Ddf m1

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1.1 Measured Drawings

The pineapple is used tape to measure it. It is easier than hard ruler, due to pineapple is a sphere shape object. 55 mm

To draw a pineapple, I’m using tracing paper after took photo of pineapple and scale it down in computer, then print it out. The scale of pineapple is 1:1. To present the details of drawing, From the reading ‘300 years industrial of design’(2000) demonstrated how to draw the object in a appropriate way. Take out each peice of object, and measure it and draw it. Each object has different importency, some are showing in sections, and some are showing in elevations. Like another reading’ how to layout a croissant’ (1988/1991), they expressed details of taking out each peice of croissant, and draw in sections.

11cm 70 mm

For pineapple, I think very important part is the organic patterns, and the shape of leaves.

55 mm Elevation

section scale: 1:2



55mm plan

scale: 1:2

Pinapple leaves I found the shape of leaves on pineapple can refer to the geometric shape: triangular shape. This shape might inspirited me for further design. The repeating leaves created a beautiful curve structure. According to the person space theme, pineapple leaves could create a sharpness and boundary for the invader.

leaves detail


scale: 1:1


1.2 Analysis

Patterns on pineapple are irregular, some are diamonds, some are pentagons, and some are hexagons. Those are very geometric shape naturally grow on pineapple. The organic pattern achieved a logical way of growing. The central point raised up to create a volume of 3D space Those are very interested to me as my inspiration. Following the organic and geometrical patterns form a beautiful texture of pineapple. In terms of personal space, pattern of diamond, pentagon and hexagon all have a potential to created a 3D volume space between human body and invader.

Isomatric drawing from Rhino digital model


scale: 1: 1

scale: 1: 1



Repeating patterns of diamond, hexagon and pentagon created a nice shape of paneling and folding system. It seems like they follow a central line and point, revolving up to form a pineapple. Its like organic form can be seen in parametric design.


1.3 Digital Model Rendered views

top view



zoom in pattern detail

pattern detail Perspective The process of making digital pineapple I found so much fun. It is good experience for us getting know what technology we used through digital model making. We can learn how to transfer organic form into computation design. From realistic into computer world is more formal and geometrical. Taking inspiration from natural pineapple patterns to develop a personal space. During the process of digital modelling, I found it is hard to result a gap between patterns on pineapple. Flow along surface commend sometimes deforms and changes the shape to a weird form. To avoid this happen, we need perfectly measure the 3D of pineapple when flatten the shape into 2D.

leaves detail


1.4 Digital Model: Process

1. Used solid tool to draw six sides

2. Used revovled command to

3. line and surface command to draw sec-

of pyramid. (pyramid command)

create a pineapple core.

ond layer on pineapple. repeating one pyramid regularly.


4. Use Flow along surface com-

4. Use curve line as a base and 2 lines to cre-

Difficulties: It is hard to fixe a gap between

mand to create pattern on core.

ate a surface for leaf. Array them piece by

patterns. But I figure it out when I use flow


along surface command.

1.5 Sketch Model

As ‘Personal Space’ (1969) reading demonstrates that ‘personal space refers to an area with invisible boundaries surrounding a person’s body into which intruders may not come.’ For me, personal space is more about protection, make a boundary between human body and the outside to isolate from invaders. I developed the hexagon shape of pineapple, based on hexagon geometry, it changed to irregular patterns. combine them together. Then fold each hexagon into a curve shape, and form a spatial layout.


Difficulties of making model: material I only used paper to test. But I found it is too soft and it it hard to stand up. And I think I made something wrong with the quantity of hexagon pattern. That is another reason effects supports. It is different from the workshop we did in class. there was a black hexagon in the centre can create tension to support the object without others.


1.6 Sketch Design #1 Hexagon fold: untouchable

Like the previous sketch model I did. Develop that into shoulders. Fold hexagons into curve shaple and surround shoulders.

How does this respond to your personal space? Shoulder is a weak part when someone touch it, it will influence your brain to get nervous with your unconsciousness. preventing invaders to touch your shoulder when you meet a stranger. Protecting yourself like a armour to avoid unwanted touch from invaders.

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Sketch Design #2 Don’t Breath: shrink six sides pyramid

How does this respond to your personal space? Avoid intruders eavesdrop when you are speaking or having communication with your friends. Thess idea hide your noise, mouth and neck. Neck is also a very weak part. If intruders get close to you, it will shrink more stab. This is more about protect and hide your privacy.

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Sketch Design #3 panelling triangles: Defence

How does this respond to your personal space? Inspirstion from pineapple’s leaves. Personal space is normally intruded, arm is very common use part in human body. It can get rid of careless touch when you are doing something. Those repeating triangle patterns were folded around the human arm. The patterns can create sharpness to isolate from outside.

[Maximum 25 words] 15


In class exercise, I got more undestanding of personal space. It’s my first time to become a model in our group. We are in panel and fold group, they give us many hexagon shape geometry and ask us to use this geometry and try to fold and cut to create a personal space. As a model, it’s really getting into the idea of personal space. They asked me where do you want to hide? where do you feel uncomfortable if someone is getting close to you? For me, I want to hide half of my face, as I have another half of my face to show out the world of strangers. I have to make a boundry to divide strangers and myself. And I want to hide my left shoulder if someone touch me I feel uncomfortable. Left hand still can do regular works.


During our process, we found difficulties with support. the material is very soft to create load, so it cannot stand up by itself. But we figure it out by using wrapped hair. And used dark hexagon to achieve contrast.




Why I chose pineapple as my ideation, because I found the pineapple as a nature matter can create a geometric texture and form. Under the weather condition, climate and origin, those remarkably influence the shape of pineapple’s imperfection. In this module, the object ‘pineapple’ as the statin point of personal space. It is interesting to start a design from an object which seems to totally irrelevant to the final product. We also be introduced to use a software ‘Rhino’ to create a digital model of pineapple. Different from the measure drawing, it is the process of making 2D and 3D to a perceptive solid. In the reading (Cheng, 2008), and the video tutorial. I have learnt some basic command in rhino and I was able to create the digital model. Furthermore, from the reading, it demonstrated some knowledge of rendering, rendering the digital model became more aesthetic and realistic. During the digital model making and sketch design process, I get better understanding of panel and fold system. My sketch design met some problems and failure of losing support, but my sketch designs are closely fulfilling with the personal space and some of the idea have been taken into the later design. Sommer (1969) expressed the personal space could be various between different person, environments and cultures. Even though pineapple is a natural and organic form, it has many potentials to create a mathematical formula form. The way of thinking mechanism is important when we move to later design as pineapple naturally joint elements together compared with man-made objects.


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