01:00 10.5 Apocalypse 03:00 Midsomer Murders (S9) 05:00 LaVyrle Spencer’s Home Song 07:00 The Nanny (S5) 07:30 The Nanny (S5) 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S21) 09:00 10.5 Apocalypse 11:00 American Dreams (S2) 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S1) 14:00 Mystery Woman: Oh Baby 16:00 ER (S5) 17:00 The Nanny (S5) 17:30 The Biggest Loser (S1) 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 20:00 Oprah’s Big Give 21:00 Crossing Jordan (S3) 22:00 She Spies (S2) 23:00 The Nanny (S5) 23:30 The Nanny (S5)
00:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation (Season 8) 01:00 Numb3rs (Season 5) 02:00 The Contender Asia 03:00 House (Season 4) 04:00 Slamball 04:30 Slamball 05:00 The Contender Asia 06:00 House (Season 4) 07:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 08:00 Guardian, The (Season 2) 09:00 The Contender Asia 10:00 House (Season 4) 11:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 12:00 The Amazing Race Asia (Season 3) 13:00 Slamball 13:30 Slamball 14:00 Numb3rs (Season 5) 15:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 16:00 The Amazing Race Asia (Season 3) 17:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation (Season 8) 18:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 19:00 Slamball
19:30 Slamball 20:00 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 21:00 Las Vegas (Season 5) 22:00 Damages 23:00 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed
00:30 Sportscenter Asia 01:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 01:30 US Figure Skating Championships : Men’s Long 03:30 Asian Cup 2009 05:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 05:30 Sportscenter Asia 06:00 Bassmaster Elite Series : Spongetech Tennessee Triumph 07:00 Football Asia 2009/10 07:30 Tiger Global Football Show Tape 00:30hrs 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 08:01 X Games 15 10:59 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 11:00 Fina Aquatics World 11:30 Tiger Global Football Show Tape 00:30hrs 12:00 Asian World Cup Qualifiers 14:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 14:01 Bassmaster Elite Series : Spongetech Tennessee Triumph 15:00 Winter X Games 13 16:00 Winter X Games 13 16:59 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 17:00 Global Football 17:30 Players Lives 18:00 Tiger Global Football Show Tape 01:00hrs 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 19:00 Football Crazy Live/ Tape 00:30hr 19:30 Nuts 20:00 Players Lives 20:30 Global Football 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 21:30 Football Crazy Live/ Tape 00:30hrs 22:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 22:30 Nuts 23:00 Sportscenter Asia 23:30 Women’s World 10-Ball Championship (H/l)
00:00 Golf Focus 2009 00:30 Sports Max 01:30 Istanbul Open 03:00 Golf Club 2009, The 03:30 Sports Max 04:30 Istanbul Open 06:00 Global Football 06:30 Golf Focus 2009 07:00 Sports Max 08:00 Golf Club 2009, The 08:30 Golf Focus 2009 09:00 Istanbul Open 10:30 Golf Focus 2009 11:00 Sports Max 12:00 Golf Club 2009, The 12:30 Golf Focus 2009 13:00 Istanbul Open 14:30 Golf Focus 2009 15:00 Sports Max 16:00 FUEL TV 16:30 FUEL TV 17:00 Golf Club 2009, The 17:30 Asian Tour Weekly 2009 18:00 Mobil 1 The Grid 18:30 Ricoh Women’s British Open 2009 Day 20:30 Score Tonight 21:00 Tennis Central 21:30 Classic Boxing 01:00hrs
22:30 FA Classic Matches 01:00hr 23:30 Score Tonight
00:00 Doing Davinci 01:00 Nextworld 02:00 One Step Beyond S2 02:30 One Way Out 03:00 Guilty Or Innocent? 04:00 Doing Davinci 05:00 How Stuff Works 06:00 One Step Beyond S2 06:30 One Way Out 07:00 Survivorman 08:00 Discovery Project Earth 09:00 Nextworld 10:00 Futureweapons S2 11:00 How Do They Do It? S4 11:30 How Its Made S10 12:00 Mythbusters S3 13:00 Discovery Project Earth 14:00 Building The Ultimate S1 14:30 Building The Ultimate S1 15:00 Futureweapons S2 16:00 Destroyed In Seconds 16:30 Lost Tapes: Cave Demons 17:00 How Its Made S10 17:30 How Do They Do It? S4 18:00 Blueprint For Disaster S2 19:00 I Shouldn’t Be Alive S1 20:00 Discovery Atlas: Italy Revealed 21:00 Enigmatic Malaysia 22:00 Man Made Marvels: Petronas Towers 23:00 Discovery Atlas: Italy Revealed
00:00 Wild Wednesday 01:00 Wild Wednesday 02:00 Wild Wednesday 03:00 About Asia 04:00 Wild Wednesday 05:00 Wild Wednesday 06:00 Wild Wednesday 07:00 Naked Science 08:00 About Asia 09:00 Built For Destruction 10:00 Raptor Force 11:00 Naked Science 12:00 About Asia 13:00 Built For Destruction 14:00 Kangaroo Kaos 15:00 Naked Science 16:00 Nat Geo Junior 17:00 World’s Toughest Fixes 18:00 Built For Destruction 19:00 About Asia 20:00 Mega Thursday 21:00 Mega Thursday 22:00 Mega Thursday 23:00 Mega Thursday
01:00 01:55 02:50 03:40 05:00 07:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 13:25
13:50 14:45 17:00 19:00 21:00
The Tudors S101: The Tudors S102: The Tudors S103: The Tudors S104: The Kingdom Front Of The Class Loving Leah Nuts Flight Of The Conchords S205: Unnatural Love Flight Of The Conchords S206: Love Is A Weapon Of Choice Flight Of The Conchords S207: Prime Minister Cheaters Little Shop Of Horrors The Kingdom Fur: An Imaginary Portrait Of
Diane Arbus 23:00 Loving Leah
00:00 Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 01:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:30 Hannah Montana 02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 06:00 Mickey Mouseworks 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 07:00 Good Morning Mickey 07:30 House Of Mouse 08:00 Phineas And Ferb 08:30 Replacements, The 09:00 Pollyworld 10:30 Amazing Spiez, The 11:00 Pucca 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 13:00 Monster Allergy 13:24 Monster Allergy 13:55 Action Man A.T.O.M.: Alpha Teens On Machines 14:17 Totally Spies 14:40 Totally Spies 15:02 Yin Yang Yo! 15:30 Yin Yang Yo! 16:00 Pucca 16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 18:30 Tarzan 20:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 20:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 21:00 Treasure Planet 22:38 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:00 Cory In The House 23:30 Shaun The Sheep
00:30 David Hasselhoff THS 01:20 Ashlee Simpson Style Star 01:45 Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince Behind the Scenes 02:15 25 Most Sensational Hollywood Meltdowns 04:05 Glamour’s 50 Biggest Fashion Do’s and Don’ts 05:00 My Celebrity Home 05:55 E! News 06:20 The Proposal Behind the Scenes 06:45 E! News 07:10 Daily 10, The 07:35 Glow 08:00 Stripped 08:25 Area 09:15 Forbes Top 15 Supermodels: Beauties Who Made Bank 10:05 Heidi Klum THS 11:00 E! News 11:25 Daily 10, The 11:50 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 12:15 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 12:40 Forbes Top 20 Celebrity Cash Couples: Crazy Double Incomes
13:30 14:25 15:15 15:40 16:10 16:35
Will Smith THS My Celebrity Home Glow Stripped Kristin Davis Style Star The Proposal Behind the Scenes 17:00 E! News 17:25 Daily 10, The 17:50 Jack Nicholson THS 19:30 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 19:55 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 20:20 Rich Kids: Cattle Drive 21:10 E! News 21:35 Daily 10, The 22:00 My Celebrity Home 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Area
00:40 Fun & Fury 02:25 Idol 04:10 Shao Nian Lei Feng 05:35 Beloved Son of God 07:10 Champions 09:10 Heartful of Love 11:25 Wonder Women 13:10 Mr 3 Minutes 14:45 Escape from Huang Shi 16:35 Heroes in Love 18:05 Shamo 20:00 Every Dog has its Date 21:55 Re-Cycle 23:50 Brothers
00:00 Orangutan Island 00:30 Orangutan Island 01:00 Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli 01:30 Safari Sisters 02:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 03:00 Meerkat Manor 2 03:30 Meerkat Manor 2 04:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 05:00 K-9 to 5 05:30 K-9 to 5 06:00 The Most Extreme 3 07:00 Big Cat Diary IV 07:30 Big Cat Diary IV 08:00 Wild Island 08:30 Vets on the Wild Side II 09:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 10:00 K-9 to 5 II 10:30 K-9 to 5 II 11:00 The Most Extreme 3 12:00 Predators’ Prey 12:30 Predators’ Prey 13:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures 2 14:00 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 14:30 In Too Deep 15:00 Malaysia Uncovered 16:00 Dolphin Days 16:30 Lords of the Animals 17:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 18:00 Predators’ Prey 18:30 Predators’ Prey 19:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures 2 20:00 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 20:30 In Too Deep 21:00 Malaysia Uncovered 22:00 Dolphin Days 22:30 Lords of the Animals 23:00 Predators’ Prey 23:30 Predators’ Prey
Every Dog has its Date Pukul 20.00 WIB
Seorang wanita karir nan cantik, Sharon (Michelle Reis) hidup bersama anjing kesayangannya Man. Suatu ketika, gara-gara tersambar petir, Man si anjing bertukar badan dengan manusia (Nick Cheung). Tapi Sharon tak tahu anjingnya kini jadi manusia. Ia menolak Man yang mendekati Sharon. Man ingin juga Sharon punya kekasih dan berusaha menjodohkannya dengan seseorang. Namun ia malah semakin cinta pada Sharon.
Agustus 2009 | primetime |
21 Agustus
00:00 The Patriot 02:45 Superbad 04:15 Prom Night 06:00 How She Move 08:00 Lost & Found 10:00 Hideaway 12:00 Georgia Rule 14:00 The Astronaut’s Wife 16:00 Poetic Justice 18:00 Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome 20:00 The Heartbreak Kid 22:00 Georgia Rule ch.
00:00 Sniper 2 02:00 Dream Man 04:00 The Ultimate Warrior 06:00 Spartacus 09:00 The Hitcher 10:30 Sniper 3 12:00 True Blood S111: To Love Is To Bury 12:50 True Blood S112: You’ll Be The Death Of Me 14:00 Wind Chill 15:30 Under Siege 18:00 The Butterfly Effect 2 19:45 Epad On Max 22 20:00 Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil 22:30 Wind Chill
01:20 Mask Of The Ninja 02:50 Rise 04:20 What Happens In Vegas 06:00 Hocus Pocus 07:40 Do You Know Me? 09:10 Code Name: The Cleaner 10:45 Quentin Tarantino’s Thunder Bolt: Death Proof 12:40 Blonde Ambition 14:15 Lake Placid 15:40 Hitman 17:10 Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World’s End 20:00 Grindhouse: Planet Terror 21:45 Planet Of The Apes 23:45 Simpsons Movie, The
02:00 A Family Thing 03:45 Eureka 05:45 After Dark My Sweet 07:30 Throw Momma from The Train 09:00 Watch It 10:45 Final Combination 12:15 Special Effects 14:00 Tom Sawyer 15:45 Birdman of Alcatraz 18:15 Sweet Smell of Success 20:00 Pocket Money 21:45 Mystic Pizza 23:30 Yanks
00:00 Friends 00:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 01:00 The Simpsons 01:30 The Simpsons 01:55 Dilbert 02:00 Late Show with David Letterman 02:55 Charlie’s Angels 03:00 7th Heaven 03:55 Who’s the Boss? 04:00 According to Jim 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND 05:00 Seinfeld 05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 The Simpsons
06:30 Hope & Faith 07:00 Friends 07:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:55 Dilbert 09:00 Psych 09:55 Charlie’s Angels 10:00 Criminal Minds 10:55 Who’s the Boss? 11:00 Prison Break 12:00 Bones 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 13:55 Dilbert 14:00 7th Heaven 14:55 Charlie’s Angels 15:00 Psych 15:55 Who’s the Boss? 16:00 According to Jim 16:30 The Simpsons 17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Hope & Faith 18:00 Friends 18:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 19:00 Friday Night Lights 19:55 Dilbert 20:00 Boston Legal 20:55 Charlie’s Angels 21:00 Shark 21:55 Who’s the Boss? 22:00 Two and a Half Men 23:00 COPS 23:30 COPS
00:00 ER (S5) 01:00 10.5 Apocalypse 03:00 Midsomer Murders (S9) 05:00 I Do (But) I Don’t 07:00 The Nanny (S5) 07:30 The Nanny (S5) 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 09:00 10.5 Apocalypse 11:00 Oprah’s Big Give 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S1) 14:10 Crossing Jordan (S3) 15:00 She Spies (S2) 16:00 ER (S5) 17:00 The Nanny (S5) 17:30 The Biggest Loser (S1) 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 20:00 Midsomer Murders (S8) 22:00 Sea Patrol (S1) 23:00 The Nanny (S5) 23:30 The Nanny (S5)
00:00 Las Vegas (Season 5) 01:00 Damages 02:00 The Contender Asia 03:00 House (Season 4) 04:00 Slamball 04:30 Slamball 05:00 The Contender Asia 06:00 House (Season 4) 07:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 08:00 Guardian, The (Season 2) 09:00 The Contender Asia 10:00 House (Season 4) 11:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 12:00 The Amazing Race Asia (Season 3) 13:00 Slamball 13:30 Slamball 14:00 Ebuzz 14:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 15:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 16:00 The Amazing Race Asia (Season 3) 17:00 Damages 18:00 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest
Secrets Finally Revealed 19:00 Ebuzz 19:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 20:00 Legend Of Zorro, The 22:30 Nip/tuck (Season 4) 23:30 Ebuzz
00:30 Sportscenter Asia 01:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 01:30 US Figure Skating Championships : Ladies Long 03:30 Asian Cup 2009 05:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 05:30 Sportscenter Asia 06:00 Bassmaster Elite Series : Genuity River Rumble 07:00 Football Crazy Live/ Tape 00:30hrs 07:30 WNBA Action 2009 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 08:01 2009 Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest 09:00 Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 12:00 Asian World Cup Qualifiers 14:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 14:01 Bassmaster Elite Series : Genuity River Rumble 15:00 Winter X Games 13 16:59 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 17:00 Football Asia 2009/10 17:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 18:00 Football Crazy Live/ Tape 00:30hrs 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 19:00 Football Forecast 19:30 Global Football 20:00 First Edition 20:30 Nuts 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 21:30 Football Forecast 22:00 First Edition 22:30 Evian Masters 2009 Highlights 23:30 Sportscenter Asia
00:00 Mobil 1 The Grid 00:30 Hot Water 2009/10 01:30 Istanbul Open 03:00 Hot Water 2009/10 04:00 William Jones Invitational 2009 Tape 2hrs 06:00 Tennis Central 06:30 Golf Club 2009, The 07:00 Hot Water 2009/10 08:00 Mobil 1 The Grid 08:30 Asian Tour Weekly 2009 09:00 Istanbul Open 10:30 Golf Club 2009, The 11:00 Hot Water 2009/10 12:00 Mobil 1 The Grid 12:30 Asian Tour Weekly 2009 13:00 Formula Drift Proam Series 2009 - Highlights 14:00 Formula BMW Pacific 15:00 Hot Water 2009/10 16:00 FUEL TV 16:30 FUEL TV 17:00 Engine Block 2009 17:30 Ricoh Women’s British Open 2009 Day 20:30 Score Tonight 21:00 MotoGP World Championship 2009 - Highlights 22:00 Formula Drift Proam Series 2009 - Highlights 23:00 Tennis Central 23:30 Score Tonight
00:00 Enigmatic Malaysia 01:00 Blueprint For Disaster S2 02:00 Asian Enigma S2 03:00 Guilty Or Innocent?
04:00 Mthybusters S6 05:00 Nextworld 06:00 Building The Ultimate S1 06:30 Building The Ultimate S1 07:00 Futureweapons S2 08:00 Mthybusters S6 09:00 Discovery Atlas: Italy Revealed 10:00 Man Made Marvels: Petronas Towers 11:00 How Do They Do It? S4 11:30 How Its Made S10 12:00 Mythbusters S3 13:00 Everything You Need To Know 13:30 How Its Made S10 14:00 Doing Davinci 15:00 One Step Beyond S2 15:30 One Way Out 16:00 Survivorman 17:00 How Its Made S10 17:30 How Do They Do It? S4 18:00 How Stuff Works 19:00 Mthybusters S6 20:00 One Step Beyond S2 20:30 One Way Out 21:00 Solved 22:00 Undercover: Double Life 23:00 Raging Planet
00:00 Mega Thursday 01:00 Mega Thursday 02:00 Mega Thursday 03:00 About Asia 04:00 Mega Thursday 05:00 Mega Thursday 06:00 Mega Thursday 07:00 Naked Science 08:00 About Asia 09:00 Built For Destruction 10:00 World’s Toughest Fixes 11:00 Naked Science 12:00 About Asia 13:00 Built For Destruction 14:00 Ancient Megastructures 15:00 Naked Science 16:00 Nat Geo Junior 16:30 Nat Geo Junior 17:00 Riddles of The Dead 18:00 Built For Destruction 19:00 About Asia 20:00 Secret Bible 21:00 Riddles of The Dead 22:00 Interpol Investigates 23:00 Riddles of The Dead
01:00 01:55 03:00 05:00 07:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 13:25 13:50 15:00 17:00 19:00 21:00 23:00
The Tudors S105: The Tudors S106: Cheaters 48 Hrs. Reno 911: Miami New Best Friend The Kingdom Flight Of The Conchords S208: New Zealand Town Flight Of The Conchords S209: Wingmen Flight Of The Conchords S210: Evicted Mail Order Bride 48 Hrs. Reno 911: Miami Point Of Origin New Best Friend
02:30 Phineas And Ferb 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 06:00 Mickey Mouseworks 06:00 Mickey Mouseworks 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 07:00 Good Morning Mickey 07:30 House Of Mouse 08:00 Phineas And Ferb 08:30 Replacements, The 09:00 Treasure Planet 10:37 Amazing Spiez, The 11:00 Pucca 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 13:00 Monster Allergy 13:24 Monster Allergy 13:55 Action Man A.T.O.M.: Alpha Teens On Machines 14:17 Totally Spies 14:40 Totally Spies 15:02 Yin Yang Yo! 15:30 Yin Yang Yo! 16:00 Pucca 16:30 Twisted Whiskers 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 17:30 Aaron Stone 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 18:30 Hatching Pete 20:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 20:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 21:00 Return To Oz 23:00 Cory In The House 23:30 Shaun The Sheep
00:30 Luke & Owen Wilson THS 01:20 Kristin Davis Style Star 01:45 The Proposal Behind the Scenes 02:15 Ben & Matt THS 04:05 10 Most Shocking Hollywood Divorces 05:00 My Celebrity Home 05:55 E! News 06:20 The Ugly Truth Behind the Scenes 06:45 E! News 07:10 Daily 10, The 07:35 Glow 08:00 Stripped 08:25 Area 09:15 Simon Cowell THS 10:05 American Idol: Girls Rule THS 11:00 E! News 11:25 Daily 10, The 11:50 Rich Kids: Cattle Drive 12:40 Paula Abdul THS 14:25 My Celebrity Home 15:15 Glow 15:40 Stripped 16:10 Naomi Campbell Style Star 16:35 Streets of Hollywood
00:00 Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 01:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:30 Hannah Montana 02:00 Kim Possible
Point of Origin (HBO Original Movie) Pukul 21.00 WIB
44 | primetime | Agustus 2009
Siapa yang memantik api dan meninggalkan abu akibat kebakaran pasti ketahuan oleh John Orr. Ya, karena tugasnya adalah penyelidik kebakaran. Ia tahu dari mana api bermula. Ia terhitung yang terbaik untuk pekerjaan ini. Tapi sebuah kasus menantang keahliannya. Sementara itu perkawinannya dengan Wanda juga terancam jadi abu. Dibintangi Ray Liotta, John Leguizamo, Ileana Douglas, dan Kirby Lee.
17:00 E! News 17:25 Daily 10, The 17:50 Cheating Death: 15 Incredible Survival Stories 19:30 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 19:55 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 20:20 Pam: Girl on the Loose 20:45 Miami Style Star 21:10 E! News 21:35 Daily 10, The 22:00 My Celebrity Home 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Area
01:40 Rebirth 03:20 Lamb Killer 04:55 Twelve Years of Ups and Downs 06:45 Justice, My Foot 08:25 Summer I Love You 10:05 New Police Story 12:15 I am a Cyborg, But that’s OK 14:05 Cop Unbowed 15:35 Crying out Love, in the Center of the World 18:00 Six Strong Guys 20:00 Closet 21:30 Drink-Drank-Drunk 23:15 Sparkle in the Dark
00:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures 2 01:00 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 01:30 In Too Deep 02:00 Malaysia Uncovered 03:00 Dolphin Days 03:30 Lords of the Animals 04:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 05:00 K-9 to 5 II 05:30 K-9 to 5 II 06:00 The Most Extreme 3 07:00 Big Cat Diary V 07:30 Big Cat Diary V 08:00 Growing Up 09:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 10:00 K-9 to 5 II 10:30 K-9 to 5 II 11:00 The Most Extreme 3 12:00 Predators’ Prey 12:30 Predators’ Prey 13:00 Jockeys 13:30 Off the Leash 14:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia 15:00 Orangutan Island 15:30 Orangutan Island 16:00 Equator 17:00 Caught in the Moment 18:00 Predators’ Prey 18:30 Predators’ Prey 19:00 Jockeys 19:30 Off the Leash 20:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia 21:00 Orangutan Island 21:30 Orangutan Island 22:00 Equator 23:00 Predators’ Prey 23:30 Predators’ Prey
weekly 22 Agustus
00:00 Flight Of The Conchords S205: Unnatural Love 00:25 Flight Of The Conchords S206: Love Is A Weapon Of Choice 01:00 How She Move 02:30 American Pie 2 04:15 Not Another Teen Movie 06:00 Poetic Justice 07:45 The Patriot 10:30 Prom Night 12:00 The Heartbreak Kid 14:00 How She Move 16:00 Are We Done Yet? 18:00 The Devil’s Own 20:00 Shooter 22:15 Prom Night
00:00 True Blood S111: To Love Is To Bury 00:50 True Blood S112: You’ll Be The Death Of Me 01:40 Epad On Max 22 02:00 Sniper 3 03:30 Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil 06:00 The Butterfly Effect 2 08:00 Hbo World Boxing: Mosley Vs Brown 10:00 Dream Man 11:45 Epad On Max 22 12:00 Wind Chill 13:30 Dead Reckoning 15:00 The Andromeda Strain Part 1 16:30 The Andromeda Strain Part 2 18:00 Switchback 20:00 True Blood S201: Nothing But The Blood 21:00 Hood Rat 22:30 Epad On Max 22 23:00 The Butterfly Effect 2
01:15 From Hell 03:15 Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World’s End 06:05 Mystery, Alaska 08:05 Jack And Jill Vs. The World 09:35 Titan A.e. 11:10 Mermaids 13:00 Death Sentence 14:45 Mad Money 16:30 Juno 18:10 1408 20:00 Resident Evil: Extinction 21:35 There Will Be Blood
01:45 Recipe for Disaster 03:15 Man of La Mancha 05:30 Woman in the Window 07:15 The Comfort of Stangers 09:00 Baby Boom 11:00 Separate Tables 12:45 Breathless 14:30 Frankie and Johnny 16:15 The Entertainer 18:15 In the Time of the Butterflies 20:00 The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes 22:15 Love in the Afternoon
00:00 Friends 00:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 01:00 The Simpsons 01:30 The Simpsons 02:00 Late Show with David Letterman 03:00 Friday Night Lights
04:00 COPS 04:30 COPS 05:00 Smallville 06:00 Shark 07:00 Boston Legal 08:00 COPS 08:30 COPS 09:00 Bones 10:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 12:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 12:30 The Simpsons 13:00 Prison Break 14:00 Smallville 15:00 Friday Night Lights 16:00 Shark 17:00 Bones 18:00 Late Show with David Letterman 19:00 Best of Saturday Night Live 20:00 Howie Do It 21:00 Most Haunted 22:00 Most Haunted 23:00 Best of Saturday Night Live
00:00 ER (S5) 01:00 I Do (But) I Don’t 03:00 Midsomer Murders (S8) 05:00 Love Comes Softly 06:40 Hard Ground 08:20 Mystery Woman: Oh Baby 10:00 The Nanny (S3) 10:30 The Nanny (S3) 11:00 The Nanny (S3) 11:30 The Nanny (S3) 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 13:00 Love Comes Softly 15:00 Cradle Of Lies 17:00 Without A Trace (S3) 18:00 Oprah’s Big Give 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 20:00 Recipe For Murder 22:00 The Nanny (S3) 22:30 The Nanny (S3) 23:00 The Nanny (S3) 23:30 The Nanny (S3)
00:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 00:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 01:00 Nip/tuck (Season 4) 02:00 The Contender Asia 03:00 House (Season 4) 04:00 Nip/tuck (Season 4) 05:00 The Duke 06:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 06:30 Ebuzz 07:00 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 07:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 08:00 Numb3rs (Season 5) 09:00 Legend Of Zorro, The 11:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 12:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 13:00 Numb3rs (Season 5) 14:00 Legend Of Zorro, The 16:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 17:00 Ebuzz 17:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 18:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 19:00 The Rock 21:30 Wipeout (Season 1) 22:30 Numb3rs (Season 5) 23:30 Las Vegas (Season 5)
00:00 2009 Little League World Series
02:00 02:30 03:00 03:30
Planet Speed 2009/10 Football Forecast First Edition Tiger Global Football Show Tape 01:00hrs 04:00 Evian Masters 2009 Highlights 05:00 First Edition 05:30 Sportscenter Asia 06:00 Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 09:00 Grand American Series : Watkins Glen 10:00 Incredible Dog Challenge 11:00 Sportscenter Week In Review 2009 11:30 Football Forecast 12:00 First Edition 12:30 Tiger World Football Show Tape 00:30hrs 13:00 Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 16:00 Winter X Games All Access 16:55 Football Forecast 17:25 Sportscenter Weekend 2009 17:30 Sportscenter Week In Review 2009 18:00 Ebu European Circuit Finals 21:00 Major League Baseball 2009 (E)
12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:00 15:30 16:00 17:00
One Step Beyond S2 One Way Out Discovery Turbo Discovery Turbo Discovery Turbo Building The Ultimate S1 Building The Ultimate S1 Man Vs Wild S3 Dirty Jobs With Peter Schmeichel 18:00 Gateway Asia 19:00 Doing Davinci 20:00 Survivorman 21:00 Treasure Quest 22:00 A Haunting II 23:00 Blueprint For Disaster S2
00:00 Secret Bible 01:00 Riddles of The Dead 02:00 Interpol Investigates 03:00 About Asia 04:00 Secret Bible 05:00 Riddles of The Dead 06:00 Interpol Investigates 07:00 Secret Bible 08:00 About Asia 09:00 Naked Science 10:00 Nat Geo Junior 10:30 Nat Geo Junior 11:00 Food Lovers Guide To The Plane 11:30 Food Lovers Guide To The Plane 12:00 Caught In The Act 13:00 Mystery of the Wolf 14:00 Korea Sparkling 14:30 Korea Sparkling 15:00 Inside 16:00 Inside 17:00 By Any Means 18:00 Generals At War 19:00 Light At The Edge Of The World 20:00 Egypt Underworld 21:00 Carrier 22:00 Air Crash Investigation 23:00 Light At The Edge Of The World
00:00 MotoGP World Championship 2009 - Main Race 03:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 03:30 Behind The Baseline 04:00 Ace 2009 04:30 Golf Focus 2009 05:00 Golf Club 2009, The 05:30 Engine Block 2009 06:00 Mobil 1 The Grid 06:30 Asian Tour Weekly 2009 07:00 Formula BMW Pacific 08:00 Tennis Central 08:30 Global Football 09:00 FUEL TV 09:30 FUEL TV 10:00 IAAF Super Grand Prix Herculis 13:00 Asian Tour Weekly 2009 13:30 Ace 2009 14:00 Global Football 14:30 International Motorsport News 2009 15:30 Engine Block 2009 16:00 Golf Focus 2009 16:30 Ace 2009 17:00 Mobil 1 The Grid 17:30 Queen’s Cup 18:30 Engine Block 2009 18:50 FIA F1 World Championship Qualifying 2009 20:30 Behind The Baseline 21:00 Queen’s Cup 22:00 Le Mans Series 2009 23:00 FIA F1 World Championship Qualifying 2009
01:00 01:55 03:00 05:00 07:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 15:00 17:00 19:00 21:00 23:15
00:00 One Step Beyond S2 00:30 One Way Out 01:00 Solved 02:00 Merchants Of Destiny: The Huizhou Merchants Of Ancient China 03:00 Guilty Or Innocent? 04:00 Undercover: Double Life 05:00 Blueprint For Disaster S2 06:00 Mthybusters S6 07:00 How Stuff Works 08:00 How Do They Do it? S4 08:30 How Do They Do it? S4 09:00 Everything You Need To Know 09:30 How Its Made S10 10:00 Discovery Kids 11:00 Mthybusters S6
00:00 Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 01:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:30 Hannah Montana 02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Mickey Mouseworks 06:00 House Of Mouse 06:30 Shaun The Sheep 07:00 Animal Mechanicals
The Tudors S107: The Tudors S108: Point Of Origin The Ladies Man Without Limits Thief Of Hearts Rock Monster Sudden Death The Ladies Man Jawbreaker Point Of Origin Mission: Impossible Ii Hostel 2
07:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 08:00 Amazing Spiez, The 08:30 Phineas And Ferb 09:00 Rocketman 10:30 Yin Yang Yo! 11:00 Pucca 11:30 Oggy And The Cockroaches 12:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 12:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 13:00 Twisted Whiskers 13:30 Replacements, The 14:00 Totally Spies 14:30 Amazing Spiez, The 15:00 Amazing Spiez, The 15:30 Twisted Whiskers 16:00 Hannah Montana 16:30 Jonas 17:00 Oggy And The Cockroaches 17:30 Suite Life On Deck, The 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 18:30 Whispers: An Elephant’s Tale 20:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 20:30 Cory In The House 21:00 Leroy & Stitch 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:00 Shaun The Sheep
00:30 01:20 01:45 02:15
Sheryl Crow THS Naomi Campbell Style Star Streets of Hollywood 25 Celebrity Near Death Experiences 04:05 10 Most Compelling Mama Dramas 05:00 Superstar Slimdown Secrets 05:55 E! News 06:20 Eva Mendes Style Star 06:45 E! News 07:10 Daily 10, The 07:35 Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Behind the Scenes 08:00 Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince Behind the Scenes 08:25 25 Most Stylish 09:15 My Celebrity Home 10:05 LL Cool J THS 11:00 E! News 11:25 Daily 10, The 11:50 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 12:15 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 12:40 Glow 13:05 Glow 13:30 Stripped 13:55 Stripped 14:25 The Proposal Behind the Scenes 14:50 The Ugly Truth Behind the Scenes 15:15 Celebrity Medical Nightmares: In Their Own Words 16:10 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 16:35 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated
17:00 E! News 17:25 Daily 10, The 17:50 15 Unforgettable Hollywood Tragedies 19:30 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 19:55 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 20:20 Doomed to Die? 13 Most Shocking Hollywood Curses 21:10 E! News 21:35 Daily 10, The 22:00 My Celebrity Home 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Area
00:50 Best of Best 02:25 Magic Cop 04:00 Closed Note 06:25 Big Sting 07:55 Tripping 09:40 Heavenly Kings 11:10 Love Message 12:45 Twins Effect 14:35 Cala, My Dog
16:20 Summer Breeze of Love 18:15 Kung Fu Mahjong 3 The Final Duel 20:00 Christmas on July 24th Avenue 21:55 SPL 23:30 Love in Macau
00:00 Jockeys 00:30 Off the Leash 01:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia 02:00 Orangutan Island 02:30 Orangutan Island 03:00 Equator 04:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 05:00 K-9 to 5 II 05:30 K-9 to 5 II 06:00 The Most Extreme 3 07:00 Groomer Has It 08:00 Animal Allies 2 08:30 Animal Allies 2 09:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6 09:30 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6 10:00 Wild Island 10:30 Vets on the Wild Side II 11:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures 2 12:00 Dolphin Days 12:30 Lords of the Animals 13:00 Animal Cops South Africa 14:00 Malaysia Uncovered 15:00 Spotlight: Earth 16:00 BITE NITE 17:00 Orangutan Island 17:30 Orangutan Island 18:00 Dolphin Days 18:30 Lords of the Animals 19:00 Animal Cops South Africa 20:00 Malaysia Uncovered 21:00 Wild Hearts 22:00 The Most Extreme 5 23:00 Dolphin Days 23:30 Lords of the Animals
True Blood Pukul 20.00 WIB
Pembunuhan mengejutkan di luar Marlotte membuat Born Temps pusing. Sementara itu, hubungan Sookie dan Bill diuji saat ia tahu soal Jessica, dan keterlibatan Bill dalam kematian pamannya. Sam teringat pertemuannya dengan Maryann saat berusia 17 tahun. Jason mendapat kesempatan membayar keputusannya mundur dari Fellowship of the Sun. Sam dan Jason mungkin menghadapi takdir yang sama.
Agustus 2009 | primetime |
23 Agustus
00:00 The Heartbreak Kid 02:00 How She Move 04:00 The Astronaut’s Wife 06:00 Recount 08:00 Prom Night 09:30 The Making Of Get Smart 10:00 Shooter 12:00 Addams Family Values 13:30 Curb Your Enthusiasm S607: The Tivo Guy 14:00 The Devil’s Own 16:00 How She Move 17:45 Lost & Found 19:30 Hbo Central 20:00 Get Smart 21:45 Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome ch.
01:00 Over The Top 02:45 Wind Chill 04:30 Hood Rat 06:00 Dream Man 08:00 Over The Top 09:45 Epad On Max 22 10:00 The Butterfly Effect 2 12:00 True Blood S201: Nothing But The Blood 13:00 Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil 16:00 Hood Rat 17:45 Epad On Max 22 18:00 Dream Man 20:00 Hot Fuzz 22:00 The Ultimate Warrior 23:30 Switchback
00:15 Rogue Assassin 01:55 Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo 03:30 1408 05:25 Vip Access: Gi Joe: The Rise Of Cobra 05:55 Edge, The 08:00 Fire & Ice 09:30 I Think I Love My Wife 11:00 The Singer 12:55 Resident Evil: Extinction 14:30 Meet The Spartans 16:05 What Lies Beneath 18:15 Alien Vs Predator: Requiem 20:00 Happening, The 21:40 Silence Of The Lambs, The 23:40 Quentin Tarantino’s Thunder Bolt: Death Proof
00:30 Irma La Douce 03:00 Audrey Rose 05:00 Slamdance 06:45 The Aviator 08:30 Sayonara 11:00 Dublin Murders 12:30 Wild Orchid 14:15 The Perez Family 16:15 Carbon Copy 18:00 The Object of Beauty 20:00 The Fortune Cookie 22:15 Avanti!
00:00 Most Haunted 01:00 My Wife and Kids 01:25 Rita Rocks 01:50 According to Jim 02:15 Jake in Progress 02:40 The IT Crowd 03:00 30 Rock 03:30 Cavemen 04:00 COPS
04:30 COPS 05:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out 07:00 Best of Saturday Night Live 08:00 Howie Do It 09:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? 10:00 Friends 10:30 Friends 11:00 Friends 11:30 Friends 12:00 Friends 12:30 The Simpsons 13:00 My Wife and Kids 13:25 Rita Rocks 13:50 According to Jim 14:15 Jake in Progress 14:40 The IT Crowd 15:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out 17:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? 18:00 Late Show with David Letterman 19:00 Long Lost Son 21:00 Asia Uncut 22:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out
00:00 American Dreams (S2) 01:00 Mystery Woman: Oh Baby 03:00 Hard Ground 05:00 Cradle Of Lies 07:00 Recipe For Murder 09:00 McLeod’s Daughters (S7) 10:00 Midsomer Murders (S8) 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 13:00 Without A Trace (S3) 14:00 Oprah’s Big Give 15:00 American Dreams (S2) 16:00 McLeod’s Daughters (S7) 17:00 Vinegar Hill 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 20:00 Jane Doe: The Harder They Fall 21:45 Fielder’s Choice 23:30 Seventeen And Missing
00:30 Nip/tuck (Season 4) 01:30 The Rock 04:00 Las Vegas (Season 5) 05:00 Ebuzz 05:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 06:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 06:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 07:00 Video Zonkers 07:30 Ebuzz 08:00 The Duke 09:00 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 10:00 Video Zonkers 10:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 11:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation (Season 8) 12:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 13:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 14:00 The Rock 16:30 Ebuzz 17:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 17:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 18:00 The Duke 19:00 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 20:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 21:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 22:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation (Season 8)
23:00 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed
00:00 PGA Europro Tour 02:00 Sportscenter Weekend 2009 02:05 Bassmaster Elite Series : Ramada Champion’s Choice 03:00 Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 06:00 Fina Aquatics World 06:30 Sportscenter Week In Review 2009 07:00 Players Lives 07:30 Grand American Series : Watkins Glen 08:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 09:00 Football Asia 2009/10 09:30 Fina Aquatics World 10:00 Bassmaster Elite Series : Ramada Champion’s Choice 11:00 KIA X Games Asia 2009 13:00 Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 16:00 Winter X-Games 01:00hr 17:00 Fina Aquatics World 17:25 Tiger World Football Show Tape 00:30hrs 17:55 Football Asia 2009/10 18:25 Sportscenter Weekend 2009 18:30 Ebu European Circuit Finals 21:30 Major League Baseball 2009 (E)
00:30 Queen’s Cup 01:30 Ace 2009 02:00 2009 Little League World Series 04:30 Formula BMW Pacific 05:30 FA Classic Matches 01:00hr 06:30 FIA F1 World Championship Qualifying 2009 08:00 FUEL TV 08:30 FUEL TV 09:00 FUEL TV 09:30 FUEL TV 10:00 Max Power 2009/10 11:00 FIA F1 World Championship Qualifying 2009 12:30 Behind The Baseline 13:00 Tennis Central 13:30 Formula Drift Proam Series 2009 - Highlights 14:30 MotoGP World Championship 2009 - Highlights 15:30 Sports Max 16:30 FIA F1 World Championship Qualifying 2009 18:00 FIA F1 World Championship Raceday 18:45 FIA F1 World Championship 2009 - Main Race 20:45 FIA F1 World Championship Chequered Flag 21:30 GP 2 Series 2009 23:30 IAAF Super Grand Prix Herculis
00:00 Futureweapons S2 01:00 How Stuff Works 02:00 Discovery Project Earth 03:00 Treeman: The Cure 04:00 Anatomy Of A Pandemic 05:00 Raging Planet 06:00 Building The Ultimate S1 06:30 Building The Ultimate S1 07:00 Treeman: The Cure 08:00 Anatomy Of A Pandemic 09:00 Dirty Jobs With Peter Schmeichel 10:00 Discovery Kids 11:00 Doing Davinci 12:00 Everything You Need To
Know How Its Made S10 Doing Davinci Discovery Project Earth Raging Planet Discovery Atlas: Italy Revealed 17:00 Enigmatic Malaysia 18:00 Asian Enigma S2 19:00 Mysterious Death Of Cleopatra 20:00 The Science Of Sex Appeal 22:00 Enigmatic Malaysia 23:00 The Science Of Sex Appeal 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00
00:00 Egypt Underworld 01:00 Carrier 02:00 Air Crash Investigation 03:00 Light At The Edge Of The World 04:00 Egypt Underworld 05:00 Carrier 06:00 Air Crash Investigation 07:00 Light At The Edge Of The World 08:00 Egypt Underworld 09:00 Naked Science 10:00 Nat Geo Junior 11:00 Raptor Force 12:00 Carrier 13:00 Inside 14:00 Inside 15:00 Inside 16:00 Salvage Code Red 17:00 Air Crash Investigation 18:00 Racing To America 19:00 Ancient Megastructures 20:00 Samurai Bow 21:00 Inside 22:00 World’s Toughest Fixes 23:00 Ancient Megastructures
01:00 01:50 03:00 05:00 07:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 14:45 17:00 19:00 21:00
The Tudors S109: The Tudors S110: Jawbreaker Jagged Edge Red Planet Mission: Impossible Ii Front Of The Class Point Of Origin Short Circuit 2 Jagged Edge Red Planet Entourage S501: Fantasy Island 21:30 Punch-drunk Love 23:15 Front Of The Class
00:00 Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 01:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:30 Hannah Montana 02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Mickey Mouseworks 06:00 House Of Mouse 06:30 Shaun The Sheep 07:00 Animal Mechanicals 07:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 08:00 Amazing Spiez, The 08:30 Phineas And Ferb 09:00 Twisted Whiskers
09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30
Metajets Aaron Stone Yin Yang Yo! Pucca Oggy And The Cockroaches Mr.Bean - Live Action Series Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 13:00 Twisted Whiskers 13:30 Replacements, The 14:00 Totally Spies 14:30 Amazing Spiez, The 15:00 Amazing Spiez, The 15:30 Twisted Whiskers 16:00 Hannah Montana 16:30 Jonas 17:00 Oggy And The Cockroaches 17:30 Suite Life On Deck, The 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 18:30 Veritas: Prince Of Truth 20:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 20:30 Cory In The House 21:00 Mr. Magoo 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:00 Shaun The Sheep
00:30 Mariska Hargitay THS 01:20 Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Behind the Scenes 01:45 Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince Behind the Scenes 02:15 Serial Killers on the Loose THS Investigates 04:05 Husbands Who Kill THS Investigates 05:00 Jennifer Lopez THS 06:45 Behind the Scenes 07:10 Behind the Scenes 07:35 E! News 08:25 25 Most Stylish 09:15 My Celebrity Home 10:05 Celine Dion THS 11:00 E! News 11:50 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 12:15 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 12:40 Glow 13:05 Glow 13:30 Stripped 13:55 Stripped 14:25 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 14:50 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 15:15 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 15:40 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 16:10 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 16:35 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 17:00 E! News 17:50 Natasha Richardson THS 18:40 Heath Ledger THS 19:30 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated
Get Smart Pukul 20.00 WIB
46 | primetime | Agustus 2009
Maxwell Smart hanya pekerja administratif di dinas rahasia pemerintah. Tapi ia memendam keinginan jadi agen rahasia. Saat markas besar dinas rahasia diserang, Maxwell berkesempatan jadi agen rahasia, bermitra dengan si seksi Agen 99. Duet ini mencari tahu siapa dalang kejahatan. Tapi kesembronoan Maxwell hampir membuat dirinya dan Agen 99 celaka. Dibintangi Steve Carrel, Anne Hathaway, dan Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.
19:55 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 20:20 The Real Life CSI THS Investigates 21:10 E! News 22:00 My Celebrity Home 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Area
01:05 03:00 04:35 06:15
Cafe Lumiere Story of My Son My Baby Shoot Me Down Alan & Eric Between Hello & Goodbye 08:00 Rough 09:50 Cinema Today 10:50 Lady Iron Chef 12:35 Heavenly Mission 14:40 Go Master 16:30 House of Fury 18:15 Moments of Love 20:00 20th Century Boys Chapter 1 Beginning of the End 22:30 Ip Man
00:00 Animal Cops South Africa 01:00 Malaysia Uncovered 02:00 Wild Hearts 03:00 The Most Extreme 5 04:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures 2 05:00 BITE NITE 06:00 BITE NITE 07:00 Meerkat Manor 2 07:30 Meerkat Manor 2 08:00 Dolphin Days 08:30 Lords of the Animals 09:00 Lemur Street 09:30 Lemur Street 10:00 Growing Up 11:00 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 11:30 In Too Deep 12:00 Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli 12:30 Safari Sisters 13:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 14:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 15:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia 16:00 BITE NITE 17:00 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 17:30 In Too Deep 18:00 Meerkat Manor 2 18:30 Meerkat Manor 2 19:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 20:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 21:00 Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli 21:30 Safari Sisters 22:00 The Most Extreme 5 23:00 Meerkat Manor 2 23:30 Meerkat Manor 2
weekly 24 Agustus
00:00 Shooter 02:00 Get Smart 04:00 A Perfect Murder 06:00 Shooter 08:00 Screwed 09:30 Hbo Central 10:00 The Devil’s Own 12:00 Get Smart 14:00 Places In The Heart 16:30 The Astronaut’s Wife 18:30 Guarding Tess 20:00 Indecent Proposal 22:00 Flight Of The Conchords S207: Prime Minister 22:25 Flight Of The Conchords S208: New Zealand Town 23:00 Get Smart
01:30 Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil 04:00 Hot Fuzz 06:00 The Ultimate Warrior 07:30 Epad On Max 22 08:00 World Trade Center 10:30 The Andromeda Strain Part 1 12:00 The Andromeda Strain Part 2 14:00 Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil 17:00 Gabriel 19:00 True Blood S201: Nothing But The Blood 20:00 Purgatory 21:30 Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil
01:35 Max Havoc: Curse Of The Dragon 03:10 Storm Warning 04:20 Alien Vs Predator: Requiem 06:05 Impy’s Island 07:30 Mystery, Alaska 09:30 Double Take 11:00 Terminator, The 12:45 Vip Access: Gi Joe: The Rise Of Cobra 13:15 Death Defying Acts 14:55 Edge, The 16:55 Smother 18:30 Simpsons Movie, The 20:00 National Treasure: Book Of Secrets 22:05 Over Her Dead Body 23:40 Shutter
00:30 02:30 04:15 05:45 07:15 09:45 11:30
Some Like It Hot Bright Lights Big City Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings Palookaville A Fistful of Dynamite The Witches The Extreme Adventures of Super Dave 13:00 Sunday Bloody Sunday 14:45 Tune in Tomorrow 16:30 Castaway 18:15 Garbo Talks 20:00 The Mudge Boy 21:45 Cherry 2000 23:30 Dead of Winter
00:00 Desperate Housewives 01:00 Long Lost Son 03:00 7th Heaven 04:00 According to Jim 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND 05:00 Seinfeld 05:30 The Simpsons
06:00 The Simpsons 06:30 Hope & Faith 07:00 Friends 07:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:00 Miss Universe 2009 10:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? 11:00 Desperate Housewives 12:00 Ghost Whisperer 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:00 7th Heaven 15:00 Psych 16:00 According to Jim 16:30 The Simpsons 17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Hope & Faith 18:00 Friends 18:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 19:00 Miss Universe 2009 21:00 30 Rock 21:30 Cavemen 22:00 Two and a Half Men 23:00 Seinfeld 23:30 COPS
01:30 Vinegar Hill 03:15 Jane Doe: The Harder They Fall 05:00 Scarlett 07:00 The Nanny (S5) 07:30 The Nanny (S5) 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S22) 09:00 Fielder’s Choice 11:00 Sea Patrol (S1) 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S1) 14:20 Seventeen And Missing 16:00 ER (S5) 17:00 The Nanny (S5) 17:30 The Nanny (S5) 18:00 The Biggest Loser (S1) 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S21) 20:00 Without A Trace (S3) 21:00 Winter White 23:00 The Nanny (S5) 23:30 The Nanny (S5)
00:00 The Duke 01:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 02:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 03:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation (Season 8) 04:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 04:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 05:00 The Contender Asia 06:00 House (Season 5) 07:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 08:00 Guardian, The (Season 2) 09:00 The Contender Asia 10:00 House (Season 5) 11:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 12:00 Mr Deeds 14:00 The Duke 15:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 16:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 16:30 Ebuzz 17:00 Mr Deeds 19:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 20:00 Scare Tactics (Season 3) 20:30 Scare Tactics (Season 3) 21:00 Criss Angel Mindfreak (Season 4) 22:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 23:00 Scare Tactics (Season 3) 23:30 Scare Tactics (Season 3)
00:30 Sportscenter Weekend 2009
00:35 Planet Speed 2009/10 01:00 2009 Little League World Series 03:30 PGA Europro Tour 05:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 06:00 Grand American Series : Watkins Glen 07:00 Princess European Golf Challenge Tour, The 07:30 KIA X Games Asia 2009 - Skateboard Street 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 08:01 Winter X-Games 00:59hrs 09:00 4th Belgrade International Meeting - Artur Takatch Memorial 2009 11:29 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 11:30 Asian World Cup Qualifiers 13:30 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 13:31 2009 Little League World Series 16:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 16:01 Winter X-Games 00:59hrs 17:00 World Of Gymnastics 17:30 Football Asia 2009/10 18:00 Nuts 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 19:00 Beach Soccer 2008 Tape 01:00hrs 20:00 Football Asia 2009/10 20:30 Players Lives 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 21:30 Beach Soccer 2008 Tape 01:00hrs 22:30 Football Asia 2009/10 23:00 Sportscenter Asia 23:30 Women’s World 10-Ball Championship (H/l)- Sf1
02:30 Sports Max 03:30 Behind The Baseline 04:00 IAAF Ix European Athletics Festival 07:00 MotoGP World Championship 2009 - Highlights 08:00 Queen’s Cup 09:00 PGA Europro Tour 11:00 Formula BMW Pacific 12:00 GP 2 Series 2009 14:00 Behind The Baseline 14:30 FIA F1 World Championship Raceday 15:15 FIA F1 World Championship 2009 - Main Race 17:15 FIA F1 World Championship Chequered Flag 18:00 World Of Gymnastics 18:30 Evian Masters 2009 Day 1 20:30 Score Tonight 21:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 21:30 Engine Block 2009 22:00 FIA F1 World Championship Highlights 2009 23:30 Score Tonight
01:00 Man Made Marvels: Petronas Towers 02:00 Raging Planet 03:00 Solved 04:00 Undercover: Double Life 05:00 Everything You Need To Know 05:30 How Its Made S10 06:00 How Do They Do it? S4 06:30 How Do They Do it? S4 07:00 The Science Of Sex Appeal 09:00 One Step Beyond S2 09:30 One Way Out 10:00 Everything You Need To Know 10:30 How Its Made S10 11:00 How Do They Do It? S4 11:30 How Its Made S10 12:00 Mythbusters S3
13:00 The Science Of Sex Appeal 15:00 Survivorman 16:00 Dirty Jobs With Peter Schmeichel 17:00 How Its Made S10 17:30 How Do They Do It? S4 18:00 Destroyed In Seconds 18:30 Lost Tapes: Cave Demons 19:00 Man Vs Wild S3 20:00 Dirty Jobs With Peter Schmeichel 21:00 Survivorman 22:00 Treasure Quest 23:00 Dirty Jobs With Peter Schmeichel
00:00 Samurai Bow 01:00 Inside 02:00 World’s Toughest Fixes 03:00 Ancient Megastructures 04:00 Samurai Bow 05:00 Inside 06:00 World’s Toughest Fixes 07:00 Naked Science 08:00 About Asia 09:00 Built For Destruction 10:00 Caught In The Act 11:00 Naked Science 12:00 About Asia 13:00 Built For Destruction 14:00 Caught In The Act 15:00 Naked Science 16:00 Nat Geo Junior 16:30 Nat Geo Junior 17:00 Light At The Edge Of The World 18:00 Built For Destruction 19:00 About Asia 20:00 Generals At War 21:00 Helicopter Wars 22:00 Racing To America 23:00 Light At The Edge Of The World
01:15 03:00 05:00 07:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 15:00 17:00 19:00 19:25 19:50 20:15
21:00 23:00
Yellow Mission: Impossible Ii Nuts The Kingdom The Invasion City Hall New Best Friend Sweet Nothing In My Ear Nuts Flight Of The Conchords S201: A Good Opportunity Flight Of The Conchords S202: A New Cup Flight Of The Conchords S203: Tough Brets Flight Of The Conchords S204: Murray Takes It To The Next Level Cheaters The Invasion
00:00 Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 01:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:30 Hannah Montana 02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 06:00 Mickey Mouseworks
06:30 Donald Duck Presents 07:00 Good Morning Mickey 07:30 House Of Mouse 08:00 Phineas And Ferb 08:30 Replacements, The 09:00 Ratatouille 11:00 Pucca 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 13:00 Monster Allergy 13:24 Monster Allergy 13:55 Action Man A.T.O.M.: Alpha Teens On Machines 14:17 Totally Spies 14:40 Totally Spies 15:02 Yin Yang Yo! 15:30 Yin Yang Yo! 16:00 Pucca 16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 18:30 Mr. Magoo 20:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 20:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 21:00 Ratatouille 23:00 Cory In The House 23:30 Shaun The Sheep
00:30 Janet Jackson THS 01:20 Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince Behind the Scenes 01:45 The Proposal Behind the Scenes 02:15 Britney Spears: Price of Fame THS 04:05 Forbes 20 Cash Queens of Music 05:00 My Celebrity Home 05:55 E! News 06:45 E! News 07:35 Glow 08:00 Stripped 08:25 Area 09:15 O.J., Nicole & Ron: Countdown to Murder THS 11:00 E! News 11:50 Rich Kids: Cattle Drive 12:40 Whitney & Bobby THS 14:25 My Celebrity Home 15:15 Glow 15:40 Stripped 16:10 Eva Longoria Style Star 16:35 Streets of Hollywood 17:00 E! News 17:50 LL Cool J THS 18:40 Sean “Diddy” Combs THS 19:30 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 19:55 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 20:20 Pam: Girl on the Loose 20:45 Ashlee Simpson Style Star 21:10 E! News 22:00 My Celebrity Home 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Areawww
00:20 02:00 03:35 05:00 06:30 08:05 09:55 12:00 13:35
14:35 My Mighty Princess 16:35 Nothing is Impossible 18:15 My DNA Says I Love You 20:00 Ticket 21:55 Confession of Pain 23:50 2000 A.D.
00:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 01:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 02:00 Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli 02:30 Safari Sisters 03:00 The Most Extreme 5 04:00 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 04:30 In Too Deep 05:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 06:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 07:00 Big Cat Diary V 07:30 Big Cat Diary V 08:00 Lemur Street 08:30 Lemur Street 09:00 Caught in the Moment 10:00 K-9 to 5 II 10:30 K-9 to 5 II 11:00 The Most Extreme 4 12:00 Predators’ Prey 12:30 Predators’ Prey 13:00 Crime Scene Wild 14:00 Wild Hearts 15:00 Groomer Has It 16:00 Jockeys 16:30 Off the Leash 17:00 Caught in the Moment 18:00 Predators’ Prey 18:30 Predators’ Prey 19:00 Crime Scene Wild 20:00 Wild Hearts 21:00 Groomer Has It 22:00 Jockeys 22:30 Off the Leash 23:00 Predators’ Prey 23:30 Predators’ Prey
Shanghai Fever Lost My Love City Kids 1989 Drowning Blue Automobile Initial D Simply Actors b420 Cinema Today
Miss Universe 2009 Pukul 08.00 WIB
Sekali lagi, wanita-wanita paling cantik di muka bumi berlomba menjadi yang tercantik sejagad. Disaksikan jutaan orang di lebih dari 170 negara, kontes Miss Universe 2009 ditayangkan langsung dari Paradise Island di kepulauan Bahama. Selama dua jam, panel juri menilai kecantikan dan kepintaran mereka. Pemenangnya akan dimahkotai oleh Miss Universe 2008, Dayana Mendoza.
Agustus 2009 | primetime |
25 Agustus
01:00 Shooter 03:30 Greystoke The Legend Of Tarzan Lord Of The Apes 06:00 Get Smart 08:00 The Heartbreak Kid 10:00 Are We Done Yet? 12:00 Indecent Proposal 14:00 P.O.W. The Escape 15:30 The Making Of Get Smart 16:00 Get Smart 18:00 The Heartbreak Kid 20:00 Get Smart’s Bruce And Lloyd Out Of Control 21:15 Mad City 23:15 The Bone Collector ch.
00:00 The Ultimate Warrior 01:30 Epad On Max 22 02:00 Purgatory 04:00 The Hitcher 06:00 Gabriel 08:00 Hot Fuzz 10:00 Purgatory 11:45 Epad On Max 22 12:00 Hood Rat 14:00 Switchback 16:00 Hbo World Boxing: Mosley Vs Brown 18:00 Hot Fuzz 20:00 The Gorgon 21:30 The Curse Of Frankenstein 23:00 True Blood S201: Nothing But The Blood
01:00 02:25 03:55 05:20 06:55 08:35
Dude, Where’s My Car? Mask Of The Ninja Awake Right At Your Door Big Trouble In Little China Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World’s End 11:25 Hot Chick, The 13:10 Premonition 14:50 The Singer 16:45 Jack And Jill Vs. The World 18:15 Mad Money 20:00 Breach 21:50 1408 23:35 From Hell
01:00 That Sinking Feeling 02:30 Crimes of Passion 04:00 Christmas Eve 05:45 Four Friends 07:45 Cutter’s Way 09:30 We Think the World of You 11:15 Just a Little Harmless Sex 12:45 A Family Thing 14:30 Shag 16:15 The Taking of Pelham One Two Three 18:00 Rush 20:00 Posse 22:00 Hair
00:00 Friends 00:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 01:00 The Simpsons 01:30 The Simpsons 01:55 Dilbert 02:00 Late Show with David Letterman 02:55 Charlie’s Angels 03:00 7th Heaven 03:55 Who’s the Boss? 04:00 According to Jim 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND
05:00 Seinfeld 05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 The Simpsons 06:30 Hope & Faith 07:00 Friends 07:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:55 Dilbert 09:00 Psych 09:55 Charlie’s Angels 10:00 Miss Universe 2009 12:00 30 Rock 12:30 Cavemen 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 13:55 Dilbert 14:00 7th Heaven 14:55 Charlie’s Angels 15:00 Psych 15:55 Who’s the Boss? 16:00 According to Jim 16:30 The Simpsons 17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Hope & Faith 18:00 Friends 18:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 19:00 Ghost Whisperer 19:55 Dilbert 20:00 Desperate Housewives 20:55 Charlie’s Angels 21:00 Bionic Woman 21:55 Who’s the Boss? 22:00 Two and a Half Men 23:00 Seinfeld 23:30 COPS
00:00 ER (S5) 01:00 Drive Time Murders 03:00 Midsomer Murders (S9) 05:00 Scarlett 07:00 The Nanny (S5) 07:30 The Nanny (S5) 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S21) 09:00 Winter White 11:00 Without A Trace (S3) 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S21) 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S1) 14:00 Drive Time Murders 16:00 ER (S5) 17:00 The Nanny (S5) 17:30 The Biggest Loser (S1) 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 20:00 The Biggest Loser (S6) 21:00 Commander In Chief (S1) 22:00 Lipstick Jungle (S1) 23:00 The Nanny (S5) 23:30 The Nanny (S5)
00:00 Criss Angel Mindfreak (Season 4) 01:00 Video Zonkers 01:30 Video Zonkers 02:00 The Contender Asia 03:00 House (Season 5) 04:00 Video Zonkers 04:30 Video Zonkers 05:00 The Contender Asia 06:00 House (Season 5) 07:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 08:00 Guardian, The (Season 2) 09:00 The Contender Asia 10:00 House (Season 5) 11:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 12:00 The Amazing Race Asia (Season 3) 13:00 Scare Tactics (Season 3) 13:30 Scare Tactics (Season 3) 14:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 15:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 16:00 The Amazing Race Asia (Season 3) 17:00 Video Zonkers 17:30 Video Zonkers 18:00 Criss Angel Mindfreak
(Season 4) 19:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 19:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 20:00 Chuck (Season 1) 21:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 22:00 24 (Season 6) 23:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 23:30 Csi: Ny (Season 5)
00:30 Sportscenter Asia 01:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 01:30 US Figure Skating Championships : Men’s & Ladies Short 03:30 Sportscenter Asia 04:00 Uca National All-STAR Cheerleading Championship 05:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 05:30 Sportscenter Asia 06:00 S4c Wales Ladies Championship Of Europe 07:00 Beach Soccer 2008 Tape 01:00hrs 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 08:01 Winter X-Games 00:59hrs 09:00 Bassmaster Elite Series : Ramada Champion’s Choice 10:00 Grand American Series : Watkins Glen 10:59 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 11:00 Beach Soccer 2008 Tape 01:00hrs 12:00 Asian World Cup Qualifiers 14:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 14:01 Grand American Series : Watkins Glen 15:00 Bupa Great North 10k Run - Sunderland 15:30 WNBA Action 2009 16:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 16:01 Winter X-Games 00:59hrs 17:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 17:30 Beach Soccer 2008 Tape 01:00hrs 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 19:00 Football Focus With John Dykes 20:00 Beach Soccer 2008 Tape 01:00hrs 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 21:30 Football Focus With John Dykes 22:30 Players Lives 23:00 Sportscenter Asia 23:30 Women’s World 10-Ball Championship (H/l) Sf 2
00:00 Engine Block 2009 00:30 FIA F1 World Championship Raceday 01:15 FIA F1 World Championship 2009 - Main Race 03:15 FIA F1 World Championship Chequered Flag 04:00 William Jones Invitational 2009 Tape 2hrs 06:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 06:30 Engine Block 2009 07:00 International Motorsport News 2009 08:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 08:30 Engine Block 2009 09:00 Ricoh Women’s British Open 2009 Day 11:00 International Motorsport News 2009 12:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 12:30 Engine Block 2009 13:00 PGA Europro Tour 15:00 International Motorsport News 2009
16:00 FUEL TV 16:30 FUEL TV 17:00 MotoGP World Championship 2009 - Highlights 18:00 Engine Block 2009 18:30 Evian Masters 2009 Day 2 20:30 Score Tonight 21:00 Behind The Baseline 21:30 Ace 2009 22:00 Roger Federer - Spirit Of A Champion: The Making Of A Champion 22:30 Roger Federer - Spirit Of A Champion: The Champion 23:00 Roger Federer - Spirit Of A Champion: The Man 23:30 Score Tonight
00:00 Survivorman 01:00 Treasure Quest 02:00 Destroyed In Seconds 02:30 Lost Tapes: Cave Demons 03:00 Guilty Or Innocent? 04:00 Man Vs Wild S3 05:00 Asian Enigma S2 06:00 Destroyed In Seconds 06:30 Lost Tapes: Cave Demons 07:00 Dirty Jobs With Peter Schmeichel 08:00 Treasure Quest 09:00 Man Vs Wild S3 10:00 Asian Enigma S2 11:00 How Do They Do It? S4 11:30 How Its Made S10 12:00 Mythbusters S3 13:00 Man Vs Wild S3 14:00 Treasure Quest 15:00 Doing Davinci 16:00 Mthybusters S6 17:00 How Its Made S10 17:30 How Do They Do It? S4 18:00 The Science Of Sex Appeal 20:00 Raging Planet 21:00 Rogue Nature With Dave Salmoni: Hippo/Croc 22:00 Destroyed In Seconds 22:30 Lost Tapes: Bigfoot 23:00 Raging Planet
00:00 Generals At War 01:00 Helicopter Wars 02:00 Racing To America 03:00 About Asia 04:00 Generals At War 05:00 Helicopter Wars 06:00 Racing To America 07:00 Naked Science 08:00 About Asia 09:00 Built For Destruction 10:00 Helicopter Wars 11:00 Naked Science 12:00 About Asia 13:00 Built For Destruction 14:00 Generals At War 15:00 Naked Science 16:00 Nat Geo Junior 16:30 Nat Geo Junior 17:00 Salvage Code Red 18:00 Built For Destruction 19:00 About Asia 20:00 Air Crash Investigation 21:00 Salvage Code Red 22:00 Air Crash Investigation 23:00 Salvage Code Red
01:00 03:00 05:00 07:00 09:00 11:00
City Hall New Best Friend Reno 911: Miami Little Shop Of Horrors Sudden Death Fur: An Imaginary Portrait Of
13:00 15:00 17:00 19:00 19:25 19:50 21:00 23:00
Diane Arbus The Kingdom Little Shop Of Horrors Crime Of The Century Flight Of The Conchords S205: Unnatural Love Flight Of The Conchords S206: Love Is A Weapon Of Choice Flight Of The Conchords S207: Prime Minister Eat A Bowl Of Tea Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas
00:00 Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 01:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:30 Hannah Montana 02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 06:00 Mickey Mouseworks 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 07:00 Good Morning Mickey 07:30 House Of Mouse 08:00 Phineas And Ferb 08:30 Replacements, The 09:00 Toy Story 10:30 Amazing Spiez, The 11:00 Pucca 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 13:00 Monster Allergy 13:24 Monster Allergy 13:55 Action Man A.T.O.M.: Alpha Teens On Machines 14:17 Totally Spies 14:40 Totally Spies 15:02 Yin Yang Yo! 15:30 Yin Yang Yo! 16:00 Pucca 16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 18:30 Monsters Inc. 20:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 20:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 21:00 Toy Story 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:00 Cory In The House 23:30 Shaun The Sheep
00:30 01:20 01:45 02:15 04:05 05:00 05:55 06:20
06:45 07:10 07:35 08:00 08:25 09:15 10:05 11:00 11:25 11:50
Keanu Reeves THS Eva Longoria Style Star Streets of Hollywood Jack Nicholson THS Cameron Diaz: Sexy Angel My Celebrity Home E! News Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince Behind the Scenes E! News Daily 10, The Glow Stripped Area Forbes Top 20 TV Cash Queens Jennifer Aniston E! News Daily 10, The Denise Richards: It’s
Dirty Jobs With Peter Schmeichel Pukul 07.00 WIB
48 | primetime | Agustus 2009
Saat ingin hidup bersih dan higienis, kita tentu ingin menjauh dari sampah dan limbah yang dihasilkan produk-produk yang kita gunakan. Kita biasanya tak tertarik bagaimana pembuatan produk itu atau kotoran apa yang dihasilkannya. Itu semua berubah saat Anda menonton Dirty Jobs with Peter Schmeichel. Peter, mantan penjaga gawang, mengajak Anda ke tempat-tempat pekerjaan paling kotor di Eropa. Ia mengingatkan kita kotoran apa yang kita hasilkan selama ini.
Complicated 12:15 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 12:40 The Many Loves of Marilyn Monroe THS 14:25 My Celebrity Home 15:15 Glow 15:40 Stripped 16:10 Ashlee Simpson Style Star 16:35 Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince Behind the Scenes 17:00 E! News 17:25 Daily 10, The 17:50 Natasha Richardson THS 18:40 Charlize Theron THS 19:30 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 19:55 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 20:20 Rich Kids: Cattle Drive 21:10 E! News 21:35 Daily 10, The 22:00 My Celebrity Home 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Area
01:40 03:45 05:30 07:25 09:00 10:55 12:30
Re-Cycle One and a Half Purple Storm Son on the Run Six Strong Guys China Vampire Hi, Dharma 2 Showdown in Seoul 14:15 World Without Thieves 16:10 Gift 18:15 Magic Touch 20:00 Naked Weapon 22:00 20th Century Boys Chapter 1 Beginning of the End
00:00 Crime Scene Wild 01:00 Wild Hearts 02:00 Groomer Has It 03:00 Jockeys 03:30 Off the Leash 04:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 05:00 K-9 to 5 II 05:30 K-9 to 5 II 06:00 The Most Extreme 4 07:00 Big Cat Diary V 07:30 Predators’ Prey 08:00 Lemur Street 08:30 Lemur Street 09:00 Caught in the Moment 10:00 K-9 to 5 II 10:30 K-9 to 5 II 11:00 The Most Extreme 12:00 Predators’ Prey 12:30 Predators’ Prey 13:00 Spotlight: Earth 14:00 BITE NITE 15:00 BITE NITE 16:00 Animal Cops South Africa 17:00 Caught in the Moment 18:00 Predators’ Prey 18:30 Predators’ Prey 19:00 Spotlight: Earth 20:00 BITE NITE 21:00 BITE NITE 22:00 Animal Cops Phoenix 15 23:00 Predators’ Prey 23:30 Predators’ Prey
weekly 26 Agustus
01:15 Guarding Tess 03:15 The Patriot 06:00 The Thing Called Love 08:00 Shooter 10:00 Mad City 12:00 Guarding Tess 13:45 Get Smart’s Bruce And Lloyd Out Of Control 15:00 Shadowlands 17:30 Hbo Central 18:00 Shooter 20:00 Not Another Teen Movie 21:30 Curb Your Enthusiasm S608: The N Word 22:00 Get Smart’s Bruce And Lloyd Out Of Control 23:15 The Devil’s Own
00:00 Hood Rat 01:30 Purgatory 03:00 The Gorgon 04:30 The Curse Of Frankenstein 06:00 Dead Reckoning 07:30 Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil 10:00 Hot Fuzz 12:00 Dream Man 14:00 Over The Top 16:00 The Gorgon 17:30 Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil 20:00 Trespass 21:30 Dream Man 23:00 First Shot
01:35 Max Havoc: Curse Of The Dragon 03:10 Storm Warning 04:20 Alien Vs Predator: Requiem 06:05 Impy’s Island 07:30 Mystery, Alaska 09:30 Double Take 11:00 Terminator, The 12:45 Vip Access: Gi Joe: The Rise Of Cobra 13:15 Death Defying Acts 14:55 Edge, The 16:55 Smother 18:30 Simpsons Movie, The 20:00 National Treasure: Book Of Secrets 22:05 Over Her Dead Body 23:40 Shutter
00:30 02:30 04:15 05:45 07:15 09:45 11:30
Some Like It Hot Bright Lights Big City Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings Palookaville A Fistful of Dynamite The Witches The Extreme Adventures of Super Dave 13:00 Sunday Bloody Sunday 14:45 Tune in Tomorrow 16:30 Castaway 18:15 Garbo Talks 20:00 The Mudge Boy 21:45 Cherry 2000 23:30 Dead of Winter
00:00 Friends 00:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 01:00 The Simpsons 01:30 The Simpsons 01:55 Dilbert 02:00 Late Show with David Letterman
02:55 Charlie’s Angels 03:00 7th Heaven 03:55 Who’s the Boss? 04:00 According to Jim 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND 05:00 Seinfeld 05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 The Simpsons 06:30 Hope & Faith 07:00 Friends 07:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:55 Dilbert 09:00 Psych 09:55 Charlie’s Angels 10:00 Ghost Whisperer 10:55 Who’s the Boss? 11:00 Desperate Housewives 12:00 Bionic Woman 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 13:55 Dilbert 14:00 7th Heaven 14:55 Charlie’s Angels 15:00 Psych 15:55 Who’s the Boss? 16:00 According to Jim 16:30 The Simpsons 17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Hope & Faith 18:00 Friends 18:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 19:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? 19:55 Dilbert 20:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out 20:55 Charlie’s Angels 21:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out 21:55 Jackie Chan Adventures 22:00 Two and a Half Men 23:00 Seinfeld 23:30 COPS
00:00 ER (S5) 01:00 The Road To Paradise 03:00 Midsomer Murders (S9) 05:00 Scarlett 07:00 The Nanny (S5) 07:30 The Nanny (S5) 08:00 Oprah’s Best Life 09:00 The Biggest Loser (S6) 10:00 Commander In Chief (S1) 11:00 Lipstick Jungle (S1) 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S1) 14:20 The Road To Paradise 16:00 ER (S5) 17:00 The Nanny (S5) 17:30 The Biggest Loser (S1) 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 20:00 American Dreams (S2) 21:00 Mystery Woman: Mystery Weekend 23:00 The Nanny (S5) 23:30 The Nanny (S5)
00:30 24 (Season 6) 01:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 02:00 The Contender Asia 03:00 House (Season 5) 04:00 24 (Season 6) 05:00 The Contender Asia 06:00 House (Season 5) 07:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 08:00 Guardian, The (Season 2) 09:00 The Contender Asia 10:00 House (Season 5) 11:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 12:00 The Amazing Race Asia (Season 3) 13:00 Chuck (Season 1) 14:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season
2) 14:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 15:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 16:00 The Amazing Race Asia (Season 3) 17:00 Chuck (Season 1) 18:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 19:00 Slamball 19:30 Slamball 20:00 Numb3rs (Season 5) 21:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 22:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation (Season 8) 23:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7)
00:30 Sportscenter Asia 01:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 01:30 US Figure Skating Championships : Pairs & Dance Long 03:30 Sportscenter Asia 04:00 Cheerleading Worlds 05:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 05:30 Sportscenter Asia 06:00 Bassmaster Elite Series : Ramada Champion’s Choice 07:00 Football Focus With John Dykes 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 08:01 Winter X-Games 00:59hrs 09:00 WNBA Regular Season 2009 11:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 11:01 Football Focus With John Dykes 12:00 Asian World Cup Qualifiers 14:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 14:01 WNBA Regular Season 2009 16:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 16:01 Winter X-Games 00:59hrs 17:00 Football Asia 2009/10 17:30 Football Focus With John Dykes 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 19:00 Players Lives 19:30 Tiger Global Football Show Tape 01:00hrs 20:00 Global Football 20:30 Football Asia 2009/10 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 21:30 Players Lives 22:00 Tiger Global Football Show Tape 01:00hrs 22:30 Global Football 23:00 Sportscenter Asia 23:30 Women’s World 10-Ball Championship (H/l) - Finals
00:00 Ace 2009 00:30 Max Power 2009/10 01:30 Queen’s Cup 02:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 03:00 Ace 2009 03:30 Behind The Baseline 04:00 GP 2 Series 2009 06:00 Behind The Baseline 06:30 Ace 2009 07:00 Max Power 2009/10 08:00 Behind The Baseline 08:30 Ace 2009 09:00 Ricoh Women’s British Open 2009 Day 11:00 Max Power 2009/10 12:00 Behind The Baseline 12:30 Ace 2009 13:00 PGA Europro Tour 15:00 Max Power 2009/10 16:00 FUEL TV 16:30 FUEL TV 17:00 Behind The Baseline 17:30 Ace 2009 18:00 Global Football 18:30 Evian Masters 2009 Day 3 20:30 Score Tonight 21:00 Golf Club 2009, The
21:30 Golf Focus 2009 22:00 Queen’s Cup 23:00 Golf Club 2009, The 23:30 Score Tonight
00:00 Rogue Nature With Dave Salmoni: Hippo/Croc 01:00 Man Vs Wild S3 02:00 Survivorman 03:00 Guilty Or Innocent? 04:00 Treasure Quest 05:00 Gateway Asia 06:00 Mthybusters S6 07:00 Raging Planet 08:00 Rogue Nature With Dave Salmoni: Hippo/Croc 09:00 Survivorman 10:00 Gateway Asia 11:00 How Do They Do It? S4 11:30 How Its Made S10 12:00 Mythbusters S3 13:00 Raging Planet 14:00 Rogue Nature With Dave Salmoni: Hippo/Croc 15:00 Nextworld 16:00 One Step Beyond S2 16:30 One Way Out 17:00 How Its Made S10 17:30 How Do They Do It? S4 18:00 Discovery Project Earth 19:00 Building The Ultimate S1 19:30 Building The Ultimate S1 20:00 Futureweapons S2 21:00 Doing Davinci 22:00 Nextworld 23:00 Futureweapons S2
00:00 Air Crash Investigation 01:00 Salvage Code Red 02:00 Air Crash Investigation 03:00 About Asia 04:00 Air Crash Investigation 05:00 Salvage Code Red 06:00 Air Crash Investigation 07:00 Naked Science 08:00 About Asia 09:00 Catastrophe 10:00 Salvage Code Red 11:00 Naked Science 12:00 About Asia 13:00 Catastrophe 14:00 Air Crash Investigation 15:00 Naked Science 16:00 Nat Geo Junior 16:30 Nat Geo Junior 17:00 Raptor Force 18:00 Catastrophe 19:00 About Asia 20:00 Wild Wednesday 21:00 Wild Wednesday 22:00 Wild Wednesday 23:00 Wild Wednesday
01:00 03:00 05:00 07:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 15:00 17:15 19:00 19:25 19:50 21:00 23:00
The Kingdom Reno 911: Miami City Hall New Best Friend The Ladies Man Point Of Origin Short Circuit 2 City Hall Rock Monster Flight Of The Conchords S208: New Zealand Town Flight Of The Conchords S209: Wingmen Flight Of The Conchords S210: Evicted Mail Order Bride The Ladies Man
00:00 Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 01:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:30 Hannah Montana 02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 06:00 Mickey Mouseworks 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 07:00 Good Morning Mickey 07:30 House Of Mouse 08:00 Phineas And Ferb 08:30 Replacements, The 09:00 Monsters Inc. 10:30 Amazing Spiez, The 11:00 Pucca 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 13:00 Monster Allergy 13:24 Monster Allergy 13:55 Action Man A.T.O.M.: Alpha Teens On Machines 14:17 Totally Spies 14:40 Totally Spies 15:02 Yin Yang Yo! 15:30 Yin Yang Yo! 16:00 Pucca 16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 18:30 Toy Story 2 20:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 20:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 21:00 Little Mermaid, The: Ariel’s Beginning 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:00 Cory In The House 23:30 Shaun The Sheep
00:30 Renee Zellweger THS 01:20 Ashlee Simpson Style Star 01:45 Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince Behind the Scenes 02:15 40 (More) Crimes of Fashion 04:05 Extreme Hollywood 05:00 My Celebrity Home 05:55 E! News 06:20 The Proposal Behind the Scenes 06:45 E! News 07:10 Daily 10, The 07:35 Glow 08:00 Stripped 08:25 Area 09:15 JFK Jr. THS 11:00 E! News 11:25 Daily 10, The 11:50 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 12:15 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 12:40 Forbes TV 20: Famous, Fabulous, and Filthy Rich 13:30 Donald Trump THS 14:25 My Celebrity Home 15:15 Glow 15:40 Stripped 16:10 Kristin Davis Style Star 16:35 The Proposal Behind the Scenes 17:00 E! News
17:25 Daily 10, The 17:50 Nicole Kidman THS 18:40 10 Most Shocking Hollywood Divorces 19:30 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 19:55 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 20:20 Pam: Girl on the Loose 20:45 Kristin Davis Style Star 21:10 E! News 21:35 Daily 10, The 22:00 My Celebrity Home 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Area
00:30 Metade Fumaca 02:15 Getting Home 04:10 Sisters in Law 05:45 Meeting Life and Death 07:35 Love in Macau 09:10 Sparkle in the Dark 10:45 Drink-Drank-Drunk 12:35 Option Zero 14:25 L For Love L For Lies 16:15 Kung Fu Hustle 17:55 Bizan 20:00 Enter the Phoenix 21:50 Connected 23:45 Cinema Today
00:00 Spotlight: Earth 01:00 BITE NITE 02:00 BITE NITE 03:00 Animal Cops Phoenix 15 04:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 05:00 K-9 to 5 II 05:30 K-9 to 5 II 06:00 The Most Extreme 4 07:00 Predators’ Prey 07:30 Predators’ Prey 08:00 Animal Allies 2 08:30 Animal Allies 2 09:00 Caught in the Moment 10:00 K-9 to 5 II 10:30 K-9 to 5 II 11:00 The Most Extreme 4 12:00 Predators’ Prey 12:30 Predators’ Prey 13:00 Orangutan Island 13:30 Orangutan Island 14:00 Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli 14:30 Safari Sisters 15:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 16:00 Meerkat Manor 2 16:30 Meerkat Manor 2 17:00 Caught in the Moment 18:00 Predators’ Prey 18:30 Predators’ Prey 19:00 Orangutan Island 19:30 Orangutan Island 20:00 Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli 20:30 Safari Sisters 21:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 22:00 Meerkat Manor 2 22:30 Meerkat Manor 2 23:00 Predators’ Prey 23:30 Predators’ Prey
Hot Fuzz Pukul 10.00 WIB
Sesama polisi yang pencemburu membuat polisi London paling top harus dimutasi ke sebuah kota kecil dan dipadukan dengan mitra baru yang bodoh. Hasilnya, mereka terjebak dalam rangkaian situasi kacau yang semuanya membuat kita tertawa. Tontonan seru ini dibintangi Simon Pegg dan Timothy Dalton.
Agustus 2009 | primetime |
27 Agustus
01:15 Hideaway 03:00 P.o.w. The Escape 04:30 Poetic Justice 06:00 Hideaway 07:45 The Devil’s own 09:45 Greystoke The Legend of Tarzan Lord of The Apes 12:00 Shadowlands 14:15 Dancers 16:00 The Heartbreak Kid 18:00 Get Smart 20:00 Addams Family Values 21:30 The Heartbreak Kid 23:30 American Pie 2 ch.
00:45 Hot Fuzz 02:45 Trespass 04:15 Rio Grande 06:00 Torn Curtain 08:00 Hood Rat 09:30 Midnight In The Garden of Good And Evil 12:00 The Gorgon 13:30 The Curse of Frankenstein 15:00 First Shot 17:00 Trespass 18:30 Hood Rat 20:00 The Hunley 22:00 HBo world Boxing: Roy Jones Jr Vs Hall
01:35 03:05 04:40 06:25 08:10 09:45 11:40 13:30 15:05 16:40
Rise Rise of The Gargoyles Mad Money Romulus, My Father Finding Rin Tin Tin Courage Under Fire Breach Juno Blonde Ambition Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo 18:15 Behind Enemy Lines 20:00 Butterfly on A wheel 21:35 Rogue Assassin 23:15 Things To Do In Denver when You’re Dead
00:00 Married to it 02:00 Babette’s Feast 03:45 The Handmaid’s Tale 05:30 Yanks 07:45 Elmer Gantry 10:15 The Music Lovers 12:15 Till the End of the Night 13:45 Irma La Douce 16:15 Love at Large 18:00 The Field 20:00 The Dogs of war 22:15 Carrie 23:45 Shadows and Fog
00:00 Friends 00:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 01:00 The Simpsons 01:30 The Simpsons 01:55 Dilbert 02:00 Late Show with David Letterman 02:55 Charlie’s Angels 03:00 7th Heaven 03:55 Jackie Chan Adventures 04:00 According to Jim 04:30 KENNETH CoPELAND 05:00 Seinfeld 05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 The Simpsons
06:30 Hope & Faith 07:00 Friends 07:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:55 Dilbert 09:00 Psych 09:55 Charlie’s Angels 10:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me out 10:55 Jackie Chan Adventures 11:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me out 12:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 13:55 Dilbert 14:00 7th Heaven 14:55 Charlie’s Angels 15:00 Psych 15:55 Jackie Chan Adventures 16:00 According to Jim 16:30 The Simpsons 17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Hope & Faith 18:00 Friends 18:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 19:00 Bones 19:55 Dilbert 20:00 Criminal Minds 20:55 Charlie’s Angels 21:00 Prison Break 21:55 Jackie Chan Adventures 22:00 Two and a Half Men 23:00 Seinfeld 23:30 CoPS
00:00 ER (S5) 01:00 The Lives of The Saints 03:00 Midsomer Murders (S9) 05:00 Scarlett 07:00 The Nanny (S5) 07:30 The Nanny (S5) 08:00 The oprah winfrey Show (S21) 09:00 The Lives of The Saints 11:00 American Dreams (S2) 12:00 The oprah winfrey Show (S23) 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S1) 14:20 Mystery woman: Mystery weekend 16:00 ER (S5) 17:00 The Nanny (S5) 17:30 The Nanny (S5) 18:00 The Biggest Loser (S1) 19:00 The oprah winfrey Show (S23) 20:00 oprah’s Big Give 21:00 Crossing Jordan (S3) 22:00 She Spies (S2) 23:00 The Nanny (S5) 23:30 The Nanny (S5)
00:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation (Season 8) 01:00 Numb3rs (Season 5) 02:00 The Contender Asia 03:00 House (Season 5) 04:00 Slamball 04:30 Slamball 05:00 The Contender Asia 06:00 House (Season 5) 07:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 08:00 Guardian, The (Season 2) 09:00 The Contender Asia 10:00 House (Season 5) 11:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 12:00 The Amazing Race Asia (Season 3) 13:00 Slamball 13:30 Slamball 14:00 Numb3rs (Season 5) 15:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 16:00 The Amazing Race Asia (Season 3) 17:00 Csi: Crime Scene
Investigation (Season 8) 18:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 19:00 Slamball 19:30 Slamball 20:00 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 21:00 Las Vegas (Season 5) 22:00 Damages 23:00 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed
00:30 Sportscenter Asia 01:00 world of Gymnastics 01:30 S4c wales Ladies Championship of Europe 02:30 Sportscenter Asia 03:00 2009 Little League world Series 05:00 PBA All STAR Shootout 05:30 Sportscenter Asia 06:00 Australian Ironman Triathlon Champions 07:00 Football Asia 2009/10 07:30 Tiger Global Football Show Tape 00:30hrs 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 08:01 Winter X-Games 00:59hrs 09:00 world of Gymnastics 09:30 Tiger Global Football Show Tape 00:30hrs 10:00 009 Little League world Series 11:59 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 12:00 Asian world Cup Qualifiers 14:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 14:01 2009 Little League world Series 16:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 16:01 winter X-Games 00:59hrs 17:00 Global Football 17:30 Players Lives 18:00 Tiger Global Football Show Tape 01:00hrs 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 19:00 Football Crazy Live/ Tape 00:30hr 19:30 Nuts 20:00 Players Lives 20:30 Global Football 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 21:30 Football Crazy Live/ Tape 00:30hrs 22:00 Football Asia 2009/10 22:30 Nuts 23:00 Sportscenter Asia 23:30 Football Asia 2009/10
00:00 Golf Focus 2009 00:30 Sports Max 01:30 MotoGP world Championship 2009 - Highlights 02:30 Golf Club 2009, The 03:00 Golf Focus 2009 03:30 International Motorsport News 2009 04:30 FIA F1 world Championship Highlights 2009 06:00 Global Football 06:30 Golf Focus 2009 07:00 Sports Max 08:00 Golf Club 2009, The 08:30 Golf Focus 2009 09:00 Ricoh women’s British open 2009 Day 11:00 Sports Max 12:00 Golf Club 2009, The 12:30 Golf Focus 2009 13:00 MotoGP world Championship 2009 - Highlights 14:00 Formula V6 Asia 15:00 Sports Max 16:00 FUEL TV 16:30 FUEL TV
17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:30 23:30
Golf Club 2009, The Golf Focus 2009 Mobil 1 The Grid Evian Masters 2009 Day 4 Score Tonight Tennis Central Classic Boxing 01:00hrs FA Classic Matches 01:00hr Score Tonight
00:00 Doing Davinci 01:00 Nextworld 02:00 one Step Beyond S2 02:30 one way out 03:00 New Detectives - The Case Studies In Forensic Science 04:00 Doing Davinci 05:00 How Stuff works 06:00 one Step Beyond S2 06:30 one way out 07:00 Survivorman 08:00 Discovery Project Earth 09:00 Nextworld 10:00 Futureweapons S2 11:00 How Do They Do It? S4 11:30 How Its Made S10 12:00 Mythbusters S3 13:00 Discovery Project Earth 14:00 Building The Ultimate S1 14:30 Building The Ultimate S1 15:00 Futureweapons S2 16:00 Destroyed In Seconds 16:30 Lost Tapes: Bigfoot 17:00 How Its Made S10 17:30 How Do They Do It? S4 18:00 Extreme Engineering S2 19:00 I Shouldn’t Be Alive S1 20:00 Discovery Atlas: Japan Revealed 21:00 Enigmatic Malaysia 22:00 Man Made Marvels: Kuala Lumpur Flood Control 23:00 Discovery Atlas: Japan Revealed
00:00 wild wednesday 01:00 wild wednesday 02:00 wild wednesday 03:00 About Asia 04:00 wild wednesday 05:00 wild wednesday 06:00 wild wednesday 07:00 Naked Science 08:00 About Asia 09:00 Catastrophe 10:00 American Buffalo: Battling Back 11:00 Naked Science 12:00 About Asia 13:00 Catastrophe 14:00 Alaskan Killer Shark 15:00 Naked Science 16:00 Nat Geo Junior 17:00 world’s Toughest Fixes 18:00 Catastrophe 19:00 About Asia 20:00 Mega Thursday 21:00 Mega Thursday 22:00 Mega Thursday 23:00 Mega Thursday
01:00 03:00 05:00 07:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 15:00 17:00 19:00
New Best Friend Hostel 2 Yellow True Crime Point of origin Mission: Impossible Ii Punch-drunk Love Red Planet Running on Empty True Crime
21:00 Cotton Mary 23:15 Point of origin
00:00 Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 01:00 wizards of waverly Place 01:30 Hannah Montana 02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 03:30 Suite Life of Zack And Cody, The 04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 06:00 Mickey Mouseworks 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 07:00 Good Morning Mickey 07:30 House of Mouse 08:00 Phineas And Ferb 08:30 Replacements, The 09:00 Toy Story 2 10:30 Amazing Spiez, The 11:00 Pucca 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 13:00 Monster Allergy 13:24 Monster Allergy 13:55 Action Man A.T.o.M.: Alpha Teens on Machines 14:17 Totally Spies 14:40 Totally Spies 15:02 Yin Yang Yo! 15:30 Yin Yang Yo! 16:00 Pucca 16:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 18:30 Incredibles, The 20:30 Suite Life of Zack And Cody, The 21:00 Inspector Gadget’s Last Case 22:30 wizards of waverly Place 23:00 Cory In The House 23:30 Shaun The Sheep
00:30 Patrick Dempsey THS 01:20 Kristin Davis Style Star 01:45 The Proposal Behind the Scenes 02:15 Cheating Death: 15 Incredible Survival Stories 04:05 Doomed to Die? 13 Most Shocking Hollywood Curses 05:00 My Celebrity Home 05:55 E! News 06:20 The Ugly Truth Behind the Scenes 06:45 E! News 07:10 Daily 10, The 07:35 Glow 08:00 Stripped 08:25 Area 09:15 15 Unforgettable Hollywood Tragedies 11:00 E! News 11:25 Daily 10, The 11:50 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 12:15 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 12:40 Angelina Jolie THS 13:30 Kimora Lee Simmons THS 14:25 My Celebrity Home 15:15 Glow 15:40 Stripped
Doing Da Vinci Pukul 00.00 WIB
50 | primetime | Agustus 2009
Sebagai seniman paling besar sepanjang masa, warisan Leonardo Da Vinci adalah lukisan-lukisan paling dikenal orang. Tapi bakatnya tak hanya melukis. Ia juga arsitek dan insinyur yang sketsa senjata militernya dipelajari orang selama 500 tahun. Gambaran senjata militernya melampaui jamannya. Tapi desain-desainnya tak pernah diwujudkan sampai sekarang. Seri Doing Da Vinci mengajak sejarawan dan insinyur bersatu mewujudkan apa yang telah dirancang Da Vinci jadi nyata.
16:10 Naomi Campbell Style Star 16:35 The Ugly Truth Behind the Scenes 17:00 E! News 17:25 Daily 10, The 17:50 Forbes 15 Hot Hollywood Moms 18:40 Forbes Top 20 Celebrity Cash Couples: Crazy Double Incomes 19:30 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 19:55 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 20:20 Rich Kids: Cattle Drive 21:10 E! News 21:35 Daily 10, The 22:00 My Celebrity Home 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Area
00:45 Mongolian Tale 02:35 Gen-Y Cops 04:30 Idol 06:15 Hot Cops in the City 07:35 Christmas on July 24th Avenue 09:30 Marriage Trap 11:10 House of Fury 12:55 Summer I Love You 14:35 Look out, officer 16:05 New Police Story 18:15 one Last Dance 20:00 Zhou Yu’s Train 21:40 Forest of Death 23:25 Champions
00:00 orangutan Island 00:30 orangutan Island 01:00 Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli 01:30 Safari Sisters 02:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHowCASE 03:00 Meerkat Manor 2 03:30 Meerkat Manor 04:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 05:00 K-9 to 5 II 05:30 K-9 to 5 II 06:00 The Most Extreme 4 07:00 Predators’ Prey 07:30 Predators’ Prey 08:00 wild Island 08:30 Vets on the wild Side II 09:00 Caught in the Moment 10:00 K-9 to 5 II 10:30 K-9 to 5 II 11:00 The Most Extreme 4 12:00 Predators’ Prey 12:30 Predators’ Prey 13:00 Nick Baker’s weird Creatures 2 14:00 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 14:30 In Too Deep 15:00 Malaysia Uncovered 16:00 Dolphin Days 16:30 Lords of the Animals 17:00 Caught in the Moment 18:00 Battle of the Sexes 18:30 Battle of the Sexes 19:00 Nick Baker’s weird Creatures 2 20:00 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 20:30 In Too Deep 21:00 Malaysia Uncovered 22:00 Dolphin Days 22:30 Lords of the Animals 23:00 Battle of the Sexes 23:30 Battle of the Sexes
weekly 28 Agustus
01:30 Mad City 04:00 Get Smart 06:00 Get Smart’s Bruce And Lloyd out of Control 07:15 The Bone Collector 09:45 Addams Family Values 11:30 Hbo Central 12:00 Shooter 14:00 Greystoke The Legend of Tarzan Lord of The Apes 16:15 Dark Horse 18:00 Indecent Proposal 20:00 Charlie wilson’s war 22:00 Shooter
00:00 Midnight In The Garden of Good And Evil 02:30 The Hunley 04:00 operation Pacific 06:00 The Curse of Frankenstein 07:30 The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax 09:00 Purgatory 10:30 Hood Rat 12:00 Trespass 13:30 Hot Fuzz 16:00 Gabriel 18:00 Purgatory 19:45 Epad on Max 23 20:00 Already Dead 21:30 Hot Fuzz
01:05 Vip Access: Gi Joe: The Rise of Cobra 01:35 Beach, The 03:35 Behind Enemy Lines 05:25 Moonlight Mile 07:25 Keeping Up with The Steins 09:00 Rising Sun 11:00 Butterfly on A wheel 12:40 Strange wilderness 14:05 Man In The Iron Mask, The 16:15 Contract, The 17:50 what Lies Beneath 20:00 George A Romero’s Diary of The Dead 21:35 Resident Evil: Extinction 23:10 National Treasure: Book of Secrets
01:15 The French Lieutenant’s woman 03:15 The winter People 05:15 wild orchid 07:00 The Missouri Breaks 09:00 woman in the window 10:45 The Children’s Hour 12:30 The Unforgiven 14:30 A Day in october 16:15 The Killer Elite 18:15 Pocket Money 20:00 Zelig 21:30 Follow that Dream 23:15 Texasville
00:00 Friends 00:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 01:00 The Simpsons 01:30 The Simpsons 01:55 Dilbert 02:00 Late Show with David Letterman 02:55 Charlie’s Angels 03:00 7th Heaven 03:55 Jackie Chan Adventures 04:00 According to Jim 04:30 KENNETH CoPELAND 05:00 Seinfeld
05:30 The Simpsons 06:00 The Simpsons 06:30 Hope & Faith 07:00 Friends 07:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:55 Dilbert 09:00 Psych 09:55 Charlie’s Angels 10:00 Criminal Minds 10:55 Jackie Chan Adventures 11:00 Prison Break 12:00 Bones 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 13:55 Dilbert 14:00 7th Heaven 14:55 Charlie’s Angels 15:00 Psych 15:55 Jackie Chan Adventures 16:00 According to Jim 16:30 The Simpsons 17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Hope & Faith 18:00 Friends 18:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 19:00 Friday Night Lights 19:55 Dilbert 20:00 Boston Legal 20:55 Charlie’s Angels 21:00 Shark 21:55 Jackie Chan Adventures 22:00 Two and a Half Men 23:00 CoPS 23:30 CoPS
00:00 ER (S5) 01:00 The Lives of The Saints 03:00 Midsomer Murders (S9) 05:00 wedding Daze 07:00 The Nanny (S5) 07:30 The Nanny (S5) 08:00 The oprah winfrey Show (S23) 09:00 The Lives of The Saints 11:00 oprah’s Big Give 12:00 The oprah winfrey Show (S23) 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S1) 14:00 Crossing Jordan (S3) 15:00 She Spies (S2) 16:00 ER (S5) 17:00 The Nanny (S5) 17:30 The Biggest Loser (S2) 19:00 The oprah winfrey Show (S23) 20:00 Midsomer Murders (S8) 22:00 Sea Patrol (S1) 23:00 The Nanny (S5) 23:30 The Nanny (S5)
00:00 Las Vegas (Season 5) 01:00 Damages 02:00 The Contender Asia 03:00 House (Season 5) 04:00 Slamball 04:30 Slamball 05:00 The Contender Asia 06:00 House (Season 5) 07:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 08:00 Guardian, The (Season 2) 09:00 The Contender Asia 10:00 House (Season 5) 11:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 12:00 The Amazing Race Asia (Season 3) 13:00 Slamball 13:30 Slamball 14:00 Ebuzz 14:30 whacked out Sports (Season 2) 15:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 16:00 The Amazing Race Asia (Season 3)
17:00 Damages 18:00 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 19:00 Ebuzz 19:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 20:00 Scorpion King, The 22:00 Nip/tuck (Season 4) 23:00 Ebuzz 23:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3)
00:00 Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 03:00 2009 Little League world Series 05:00 world of Gymnastics 05:30 Sportscenter Asia 06:00 Asian Cup 2009 07:00 Football Crazy Live/ Tape 00:30hrs 07:30 wNBA Action 2009 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 08:01 winter X-Games 00:59hrs 09:00 S4c wales Ladies Championship of Europe 10:00 2009 Little League world Series 11:59 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 12:00 Football Crazy Live/ Tape 00:30hrs 12:30 PBA All STAR Shootout 13:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 13:01 Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 16:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 16:01 winter X-Games 00:59hrs 17:00 Football Asia 2009/10 17:30 Football Crazy Live/ Tape 00:30hrs 18:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 19:00 Football Forecast 19:30 Global Football 20:00 First Edition 20:30 Nuts 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 21:30 Football Forecast 22:00 First Edition 22:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 23:00 Sportscenter Asia 23:30 Princess European Golf Challenge Tour, The
00:00 Mobil 1 The Grid 00:30 Hot water 2009/10 01:30 world of Gymnastics 02:00 PGA Europro Tour 04:00 william Jones Invitational 2009 Tape 2hrs 06:00 Tennis Central 06:30 Golf Club 2009, The 07:00 Hot water 2009/10 08:00 Ricoh women’s British open 2009 Day 11:00 Hot water 2009/10 12:00 Mobil 1 The Grid 12:30 world of Gymnastics 13:00 Behind The Baseline 13:30 FIA F1 world Championship Highlights 2009 15:00 Hot water 2009/10 16:00 FUEL TV 16:30 FUEL TV 17:00 Behind The Baseline 17:30 Behind The Baseline 18:00 Tennis Central 18:30 Asian world Cup Qualifiers 20:30 Score Tonight 21:00 GP 2 Series 2009 23:00 Tennis Central 23:30 Score Tonight
00:00 Enigmatic Malaysia 01:00 Extreme Engineering S2 02:00 Asian Enigma S2 03:00 New Detectives - The Case Studies In Forensic Science 04:00 Mthybusters S6 05:00 Nextworld 06:00 Building The Ultimate S1 06:30 Building The Ultimate S1 07:00 Futureweapons S2 08:00 Mthybusters S6 09:00 Discovery Atlas: Japan Revealed 10:00 Man Made Marvels: Kuala Lumpur Flood Control 11:00 How Do They Do It? S5 11:30 How Its Made S10 12:00 Mythbusters S3 13:00 Everything You Need To Know 13:30 How Its Made S10 14:00 Doing Davinci 15:00 one Step Beyond S2 15:30 one way out 16:00 Survivorman 17:00 How Its Made S10 17:30 How Do They Do It? S5 18:00 How Stuff works 19:00 Mthybusters S6 20:00 one Step Beyond S2 20:30 one way out 21:00 Solved 22:00 Undercover: Double Life 23:00 Raging Planet
00:00 Mega Thursday 01:00 Mega Thursday 02:00 Mega Thursday 03:00 About Asia 04:00 Mega Thursday 05:00 Mega Thursday 06:00 Mega Thursday 07:00 Naked Science 08:00 About Asia 09:00 Catastrophe 10:00 Mega Thursday 11:00 Naked Science 12:00 About Asia 13:00 Catastrophe 14:00 Ancient Megastructures 15:00 Naked Science 16:00 Nat Geo Junior 16:30 Nat Geo Junior 17:00 Riddles of The Dead 18:00 Catastrophe 19:00 About Asia 20:00 Naked Science 21:00 Riddles of The Dead 22:00 Interpol Investigates 23:00 Riddles of The Dead
00:45 Mission: Impossible Ii 03:00 Yellow 05:00 Mission: Impossible Ii 07:00 Jawbreaker 09:00 Front of The Class 11:00 The Tudors S101: 11:55 The Tudors S102: 12:50 The Tudors S103: 13:40 The Tudors S104: 14:45 Mission: Impossible Ii 17:00 without Limits 19:00 Front of The Class 21:00 Redbelt 23:00 Jawbreaker
00:00 Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 01:00 wizards of waverly Place
01:30 02:00 02:30 03:00
Hannah Montana Kim Possible Phineas And Ferb Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 03:30 Suite Life of Zack And Cody, The 04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 06:00 Mickey Mouseworks 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 07:00 Good Morning Mickey 07:30 House of Mouse 08:00 Phineas And Ferb 08:30 Replacements, The 09:00 Incredibles, The 11:00 Pucca 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 13:00 Monster Allergy 13:24 Monster Allergy 13:55 Action Man A.T.o.M.: Alpha Teens on Machines 14:17 Totally Spies 14:40 Totally Spies 15:02 Yin Yang Yo! 15:30 Yin Yang Yo! 16:00 Pucca 16:30 Twisted whiskers 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 17:30 Aaron Stone 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 18:30 Finding Nemo 20:30 Suite Life of Zack And Cody, The 21:00 Chicken Little 22:30 wizards of waverly Place 23:00 Cory In The House 23:30 Shaun The Sheep
00:30 Heidi Klum THS 01:20 Naomi Campbell Style Star 01:45 The Ugly Truth Behind the Scenes 02:15 Young Royals THS 04:05 Victoria’s Secret: what Is Sexy? 2008 05:00 My Celebrity Home 05:55 E! News 06:20 Behind the Scenes 06:45 E! News 07:10 Daily 10, The 07:35 Glow 08:00 Stripped 08:25 Area 09:15 Hollywood Heartthrobs THS 10:05 Posh & Becks THS 11:00 E! News 11:25 Daily 10, The 11:50 Rich Kids: Cattle Drive 12:40 Insanely Pampered Hollywood Dogs 13:05 Stars without Makeup 13:30 Forbes Celebrity 100 2009 who Made Bank 14:25 My Celebrity Home 15:15 Glow 15:40 Stripped 16:10 Miami Style Star 16:35 Streets of Hollywood 17:00 E! News 17:25 Daily 10, The 17:50 Britney Spears: Price of Fame THS 19:30 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 19:55 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 20:20 Pam: Girl on the Loose 20:45 Las Vegas Style Star
21:10 E! News 21:35 Daily 10, The 22:00 My Celebrity Home 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Area
01:30 03:05 04:45 06:15 07:35 09:25 11:00 12:40 14:35
Closet Twilight of the Forbidden City Unbearable Story of My Son Cafe Lumiere Love Message Kidnap Time to Love Kung Fu Mahjong 3 The Final Duel 16:10 Heavenly Mission 18:15 Justice, My Foot 20:00 Scare 2 Die 21:30 2 Become 1 23:10 Cop Unbowed
00:00 Nick Baker’s weird Creatures 2 01:00 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 01:30 In Too Deep 02:00 Malaysia Uncovered 03:00 Dolphin Days 03:30 Lords of the Animals 04:00 Buggin’ with Ruud 05:00 K-9 to 5 II 05:30 K-9 to 5 II 06:00 The Most Extreme 4 07:00 Predators’ Prey 07:30 Predators’ Prey 08:00 Growing Up 09:00 Caught in the Moment 10:00 K-9 to 5 II 10:30 K-9 to 5 II 11:00 The Most Extreme 4 12:00 Battle of the Sexes 12:30 Battle of the Sexes 13:00 Jockeys 13:30 off the Leash 14:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia 15:00 orangutan Island 15:30 orangutan Island 16:00 Equator 17:00 Caught in the Moment 18:00 Battle of the Sexes 18:30 Battle of the Sexes 19:00 Jockeys 19:30 off the Leash 20:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia 21:00 orangutan Island 21:30 orangutan Island 22:00 Equator 23:00 Battle of the Sexes 23:30 Battle of the Sexes
According To Jim (Season 8) Pukul 16.00 WIB
Jim Belushi kembali di season ke-8 serial ini yang disebut-sebut bakal jadi musim tayang pamungkas serial According to Jim. Kisahnya berfokus bagaimana Jim memperjuangkan bayi kembarnya jadi bintang film. Episode kali ini memperlihatkan Jim dan band-nya bermain untuk bintang cilik Jami MCFlame. Saat sang bintang menunjukkan egonya, Jim tak mau tinggal diam.
