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Working From The Inside LADYZEE

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ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 2 Working From The Inside Your guide to getting your desires manifested. By Zelda M. Hayes Chapters Introduction…………………………6 Chapter 1: Letting Go…..………..10 Chapter 2: Emotions…..………... 15 Chapter 3: Connecting……………25 Chapter 4: Full Control………… 30 Chapter 5: Accepting the Source..34 Chapter 6: Law of Attraction……40 Chapter 7: Focus………………….53 Chapter 8: Elimination….............57 Chapter 9: Source…………………64 Chapter 10: Repetition…………….69 Chapter 11: Responsibility………...71 Chapter 12: Power Words………...76 Chapter 13: Affirmations………….81 Chapter 14: Quotes………………...89

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Dedicated to my husband Raymond Hayes My sons, Kim jr. & Jamal My daughters, Zelina & Janice My close friend and Kathy Thornhill & Leatha (Thanks for keeping me on my toes) My Sister Wendy and both my Mothers Eleanor Smith & Eunice Freeman (Thanks for your love guidance and prayers) And most of all that little voice in me that kept telling me I could do this and then some. And to Peace, from which all joy flows.


ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 4 Because I love you dear humans, I felt it was time to share with you my truth. What you do with this information is up to you. However, when I transform from this world to the next, I go in peace, knowing I left behind my imprint of wisdom that your eyes may be opened and you will have connected with The Creator that you seek so diligently.

ZELDAMHAYES.COM@2014 All rights reserved

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 5

You already know what you need to do You just don’t know how to do it. Well, here is your how to book The rest is up to you

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 6 Introduction

You have been told that a man’s word is his bond, he is held by what he says. People expect him to follow through to those very words he has spoken. We take this lesson to heart, we make agreements based on. When you get married and you both say I do your expected to follow through with those oaths. When a person at the check-out counter tells you the amount you have to pay, they expect to receive that amount. Nothing less is acceptable. When you’re cooking and you have certain ingredients that must be added, if you omit just one, the outcome will be something other than what you have expected. Words and actions go hand in hand; one without the other brings about the result that is almost always not what you desire. The point here is that the words you use have power; the actions you take allow this power to manifest. You cannot say “I believe” my bills will get paid, and then turn around and tell your friends

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 7 you have so many bills you don’t know what to do. You cannot spend countless hours in worry while thinking it’s going to get better. In this you send conflicting messages to the very source (GOD) (UNIVERSE) that you are putting your out request to. Jesus said it perfectly when he” said ask and it shall be given unto you”. You have a God given right to ask for a thing with the highest of expectations that nothing short of your desires will come to play. So why aren’t your dreams manifesting? Why are you still in the same position today that you were in yesterday? You are in the same position today because you are still using yesterday’s method for today’s result. I know most of you are probably saying, I already know all of this, some of you may even say your pastor tells you the same thing. Well here is the difference.

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 8 I am about to show you how to live in the ‘presence� of your world, plug into your God given power and help you remove your fear. That very source of what is holding you back. But, before we travel these roads, you must get in alignment with your inner self. Thus follow this book from its beginning to end in order to get the full benefit. You must be able to be in control with your inner self in order to connect to the Creator.

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Chapter 1: Letting Go

As you begin to read this book, you will probably have already placed doubt into your mind. Why? Because you have been through so many things that you don’t expect anything better to come your way. You may even believe you deserve no better than what you have. Your hidden secrets of rape, molestation, drug addiction, adultery, heartbreak, and even deeper darker secrets that you pray you don’t want anyone to find out about have all kept you bound. Perhaps you feel, unworthy, perhaps you believe that God doesn’t know who you are. While the past cannot be changed, it can be erased and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. What has happened is just what happened, it does not matter at this point on the why it happened. Do you know how much energy and power you’re giving away by trying to figure out why me? Do you know how much time is being wasted? More than you can imagine. You are

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 10 losing your grandest opportunity to excel. It is you who is keeping you down. The question you should be asking yourself as opposed to why me is what am I going to do about it? What can you do about it? I tell you this, the only thing you can do about it, is to change the way it makes you feel. If it makes you feel sad, immediately find something, anything that makes you feel good. Many people use the excuse that you cannot feel good about something that makes you feel bad. However, if you allow yourself to believe that, then that is exactly what will happen. You will remain feeling bad. But now how good is that going to feel? Wouldn’t you rather feel good regardless of what has happened to you? Or are you content with allowing yourself to be the victim till you die in hopes that this heaven will give you peace. I tell you this, your peace is here, your peace is now, and your peace is in the very next breath you take. If you allow it. The past has already happened. Say it aloud; the past has already happened. You’re still standing, you’re still breathing and what happens now is on you. The Creator only

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 11 delivers what your vibrations send out. What are you sending out dear friend? Are you sending out vibrations of love and peace and forgiveness and abundance or are you sending out vibrations of hate, resentment, revenge, pity and jealousy. Today is the day to regenerate yourself and pay attention to your feelings. For these feelings send a greater message as to what you will receive from this moment on.

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Chapter 2: EMOTIONS Anger, animosity, jealousy, hatred, spite, low self-esteem, greed, selfishness, worry, fear, thoughts of lack, dependency, all these and feelings just like this bring about a negative energy. When you allow these types of feelings within yourself, if even for a moment you are setting up your day to go downhill. While I know, many of you are asking how one feels good if there is so much going on. What you must understand is that it’s not what’s going on that is making you feel these emotions; it’s the way you are looking at them. If there is nothing you can do at that moment to change your circumstance then you must change your feeling of it. Even Jesus said how much will worrying give you. We already know that the way to come out of a situation is to change how you feel about it. Perhaps mankind is more comfortable in his feeling of woes because it brings about pity from others. It allows him to be the

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 13 victim believing that when you’re a victim you get help from others to get out of your situation. You boldly state that you know you are a child of THE CREATOR, you walk with a walk of arrogance that you know God has it all under control. But inside your heart you and God both know you don’t believe that. You are afraid to step out on the power given to you, you’re afraid to take a hold of the power you have because those just like you who don’t use their power either will deem you crazy and you can’t have that happen, after all you have an image to protect don’t you?

How to Identify Self

Many people are confident within themselves and will tell you they are fully aware of who they are. But is it true? Do you really know

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 14 who you are? Or are you defining yourself on what society says you ought to be.

When asked who are you? Many will say I am a strong independent hard working person with a giving spirit. Or I am a great parent dedicated to family. But what does that mean?

Self-identify is broken down into two structures. A person who lives in the world within or a person who lives in the world without. The world within is relies on thoughts, feelings, beauty, power, light and love. Although these things cannot be seen they can be felt. The feeling is a powerful force. The feeling is God. The concern is never an addiction to possession nor is this person subjected to a world of media, gossip and keeping up with the latest fashion or electronic gadget. The

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 15 person, who lives in the world within, is content and sees beauty in all things. The person who lives in the world within finds it easy to obtain their desires because they have a “knowing� that all things are available to them. They understand that it takes but a moment of focus to see their desires manifest. This person understands and expects being outside the norm. Thus, when a person identifies himself or herself as a person who resides in the world within, they are a person who is free. What the world is without relies on the mind in its conscious form. What this means is that this type of person, seeks logic in all things. If it can’t be explained or simply does not make sense, the person who lives in the world without cannot accept information. The person, who lives in the world without, also relies on what the physical eyes can see. With limited creativity of the mind, the person cannot see past the trees, whereas the person, who lives in the world within, can see the trees, the mountain behind it and the sun rising behind the mountain.

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 16 Thus, the person who lives in the world without is a slave to the physical aspect of things and will never reach his/her true potential or dreams. Only what can be seen will manifest, which means this person lives a life of limits, instead of limitless.

How to live in the inner world

To live in the world, one must be willing to let go of the world without. How do you do this? You start by accepting the fact that the world without is of no consequence to you. Remove yourself from attempting to become part of what the world says you ought to be. Find your God space, and tune into your inner self. Your inner self is the higher you connected to the Creator. Your inner self has all the answers to all the questions. Your inner self shows you the endless possibilities and how to get those possibilities to manifest.

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The inner self, has no room for discriminations, judgments, gossip, wrong doings, or wishful thinking. The inner self is about acceptance of all things, all circumstances, all possibilities, and all truth in spite of what is shown before them. The process of connecting to your inner self requires discipline. One must first be willing to accept that all things that the eyes see are not always true. This is where most of you will get lost. The process also requires the Individual to disconnect from the world for a while to allow time for reprogramming and connection with the inner self. This is also where most of you may put this book down and decide it’s not worth the effort. Most people prefer to live as they do, in the world that is, because of fear of the unknown and most of all fear of change. Change to most people is defined as the end of fun. This is not so. Change is about escalating to a higher plane where the fun is safer, more exciting, more rewarding and at the end of the day, no one has been hurt. Change in the higher form is a thing of beauty and

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 18 dreams and desires manifesting. Wisdom is unfolded and life is understood. Change is a moment of grander.


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Chapter: 3 Connecting to the Inner self Since you have decided to continue reading, let’s take the first step in connecting with your inner self. First things first, I don’t want you to turn off your television; I want you to unplug it. Unplug it from the wall and the cable cords. Place your remote in a draw. Why? Because turning if off is simple, plugging it back up to watch it requires more work, thus the time it will take you to redo your connections your inner mind will step into play asking you do you really need to watch television At this time? Etc. Now that you have unplugged everything (and by the way, if you ignored that first step of unplugging) you will not reap the full benefits of this exercise) find a comfortable spot to sit or lay for at least 15 minutes without any distractions of people cell phones etc. Set an alarm of 15 minutes and do not waste time checking back and forth to see how much time you have left.

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 20 During this 15 min span I do not want you to move a muscle so make sure you’re comfortable. Do not move your arms, change positions, move your legs or even turn your head. Complete stillness is what you are going for. For 15 minutes, you are going to be in complete control of your body, not the other way around. For 15 minutes, your body will do as you say, it will not dictate by feeling uncomfortable and making you move. During this time, it does not matter what you’re thinking about. Don’t focus on your body however, you are in control. Welcome back. Journal exactly what you experienced. How was it for you? Did you find you were going crazy because you could not move? Did it make you feel silly? What are you feeling at this moment? As funny as it seems, this exercise is so important because if you can’t control your body, you surely cannot control your mind, which is the place where all the clutter needs to be removed.

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 21 Your conscious and awareness of all things around you is what is preventing you from reaching your inner self. Your conscious and awareness is a distraction. It forces you look within the box laid out before you, leaving no room for growth of self, relationships and career lives. The subconscious or God space is the place we are attempting to tune into. This God space is the area that directs your inner self. It is the hall of wisdom. Try to do this non-body movement exercise for 15 minutes a day for at least a week in order to master it. The first week of practicing it, you can entertain any thought that comes into your mind while you’re doing it this week.

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Chapter 4: Full Control If you made it through week one of controlling your physical body, it’s time to move on to controlling your thoughts. This is all part of step one, connecting to your inner self.

When you took your 15 minute moment of stillness, you were allowed to entertain your thoughts. Now we are going to show our thoughts who is in control. Get into your assumed position of comfort for the next 15, this time; I want you to clear your head. This is not an easy task to do, however, here is a phrase that I use and it helps me. Ask yourself” what is my next thought?” Do not try to answer it; just keep saying that phrase within your mind over and over again. What will it do? It will block other possible thoughts and allow little to no room for mental activity. This combination should be done twice a day. Once in the morning (make the sacrifice to get

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 23 up a few minutes early to do it if you have to get ready for work) and once in the evening. Practice it for about a week. Once mastered you will be in full control of your physical and mental self. It is important to be in control of your physical and mental self to allow messages of the Creator flow and wisdom to settle in. It also prevents the body from being sick. While I am not a doctor, I can say that in doing this for the last 15 years, I have never had an ailment that required medical attention. When you are in control of the body, you are using the powers God gave you in the laying of hands upon yourself, without having to lay hands upon yourself. We have the power to make our bodies do what we say. It is when we hand over power to the world without, that we lose that power and become susceptible to the ailments of the world.

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 24 As you continue to practice and make control of self a part of your daily life, do not be alarmed as you notice the world outside begins to look different. Do not be alarmed as you start to feel different. You will notice that your senses are more in tuned with what’s around you. Things that made sense at one time suddenly seem unnecessary. You will discover that even eating certain foods have a different reaction to you. Why is this? Because you have tuned your entire self into your inner self, thus you have connected to the Creator by leaving a doorway open. That doorway is your ability to be still and know. Ironically, there is a phrase that says be still and know that I am God. Many misinterpret this as not doing anything in the “world” such as seeking a job or spouse etc. But in actuality what it means is to be still in mind body and spirit, through actions such as we have practice that one may be cleansed of conscious thinking and open to the subconscious , which is God.

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 25 This is even a message that the churches have forgotten to teach its congregation. Thus the result is a flock of followers who cry out to the world within, but find no peace.

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Chapter 5:Accepting the Source A real chef is concerned about where his ingredients come from. Thus you the individual should be very concerned as to where you get your information from. You are the chef of your body, the boss, and the master, thus it is important to pay close attention to what you say, do, eat, etc. While shopping, most people feel they don’t have time to review the nutritional label. But they will focus on the price. The person, who lives within, is not concerned about price more than they are concerned with contents. The creator makes a way for affordability, thus we have no need for that matter. However, the Creator holds us responsible for what it is we put into our body. We cannot ask for a healing while ingesting foods we know are cancer causing, addictive etc. It is your body, your body gets sick when your stress level is up or your inner self has no balance. Thus you have to take time to balance

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 27 and it starts with accepting the source of what you take in mentally and physically. Get familiar with cancer causing ingredient terms to avoid purchasing them. These cancer causing ingredients are called carcinogenic.

Knowing about all these ingredients doesn't mean there is simply a "short list" of foods that should be avoided. You have to be vigilant and read labels constantly. Here are the five worst offenders: •

Hot dogs: The Cancer Prevention Coalition recommends that children should not eat more than 12 hot dogs per month because of the risk of cancer. If you must have your hot dog fix, look for those without sodium nitrite listed among the ingredients.


Processed meats and bacon: These meats almost always contain the same sodium nitrite found in hot dogs. You can

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 28 find some without nitrites, but you'll have to look for them in natural grocers or health food stores. Bacon is also high in saturated fat, which contributes to the risk of cancers, including breast cancer. Limiting your consumption of processed meats and saturated fats also benefits the heart.

Doughnuts: Doughnuts contain hydrogenated oils, white flour, sugar, and acryl amides. Essentially, they're one of the worst cancer foods you can possibly eat. Reader's Digest calls doughnuts "disastrous" as a breakfast food, and many experts agree it's probably one of the worst ways to start the day.

French fries: Fries are made with hydrogenated oil and fried at high temperatures. Some chains even add sugar to their fry recipe to make them even more irresistible. Not only do they clog your arteries with saturated fat and Tran’s

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 29 fat, they also contain acryl amides. They should be called "cancer fries," not French fries.

Chips / crackers / cookies: These generally contain white flour and sugar as well as Trans fats, but it's not enough to simply look for these ingredients on the label; you have to actually "decode" the ingredients list that food manufacturers use to deceive consumers. They do this by hiding ingredients (such as hiding MSG in yeast extract, or by fiddling with serving sizes so they can claim the food is trans-fat free, even when it contains trans fats (the new Girl Scout cookies use this trick).

The reason I have placed this information is because in order to get closer to your inner self, your body must also be in alignment. Take some time and do some research and detoxify your body so that it doesn’t interfere with the process of tuning in to the world within. You’re responsible for the sources that interfere with your

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 30 growth, mentally and physically. A cleaner body generates a cleaner mind.

Chapter 6: The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 31 (Most of us already know this; we learned it in church, as the phrase faith, believing that your desires are in place even though you can’t see them. And the problem is we have not been taught to believe it through our actions, just our hearing of the lesson. So before you say you already know this, ask yourself, “Do I really practice that which I say I believe?)

The Law of Attraction simply says that you attract into your life whatever you think about. Your dominant thoughts will find a way to manifest.

Scripture Ref: A clear example of this can be seen in Job 3:25 when he said, "Because a dreadful thing I have dreaded, it has come upon me. And what I have been scared of comes to me." (Thoughts become things!)

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 32 Therefore I say unto you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they shall be granted to you." Mark 11:23-24.

The law of attraction is a double edge sword. It can be used for success or failure.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1. May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight. Psalm 19:14. As a man thinks in his heart, so he is.. Proverbs 23:7 Thus , it is all about words, thoughts, and feelings -- even in the Bible In the beginning was the Word, (power) and the Word (power) was with God (the source) and the Word(power) was God (the source). John 1:1

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The power we have comes from the source.

You are the master of your fate.


You have heard about it, learned about it, and somehow you still quite can’t get the law of attraction to work in your favor. Well the

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 34 reason for that is, it is great to hear about it, learn about it, even talk about it, or profess it. But the law of attraction is simply a phrase unless you put it into “action”

Faith without works is dead is what you heard, and it’s true. But what kind of work is required? Can‘t you just simply pretend you’re Aladdin with the lamp, rub it and make things manifest? Oh the chaos that would come forth if that was so. The law of attraction starts with self-discipline. How you speak, respond, think, behave etc. It is also a practice that you must perfect in order to get it actually manifesting anything you ‘desire” sure it will bring forth things, but are those things what you really wanted?

So what do you do? Where do you start? Let’s jump right in and discuss the actions that need to be changed and focused on for a while. These not so new, yet unperfected behaviors are a start to the “how” to proceed of unleashing the power of attraction.

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1. Choose your words on purpose. Speaking only what you mean, do not try to sugarcoat, yet speak with diplomacy. Do not compromise your integrity. Do not use your words to intentionally hurt others. Use the power of your words in the direction of truth and love & refrain from harsh tones, gossip and judgment. While you may not be aware, most people throw themselves out of alignment by a simple response of unintended negative words. In reality you are speaking how you feel, however, the point is to respond in the manner in which you desire to feel. So you respond with words that create your reality at that moment. If you are not feeling well, you reply by saying I am feeling great. When you’re in the midst of others and they begin to gossip, remove yourself from the conversation and simply say no comment as opposed to speaking ill of others.

2. it’s not you it’s them. What others do is not because of you, but because of them. It is their projection of their reality. Don’t

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 36 allow your emotions to make their issue part of your problem. Of course, you are not to stay around long enough to allow the issue to affect your life either as people will do to you as much as you allow them to. Train yourself to become immune to the opinions and actions of others. This will prevent you from feeling like the victim. Take all things with a grain of salt. If that opinion does not line up with how you’re truly feeling at the moment, tune it out, and walk away if you have to. But walk away with love and knowing that you’re being true to what you feel is right for “your” reality.

3. Don’t make assumptions. Build up the courage and ask questions when you’re unsure about something. Do not let fear stop you from expressing what you really want and more importantly, do not compromise away from what you really want. Be mindful to communicate with others clearly and effectively to avoid arguments and misunderstandings. This act alone can create great results for the better of all involved.

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4. Let your light shine: It’s no secret that people are going through all kinds of issues on a daily basis. However, you are always in a position to help your fellow man. Do so. With a smile, an affirmation of love, whatever it is that you have to offer that can help your neighbor move up one step higher. Even scripture says better to give then to receive. But here is an even more interesting thought. The fact that you had it to “give” means the universe is working in your favor and by giving, you are affirming by your actions that you “always” have “enough.” Limiting your giving is a subconscious action of telling the universe you forgot me, I do not have enough to give. Thus the universe will continue comply.

5. Trust in your Intuition. There is nothing worse than to have that feeling of knowing that you know, and yet out of fear of how others may respond verbally or otherwise, we go against everything we “felt” onto the other side, and even worse we blame someone else for the result. You have a gift of “knowing” that you

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 38 have not been exercising. It’s time to start. In some cases people have a fear of using their intuition. That fear of second guessing am I right or wrong. The proper way to use your intuition is to focus on that first “feeling” you get when you’re approached with an issue. Does it make you nervous? Are you excited? Are you afraid? The way you are feeling is on purpose, its God’s little nudge to you that says what the real issue is. Negative feeling, beware, positive, go for it. Train yourself to trust your feeling and go with it, no swaying. In this you know you are in alignment with what God is telling you.

6. Choose your entertainment wisely: How funny that we can sit with our friends and we all know the latest updates on alleged reality shows, songs, fashion, celebrity gossip. I want to share with you the sad fact that you are being set up by those who don’t realize that there is enough prosperity for everyone to enjoy. This group of people keep your mind active on purpose for your lose and their gain with entertainment that deludes your personal

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 39 reality. As long as you are living in the world under its judgments, alleged norms etc., you will never see your true self, nor will you live the life that you were meant to have. As long as you are trying to find out who is sleeping with whom, and who just had another child, and countless shows of you are not the father drama, filled with front row viewers of sleepers, then you too will remain in slumber. It’s time to wake up and make your entertainment that which will benefit you mind, body and spirit or all three.

7 .Find out who you “really are.” Here is where it gets complicated for most people. Many of us have been so programmed by the church and parents, influenced by friends etc, that we have become what the world says we should be. Therefore when you look into the mirror, you don’t see you, you see who you have become as a result of what someone else said you ought to be. Discovering who you are has nothing to do what you learned about Jesus, being a woman or a man. It has nothing to do with who you

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 40 slept with in the past or the present. Discovering you has nothing to do with your social status or material status. Discovering you have to do with the personal relationship you establish within your inner self. The connection of feeling.

You are the master of your destiny.

Chapter 7:Keeping Your Focus

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 41 Even if you have mastered the previous 7 steps to the road to the law of attraction as stated in chapter 2, you can still find yourself stuck without any positive manifestations if you allow yourself to lose your focus. Do you remember this scripture?

As soon as they had brought them out, one of them said, “Flee for your lives! Don’t look back, and don’t stop anywhere in the plain! Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!” Gen 19:17.

When you find that you are out of one circumstance, whether it’s’ domestic violence, a bad breakup, a near death exp etc, you will not move an inch further if you spend your time “reflecting” (as most people like to say) on what happened. You cannot look back. Looking back will bring about memories and feelings of guilt and judgment. Looking back will also trick you by giving you those butterfly feelings of when things were

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 42 going great. It is at this moment that the mind will get stuck and all types of thoughts as too what you may still be able to do to “fix” it will begin to fester in your mind. Some of us use this term and claim they are simply learning from the past, well there is a difference in reflecting and researching what went wrong. You don’t need to know what went wrong. You need to accept that it went wrong and move forward. The more you focus on it, the more energy you give it to manifest. Again. Thoughts becoming things, and just because you don’t believe it, doesn’t make it not so. It’s not always looking back at events that make you lose your focus. Many people get lost by the social circles they allow themselves to be a part of. As you will hear me say more than once in this book, like attracts like. Thus, if you are social circle involves people who are not really trying to get ahead in life. If you make your business that morning coffee must be shared with those who do nothing but gossip, create plans of attack out of mere

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 43 jealousy, or if the groups you allow your time to be spend with always have a negative response to everything you want to do or even mention. You will eventually find that your world now looks just like there world. Empty.

I am not telling you to be judgmental, or mean towards others as if you were better. I am simply telling you to be mindful to surround yourself with like-minded people who are at least trying to get to the same level as you if not higher.

You are the master of your destiny.

Chapter 8: Process of Elimination

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 44 One may ask him/herself, what do I need to eliminate? How do I get rid of all the “stuff” I have been taught. One may even ask, why? I tell you this, take a long look at what you have been taught, and then ask yourself, now that you are an adult, do you really agree with the lessons or are you simply playing them out because everyone else is doing it? How do you really “feel” about the things that you have been taught? Where has it really gotten you at this point of your life? Ask yourself, do these lessons, force me to change what I would rather being doing? Is what I really want to be doing really hurting anybody? Are these lessons benefiting my finances or is it holding me back? Are the lessons true “for you”? In being true for you, I am asking you, do they make “you” feel good about you or do you find yourself having to force your way through in obedience in order to not feel guilty of sin?

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 45 Let’s define sin. Sin is not the pass to hell we acquire via behavior that we have been brainwashed to believe, nor is it something we were born into. (Imagine that, hmm God the creator loved us so much that made us born badly? Something in your head should begin to click right now) Sin is something we do to ourselves that brings us negative results.

I know I know, you have been taught that we are the offspring’s of Adam and Eve and since they were bad were bad also. Even more so to fix this mistake (as if God could even make one) we were given Jesus, centuries later to redeem us. Do you hear how this sounds? God made a mistake and created two human beings, imperfect on purpose that would defy his orders. Ask yourself, would you bake cookies and take them to your child’s room and command him not to touch or else? How cruel such an action would be. So why would God our creator do this to Adam and Eve? Why not place them away from such temptation?

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 46 In any event, it is stories like these that actually drive us away from making a conscious thought based on what we feel. We have been trained to make choices based on what we were taught, even when they don’t make us feel good.

Getting back to the process of elimination. Only you can make the decision of what needs to be eliminated from your life. You know what and or who is a distraction. You know what addictions you have, what your weaknesses are etc. You may say you don’t know, but deep inside you do. If you really don’t here is how you can find out what needs to be removed from your life. Create the following list and keep a journal. Ask yourself the following:

1. What do the people in your life do for you in a positive sense. 2. What do they people in your life do for you in a negative sense.

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 47 3. What shows do you watch faithfully that add value to your life and the decisions you make in it. 4. What could you be doing instead of watching that show 5. What do you listen to when you go to bed. 6. What places do you frequently attend that give you a sense of peace when you get there and days later after you have left. 7. What are the thoughts that you keep frequently about that keeps you feeling in despair. 8. How often to you associate with people who bring your pain.

Your replies will tell you exactly what you need to eliminate from your life in order to get a clear picture of who you really are and help you become what you would rather be.

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 48 Once the board is clear and you eliminate those people and things and behaviors you will feel empty, this is actually a good thing. Now you can re-fill with things that only bring you peace, prosperity and abundant joy.

You are the master of your destiny.

Chapter 9: Connecting To the Source

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 49 You must make it your desire to find out the truth for what is right for you. In order to do that you must ask the right questions. From others and the universe. Asking the universe (God) indirect questions will also get you indirect answers thus, you will still walk in confusion. We have been taught to believe in what we see ,taste, touch and hear and feel. To believe in our five senses. But our senses lie. We have been taught that we have intuition, but not how to apply it. Yet even when the feeling that something is not right comes over us, we tend to dismiss it. More likely than not because it interferes what we want to do. You must learn to tune out your senses and focus on your thought. That image of what you desire, in this you tune into the biggest form of energy your body contains, your thoughts. Your thought is the most potent form of energy. It is here where frequency generates and vibrations are sent out into the world. It is here that consistency is imperative. It determines what will

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 50 manifest and when. The how neither is nor has ever been your responsibility. The universe will do, what it is going to do. Your job, your only responsibility in getting everything you desire is to simply, be “consistent” be “clear” be “honest” in what you really want. That’s all. However, although I say simply, this has been man’s biggest challenge, however, this challenge cannot be taught to you, and you must ‘desire to do it. Once mastered, you will then stand in the doorway of the source itself.

Chapter 10: Mastering Repetition

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 51 As with all things, practice makes perfect. Repetition is the master key to all unlocked desires. You will not see an overnight change, but you can see an instant change by utilizing instant change of perception and how you feel about a thing. Prepare yourself to repeat positive statements and condition yourself to feel good about it. Know what you want and practice feeling good about it. Have fun with it, it doesn’t have to be a dreary day, you are alive in it, make that your starting point. Consider the fact that your are in the midst of ‘becoming” what you want to be and what you desire to have. Do not give energy to what others think about your desires. Confucius stated” he who says he can and he who says he can’t are both usually right. Thus which person shall you be? This is the “how” that everyone is looking for, the very “how to” instruction is so simple yet it’s being made so to do. This is the very deprogramming I spoke of earlier. We make it easy for it to remain difficult because we tune into the world and it programs

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 52 these words into our mind and we pay so little attention to it that it becomes a part of our daily routine. We develop habits of feeling depressed worry ,fear etc. These become the wrong repetition and thus everything around us becomes negative. We talk about all the murder, rape, unemployment, crime as a whole. We spend 80 % of what’s wrong with the world and incorporate it into our lives 10% of what’s wrong with everyone else and 10% of what we want in our lives. Do you see how the numbers although they do add up to %100 it doesn’t benefit us a bit? Think to yourself. Don’t answer how it is; answer how you want it to be. Positive Repetition: Repetition, in how you respond. Repetition, in how you think. Repetition, in how you feel.

You are the master of your destiny.

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 53

Chapter 11: Accepting Responsibility This chapter may very well be the most difficult chapter to swallow. It is here where you will be chastised and told where and why things are your fault. Most people don’t like what I call the Windex Experience. Just like the cleanser, it does wonder, it allows us to see straight through the glass. Take a moment and start writing down everything that you see wrong with your life. Is your marriage broken? Are your finances in muck? Are your children out of control? Is your weight more or less than what you want? Do you have a broken heart? Are you a victim of domestic abuse? Have friends betrayed you? Etc. You get the picture. Now that you have written down what is wrong with your life. Take a serious moment and ask yourself, how did you get there? You got there, because you allowed yourself to get there. Think

