1939 Zeiss Ikon full catalog from the UK.

Page 1


Zeiss lkon canreras over {10 in value, or fitted with compur shutters, a Zeiss lkon official. writt-en. three-year guarantee is available, uhd gror"nt"" applicatio.n cards, giving full particula.rs,- are included with every camera ro . wh.ich.this guaranree .is applicable. No other guarantee is provided. Thc guarantee is also a voucher which c6rtifies that the appropriate Je.isl .lkon British Customs duty has been paid upon the camera specified tn6ieo,i.

Lenses fitted to Zeiss fkon Oarneras

of Zeiss lkon folding roll-film cameras are available with the celebrated Zeiss Tessar, and some miniatures also with Zeiss Sonnar lenses. The less costly models have Zeiss lkon lenses-Novar or Nettar. The Nettar

The maiority

and Novar are three-lens air-spaced anastigmats. The Zeiss Triotar has also a three-lens air-spaced construction with excellent correctio


The Zeiss Tessars are four-lens constructions, front two air-spaced, back two cemented.

The Zeiss Sonnars possess from four to seven lenses, but, like all other lenses on Zeiss lkon cameras, possess only six glass to air surfaces.

Shutters and Shutter Speeds Time.

Shutter Type.

Box Tengor



Derval *Telma

*Klio OO *Klio O


Compur OO Compur OOR

*Compur *Compur








-', and;r,.. r,,, an d .l ., , ,1,,. .t , ,',,, r,1,, and







to release the shutter, and a signal shows whether the film has been wound on. The Frontar lens fi ll gives sharp pictures of all subiects over aPProximately 20 feet from the camera, and built in supplementary lenses are provided for closer distances. The shutter gives snapshot exPosures of l/25th second, or time exposures of any duration, and is provided with a locl<ing device which prevents


being operated accidentally.

The Baby Box Tengor has a direct vision finder and no supplementary lenses are provided as all objects from about 5 feet are in focus. Other models are Provided with large brilliant finders.

Box Ten$or with Frontar f /ll and Special shutter. 31n"x2!" l$"x lt" 2l"xlfi" For pictures ...

exp.) fs.d. 100 0 3 0 0 4 6


tWith double exposure prevention device.



special form of wire




devi ce.



All prices are subject to alteration without notice,

It should be particularly noted that.the picturc.on the front cover taken by Mr. .Lancelot Vining was taken by the artificial light in the room; no kind of

flashlight was used.

"xll",2rtx l!",

Price LeatherCase YellowFilter



* With delayed




release is provided to give long time exposures with cameras fitted with Compur Shutters and double exposure prevention


Automatic exposures


Focal-plane shutter

lt is made in three sizes, 3l"xZI" pictures. A special de luxe pattern (Model ll) is also available, which incorporates a device to prevent unintentional double exPosures. With this camera (illustrated on right), even if one forgets to wind on the film it is impossible

The Box Tengor is the aristocrat of box cameras.

exP.) fs.d. 150 0 6 0 0 5 9


(8 exP.)

â‚Źs.d. 17 6 0 7 0 0 6 9

3!" x21" Model


fs.d. ll2 6 070 069

" pictures-16 exposures. 41"-Weight, l4]-l5l ozs. Code No. Focal Length Shutter Lens 515 Cd Derval 3" Nettar f 6.3 515 Ct Telma 3" Nettar f 6.3 515 Dt Telma 3" Nettar f 4.5 515 Dk Klio OO 3" Nettar f 4.5 Nettar for 2]" . 21" pictures 12 exposures. Dimensions, ll" . 3". 5i"-Weight, l9 ozs. 515"16 Ct Telma 3" Nettar f 6.3 515, 16 Dk Klio OO 3" Nettar f 4.5 Nettar for 31"> 21" pictures 8 exposures. Dimensions, I ! ",i 31" . 6"-Weight, 20-23 ozs. Automat, S 510,/2Aas 4[" tNettar f/7.7 515"2 Cd Derval 4[" Nettar f 6.3 ... 4i" Telma lll ? 9. '.: Nettar i e .3 5!5 2 Qt Telma 4\" Nettar f 4.5 515 2 Dk Klio O 41" Nettar f 4.5 ComPur OS 515 2 Dcs 4.1 " Nettar f 4.5 Compur OS 515 2 Ucs 4!" Zeiss Tessar f 4.5 Nettar fot




Dimensions, 1.1"..3" ,.

The Nettar is the high grade camera at a popular price, and with its fine lenses and shutters, sound constructional features'and handsome finish, is an instrument tiat will give many years'satisfactory service. The Nettar is always ready for use. lt springs open at the touch of a button. Thanks to the Zeiss lkon two-point setting it is as easy to use as a box camera, but with its.range of Zeiss lkon lenses and high grade shutter equipment gives much

wider scope. The Zeiss lkon two-pojnt setting. of focussing scale and iris diaphragm is provided. When the focussing distance and -diaphragm are set to these two points respectively, everything over about l2 ft. willbe sharp and correctly exposed with l25th second in a reasonably bright light. Thus the Nettai can be carr.ied re.ady for a quick snap without hiving io worry whether the

picture will be sharp. The smooth working shutter release on the camera body permits even comparatively long instantaneous exposures to be made wirh'the camera held in the hand, and the danger of blurred pictures from camera shake is greatly red uced.

The Nettar is obtainable in three sizes-for sixteen pictures, 21,,>,. |f ,,, for lygf":.pictures,2i" 2t," on the usual 31">'2l" spool, and for eight piitures,

3!" ".21".

ln models fitted with Derval, Telma and Klio shutters, all the setrinss for shutter speeds and focussing distances can be read off from above the ci'nrera. All models fitted with f 4.5 lenses have a special screw-on filter mount, and rhe screw over filters need not be removed when the camera is closed. Direct vision finders for eye-level pictures are standard with all Nettar models, and a large. slip-on.brilliant finder is also available with all models (except that marked thus f) at 12'6 extra. For the photographer who requires a really good camera at a moderate price, there is nothing better than the Netrar seiiei.

release on camera body and For filters, leother coses, &c., see poges 28-32.

tWithout shutter Token with Nettor

31" 2l

{s.d. 37 6 400 500 5 t2 6 417




350 312 6 426 5 t2 6 550 7 5 0 9t7 6

with frame and brilliant finders. llettor f

4.5,1, .50th second

ot f /6.3.

Ikonta fot

2to" >l

1t" pictures-16 exposures.

Dimensions, lt4" .,3"

.<4+"-Weight, l7 ozs. Focal

Code No. Length Shutter 521 Fc Compur OO 3" Novar fi3.5 52 I Lcr Compur OOR 3" Zeiss Tessar fr 3.5 Ikonta for 21"x2't" pictures-12 exposures. Dimensions, I l"x 3" x 5*1"-ltyeight, l9 ozs. Focal Code No. Length Shutter Lens 52t/r6 tk Klio OO 3" Novar f 4.5 521 16 Fc Compur OO 3" Novar fi 1.5 521, l6 Lcr ComPur OOR 3" Zeiss Tessar fi3.5 pictures-S exposures. Ikonta for 3|"x2J'" Lens

Dimensions, 13"x 3| " x6'i


Length 4tr" 4rs" 4+" 4+" 4*'


To the photographer who wants the most up-to-date non-range finder roll film camera, the lkonta will make an immediate appeal. lt is equipped with Zeiss lkon Novars-high grade anastigmats with apertures up to f/3.5, or the

world-famous Zeiss Tessars, acknowledged to be the finest optical equipment for any camera. Compur shutters are fitted as standard to the lkonta. The lkonta is made in three sizes for 2f," x l*',2I" x2);", and 3]-" x 2|" pictures, and embodies many of the latest features in camera design. A special signal device shows whether thefilm has been wound on. lf a white disc appears in the small aperture by the winding knob, the exposure has been made, and the interlocking arrangement will not permit the negative to be exposed a second time until the film has been wound on. When the film has been advanced for the next exposure, a red disc appears in the opening. This arrangement positively prevents all unintentional double exposures, although double cxposures can be made when required, as, for instance, in trick photography, and the colour of the signal will immediately tell the photographer whether a fresh section of the film is in position or not. lkontas spring open at the touch of a button, and the vibrationless shutter release on the camera body does much to eliminate camera shake. The standard view finder fitted to the lkonta is of the collapsible optical direct vision type, which springs open automatically when the camera is erected for use. ln addition, provision is made for attaching a large detachable brilliant finder (12;6 extra) when required. A wide choice of lenses up to the Zeiss Tessar f/1.$ is available, and an almost invisible screw thread on the lens cell permits the new Zeiss lkon screw over filters to be used, which can be closed up in the camera. The lkonta is a roll film camera of the highest grade, and its fine chromium finish, modern and scientific design, reveal the skill and craftsmanship devoted


to its manufacture.

Shutter Compur OS Compur OS Compur OSR Compur OS Compur OSR

Code No. 521/2 lcs 521



521/2 Fcsr

521/2 Ucs Zeiss Tessar f t4.5 521/2 Lcsr Zeiss Tessar f/3.5 For prices of coses, yellow filters, &c., see poges 28-32. Token




fs. 82

d. 6

t0 t0 t3 l7

0 6

24 ozs.


Novar f 4.5 Novar f 3.5 Novar f,3.5

fs.d. 912 6 t3l0 0


f/3.5, l/lo0th




912 t0 t5

ilt0 t55 second


0 5 0 0 0


Super Ikonta

II for



I rt6 "

3$ "


pictures-16 exposures. 21" x 4j "-Weight, 20| ozs. Focal

Lens Novar f/3.5

Length 3" 3'

13.5 Super Ikonta II for 3l" 2!" ',.' t!".

Zeiss Tessar f




No. Fc 53 I Lcr

Shutter Compur OO Compur OOR







x 3|"x 6"-Weight, 29 ozs.

4L" Compur OS 531 i2 Fcs fr3.5 Zeiss Tessar f 14.5 4J"" Compur OS 531,/2 Ucs Zeiss Tessar f i 3.5 4+" Compur OSR 53112 Lcsr Super Ikonta I for 41"x2$" pictures-8 exposures or )l




To enable the utmost use to be made of the wonderful definition and speed of the fast Zeiss Tessars fitted to the Super lkonta, this fine instrument is fitted with a distance meter on the Zeiss lkon patented rotatinS wedge system, coupled automatically to the lens focussing. This ensures accurate focus on any desired plane in a moment by rotation of a milled wheel until two similar images coalesce. The shutter equipment is Compur normal

to I 250th second

rapid to l,400th second (l 500th second in the 2+",.1!" size). Except with the 4.1",:2L" model, an interlocking device between the film wind and shutter release positively prevents double exposures because the release w'ill not function untii the film has been wound on for the next exposure. For trick photography or special effects, however, two exposures can be made on one section of the film if required. A signal is also provided, adjacent to the shutter release, which shows whether the film has been wound on. When the exposure has been made the signal changes to white and remains so until the film is advanced for the next exposure. The shutter release is conveniently placed on the camera body and does much to obviate the liability to camera shake. A direct vision finder on the Albada principle is provided, except with models with Novar f/3.5. An important new feature is the almost invisible screw thread on the lens cell to accommodate the Zeiss lkon screw over filters. The camera can be closed with these filters in position and, of course, the Super lkonta is a fully self-erecting model-springing open at the touch of a button. The 3|").21" and 41" .2!" Tessar models are also provided with a masl< so that, when desired, sixteen pictures, 21" ,.,. l.t" or 2)r" ::.21t" respectively, can be tal<en instead of the usual eight. The 2.f "',!ll" Super lkonta takes sixteen

or Compur

exposures on

the usual 3| " :.'.21"


These Super lkonta models are elegantly finished in chrome, and their fine optical equipment and modern features entitle them to be considered as the best r'rll film cameras of their class available at the present day.

l*")( 3f-"x7"-Weight,


or 16 divided


-t /..i. Dimensions, *Zeiss Tessar

d. 6 as 0 s.


t826 2650

21 00 16 divided

34 ozs.


Compur OSR 530i 15 Ucsr ... 2l l0 0 *No double exposure prevention device with this model, and there are other differences as compared with Super lkonta ll. -iTakes only 3{."x 2{-" pictures. See next page for Super lkonta 2!" x2t0". For prices of coses, filters, &c., see poges 28-32.


Token with Super lkonto

Zeiss fessor

f/3.5, l/300th


ot f/5.6,

ln addition to the built-in photo-electric exposure meter, No.533 following featu res



Capacity, l2 exposures on the usual


with No.

has the

3i" 2i"spool-instead of llexposures


2. After threading the film protecting paper the winding of the film is enrirely automatic-no window is necessary for observing exposures or for loading the film. 3. A signal device shows red uncil all twelve exposures have been completed. Completion is indicated by signal changing to white.

Super lkonta, No. 532, for Dimensions


Lens Zeiss Tessar

This, the most versatile of all roll film cameras taking large size Pictures, is now

available in two models-No.532 and No.533. The new model, No' 533' has a built-in photo-electric exPosure meter, similar to that fitted to Contax lll, and, therefore, with one simple oPeration the correct exPosure for any subject, under all kinds of lighting conditions, can be ascertained. Thus another step has been taken to eliminate uncertainties in photography and, thanks to this, combined with the other automatic features attention to purely mechanical devices-shutter settinS, film winding and so on, can be reduced to the minimum and attention concentrated on making the picture. The two models are alike in the following details:-The oPtical equipment is the exceptionally rapid Zeiss Tessar f,2.8-automatically focussed by coupled wedge distance meter. Both have the distance meter combined with the view-finder in one eyepiece, as with the Contax, thus ensuring unequalled speed and accuracy in manipulation. Both are equipped with the Zeiss lkon double exposure prevention device, which also provides a definite stop {or each section of the iilm and not only prevents unintentional double exPosures but makes blank exposures imPossible. T'he automatic exPosure counter is on top of the camera. The shutter fitted is the Compur Rapid speeded to li400th second, with delayed action release, and there is a shoe to accommodate special finders and other accessories-e.g., the Contameter near focussing device.




" 2i" pictures l l exposures.

5i "-Weight, 36 ozs. Focal

f 2.8


Length 31"

Shutter OSR


Code No. 532 16 Pcsr ..,

{s.d. 3076

Super Ikonta, No. 533, with built-in photo-electric exposure lneter, for 2f ' 2'r' pictures-I2 exposures. Dimensions,2" '.41" 5( "-Weight, 40 ozs. Lens Shutter Code No. f s. d. Zeiss Tessar

f 2.8



533 16 Pcsr

... 43 15


For prices of coses, fl/ters, &c., see poges 28-32. Token with Super lkonto


Zeiss lessor

f 2.8, rlilth


ot f i2.8.

' i.





new very moderately priced lkoflex-Model September, I 939.

l, will be ready

at the end of

It will have the essential fearures necessary in an efficient twin lens reflex. will be a light castinS, and the oPtical equipment the high-class anastigmat Novar f 3.5 in Compur OO (exposures to I 300th second). The condenser type screen device for preventing double exPosures and large focussing knob with depth of focus scale will be provided. The body

The current model lkoflex ll is similar to lkoflex lll 1938 model. Not only is a double exposure preven[ion device provided, but a device for preventing blank exposures as well. A choice is given of either Zeiss Triotar f 3.5 or Zeiss Tessar f 3.5. The shutter is the Compur OO, Normal (maximum speed I 300th second) with Triotar, Rapid (l second to I 500th second) with Tessar, and the release is on the camera body. Condenser type focussing screen gives bright illumination even to the corners of the picture.

lkoflex I for Dimensions,

" 2i" pictures 12 exposures. 3il". .5l "-Weight, 34 ozs.


3 " ).i


Code No. Length Shutter 850 l6Fc ComPur OO 3, 2 f " pictures -12 exposures.

Up to the.present it has been almost a trariition tha'. f 3.5 shoLrld be the largest aperture lens for a twin lens 211 " .2] " refie>:, but ihe new model tkoflei ttt has the rapid Teiss Tess:r- f 2.3, and the extra lens speeci is by no means its only novel feature, for it ca.n be said that the new llcoflbx is as nearly as possible a fully automatic camera. When once the film is threaded and the back closed, all one has to do, apa.rt i.-orn setting the lris dilphraem and shutter speeds,

Lens Novar f 3.5 Ikoflex II for 2l' Dimensions, 3 " 3$ " Zeiss Triotar f 3.5 Zeiss Tessar f,3.5

Briefly put, the.principal features of the llcoflex lij ar-e:-special planoconvex screen giving er'^n illumination- .!;rr-ge ci iarneter focussing 'knob, requiring only 90' of mover,rcnt for focussing close-r.rps, up to 3 ft.l-double gxPosures and unexposei sections of film are both irnpossible because the film w;nd and shutter. setiing are mechanically interlocl<ed-more simple loading, .exposure numbers automatically recorded-van Albada type sporrs view-finder with auromatic parallax 6e1-1s61ie6-built-in delayed action shutter release-three-aspecr signal disc showing when the film is in position,

For prices of coses, supplementory lenses, filters, &c., see poges 28-32.

is to turn a handle.


5i "-Weight, 36 ozs. 852 16 Kc Compur OO 3" Compur OOR 852 16 Lcr 3"

{s.d. l0t5 0


23 5


whether the shutter has been set, and also whether the delayed action release had been set.

Still other points are the four times large,magnifier for critical focussing, and the visibility from the working position of the shutter speeds and diapf,ragm

sett i ngs.

Ikoflex III for 2l " 2l " Jrictures l2 expostrres. Dimensions,

Lens Zeiss Tessar


5i "-Weight, 38 ozs. Focal

f 2.8

Length 31"

Shutter OSR


Code No. 853 15 pcsr ...

{s.d. 40 0 0

For prices of coses, frlters, &c., see poges 28-32.

^^:r;t:lt ', "*:iffiffi";-.e'


ln Model I the lens is of l!'" focal length and is not interchangeable. The lens is provided with a focussing mounr, butsince it gives phenomenal depth of focus (infinity to 9 ft. on snapshot serting) the coupled distance meter has been omitted and an optical direct-vision view-finder provided instead o[ the combined distance meter and view-finder of the Tenax ll. Both Tenax land ll take Contaxspools giving l8 and 50 exposures respectively, white or colour.

also daylight loading cartridges, black and

Tenax I for l" x l" (24 x 24 rnrn.) pictures-l8 or 50 exposures. Dimensions,


,l-" X


x4! "-Weight with lens, l2.l



fs.d. Shutter Code No. OO 570127 Fc .. il I6 Tenax II for l" x l" (24 x 24 rnrn.) pictures-I8 or 50 exposures. Length l*"


Novar f/3.5




" )i 29 "


x 5 "-Weight without lens, l6 ozs. Focal


Zeiss Tessar f12.8 Zeiss Sonnar f/2

Multum in porvo might be taken as the motto of the Tenax, which takes pictures l").( l" (24.'24 mm.) that can be enlarged uP to l0 diameters or more. One need only press the rapid winding lever and then the shutter release to take a picture, and exposures can be made as rapidly as one per second. The Tenax is particularly suited to the taking of sequence photographs, but nothing on that account has been sacrificed to efficiency, so the Tenax is equally satisfactory for ordinary single exPosures and forms the most economical type for the new colour films. Fifty exposures instead of 36 are taken on an ordinary Contax spool, so sensitive material with the Tenax is particularly inexpensive especially where colour

film is


The problem of focussing with Tenax ll has been dealt with by combining both the view-finder and distance meter fields so that they are seen through a single eyepiece, and the subject appears in actual size in the finder. The lens is attached by a bayonet mount, and may be interchanged in a moment; aPart from the standard lenses there is a wide-angle Orthometar f i4.5, focal length I1i,," (2J cm.), and in preparation a long-focus Sonnar fl4, focal length 3" (7.5 cm.).

The Tenax is also available in a new and much less expensive style-Model

smaller and

-still (24x74 mm.).

lighter-but for the same size negatives-l" xl"


Length lrtl," I ,'-"

Shutter Compur OSR Compur OSR

Forftlters, coses, &c., see poges 28-32.

Sequence pictures token with Tenox ll. Zeiss Sonnor f 12, I h" second otf 12.8. focol length, "t,th Zeiss lkon Panchrom Film.



58027 Pcsr 580i27 Ncsr

{ s.

... 3l l0 ... 39 0

d. 0 0

The Super Nettel has been constructed for those photographers who require a miniature combining Zeiss lkon precision construction with moderate price. lt is equipped with the Zeiss Triotar f 3.5 focussed by coupled distance meter, and a metal focal plane shutter giving speeds from I 5th to I l000th of a second. The winding of the shutter and advancing of the fllm are con-

trolled by a single knob, in the centre of which is the shutter release conveniently situated on the top of the camera body. A shoe is provided to take supplementary finders, Contameter near focussing device, and other useful accessories.

The Nettax comes between the Super Nectel and the Contax. The folding base-board is dispensed with, but facilities for interchangeable lenses are

provided. The standard lens is of 2" focal length, and, in addition, awideangle Tessarf 8of Il" and alongfocusTriotarf 5.6of 41"focal length are available. Super Nettel






I for l!:" 2'l


2{ 36 mm.)

Triotar [

Dimensions, lrl



Nettirx lor ll"


Zeiss Tessar Zeiss Tessar



3.5 2.8



,t Jt




s36 24


5i "-Weight. l7 ozs. without lens.

Length 2" 2"

Leother coses, filters, &c., see poges 28-32. Interchongeoble /enses for Nettox, poge 2l . For complete descriptions asl< for a copy of

i 'i



{ 18

s. 12

d. 6

l" (21 36 rnrn.) pictures 12 <tr 36 exp()sures. Focal

[-e ns.


5i "-Weight. 23 ozs. Focal Length

Le ns



Code No. 538 24 L 538 24 P

" Contax


{s.d. 0 3200

29 5

Otherwise similar in construction to Contax ll, the Contax lll also provides a built-in photo-electric exposure meter. lt is thus particularly suitable for colour photography, sincb correct exPosure, very desirable throughout " miniature " woit<, is especially important when using colour fi lms which allow exposure latitude. The Contax lll built-in. ph.oto-electric exposure hardly any 'extremely sensitive, and is so constructed that it embraces the meter is same angle of view as the normal 2" taking lens, therefore it ensures an accuracy which cinnot be equalled by an exposure meter used independently. The exposure meter on the Contax lll is controlled by a simple sys.tem of discs and it is suitable for use with both natural and artificial light. An indicator is set to the appropriate film speed, then a milled wheel, conveniently situated below the rewinding knob, is turned until the pointer in the exPosure meter window ls brought-opposite an index mark. The correct exPosure time for any aperture can then be read off.

Contax III for l!" :'1" (24>136 rnrn.) pictures '12 or 36 exposures. Dimensions of camera body,


The Contax is fanrous as the most versatile of all precisicn miniat,ures. The distance meter and view-finder are combined in one eye-piece, a method which ensures unequalled speed, convenience and accuracy both in composing the picture and in focussing. Fifteen interchangeable Zeiss lenses, apertures frorn f 1.5, focal lengths from ll" to 20", are available, thus enabling the Contax to tacl<le all branches of photography. The metal focal plane shutter speeded to I l250th second is unaffected by climatic conditions, and is fitted with delayed action release. Speeds are visible on one knob, and can be adjusted both before and after winding the shutter, which action also advances the film for the next exposure. The shutter release is conveniently placed in the centre of the film winding knob, and the elegant shape of the die-cast body enables it to be held st.eadily in the hand while making exposures. The back of the Contax is detachable for cleaning, and permits a plate back to be used. The wide range of accessories available makes the Contax adaptable for photo-micrography, clinical photography, and other specialized branches. The'Contax ral<es 2q/35 lnrn. negatives, in which size a wide selection of sensitive material is available in lengths for l2 or 36 exposures.

Contax II for !.t," ..7" (21x36 rnrn.) pictures 12 or 36 exposures. Dimensions of cahera body appr'ox., li "'.. 2i"' 5J "-Weight, without lens, approx.