Agustus 2009 | primetime |
29 Agustus
00:00 Flight Of The Conchords S207: Prime Minister 01:00 Get Smart’s Bruce And Lloyd Out Of Control 02:15 Guarding Tess 04:00 The Thing Called Love 06:00 Charlie Wilson’s War 08:00 Indecent Proposal 10:00 Get Smart 12:00 Get Smart’s Bruce And Lloyd Out Of Control 13:15 HBO Central 14:00 The Thing Called Love 16:00 Mad City 18:00 Addams Family Values 19:35 The Making Of Bee Movie 20:00 Bee Movie 21:30 Get Smart 23:15 HBO Central 23:45 Charlie Wilson’s War ch.
00:00 True Blood S201: Nothing But The Blood 00:50 Epad On Max 23 01:20 Hood Rat 02:45 Over The Top 04:30 Already Dead 06:00 Purgatory 08:00 Hbo World Boxing: Roy Jones Jr Vs Hall 10:00 The Hunley 12:00 Hot Fuzz 14:00 Epad On Max 23 14:30 Under Siege 17:00 First Shot 18:30 Trespass 20:00 True Blood S202: Keep This Party Going 21:00 The Underneath 22:35 Epad On Max 23 22:55 Purgatory
01:15 03:05 04:30 06:05 07:30 09:05
1408 Strange Wilderness Code Name: The Cleaner I Think I Love My Wife That Darn Cat Doctor Dolittle 4: Tail To The Chief 10:35 Master And Commander:the Far Side Of The World 12:55 Quentin Tarantino’s Thunder Bolt: Death Proof 14:50 Hot Chick, The 16:35 Street Kings 18:20 Step Up 2: The Streets 20:00 Jumper 21:30 Titanic
01:30 03:15 05:00 06:30
The Perez Family Wisdom Best Seller Crime and Punishment in Suburbia 08:15 The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes 10:15 Still of the Night 11:45 Brenda Starr 13:15 Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey 15:00 Without You I’m Nothing 16:30 Molly 18:15 Purple Haze 20:00 Delirious 22:00 The Fortune Cookie
00:00 Friends 00:30 Everybody Loves Raymond
01:00 The Simpsons 01:30 The Simpsons 02:00 Late Show with David Letterman 03:00 Friday Night Lights 04:00 COPS 04:30 COPS 05:00 Smallville 06:00 Shark 07:00 Boston Legal 08:00 COPS 08:30 COPS 09:00 Bones 10:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 12:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 12:30 The Simpsons 13:00 Prison Break 14:00 Smallville 15:00 Friday Night Lights 16:00 Shark 17:00 Bones 18:00 Late Show with David Letterman 19:00 Best of Saturday Night Live 20:00 Howie Do It 21:00 Most Haunted 22:00 Most Haunted 23:00 Best of Saturday Night Live
00:00 ER (S5) 01:00 Wedding Daze 03:00 Midsomer Murders (S8) 05:00 NightScream 06:40 Pizza My Heart 08:20 Mystery Woman: Mystery Weekend 10:00 The Nanny (S3) 10:30 The Nanny (S3) 11:00 The Nanny (S3) 11:30 The Nanny (S3) 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 13:00 Pizza My Heart 15:00 Stolen Innocence 17:00 Without A Trace (S3) 18:00 Oprah’s Big Give 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 20:00 Drive Time Murders 22:00 The Nanny (S3) 22:30 The Nanny (S3) 23:00 The Nanny (S3) 23:30 The Nanny (S3)
00:00 Rescue Me (Season 3) 01:00 Nip/tuck (Season 4) 02:00 The Contender Asia 03:00 House (Season 5) 04:00 Nip/tuck (Season 4) 05:00 The Duke 06:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 06:30 Ebuzz 07:00 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 07:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 08:00 Numb3rs (Season 5) 09:00 Scorpion King, The 11:00 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 11:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 12:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 13:00 Numb3rs (Season 5) 14:00 Scorpion King, The 16:00 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 16:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 17:00 Ebuzz 17:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 18:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 19:00 7 Seconds 21:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 22:00 Numb3rs (Season 5) 23:00 Las Vegas (Season 5)
00:00 Princess European Golf Challenge Tour, The 00:30 Sportscenter Asia 01:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 01:30 First Edition 02:00 Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 05:00 First Edition 05:30 Sportscenter Asia 06:00 Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 09:00 Winter X-Games 01:00hr 10:00 Football Forecast 10:30 World Of Gymnastics 11:00 Sportscenter Week In Review 2009 11:30 Bassmaster Elite Series : Ramada Champion’s Choice 12:30 First Edition 13:00 Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 16:00 Winter X Games 00:55hrs 16:55 Football Forecast 17:25 Sportscenter Week In Review 2009 17:55 Sportscenter Weekend 2009 18:00 Women’s World 10-Ball Championship 21:00 Major League Baseball 2009 (E)
00:00 FIA F1 World Championship Highlights 2009 01:30 Sports Max 02:30 Max Power 2009/10 03:30 Behind The Baseline 04:00 Ace 2009 04:30 Golf Focus 2009 05:00 Golf Club 2009, The 05:30 Engine Block 2009 06:00 Mobil 1 The Grid 06:30 World Of Gymnastics 07:00 Formula V6 Asia 08:00 Tennis Central 08:30 Global Football 09:00 FUEL TV 09:30 FUEL TV 10:00 Golf Focus 2009 10:30 Ace 2009 11:00 FIA F1 World Championship Highlights 2009 12:30 MotoGP World Championship 2009 - Highlights 13:30 Engine Block 2009 14:00 Global Football 14:30 FIA F1 World Championship Highlights 2009 16:00 Golf Focus 2009 16:30 Ace 2009 17:00 Roger Federer - Spirit Of A Champion: The Making Of A Champion 17:30 Roger Federer - Spirit Of A Champion: The Champion 18:00 Roger Federer - Spirit Of A Champion: The Man 18:30 Engine Block 2009 18:50 FIA F1 World Championship Qualifying 2009 20:30 Behind The Baseline 21:00 Evian Masters 2009 Day 4 23:00 Ace 2009 23:30 Golf Focus 2009
00:00 One Step Beyond S2 00:30 One Way Out 01:00 Solved 02:00 Gateway Asia 03:00 New Detectives - The Case Studies In Forensic Science 04:00 Undercover: Double Life 05:00 Extreme Engineering S2
06:00 Mthybusters S6 07:00 How Stuff Works 08:00 How Do They Do it? S4 08:30 How Do They Do it? S4 09:00 Everything You Need To Know 09:30 How Its Made S10 10:00 Discovery Kids 11:00 Mthybusters S6 12:00 One Step Beyond S2 12:30 One Way Out 13:00 Discovery Turbo 13:30 Discovery Turbo 14:00 Discovery Turbo 15:00 Building The Ultimate S1 15:30 Building The Ultimate S1 16:00 Man Vs Wild S3 17:00 Discover Malaysia 17:30 Discover Malaysia 18:00 Discover Malaysia 18:30 Discover Malaysia 19:00 Crossings: Datuk Lat 20:00 Extreme Engineering S3 21:00 Eye On Malaysia 21:30 Eye On Malaysia 22:00 Eye On Malaysia 22:30 Eye On Malaysia 23:00 Extreme Engineering S2
00:00 Riddles of The Dead 01:00 Interpol Investigates 02:00 About Asia 03:00 Naked Science 04:00 Riddles of The Dead 05:00 Interpol Investigates 06:00 Naked Science 07:00 About Asia 08:00 Naked Science 09:00 Nat Geo Junior 09:30 Nat Geo Junior 10:00 Food Lovers Guide To The Plane 10:30 Food Lovers Guide To The Plane 11:00 Kangaroo Kaos 12:00 Raptor Force 13:00 Egypt Underworld 14:00 Ancient Megastructures 15:00 Inside 16:00 By Any Means 17:00 Generals At War 18:00 Helicopter Wars 19:00 Science of Interrogation 20:00 Carrier 21:00 Air Crash Investigation 22:00 Helicopter Wars 23:00 Science of Interrogation
01:00 Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas 03:00 Redbelt 05:00 Pay It Forward 07:00 Running On Empty 09:15 Reno 911: Miami 11:00 The Tudors S105: 11:55 The Tudors S106: 12:50 The Tudors S107: 13:45 The Invasion 15:15 Cotton Mary 17:15 Pay It Forward 19:15 Redbelt 21:00 The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford 23:45 Reno 911: Miami
02:30 Phineas And Ferb 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Mickey Mouseworks 06:00 House Of Mouse 06:30 Shaun The Sheep 07:00 Animal Mechanicals 07:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 08:00 Amazing Spiez, The 08:30 Phineas And Ferb 09:00 Finding Nemo 11:00 Pucca 11:30 Oggy And The Cockroaches 12:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 12:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 13:00 Twisted Whiskers 13:30 Replacements, The 14:00 Totally Spies 14:30 Amazing Spiez, The 15:00 Amazing Spiez, The 15:30 Twisted Whiskers 16:00 Hannah Montana 16:30 Jonas 17:00 Oggy And The Cockroaches 17:30 Suite Life On Deck, The 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 18:30 Chicken Little 20:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 20:30 Cory In The House 21:00 Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:00 Shaun The Sheep
00:30 01:20 01:45 02:15 04:05
The Baldwins THS Miami Style Star Streets of Hollywood Who’s the Boss? THS Raising Celebrity: Tales Of Hollywood Moms 05:00 American Idol: Girls Rule THS 05:55 E! News 06:20 Eva Longoria Style Star 06:45 E! News 07:10 Daily 10, The 07:35 The Proposal Behind the Scenes 08:00 The Ugly Truth Behind the Scenes 08:25 25 Most Stylish 09:15 My Celebrity Home 10:05 Society Girls THS 11:00 E! News 11:25 Daily 10, The 11:50 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 12:15 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 12:40 Glow 13:05 Glow 13:30 Stripped 13:55 Stripped 14:25 Mean Girls THS
00:00 Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 01:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:30 Hannah Montana 02:00 Kim Possible
Death Proof Pukul 12.55 WIB
52 | primetime | Agustus 2009
Kurt Russell berperan sebagai Stuntman Mike, si gila ngebut yang menjelajah jalanan dengan mobilnya mencari korban. Korbannya terakhir termasuk sekumpulan gadis yang di antaranya seorang stuntwoman (Zoe Bell) dan make-up artist-nya (Rosario Dawson). Saat Stuntman Mike ingin menggilas gadis-gadis ini dari jalanan, mereka tak gentar. Menghasilkan kejar-kejaran paling seru dalam sejarah perfilman. Disutradarai Quentin Tarantino.
15:15 16:10 17:00 17:25 17:50
The Cosby Kids THS Mario Lopez THS E! News Daily 10, The Young Hollywood: A to Zac THS 19:30 15 Most Infamous Child Star Mugshots 21:10 E! News 21:35 Daily 10, The 22:00 My Celebrity Home 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Area
00:40 Peacock 03:00 Big Sting 04:30 Hong Kong Bronx 06:00 Honey Moon in Jakarta 07:30 Magic Cop 09:05 Closed Note 11:30 Chicken and Duck Talk 13:15 Manhattan Midnight 14:50 Twins Mission 16:35 Love is Elsewhere 18:15 Troublesome Night 10 20:00 Life Tears in Heaven 22:05 Beast Stalker
00:00 Jockeys 00:30 Off the Leash 01:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia 02:00 Orangutan Island 02:30 Orangutan Island 03:00 Equator 04:00 Caught in the Moment 05:00 K-9 to 5 II 05:30 K-9 to 5 II 06:00 The Most Extreme 4 07:00 Groomer Has It 08:00 Animal Allies 2 08:30 Animal Allies 2 09:00 Lemur Street 09:30 Lemur Street 10:00 Wild Island 10:30 Vets on the Wild Side II 11:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures 2 12:00 Dolphin Days 12:30 Lords of the Animals 13:00 Animal Cops South Africa 14:00 Malaysia Uncovered 15:00 Spotlight: Earth 16:00 BITE NITE 17:00 Orangutan Island 17:30 Orangutan Island 18:00 Dolphin Days 18:30 Lords of the Animals 19:00 Jeff Corwin Experience: Wild Man in Borneo 20:00 Malaysia Uncovered 20:30 Malaysia Uncovered 21:00 Wild Hearts 22:00 The Most Extreme 5 23:00 Dolphin Days 23:30 Lords of the Animals
weekly 30 Agustus
01:30 Get Smart’s Bruce And Lloyd Out Of Control 02:45 American Pie 2 04:15 Hideaway 06:00 Guarding Tess 08:00 Mad City 10:15 Get Smart’s Bruce And Lloyd Out Of Control 11:30 The Making Of Bee Movie 12:00 Bee Movie 13:30 Curb Your Enthusiasm S608: The N Word 14:00 Get Smart 16:00 Greystoke The Legend Of Tarzan Lord Of The Apes 18:15 I Am Legend 20:00 Iron Man 22:00 Indecent Proposal
00:30 The Hunley 02:00 Hot Fuzz 04:15 The Underneath 06:00 The Hunley 07:30 Secrets Of An Undercover Wife 09:00 The Curse Of Frankenstein 10:30 Trespass 11:45 Epad On Max 23 12:00 True Blood S202: Keep This Party Going 13:00 Already Dead 14:30 Purgatory 16:00 The Underneath 17:45 Epad On Max 23 18:00 The Hunley 20:00 Starship Troopers 3: Marauder 22:00 Trespass 23:30 The Andromeda Strain Part 1
00:45 Grindhouse: Planet Terror 02:30 Awake 04:00 Step Up 2: The Streets 05:40 Hocus Pocus 07:20 Miracle Dogs Too 08:45 Baby’s Day Out 10:25 Smother 12:00 Jumper 13:30 Vip Access: Gi Joe: The Rise Of Cobra 14:00 Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World’s End 16:50 Horton 18:20 Premonition 20:00 Bangkok Dangerous 21:40 Quiz Show
00:00 April Morning 01:45 La Cage Aux Folles II 03:30 Throw Momma from The Train 05:00 The Manhattan Project 07:00 Baby Boom 08:30 The Great Train Robbery 10:30 Cherry 2000 12:15 Castaway 14:15 What Happened was… 16:15 A Rage in Harlem 18:15 Fatal Beauty 20:00 Swimming to Cambodia 21:30 Dirt 23:15 The Mudge Boy
00:00 Most Haunted 01:00 Miss Universe 2009 03:00 30 Rock 03:30 Cavemen
04:00 COPS 04:30 COPS 05:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out 06:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out 07:00 Best of Saturday Night Live 08:00 Howie Do It 09:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? 10:00 Friends 10:30 Friends 11:00 Friends 11:30 Friends 12:00 Friends 12:30 The Simpsons 13:00 Miss Universe 2009 15:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out 16:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out 17:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? 18:00 Late Show with David Letterman 19:00 WIVES HE FORGOT, THE 21:00 Asia Uncut 22:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out 23:00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out
00:00 American Dreams (S2) 01:00 Mystery Woman: Mystery Weekend 03:00 NightScream 05:00 Stolen Innocence 07:00 Drive Time Murders 09:00 McLeod’s Daughters (S7) 10:00 Midsomer Murders (S8) 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 13:00 Without A Trace (S3) 14:00 Oprah’s Big Give 15:00 American Dreams (S2) 16:00 McLeod’s Daughters (S7) 17:00 Recipe For Murder 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 20:00 Jane Doe: The Wrong Face 21:45 McBride: Requiem 23:30 Redeemer
00:00 Nip/tuck (Season 4) 01:00 7 Seconds 03:00 Nip/tuck (Season 4) 04:00 Las Vegas (Season 5) 05:00 Ebuzz 05:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 06:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 06:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 07:00 Video Zonkers 07:30 Ebuzz 08:00 The Duke 09:00 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 10:00 Video Zonkers 10:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 11:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation (Season 8) 12:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 13:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 14:00 7 Seconds 16:00 Ebuzz 16:30 Video Zonkers 17:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 17:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 18:00 The Duke 19:00 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 20:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7)
21:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 22:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation (Season 8) 23:00 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed
00:00 PGA Europro Tour 02:00 WNBA Regular Season 2009 04:00 Sportscenter Weekend 2009 04:05 Bassmaster Elite Series : Ramada Champion’s Choice 05:00 Sportscenter Week In Review 2009 05:30 World Of Gymnastics 06:00 Incredible Dog Challenge 07:00 Players Lives 07:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 08:00 Winter X-Games 01:00hr 09:00 Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 12:00 KIA X Games Asia 2009 14:00 S4c Wales Ladies Championship Of Europe 15:00 Grand American Series : Watkins Glen 16:00 Winter X-Games 01:00hr 17:00 KIA X Games Asia 2009 - M & W Speed Sport Climbing
17:25 17:55 18:25 18:30
World Of Gymnastics Football Asia 2009/10 Sportscenter Weekend 2009 Women’s World 10-Ball Championship 21:30 Major League Baseball 2009 (E)
00:00 Major League Baseball 2009 (E) 03:00 Hot Water 2009/10 04:00 Formula V6 Asia 05:00 FA Classic Matches 01:00hr 06:00 FIA F1 World Championship Qualifying 2009 07:30 Golf Club 2009, The 08:00 FUEL TV 08:30 FUEL TV 09:00 FUEL TV 09:30 FUEL TV 10:00 S4c Wales Ladies Championship Of Europe 11:00 FIA F1 World Championship Qualifying 2009 12:30 Roger Federer - Spirit Of A Champion: The Making Of A Champion 13:00 Roger Federer - Spirit Of A Champion: The Champion 13:30 Roger Federer - Spirit Of A Champion: The Man 14:00 Behind The Baseline 14:30 Behind The Baseline 15:00 Behind The Baseline 15:30 Sports Max 16:30 FIA F1 World Championship Qualifying 2009 18:00 FIA F1 World Championship Raceday 18:45 FIA F1 World Championship
2009 - Main Race 20:45 FIA F1 World Championship Chequered Flag 21:30 Roger Federer - Spirit Of A Champion: The Making Of A Champion 21:59 Roger Federer - Spirit Of A Champion: The Champion 22:28 Roger Federer - Spirit Of A Champion: The Man 22:57 MotoGP World Championship 2009 - Main Race
00:00 Futureweapons S2 01:00 How Stuff Works 02:00 Discovery Project Earth 03:00 The Science Of Sex Appeal 05:00 Raging Planet 06:00 Building The Ultimate S1 06:30 Building The Ultimate S1 07:00 The Science Of Sex Appeal 09:00 Dirty Jobs With Peter Schmeichel 10:00 Discovery Kids 11:00 Doing Davinci 12:00 Everything You Need To Know
12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00
How Its Made S10 Doing Davinci Discovery Project Earth Fearless Planet Discovery Atlas: Japan Revealed 17:00 Discover Malaysia 17:30 Discover Malaysia 18:00 Discover Malaysia 18:30 Discover Malaysia 19:00 Man Made Marvels: Petronas Towers 20:00 Man Made Marvels: Kuala Lumpur Flood Control 21:00 Enigmatic Malaysia 22:00 Enigmatic Malaysia 23:00 Man Made Marvels: Petronas Towers
00:00 Science of Interrogation 01:00 Carrier 02:00 Air Crash Investigation 03:00 Helicopter Wars 04:00 Science of Interrogation 05:00 Carrier 06:00 Air Crash Investigation 07:00 Helicopter Wars 08:00 Science of Interrogation 09:00 Naked Science 10:00 Nat Geo Junior 11:00 American Buffalo: Battling Back 12:00 Carrier 13:00 Helicopter Wars 14:00 Samurai Bow 15:00 Science of Interrogation 16:00 Salvage Code Red 17:00 Air Crash Investigation 18:00 Racing To America 19:00 Ancient Megastructures
20:00 Across Asia 21:00 Inside 22:00 Mega Thursday 23:00 Ancient Megastructures
01:00 03:00 05:00 06:45 08:30
11:00 11:55 12:45 13:30 15:15 17:00 19:15 21:00 21:30 23:00
Running On Empty Cotton Mary Mail Order Bride City Hall The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford The Tudors S108: The Tudors S109: The Tudors S110: Redbelt Rock Monster True Crime Mail Order Bride Entourage S502: Unlike A Virgin New Best Friend City Hall
00:00 Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 01:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:30 Hannah Montana 02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Mickey Mouseworks 06:00 House Of Mouse 06:30 Shaun The Sheep 07:00 Animal Mechanicals 07:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 08:00 Amazing Spiez, The 08:30 Phineas And Ferb 09:00 Twisted Whiskers 09:30 Metajets 10:00 Aaron Stone 10:30 Yin Yang Yo! 11:00 Pucca 11:30 Oggy And The Cockroaches 12:00 Oggy And The Cockroaches 12:11 Oggy And The Cockroaches 12:21 Oggy And The Cockroaches 12:30 Twisted Whiskers 12:41 Twisted Whiskers 13:00 Twisted Whiskers 13:13 Twisted Whiskers 13:30 Yin Yang Yo! 14:00 Yin Yang Yo! 14:30 Amazing Spiez, The 15:00 Amazing Spiez, The 15:30 Twisted Whiskers 16:00 Hannah Montana 16:30 Jonas 17:00 Oggy And The Cockroaches 17:30 Suite Life On Deck, The 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 18:30 Dadnapped 20:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 20:30 Cory In The House 21:00 Finn On The Fly 22:38 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:00 Shaun The Sheep
00:30 Pussycat Dolls THS 01:20 The Proposal Behind the Scenes 01:45 The Ugly Truth Behind the Scenes 02:15 Beverly Hills 90210 THS
04:05 Forbes 20 Billionaire Heiresses: Young, Fabulous and Incredibly Rich 05:00 New Kids on the Block THS 06:45 Behind the Scenes 07:10 Behind the Scenes 07:35 E! News 08:25 25 Most Stylish 09:15 My Celebrity Home 10:05 The Kardashians THS 11:00 E! News 11:50 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 12:15 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 12:40 Glow 13:05 Glow 13:30 Stripped 13:55 Stripped 14:25 Lindsay Lohan THS 15:15 Kids of Dawson’s Creek THS 16:10 Miley Cyrus 17:00 E! News 17:50 Favorite Child Stars: Where Are They Now? 18:40 50 Cutest Child Stars: All Grown Up 20:20 Forbes 20 Under 25: Young, Rich and Famous 21:10 E! News 22:00 My Celebrity Home 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Area
00:00 New Blood 01:35 b420 03:10 Mission of Justice 04:35 Shao Nian Lei Feng 06:00 Fun & Fury 07:45 Wonder Women 09:30 Cinema Today 10:30 Escape from Huang Shi 12:20 Simply Actors 14:25 Glorious Team Batista 16:30 Home Sweet Home 18:10 Initial D 20:00 Sky Crawlers 22:15 Shamo
00:00 Animal Cops Phoenix 15 01:00 Malaysia Uncovered 01:30 Malaysia Uncovered 02:00 Wild Hearts 03:00 The Most Extreme 5 04:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures 2 05:00 BITE NITE 06:00 BITE NITE 07:00 Meerkat Manor 2 07:30 Meerkat Manor 2 08:00 Dolphin Days 08:30 Lords of the Animals 09:00 Lemur Street 09:30 Lemur Street 10:00 Growing Up 11:00 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 11:30 In Too Deep 12:00 Echo and the Elephants of Amboseli 12:30 Safari Sisters 13:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 14:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 15:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia 16:00 BITE NITE 17:00 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 17:30 In Too Deep 18:00 Meerkat Manor 2 18:30 Meerkat Manor 2 19:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 20:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 21:00 Great Savannah Race 22:00 The Most Extreme 5 23:00 Meerkat Manor 2 23:30 Meerkat Manor 2
Inside Guantanamo Pukul 21.00 WIB
Sekarang, untuk pertama kali sejak dibangun, National Geographic berkesempatan melihat ke dalam seperti apa kehidupan di balik jeruji penjara Guantanamo Bay. Kita diajak melihat seperti apa prajurit yang menjaga penjara ini, pegawai di sana, hingga bagaimana intelijen bertugas sehari-hari. Selain gambaran nyata di sana, lihat pula pandangan beragam tentang penjara kontroversial ini.
