Water Drinks Summary Report 2022

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UK Water Drinks Market Summary Report 2022

Zenith Global Report 2022

UK Water Drinks Summary Report

© Zenith Global Ltd 2022

Copyright All copyright in this document is reserved. Liability This document contains information and may contain conclusions and recommendations. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate and that the opinions expressed are sound. However, Zenith Global Ltd cannot be made liable for any errors or omissions or for any losses or consequential losses resulting from decisions based on the information. Important notice on distribution This report should not be quoted, referred to or transmitted to another party, in whole or in part, with out the prior written consent of Zenith Global Ltd. Should you desire to release a copy of this report to another party for information purposes, we request you and the requesting party to indemnify Zenith Global Ltd from any liability related to the report distribution. Such readers however will not be considered “users” of this report.


© Zenith Global Ltd 2022

UK Water Drinks Market Summary Report 2022

Introduction April 2022 This is the 31st year that Zenith Global has reported on the UK water drinks market, as one of the company’s flagship reports when it started in 1991. Back then, it was the UK Bottled Water Report, but as the UK water drinks market has continued to grow and evolve, so has our report. As in the last few years, this year we have again produced three reports on the sector in order to provide a complete review of this dynamic market. •

The UK Plain Water Report

The UK Water Plus Report

The UK Water Drinks Summary Report

As always, our aim is to contact every significant company active in the sector and to produce as complete a picture as possible at a price accessible to any business with a serious commercial interest. We are particularly grateful for the help we receive from the water drinks companies we profile. The 2022 report contains text, charts and datasheets which analyse the industry’s leading packaged water companies and track recent developments in the UK market. These reports represent exceptional coverage of the UK water drinks market and we hope that you find them useful in your business planning. As our research is updated on a regular basis, we always welcome any comments or suggestions about possible improvements.

Duncan Lynch Senior Analyst


© Zenith Global Ltd 2022

UK Water Drinks Market Summary Report 2022

Contents Section

Research overview UK water drinks market executive summary 1. UK water drinks market 2. UK water drinks companies and brands 3. UK water drinks forecast to 2026 Appendix


© Zenith Global Ltd 2022


UK Water Drinks Market Summary Report 2022

Research overview •

In compiling its research, Zenith Global relies on the goodwill and cooperation of companies active in the marketplace. All information is cross-checked with other sources, such as trade associations and suppliers, to ensure as complete a picture as possible. Although we strive to provide data as accurate as possible, some figures presented are Zenith’s estimates.

Based on individual producer volumes for the year, market, sector and segment totals are calculated from the ‘bottom up’. At a sector and segment level, adjustments are then made for any double-counting of contract and licensed bottling. Estimates for any unauthorised soft drink imports sold through the ‘grey market’ are also included. However, this is more pronounced in categories such as energy drinks rather than water drinks.

A complete picture of the UK water drinks market is thus produced through Zenith Global’s extensive study of the largest importers and bottlers, alongside small to medium-sized operators and own label specialists. The market figures presented, therefore, encompass all aspects of packaged water drinks including take home, impulse and on-premise/foodservice and a small amount of home delivery water.

To this end, a considerable amount of time and effort is spent contacting industry players and striving to analyse the complexities of the UK water drinks arena. We believe Zenith’s coverage of the total UK water drinks market to be without equal and to have attained a consistently high level of accuracy. Zenith Global would like to express its sincere gratitude to the entire UK water drinks industry for its continued help and assistance during the research process. Our gratitude also extends to UK industry associations for their support, including the BSDA (British Soft Drinks Association) and the NSWA (Natural Source Waters Association).


© Zenith Global Ltd 2022

UK Water Drinks Market Summary Report 2022

UK Water Drinks Market Executive summary •



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UK Water Drinks Market Summary Report 2022

1. UK water drinks market •



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UK Water Drinks Market Summary Report 2022

1. UK water drinks market Figure 1.1

Million litres

UK water drinks market, 2016-21



2018 Plain water


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2019 Water plus


2021 Source: Zenith Global 2022

UK Water Drinks Market Summary Report 2022

2. UK water drinks companies and brands •



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UK Water Drinks Market Summary Report 2022

2. UK water drinks companies and brands Figure 2.1

Leading UK water drinks companies, 2021

Company 1 Company 2 Company 3 Company 4 Company 5 Others

Source: Zenith Global 2022 10

© Zenith Global Ltd 2022

UK Water Drinks Market Summary Report 2022

2. UK water drinks companies and brands Figure 2.2

Leading UK water drinks brands, 2021

Company 1 Company 2 Company 3 Company 4 Company 5 Others

Source: Zenith Global 2022 11

© Zenith Global Ltd 2022

UK Water Drinks Market Summary Report 2022

3. UK water drinks forecast to 2026 •



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UK Water Drinks Market Summary Report 2022

3. UK water drinks forecast to 2026 Figure 3.1

Million litres

UK water drinks market forecast, 2016-26f












Source: Zenith Global 2022 13

© Zenith Global Ltd 2022

UK Water Drinks Market Summary Report 2022



© Zenith Global Ltd 2022

UK Water Drinks Market Summary Report 2022

Appendix Water definitions Natural mineral water The basic requirements of the UK regulations are: •

Must come from a recognised groundwater source. Recognition is granted by local authorities to meet EU standards and requires a lengthy testing process to ensure freedom from pollution and a consistent mineral composition.

Must be bottled at source unless the practise was to tanker to the bottling plan on or before 17th July 1980.

Cannot undergo treatment except permitted treatment for filtration of particles.

Nothing can be added to water except carbon dioxide for carbonation.

The water can only be bottled under a single name, described as natural mineral water.