20.1 ozs.


Zeiss Zeiss Zeiss Zeiss


Tessar f 3.5 Tessar f 2.8 Sonnar f 2 ..


f 1.5



2" 2"

2" 2"

Leother coses, filters, &c., see f,oges

Code No.

L 543 24 P 543 24

... ...

543 24 t'l





{ s.d. 40t0 0 43 5 0 5010 0 6s t5 0

lnterchangeoble lenses, poge 21.

Complete catalogue, " Contax Photography," containing full information concerning all Zeiss lkon " miniaiures," free on application. "The Miniature Camera at Wori<," by J. Steinhiuser, gives much helpful information on " miniature " matters. Price 3f6, from Zeiss lkon dealers.

Zeiss Zeiss Zeiss Zeiss

f/3.5 Tessa r'f i2.8 Sonnar'f i2 . Sonnar iit.s





33 "

x 5{ "-Weight, without lens,


Code No' 544 24 L 544 24 P 544 24 N

Length 2n 2" .. 2" 2"



... . .


25 ozs.

f s. d. 53 0 0 55 15 0 63 0 0 78 5 0

lnterchongeoble lenses,. poge ?!' For further iniormation concernlng Contax cameras, their interchangeable Zerss lenses and accessories, ask for " Contax Photography." Leother coses, filters , &c., see poges

'foken with the Contox


Zeiss Sonnor fi4, 5*" focol length, ,[6 second ot f,4


comprises one of the most valuable features rniniature cameras. The following interchangeable lenses are supplied :-


Contax f,s.d. 13 0 0 1800 2517 6

3.i "

37 26




Zeiss Tessar



Orthometar f' 4.5 Biogon

.\iotar f

f 2.8





f2 riotar f 4

image as llL"> 1", the Contaflex has been equipped

denser focussing screen.


with a double size con-

3'J "


riotar f 5.6


cle-Tessar K f 6.3 ele-Sonnar f 2.8





A universal precision twin-lens reflex-the Contaflex takes the usual 24 36 mm. film, and provides a choice of seven interchangeable Zeiss lenses. To overcome the difficulty experienced in visually focussing such a small

ll" 13" li"





t9t5 t6t7 2t7

2947 7542

0 5 6

6 6

6t 26 5

of the Zeiss lkon

Contaflex Nettax {s.d. fs.d. t3 2 5

t800 25t7 6 37 26 t617 6 t800 2t76


iele-Tessar f 8... t,2" 'eiss Fern (distance) Objective f 820" 72 0 he following interchangeable lenses for the Tenax are available : Orthometar 4.5 I ,'o" focal length {22 l5 O-Sonnar f 4 3" focal length t2t 0 0. 'ot coupled to distance meter.




distance meter,

in the price.

Flektoskop reflex focussing device

mcvable mask gives automatic compensation

speeded to l1l000th second delayed action release is unaffected by climatic conditions. The finder hood forms also a direct, vision finder of the van Albada type and in the reflecting front self-portraits, &c., can be composed when using the delayed action reiease. The back of the Contaflex is detachable for cleaning, and permits a plate back and other accessories to be used. A wide range of accessories is available, so that even photo-micrography and many other specialized branches of photography can be practised.

for parallax. The all-metal focal plane shutter with

Contaflex for Contax spools l!"

exposures. Dimensions

of camera



I ,i

xL" (24.'36 mm.)-12 or ".


".. 5l "-\ryeight, without



approx. 44 ozs. Focal



Zeiss Tessar f 2.8 Zeiss Sonnarf 2... Zeiss Sonnar f 1.5 Leother coses,

2" 2" 2"

Code No. 860/24 P 860 24 N 860 24


f s.d. 6412 6

7tt7 6 8726

filters, &c., see poges 28-32. lnterchongeobie /enses, poge 21. "-free on request.

Further information in " Contax Photography

nables exposures to be made in the hand at distances of 20", 18" and 8'', ,,ith the Contax, Nettax, Super Nettel, Contaflex, Tenax and at 28",20" and " with the Super lkonta 2:," 21". Three supplementary lenses are provided, vhich slip on the camera lens, and sharp focus is ensured by moving the camera backwards and forwards until two images in the Contamerer coincide:-


Adapter for using above on Contaflex

t050 tt6 0

lovilcon ll, 16, is incontestably the world's most versatile l6 mm. cine tmera. lt has mostof the movements of and can be equipped with accessories rlrat hitherto have been available in professional cameras only. Movikon ll, 15, is the only instrument in its class fitted with a distance meter autonratically coupied with the lens focussing. There are fir'e interchanglable Zeiss lenses fr:om 1" to 7[" focal length-the standard lens being the l" Zeiss Sonnar f 1.4. The view-finder is iutomatically compensated for. parallax, ,

rl.rere are four picture speeds, 12, 16,24 and 64 peL- second, adlustable shutter r,iving exposures from l'25 to I l,250th second. Dilect focr.rssing on the fi|.m, ,ngle- view-finder for round-the-corner shots, delayed action release, with r-6determinable footage device, single picture action, rewind spindle for mixes rd a host of accessoi-ies, filters oiall colours, prism and other finders, fade and out device, reproduction apparatus, &c., are also available. All are rscribed in the Zeiss'lkon cine apparatus cat,alogue, free on application.

rovikon II 16 takes


or 100' spools.

rnensions approx., 2:1" .6:1" , .8".-Weight, approx. 5? lb.


Le ns

:iss Sonnar

Movikons K 8 and K l5 are two new amateur cine cameras constructed to the high precision standards always associated with the best Zeiss lkon instruments. Both models feature simplicity of manipulation and because of this and their relative lightness and compactness they can be operated and carried with as little trouble as an ordinary good " still " camera. K 8 takes the usual " double eight " spool obtainable everywhere. But to obviate threading over sprocket teeth and the usual double loading, the spool is inserted into a cassette. Other main features-Zeiss Sonnar f 2-an anastigmat possessing wonderful defining qualities, in focussing mount, four picture speeds, I, 16,24 and 64-finder with parallax correction, lens focussing scale repeated in flnder, clockwork motor for l2i ft. film at one winding, exposure and footage indicator, single picture device. Movikon K l6 takes the 50 ft. easily loading l(odak l6 mm. magazine-either black and white or colour. Lens-Zeiss Sonnar f 1.4 or Zeiss Tessar f 2.7, in interchangeable bayonet focussing mount, picture speeds of 8, 16,24 and 64 per second, motor for 20ft. film at one winding, finder with parallax correction, angle finder, interchangeable Zeiss lenses.