Agustus 2009 | primetime |
31 Agustus
00:00 Bee Movie 01:30 Hbo Central 02:00 Iron Man 04:15 I Am Legend 06:00 Shadowlands 08:15 Not Another Teen Movie 09:30 The Thing Called Love 11:30 Hbo Central 12:00 Iron Man 14:00 Soccer Mom 15:30 Addams Family Values 17:00 Ed 18:30 Anaconda 20:00 Anaconda 3: Offspring 22:00 Flight Of The Conchords S209: Wingmen 22:25 Flight Of The Conchords S210: Evicted 23:00 Iron Man ch.
01:00 The Andromeda Strain Part 2 02:30 Already Dead 04:00 Starship Troopers 3: Marauder 06:00 Operation Pacific 08:00 Under Siege 10:30 The Gorgon 12:00 The Curse Of Frankenstein 14:00 Already Dead 15:25 Epad On Max 23 15:45 The Hunley 17:15 Over The Top 19:00 True Blood S202: Keep This Party Going 20:00 Warnings 21:30 Already Dead 23:00 Epad On Max 23 23:15 The Gorgon
00:00 Lake Placid 01:25 My Silent Partner 02:55 I Know Who Killed Me 04:45 Premonition 06:25 Aztec Rex 07:55 Fire & Ice 09:25 Jack 11:20 Deck The Halls 12:55 Nanny Diaries, The 14:45 Dr. Dolittle 2 16:15 Planet Of The Apes 18:15 The X-men 20:00 TMNT 21:30 Dark Is Rising, The
00:45 Koyaanisqatsi 02:15 Staying Together 03:45 Board Heads 05:15 How to Beat the High Cost Of Living 07:00 Hair 09:00 Love in the Afternoon 11:15 A Midsummer Night’s Sex Comedy 12:45 Death Wish II 14:15 The Falcon and the Snowman 16:30 Men At Work 18:15 A Dangerous Woman 20:00 The Belly of an Architect 22:15 Man of La Mancha
00:00 Desperate Housewives 01:00 WIVES HE FORGOT, THE 03:00 7th Heaven 04:00 According to Jim 04:30 KENNETH COPELAND 05:00 Seinfeld 05:30 The Simpsons
06:00 The Simpsons 06:30 Hope & Faith 07:00 Friends 07:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 Psych 10:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? 11:00 Desperate Housewives 12:00 Ghost Whisperer 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:00 7th Heaven 15:00 Psych 16:00 According to Jim 16:30 The Simpsons 17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 Hope & Faith 18:00 Friends 18:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 19:00 My Wife and Kids 19:25 Samantha Who? 19:50 According to Jim 20:15 Jake in Progress 20:40 The IT Crowd 21:00 30 Rock 21:30 Cavemen 22:00 Two and a Half Men
01:30 Recipe For Murder 03:15 McBride: Requiem 05:00 Gentle Ben: Black Gold 07:00 The Nanny (S5) 07:30 The Nanny (S5) 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S22) 09:00 Jane Doe: The Wrong Face 11:00 Sea Patrol (S1) 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S2) 14:20 Redeemer 16:00 ER (S5) 17:00 The Nanny (S5) 17:30 The Nanny (S5) 18:00 The Biggest Loser (S2) 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) 20:00 Without A Trace (S3) 21:00 We Were The Mulvaneys 23:00 The Nanny (S5) 23:30 The Nanny (S5)
00:00 The Duke 01:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 02:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 03:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation (Season 8) 04:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 04:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 05:00 The Contender Asia 06:00 House (Season 5) 07:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 08:00 Early Edition (Season 1) 09:00 The Contender Asia 10:00 House (Season 5) 11:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 12:00 I Spy 14:00 The Duke 15:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 16:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 3) 16:30 Ebuzz 17:00 I Spy 19:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 20:00 Scare Tactics (Season 3) 20:30 Scare Tactics (Season 3) 21:00 Criss Angel Mindfreak (Season 4) 21:30 Criss Angel Mindfreak (Season 4) 22:00 Wipeout (Season 1)
23:00 Scare Tactics (Season 3) 23:30 Scare Tactics (Season 3)
00:30 Sportscenter Weekend 2009 00:35 Table Tennis Masters 02:00 009 Little League World Series 04:30 Grand American Series : Watkins Glen 05:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 06:00 Bassmaster Elite Series : Ramada Champion’s Choice 07:00 Princess European Golf Challenge Tour, The 07:30 World Of Gymnastics 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 08:01 Winter X-Games 00:59hrs 09:00 2009 Little League World Series 11:29 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 11:30 Bupa Great North 10k Run - Sunderland 12:00 Asian World Cup Qualifiers 14:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 14:01 WNBA Regular Season 2009 16:00 Sportscenter Right Now 2009 16:01 Winter X-Games 00:59hrs 17:00 KIA X Games Asia 2009 - Skateboard Vert 17:30 Football Asia 2009/10 18:00 Nuts 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 19:00 Beach Soccer 2008 Tape 01:00hrs 20:00 Football Asia 2009/10 20:30 Players Lives 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 21:30 Beach Soccer 2008 Tape 01:00hrs 22:30 Football Asia 2009/10
03:00 Behind The Baseline 03:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 04:00 IAAF Grand Prix 48th Zlatá Tretra Ostrava 07:00 FIA GT Championship 2009 09:00 PGA Europro Tour 11:00 Formula V6 Asia 12:00 FIA F1 World Championship Raceday 12:45 FIA F1 World Championship 2009 - Main Race 14:45 FIA F1 World Championship Chequered Flag 15:30 MotoGP World Championship 2009 - Main Race 18:30 FIA GT Championship 2009 20:30 Score Tonight 21:00 FIA WRC - Inside WRC 2009 21:30 Engine Block 2009 22:00 FIA F1 World Championship Highlights 2009
00:00 Man Made Marvels: Kuala Lumpur Flood Control 01:00 Man Made Marvels: Kuala Lumpur Flood Control 02:00 Raging Planet 03:00 Solved 04:00 Undercover: Double Life 05:00 Everything You Need To Know 05:30 How Its Made S10 06:00 How Do They Do it? S4 06:30 How Do They Do it? S4 07:00 Man Made Marvels: Petronas Towers 08:00 Man Made Marvels: Kuala Lumpur Flood Control 09:00 One Step Beyond S2 09:30 One Way Out 10:00 Everything You Need To Know
10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00
How Its Made S10 How Do They Do It? S5 How Its Made S10 Mythbusters S3 Man Made Marvels: Kuala Lumpur Flood Control 14:00 Extreme Engineering S3 15:00 Man Made Marvels: Petronas Towers 16:00 Crossings: Datuk Lat 17:00 Enigmatic Malaysia 18:00 Enigmatic Malaysia 19:00 Discover Malaysia 19:30 Discover Malaysia 20:00 Dirty Jobs With Peter Schmeichel 21:00 Survivorman 22:00 Treasure Quest 23:00 Dirty Jobs With Peter Schmeichel
00:00 Across Asia 01:00 Inside 02:00 Mega Thursday 03:00 Ancient Megastructures 04:00 Across Asia 05:00 Inside 06:00 Mega Thursday 07:00 Naked Science 08:00 About Asia 09:00 Catastrophe 10:00 Kangaroo Kaos 11:00 Naked Science 12:00 About Asia 13:00 Catastrophe 14:00 Kangaroo Kaos 15:00 Naked Science 16:00 Nat Geo Junior 16:30 Nat Geo Junior 17:00 Helicopter Wars 18:00 Catastrophe 19:00 About Asia 20:00 Generals At War 21:00 Helicopter Wars 22:00 Hitler’s Sunken Secret 23:00 Helicopter Wars
01:00 Rock Monster 02:30 The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford 05:00 Running On Empty 07:00 Mission: Impossible Ii 09:00 Little Shop Of Horrors 11:00 Red Planet 13:00 Thief Of Hearts 15:00 Running On Empty 17:00 Punch-drunk Love 19:00 Mission: Impossible Ii 21:00 The Ladies Man 23:00 Red Planet
00:00 Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 01:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:30 Hannah Montana 02:00 Kim Possible 02:30 System Maintenance – Dc Asia 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The 04:00 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Emperor’s New School, The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 06:00 Mickey Mouseworks 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 07:00 Good Morning Mickey 07:30 House Of Mouse 08:00 Phineas And Ferb
08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 14:10 16:00 18:00 18:28 20:30 21:00 22:35 23:00 23:30
Replacements, The Replacements, The Bola Kampung Jungle Book 2, The Legend Of Tarzan, The George Of The Jungle Bug’s Life, A High School Musical High School Musical 2 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series Incredibles, The Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, The Bug’s Life, A Wizards Of Waverly Place Cory In The House Shaun The Sheep
00:30 Spice Girls THS 01:20 The Ugly Truth Behind the Scenes 01:45 Behind the Scenes 02:15 The Osbournes THS 04:05 First Daughters THS 05:00 My Celebrity Home 05:55 E! News 06:45 E! News 07:35 Glow 08:00 Stripped 08:25 Area 09:15 Heath Ledger THS 10:05 Natasha Richardson THS 11:00 E! News 11:50 Rich Kids: Cattle Drive 12:40 Young Royals THS 14:25 My Celebrity Home 15:15 Glow 15:40 Stripped 16:10 Ashlee Simpson Style Star 16:35 Streets of Hollywood 17:00 E! News 17:50 Diana: Legacy of a Princess THS 18:40 Posh & Becks THS 19:30 Keeping Up with the Kardashians 19:55 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 20:20 Pam: Girl on the Loose 20:45 Kristin Davis Style Star 21:10 E! News 22:00 My Celebrity Home 22:50 Glow 23:15 Stripped 23:40 Area
00:05 Every Dog has its Date 02:00 Lamb Killer 03:35 Heroes in Love 05:10 Naked Weapon 06:45 Lost My Love 08:20 Mr 3 Minutes 09:55 I am a Cyborg, But that’s OK 11:50 Linger 13:25 Cinema Today 14:25 Lady Iron Chef 16:10 Ip Man 18:00 World Without Thieves 20:00 I Not Stupid Too 22:05 Guard Post GP506
00:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 01:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 02:00 Great Savannah Race 03:00 The Most Extreme 5 04:00 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 04:30 In Too Deep 05:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE
Samantha Who? (Season 2) Pukul 19.25 WIB
54 | primetime | Agustus 2009
Di season ke-2 ini, Samantha (Christina Applegate), mantan penderita amnesia menyusun hidupnya kembali sekaligus mengubah takdirnya. Di episode kali ini, setelah berselisih dengan seorang polisi, Samantha ditangkap dan harus menjalani hukuman layanan masyarakat. Saat itu ia bertemu Natalie (Mary-Kate Olsen), seorang wanita bermasalah.
06:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 07:00 Predators’ Prey 07:30 Predators’ Prey 08:00 Lemur Street 08:30 Lemur Street 09:00 Caught in the Moment 10:00 K-9 to 5 II 10:30 K-9 to 5 II 11:00 The Most Extreme 4 12:00 Battle of the Sexes 12:30 Battle of the Sexes 13:00 Crime Scene Wild 14:00 Wild Hearts 15:00 Groomer Has It 16:00 Jockeys 16:30 Off the Leash 17:00 Caught in the Moment 18:00 Battle of the Sexes 18:30 Battle of the Sexes 19:00 Chimp Family Fortune 20:00 Wild Hearts 21:00 Groomer Has It 22:00 Jockeys 22:30 Off the Leash 23:00 Battle of the Sexes 23:30 Battle of the Sexes
Senin 00:00 Growing Up Creepie 00:30 Grossology 01:00 Grossology 01:30 The Angry Beavers 02:00 The Angry Beavers 02:30 The Wild Thornberrys 03:00 The Wild Thornberrys 03:30 Catdog 04:00 Catdog 04:30 Hey Arnold! 05:00 Hey Arnold! 05:30 Fairly Odd Parents 06:00 Rugrats 06:15 Little Kingdom 06:45 Little Kingdom 07:00 Yo Gabba Gabba 07:30 Hi-5 08:00 Dora The Explorer 08:30 The Backyardigans 09:00 Go Diego Go! 09:30 Fairly Odd Parents 10:00 Kit vs Kat 10:30 Gawayn 10:45 Gawayn 11:00 Hi-5 11:30 Yo Gabba Gabba 12:00 Dora The Explorer 12:30 Go Diego Go! 13:00 Edgar & Ellen 13:30 Jimmy Neutron 14:00 Fairly Odd Parents 14:30 Frankenstein’s Cat 14:45 Frankenstein’s Cat 15:00 Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide 15:30 iCarly 16:00 Drake & Josh 16:30 Animalia 17:00 The Mighty B! 17:30 Back at the Barnyard 18:00 SpongeBob SquarePants 18:30 Fairly Odd Parents 19:00 Kit vs Kat 19:30 Rocko’s Modern Life 20:00 Back at the Barnyard 20:30 SpongeBob SquarePants 21:00 Jimmy Neutron 21:30 AAAhh!!! Real Monsters 22:00 Kappa Mikey 22:30 Heathcliff 23:00 The Ren and Stimpy Show 23:30 Dennis the Menace ch.
SelaSa 00:00 Growing Up Creepie 00:30 Grossology 01:00 Grossology 01:30 The Angry Beavers 02:00 The Angry Beavers 02:30 The Wild Thornberrys 03:00 The Wild Thornberrys 03:30 Catdog 04:00 Catdog 04:30 Hey Arnold! 05:00 Hey Arnold! 05:30 Fairly Odd Parents 06:00 Rugrats 06:15 Little Kingdom 06:45 Little Kingdom 07:00 Yo Gabba Gabba 07:30 Hi-5 08:00 Dora The Explorer 08:30 The Backyardigans 09:00 Go Diego Go! 09:30 Fairly Odd Parents 10:00 Kit vs Kat 10:30 Gawayn 10:45 Gawayn 11:00 Hi-5 11:30 Yo Gabba Gabba 12:00 Dora The Explorer 12:30 Go Diego Go!
