交龍紋蓋鼎 Ding with Cross-Dragon Pattern 春 秋 中 期 (B.C.670~ B.C.571) Mid Spring-Autumn Period(B.C.670~ B.C.571)
Ding with Cross=Dragon Pattern 春秋中期(B.C.670~ B.C.571) Spring-Autumn Period (B.C. 670 ~ B.C. 571) 耳距:42.3cm 口徑:36cm 通高:38cm 重量:8.8kg ED:42.3cm D:36cm H:38cm W:8.8kg 來源 日本藏家提供 Provenance Private Collection, Japan
參考 1. 春秋早期 鄧公乘鼎 (湖北省襄陽縣山灣出土,湖北省博物館藏)【圖一】 2. 春秋中期 蟠虺紋鼎 (湖北省當陽縣金家山出土,宜昌市博物館藏)【圖二】 3. 春秋中期 蟠螭紋蓋鼎 (山西省侯馬市上馬出土,山西省博物館藏)【圖三】 4. 春秋晚期 楚子 鼎 (湖北省當陽縣趙家湖出土,宜昌市博物館藏)【圖四】 5. 春秋中晚期 蟠虺紋鼎 (河南省輝縣琉璃閣出土,河南省博物館藏)【圖五】 List of figures 1. Early Spring-Autumn, Lord Deng Kung Ch'eng Deng Ding Vessel (Excavated from Shanwan, Xiangyang County, Hubei Povince, Hubei Museum Collection)〔Pic.1〕 2. Mid Spring-Autumn, Coiled Serpent (Excavated from Jinjiashan, Dangyang County, Hubei Province, I Ch'ang City Museum Collection)〔Pic.2〕 3. Mid Spring-Autumn, Interlaced Hrdra Design Ding with Cover (Houma City in Shanxi Province, Shanxi Museum)〔Pic.3〕 4. Late Spring-Autumn, Chuzi Ding Vessel (Excavated from Zhaochiahu, Dangyang County, Hubei Province, I Ch'ang City Museum Collection)〔Pic.4〕 5. Mid-Late Spring-Autumn, Coiled Serpent (Excavated from Liulige, Hui County, Honan Province, Honan Museum Collection)〔Pic.5〕
參閱 郭寶鈞:《商周銅器群綜合研究》(北京市:文物出版社,1981年12月)。 河南博物院、臺北歷史博物館:《新鄭鄭公大墓青銅器》(鄭州市:大象出版 社,2001年)。 彭裕商:《春秋青銅器年代綜合研究》(北京市:中華書局,2011年08月)。 陳夢家:〈壽縣蔡侯墓銅器〉,《考古學報》1956年02期。 山西省文管會:〈山西侯馬上馬村東周墓葬〉,《考古》1963年05期。 References Kuo Baojun: 《Combined research on Shang and Zhou bronze vessel groups》 (Peijing city, Cultural relics publish in Dec. 1981)
Honan museum, Taipei museum of history :《 Bronze vessels for the Lord Zheng mausoleum》(Zheng-Chou City, Da Shung Publish 2001) Peng Yushang: 《Combined research on dating of bronze vessels from the Spring and Autumn period》(Peijing City, Chung-Hwa Book Store, Aug. 2011) Chen Mengchia: 〈 Bronze vessels from the Lord Tsai grave, Shou County 〉 《Archaeological Report》Issue 2nd 1956 B.C Shanxi Province Archives:〈Eastern Zhou Tomb, Houma city in Shanxi province〉 《Archaeological work》Issue 5th 1963 B.C