N{ovikon K 8 for 25' tlouble 8 spools. Dimensions,2'i"'. 41" 5.1 ".-Weight, approx. 3 lb. Focal Le ns

Zeiss Sonnar






No. 550tN





27 ,5



0 0

easily Loaded 50' cirssette.

MovikonlK16for Zeiss Tessar

ngth I





ZeissSonnarfl.4 For further informotion osk


4!j" .7".-Weight, approx.4l'


|" I




for Zeiss lkon Cine opporotus







rerchangeeble lenses. :iss Tessar fl2.7 eiss Sonnar 1t72.8 eiss Sonnar f 4 :iss Sonnar f '1.4 :iss Tele-Tessar f 6.3 fhese lcnses are couPled


distance meter-

others are not.




mm.) mm.) mm.) (25 mm.) 7]t" (180 mm.)

:," 2" 3" l"

(20 (50 (75

Code No. 5495

917,4 917 3 918,,2

918,'l 91813

fs.d. 9200 8t0 0 t4t5 0 7200 2200 30t0 0 Speciol Cotologue on opplicotion.

A magnification of 450 times linear is necessary with I mm. film when showing

r screen picture 6 ft. wide. Therefore it is essential that an 8 mm. projector shall be made with a maximum degree of exactness if screen definirion is to be sltisfactory. To give this satisfa:tcry definition has been the aim of the Zeiss ll<on constructors when designing the Favorit 8. The optical system upon which so much depends consists of a special condenser and the Zeiss lkon Alinar projection objective which not only has an extreme aperture of f 1.4, ,ut also high resolving power, thus ensuring good screen definirion. l-he source of light is a 200-watt I l0-volt special pre-focus projection lamp

the help of an optically worked ccncave irror. Particular care has been taken to avoid excessive heating, and also ) see that the controls are not only conveniently placed, br-rt also easy to

nd the whole of the light is utilized by


,fl The new Kinox S represents the latest development in l6 mm. projectors. The whole mechanism, with the exception of resistance or transformer, is safely housed in a die casting which takes the form, when closed, of a small metal carrying


Very briefly the following are the most important features of the Kinox S. The movement of the film through the gate of the machine is controlled by a maltese cross movement, which not only obviates wear and tear on the film, but also because the time taken to shift the film for each picture is shorter than with the claw method, assists illumination. The Kinox S takes film spools for 400 or 800 ft. The running controls for the electrical equipment are on one control board, and because of special interlocking arrangements it is impossible to work the electrical switches incorrectly. Reverse movement for film is provided, and also single pictures can be shown as " stills." The lamp is kept cool by means of a powerful fan. Cleaning is facilitated by the

easily removable film

gate; a convenient tilting

arrangement is given by operating two spindle screws. The first-class precision optical system with 500-watt 100-volt projection lamp (electrical equipment includes a universal resistance or the current saving transformer for all voltages from 100 to 250 volts) gives wonderfully brilliant screen illumination and screen pictures as large as l6 ft. wide can be shown. The optical system consists of the Zeiss lkon Alinar f 1.4 2" focal length, in conjunction with an optically worked concave mirror and special condenser. Dimensions, 6l " ;. 12 " >. l2 j ".-Weight, 25 lb.

KINOX-S complete with Alinar projection lens fll.4-2" focal length, I spool for 400 feet of film and Projection lamp 500 watts for I l0 volt circuit Resistance for voltages between 200 and 250 direct or alternating current ... Transformer for voltages between 200 and 250 alcernating



current only.. For

further porticulors osk for Zeiss lkon cine opporotus cotalogue.

4 7

t00 00 50


re Zeiss lkon Alinar projection lens has a focus of about 'l ", and therefore e Favorit is suitable for Lrsing in quite small rooms, although, thanks to e brilliant illumination obtained, picrures up to 7 ft. wide can be shown at icreen distance of 28 ft. The fllm tracl< is designed for easy threading of the ,l and also for cleaning. The film spools take 200ft. of film. There is a

ting arrangement, and the built-in resistance is designed ro usual voltages between I l0 and 250 volts.


mensions,7" 9'," |3".-Weight, approx.8f lb. with pre-focus projection lamp for I l0 volts, and sistance for any usual voltage between 200 and 250 volts, 't. 6 in. of flex with plugs and one spool for 200 ft. of film

{ s.



r further porticulors osk for the Zeiss lkcn cine opporotus cotologue.


26 l0


(3rd illustration) Automatic focussing condenser precision enlarger for 24 36 rnm. negativesuses the 2" lenses supplied with Contax, Contaflex, and N ettax-mag n ificarion 2.X to lOX automatically, and up to 20X when using the floor as easel.


1OO-watt special lamp and


Llg 17



(2nd illustration; rl" I lr,nd-focussed condenser enlarger for 24 t 24 mm., 24 . 36 mm., or l;1 " 'regatives. Magnifications 3X to ISX or 30X with floor used as easel. With dapter to take either Contax, Contaflex or Nettax 2" lens or Tenax ll Iii," {10 I ni. 100-watt lamp and flex, as illustration I rlarging anastigmat required by Super Nettel and Tenax I users f3

00 76

(4th illustration)

by which one's photographs can be made into transThe ease and economy 'large and clear on the screen rank amongst the more parencies and shown important of miniature photography's advantages. The new colour Processes Dufaycolor, and kodachrome-can only be shown to advantage -Agfacolor, that-way. The 26iss lkon projection lanterns have the merit of light,ness and compaciness-especially is'this so with the Aviso, combined with simple manipulation, and high-class illuminating and optical equipment. Both the Aviso and the Contai Proiector will show 24 36 mm. (| ". li "), 24 . 24 m1. (f " | "), and 18 24 mm. (1" l") transParency films in .strip-a. method, b".urt"'of the danger from scratching, not to be recommended for pictures of permanent interesi. The new and increasingly popular and economic lantern

ilide 2" 2", by which the film transparency is bound and protected between



is much more satisfactory.

Complete with picture strip guide, slide carrier


2" .'



.slides (5..5cm.),6ft.6in. flex with-plug, 100-watt lamp, any usual voltage, and projection lens of 3,1" (B cm.) or 4" (10 cm.) focal length, screen picture 6-7 ft. blacl< and white, 4 ft. colour. Dimensions,4" . .6:l " Code No. t423



3 lb.


l0 15


2" '^2" (5,.5 cm.)' in. flex with plug, 250-watt lamp, any usual voltage' f 2.8 proiection lens of 4" (lO cm.) iocil length, screen picture l2-14(t. black and white,

with picture strip guide and carrier for sing.le slides Complete '6


8-9 ft. colour. Dimensions, 7tt"

code No. t474 For


|,2" 171".-Weight, l0j lb.

further particulors ask for Contox Photogrophy.

{20 5


/ rtomatic focussing condenserless enlargers (with focussing mount for fine I :ussing) in two siies for ncgatives up to 3.1"',..21" and 9.i l2 cm. (3i". ai") r spectively. Complete with lens, flex and Plug, and one fit-over stop r ignification both sizes, mininrum l!X, maximum 3jX. Code 9' : 12 cm. a.l " '2\" ns in focussing mount. Codc fs.dNo. {. s. d. No. 1444 16 12t5 0 1445 I 9 I 6 >var f/6.3 ... 1444 18 t676 12 1445 12 0 0 :iss Tessar f/4.5 (lst illustration) r r enlarging attachnlcrtt fot-trsc with plate ' l2 cm., 4I"'. 3i", 4i" 2.1,", 3.1," 21", or ice, including lamp. Code No. t459 dapter for 3,j " . 2I" and 3 | " 2i" c.uleras irax vertical easel. Codc No. 1450 I I


and 3|"

certain roll-film '')t "


{s.d. 330 26 736

For focussing " close-ups " down to about 20". The supplementary lens slips over the camera lens, and focussing is performed with the aid of a printed table supolied. Zeiss Proxars are supplied lor use with cameras fitted with Zeiss lenses or Novar


3.5 anastigmats.


Brown leather case with lock for f ;7.7 models 05 6 Brown leather case with lock 0 5_0 Soft leather purse case Brown leather " Ever-ready " case I


Brown leather case with lock Ditto, velvet lined Soft leather purse case Brown leather " Ever-ready "

05 6 010 6 050 case

Super lkonta

" Ever-ready " case Ever-ready " case Brown leather case (ordinary type) Brown leather

Soft, leather

. 21" {s.d. 076 07 6 t 50 076 012 6 07 6 I tf 6 I lt 6* l50x





Brown leather case, velvet lined

" Ever-ready " case Tenax Stiff leather " Ever-ready "

tt0 6 t00 0r0 6



017 6 |il 6


Soft leather purse case with Zipp fastener Brown leather case with lock, velvet lined

31" ..'21"

{s.d. 060 076 076 076 012 6 076 Iil 6 t00 0 15 0* 0t2 6 Model ll Model lll 017 6 0t8 6 Iil 6 20 0 Model I t50 0 7 6 0r0 6

41" .



fastener Stiff " Ever-ready " leather with Zipp fastener

|ts 0t4

With Sonnar f, 1.5..

Contaflex Stiff "




30 0 I I 32 0 I I

6 6

leather case, lined

Prices quoted are for Model


t777 i34 t777 i36 1786i2

0 0




Soft leather purse with Zipp fastenerWith Tessar f,3.5 and f 12.8 or 1777 Sonnar f i2, 2"


99s/16 0 9 0 lenses) 3',3" l' 8" 995,/ 17 0 il6 '," x2!"'(with f i7.7 trr,<l 1 i.l l""t"i1 6',6" 3',3" 995 50 0 90 3'3" 2', 2!r" 995 16 0 90 . z't ' (*iit 1'a.5 r.l,'r"r1 5'O" L',6" 995 24 0 t3 6 "!' T',6" t'8" 995 25 0 13 6 <onta 3', 3" l'8" r 32 I 00 3' 3" l'8" 995t7 0 il6 i " >. 2] " (w ith f 4.5 lcnscs) 3',3" t'8" I 32 I 00 '," )i2l " (with f 3.5 lor.'t"'; 5',0" T',6" 995 74 0 t3 6 l"x2i" (with Nov;rr' / 4.'r) t'8" 995 25 7B" 0 t3 6 " )'2!" tw iti.r I .',rr,, ,; . 5',0" z', 6" 0.67 37 00 I t' B" t.zs 37 L',8" I 00 'r" xZI" (with I css,rr'.,) .. tn"X2tr" (with Nov,rr / 1.5) 2_' 6" 993 t3 5 0" 0 t5 6 2'6" l'8', 993t4 0 !5 6 Super lkonta 2|" l:;" 3',3" ,, t',8" I 32 00 "< " rrrd 3|" 21">U s', 0" ,, z', 6" 0.67 >':37 00 z' 8" ,, l' 8' 1.25x.37 00 00 00 /17 For camera lens 995 0 il6 For finder lens 995/44 0 90 lkoflex ll (1939 Model) ... 3'3" and l'8" l;..28.5 I 170 (Pr irc pcr' prir') l' 8" ,, l'0" 2-28.5 I t70 lkoflex lll (l'r i<t' pcl p;rir) 3' 3" ,, l' 8" 1...37 2 50 l'g" ,, l' 0" 2..,.37 2 50 .enax ll .. 3' 3" ,, l' 8" I )< 37 I 00 1,9,, ,, 1,0, 2y.37 I 00 .uper ,,

2l 0 ll Nettax -

Super Nettel

approx. Code


lttv lat, | /.tJ

No. { s. d. Code No. { s. 17845 0 ll 6 t777tt0 0 I I case I 8 6 1794t2 I t9 1784 2 Contax ilt Stiff leather " Ever-ready " case (lined)- Contax ll With Tessar f,3.5 and f12.8 or Code No. { s. d. Code No. { S. 2 I 1787/'2 I 19 0 1797 i2 Sonnar f12,2" 2 7 .. 1787i8 2 S 0 1797 i8 With Sonnar f'1.5.