13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 14:45 15:00
Edgar & Ellen Jimmy Neutron Fairly Odd Parents Frankenstein’s Cat Frankenstein’s Cat Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide 15:30 iCarly 16:00 Drake & Josh 16:30 Animalia 17:00 The Mighty B! 17:30 Back at the Barnyard 18:00 SpongeBob SquarePants 18:30 Fairly Odd Parents 19:00 Kit vs Kat 19:30 Rocko’s Modern Life 20:00 Back at the Barnyard 20:30 SpongeBob SquarePants 21:00 Jimmy Neutron 21:30 AAAhh!!! Real Monsters 22:00 Kappa Mikey 22:30 Heathcliff 23:00 The Ren and Stimpy Show 23:30 Dennis the Menace Rabu 00:00 Growing Up Creepie 00:30 Grossology 01:00 Grossology 01:30 The Angry Beavers 02:00 The Angry Beavers 02:30 The Wild Thornberrys 03:00 The Wild Thornberrys 03:30 Catdog 04:00 Catdog 04:30 Hey Arnold! 05:00 Hey Arnold! 05:30 Fairly Odd Parents 06:00 Rugrats 06:15 Little Kingdom 06:45 Little Kingdom 07:00 Yo Gabba Gabba 07:30 Hi-5 08:00 Dora The Explorer 08:30 The Backyardigans 09:00 Go Diego Go! 09:30 Fairly Odd Parents 10:00 Kit vs Kat 10:30 Gawayn 10:45 Gawayn 11:00 Hi-5 11:30 Yo Gabba Gabba 12:00 Dora The Explorer 12:30 Go Diego Go! 13:00 Edgar & Ellen 13:30 Jimmy Neutron 14:00 Fairly Odd Parents 14:30 Frankenstein’s Cat 14:45 Frankenstein’s Cat 15:00 Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide 15:30 iCarly 16:00 Drake & Josh 16:30 Animalia 17:00 The Mighty B! 17:30 Back at the Barnyard 18:00 SpongeBob SquarePants 18:30 Fairly Odd Parents 19:00 Kit vs Kat 19:30 Rocko’s Modern Life 20:00 Back at the Barnyard 20:30 SpongeBob SquarePants 21:00 Jimmy Neutron 21:30 AAAhh!!! Real Monsters 22:00 Kappa Mikey 22:30 Heathcliff 23:00 The Ren and Stimpy Show 23:30 Dennis the Menace kamiS 00:00 Growing Up Creepie 00:30 Grossology 01:00 Grossology 01:30 The Angry Beavers 02:00 The Angry Beavers 02:30 The Wild Thornberrys
03:00 The Wild Thornberrys 03:30 Catdog 04:00 Catdog 04:30 Hey Arnold 05:00 Hey Arnold! 05:30 Fairly Odd Parents 06:00 Rugrats 06:15 Little Kingdom 06:45 Little Kingdom 07:00 Yo Gabba Gabba 07:30 Hi-5 08:00 Dora The Explorer 08:30 The Backyardigans 09:00 Go Diego Go! 09:30 Fairly Odd Parents 10:00 Kit vs Kat 10:30 Gawayn 10:45 Gawayn 11:00 Hi-5 11:30 Yo Gabba Gabba 12:00 Dora The Explorer 12:30 Go Diego Go! 13:00 Edgar & Ellen 13:30 Jimmy Neutron 14:00 Fairly Odd Parents 14:30 Frankenstein’s Cat 14:45 Frankenstein’s Cat 15:00 Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide 15:30 iCarly 16:00 Drake & Josh 16:30 Animalia 17:00 The Mighty B! 17:30 Back at the Barnyard 18:00 SpongeBob SquarePants 18:30 Fairly Odd Parents 19:00 Kit vs Kat 19:30 Rocko’s Modern Life 20:00 Back at the Barnyard 20:30 SpongeBob SquarePants 21:00 Jimmy Neutron 21:30 AAAhh!!! Real Monsters 22:00 Kappa Mikey 22:30 Heathcliff 23:00 The Ren and Stimpy Show 23:30 Dennis the Menace Jumat 00:00 Growing Up Creepie 00:30 Grossology 01:00 Grossology 01:30 The Angry Beavers 02:00 The Angry Beavers 02:30 The Wild Thornberrys 03:00 The Wild Thornberrys 03:30 Catdog 04:00 Catdog 04:30 Hey Arnold! 05:00 Hey Arnold! 05:30 Fairly Odd Parents 06:00 Rugrats 06:30 Little Kingdom 06:45 Little Kingdom 07:00 Yo Gabba Gabba 07:30 Hi-5 08:00 Dora The Explorer 08:30 The Backyardigans 09:00 Go Diego Go! 09:30 Fairly Odd Parents 10:00 Kit vs Kat 10:30 Gawayn 10:45 Gawayn 11:00 Hi-5 11:30 Yo Gabba Gabba 12:00 Dora The Explorer 12:30 Go Diego Go! 13:00 Edgar & Ellen 13:30 Jimmy Neutron 14:00 Chinatoon: The Pleasant Goat & Big Big Wolf 14:30 Chinatoon: Magic Wonderland 15:00 Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide 15:30 iCarly 16:00 Drake & Josh 16:30 Animalia
17:00 The Mighty B! 17:30 Back at the Barnyard 18:00 iCarly 19:30 Rocko’s Modern Life 20:00 Back at the Barnyard 20:30 SpongeBob SquarePants 21:00 Jimmy Neutron 21:30 AAAhh!!! Real Monsters 22:00 Kappa Mikey 22:30 Heathcliff 23:00 The Ren and Stimpy Show 23:30 Dennis the Menace
10:00 10:30 11:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 14:30 15:00
Sabtu 00:00 Growing Up Creepie 00:30 Grossology 01:00 Grossology 01:30 The Angry Beavers 02:00 The Angry Beavers 02:30 The Wild Thornberrys 03:00 The Wild Thornberrys 03:30 Catdog 04:00 Catdog 04:30 Hey Arnold! 05:00 Hey Arnold! 05:30 Fairly Odd Parents 06:00 The Magic Roundabout 06:30 The Magic Roundabout 06:30 Wonderpets 07:00 Go Diego Go! 07:30 Dora The Explorer 08:00 Tak & the Power of Juju 08:30 Back at the Barnyard 09:00 Upsized: Avatar, the Legend of Ang 10:00 Penguins of Madagascar 10:30 Upsized: Spongebob Squarepants 11:30 Chinatoon: The Pleasant Goat & Big Big Wolf 12:00 Chinatoon: Magic Wonderland 12:30 Edgar & Ellen 13:00 Upsized: Fairly OddParents 14:00 Just Jordan 14:30 Zoey 101 15:00 Upsized: Spongebob Squarepants 16:00 Back at the Barnyard 16:30 Upsized: Fairly OddParents 17:30 Upsized: Spongebob Squarepants 18:30 The Naked Brothers Band 19:00 Zoey 101 19:30 Just Jordan 20:00 My Family Got Guts 20:30 Dance On Sunset 21:00 Fairly Odd Parents 21:30 AAAhh!!! Real Monsters 22:00 Kappa Mikey 22:30 Heathcliff 23:00 The Ren and Stimpy Show 23:30 Dennis the Menace SquarePants minggu 00:00 Growing Up Creepie 00:30 Grossology 01:00 Grossology 01:30 The Angry Beavers 02:00 The Angry Beavers 02:30 The Wild Thornberrys 03:00 The Wild Thornberrys 03:30 Catdog 04:00 Catdog 04:30 Hey Arnold! 05:00 Hey Arnold! 05:30 Fairly Odd Parents 06:00 The Magic Roundabout 06:15 The Magic Roundabout 06:30 Wonderpets 07:00 The Backyardigans 08:00 Tak & the Power of Juju 08:30 Back at the Barnyard 09:00 Upsized: Avatar, the Legend of Ang
Penguins of Madagascar Spongebob SquarePants iCarly Edgar & Ellen Upsized: Fairly OddParents Just Jordan Zoey 101 Upsized: Spongebob Squarepants 16:00 Back at the Barnyard 16:30 Upsized: Fairly OddParents 17:30 Upsized: Spongebob Squarepants 18:30 The Naked Brothers Band 19:00 Zoey 101 19:30 Just Jordan 20:00 My Family Got Guts 20:30 Dance On Sunset 21:00 Fairly Odd Parents 21:30 AAAhh!!! Real Monsters 22:00 Kappa Mikey 22:30 Heathcliff 23:00 The Ren and Stimpy Show 23:30 Dennis the Menace
Senin 00:00 BBC World News 00:30 TBA 01:00 BBC World News 01:15 Sport Today 01:30 This Week (r) 02:00 BBC World News 02:10 The World Debate (r) 03:00 BBC World News 03:30 Our World (r) 04:00 BBC World News 04:30 Dateline London (r) 05:00 BBC World News 05:30 Asia Business Report 05:45 Asia Today 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 Reporters (r) 07:00 BBC World News 07:30 Asia Business Report 07:45 Asia Today (r) 08:00 BBC World News 08:30 Asia Business Report 08:45 Asia Today (r) 09:00 BBC World News 09:30 Asia Business Report 09:45 Asia Today (r) 10:00 BBC World News 10:30 Asia Business Report 10:45 Asia Today (r) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 World Business Report 12:00 BBC World News 12:30 World Business Report 13:00 BBC World News 13:30 World Business Report 13:45 Sport Today 14:00 BBC World News 14:30 World Business Report 14:45 Sport Today 15:00 BBC World News 15:30 HARDtalk (r) 16:00 BBC World News 17:00 BBC World News 17:30 World Business Report
Gawayn Setiap Senin-Jumat Pukul 10.30 WIB
56 | primetime | Agustus 2009
Bayangkan ini, kisah legenda King Arthur digabung dengan tokoh-tokoh bodoh mirip serial Scooby Doo. Maka Anda akan dapat Gawayn. Inilah aksi-komedi tentang William si jagoan, penuh semangat, berumur 10 tahun, yang sedang dilatih jadi ksatria sejati. Ia begitu patuh pada gurunya yang bodoh, Sir Roddick. Kala Putri Gwendolyn dikutuk jadi liliput oleh si jahat Duke of Amaraxos, mereka—William, samg puteri, dan Sir Roddick—harus berkelana mencari penawar kutukan.
17:45 Sport Today 18:00 World News Today 19:00 BBC World News 19:30 Nature Inc. (r) 20:00 World News Today 21:00 BBC World News 21:30 HARDtalk (r) 22:00 BBC World News 22:30 Click (r) 23:00 World News Today SelaSa 00:00 BBC World News 00:30 World Business Report 00:45 Sport Today 01:00 World News Today 02:00 BBC World News 02:30 Fast Track (r) 03:00 BBC World News 03:30 HARDtalk (r) 04:00 World News Today Business Edition 04:45 Sport Today 05:00 BBC World News 05:30 Asia Business Report 05:45 Asia Today 06:00 BBC World News America 07:00 BBC World News 07:30 Asia Business Report 07:45 Sport Today (r) 08:00 BBC World News 08:30 Asia Business Report 08:45 Asia Today (r) 09:00 World News Today 10:00 BBC World News 10:30 Asia Business Report 10:45 Asia Today (r) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 World Business Report 12:00 BBC World News 12:30 World Business Report 13:00 BBC World News 13:30 World Business Report 13:45 Sport Today 14:00 BBC World News 14:30 World Business Report 14:45 Sport Today 15:00 BBC World News 15:30 HARDtalk (r) 16:00 BBC World News 17:00 BBC World News 17:30 World Business Report 17:45 Sport Today 18:00 World News Today 19:00 BBC World News 19:30 Fast Track (r) 20:00 World News Today 21:00 BBC World News 21:30 HARDtalk (r) 22:00 BBC World News 22:30 Nature Inc. (r) 23:00 World News Today Rabu 00:00 BBC World News 00:30 World Business Report 00:45 Sport Today 01:00 World News Today 02:00 BBC World News 02:30 Kill Or Cure 03:00 BBC World News 03:30 HARDtalk (r)
weekly weekly 19:30 Our World (r) 20:00 World News Today 21:00 BBC World News 21:30 HARDtalk (r) 22:00 BBC World News 22:30 Kill Or Cure (r) 23:00 World News Today
04:00 World News Today Business Edition 04:45 Sport Today 05:00 BBC World News 05:30 Asia Business Report 05:45 Asia Today 06:00 BBC World News America 07:00 BBC World News 07:30 Asia Business Report 07:45 Sport Today (r) 08:00 BBC World News 08:30 Asia Business Report 08:45 Asia Today (r) 09:00 World News Today 10:00 BBC World News 10:30 Asia Business Report 10:45 Asia Today (r) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 World Business Report 12:00 BBC World News 12:30 World Business Report 13:00 BBC World News 13:30 World Business Report 13:45 Sport Today 14:00 BBC World News 14:30 World Business Report 14:45 Sport Today 15:00 BBC World News 15:30 HARDtalk (r) 16:00 BBC World News 17:00 BBC World News 17:30 World Business Report 17:45 Sport Today 18:00 World News Today 19:00 BBC World News 19:30 Kill Or Cure (r) 20:00 World News Today 21:00 BBC World News 21:30 HARDtalk (r) 22:00 BBC World News 22:30 Fast Track (r) 23:00 World News Today
JUMAT 00:00 BBC World News 00:30 World Business Report 00:45 Sport Today 01:00 World News Today 02:00 BBC World News 02:30 Click 03:00 BBC World News 03:30 HARDtalk (r) 04:00 World News Today Business Edition 04:45 Sport Today 05:00 BBC World News 05:30 Asia Business Report 05:45 Asia Today 06:00 BBC World News America 07:00 BBC World News 07:30 Asia Business Report 07:45 Sport Today (r) 08:00 BBC World News 08:30 Asia Business Report 08:45 Asia Today (r) 09:00 World News Today 10:00 BBC World News 10:30 Asia Business Report 10:45 Asia Today (r) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 World Business Report 12:00 BBC World News 12:30 World Business Report 13:00 BBC World News 13:30 World Business Report 13:45 Sport Today 14:00 BBC World News 14:30 World Business Report 14:45 Sport Today 15:00 BBC World News 15:30 Peschardt’s People (r) 16:00 BBC World News 17:00 BBC World News 17:30 World Business Report 17:45 Sport Today 18:00 World News Today 19:00 BBC World News 19:30 Click (r) 20:00 World News Today 21:00 BBC World News 21:30 Peschardt’s People (r) 22:00 BBC World News 22:30 Our World (r) 23:00 World News Today
kAMis 00:00 BBC World News 00:30 World Business Report 00:45 Sport Today 01:00 World News Today 02:00 BBC World News 02:30 Our World 03:00 BBC World News 03:30 HARDtalk (r) 04:00 World News Today Business Edition 04:45 Sport Today 05:00 BBC World News 05:30 Asia Business Report 05:45 Asia Today 06:00 BBC World News America 07:00 BBC World News 07:30 Asia Business Report (r) 07:45 Sport Today (r) 08:00 BBC World News 08:30 Asia Business Report 08:45 Asia Today (r) 09:00 World News Today 10:00 BBC World News 10:30 Asia Business Report 10:45 Asia Today (r) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 World Business Report 12:00 BBC World News 12:30 World Business Report 13:00 BBC World News 13:30 World Business Report 13:45 Sport Today 14:00 BBC World News 14:30 World Business Report 14:45 Sport Today 15:00 BBC World News 15:30 HARDtalk (r) 16:00 BBC World News 17:00 BBC World News 17:30 World Business Report 17:45 Sport Today 18:00 World News Today 19:00 BBC World News
sABTU 00:00 BBC World News 00:30 World Business Report 00:45 Sport Today 01:00 World News Today 02:00 BBC World News 02:30 Nature Inc. 03:00 BBC World News 03:30 Peschardt’s People (r) 04:00 World News Today Business Edition 04:45 Sport Today 05:00 BBC World News 05:30 Peschardt’s People (r) 06:00 BBC World News America 07:00 BBC World News 07:30 Click (r) 08:00 BBC World News 08:30 Our World (r) 09:00 World News Today 10:00 BBC World News 10:30 HARDtalk (r) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Nature Inc. (r) 12:00 BBC World News 12:30 Middle East Business Report
13:00 13:30 14:00 14:10 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30
BBC World News Click (r) BBC World News The World Uncovered BBC World News Newsnight BBC World News Early Life BBC World News Our World (r) BBC World News Middle East Business Report (r) 19:00 BBC World News 19:30 Dateline London 20:00 BBC World News 20:15 Sport Today 20:30 Equestrian World 21:00 BBC World News 21:10 My Country 22:00 BBC World News 22:10 The World Uncovered (r) 23:00 BBC World News 23:30 This Week MinGGU 00:00 BBC World News 00:30 Early Life (r) 01:00 BBC World News 01:15 Sport Today 01:30 Reporters 02:00 BBC World News 02:10 The World Uncovered (r) 03:00 BBC World News 03:30 Equestrian World (r) 04:00 BBC World News 04:30 Newsnight (r) 05:00 BBC World News 05:30 HARDtalk (r) 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 This Week (r) 07:00 BBC World News 07:10 The World Uncovered (r) 08:00 BBC World News 08:30 Early Life (r) 09:00 BBC World News 09:10 My Country (r) 10:00 BBC World News 10:30 HARDtalk (r) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Fast Track 12:00 BBC World News 12:30 India Business Report 13:00 BBC World News 13:30 Peschardt’s People (r) 14:00 BBC World News 14:10 The World Uncovered (r) 15:00 BBC World News 15:30 Dateline London (r) 16:00 BBC World News 16:10 My Country (r) 17:00 BBC World News 17:30 Equestrian World (r) 18:00 BBC World News (r) 18:30 India Business Report (r) 19:00 BBC World News (r) 19:30 Newsnight (r) 20:00 BBC World News 20:15 Sport Today 20:30 Our World (r) 21:00 BBC World News 21:30 Early Life (r) 22:00 BBC World News 22:10 The World Uncovered (r) 23:00 BBC World News (r) 23:30 Reporters (r)
senin 00:00 Ben 10 Alien Force 00:25 Dexter’s Laboratory 01:00 Chowder 01:25 The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
02:00 Codename: Kids Next Door 02:35 The Powerpuff Girls Z 03:00 Courage the Cowardly Dog 03:35 Ben 10 04:00 The Powerpuff Girls 04:35 The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy 05:00 Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends 05:25 Codename: Kids Next Door 06:00 Dexter’s Laboratory 06:35 The Pink Panther Show 07:00 Tom & Jerry Show 07:25 Tom & Jerry Tales 08:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes 09:00 Ben 10 Alien Force 09:30 Chowder 10:00 The Pink Panther Show 11:00 The Powerpuff Girls Z 11:25 The Powerpuff Girls 12:00 Tom & Jerry Show 12:35 Tom & Jerry Tales 13:00 Naruto-Double Episodes 14:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes 15:00 Road Runner Show 15:25 The Pink Panther Show 16:00 The Powerpuff Girls Z 16:25 The Powerpuff Girls 17:00 Chowder 17:25 Tom & Jerry Tales 18:00 *New Mondays- Secret Saturdays(All New) 19:00 *New Mondays19:30 Batman: The Brave & The Bold (All New 20:00 Tom & Jerry Show 20:30 Star Wars- The Clone Wars (Re-Run) 21:00 Naruto-Double Episodes 21:25 22:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes 22:45 The Powerpuff Girls 23:35 Ed, Edd n Eddy selAsA 00:00 Ben 10 Alien Force 00:25 Dexter’s Laboratory 01:00 Chowder 01:25 The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy 02:00 Codename: Kids Next Door 02:35 The Powerpuff Girls Z 03:00 Courage the Cowardly Dog 03:35 Ben 10 04:00 The Powerpuff Girls 04:35 The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy 05:00 Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends 05:25 Codename: Kids Next Door 06:00 Dexter’s Laboratory 06:25 The Pink Panther Show 07:00 Tom & Jerry Show 07:25 Tom & Jerry Tales 08:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes 09:00 Ben 10 Alien Force 09:30 Chowder 10:00 The Pink Panther Show 11:00 The Powerpuff Girls Z 11:25 The Powerpuff Girls 12:00 Tom & Jerry Show 12:35 Tom & Jerry Tales 13:00 Naruto-Double Episodes 14:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes 15:00 Road Runner Show 15:25 The Pink Panther Show 16:00 The Powerpuff Girls Z 16:25 The Powerpuff Girls 17:00 Chowder 17:25 Tom & Jerry Tales 18:00 Ben 10 Alien Force 18:30 Ben 10- Double Episodes 19:30 Sushi Pack 20:00 Tom & Jerry Show 20:30 Star Wars- The Clone Wars (Re-Run) 21:00 Naruto-Double Episodes
22:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes 22:45 The Powerpuff Girls 23:35 Ed, Edd n Eddy RABU 00:00 Ben 10 Alien Force 00:25 Dexter’s Laboratory 01:00 Chowder 01:25 The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy 02:00 Codename: Kids Next Door 02:35 The Powerpuff Girls Z 03:00 Courage the Cowardly Dog 03:35 Ben 10 04:00 The Powerpuff Girls 04:35 The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy 05:00 Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends 05:25 Codename: Kids Next Door 06:00 Dexter’s Laboratory 06:25 The Pink Panther Show 07:00 Tom & Jerry Show 07:25 Tom & Jerry Tales 08:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes 09:00 Ben 10 Alien Force 09:30 Chowder 10:00 The Pink Panther Show 11:00 The Powerpuff Girls Z 11:25 The Powerpuff Girls 12:00 Tom & Jerry Show 12:35 Tom & Jerry Tales 13:00 Naruto-Double Episodes 14:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes 15:00 Road Runner Show 15:25 The Pink Panther Show 16:00 The Powerpuff Girls Z 16:25 The Powerpuff Girls 17:00 Chowder 17:25 Tom & Jerry Tales 18:00 Ben 10 Alien Force 18:30 Ben 10- Double Episodes 19:30 Sushi Pack 20:00 Tom & Jerry Show 20:30 Star Wars- The Clone Wars (Re-Run) 21:00 Naruto-Double Episodes 22:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes 22:45 The Powerpuff Girls 23:35 Ed, Edd n Eddy kAMis 00:00 Ben 10 Alien Force 00:25 Dexter’s Laboratory 01:00 Chowder 01:25 The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy 02:00 Codename: Kids Next Door 02:35 The Powerpuff Girls Z 03:00 Courage the Cowardly Dog 03:35 Ben 10 04:00 The Powerpuff Girls 04:35 The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy 05:00 Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends 05:25 Codename: Kids Next Door 06:00 Dexter’s Laboratory 06:25 The Pink Panther Show 07:00 Tom & Jerry Show 07:25 Tom & Jerry Tales
08:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes 09:00 Ben 10 Alien Force 09:30 Chowder 10:00 The Pink Panther Show 11:00 The Powerpuff Girls Z 11:25 The Powerpuff Girls 12:00 Tom & Jerry Show 12:35 Tom & Jerry Tales 13:00 Naruto-Double Episodes 14:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes 15:00 Road Runner Show 15:25 The Pink Panther Show 16:00 The Powerpuff Girls Z 16:25 The Powerpuff Girls 17:00 Chowder 17:25 Tom & Jerry Tales 18:00 Ben 10 Alien Force 18:30 Ben 10- Double Episodes 19:30 Sushi Pack 20:00 Tom & Jerry Show 20:30 Star Wars- The Clone Wars (Re-Run) 21:00 Naruto-Double Episodes 22:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes 22:45 The Powerpuff Girls 23:35 Ed, Edd n Eddy JUMAT 00:00 Ben 10 Alien Force 00:25 Dexter’s Laboratory 01:00 Chowder 01:25 The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy 02:00 Codename: Kids Next Door 02:35 The Powerpuff Girls Z 03:00 Courage the Cowardly Dog 03:35 Ben 10 04:00 The Powerpuff Girls 04:35 The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy 05:00 Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends 05:25 Codename: Kids Next Door 06:00 Dexter’s Laboratory 06:25 The Pink Panther Show 07:00 Tom & Jerry Show 07:25 Tom & Jerry Tales 08:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes 09:00 Ben 10 Alien Force 09:30 Chowder 10:00 The Pink Panther Show 11:00 The Powerpuff Girls Z 11:25 The Powerpuff Girls 12:00 Tom & Jerry Show 12:35 Tom & Jerry Tales 13:00 Naruto-Double Episodes 14:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes 15:00 Road Runner Show 15:25 The Pink Panther Show 16:00 The Powerpuff Girls Z 16:25 The Powerpuff Girls 17:00 Chowder 17:25 Tom & Jerry Tales 18:00 Ben 10 Alien Force 18:30 Ben 10- Double Episodes 19:30 Sushi Pack 20:00 Tom & Jerry Show 20:30 Star Wars- The Clone Wars (Re-Run) 21:00 Naruto-Double Episodes 22:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes 22:45 The Powerpuff Girls
Secret Saturdays TM
Setiap Senin Pukul 18.00 WIB
Mari berpetualang bersama Doc, Drew dan Zak Saturday dalam film keluarga tentang ilmuwan yang menyelamatkan dunia, The Secret Saturdays. Mereka tinggal di markas rahasia. Bagi keluarga Saturday, cerita dongeng bukanlah legenda belaka, tapi juga misteri yang mesti dipecahkan dan petualangan seru. Di tempat-tempat eksotis dunia, seperti gurun Gobi, kuil kuno, atau lainnya, mereka memecahkan misteri sambil membasmi kejahatan. Meski begitu, mereka juga keluarga yang saling menyayangi yang—seperti keluarga lain—punya masalah sehari-hari yang juga mesti dipecahkan.