萬邦為憲 殷周青銅器中,鼎之存世量雖居其冠,地位卻最為典要,除貴族在 日常生活作為炊器、盛食器以外;亦是饗燕、祭祀時的代表禮器之 一,特殊地位不言可喻。故《春秋左傳.宣公三年》提及「桀有昏 德,鼎遷於商,載祀六百,商紂暴虐,鼎遷於周。……,成王定鼎 於郟、鄏,卜世三十,卜年七百,天所命也。」一旦君王失德,象 徵天命王權之寶鼎便易主。統治階層不僅嗜鼎,在《春秋公羊傳. 桓公二年》何休《解詁》中「《禮》祭:天子九鼎,諸侯七,卿大 夫五,元士三也。」更可看出,鼎數多寡,直接襯托、象徵器主身 份與地位。至於鼎在祭祀、行禮場合之陳設,以及禮器配套方式, 可參詳《尚書》、《詩經》、《儀禮》所記,不予贅述。
民具爾瞻 武王克殷後,封建諸藩以屏周室;成王年幼,周公攝政、營雒,因 革殷代舊禮,以等邦國;直至西周末年,幽王近僻遠賢,犬戎入 寇,宗周覆滅。諸侯擁立太子宜臼即位,是為周平王,平王捨棄宗 周、豐、鎬故地,東遷成周,史稱「東周」。東周在三家分晉以 前為「春秋」時期(約B.C.770~ B.C.476);分晉以後則進入「戰 國」時期(約B.C.475~ B.C.222)。 春秋早期,周王室雖維持天下共主地位,然而不再具有支配諸侯國 的力量;青銅器反應政治變化,出現部分地方性器物,但器制、風 格仍然尊奉宗周,以舊王畿器型為典範,體現一股向心性。 春秋中、晚期,諸侯國對外競相發展勢力,吞併鄰近小國之餘;內 部宗室、卿大夫也乘機擴充領地,以及經濟、軍事實力。形成周王 室、諸侯公室漸次衰弱之局面。分裂的政治勢力,使得象徵貴族等 級制度、禮制之青銅器,產生相應變化,列國各自形成獨特青銅器 制、風格。
示我周行 本鼎為標準春秋中期器型,流行於中原地區,陳夢家認為:「這 些鼎都是有蓋,附耳而深腹的。……,可能是形制較大的一種特 鼎。」(陳夢家:〈壽縣蔡侯墓銅器〉,《考古學報》1956年2 期。)誠然,此類附耳帶蓋鼎器體碩實,鑄工、紋飾亦較一般中、 小型列鼎精緻,器主身份多半不低,出土數量有限,應為具有獨立 用項之「特鼎」。以下試舉器型、紋飾類似器證成之。
春秋早期 鄧公乘鼎 湖北省襄陽縣山灣出土 湖北省博物館藏 口徑21.4cm 通高26.6cm 器、蓋同銘,作器者為鄧公乘。鄧國為曼姓之後,西周初年南遷至 河南鄧州,與周王室交好,秩在侯爵。《春秋左傳.莊公六年》載 「十六年,楚復伐鄧,滅之。」於春秋早期偏晚,魯莊公十六年 (B.C.678),鄧為楚所滅。 鄧鼎作器者明確,透過器物自銘,可推勘附耳帶蓋鼎器型之出現下 限,不晚於春秋早期偏晚,可視為斷代標準器型,具有重要文史價 值。 該鼎為鄧侯作器,屬中等器型,鼎足微外撇、細長,就器型發展過 程而言,應屬較後期製品。舉凡大小、紋飾、鑄工皆不如本交龍紋 蓋鼎;藉此可將本鼎年代上溯春秋早期,器主如非國君,亦當不脫 諸侯公室所出。
春秋中期 蟠虺紋鼎 湖北省當陽縣金家山出土 宜昌市博物館藏 口徑33.6cm 通高31.8cm 器型敦實,造型比例與本交龍紋蓋鼎極近似。鼎足粗矮,腿部所鑄 饕餮紋極精,宗周遺韻尚存。惟蟠虺紋飾平夷,稍遜於本鼎。整體 大氣雄渾,亦應屬國君、公室之製器。
春秋中期 蟠螭紋蓋鼎 山西省侯馬市上馬出土 山西省博物館藏 腹徑39cm 通高42.4cm 與本交龍紋蓋鼎器型、紋飾、大小極近似。惟圈形捉手為片形柱; 鼎足為素體,略微細長、單薄。等級上不如本鼎。
春秋晚期 楚子 鼎 湖北省當陽縣趙家湖出土 宜昌市博物館藏 口徑21cm 通高24.5cm 由器內底鏨銘可知,器主為楚子
受子爵,都在河南省淅川縣丹水之陽;春秋早期(B.C.704)自稱 王。因春秋器頗多為兵燹後,由他國戰獲、分賞,加之此器為鏨 銘,不排除作器者非楚子 ,斷代上應回推春秋中期為允。 該鼎與鄧公乘鼎同屬中等器型,鼎足細長。舉凡大小、紋飾、鑄工 皆不如本交龍紋蓋鼎。藉此可旁證本鼎,器主如非國君,亦當不脫 諸侯公室。
春秋中晚期 蟠虺紋鼎 河南省輝縣琉璃閣出土 河南省博物館藏 通高30.5cm 是鼎為琉璃閣甲墓出土,墓制規格極高,符合諸侯等級。與本交龍 紋蓋鼎器型近似,紋飾簡單。惟圈形捉手為片形柱;鼎足為素體, 略微細長、單薄。等級上遠不如本鼎。
西周晚期 史頌鼎
春秋中晚期 交龍紋鼎 圖六
春秋中期 蟠螭紋蓋鼎 山西省侯馬市上馬出土 山西省博物館藏 腹徑39cm 通高42.4cm 圈形捉手、六龍首柱頭與本交龍紋蓋鼎器型極近似,可資斷代旁證。
河南省輝縣琉璃閣甲墓出土 交龍紋與本交龍紋蓋鼎器型極近似,可資斷代旁證。
春秋中晚期 蟠虺紋鼎 河南省輝縣琉璃閣M60號墓出土 倒三角變形蟬紋與本交龍紋蓋鼎器型極近似,可資斷代旁證。
上海博物館藏 西周晚期鼎足變粗矮,腿鑄獸面紋,面起扉稜。春秋早期鼎足之獸面 紋、扉稜保留宗周遺制明顯。本交龍紋蓋鼎足即追源於史頌鼎風格, 可資斷代旁證。
This practical tripod vessel comprises a pair of ringed handles and a
dome-shaped lid adorned the top of which is made up of six dragons.
