Book_Celine Bosal_FR_EN

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osal via Borgo Pio 73__________________________________00193 Rome, Italy 00393297464307____celine.bosal@gmail.com____Date of birth : 13/02/1986



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20 11 MASTER II Architecture_Projet de fin d’année : «Réconcilions nous qvec le Monstre» Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris Val de Seine, Paris, FRANCE_2009-2010 Mention Bien

MASTER II Architecture _ Final Degree : “Reconcile us with the Monster” School of Architecture Paris Val de Seine, Paris, FRANCE_2009-2010 Distinction

MASTER I_Programme Erasmus Faculté d’Architecture Ludovico Quaroni, Université La Sapienza de Rome, ITALIE_2008-2009 Programme : Découverte de l’Architecture Italienne, restauration et paysage

MASTER I _ Erasmus program Faculty of Architecture Ludovico Quaroni, University La Sapienza of Rome, ITALY _ 2008-2009 Erasmus Program : Discovery of Italian Architecture, Restoration and Landscape

DEUG DE PHYSIQUE CHIMIE Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, FRANCE Mention Assez bien_2004-2005

DEUG OF PHYSICS CHEMISTRY (Degree of two years) University “Pierre et Marie Curie”, Paris (75), FRANCE Distinction_ 2004-2005


FIRST YEAR OF PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR ENGINEERS High school “Chaptal”, Paris (75), FRANCE_2003-2004 Option Physics – Chemistry

• Compétente dans l’élaborations de projets architecturals, esquisses et graphisme.

• Proficient in elaboration of architectural projects, sketches, and graphic design.

HIGH SCHOOL _ A-levels_Scientific Section High School René Cassin, Gonesse (95), FRANCE_ June 2003 Distinction_ Speciality : physics /chimistry

• exceptionnelle capacité à respecter les délais, même serrés, et à présenter des documents avec une agréable présentation à la direction, aux clients et aux collègues de travail, avec une parfaite maîtrise des logiciels graphiques.

• Exceptional capacity to meet deadlines, even when tight, and to present documents with nice layouts to the direction, the clients and to the co-workers, with perfect mastery of graphics software.

• Excellente capacité à travailler en équipe et à prendre des initiatives,mais aussi efficace dans le travail autonome.

• Excellent capacities to work in a team and take initiatives, but also efficient when working autonomously.;

• Capacité à travailler et à assimiler rapidement l’information en français / anglais / italien.

• Ability to work and quickly assimilate information in French/ English/ Italian.

• Très bien organisée et attentive aux détails

• Very well organised and attentive to detail

• Flexible et facile à l’ adaptation à des situations changeantes, fiables et rigoureuses

• Flexible and easy to adapt to changing situations, reliable and rigorous

BACCALAUREAT SCIENTIFIQUE Lycée René Cassin, Gonesse (95), FRANCE_2003 Mention Assez bien_ Option : Physique Chimie


Français Langue maternelle Italien Bilingue, langue utilisée au travail Anglais lu, écrit, parlé Allemand Débutant

French Mother Tongue Italian Bilingual , Working knowledge of Italian English Conversational German Basic knowledge

COMPETENCES INFORMATIQUES ||COMPUTER SKILLS Windows / Microsoft Office, Autocad 2010, Adobe Photoshop CS3, Adobe Illustrator CS3, Adobe In design CS3, Google Sketchup Pro

Windows / Microsoft Office, Autocad 2010, Adobe Photoshop CS3, Adobe Illustrator CS3, Adobe In design CS3, Google Sketchup Pro

Animatrice des Centres d’animation pour enfants_ Baby sitting_2004-2009

Employed at animation centers for children_ Baby sitting_ 2004-2009


Animatrice responsable des centres d’animation pour enfants des Hippodromes de Paris avec la compagnie «France Galop»_2007-2008

Responsible for animation centers for children at the Hippodrome in Paris with the company «France Galop»(France)_2007-2008


Employé au Stade de France (Paris Saint Denis)_2006-2007

Employee at the National Stadium « Stade de France » (Paris)_ 2006-2007


Vendeuse ches «H&M» (temps partiel)_2005-2006

Seller at the society H&M (part time) (Paris)_ 2005-2006



LOISIRS || INTERESTS Danse modern jazz ( 6 années, diplomée) Gimnastique ( 12 années ) Violon ( 12 années, diplomée) Voyages : Scandinavie, Grande Bretagne, Allemagne, Espagne, USA, Italie, ... Permis de conduire (depuis 2005)

Dance modern jazz ( 6 years, graduated) Gymnastics (12 years) Violin (12 years, graduated) Member of an Orchestra World traveler : Scandinavia, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, USA, Italy,... Driving licence




Reconcilions nous avec le Monstre Projet de Fin d’Etudes Site : Rome, Italie_Année : 2010_ENSAPVS

« Reconcile us with the monster « Graduation project Location : Rome, Italy | Year : 2010_ENSAPVS


Centre des arts numériques sur les quais de Seine Site : Paris, France_Année : 2008_ENSAPVS

Digital arts center on the Seine Location : Paris, France | Year : 2008_ENSAPVS


Maison des Mathématiques Site : Paris XIII, France_Année : 2008_ENSAPVS

Faculty of mathematics Location : Paris XIII, France | Year : 2008_ENSAPVS


Logements et bureaux d’angle à Paris Site : Paris XIII, France_Année : 2008_ENSAPVS

Housing and office corner in Paris Location : Paris XIII, France | Year : 2008_ENSAPVS


Recherches sur l’habitat intermédiaire et écologique Site X_Année : 2008_ENSAPVS

Research on sustainable housing Location X | Year : 2008_ENSAPVS


Immeuble d’angle à Paris Site : Paris XVIII, France_Année : 2007_ENSAPVS

Housing in Paris Location: Paris XVIII, France | Year : 2007_ENSAPVS


Centre d’arts martiaux à Paris Site : Paris XVII, France_Année : 2007_ ENSAPVS

Martial Arts Centre Location : Paris XVII, France | Year : 2007_ENSAPVS


Une crèche à Ris Orangis Site : Ris Orangis, 92, France_Annee : 2007_ENSAPVS

Nursery Location : Ris Orangis, 92, France | Year : 2007_ ENSAPVS


Petit immeuble Site : Paris XI, France_Annee : 2006_ENSAPVS.

A small housing building Location : Paris XI, France | Year : 2006_ENSAPVS.


Centre nautique Site : Lac de Venables, 76, France_Année : 2006_ENSAPVS

Nautical Centre Location : Lake Venables, 76, France | Year : 2006_ENSAPVS


Plate forme musicale Site : Ris Orangis, 92, France_Annee : 2006_ENSAPVS

Music platform Location : Ris Orangis, 92, France | Year : 2006_ ENSAPVS


Pavillon de verre Site X_Année : 2006_ENSAPVS

Glass Pavilion Location X | Year : 2006_ENSAPVS


Requalification du quartier San Lorenzo Laboratoire de disposition des espaces verts et d’environnement extérieur III Site : Rome, Italie_Année : 2009_Faculté L.Q., IT

Re-qualification of San Lorenzo’s district Public spaces and green llaboratory Location : Rome, Italy | Year : 2009_Faculty of Architecture L.Q., IT


Restauration et Manutention de la Villa Celimontana Laboratoire de Manutention des Parcs et jardins historiques III Site : Rome, Italie_Année : 2009_Faculté L.Q., IT

Restoration of the “Villa Celimontana” Restoration of Historic Parks and Gardens Laboratory Location : Rome, Italy | Year : 2009_ Faculty of Architecture L.Q., IT


La cité des Lacs, Projet urbain Laboratoire d’Urbanisme IV Site : Bracciano, Italie_Année : 2009_Faculté L.Q., IT

City of Lakes, Urban project Urban project Laboratory Location : Bracciano, Italy | Year : 2009_ Faculty of Architecture L.Q., IT


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ferrini::stella:;n!studio_Rome, Italie (plein temps; Octobre 2010_actuellement et stage Mai 2009_Juillet 2009) Architecte junior > Missions : Dirige en tant que chef de projet les différentes phases du projet pour le centre Socioculturel à Ermont (95, Ile de France) Développe avec l’équipe d’architectes des projets internationaux. Communique avec les clients et les partenaires pour la préparation des dossiers de candidature pour des concours français Concoit des études volumétriques en maquettes pour les projets de l’agence Développe des images graphiques pour les présentations de l’agence.

ferrini::stella:;n!studio_Rome, Italy (full time, October 2010_in progress and internship May 2009 – July 2009) Junior Architect > Missions : Duties similar to the project manager in different phases of the project ‘A social and cultural Center in Ermont ‘ ( close to Paris) Develop international projects with the concept team . Communicate with clients and partners to form a French competition team. Produce and develop clear presentations + cardboard models on request. Develop graphic design for the agency’s presentations

ANTONINI + DARMON Architectes_Paris, France (stage plein temps, Février 2010_Mai 2010) Architecte Junior > Missions : Participation et gestion du Concours pour le projet de la Maison de la Bièvre Travaille sur différentes phases ( APS, APD, PRO) pour des projets résidentiels et culturels.

ANTONINI + DARMON Architectes_Paris, France (internship full time, February 2010_Mai 2010 ) Junior Architect > Missions : Duties similar to the project manager in the competition for the project « la Maison de la Bièvre », social and educational house Work on different phases (executive, definitive) for housing and cultural projects

Lda Paris (Luca Dal Cerro Architecte)_Paris, France (stage à temps partiel, Septembre 2007_Juillet 2008) Architecte Junior > Missions : Participate aux concours internationaux : Masterplan à Venise, deux extensions de musées en Angleterre et en Suisse, Développe des études graphiques pour le Book de l’agence Préparare des dossiers de candidature pour les concours français, Produit des dessins graphiques pour les projets résidentiels et de restauration Participe aux réunions de chantier

Lda Paris (Luca Dal Cerro Architecte)_Paris, France (internship part time, September 2007_July 2008) Junior Architect >Missions : Develop international projects of various extent with the concept team : masterplan in Venice, two museum extension in Great Britain and Swiss. Develop graphic designs for the agency’s book. Produce drawings for housing and restoration projects. Participate at site meeting with clients.

Rénovation médiévale_Logis en Sigogne_France (temps plein, Juillet 2007 Association française Rempart > Missions : Fondations, rejointement, pavements, taille de pierre.

Voluntary Practice Renovation of a medieval tower: Logis en Sigogne, France (full time, July 2007) French Association « Rempart » > Missions : Foundations, pavement, stone cutting.







La Tête dans les Nuages Concours International, Séminaire Aubert Auzelle Thème : Composer avec la Nature Février 2009 Projet classé 6ème_Mention 500E

« La Tête dans les Nuages » (Head in the Clouds) International Competition, Seminar Aubert Auzelle, France Topic : Coping with Nature February 2009 Project selected and ranked 6th _Mention 500E

Rome CityVision Concours international, City vision mag Thème : Concours d’idée sur le futur de Rome Juin 2010

Rome CityVision International Competition, City vision mag Topic: Idea competition about the city of Rome’s future June 2010

Market in the city (Un marché dans la ville) Workshop international ASICUP Faculté d’architecture Valle Giulia, Rome, Italie Thème : Création d’un marché à Rome Janvier 2009

Market in the city International Workshop ASICUP Faculty of architecture Valle Giulia, Rome, Italy Topic : Project for a new city market January 2009

DEDD_Département de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable. Concours Acier 2009-2010 Thème: Immaginez votre école Mars 2010

DEDD_Department of Environment and Sustainable Development French students Competition Acier 2009-2010 Topic : Imagine your school Mars 2010

La serre de mon grand-père Concours de l’Innovation 2010 Thème : Inventons les Natures Urbaines Février 2010

«La serre de mon grand-père» ( My grandfather’s greenhouse) Innovation Competition 2010 Topic : Inventing the urban nature February 2010