Agustus 2009 | primetime |
weekly 21:00 The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy 21:25 Xiaolin Showdown 22:00 Fantastic Four- Double Episodes 22:45 The Powerpuff Girls 23:35 Ed, Edd n Eddy MinGGU
23:35 Ed, Edd n Eddy sABTU 00:00 Ben 10 Alien Force 00:25 Dexter’s Laboratory 01:00 Chowder 01:25 The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy 02:00 Codename: Kids Next Door 02:35 The Powerpuff Girls Z 03:00 Courage the Cowardly Dog 03:35 Ben 10 04:00 The Powerpuff Girls 04:35 The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy 05:00 Ed, Edd, n Eddy 05:25 Codename: Kids Next Door 06:00 Dexter’s Laboratory 06:35 The Pink Panther Show 07:00 Tom & Jerry Show 07:30 The Looney Tunes Show 08:00 Secret Saturday 08:30 Batman: The Brave & the Bold 09:00 Ben 10 Alien Force- Double Episodes 10:00 Transformers Animated 10:35 *Cartoon Network Popcorn11:00 Care Bears Big Wish Movie (premiere) 12:00 Tom & Jerry Show 13:00 Teen Titans- Double Episodes 14:00 Ben 10 Alien Force- Double Episodes 15:00 Chowder- Double Episodes 16:00 Transformers Animated 16:30 The Looney Tunes Show 17:00 *Cartoon Network Popcorn17:25 Scooby-Doo & the Witch’s Ghost 18:30 Tom & Jerry Show 19:30 The Pink Panther Show 20:00 Courage the Cowardly Dog
00:00 Ben 10 Alien Force 00:25 Dexter’s Laboratory 01:00 Chowder 01:25 The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy 02:00 Codename: Kids Next Door 02:35 The Powerpuff Girls Z 03:00 Courage the Cowardly Dog 03:35 Ben 10 04:00 The Powerpuff Girls 04:35 The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy 05:00 Ed, Edd, n Eddy 05:25 Codename: Kids Next Door 06:00 Dexter’s Laboratory 06:35 The Pink Panther Show 07:00 Tom & Jerry Show 07:30 The Looney Tunes Show 08:00 Secret Saturday 08:30 Batman: The Brave & the Bold 09:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes 10:00 Transformers Animated 10:35 *Cartoon Network Popcorn11:00 Tom & Jerry: The Fast and the Fury 12:00 Toonilicious - Tom & Jerry Show 16:00 Transformers Animated 16:30 The Looney Tunes Show 17:00 Chowder 17:25 Sushi Pack 18:00 Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get A Clue (All New) 18:30 Tom & Jerry Show 19:30 The Pink Panther Show 20:00 Courage the Cowardly Dog 21:00 The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy 21:25 Xiaolin Showdown 22:00 Fantastic Four- Double Episodes 22:45 The Powerpuff Girls 23:35 Ed, Edd n Eddy
senin 00:00 African Voices 00:30 Aug 03 CNN Special/Aug 10 Inside the Middle East/Aug 17 CNN Business Traveller/Aug 24 Revealed/Aug 31 The Screening Room 01:00 The Best of BackStory /Aug 24 The Next Giant Leap? 01:30 iReport: Caught on Camera 02:00 Fareed Zakaria GPS 02:30 Fareed Zakaria GPS 03:00 World News 03:30 Political Mann /Aug 03 World Sport/Aug 31 World Sport 04:00 World News 04:30 World Sport /Aug 03 World News/Aug 31 World News 05:00 The Best of Situation Room 05:30 The Best of Situation Room 06:00 CNN Today 06:30 CNN Today 07:00 CNN Today 07:30 CNN Today 08:00 CNN Today 08:30 CNN Today 09:00 Talk Asia 09:30 The Screening Room Xtra/ Aug 03 CNN Special/Aug 10 My City My Life/Aug 17 Eco Solutions/Aug 24
International Correspondents/ Aug 31 World’s Untold Stories 10:00 Aug 03 CNN Special/Aug 10 Inside the Middle East/Aug 17 CNN Business Traveller/Aug 24 Revealed/Aug 31 Vital Signs 10:30 World Sport 11:00 CNN Today 11:30 CNN Today 12:00 CNN Today 12:30 CNN Today 13:00 CNN Today 13:30 World Sport 14:00 CNN Today 14:30 World Business Today 15:00 World News 15:30 World Report 16:00 Larry King Live 16:30 Larry King Live 17:00 World News 17:30 World Sport 18:00 World News Asia 18:30 World News Asia 19:00 World News Asia 19:30 iReport: Caught on Camera 20:00 World Business Today 20:30 World Business Today 21:00 Your World Today 21:30 Your World Today 22:00 Your World Today 22:30 Your World Today 23:00 International Desk 23:30 International Desk selAsA 00:00 Your World Today /Aug 04 World News/Aug 05 World News/Aug 06 World News/ Aug 07 World News 00:30 Talk Asia /Aug 04 iReport: Caught on Camera/Aug 06 Inside the Middle East/Aug 07 Living Golf/Aug 11 iReport: Caught on Camera/Aug 13 CNN Business Traveller/Aug 14 CNN Special/Aug 18 iReport: Caught on Camera/ Aug 20 Revealed/Aug 21 MainSail/Aug 25 iReport: Caught on Camera/Aug 27 The Screening Room/Aug 28 Vital Signs 01:00 Quest Means Business 01:30 Quest Means Business 02:00 International Desk 02:30 International Desk 03:00 Connect the World 03:30 Connect the World 04:00 Back Story 04:30 World Sport 05:00 The Situation Room 05:30 The Situation Room 06:00 CNN Today 06:30 CNN Today 07:00 CNN Today 07:30 CNN Today 08:00 CNN Today 08:30 CNN Today 09:00 Anderson Cooper 360° 09:30 Anderson Cooper 360° 10:00 Inside Africa / The Screening Room Xtra/Aug 04 World Report/Aug 06 Talk Asia/Aug 07 My City My Life/Aug 11 World Report/Aug 13 Talk Asia/Aug 14 Eco Solutions/ Aug 18 World Report/Aug 20 Talk Asia/Aug 21 International Correspondents/Aug 25 World Report/Aug 27 Talk Asia/Aug 28 World’s Untold Stories 10:30 World Sport 11:00 CNN Today 11:30 CNN Today 12:00 CNN Today
12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00
CNN Today CNN Today World Sport CNN Today World Business Today World News /Aug 07 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East/Aug 14 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East/Aug 21 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East/Aug 28 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East 15:30 The Best of BackStory / The Screening Room Xtra/Aug 04 Inside Africa/Aug 05 Inside the Middle East/Aug 06 My City My Life/Aug 11 Inside Africa/Aug 12 CNN Business Traveller/Aug 13 Eco Solutions/Aug 18 Inside Africa/Aug 19 Revealed/ Aug 20 International Correspondents/Aug 25 Inside Africa/Aug 26 The Screening Room/Aug 27 World’s Untold Stories 16:00 Larry King Live 16:30 Larry King Live 17:00 World News 17:30 World Sport 18:00 World News Asia 18:30 World News Asia 19:00 World News Asia 19:30 The Best of BackStory /Aug 04 World Report/Aug 05 Talk Asia/Aug 06 Living Golf/Aug 11 World Report/Aug 12 Talk Asia/Aug 13 CNN Special/Aug 18 World Report/Aug 19 Talk Asia/Aug 20 MainSail/Aug 25 World Report/Aug 26 Talk Asia/Aug 27 Vital Signs 20:00 World Business Today 20:30 World Business Today 21:00 Your World Today 21:30 Your World Today 22:00 Your World Today 22:30 World Sport 23:00 International Desk 23:30 International Desk RABU 00:00 Your World Today /Aug 04 World News/Aug 05 World News/Aug 06 World News/ Aug 07 World News 00:30 Talk Asia /Aug 04 iReport: Caught on Camera/Aug 06 Inside the Middle East/Aug 07 Living Golf/Aug 11 iReport: Caught on Camera/Aug 13 CNN Business Traveller/Aug 14 CNN Special/Aug 18 iReport: Caught on Camera/ Aug 20 Revealed/Aug 21 MainSail/Aug 25 iReport: Caught on Camera/Aug 27 The Screening Room/Aug 28 Vital Signs 01:00 Quest Means Business 01:30 Quest Means Business 02:00 International Desk 02:30 International Desk 03:00 Connect the World 03:30 Connect the World 04:00 Back Story 04:30 World Sport 05:00 The Situation Room 05:30 The Situation Room 06:00 CNN Today 06:30 CNN Today 07:00 CNN Today 07:30 CNN Today 08:00 CNN Today 08:30 CNN Today
09:00 Anderson Cooper 360° 09:30 Anderson Cooper 360° 10:00 Inside Africa / The Screening Room Xtra/Aug 04 World Report/Aug 06 Talk Asia/Aug 07 My City My Life/Aug 11 World Report/Aug 13 Talk Asia/Aug 14 Eco Solutions/ Aug 18 World Report/Aug 20 Talk Asia/Aug 21 International Correspondents/Aug 25 World Report/Aug 27 Talk Asia/Aug 28 World’s Untold Stories 10:30 World Sport 11:00 CNN Today 11:30 CNN Today 12:00 CNN Today 12:30 CNN Today 13:00 CNN Today 13:30 World Sport 14:00 CNN Today 14:30 World Business Today 15:00 World News /Aug 07 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East/Aug 14 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East/Aug 21 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East/Aug 28 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East 15:30 The Best of BackStory / The Screening Room Xtra/Aug 04 Inside Africa/Aug 05 Inside the Middle East/Aug 06 My City My Life/Aug 11 Inside Africa/Aug 12 CNN Business Traveller/Aug 13 Eco Solutions/Aug 18 Inside Africa/Aug 19 Revealed/ Aug 20 International Correspondents/Aug 25 Inside Africa/Aug 26 The Screening Room/Aug 27 World’s Untold Stories 16:00 Larry King Live 16:30 Larry King Live 17:00 World News 17:30 World Sport 18:00 World News Asia 18:30 World News Asia 19:00 World News Asia 19:30 The Best of BackStory /Aug 04 World Report/Aug 05 Talk Asia/Aug 06 Living Golf/Aug 11 World Report/Aug 12 Talk Asia/Aug 13 CNN Special/Aug 18 World Report/Aug 19 Talk Asia/Aug 20 MainSail/Aug 25 World Report/Aug 26 Talk Asia/Aug 27 Vital Signs 20:00 World Business Today 20:30 World Business Today 21:00 Your World Today 21:30 Your World Today 22:00 Your World Today 22:30 World Sport 23:00 International Desk 23:30 International Desk kAMis 00:00 Your World Today /Aug 04 World News/Aug 05 World News/Aug 06 World News/ Aug 07 World News 00:30 Talk Asia /Aug 04 iReport: Caught on Camera/Aug 06 Inside the Middle East/Aug 07 Living Golf/Aug 11 iReport: Caught on Camera/Aug 13 CNN Business Traveller/Aug 14 CNN Special/Aug 18 iReport: Caught on Camera/ Aug 20 Revealed/Aug 21 MainSail/Aug 25 iReport: Caught on Camera/Aug 27
Witness To War: Afghanistan And Pakistan
Sabtu, 1 Agustus 2009 Pukul 14.00 WIB
58 | primetime | Agustus 2009
Seorang penulis pernah berkata, “dalam kekejian perang, kita lupa diri kita.” Namun, bagi penduduk Afghanistan dan Pakistan, kekerasan, perang, penindasan, dan penderitaan justru satu-satunya yang mereka kenal. Inilah laporan hebat, satu jam khusus, sajian jurnalis CNN yang mngajak Anda masuk ke wilayah paling berbahaya di dunia. Anda akan menjadi saksi betapa bahayanya tinggal di sana dan melihat keputusasaan serta kehancuran. CNN mengajak Anda melihat perang demi perang yang terjadi di Afghanistan dan Pakistan—mulai dari perang saudara sampai perang melawan teror.
The Screening Room/Aug 28 Vital Signs 01:00 Quest Means Business 01:30 Quest Means Business 02:00 International Desk 02:30 International Desk 03:00 Connect the World 03:30 Connect the World 04:00 Back Story 04:30 World Sport 05:00 The Situation Room 05:30 The Situation Room 06:00 CNN Today 06:30 CNN Today 07:00 CNN Today 07:30 CNN Today 08:00 CNN Today 08:30 CNN Today 09:00 Anderson Cooper 360° 09:30 Anderson Cooper 360° 10:00 Inside Africa / The Screening Room Xtra/Aug 04 World Report/Aug 06 Talk Asia/Aug 07 My City My Life/Aug 11 World Report/Aug 13 Talk Asia/Aug 14 Eco Solutions/ Aug 18 World Report/Aug 20 Talk Asia/Aug 21 International Correspondents/Aug 25 World Report/Aug 27 Talk Asia/Aug 28 World’s Untold Stories 10:30 World Sport 11:00 CNN Today 11:30 CNN Today 12:00 CNN Today 12:30 CNN Today 13:00 CNN Today 13:30 World Sport 14:00 CNN Today 14:30 World Business Today 15:00 World News /Aug 07 World News & CNN Marketplace
weekly 22:30 World Sport 23:00 International Desk 23:30 International Desk JUMAT 00:00 Your World Today /Aug 04 World News/Aug 05 World News/Aug 06 World News/ Aug 07 World News 00:30 Talk Asia /Aug 04 iReport: Caught on Camera/Aug 06 Inside the Middle East/Aug 07 Living Golf/Aug 11 iReport: Caught on Camera/Aug 13 CNN Business Traveller/Aug 14 CNN Special/Aug 18 iReport: Caught on Camera/ Aug 20 Revealed/Aug 21 MainSail/Aug 25 iReport: Caught on Camera/Aug 27 The Screening Room/Aug 28 Vital Signs 01:00 Quest Means Business 01:30 Quest Means Business 02:00 International Desk 02:30 International Desk 03:00 Connect the World 03:30 Connect the World 04:00 Back Story 04:30 World Sport 05:00 The Situation Room 05:30 The Situation Room 06:00 CNN Today 06:30 CNN Today 07:00 CNN Today 07:30 CNN Today 08:00 CNN Today 08:30 CNN Today 09:00 Anderson Cooper 360° 09:30 Anderson Cooper 360° 10:00 Inside Africa / The Screening Room Xtra/Aug 04 World Report/Aug 06 Talk Asia/Aug 07 My City My Life/Aug 11 World Report/Aug 13 Talk Asia/Aug 14 Eco Solutions/ Aug 18 World Report/Aug 20 Talk Asia/Aug 21 International Correspondents/Aug 25 World Report/Aug 27 Talk Asia/Aug 28 World’s Untold Stories 10:30 World Sport 11:00 CNN Today 11:30 CNN Today 12:00 CNN Today 12:30 CNN Today 13:00 CNN Today 13:30 World Sport 14:00 CNN Today 14:30 World Business Today 15:00 World News /Aug 07 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East/Aug 14 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East/Aug 21 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East/Aug 28 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East 15:30 The Best of BackStory / The Screening Room Xtra/Aug 04 Inside Africa/Aug 05 Inside the Middle East/Aug 06 My City My Life/Aug 11 Inside Africa/Aug 12 CNN Business Traveller/Aug 13 Eco Solutions/Aug 18 Inside Africa/Aug 19 Revealed/ Aug 20 International Correspondents/Aug 25 Inside Africa/Aug 26 The Screening Room/Aug 27 World’s Untold Stories 16:00 Larry King Live 16:30 Larry King Live 17:00 World News
Middle East/Aug 14 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East/Aug 21 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East/Aug 28 World News & CNN Marketplace Middle East 15:30 The Best of BackStory / The Screening Room Xtra/Aug 04 Inside Africa/Aug 05 Inside the Middle East/Aug 06 My City My Life/Aug 11 Inside Africa/Aug 12 CNN Business Traveller/Aug 13 Eco Solutions/Aug 18 Inside Africa/Aug 19 Revealed/ Aug 20 International Correspondents/Aug 25 Inside Africa/Aug 26 The Screening Room/Aug 27 World’s Untold Stories 16:00 Larry King Live 16:30 Larry King Live 17:00 World News 17:30 World Sport 18:00 World News Asia 18:30 World News Asia 19:00 World News Asia 19:30 The Best of BackStory /Aug 04 World Report/Aug 05 Talk Asia/Aug 06 Living Golf/Aug 11 World Report/Aug 12 Talk Asia/Aug 13 CNN Special/Aug 18 World Report/Aug 19 Talk Asia/Aug 20 MainSail/Aug 25 World Report/Aug 26 Talk Asia/Aug 27 Vital Signs 20:00 World Business Today 20:30 World Business Today 21:00 Your World Today 21:30 Your World Today 22:00 Your World Today
17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30
World Sport World News Asia World News Asia World News Asia The Best of BackStory /Aug 04 World Report/Aug 05 Talk Asia/Aug 06 Living Golf/Aug 11 World Report/Aug 12 Talk Asia/Aug 13 CNN Special/Aug 18 World Report/Aug 19 Talk Asia/Aug 20 MainSail/Aug 25 World Report/Aug 26 Talk Asia/Aug 27 Vital Signs 20:00 World Business Today 20:30 World Business Today 21:00 Your World Today 21:30 Your World Today 22:00 Your World Today 22:30 World Sport 23:00 International Desk 23:30 International Desk SABTU
00:00 Your World Today 00:30 Political Mann 01:00 Quest Means Business 01:30 Quest Means Business 02:00 International Desk 02:30 International Desk 03:00 Connect the World 03:30 Connect the World 04:00 Back Story 04:30 World Sport 05:00 The Situation Room 05:30 The Situation Room 06:00 CNN Today 06:30 CNN Today 07:00 CNN Today 07:30 CNN Today 08:00 Larry King Live 08:30 Larry King Live 09:00 Anderson Cooper 360° 09:30 Anderson Cooper 360° 10:00 Political Mann 10:30 World Sport 11:00 CNN Today 11:30 Talk Asia 12:00 CNN Today 12:30 CNN Today/ Marketplace Middle East 13:00 CNN Today 13:30 World Sport 14:00 Aug 01 CNN Special/Aug 08 Living Golf/Aug 15 CNN Business Traveller/Aug 22 MainSail/Aug 29 Vital Signs 14:30 Aug 01 CNN Special/Aug 08 Inside the Middle East/Aug 15 CNN Business Traveller/Aug 22 Revealed/Aug 29 The Screening Room 15:00 World Report 15:30 The Screening Room Xtra/ Aug 01 CNN Special/Aug 08 My City My Life/Aug 15 Eco Solutions/Aug 22 International Correspondents/ Aug 29 World’s Untold Stories 16:00 Larry King Live 16:30 Larry King Live 17:00 World News 17:30 World Sport 18:00 World News 18:30 African Voices 19:00 The Best of BackStory /Aug 22 The Next Giant Leap? 19:30 iReport: Caught on Camera 20:00 Political Mann 20:30 The Daily Show with Jon Stewart: Global Edition 21:00 Your World Today 21:30 Talk Asia 22:00 Inside Africa 22:30 World Sport 23:00 Your World Today 23:30 World Report
MINGGU 00:00 The Screening Room Xtra/ Aug 02 CNN Special/Aug 09 My City My Life/Aug 16 Eco Solutions/Aug 23 International Correspondents/Aug 30 World’s Untold Stories 00:30 CNN Special /Aug 09 Living Golf/Aug 23 MainSail/Aug 30 Vital Signs 01:00 Aug 02 CNN Special/Aug 09 Inside the Middle East/Aug 16 CNN Business Traveller/Aug 23 Revealed/Aug 30 The Screening Room 01:30 African Voices 02:00 Political Mann 02:30 The Daily Show with Jon Stewart: Global Edition 03:00 World News 03:30 Talk Asia 04:00 World News 04:30 World Sport 05:00 World Report 05:30 The Screening Room Xtra/ Aug 02 CNN Special/Aug 09 My City My Life/Aug 16 Eco Solutions/Aug 23 International Correspondents/Aug 30 World’s Untold Stories 06:00 CNN Today 06:30 Inside Africa 07:00 The Best of BackStory /Aug 23 The Next Giant Leap? 07:30 iReport: Caught on Camera 08:00 Larry King Live 08:30 Larry King Live 09:00 The Best of Situation Room 09:30 The Best of Situation Room 10:00 Aug 02 CNN Special/Aug 09 Living Golf/Aug 16 CNN Special/Aug 23 MainSail/Aug 30 Vital Signs 10:30 World Sport 11:00 CNN Today 11:30 Aug 02 CNN Special/Aug 09 Inside the Middle East/Aug 16 CNN Business Traveller/Aug 23 Revealed/Aug 30 The Screening Room 12:00 The Best of BackStory 12:30 iReport: Caught on Camera 13:00 CNN Today 13:30 World Sport 14:00 CNN Today/ Marketplace Middle East 14:30 CNN Special /Aug 09 Living Golf/Aug 23 MainSail/Aug 30 Vital Signs 15:00 Political Mann 15:30 The Daily Show with Jon Stewart: Global Edition 16:00 Larry King Live 16:30 Larry King Live 17:00 World News 17:30 World Sport 18:00 World News 18:30 Inside Africa 19:00 Fareed Zakaria GPS 19:30 Fareed Zakaria GPS 20:00 State of the Union with John King 20:30 State of the Union with John King 21:00 Your World Today 21:30 The Screening Room Xtra/ Aug 02 CNN Special/Aug 09 My City My Life/Aug 16 Eco Solutions/Aug 23 International Correspondents/Aug 30 World’s Untold Stories 22:00 CNN Special /Aug 09 Living Golf/Aug 23 MainSail/Aug 30 Vital Signs 22:30 World Sport 23:00 State of the Union with John King
23:30 State of the Union with John King
SeNIN 00:00 Suze Orman Show 01:00 On The Money 02:00 The Travel Channel 04:00 Meet The Press 05:00 Squawk Australia 06:00 Squawk Box 09:00 CNBC’s Cash Flow 11:00 Capital Connection 12:00 Squawk Box Europe 13:00 Trading Matters 13:30 Squawk Box Europe 15:00 Worldwide Exchange 17:00 World Business 17:30 Squawk Box 20:00 Squawk on the Street 22:00 The Call 23:00 Power Lunch SelASA 01:00 Street Signs 02:00 Closing Bell 04:00 Fast Money 05:00 Squawk Australia 06:00 Squawk Box 09:00 CNBC’s Cash Flow 11:00 Capital Connection 12:00 Squawk Box Europe 13:00 Trading Matters 13:30 Squawk Box Europe 15:00 Worldwide Exchange 17:00 Squawk Box 20:00 Squawk on the Street 22:00 The Call 23:00 Power Lunch RABU 01:00 Street Signs 02:00 Closing Bell 04:00 Fast Money 05:00 Squawk Australia 06:00 Squawk Box 09:00 CNBC’s Cash Flow 11:00 Capital Connection 12:00 Squawk Box Europe 13:00 Trading Matters 13:30 Squawk Box Europe 15:00 Worldwide Exchange 17:00 Squawk Box 20:00 Squawk on the Street 22:00 The Call 23:00 Power Lunch kAMIS 01:00 Street Signs 02:00 Closing Bell 04:00 Fast Money 05:00 Squawk Australia 06:00 Squawk Box 09:00 CNBC’s Cash Flow 11:00 Capital Connection 12:00 Squawk Box Europe 13:00 Trading Matters 13:30 Squawk Box Europe 15:00 Worldwide Exchange 17:00 Squawk Box 20:00 Squawk on the Street 22:00 The Call 23:00 Power Lunch
11:00 Capital Connection 12:00 Squawk Box Europe 13:00 Trading Matters 13:30 Squawk Box Europe 15:00 Worldwide Exchange 17:00 Protect Your Wealth 17:30 Managing Asia 18:00 Squawk Box 20:00 Squawk on the Street 22:00 The Call 23:00 Power Lunch SABTU 01:00 Street Signs 02:00 Closing Bell 04:00 Fast Money 05:00 Protect Your Wealth 05:30 Europe This Week 06:00 The Kudlow Report 07:00 CNBC Reports 08:00 Closing Bell 10:00 Protect Your Wealth 10:30 Europe This Week 11:00 CNBC Sports 14:00 Tonight Show With Conan O’Brien 16:00 Suze Orman Show 17:00 The Travel Channel 19:00 Managing Asia 19:30 World Business 20:00 CNBC Special 21:00 Tonight Show With Conan O’Brien 23:00 Tonight Show With Conan O’Brien MINGGU 00:00 Suze Orman Show 01:00 On The Money 02:00 The Travel Channel 04:00 Managing Asia 04:30 The Leaders 05:00 CNBC Special 06:00 Protect Your Wealth 06:30 Business Arabia 07:00 Europe This Week 07:30 Business Pakistan 08:00 India Business Week 08:30 Protect Your Wealth 09:00 Luxury Channel 09:30 World Business 10:00 Managing Asia 10:30 The Leaders 11:00 CNBC Sports 14:00 Tonight Show With Conan O’Brien 16:00 Suze Orman Show 17:00 The Travel Channel 19:00 World Business 19:30 The Leaders 20:00 Managing Asia 20:30 Luxury Channel 21:00 Tonight Show With Conan O’Brien 23:00 Tonight Show With Conan O’Brien
JUMAT 01:00 Street Signs 02:00 Closing Bell 04:00 Fast Money 05:00 Squawk Australia 06:00 Squawk Box 09:00 CNBC’s Cash Flow
Sushi Pack© TM
Setiap Selasa-Kamis-Jumat Pukul 19.30 WIB
Saksikan episode baru tentang para pahlawan berbentuk makanan kecil melawan kejahatan dalam Sushi Pack! Kelompok The Sushi Pack paling jago di antara yang terjago, makanan enak yang berjuang demi keadilan! Empat buah sushi dan segulung wasabi mendadak hidup, berkelana di jalanan, bertarung melawan penjahat. Kelompok jahat selalu siap mengganggu agar tujuannya tercapai. Tapi pasukan sushi siap memberantas mereka atas nama umat manusia. Mereka siap saji membela kebenaran.
Agustus 2009 | primetime |
SINERGI PEMASARAN PRODUK YESTV DAN TELKOM SPEEDY YESTV bekerjasama dengan TELKOM meluncurkan produk barunya yang diberi nama ”Speedyes”. Speedyes merupakan bentuk penawaran terbaru yang diberikan oleh YESTV dan TELKOM kepada calon pelanggan yang ingin menikmati hiburan tayangan TV mancanegara sekaligus layanan internet yang berkecepatan tinggi dengan harga terjangkau. Direktur Konsumer Telkom, I Nyoman G.Wiryanata memaparkan, ”Telkom harus memiliki strategi khusus untuk dapat memenangkan persaingan, khususnya dalam bisnis TV berbayar yang cenderung semakin ketat. Menurutnya, diperlukan upaya dan langka nyata untuk melakukan terobosan program, yakni berupa sinergi, “Yang artinya bahwa produk – produk Telkom Group tidak boleh berjalan sendiri – sendiri, “ tegasnya. Terkait dengan sinergi tersebut, promo yang ditawarkan periode 1 Juli – 31 Desember 2009 yaitu paket Speedy baik itu multispeed maupun paket lama
60 | prime time | juni 2009
unlimited, sedangkan produk YESTV meliputi Paket Perunggu, Emas, Perak, Paket Perunggu + Cinema 1 dan Paket Perak + Cinema 1. Berbagai keuntungan yang bisa didapatkan jika ingin berlangganan ”Speedyes” antara lain gratis biaya aktivasi dan instalasi Speedy, Diskon 50% biaya instalasi YESTV, potongan Rp 20.000,- untuk harga abonemen YESTV. Khusus paket perunggu & perak YESTV, jika ingin mengambil paket tambahan Sinema 1, pelanggan sudah bisa mendapatkan free abonemen paket sinema 1 selama 1 bulan. Dengan harga yang terjangkau tersebut, masyarakat sudah dapat menyaksikan berbagai tayangan mancanegara sekaligus nge-net sesuka hati. Kini, promo program ini sudah bisa dinikmati oleh masyarakat yang berada
di area Medan, Pekanbaru, Jabodetabek, Bandung (termasuk Cirebon), Semarang, Yogyakarta, Solo, Malang, Sidoarjo, dan Bali.
juni 2009 | prime time |
Selamat Kepada para pemenang KuiS garbo talKSmgm
No PelaNggaN 73699 127103104252 127103100654 127202200019 127202201770 127225100069 127202101294 127202100788 127202101846 127226600006 127225100057 127202101288 127225100168 43759 127102102112
Nama David Sani Yustin Popy Sortha Hutagalung achmad Fauzy Dwi Hendri Setyawan Teuku muda Nanta Dani Ramdani ali Soemawilaga m Syafi’i Riffy Irwan Indriastanto Huda Bahweres lily Sastra ermida
* mohon untuk mengirimkan identitas diri ke no 021-83785655 * Info lebih lanjut hubungi 021-8298800
62 | primetime | Agustus 2009
60 | prime time | juni 2009