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 54 about it honestly, there is no one around but you so there is no need to cover it up and make any more excuses. If your heart was broken, what signs did you see that you “choose” to ignore? You secretly hoped they would change and perhaps love you. Domestic abuse, you don’t know if you would have gotten hit the second time had you left the after the first swing. Fear held you back to tolerate it; you made excuses for your abuser or allowed yourself to believe it was your fault. Your friends betrayed you, because you told them too much of your good and allowed your joy to be taken because they had no joy. These are pure examples that like attracts like. It is your reaction to your circumstance that determines your outcome of it. Your financial circumstance is not the way you want it, because you focus more on what you need and don’t have as opposed to what you do have. Think about it, when friends ask you how are you, what is your first response? Is it, I’m doing fantastic how are you? Or is it, well, I’d be better if I could get these bills paid or if I could find a job, my back has been hurting so badly I must be

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 55 getting old. Those kids are driving me crazy. I think my man/woman is cheating on me let me tell you what happened. Etc, you get the picture. Laugh at it for a moment if you see yourself in any of these examples then make a point to change your responses and change your thoughts. The problem is not that you made a mistake in your choice, the problem is you continued doing it, even after realizing that you don’t like the results. You cannot change your circumstance with the same actions that got you there in the first place.

Think to yourself. Don’t answer how it is, answer how you want it to be. Positive Repetition: Repetition, in how you respond. Repetition, in how you think. Repetition, in how you feel.

You are the master of your destiny.

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 56


When talking to people, think first and use these positive words as opposed to the standard negative phrases.

















I am





under priced


















ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 57





























it's here

just arrived

sure fire







































ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 58 lavishly






You are the master of your destiny

Positive I AM Affirmations

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 59 My life is filled with awesome surprises I am choosing love in all things I am worthy to receive every beautiful thing I am the master of my fate I am happy with my life I am worthy to love and be loved I am perfect in my Creator’s image I am healthy throughout my body Every cell in my body is in perfect sync and alignment My blood flows perfectly within my veins I am a happy individual I am a great parent I am a great employee I am at the perfect weight for me I am not afraid of my life I am not afraid of prosperity I am connected at all times to my source, my Creator I am not a victim

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 60 I am not depressed I am not fool I am not broken hearted I am capable of bring forth healthy children I have everything I need I believe in myself and so do others I am at peace I am the master of my fate I am not a victim I am happy with my life I am satisfied with my life and career I give out love and love comes back to me I always have enough of everything to give to others in need I always have enough of everything I desire. I see with perfect vision I hear with perfect ears My body is in perfect health I have a perfect healthy heart

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 61 I have the perfect blood pressure I have the perfect cholesterol level I have the perfect body My body is in perfect healthy I have enough money for everything I desire I have enough money to help others My money is always available to me I am not a victim I am not ordinary I am extraordinary I am in perfect alignment with my desires I am in perfect alignment with my Creator I am in perfect sync with peace and harmony I am here on purpose I am not a mistake My potential for greatness is limitless I attract success into my life I use positive thinking and beliefs to manifest a positive life

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 62 I have the power to create my reality I have the power to manifest my dreams I can do anything I desire I am have control over my mind and my life Each day my mind becomes more positive My powers of manifestation are growing I am have control over my mind and my life Each day my mind becomes more positive My powers of manifestation are growing I AM THE MASTER OF MY FATE Manifesting my dreams into reality is something I just do naturally

I find it easy to control my thoughts Attracting success is a normal part of my life My life is filled with abundance My positive mindset attracts positive outcomes I am the master of my fate I am without physical aliments

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 63 I have the power to attract whatever I desire I can have anything I “desire� I am attracting money into my life I am attracting the right mate for me in my life I am attracting power in my life I am source power I am source energy I am the master of my destiny I am attracting positive people into my life I am attracting money into my life I am attracting success in my life I am attracting health into my life I am attracting financial success in my life I am attracting business opportunity in my life I am attracting wealth in my life I am attracting peace in my life’ I am aligned in perfect harmony with the universe I am the master of my destiny

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 64 I hold the power to what happens to me I am in total control of my thinking I do not allow others to think for me I am the master of my destiny I am here on purpose I am creating an excellent experience for my life everyday I am not angry I am not fearful

Famous Quotes

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 65 True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us.

Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something. "A human being is a part of a whole, called by us _universe_, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty “Socrates (BC 469-399) Greek Philosopher of Athens

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 66 Daily Routine for Positive Manifestations When you wake up in the morning, before your feet even hit the floor, take a few moments to give thanks for being alive. Keep this by your bedside. Morning: Dear Creator, Today I give you thanks for my life health and strength and that of those around me. Thank you for my great health, my ever increasing finances, my well behaved children, my faithful spouse. Today I thank you for all the good that you continue to send my way. Today I thank you for touching the lives of those in need as well. I know that you have given me a specific power and I thank you that I use that power with love. Today I shall speak nothing but truth and love. Today Dear Creator, acknowledge that you and I are one and with that knowledge I except responsibility for all that I say and do. Today I affirm that it will be a great day in spite of what my eyes may see or ears may feel.

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 67 Today, I live in my now, for it is all I am promised and I will make it matter. Amen


Dear Creator, Today was an awesome day; I thank you for every event that took place. I thank you that I still have perfect health, I still have my life and strength as well do those who are around me. Tonight I affirm that my finances are still increasing and opportunity is all around me. Tonight I thank you that my children are still safe and well behaved and my spouse is still faithful to me. Tonight I affirm that there will be peace around the world and love continues to flow through the universe in spite of what my eyes see, my ears hear or the others around me say. Amen

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 68

Removing Guilt You already know you have to remove guilt, so I will not waste time discussing it. I will just attempt to tell you how to do it. 1. Accept how you feel about the guilt. The one way that guilt manages to linger around your life so long is you have buried it in the back of your mind to the point that you don’t acknowledge it as guilt. You sugarcoat it and or blame other people because of how you feel. You make excuses for why you feel the way you do. The action that took place no longer places a role here, because the action cannot be undone.

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 69 Therefore you must accept that you feel guilty about it, it doesn’t even matter whose fault it was. But it’s over and what is most important now is, are you going to use your negative emotion to give it energy and allow it to continue festering within you and holding you back. Or are you going to accept that the issue occurred it made you feel bad, it’s over you survived and now you have better things to put your energy into. In order to become more productive in your life and allow room for positive manifestations to occur, you must choose the latter. 2. Change your thought of the issue at hand. There will no doubt be times that something or someone may trigger the memory of what you felt guilt about. Acknowledge how you feel at that moment, and then quickly change your thought to something that will give you a better feeling. Do not entertain the negative feeling, as soon as you change your thought, you will feel better instantly. 2. Stay away from triggering environments

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 70 Sometimes we’re a glutton for punishment. We have a tendency of returning to the scene of the crime. Refrain from visiting people and places that trigger the issue that brings about the guilt. There may even be times when you have to let go of people, do this if it helps you stay in a guilt free mindset.

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 71

Removing Fear

Of all the things that stand in the way of having your dreams manifest, the number one cause is fear. Fear of the unknown. What will I do if this doesn’t work, how will I survive? What if I lose my job? What if he/she leaves me? All these worries are fear based blockers that keep away what you want to happen. You spend so much time fearing what may happen, that the universe has no other choice but to give you what you think of most. How do you change this? 1. Replace fear with affirmations of clear concise belief. 2. Know exactly what it is you want. 3. Focus only on what you desire 4.

Except the outcome, whatever it is.

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 72 5. If you don’t like the outcome, change how it makes you feel by thinking of what you wanted to happened and take that feeling and embrace it. 6. Pay attention to how you feel about a thing, if it makes you feel worried, change your thought to something that doesn’t make you afraid. Removing fear is all about changing how you feel about it. The one thing you do have control over is how you feel. Your emotions belong to you; you are the master of what comes out.

You are the master of your destiny.

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 73


It’s amazing how we can easily say what we want, but if given the chance to have it, our mind goes blank. Think of what you would ask for if at this very moment you are reading, what does your heart desire? Most people would say money. Problem number one. Why is this a problem? You have it in your head that you need money and you will get it. But, you didn’t say how much. Therefore life continues and you get money but never enough for what you need to do. Some may ask for a mate. They will get it. But what kind of mate? It is important to always be prepared for a gift of any kind from the universe, not being ready can cause delay for years. In this chapter I want you to focus on what you really want. What would make your life happy? Don’t just think about it, write it down. We think a billion thoughts a day and our desires usually get lost up there with all the mayhem. Writing down your desires and keeping them close by, looking at them and reading

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 74 aloud frequently will help you stay focused on what you really desire. Do not start your list by saying the phrase “I want” to say that means you don’t have it, when actually it’s already yours just waiting to manifest. Are you ready, begin your list with the daily evening or Morning Prayer from the previous chapter and then on a piece of paper begin your desires like this:

I am glad that I have……… I desire to have more of ………. I am so happy that my ……. I am so excited that when my money comes in, in the amount of……….

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 75 . You have to be clear and consistent with your desires. Don’t just throw out a phrase because it sounds good. Put some thought into it. You get what you ask for, ask wisely. Most importantly affirm these desires with actions. Open up your bills, answer your debt collectors, tell them you will send it to them very soon. Write them a letter telling them you do desire to pay and they will receive a check from you shortly. Be mindful of being around people who whine about not having enough as you will find yourself behaving the same way. Have a notebook of what you are going to do with the money, Have the bills set up with an already stamped envelope affirming your ready to send them out. If it is your desire to purchase clothes, clean out your closet, give some stuff away to those less fortunate. The same with furniture. If you’re going food shopping, toss out that item that has been in there way too long. Go to the clothing store while you’re waiting, start pricing and trying on the clothes you desire. Affirm that it’s yours. Embrace the image of the person

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 76 wearing the outfit. Go to the furniture store, sit on that couch, imagine it will look in your home, and imagine the spot you want to place it in. Keep a $1, $10 or even a $100 dollar bill in your wallet or on your wall at all times. If you have a specific amount in mind, use an old check and make it payable to yourself. Hang it where you will see it at all times. Taking breaks every now and then to image how it will feel when you get it. Embrace the feeling and speak affirmations such as, "I CAN’T WAIT TO CASH THIS CHECK OF'" (say the amt) with my name on it. Find a mediation video on you tube, listen to it, focus on it, sleep to it. Embed the thought of your money coming in your mind like you do the alphabet. This is aligning yourself up with your desires. This is how money makes it way to your front door

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 77

Become Enlightened

There are tools you need to move forward. Can a builder build a house without tools? Can a chef even begin to create a dish if he/she is unaware which spices blend? Even a doctor must understand which medications contradict one another before it can be prescribed. Thus you, the master of your fate, must understand that there are things you must understand in order for you to make a conscious choice on what steps to take next, Whether it’s in your personal





If you can accept these 10 things I am about to share with you, you are a step closer to mastering your life and changing what comes your










ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 78 Explanation: We are all connected, there are no accidents, and we breathe












Explanation: There are no weak forces within us or evil lurking about, our life force holds power and is connected to the source ( God) making us divine, since our every being came from a divine source.







Explanation: Curiosity is not an accidental occurrence, it is a tapping of the shoulder from the Creator letting you know that some truth of sort is about. It is the doubt that something is illogical that leads you to seek the truth. The truth becomes available when you the curious take a step to find out" what is real and what is not" In your awakening is where truth lies, however, many






ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 79

4 .We create ( choose, attract, vision) what life brings us Explanation: That fact that you may not believe it will not change its truth. So doth a man think , that which is he.







Explanation: Do not think that you are here by accident, if you move everything and everyone out of your thinking for a few days, you will see, that much more has gotten done, you will feel lighter, and that which you should be doing is getting done or at least is understood, where your destiny lies. Many of us do not understand what our destiny is because we don't know how to filter out the clutter in our lives. That clutter may be people, places or even things. Practice solitude for a few days, give your social life a break and watch how your inner self, directs you to the path in which












ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 80 Explanation: This is hardest to put in words because it requires answering so many questions, but I will say this, think of the Matrix, which pill you would take, the red or the blue. The red was more attractive so Neo takes it and wakes up to the real world. The blue would have kept him in his regular state. The point here is that we have never been offered the red pill. Our society slipped up the blue pill when we were not looking. Thus in our mind ( through conditioning) we accept the pictures laid out before us, good or bad. When in actuality, there is neither. Don't fret over not understanding this concept, it will be clear to you soon enough.