The ringed handles are decorated with a twisted cord pattern (TaoSuo)
while the lid cover displays a pattern of hornless dragons (PanChi).
The vessel is covered in decorative patterns, with its ringed handles
evenly spaced. It has a voluminous body that tapers downwards and
is supported by 3 inward-facing legs that resemble the legs of a huge
beast, with the length of its heels not extending beyond the diameter
of the vessel. Adorning the vessel are repetitive patterns of hornless
dragons (PanChi) complemented by images of cicada (Can) and a
twisted cord pattern (TaoSuo). The ringed handles are decorated with a
thunder pattern (Lei) while the faces of animals are carved in relief on
the ridged upper legs of the vessel.
During the Spring-Autumn era, bronze vessels originated from
鼎、楚子 鼎、琉璃閣甲墓蟠虺紋鼎相比,器型大小、紋飾毫不相
the many feudal states but most of the pieces excavated were
commissioned by officials while those possessed by the Zhou royals
and their family members remained a rarity. In addition to being
renowned as a culturally rich region where bronze sculpture was
honed, the Central Plains region was also the base of powerful feudal
states like Eastern Zhou, Jin, Yu, Guo, Zheng and Wei. In the past,
such vessels were usually attributed to the Chu era. However, based
on the composite study of the excavated artefacts (figures 1 to 5) – the
ornamental design patterns, the tombs from which the vessels were
excavated and the inscriptions on the artefacts, we can conclude that
vessels like these were not only popular during the Chu era. In fact, the
standard Central Plains vessel decorated with dragon motifs in the Chu
style have been unearthed from royal household tombs in the Eastern
Zhou, SanJin and JingChu (Henan, ShanXi) eras. In addition, this
vessel is comparable in size and decorative design to the DengGong vessel, ChuZi vessel and lampwork glass vessels – a strong indication that it did indeed belonging to royalty from feudal states era.
When the Zhou royal household moved east to LuoYi, Lord Zhou
power, choosing instead to “ride on the strength of the feudal lords to
the Spring Autumn Annals; XuanGong 3rd Year, encouraged by the
king’s eastward move and ensuing fiefdom. Although similar artefacts
Huan stated: “The Zhou dynasty is moving east. Jin and Zheng will
conquer……rely on the ministers to rule.” (The Analects. Ji). During
diminishing powers of the royal family, the feudal states invented their
(figures 1 to 5) have mostly been excavated from tombs of the mid-
yield.” (Spring-Autumn Annals. YinGong 6th year). Leveraging the
the early Spring-Autumn era, bronze vessels were created in deference
own form of bronze sculpture that over-shadowed the ZongZhou style.
Spring Autumn era, they display evidence of being created during
combined territory of Lord JinWen and Lord ZhengWu, Lord ZhouPing
to the ZongZhou style as can be seen in the shape of the 3 legs, the
established the Zhou dynasty. However, although he managed to
relief carvings of the faces of animals and ridged surface. By the time
consolidate his power over the warring states, he failed to harness that
“Chu inquired about the size and weight of the vessel” as recorded in
This is a Central Plains vessel created in the late Zhou style; its lid, handles and ornamental design in the Chu style reflect the era of Zhou
the early Spring Autumn era and could have been used by royalty. An authentic vessel once possessed by royalty is not to be missed.