Soft leather purse with Zipp

Focussing between,

I"xI1"and21" 21" (with f 6.3 lenses) 3'3"and l'8" I " >l l,? " and 21" 21" (with f 4.5

0 0 2

il 0 6 d. 6 0

d. 0 6





l3 6

Prices for cases for 533 on request'




Nettel :rlrrl Nr.ii.rx

lontax and



3' 0" ,, l'8"

l' 9" ,, l' 0" 3' 0" ,, l' 8" l'9" ,, l'0"

{'For Str1,,.r l.lr,r rr.l ortlcr I -f' Dclivr.r y Arrr rrrrrrr 1939


25.5 and

L. 27*




..27'* l;.42 2>:42

2 x 25.5 respectively.


150 150

00 00

A large folding finder for waist-level pictures. With all current ll<onte and rnost Nettar cameras this finder slips on a plate providcd on the lens frorrt and is suitable only for use wich cameras thus providecl . lt i: dctachablc [rc<:rrrsc .:uncr:ls cilnnoI be closed with it in positrorr. 1or.<.rrrrcr-,rs 21" ll"

ln order to obtain correct rendering of colours in monochrome, it is necessary to use a suitable filter over the camera lens, thus yellow filters are used with Orthochrom film for landscapes, still life and action subieccs, while yellowgreen and green filters fulfil a similar PurPose with Panchrom film.

Slip-on Filters for Nettar


with f/6.3 Izi" >< l;r" and 2',"'. .21" with f 4.5 2),''

and 2f-"x21-"

lenses lens lens

3i"x21"withf 6.3andf 7.7 lenses... withf4.5 lens t$Screw over Filters for lkonta 21"';.:.li"and2'r":'21" 3tr"x}i". over Filters for Super lkonta ll $Screw -2t""x|f;" 3i"x2I" 9lip-ql..Filters for Super lkonta 4!'ix2"t"

Yellow'k L s. d. 0 9 6 0 l0 l0 0

fContax, Contaflex, and Nettax.. With 2" Tessar f/3.5 or f 2.8 and 2"




Green Green { s. d. { s. d. 0 12 6 0 13 6 0 14 0 0 15 0

0 9 5 012 6 012 0 015 6 014 0 017 6 0 15 6 I 0 0 014 0 017 5 0l5 6 I 0 0 A rr A 012 0 015 ^ rE 6L

013 6 015 6 018 6 I 0 6 018 5 | 0 6 016 ^ tL L6

0 16 6 0 14 0 9 14 0 0 15 5 015 5 015 0 flz 0 12 6 0 17 6

0 17 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 16 6 016 5 015 6 0 17 6

for Super lkonta, 21" x2!'l Camera can-be closed with Filter in position 0 12 6 0 l0 0 ... Slip-on Filter for lt<oflex I Sli'p-on Filter for lkoflex ll (1939 Model; 0 9 6 ... 0 12 0 Slip-on Filter for lkoflex lll' 012 0 fTehaxll 'Screw-inFilterforSuperNettel 0ll 6 Special Slip-on Filters


019 0 I 3 6 I 4


*Yellow filters are supplied in three grades, light, medium and dark. filters can also be used; the '1 With most Nettars with f 4.5 lenses, screw-over extra cost varies between 3,6 and 4/6 per filter. Please state which mount

is required when ordering.

filters can be supplied, if required, at a reduction of 3/6 to 4 5. They do not, however, close up in camera. lPrices are for slip-on filters for Contax, Contaflex, Tenax ll and Netcax; prices for screw filters on request. :,sSlip-on

( lorr ir .r l I rrr', I loorls Slip-olr Ihe pUr1t6,,r',,1 .r l,.rr.. lr,,,,rl r., to articularly wlr, t, r',1,, ,'.urr". ,u fillianCC l9 I lrr. l,,l,.rt I v,. I lr,. .r 'ith slip-ort ltltlr',, l,rrt rr, rt wrrlr r preparatiorr (

uilw.iltl r',1


,rw,ry f rorrr tlrC


r,1,, (.ur lrt. rr,,cd irt cottjrtnction ', lrltt'r',,, lor wlrich spccial hoods are


Codc No. 7 mm. for all Nlt t.rr r', 8.5 mm. for ll,,,ll, " ll 2 mm. for ll<,rnt,r .r'l 2f " >. I l" .rrr,l .'I


.ri'.rn',t rlr,, lrlilrr ,r lcrrs lrood gives

/ tnrl |

('. J lt'rrsr:s






{s.d. 050 050


0 5

783 t6

090 o7 6 t 90 086 096 096


l,'rr.rx ll, Super ll<,'rrt. and


lt'x ll

12 mm. for' Tessa




,l r '|



r !



.r r r,






wrtlr lt.',',,rt.,,rrrtl

Scrcw-ovcr lcns r


(-orrt.rflcx, Srrpcr rnd Triotar' 2" ... 2" (delivery aurumn

t283, t3

t283 t5 1284,/2t





Use Zeiss lkon film, which is a really gootl filrn possessing all the qualities which go to make the ferfect negative material-speed up to 3l' Sch.


2l / 10"

Din, uniformity, latitude in


fine grain, and it keeps well. A special toP coating of gelatine helps to prevent telegraph wire scratches from ruining your Pictures.

Standard Ortho.




A. 8.2 D.





3[" x?f," 4[" x2tt"



Sch.) (27' Sch.)


t/2 ./6









Dayli$ht Loading Contax Spools and Cartrid$es (24;<36 36 mm.) mm.) 35 Exp. (24;< 50 Exp. (24';.24 mm.)

Panchrom (27"


Prices of other sizes and



(24x36 mm.) l2 Exp. (24xlt 12 l8 Exp. (24x24 mm.) ,le

film packs on application.


& Co., Ltd.

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