Green Card Through Marriage
Zeng Law Group believes that a valid marriage is required for a green card petition based on marriage. You'll need to provide evidence that you're not married (or ever have been) to anybody else.
To immigrate to the United States with your spouse, you must be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States This residency status confers the legal right to remain in the United States indefinitely and engage in any lawful occupation
You must also prove that this is your only marriage and that you did not get married to get around immigration regulations This might be difficult since you may need to provide many pieces of evidence to prove your relationship and marriage are real rather than a hoax.
Getting a green card might be difficult if your previous marriage was a sham This may happen if, for example, your spouse was convicted of a crime that would result in the government initiating removal procedures or if you entered the country with a legitimate work visa subsequently withdrawn
If the nation where the couple were married recognizes their relationship as legitimate, the pair may be able to apply for a green card based on marriage However, they must provide documentation proving their common law marriage is recognized in their area.