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Heuristic Evaluation is a usability inspection method to study and locate problems in the interface’s usability and come up with design reccomendations. The process includes usablilty experts completing certain step-by-step tasks and identify usability issues they encountered.
Then, all entries are evaluated by one expert, which allows for a shorter and easier identification process. According to Molich and Nielsen, grading was very liberal and credit was given even for the simplest item that related to one of the problems (Molich, Nielsen, 1990). The grading is categorized under “heuristics” with corresponding severity of the violation. Below are the steps we used to evaluate the Zara desktop website: .
Step One: Prepare
We start by selecting three usability experts to complete the tasks and identify the usability problems:
Number of Evaluators: 3 Interface to be Studied: Zara desktop interface Selected Tasks: ‘you would like to buy a basic women’s tshirt from Zara’s website from your laptop and have it delivered to your home’
1. Go on the Zara USA website. 2. Find the women's section. 3. Search for any basic shirt. 4. Add it to your cart and buy it. What was the process like?
Step Two: Collect Data
The usability experts must complete the tasks and note any problems they encountered based on Nielsen’s Ten Heursitic Principles with their corresponding severity rating on a scale of 1-4.
Step Three: Prepare
Then, all entries are evaluated by one expert, which allows for a shorter and easier identification process. According to Molich and Nielsen, grading was very liberal and credit was given even for the simplest item that related to one of the problems (Molich, Nielsen, 1990). The grading is categorized under “heuristics” with corresponding severity of the violation. Below are the steps we used to evaluate the Zara desktop website: