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Our Training Centre is able to offer over 100 unit standards, (and the list is growing), is accredited by both, PSIRA and SASSETA.

We are also able to offer customised training solutions to corporate clients that incorporate a variety of SAQA accredited skill programmes that meet your individual needs.


today prepared tomorrow

Mr. Eric Mhlongo

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PREFACE The primary mission of Zenzele Training School cc (ZTS) is to provide the highest quality training to meet the needs of our partners and clients. ZTS also provides high quality advanced and specialized training to security companies, municipal agencies, local and provincial government agencies, campus security, and international companies and individuals. Our staff are proud of our creating and fostering world-class partnerships with international training companies to produce basic and advanced law enforcement training. This Catalog of Training Programs provides specific information concerning the many basic and advanced training programs available at ZTS. A separate Schedule of Training Programs, which contains cost information, is published quarterly as a supplement. I hope this Catalog will be used to identify programs that will enhance individual safety and security careers and serve to further the professionalism of law enforcement both locally and internationally. The National Training Manager will be pleased to discuss the training program curricula and assist with any questions regarding ZTS enrolment policies and procedures. We also provide assistance to our International Partner Organizations who conduct specific, advanced programs in South Africa. We act as the conduit and will gladly assist all who would like to participate and achieve international recognition in a variety of disciplines. This Catalog is available on CD along with other supporting documents. We are happy to provide you with CD's of this catalog for use and distribution throughout your organisation. The staff of ZTS strives to meet the needs of our clients and partners and constantly seek ways to improve the quality of our communication. This Catalog should be used to assist training facilitators, HR Professionals, Managers and Owners in obtaining current information about ZTS and its programs. It is updated and published on a continuing basis. If you have any suggestions for improvements to the Catalog, please write the Training Management Division at: The Training Manager Phone: 031 503 1688 Zenzele Training School cc Fax: 031 503 4198 E1137 Ntombela Road, kwaMashu email: Durban, KZN 4067 South Africa If you have any questions concerning a specific program, please call the Training Manager listed under the Division offering the training program. Thank you for your interest and support of Zenzele Training School. Yours sincerely

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Ph: 031 503 1688 Fax 031 503 4198 Email

“When your future depends on using only the best … Zenzele is the school for all your security training needs”

TRAINING PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS (BASIC AND ADVANCED BY TRAINING DIVISION) The following sections are devoted to descriptions of the various programs offered by the ZTS divisions. Available upon request are syllabi containing detailed information, including descriptions of the individual courses in a program, a sample schedule of the typical program, and additional pertinent information. Training officers may request a syllabus by calling or writing the appropriate contact person listed at the beginning of each section. PLEASE NOTE: ALL PROGRAMS MARKED WITH AN ASTERISK (*) CAN BE TAUGHT BY ZTS STAFF AT OTHER LOCATIONS. PROGRAMS MARKED WITH TWO ASTERISKS (**) ARE UNDER DEVELOPMENT. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT ANY OF THE PROGRAMS LISTED IN THIS CATALOG, PLEASE CALL OR WRITE THE TRAINING MANAGER.

CK No: 1998/038584/23 VAT No: 4580203331 SDL No: L520745243 PSIRA No: 464976 SASSETA No: 071952452437 SAPS Acc: 4000651

WHAT ARE SKILLS DEVELOPMENT, LEVIES AND GRANTS? Are you confused about Skills Development and the new language that goes with it? »»

The NQF what is it?


What is a Skills Development Levy?


What is an SDF – does my company have one?


Do we pay it?


What is a WSP and an ATR


How are Levies and Grants reclaimed?


What is a WSP and an ATR


What other Grants are available?

What is the NQF?

mandatory grants.

The National Qualifications Framework (NQF) – is an agreed national system of qualifications and their qualifications and their components used for crediting learning achievements in South Africa A set of principles and guidelines which registers and recognizes candidate achievements of acquired skills and knowledge, ensuring an integrated system that encourages life-long learning

As such they add little real value to either their employers or to the country. It is crucial that facilitators themselves understand the importance of what they are doing – in the context of what the country is trying to achieve in terms of transformation, competitiveness and growth

Does my Company have a SDF? Most SETAs require NQF Levels, Bands and Types of a SDF to be apQualifications pointed.






Post-doctoral research degrees Doctorates Masters degrees


Professional Qualifications Honours degrees


National first degrees Higher diplomas


National diplomas National certificates



National certificates



Grade 9 (ABET Level 4) National certificates

SAQA has adopted an eight-level framework, with levels 1 and 8 respectively being regarded as open ended. Level 1 accommodates three Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) certification levels as well as the General Education and Training Certificate.

What is an SDF?

An SDF is a Skills Development Facilitator. All too often, skills development facilitators are seen as paper pushers whose primary function is to get money from SETAs in the form of

It is usually an employee such as the HRManager/ TrainingManager/ Payroll officer The SDF may be appointed by management or the Training Committee The SDF must be registered with your SETA.

What is a Workplace Skills Plan?

A Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) is a document that outlines the planned training and education interventions for the coming year.

What is an Annual Training report?

An Annual Training Report (ATR) is the document that gives feedback to the SETA on the success of your WSP, or explains why you did not succeed in achieving your objectives

What Happens if I don’t submit the WSP and ATR Annually?

New SETA Grant Regulations, gazetted Feb 07, require that the SETA verifies that the ATR contributed to the implementation of contributed to the implementation of the previous year’s WSP. The SETA is legally obliged not to pay out your Mandatory Grant application if the above is not verified. You will lose all contributions made in terms of your 1% levy paid if you do not claim your Mandatory Grant. It will be disbursed into the Discretionary Grant fund for other company’s to use!

What is a Skills Development Levy (SDL)?

The SDL gives companies an incentive to engage in training and education of their employees as 70% of the levy funds can be reclaimed by the levy funds can be reclaimed by the company against proof of related training interventions. The SDL is paid to SARS on a monthly basis. All organizations that have a payroll in excess of R500’000.00 per annum have to pay 1% of payroll monthly. When calculating the payroll to check levy amount to be paid, ensure salaries paid to employees who are below the Income Tax threshold are included

How are Levies and Grants Reclaimed? Levies are reclaimed through Grants

50% of the levy can be claimed from the SETA as a MANDATORY Grant “Mandatory” as the SETA has to pay back the full 50% if all criteria is fulfilled. Paid by SETA quarterly If submitted late, funds moved to Discretionary Grant fund Ph: 031 503 1688 Fax 031 503 4198 Email

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“When your future depends on using only the best … Zenzele is the school for all your security training needs”

How is the Skills Development Levy Used SARS

1% of total Payroll paid to SARS


• • • • •

20% of levy given to National Skills Fund Used to train special projects 10% for SETA Admin 50% for Mandatory Grant payment to Employers 20% for Discretionary Grant payments. Used as incentives to employers for various training programs


How do we Claim the Grants?

20% claimed back through access to DISCRETIONARY Grant. »» Must integrate company’s training with Discretionary priorities – differ from one SETA to another »» Funds issued on availability of funding – do not automatically receive it even if applied for!

Criteria to claim grants »»

»» »» »»

Must be registered with SARS for payment of Skills Levy and be up to date with payments during period for which claim is required Submit WSP and ATR to SETA by 30 June of each year WSP must contribute to skill priorities ATR must be verified

The South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA), through ensuring the development and implementation of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), is working for you to advance a South African education and training system that is world class. Making sure that your education and training programmes are aligned to NQF requirements will benefit your employees and provide a real return on your human resource investment. By supporting SAQA in its task you will also make a real contribution to the social and economic development of the nation. Your mission statement can become a reality with a skilled, competent and confident workforce whose education and training programmes have been quality assured by SAQA. In its role of ensuring quality qualifications, SAQA ensures that accredited training/learning programmes are linked to registered unit standards and qualifications which are based on recognized world-class standards. Employees participating in such learning programmes will become competent in the skills and attitudes required in the competitive global economy of which South Africa is a part. SAQA accredits Education and Training Quality Assurance (ETQAs) bodies (which include SETA’s and other professional bodies) to ensure that the education and training which learners receive is of the highest quality. These ETQAs in turn accredit providers who offer education and training in accordance with the standards and qualifications registered on the NQF. Recent developments in education and training can benefit your company. You may have some employees who have gained knowledge and experience over the years which have not been formally assessed and recognized. By means of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) they may now achieve credits for the learning acquired through informal means and experience. Recent developments have also provided opportunities for companies to actively participate in learnership programmes. Learnerships are new paraprofessional and vocational education and training programmes. They combine theory and workplace practice and culminate in a qualification that is registered on the NQF. Companies benefit from learnerships by being able to help employees acquire qualifications that are of high quality and meet the skills shortage that our country faces. Employees also benefit in that they obtain good qualifications relevant to their workplace that will provide a basis for further personal development.

CK No: 1998/038584/23 VAT No: 4580203331 SDL No: L520745243 PSIRA No: 464976 SASSETA No: 071952452437 SAPS Acc: 4000651



RPL is a process that recognises what learners already know and can do regardless of whether this learning was achieved formally, informally or non-formally. The Function of RPL is to 1. 2. 3. 4.

Identify what the candidate knows and can do; Compare those skills and knowledge with the unit standard or qualification; Assess the candidate against these standards & requirements; and Credit the candidate where applicable.

RPL inspires adult learners to carry on learning because it recognises what they already know and can do and enables them to plan their training and education goals with a career focus rather than a narrow job focus • • •

All qualifications, generally, may be obtained through RPL. Most SETAs allow Discretionary funding for RPL. Funding must be applied for in advance – i.e.: when submitting WSP and ATR.

The Process of RPL 1. The applicant identifies the learning he/she wants to have evaluated; 2. The assessor and the learner express the learning in specific outcomes that is relevant and appropriate for the credits required; 3. The applicant collects a Portfolio of Evidence (POE); 4. The assessor evaluates the evidence procedure as well as the learner’s competence; 5. The assessor(s) make(s) a recommendation about the learning and the amount of credit that should be given based on their evaluation and evidence that was produced; 6. The assessor writes a report recommending whether the learner should be given credits/qualification; 7. The assessor completes an Endorsement of Learning Results form and submits it to the Internal Moderator who validates the decision; 8. The Internal Moderator submits Learner information and results to the ETQA; and 9. The ETQA certifies the learner by uploading data onto the National Learner Record Database (NLRD). RPL is an integral part of the skills development process as it is the ideal tool to assess competence and pave the way to training interventions that lead to qualifications. RPL offers numerous benefits:

Individuals • • • • • • • •


recognition of existing skills, competences, expertise and knowledge; access to qualifications based on the learning and experience already gained; a stepping stone to further development and a careerpath; an assessment of what needs to be learnt to achieve a qualification; a basis for future career plans; increased confidence; access to higher job levels requiring qualifications; access to employment opportunities requiring qualifications.

• • • • • •

a cost effective method of recognising existing skills and learning; reduction in training costs detailed employee learning and competence inventory assist in planning of training and other initiatives; direct involvement in employee qualification process; assistance in planning individual training needs; the opportunity to develop a better qualified workforce, which boosts competitiveness

Providers • • • •

access to a new assessment market; learning opportunities; assistance in identifying new learning markets; a stronger role in society. Ph: 031 503 1688 Fax 031 503 4198 Email

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“When your future depends on using only the best … Zenzele is the school for all your security training needs”

SASSETA ACCREDITATIONS We are currently accredited to provide the following SASSETA registered courses:

Skills Programs and Certficates • • •

22490 National Certificate: General Security Practices N3 Level 3 Patrol Security Officer Level 3 58577 National Certificate: General Security Practices Level 3

Unit Standards • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

116932 Operate a personal computer system 117867 Managing files in a Graphical User Interface (GUI) environment 117902 Use generic functions in a Graphical User Interface (GUI)-environment 113924 Apply basic business ethics in a work environment 11494 Caring for the welfare of a service dog 11495 Handle a service dog to deter crime and for protection 12328 Use and maintain basic security equipment 12484 Perform basic fire fighting 244176 Use security equipment 9964 Apply health and safety to a work area 9965 Render basic first aid 113852 Apply occupational health, safety and environmental principles 113909 Coach a team member in order to enhance individual performance in work environment 114941 Apply knowledge of HIV/AIDS to a specific business sector and a workplace 11496 Ensuring asset protection through access and egress control 11497 Protection of premises and assets under all conditions 114979 Operate a computer workstation in a business environment 11498 Attend and give evidence in court 11499 Safe and secure escorting of valuables, people & suspects. 11500 Recieve, report and react to customer complaints within a security environment 11501 Manage own performance and work as part of a security team 11502 Effecting a lawful citizens arrest 11503 Supervision of service dogs in a kennel environment 116534 Carry out basic first aid treatment in the workplace 117705 Demonstrate knowledge of the Firearms Control Act 2000 (Act No 60 of 2000) applicable to possessing a firearm 119457 Interpret and use information from texts 119465 Write/present/sign texts for a range of communicative contexts 119467 Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes 119472 Accommodate audience and context needs in oral/ signed communication 119649 Handle and use a handgun 119650 Handle and use a self-loading rifle or carbine 119651 Handle and use a manually operated rifle or carbine 119652 Handle and use a shotgun 13912 Apply knowledge of self and team in order to develop a plan to enhance team performance 13936 Outline the legal environment of a selected industry

CK No: 1998/038584/23 VAT No: 4580203331 SDL No: L520745243 PSIRA No: 464976 SASSETA No: 071952452437 SAPS Acc: 4000651

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• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

244177 Conduct a security patrol in an area of responsibility 244179 Handle complaints and problems 244181 Perform hand over and take over responsibilities 244182 Give evidence in court 244184 Apply legal aspects in a security environment 244578 Describe how to manage reactions arising from a traumatic event 246694 Explain the requirements for becoming a security service provider 7456 Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal, business and national issues 8968 Accomodate audience and context needs in oral communication 8969 Interpret and use information from texts 8970 Write texts for a range of communicative contexts 8973 Use language & communication in occupational learning programmes (F-3-05-8973) 9010 Demonstrate an understanding of the use of different number bases and measurement units and an awareness of error in the context of relevant calculations 9012 Investigate life and and work related problems using data and probabilities 9013 Describe,apply,analyse and calculate shape and motion in 2-and 3 - dimensional space in different contexts 10748 Use of a handgun 10750 Use of a rifle 10754 Use of a shotgun 10756 Use of a hand machine carbine 11505 Identify, handle and defuse security related conflict 11508 Write security reports and take statements 11509 Respond to emergency siganls and situations 123511 Handle and use a self loading rifle or carbine for business 123514 Handle and use a shotgun for business purposes 123515 Handle and use a handgun for business purposes 123519 Handle and use a manually operated rifle or carbine for business purposes 242825 Conduct evacuations and emergency drills 244189 Conduct access and egress control 244335 Conduct security at an event 8600 Care for Customers




s of the 1st October 2009 all persons employed within the security industry and currently registered with grades as and who operate as security officers, or any other profession will need to re-register with PSIRA. From this date on they will need to show compliance with the new PSIRA/SASSETA training standards. This agreement has been concluded, all that remains to be decided on is the bridging period from where the old PSIRA grades will cease to be valid. Many security and training companies felt that this would never happen. As such many

to ensure that all your staff complies with the new regulations.

number in the hundreds, possibly a couple of thousand, but no more.

To put it into context the full SASSETA Skills Programs 1 & 2 (old PSIRA grades E & D), if done for a new student entering the industry, will take a minimum of 20 full days. This is quite an intensive course and a lot of extra work is required from the student in the form of written assignments and projects done outside of the classroom.

The only viable solution is to participate in this process and utilize this opportunity to invest in your employees.

The RPL process will be a minimum of 1 week for each student for each Skills Program. This depends on the suitability of the individual as an RPL candidate. Should you have in the region of 230 employees it will take you

We will assist you in implementing this process with the least hassle and, most importantly, in a cost effective manner. RPL assessments, registrations, training, competency evaluations, etc will all be conducted by our professional and knowledgeable training facilitators. We will deal with all issues related to training on your behalf. Furthermore, we will advise you on how to secure your share (between 50-70%) of your annual contribution SASSETA to the Skills Development Students Levy for these training undergoing their daily drill. purposes. We can assist you in ensuring that your They were Workplace Skills Plan and participants Annual Training Report is of our first completed and submitted SASSETA in time. Learnership program whcih began with 19 students in February 2009 on Skills Program 1 (Patrol Security Officer) and Skills Program 2 (Access Control Officer)

training institutions who were not SASSETA accredited will now lose their training accreditation. The reality for security companies is that you will have to have SASSETA registered staff by the time the cut-off date is reached. This could be a soon as 1-2 years from the date of initiation.

What is the impact?


nyone who employs a service provider to provide any services covered in the security industry will face fines imposed for any unqualified security officers, technicians, etc working on or at their premises. Not to mention the service provider who will be fined for non-compliance.

So What Now?


e proactive and start to address the issue now. A period of 1-2 years is a very short time in which

more than a year to have them all achieve a RPL for Skills Programs 1 & 2! The reason that time is only estimated is that SASSETA programs are aligned to the National Qualifications Framework. Students don’t pass traditional written tests. The courses are proficiency based and as such a student must be deemed to be competent in each unit standard.


If approached incorrectly this process will cost you time and money.


The Solution



rom this point onwards only employ learners with the SASSETA qualifications? Although we have heard a few people talk along this line, the impact on the business could be substantial. The Labour Relations Act and related legislation will make this a very dangerous course to follow. Needless to say, the number of persons in the industry with these qualifications, probably only




We are a fully accredited and PSIRA and SASSETA training academy geared to assist companies with this training transition.

The RPL Solution


enzele will drive the RPL process for you in the following ways: »» Assist you with the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process so that your existing employees receive recognition for their prior training Implement a time sensitive and operationally acceptable RPL process Offer a process that is cost effective, within the guidelines whilst maintaining a high quality standard Recognize previous learning and provide information for the company’s workplace skills plan. Set your mind at ease, that the process is conducted by experts and subject matter experts in the field Assist your company to become compliant with the new statutory requirements

e understand the impact that these regulations is going to have and is already having on all service providers in the Security Industry. Allow us to help you make this process as pain free as possible. Contact us now so we can be of service to you.

Ph: 031 503 1688 Fax 031 503 4198 Email

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“When your future depends on using only the best … Zenzele is the school for all your security training needs”


he purpose of this text is to provide information on the new proposed statutory training standards for the security industry and proposed solutions in the implementation thereof. These training standards are going to have a significant impact on security serivce providers. The areas that will be effected and which will require strategic intervention are budgets, resources and manpower to implement these proposed statutory training standards without impacting too much on the day-to-day activities. We will be to offer you the answers to your questions and solutions that can fit into your strategic decisions.

PSIRA & SASSETA extracts


he following is an extract from an earlier letter between PSIRA and the SASSETA: PSIRA & SASSETA

“As previously communicated in the joint communiqué dated 5 October 2006, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between PSIRA and SASSETA on 4 July 2005. In terms of this MOU, SASSETA will assume the quality assurance function of all training conducted in the security industry. Whilst the Private Security Industry Regulation Act (Act No. 56 of 2001) stipulates the requirement that all those who fall within the definition of “security service provider” (which includes persons providing training in the security field) must comply with the registration provisions and be registered with PSIRA before becoming active in the industry, SASSETA will, in terms of the MOU, quality assure all education and training in the security industry. In terms of the transitional provisions of the Private Security Industry Regulations Act, the Training of Security Officers Regulations, 1992 made in terms of the repealed Security Officers Act remained in force. These Regulations made provision for the continuance of the PSIRAaccredited training courses, i.e. grades “A” to “E”, Armed Response, etc, which is still the case. However, as qualifications and unit standards were developed within the security industry, PSIRA will, in due course, repeal the Training of Security Officers Regulations, 1992 and replace the minimum training requirements for security service providers with an outcomesbased system built on skills programmes consisting of unit standards registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), and quality assured by SASSETA.

One of the most important issues in the PSIRA/SASSETA interaction during the last year was the development of new training standards for all the categories or classes of security service providers which will ultimately replace the current courses as prescribed in the Training of Security Officer Regulations, 1992. The new proposed training standards (skills programmes) were compiled from, inter alia, the following SAQA registered qualifications: »» NC- National Certificate /FETC –Further Education and Training Certificate) »» NC : General Security Practices (Level 3) »» FETC : Specialist Security Practices (Level 4) »» FETC : Use of Firearms (Level 4) »» FETC : Firearm Training (Level 4) »» FETC : Dog Handling (Level 4) »» NC : Locksmithing (Level 3) »» NC : Close Protection (Level 5) »» FETC : Electronic Security Installation Practices (Level 4) »» FETC : Generic Management (Level 4) »» NC : Generic Management (Level 5) »» NC : Resolving of Crime (Level 5) »» NC : Policing (Level 5) The skills programmes include, inter alia, training standards for the following categories or classes of security service providers: »» Guarding Sector (grades E-A) »» Generic Management and Management for all the particular categories or classes of security service providers »» Consultants / Advisors »» Reaction Officers »» Assets In Transit »» Retail Security »» Special Events »» Close Protection »» Electronic security which includes CCTV, Alarm Systems, Access »» Control, Fire Detection, X-Ray Inspection, Metal Detection, Bomb »» Detection, Monitoring / Interception Devices and Satellite Tracking »» Locksmith and Safe Technicians »» Private Investigators »» Dog Handlers »» Training Instructor / Facilitator »» National Key Point Officers” The new proposed statutory training standards will make it compulsory for all applicant security service providers within the security industry to adhere to the minimum required unit standards as the PSIRA standards will be phased out. Persons who are in possession of a PSIRA certificate may, in terms of future legislation, be required to “transfer” from the PSIRA standards to the new nationally accepted unit standards. This might prove to be a challenge but with the implementation of a clear strategy, the effect thereof will be minimal.

CK No: 1998/038584/23 VAT No: 4580203331 SDL No: L520745243 PSIRA No: 464976 SASSETA No: 071952452437 SAPS Acc: 4000651


SASSETA SECURITY GRADES E, D & C Security Grade E - Patrol Security Officer

Security Grade D - Access Control Officer

Security Grade C - Asset Protection Officer

Programme Outcomes

• 46694 Explain the requirements for becoming a security service provider • 244177 Conduct a security patrol in area of responsibility • 244184 Apply legal aspects in a security environment • 244176 Use security equipment • 244181 Perform hand over and take over responsibilities • 244182 Give evidence in court • 12484 Perform basic fire fighting • 116534 Carry out basic first aid treatment in the workplace

• 244189 Conduct access and egress control • 242825 Conduct evacuations and emergency drills • 11505 Identify, handle and defuse security related conflict • 117705 Demonstrate knowledge of the Firearms Control Act 2000 (Act No. 60of 2000) • 113924 Apply basic business ethics in a work environment • 119465 Write/present/sign texts for a range of communicative contexts • 114979 Operate a computer workstation in a business environment

• 113909 Coach a team member in order to enhance individual perfor mance in work environment • 13912 Apply knowledge of self and team in order to develop a plan to enhance team performance • 244578 Describe how to manage reactions arising from a traumatic event • 113852 Apply occupational health, safety and environmental principles • 13936 Outline the legal environment of a selected industry • 119472 Accommodate audience and context needs in oral/signed communication • 11508 Write security reports and take statement


Students will be required to complete 390 notational hours. 10 days of which will be completed under instruction in the classroom. The remaining hours may take the form of assignments and individual and group projects.

Students will be required to complete 350 notational hours. 9 days of which will be completed under instruction in the classroom. The remaining hours may take the form of assignments and individual and group projects.

Students will be required to complete 390 notational hours. 10 days of which will be completed under instruction in the classroom. The remaining hours may take the form of assignments and individual and group projects.

Programme Recognition

This program comprises of 9 unit standards that are recognised by SASSETA.

This program comprises of 7 unit standards that are recognised by SASSETA.

This program comprises of 7unit standards that are recognised by SASSETA.

Course requirements Fees for Programme




Option 1: Payment-in-advance: Cash: R 770.00 Option 2: Pay-as-you-study: Deposit: R 308.00 1st Instalment R 288.75 (due after week 1) 2nd instalment R 288.75 (due on completion of course)

Option 1: Payment-in-advance: Cash: R 730.00 Option 2: Pay-as-you-study: Deposit: R 292.00 1st Instalment R 273.75 (due after week 1) 2nd instalment R 273.75 (due on completion of course)

Option 1: Payment-in-advance: Cash: R 770.00 Option 2: Pay-as-you-study: Deposit: R 308.00 1st Instalment R 288.75 (due after week 1) 2nd instalment R 288.75 (due on completion of course)

NQF Credits

39 NQF Credits

35 NQF Credits

39 NQF Credits

Assessment for RPL:

Award and Accreditation:

Students will be required to complete and submit a portfolio of evidence to ZENZELE TRAINING CENTRE. The evidence received will be assessed and if found competent the results will be loaded onto the National Learner record database.

Once you have completed the prescribed assignments, SASSETA will award you with a statement of results indicating the unit standards which you have completed. Ph: 031 503 1688 Fax 031 503 4198 Email

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“When your future depends on using only the best … Zenzele is the school for all your security training needs”

SASSETA GRADES B, A & SECURITY MANAGER Security Grade B - Security First Line Supervision

Security Grade A - Security Supervisor

Security Manager

Programme Outcomes

• 10981 Supervise work unit to achieve work unit objectives • 242830 Conduct a security threat assessment in a defined operational area • 13952 Demonstrate basic understanding of the primary labour legislation that impacts on a business unit • 119457 Interpret and use information from texts • 117877 Perform one-to-one training on the job • 242812 Induct a member into a team • 242833 Give instructions

• 120480 Demonstrate understanding of crime prevention • 242818 Describe the relationship of junior management to other roles • 120483 Conduct preliminary investigations • 11286 Institute disciplinary action • 114226 Interpret and manage conflicts within the workplace • 7861 Gather and present evidence in a hearing • 114589 Manage time productively

• 246694 Explain the requirements for becoming a security service provider • 252032 Develop, implement and evaluate an operational plan • 252027 Devise and apply strategies to establish and maintain workplace relationships • 252025 Monitor, assess and manage risk • 120300 Analyze leadership and related theories in a work context • 252026 Apply a systems approach to decision making • 252042 Apply the principles of ethics to improve organizational culture • 252022 Develop, implement and evaluate a project plan • 252040 Manage the finances of a unit • 12433 Use communication techniques effectively • 13936 Outline the legal environment of a selected industry • 242829 Monitor the level of service to a range of customers


Students will be required to complete 420notational hours. 10 days of which will be completed under instruction in the classroom. The remaining hours may take the form of assignments and individual and group projects.

Students will be required to complete 450notational hours. 10 days of which will be completed under instruction in the classroom. The remaining hours may take the form of assignments and individual and group projects.

Students will be required to complete 760notational hours. 21 days of which will be completed under instruction in the classroom. The remaining hours may take the form of assignments and individual and group projects.

Programme Recognition

This program comprises 7 unit standards that are recognised by SASSETA.

This program comprises of 7 unit standards that are recognised by SASSETA.

This program comprises of 12 unit standards that are recognised by SASSETA.

Course requirements Fees for Programme




Option 1: Payment-in-advance: Cash: R 1,270.00 Option 2: Pay-as-you-study: Deposit: R 508.00 1st Instalment R 476.25 (due after week 1) 2nd instalment R 476.25 (due on completion of course)

Option 1: Payment-in-advance: Cash: R 1,385.00 Option 2: Pay-as-you-study: Deposit: R 554.00 1st Instalment R 519.38 (due after week 1) 2nd instalment R 519.38 (due on completion of course)

Option 1: Payment-in-advance: Cash: R 3,999.00 Option 2: Pay-as-you-study: Deposit: R 1,559.60 1st Instalment R 1,499.63 (due after week 1) 2nd instalment R 1,499.63 (due on completion of course)

NQF Credits

42 NQF Credits

45 NQF Credits

76 NQF Credits

Assessment for RPL: Students will be required to complete and submit a portfolio of evidence to ZENZELE TRAINING CENTRE. The evidence received will be assessed and if found competent the results will be loaded onto the National Learner record database.

CK No: 1998/038584/23 VAT No: 4580203331 SDL No: L520745243 PSIRA No: 464976 SASSETA No: 071952452437 SAPS Acc: 4000651

Award and Accreditation: Once you have completed the prescribed assignments, SASSETA will award you with a statement of results indicating the unit standards which you have completed.



Any Security Service Provider or Organisation who wishes to provide or use dogs and/or trained handlers must comply with the minimum standards in terms of the Government Gazette No. 19067 Board Notice 120, and Government Gazette 19740 Board Notice 15. The minimum standards determine that: • A security officer working with a dog must be trained at an accredited dog training and dog supplier centre. • A Security Service Provider who provides dogs and trained handlers must be accredited as a Security Dog Supplier.

• Clients who make use of dogs and/or handlers must ensure that their Security Service Providers comply with the relevant legislation. • All security officers working with dogs must be trained at a PSIRA accredited dog training centre. • All dogs used must have the necessary identification, and must have been trained at an accredited dog training centre. Zenzele Training School is an accredited training service provider for PSIRA and is registered to provide the SASSETA Unit Standards for the recognition and achievement of the level required by an individual for the issuing of a PSIRA certificate.

Old PSIRA Standards DH1

• Basic obedience and aggression on leash. • Classification and use of dog breeds. • Care and utilization of dog breeds


• Advanced obedience and aggression on leash. • Working with your dog in an environment where people are present


• Advanced obedience and aggression + remote control • 5 – 10 metre distance control with your dog.


• Highest level of obedience, independent work on and off leash • Attack off leash.


• Substance detection (narcotics, explosives etc). • Full control of your dog, working off leash.

New SASSETA Standards DH1 DH2

• 243188 - Care for a service dog • 243190 - Handle a trained service dog to deter crime


• 243188 - Care for a service dog • 243190 - Handle a trained service dog to deter crime • 120463 - Handle a patrol dog to assist in searching for and the apprehension of a suspect


• 243188 - Care for a service dog • 243190 - Handle a trained service dog to deter crime Electives • 120461 - Handle a trained sniffer dog to assist in the detection of substances, or • 120456 - Utilize a tracker dog to follow a human scent trail, or • 120468 - Utilize a search and rescue dog in structured scenarios to locate missing persons and evidence, or • 120469 - Handle a sheep dog in the investigation of stock theft

NOTE Training is proficiency based – time is used efficiently and effectively, with acknowledgement of RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning). This ensures that a specific outcome is achieved. Employers benefit from a workforce competent in the skills and attitudes required in the competitive global environment.

Ph: 031 503 1688 Fax 031 503 4198 Email

13 12

“When your future depends on using only the best … Zenzele is the school for all your security training needs”

Care for a service dog (US 243188)

The person credited with this unit standard will be capable of taking care of a service dog in order to ensure its welfare. This unit standard will enable learners to understand the needs of service dogs to ensure that these needs are met in order to promote the well being of the service dog. Service dogs are generally considered to be working dogs and therefore may require additional care to ensure that they are fit for their jobs. This unit standard will equip learners with the elementary competencies needed by all personnel working with service dogs.

Handle a trained Service Dog to deter crime (US 243190)

Persons credited with this unit standard will be capable of handling a trained service dog for the specific purpose of protecting the handler and property. The learner will be able to handle the service dog under stressful situations such as attacks on the handler, other people and assets. The learner will be capable of issuing commands

Handle a patrol dog to assist in searching for and the apprehension of a suspect (US 120463)

This unit standard is for individuals in the field of safety in society who utilize a patrol dog to assist in searching for and the apprehension of a suspect. This unit standard will contribute towards compliance with tactical-, legal-, and organizational requirements related to patrol dog handling.

Utilize a tracker dog to follow a human scent trail

This is the entry level course required by all personnel working with service dogs.

(US 120456)

This unit standard is for learners in the field of safety in society who utilize a tracker dog to follow a human scent trail.

A person accredited with this unit standard will be able to: • Provide care for the elementary needs of the service dog • Apply safety precautions when working with service dogs • Transport service dogs • Inspect the condition of the service dog

A person credited with this unit standard will be able to:

to the service dog, interpreting the service dog`s behaviour and assessing situations in order to take action. A person accredited with this unit standard will be able to: • Prepare for duty with a trained service dog. • Perform duties using a trained service dog. • Conclude duties

CK No: 1998/038584/23 VAT No: 4580203331 SDL No: L520745243 PSIRA No: 464976 SASSETA No: 071952452437 SAPS Acc: 4000651

Person credited with this unit standard will be able to: • Determine the need to utilize a patrol dog. • Utilize the patrol dog to apprehend the suspect. • Arrest the suspect with the aid of a patrol dog.

• Assess the crime scene for possible tracks, to provide scent to a tracker dog. • Prepare the tracker dog to follow the identified human track. • Utilize the dog to follow the scent track of a human trail to apprehend or locate the person linked to the scent. • Locate and identify the suspect and or evidence on the human scent trail that was followed

Handle a trained sniffer dog to assist in the detection of substances (US 120461)

This unit standard is for learners in the safety and society environment who utilize a trained sniffer or dog to assist in the detection of substances. A person credited with this unit standard will be able to: • Apply current legislation pertaining to substance detection discipline. • Conduct a search for substances with the aid of a trained sniffer dog. • Identify and handle substances indicated by the sniffer dog in a structured scenario


FIREARMS CONTROL AMMENDMENT REGULATIONS 2007 Do you use firearms in your business? Do you know how Regulation 21 effects you?

Use of Firearms for Business Purposes Regulation 21

In summary, Regulation 21 of the Firearms Control Amendment regulations govern the Conditions regarding the providing of a firearm for use by another person in respect of a licence to possess a firearm for business purposes.

Basically this new set of regulations places the onus on all businesses that utilise firearms as part of their service offerings to ensure that their employees maintain a minimum level of training and competency. Companies that will be affected by this include but are not limited to those that offer the following services: »» »»

VIP Protection Armed Response

Regulation 21 (1):

The holder of a licence to possess a firearm for business purposes, may only provide the firearm for use by another person if such other person – 21 (1)(d)(ii): Where a firearm is provided to the same person on a regular basis, that the person, if not the holder of a competency certificate, has successfully completed the prescribed test and training in the safe and efficient handling of a firearm as contemplated in regulation 7(1)(a).

Regulation 21 (2):

If the holder of a licence to possess a firearm for business purposes is a security service provider or a person accredited as contemplated in regulation [11]13(2), that security service provider or accredited person may, in addition to the requirements of section 20(5)(b) of the Act and the conditions in subregulation (1)(a) and (b), only provide a firearm to a person if21 (2)(l): the security officer has successfully completed the security training required in terms of the Private Security Industry Regulation Act, 2001 (Act 56 of 2001) for the rendering of the security service in question. 21 (2)(s): the security service provider or person accredited as contemplated in regulation 11(2) issuing firearms to security officers employed by it21 (2)(s)(v): Actively monitor whether security officers who are issued with firearms and ammunition are trained, instructed and guided in respect of the possession, handling and use of firearms

»» »»

Cash in Transit Armed guards

21 (2)(s)(viii): Ensure that the security officers issued with firearms undergo at least one proper practical training session, at the cost of the security company, at least every 12 months, or within a shorter period as may be reasonably necessary in the circumstances, in the proper and safe handling and use of the relevant firearm and ammunition 21 (2)(s)(ix): Ensure that the security officers issued with firearms attend at least one briefing session, at the cost of the security company, every 12 months or within a shorter period as may be reasonably necessary in the circumstances, during which they are properly informed of the relevant legal principles, rules and procedures and of their legal duties regarding the possession, carrying, safe custody and use of firearms and ammunition issued to them

The new regulations also govern the use of registers, such as: Asset Registers: Listing all firearms owned by the company In-Out Registers: Logging times, dates etc of when firearms are issued and received Incident Registers: Recording any incident involving the discharge of a firearm while on duty Training Registers: Recording the date and performance of each and every security officer during practical training and briefing sessions

Regulation 7 Accreditation to provide training in use of firearms Regulation 7 (1): An applicant who applies to be accredited to provide training in the use of firearms for the purposes of section 20(2) (b) of the Act must, in addition to the relevant information required by regulation 2, submit7 (1)(a): a written undertaking that only a relevant training course in respect of testing and training in the use and handling of firearms which complies with the requirement of the South African Qualifications Authority Act, 1995 (Act 58 of 1995) read with the Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act 97 of 1998) will be used to train persons; 7 (1)(b): a description of the security measures pertaining to the storage, transport and safe custody of the firearms to be used in the training; 7 (1)(c) a written undertaking that any practical training or testing which will involve the actual firing of a firearm will only be conducted at an accredited shooting range; and 7 (1)(d) documentary proof that the applicant is registered in terms of the South African Qualifications Authority Act, 1995 (Act 58 of 1995) read with the Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act 97 of 1998) with Poslec-Seta as a service provider to provide the training contemplated in section 9(2)(q) and (r) and (s) of the Act. Ph: 031 503 1688 Fax 031 503 4198 Email

15 14

“When your future depends on using only the best … Zenzele is the school for all your security training needs”

BASIC FIREARM TRAINING & RENEWALS Firearm training including introduction and renewals License Renewal Duration +- 2 Hours

To renew an existing firearm license, the applicant is required to complete a test on the Firearms Control Act 60/2000. This is aligned with Unit Standard 117705 - Knowledge of the Firearms Control Act 60/2000. This Unit Standard is also the entry level to all other firearm Unit Standards.

Basic Handgun Duration 1 Day

The Basic handgun course is aligned with Unit Standard 119649 - Handle and use a handgun. This course covers legal aspects relating to when you may and may not shoot in self defense situations, firearm safety, loading and unloading and the fundamentals of shooting. On this course you will shoot approximately 50 rounds of ammunition. The entry level to this course is Unit Standard 117705 - Knowledge of the Firearms Control Act 60/2000. This course is a legal requirement for first time firearm owners. Please be advised that course prices will differ slightly from one Training Centre to the next, depending on facilities available.

Basic Manually operated Rifle/Carbine Duration 1 Day

Basic Self loading Rifle/ Carbine Duration 1 Day

This course covers legal aspects relating to when you may and may not shoot in self defense situations, firearm safety, loading and unloading and the fundamentals of shooting. On this course you will shoot approximately 25 rounds of ammunition. The entry level to this course is Unit Standard 117705 Knowledge of the Firearms Control Act 60/2000. This course is a legal requirement for first time firearm owners. Please be advised that course prices will differ slightly from one Training Centre to the next, depending on facilities available.

This course covers legal aspects relating to when you may and may not shoot in self defense situations, firearm safety, loading and unloading and the fundamentals of shooting. On this course you will shoot approximately 25 rounds of ammunition. The entry level to this course is Unit Standard 117705 Knowledge of the Firearms Control Act 60/2000. This course is a legal requirement for first time firearm owners. Please be advised that course prices will differ slightly from one Training Centre to the next, depending on facilities available.

The Basic Rifle course is aligned with Unit Standard 119651 - Handle and use a manually operated rifle or carbine.

The Basic Rifle course is aligned with Unit Standard 119650 - Handle and use a selfloading rifle or carbine.

Basic Shotgun Duration 1 Day

The Basic Shotgun course is aligned with Unit Standard 119652 - Handle and use a shotgun. This course covers legal aspects relating to when you may and may not shoot in self defense situations, firearm safety, loading and unloading and the fundamentals of shooting. On this course you will shoot approximately 25 rounds of ammunition. The entry level to this course is Unit Standard 117705 Knowledge of the Firearms Control Act 60/2000. This course is a legal requirement for first time firearm owners. Please be advised that course prices will differ slightly from one Training Centre to the next, depending on facilities available.

CK No: 1998/038584/23 VAT No: 4580203331 SDL No: L520745243 PSIRA No: 464976 SASSETA No: 071952452437 SAPS Acc: 4000651


INTERMEDIATE FIREARM TRAINING Intermediate firearm training is specifically aimed at the skills required when carrying a firearm for business purposes Intermediate Handgun Duration 2 Days

This course is aligned with Unit Standard 123515 - Handle and use a handgun for business purposes. This course teaches a higher level of proficiency than the basic course and is a requirement for Security Personnel and members of official institutions. This course focuses on a high standard of shooting and includes holster-work, dealing with malfunctions and shooting against time limits. On this course you will shoot approximately 100 rounds of ammunition.

Intermediate Manually operated Rifle/Carbine Duration 2 Days

This course is aligned with Unit Standard 123519 - Handle and use a manually operated rifle or carbine for business purposes.

Intermediate Self loading Rifle/ Carbine Duration 2 Days

This course is aligned with Unit Standard 123511 - Handle and use a self-loading rifle or carbine for business purposes.

This course teaches a higher level of proficiency than the basic course and is a requirement for Security Personnel and members of official institutions.

This course teaches a higher level of proficiency than the basic course and is a requirement for Security Personnel and members of official institutions.

This course focuses on a high standard of shooting and includes holster-work, dealing with malfunctions and shooting against time limits. On this course you will shoot approximately 30 to 50 rounds of ammuntion.

This course focuses on a higher standard of shooting and includes holster-work, dealing with malfunctions and shooting against time limits. On this course you will shoot approximately 30 to 50 rounds of ammuntion.

Intermediate Shotgun Duration 2 Days

This course is aligned with Unit Standard 123514 - Handle and use a shotgun for business purposes. This course teaches a higher level of proficiency than the basic course and is a requirement for Security Personnel and members of official institutions. This course focuses on a high standard of shooting and includes holster-work, dealing with malfunctions and shooting against time limits. On this course you will shoot approximately 30 to 50 rounds of ammunition. Ph: 031 503 1688 Fax 031 503 4198 Email

17 16

“When your future depends on using only the best … Zenzele is the school for all your security training needs”

ADVANCED TACTICAL WEAPONS TRAINING These training standards are currently the highest firearm level achievable in the south african private sector Tactical Handgun Duration 2 Days

This course focuses on the use of firearms in high risk situations and under extreme stress. One needs to be in reasonably good physical condition to enroll on this course. This course will teach you how to win a gun fight. You will require 400 rounds of ammunition for this course. Entrey level to this course: Intermediate handgun and Apply tactical knowledge in the use of firearms.

Tactical Self loading Rifle /Carbine Duration 2 Days

This course focuses on the use of firearms in high risk situations and under extreme stress. One needs to be in reasonably good physical condition to enroll on this course. This course will teach you how to win a gun fight. You will require 400 rounds of ammunition for the course. Entry level to this course: Intermediate self-loading rifle/carbine and Apply tactical knowledge in the use of firearms.

Tactical Shotgun Duration 2 Days

Apply Tactical knowledge This course focuses on the Duration 2 Days use of firearms in high risk situations and under extreme stress. One needs to be in reasonably good physical condition to enroll on this course. This course will teach you how to win a gun fight. You require 200 rounds of ammunition for this course.

Entry level to this course: Intermedite shotgun and Apply tactical knowledge in the use of firearms.

This course focuses on generic tactics that are applicable to handguns, shotguns and rifles. On this course you will learn about shooting while moving, working as a member of a tactical team, dynamic room entry and the correct prosedure for clearing difficult areas such as stairwells.

These courses are not for beginners! CK No: 1998/038584/23 VAT No: 4580203331 SDL No: L520745243 PSIRA No: 464976 SASSETA No: 071952452437 SAPS Acc: 4000651




urrently Zenzele boasts having four registered ITA Instuctor's in our employ. We are also registered to provide all the SASSETA courses for firearms which includes:

»» »»

»» »»

Knowledge of Firearms Handle and use firearms (handgun, shotgun, manually operated rifle/carbine and self-loading rifle/ carbine) Handle and use for business purposes (handgun, shotgun, and self-loading rifle/carbine) Apply tactical knowledge and handle tactical firearm (handgun, shotgun, and self-loading rifle/ cabine)

The International Firearm Training Academy registrations:

Our instructors have also held numerous tactical, SWAT, Close Quarter Combat and advanced weapons tactics courses, along with VIP Protection and PSD courses. We provide training based on hands on experience gained, and offer insight into actual situations that we have encountered.




Instructor No

Armand P. Botha




Shaun C. Janke




Musawenkosi E. Mhlongo




Vusumuzi S. Ntuli




Hendrik A.J. Blom




Other Memberships




Accredited Education & Training Service Provider

Registered training Provider with the Private Security Regulation Authority of South Africa

Accredited by the South African Police to conduct Competency Training and Testing in the use of handguns, shotgun, rifle and carbine.

SASSETA Acc No: 071952452437

PSIRA Registration No: 0464976

SAPS Accreditation No: 4000651


Accredited to provide training under SASSETA Ph: 031 503 1688 Fax 031 503 4198 Email

19 18

“When your future depends on using only the best … Zenzele is the school for all your security training needs”


his unit is to enable learners to monitor, observe and direct crowds. These learners will be able to respond to the behaviour and direction of persons. Learners will be able inspect and provide security presence at a venue, monitor crowd size movement, stress, behaviour and safety, react to potential crowd problems and breaches of sporting etiquette, direct crowds at special events, prepare to monitor and respond to unlawful or suspicious incidents.

US 244335 Conduct security at an event A person credited with this unit standard will be able to: »» Perform event security. »» React to incidents and breaches of security. »» Direct crowds at special events.

Learners are assumed to be competent in the following unit standards: »» ID 11496: Conduct a security patrol in area of responsibility. »» ID 244176: Use security equipment. »» ID 244189: Conduct access and egress control. »» ID 8600: Care for customers. »» ID 11507: Conduct a security threat assessment in a defined operational area. »» ID 244184: Apply legal aspects in a security environment.


In this unit standard the word event refers to but is not limited to a sporting, entertainment, recreational, cultural, religious, political, business, charitable, exhibitionable, educational, organizational and similar activities hosted at a venue. In this unit standard the word venue refers to but is not limited to all premises used for, sporting, recreational, entertainment or similar purposes irrespective of whether the relevant events take place at an ongoing basis or on a single occasion, and to which members of the public, are invited or to which they are permitted or have access.

CK No: 1998/038584/23 VAT No: 4580203331 SDL No: L520745243 PSIRA No: 464976 SASSETA No: 071952452437 SAPS Acc: 4000651


OTHER ADVANCED SASSETA COURSES Enquire with us regarding the following courses that we can offer you US 58577 National Certificate: General Security Practices Purpose:

The learner will be able to: • Safeguard premises, assets, information and personnel. • Interact with customers and people. • Operate security equipment. • Conduct security duties within the ambit of the law. The qualification is made up of a combination of learning outcomes from Fundamental, Core and Elective components, totalling 124 minimum credits. Fundamental component: All unit standards to the value of 36 credits are compulsory. Core component: All unit standards to the value of 63 credits are compulsory. Elective component: A learner must achieve a minimum of 25 credits of their choice from any of the available elective unit standards which would advance their chosen career path. Learners choosing an area of specialisation must complete all unit standards listed within that area of specialisation.

Dog Handling Specialisation: »»


»» »»

ID 243188: Care for a service dog. ID 243192: Handle a trained service dog for protection.

Reaction officer -

Skills programmes SASSETA E-C must be completed

Assets in transit officer

SASSETA E,D & C must be completed

Assets in transit driver

SASSETA E,D & C must be completed Assets in transit officer skills programme must be completed

Maritime Security Officer

U/S (Sea Port) SASSETA E & D must be completed

ID 117705: Demonstrate knowledge of the Firearms Control Act 2000 (Act No. 60 of 2000) applicable to possessing a firearm, NQF Level 3, 3 Credits. ID 119649: Handle and use a handgun, NQF Level 3, 2 Credits. ID 123515: Handle and use a handgun for business purposes, NQF Level 4, 3 Credits.

Firearms Specialisation Shotgun: »»

This qualification is for individuals who want to enter the security industry and develop competencies in standard security practices such as access and egress control, security response and patrols, asset protection and visible security operations.


Firearms Specialisation Handgun:

»» »»

ID 117705: Demonstrate knowledge of the Firearms Control Act 2000 (Act No. 60 of 2000) applicable to possessing a firearm, NQF Level 3, 3 Credits. ID 119652: Handle and use a shot gun, NQF Level 3, 2 Credits. ID 123514: Handle and use a shotgun for business purposes, NQF Level 4, 3 Credits.

Firearms Specialisation self loading rifle or carbine. »»

»» »»

ID 117705: Demonstrate knowledge of the Firearms Control Act 2000 (Act No. 60 of 2000) applicable to possessing a firearm, NQF Level 3, 3 Credits. ID 119650: Handle and use a self loading rifle or carbine, NQF Level 3, 2 Credits. ID 123511: Handle and use a self loading rifle or carbine for business, NQF Level 4, 3 Credits.

Firearms Specialisation manual operating rifle or carbine: »»

»» »»

ID 117705: Demonstrate knowledge of the Firearms Control Act 2000 (Act No. 60 of 2000) applicable to possessing a firearm, NQF Level 3, 3 Credits. ID 119651: Handle and use a manual operating rifle or carbine, NQF Level 3, 2 Credits. ID 123519: Handle and use a manual operating rifle or carbine for business purposes, NQF Level 4, 3 Credits.

The elective unit standard category is open-ended to allow the learner to choose the 25 credits associated to the elective unit standards from any discipline that would add value to the purpose of the qualification or the learner`s own development on a learning pathway.