« Reconcile us with the monster » Graduation project with Distinction

Location : Rome, Italy | Year : 2010_ENSAPVS Teacher : M. De Monchy The project site that I have chosen is located in Rome, Italy. It is surrounded by important urban unities like the historical cemetery of Verano, the biggest University in Europe « La Sapienza » and the railways coming from the Train Station Termini and Tiburtina. The area includes the districts of San Lorenzo, Esquilino and Prenestino, which are separated by a great Train depot of 40 acres. Specifically, it consists of an elevated highway, part of the “Tangenziale Est” (circular ring motorway) running very near and between residential buildings, which is the reason why the inhabitants call it ‘the monster of San Lorenzo’. Why was the « Sopraelevata » built that way? Because cars had to cross two important existing obstacles: the great Train depot and the two railways coming from the Central Train Stations. Besides, this territory is enclosed by preexisting historical boundaries such as the Aurelian Wall, but also by major infrastructure. It is therefore an “underdog” of the city. How can we reconnect this territory to the City? How can we give the city a new attractive image? Firstly, to adress these problems, I had to study the future potential roles of the Sopraelevata and the adjoining disused railway. The principal cause why the S. was built was the presence of the Train depot. Once this cause is suppressed, what becomes of its consequence? What is the future of the Sopraelevata in the Train depot re-qualification? Maintain, rescue or destroy the Sopraelevata?

The urban project applies a global strategy to the urban dimension: unbound and connect this area, give it a good transport network, renew and transform it in a city district, socially variegated and time strong. The project is organized on three axes : 1. Use transformation of the Sopraelevata with installation of new public transport mobilities. The S. has been for a long time the more efficient way of transport to move from the suburbs to the historical center. Its use and scope should stay the same, but the mean has to change. The S. is a unique piece in the Story of Rome ‘s infrastructure. About 3 kilometers long, it crosses railways and the Train depot and connects two districts. If this structure was destroyed, the city would lose an important and useful area. In no case, it would be possible to recreate a similar configuration of linear open space. Nowadays, there exist some railway rehabilitation projects such as the “Promenade plantée” in Paris or the High Line in New York. In our case, we are in front of a city with a poor public transport, where only two underground lines, soon three, serve the city. The S looks like a perfect tool to receive new transport networks. The project suggests to host the existing 19 tramway line on the upper road instead of its current location below the S, and a new Tram which would connect the district to the future main railway station of Rome and the historic center. On her lower road, a mini metro would be created taking the name The Minerva would meander around the park. About 8 meters below the viaduct, 3 will be used for the Minerva, the other 5 will offer a space for walking and cycling. The stops will be every two hundred meters along a staircase and an elevator will provide access the raised portions. Today, the streets are congested with cars and motorcycles because of the lack of parking lots. The project is therefore to reduce road traffic by prioritizing the existing road network, creating new major transportation roads and providing parking areas at the entrances of the district and the Park. The primary objective is to give back valuable space to pedestrians and cyclists. At the Park level, The Sopraelevata will provide shade for pedestrians. For those who will take the path overhead instead, they will find themselves above the treetops, an unusual and appealing vision.

2. The reconquest of a large railway area in the Villa Sapienza, a true university heart bringing together and integrating thousands of students from the city. The development project extends over Scalo San Lorenzo’s vast railway line of about 40 acres. This line is now enclosed by rail and road infrastructure crossing the site. The displacement and reorganization of rail operations and logistics which occupied the site provides the spaces needed for the realization of this major project. The strategy will be to redesign the railway by developing a new area dedicated to students organized around a major urban park, which will include housing, cultural activities and sports. This major redevelopment of the area will bring a new image to the city, especially to the east of Rome. An urban park The idea is to make a park completely nested in neighborhoods, in a way so that the park hugs the city and the city embraces the park back. We would take the park as we take a street. Entries coincide with new public squares that connect the park to the city. It therefore plays the role of both human and biological corridor. Human because it connects functionally different habitats of the local neighborhoods on two main «north south «and «East - West» axes and allows migration and dispersion. Biological as it ensures the flow of species and genes in the east-west which are necessary for the survival of species (insects and birds) and their adaptive evolution. Place of inspiration and evocation of memory, the park is based on the topography of ancient rail halls in order to form terraces or gardens in a hollow. Other elements are maintained as some catenaries or the large loading dock. The tree trail follows the old draw of the rails of which most will be preserved. The choice of plants is facing the gardens of wasteland, on the lines of the abandoned railway: the brambles, the blackthorn, the dogwood are the most common ones, but there is also

chervil, thistles and fireweed. To create an urban park is like achieving a diversity of uses that responds to a variety of ages. There are the children, the middle aged, adolescents, older people, everyone has a different way of seize space. To allow bodies to be « in all these states », we will multiply the fun areas for kids, rest areas and walking trails, sports fields, recreational spaces, etc.. La Villa della Sapienza A few hundred meters from the new park lies the University La Sapienza. It is one of the largest in the world with over 145 000 students, but its fame does not equal its grandness. In addition, there is no dormitory and sport facilities are located outside the city. The fate of this urban park will be hosting a new city landmark that I named « Villa della Sapienza ». It will be the university heart full of housing and services for Italian and foreign students. Its aim will be to receive and integrate the Italian students, but especially to boost exchanges between European and world universities. Indeed, the city of Rome has always been a journey of discovery for students: In 1663 Louis XIV created the « Prix de Rome », a scholarship for art students to stay at the Academy of France in Rome, at that time Palace Mancini. The « Villa della Sapienza » wants to give again the students the opportunity to study in the Eternal City. New cultural and sports facilities for all Some old industrial buildings such as the rotunda, are preserved and converted into cultural and sports facilities. A real sports center will find its place within the Park. New equipment will also be created within the Park and along the street. It will be open to all without exception, unlike the equipment of the « Cité Internationale Universitaire » which is for students only.

New housing on the Scalo San Lorenzo street Along the Scalo San Lorenzo street, near the park, new housing will replace the old buildings. They will be set back from the old buildings in order to generate more public space on the street, to bring more light and to be at a sufficient distance from the Sopraelevata. In addition, they will provide more openness to the Park. The ground floor will be dedicated to shops and local services. They will have broad common terraces facing south and overlooking the park. Mixed pavilions For instance, the French pavilion will have a showroom dedicated to exhibitions and events related to France. It will accommodate 50% of French students and 50% of students from other countries. It may be funded by the French state on one side and by the Italian university on the other. The goal is not to separate the different nationalities but to promote social and cultural exchanges. A possible future expansion Some parts of the park will remain natural and pristine in order to receive future pavilions. A charter will define the rules of construction and architecture for future pavilions, but their style will be completely free and as the Country will choose.


Re qualification of artisanal areas

The urban project is also interested in some disorganized and degraded areas of San Lorenzo , specifically artisanal buildings. Le Borghetto dei Marmi The artisanal area is situated between « Piazza del Verano » and « Largo Passamonti » along the Verano cemetery, or more specifically between the University and the future Villa della Sapienza. Therefore there will be the opporutnity to reclassify and create a strong axis: Viale del Verano, a wide road that will connect the University, the Verano Cemetery, Villa della Sapienza and Place Caballini, early Pigneto district. The building will be built on the existing one in order to identify new housing systems. Particular attention will be paid to new workspace for artisans by implanting halls along Viale del Verano. Le Borghetto dei Lucani A parkway will be arranged under the artisanal area. The new Borghetto will be organized around a central courtyard. It will serve artisan workshops while homes will overlook the street. It will lead to a place that offers a panoramic viewpoint on Sopraelevata and the park entrance. 4.

In conclusion

The Sector San Lorenzo is one of the largest space opportunities in the capital and offers the potential for evolution and development of prime importance. It occupies a pivotal position between the center of Rome and the city’s East side. More than a new living space, the project San Lorenzo_Villa della Sapienza establishes an urban continuity, associating existing neighborhoods and establishing connections necessary to give a better and new image to the city of Rome. The aim of this rehabilitation redevelopment project is to bring the inhabitants closer to their district, closer to open spaces and Nature. The former monster of San Lorenzo would turn out to become a new symbol of the city of Rome.


Centre Socioculturel F.rude Social and Cultural Center F. Rude

Lieu : Ermont, France Année : 2011 avec ferrini::stella:;n!studio Maitrise d’ouvrage : Ville d’Ermont (95) Montant des travaux : 1.800.000 Euros Surface : 600 m2 Programme : Pole enfant, famille et évènements, accueil et citoyenneté et logistique et personnel avec traitement paysager de 9000 m2 Mission : APS, APD, PC, PRO Phase : En cours Location : Ermont, France Year : 2011 with ferrini::stella:;n!studio Client : City of Ermont (95) Cost : 1.800.000 Euro Size : 600 m2 Program : documentations, kindergarten, showrooms, conference rooms, offices and 9000 m² of park area with playgrounds and garden Mission : APS, APD, PC, PRO Status : In progress ( Executive)


Maison de la Bièvre Maison de la Bièvre

Lieu : Arcueil, France Année : 2010 avec ANTONINI + DARMON Maitrise d’ouvrage : Mairie d’Arcueil (92) Montant des travaux : 1.870.000 Euros Surface :720 m² Programme : espaces d’exposition, documentation, salles polyvalentes Mission :Etudes volumétriques, programmatiques, production des pièces graphiques et écrites. Phase : Concours à procédure restreinte Location : Arcueil, France Year : 2010 with ANTONINI + DARMON Client : City of Arcueil (92) Cost :1.870.000 Euro Size : 720 m² Program : exhibitions spaces, documentation, showrooms Mission : Volumetric and programming studies, production of graphics and written pieces. Status : International competition restricted procedure


La Tête dans les Nuages Head in the Clouds

Lieu : Bracciano_Italie Annee : 2009 Faculté Ludovico Quaroni Equipe : Celine Bosal et Lorenzo Cellini Professeur : Antonella Galassi Programme : Aménagement des bords du lac de Bracciano avec création de la Maison des Oiseaux, de sentiers de randonnées et de tours observations Mention Spéciale 500 E Location : Bracciano_Italy Year : 2009 Faculty of Architecture Ludovico Quaroni Project team : Celine Bosal and Lorenzo Cellini Teacher : Antonella Galassi Program : Boardwalk of the lake of Bracciano, project of the House of Birds, hiking trails and observation towers Special Distinction 500 E


Rome City Vision Rome City Vision

Lieu : Rome, Italie Annee : 2010 Programme : Esquisse de mon Projet de Fin d’études : Requalification de la Sopraelevata de San Lorenzo et de l’aire ferroviaire sous-jacente. Projet d’un nouvel espace vert, de logements étudiants, de services universitaires, de réseaux en transports en communs et d’ateliers d’artisans. Location : Rome, Italy Year : 2010 Program : First idea of my graduation project. Re-qualification of the Sopraelevata of San Lorenzo and of the railway site. Project for new green areas, student housing, University Services, public transport networks and artisan studios.


Restauration de la Villa Celimontana Restoration of the “Villa Celimontana”

Lieu : Rome, Italie Annee : 2009 Professeur : Mme Vitielo Laboratoire de restauration et de manutention des parc et jardins historiques Programme : Manutention des végétaux, création de jardins thématiques, remise en état des fontaines historiques et des axes piétonniers,... Résultat : 28/30 Location : Rome, Italy Year : 2009 Teacher : Miss Vitielo Laboratory restoration Historic Parks and Gardens Program : Study of botanic plants, plant handling, project of thematics gardens, restoration of historic fountains, design of a playground


La Cité des Lacs, projet urbain City of Lakes, Urban project

Lieu : Bracciano, Italie Annee : 2009 Professeur : Mme. Antonella Galassi Laboratoire d’urbanisme IV Programme : Projet urbain sur la cité des Lacs après analyse su territoire. Proposition d’aménagement des berges du lac. Résultat : 29/30 Location : Bracciano, Italy Year : 2009 Teacher : Miss. Antonella Galassi Laboratory of Urban project Program : Urban project about the City of lakes’ following a complete analysis of the territory. Proposition for a boardwalk Score : 29/30

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