Explanation: There is no tomorrow promised or next week for that matter. Time being the best give only gives us now, this very moment. It is our concerned for all other moments that force us to lose opportunity, get side tracked, etc. If we learn to live in our

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 81 PRESENT MOMENT, our Now, we will find and feel the true experience of LIFE as it really is. Anything else is a hope without guarantee.







Explanation: We have all heard the saying of cause and effect, reap what you sow etc, however many of us don't realize that it doesn't necessarily mean the consequence will come right away, thus we believe that we got away with it, however, years later when something goes wrong in our lives we are quick to forget what action we did, and blame the person or entity for what is then happening. You must choose wisely when taking any type of action, your consequence can occur generations later even unto your loved ones.








Explanation; I don't think I really need to explain this one. If

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 82 you’re not sure, sit back and look at how many things occurred when you least expected it, be it to you or those around you.










Explanation: The world would have you believe that there is this thing called hate and all these other negative titles to keep you from



The truth is this, ask yourself, when someone got on your nerves, really got under your skin and downright hurt your feelings, you wanted nothing more to do with them right? You hated them right? Wrong, what your feeling is fear, fear that it may happen again, fear that love doesn't love you, fear that somehow saw you as gullible








Things we disagree with ( in man’s world hate) are usually a hidden truth about a thing or person that we really don't want to see. It's easier to "not like" that person then to face the fact of what frightens






Hate is just an excuse to not feel Fear, however it is facing your

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 83 fear that allows you to overcome people place and things that have hurt you.

Now that you have full control over your mind and body, you have learned how to respond to people and situations you have entered your God space. Here lies the final question of this journey. Truly manifesting what you desire. However, use the next few pages to help you get into alignment with what is true for you in order to get exactly what you want. Your how will come from within as you answer honestly.

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 84


What is it that you want - What would be your ideal outcome? Take a moment to get very clear in your mind (or on paper!) what being unstuck would look like before continuing. Identifying Options - So now you know what you want, answer these questions:  What specifically have you done so far? What worked and

what didn’t?  What do you have already (e.g. skills and resources) that could

move you forwards?  What research could you do to help you find the first (or next)

step?  What do you need to do before you do anything else?  Who else could you ask for help in achieving your goal?

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 85  If you were at your best, what would you do right now?  What would you do if you were an expert in (the area of your

goal/problem)?  What would you advise your best friend to do if they were in

your situation?  What would your best friend advise you to do?  What would (someone who inspires you) do in your situation?  If you had a choice what would you do?  What if you had as much time as you needed?  What if money were not an issue?  Imagine you’re fully confident in your abilities, what could you

do?  Imagine you’re fully confident that others will support you.

Now what could you do?

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 86  What other angles and options have you not thought of yet?  What is an impossible option?  What is the decision you have been avoiding?  If you (secretly) knew the answer to getting unstuck, what

would that be? Taking Action - Look at the list of ideas and options you now have:  What would be the smallest or easiest first step for you?  Which options or actions grab you?  How could you make the tasks/actions more enjoyable or fun?  Who else could help you in completing your action/s?  What’s one action you could take in the next 10 minutes?  What are three actions you could take that would make sense this week?

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 87  Let’s imagine you have found a magic lamp. You pick it up and absent-mindedly begin to stroke it. What’s that? I think it’s talking! Now, as you listen, I wonder what action it tells you to take. Commitment - Do something! Now choose your actions When specifically will you do your action/s? Include the day AND time. On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to complete each action?

- If it’s below an 8, then ask what is stopping you from completing the action - and make this your first action. How do you normally sabotage yourself - and what will you do differently this time? How will I know you’ve completed your action/s? Who will you tell about your actions (to support you in completing them)? What specifically will you ask your supporters to do for you?

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 88 Tell me how you’ll feel once you have completed your actions? How will you reward yourself when you complete your actions?

Goal Setting Worksheet

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 89 Please provide the following information and answer the questions below. Please list your top three goals: Goal # 1: _____________________________________________________ __________ _____________________________________________________ ___________________ This goal is important to me because: _________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ___________________ _____________________________________________________ ___________________ Some barriers in my life that might get in my way of achieving this goal are: _____________________________________________________ ___________________

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 90 _____________________________________________________ ___________________ Goal # 2: _____________________________________________________ __________ _____________________________________________________ ___________________ This goal is important to me because: _________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ___________________ _____________________________________________________ ___________________ Some barriers in my life that might get in my way of achieving this goal are: _____________________________________________________ ___________________

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 91 _____________________________________________________ ___________________ Goal # 3: _____________________________________________________ __________ _____________________________________________________ ___________________ This goal is important to me because: _________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ___________________ _____________________________________________________ ___________________ Some barriers in my life that might get in my way of achieving this goal are: _____________________________________________________ ___________________

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 92 _____________________________________________________ ___________________

Exercise 1 Write how you feel about your life

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 93

_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 94 _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ __

Exercise 2 What would like to change about your life?

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 95

_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 96 _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ________

Exercise 3

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 97 After reading this book how will you go about deprogramming your way of thinking? Take your time to determine what and or who must be removed in order for you to really focus and work toward what you want in your life?

_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 98 _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________

Progress Week 1

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 99

_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 100 _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 101 Progress Week 2

__________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 102 _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 103 _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 104

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 105 Progress Week 3

_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 106 _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 107

Progress Week 4


_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 108 _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 109 _____________________________________________________ _______

Final Progress Report How do you see yourself now? Use only 3 Words


ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 110


You can never keep it real within until you know who you are. ZELDAMHAYES.COM ZELDA HAYES Copyright 2013 All rights reserved LIFEWITHZELDA@GMAIL.COM

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 111

JOURNAL _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ___ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 112 _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ __________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 113 _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 114 _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 115 _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ __________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 116 _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ __________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ __________________

_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

ZELDA M HAYES / Working From The Inside Out / 117 _____________________________________________________ __________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ __________________

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