Local Economic And Employment Development Lee

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Local Economic And Employment Development (leed) More Than Just Jobs: Workforce Development In A Skills-based Economy DOWNLOAD HERE

1;Foreword;5 2;Table of Contents;7 3;Executive Summary;13 4;Part I. Introduction and Findings;17 4.1;Chapter 1. A Broader Agenda for Workforce Development;19 4.1.1;Introduction;20;Implications of capital mobility;21;Mobility of labour: Skills mismatch;22;A new agenda for employment and training policy;23 4.1.2;A governance challenge;24;Box 1.1. Human resources and the local drivers of growth;25 4.1.3;Reforming institutional structures;28;Decentralisation;28;Partnerships;30 4.1.4;Case examples;32;Upgrading the skills of the low-qualified;33;Integrating immigrants;34;Local responses;36;National responses;37 4.1.5;Conclusion;38 4.1.6;Bibliography;40 4.2;Chapter 2. The Governance of Workforce Development: Lessons Learned from the OECD Experience;41 4.2.1;Introduction;42 4.2.2;United States: Building partnerships to overcome policy gaps;43 4.2.3;France: Doing what is possible given the limits of decentralisation;44 4.2.4;Germany: Making employment services more effective;45 4.2.5;United Kingdom: Empowering the cities;46 4.2.6;Australia: Localised responses to regional diversity;48 4.2.7;Japan: Building local capacity;49 4.2.8;Korea: Proposal for a new paradigm;50 4.2.9;Driving change: Recommendations;51;Box 2.1. Recommendations for enhancing the governance of workforce development;52 4.2.10;Bibliography;53 5;Part II. Country Studies;55 5.1;Chapter 3. The United States: How Partnerships Can Overcome Policy Gaps;57 5.1.1;Introduction;58 5.1.2;Local economic development;59 5.1.3;The US workforce system;60;Universal access;61;System integration and service co-ordination;61;Customer focus and empowerment;62;Performance measurement and accountability;62;Strengthening local decision making;63;Enhanced state and local flexibility;63 5.1.4;Partnerships;63;Workforce Investment Boards;64;Figure 3.1. Schematic of partnership relationship with Workforce Investment Boards;65;Workforce intermediaries;65;Partnerships with state and federal agencies;67 5.1.5;Criteria for successful partnerships;67;Box 3.1. Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award;69;Box 3.2. Baldrige s seven criteria for a successful organisation;71;Figure 3.2. Baldrige criteria: A systems approach;70 5.1.6;Examples of partnerships;72;Vertical partnerships among governmental entities within the WIA system;72;WIBs and workforce intermediaries;73;State and regional skill alliances;77;Federal initiatives promoting regional partnerships;80;Local economic development organisations;81 5.1.7;Requisites for effective partnerships;83;Leadership;83;Shared vision of customers and their needs;84;Strategic planning and analysis;85;Human resource focus;85;Process management;85;Information and ongoing analysis;86 5.1.8;Conclusion;86 5.1.9;Notes;87 5.1.10;Bibliography;87 5.2;Chapter 4. France: Bridging Regional Training and Local Employment;89 5.2.1;Introduction;90 5.2.2;Regional mobilisation: The need for strategic management of the regions;91;Table 4.1. Regional gross product, 2002;92;Table 4.2. Rate of unemployment per region;93;Table 4.3. Definition of the axes;94;Table 4.4. Table of correlation;94;Figure 4.1. Results of the factor analysis;95 5.2.3;Local mobilisation: The need for a local governance of the labour market;96;The efficacy of this local approach: the lessons of the Territorial Employment Pacts (TEPs);97;Table 4.5. French TEPs employment impacts;98 5.2.4;Bridging regional development and local employment: The issue of training;99 5.2.5;New competencies and instruments at the regional level;101;Regional economic development schemes;101;Poles of competi EAN/ISBN : 9789264043282 Publisher(s): OECD Paris Discussed keywords: Gesellschaft, Politik, Wirtschaftspolitik Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Gigure, Sylvain


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