The water must meet strict requirements for microbiological and chemical purity.

Spring water The basic requirements of the UK regulations are: •

Must come from a groundwater source.

Must be bottled at source (unless the practise was to tanker to the bottling plant on or before 23rd November 1996).

In the UK, spring water can currently undergo certain forms of permitted treatment.

The water can only be bottled under a single named Spring Water. However, additional Bottled Drinking Waters can be produced from the same source.

The water must meet requirements for microbiological and chemical quality.


© Zenith Global Ltd 2022

UK Water Drinks Market Summary Report 2022

Appendix Water definitions Bottled drinking water The basic requirements of the UK regulations are: •

‘Bottled drinking water ‘is a legal category of water and should not be confused with the general use of the term ‘bottled water’.

Can come from any source - groundwater, surface water (e.g. lake or river), tap water or other (e.g. glacier, iceberg, rainwater)

Need not be bottled at source.

Can undergo any form of water treatment.

Water from a single source can be bottled under different names.

Can be bottled under any description except one that is misleading to consumers. Use of the description natural mineral water, spring water or mineral water is not permitted. Some commonly used descriptions are ‘table water’ and ‘purified water’.

The water must meet requirements for microbiological and chemical quality.

These definitions are a simple description of the requirements of the UK bottled water regulations. Section 18 - Legislation details the relevant regulations for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and any subsequent amendments.

Flavoured water Sweetened with sugar, sweetener or unsweetened with added fruit essence; sparkling and still natural mineral, spring or bottled drinking water with added flavourings. Includes: •

Flavoured unsweetened bottled waters

Flavoured bottled waters with added sugar and/or sweetener

Excludes: •

‘Schorle’ (sparkling water and fruit juice) and other soft drinks

‘Limonaden’ (water-based, flavoured carbonated soft drinks popular in Germany)

Pressé drinks (ready-to-drink cordial drinks)


© Zenith Global Ltd 2022

UK Water Drinks Market Summary Report 2022

Appendix Water definitions Functional water Functional waters have added functional ingredients, such as botanicals, vitamins, minerals, oxygen or others. Functional waters can be still or sparkling and can be flavoured or unflavoured. Such waters are marketed as having a functional positioning.

Juicy water Defined as water with added juice, juice content ranges from 5% to 25-30%. However, the key attribute is consumer perception of such products as being water plus juice as opposed to a juice drink. These drinks are perceived by consumers to be closer to flavoured waters than juices/nectars. Includes: •

Drench Juicy

Volvic Juicy

This Juicy Water

Excludes: •

San Pellegrino Aranciata, Limonata etc.

Capri Sun


Water plus Water plus includes flavoured waters, functional waters and juicy waters as defined above.


© Zenith Global Ltd 2022

UK Water Drinks Market Summary Report 2022

Appendix Distribution channel definitions Retail Modern retail •

Multiples and other grocers - Tesco, Sainsbury, Asda, Waitrose, Morrisons, Co-op, Marks & Spencer, Boots, Budgens, Iceland

Aldi, Lidl and other discounters

Smaller local supermarkets (e.g. Booths, Harry Tuffins)

Supermarket forecourts and smaller formats of the major multiples (e.g. Tesco Metro)

Convenience/impulse •

Confectioneries, tobacconists and newsagents (CTNs)

Convenience stores (e.g. Londis)

Small independent grocers

Other forecourts

Off licences

Other retail stockists

Door to door •

Dairy deliveries

Direct mail orders


© Zenith Global Ltd 2022

UK Water Drinks Market Summary Report 2022

Appendix Distribution channel definitions Away from home


HoReCa; pubs and clubs


Negligible, less than 0.05

HoReCa - hotel, restaurant and cafés


Carbonated soft drink

Bars, pubs and nightclubs



Food service catering channels



Vending machines


Distribution to on-premise or HoReCa outlets


Polyethylene terephthalate


Recycled polyethylene terephthalate


Returnable packaging


Sports cap


Value per litre

Offices •

Water supplied in places of work such as offices, factories etc.

Others •


All other away from home outlets

© Zenith Global Ltd 2022

UK Water Drinks Market Summary Report 2022

Appendix 2 Target Group Index (TGI) Zenith Global uses Target Group Index (TGI) syndicated surveys to provide actionable single-source data on consumer behaviour, purchasing habits, attitudes and motivations. This compliments Zenith’s own data and research in this report. Established in 1969 and originally focused on the British market, TGI has since expanded to cover more than 65 countries. In Britain TGI is representative of all adults aged 15+ and is used by over 300 companies, including brand owners, media owners and advertising agencies. TGI enables: •

Awareness of market trends and dynamics

Identification of opportunities for new and existing brand development

Accurate description of target groups

Improved marketing strategies and advertising campaigns

TGI is: •

Insightful and actionable

Information on usage of over 4,000 brands across 500 product areas

Updated four times a year

Single source and independent of vested interest

www.kantarmedia.co.uk TGI’s consulting offer, TGI Insights and Integration, enables the breaking of new ground in consumer insight through the provision of the most suitable skills, tools, analysts and thinking. With genuine global reach (we are part of Kantar, WPP’s insights and consultancy arm) and unique access to raw TGI data in 65 countries we are a strategic partner to the world’s most demanding consumer-facing industries. Anne Benoist - Director +44 (0)20 8433 4227

anne.benoist@kantarmedia.com www.tgi-insights.com 20

© Zenith Global Ltd 2022

Contact us For further information about this report, please contact Duncan Lynch Senior Analyst

Zenith Global Ltd Tel +44 (0)1225 327934 dlynch@zenithglobal.com



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