Port Security Officer

(Aviation Ports, Airports & Rail Ports) SASSETA E & D must be completed

Event Security Officer

SASSETA E & D must be completed

Armed Officer

including relevant skills programme for the particular security service provider

Control Room Operator (All categories /specialisations) Ph: 031 503 1688 Fax 031 503 4198 Email

21 20

“When your future depends on using only the best … Zenzele is the school for all your security training needs”

EXECUTIVE SECURITY AND TRAINING SERVICES We are excited to announce our association with world renowned advanced security trainers operating out of the UK - ESTS International.

Executive Security & Training Services Ltd (aka: ESTS International) are a privately-owned, UK-based executive close protection & security training company. ESTS's core personnel are made up of former Elite Military Forces, Specialist Law Enforcement and experienced Security Specialists. Many of their staff are accredited with the Anti Terrorism Accreditation Board (ATAB) in the United States of America achieving Certified Antiterrorism Specialist (CAS) and in some cases Certified Master Antiterrorism Specialists (CMAS). Our core trainers are also City & Guilds accredited trainers. ESTS has representation in countries such as Canada, the USA and most recently in India.

Corporate Overview Through sound ongoing operational experience, our broad scope of knowledge in Executive Close Protection and our international reach, we provide only the highest quality specialist security guidance and Risk Management Solutions Taking into consideration the specific requirements of each of our clients on an individual basis, we provide our Clients with a complete 'service in a box' incorporating Security Consultancy and Management, Threat Assessment & OHSAS Consultancy Services backed up by quality bespoke Security Training courses and our extensive security specialists contractor database.

ESTS are ranked amongst the most experienced security consultancy companies, specialising in: • security management, • risk management & mitigation services, • contingency planning, • threat assessment and • Occupational Health & Safety Assessment Specification (OHSAS) consultancy services.

ESTS are market leaders at providing their clients with professional Physical Security and Consultancy Services including but not limited to: »» »» »» »» »»



Bodyguards (BG) Protective Security Details (PSD) & Security Escort Teams (SET) Armed Escort Services (AES) Residential Security Teams (RST) Maritime Asset Security Teams (MAST) – Including qualified SSO / Team Leader Maritime Security Training: Ship Security Officers (SSO) / Company Security Officers (CSO) Security & Risk Management & Health & Safety Consultancy Services

ESTS endeavour to involve our Clients from the very beginning at the planning stage of all their Close Protection and Security operations to ensure that the risk assessment, risk management & mitigation and allied security service measures are covered at the earliest stage in order to afford the most c o s t e f fe c tive, seamless and rounded solution. All of ESTS activities are conducted with the highest degree of Client confidentiality. ESTS is listed on the Data Protection Act Register protecting all privileged information supplied by our Clients. ESTS is fully committed to providing the best of industry practice to our Clients.

We also provide high-quality, bespoke security training courses such as: »» Static & Roaming Site Security Training »» Close Personal Protection Officer / Bodyguard Training (CPPO / BG) »» Protective Security Detail / Security Escort Team Training (PSD / SET) »» First Aid Training – Remote Medic / PSD Medic »» Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) »» Close Quarter Battle (CQB) and Hostage Recue Teams (HRT)

CK No: 1998/038584/23 VAT No: 4580203331 SDL No: L520745243 PSIRA No: 464976 SASSETA No: 071952452437 SAPS Acc: 4000651

ESTS International Mission Statement: Executive Security & Training Services Ltd (ESTS International) is a market leader in the close protection services and specialist security training industry. We strive to exceed the Client’s expectations utilising well-trained, highly-experienced and learned close protection professionals and security managers who are subject matter experts. It is our primary objective to afford, only the highest quality of service, along with a corporate management structure that is well versed in the industry. This allows us to provide excellent customer service for the most cost-effective price. These primary objectives will be accomplished through an honourable and earnest methodology with both our employees and our Clients. Our growth will be controlled in a manner that is consistent within our industry and in-line with our business philosophy of delivering quality and service excellence.


CLOSE PROTECTION OPERATIVES/BODYGUARD CPPO/Bodyguard Training courses for lowmedium threat environments and PSD Training for high threat environemnts.

ESTS Ltd have structured their training courses to meet the needs of the individual, from those with little, or no security experience to those who have good experience in some of the CPP areas of expertise. We have found that the professional CPP Operator cannot stop learning all their lives, as quite simply the lives of their clients and themselves are at risk.

Bodyguard Course Training Subjects

Bodyguard Training Courses

ESTS International also offers low to medium-threat-environment bodyguard training courses. The training of students is a very specialized field especially when the student speaks very little English or the Instructor speaks very little of the students native language. In these circumstances training is extremely difficult and requires great time and patience by the instructor. The Directors of ESTS International and their associated consultants are very skilled in this area and have trained many local nationals in countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo and other environments. They have built excellent rapports with these students and are regularly contacted for advice and information. Having served in these environments for many years the instructors know what is needed that will work in that particular environment.

The following subjects are covered on the Bodyguard Training courses in both theory and practical session. Note: Additional lessons and presentations are added as required. »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»

Close Protection Duties Tactical Manoeuvres and Operations Anti-Ambush Driving Drills Unarmed Combat & Weapon Disarming Pressure Point Fighting Restraints Take-Down Techniques Police Defensive / Evasive Driving Residential Security Team Training Contingency Planning Controlling Checkpoints Psychology of Terrorism Information Gathering Asp Batons Techniques Intervention Model and Riot Control Bomb Search Procedures Medical Procedures Threat Analysis Communication Skills

Hostile Environment PSD & SET Training ESTS International also run specialist courses for bodyguards working in high-threat-level environments such as Iraq, Afghanistan, South America, South East Asia and Africa. These courses are designed to school the bodyguard in the more advanced elements of close protection including weapon-handling skills.

Why choose the ESTS PSD Training course? ESTS



structors are made up of former UK Special Forces, UK 14 Intelligence Group, UK Elite Royal Marines Commando Comacchio Group (now Fleet Protection Group), Counter-Terrorism & Anti-Terrorism Marines, Police Anti-Terrorist Units, NATO

Continued on page 23 ...

»» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»

»» »»

Negotiation and Conflict Resolution. Incident & Risk Management (local law enforcement officials) Arrest and Release of Prisoners Target acquisition with Assault rifle Hand to hand CQB Route reconnaissance Communication skills (VHF & HF) International Law Statement & Report writing Travel planning for Clients Map reading SOPs (writing and coordinating) Route cards Client briefing Resistance to Interrogation (client brief ) House plans (RST protection) Counter Terrorist Searching

"..... The moment Steve starts teaching you realize that he is extremely professional. His operational knowledge is impressive and the ability to pass on the skills to the student is excellent. I can say that he performs in an outstanding manner and would love to work alongside him anywhere in a hostile environment ....." Reference: 'Chip' Former UN PSD Teams (PSD 2ic, Iraq)

Ph: 031 503 1688 Fax 031 503 4198 Email

23 22

“When your future depends on using only the best … Zenzele is the school for all your security training needs”

PSD AND SET TRAINING COURSES ... continued from page 22

Security Detachment and PSD, SET, AES and RLT Team Leaders (Iraq, Afghanistan, SE Asia).

All instructors have operated in high-threat environments such as Afghanistan and Iraq in positions such as PSD Team Leaders, since 2003. The PSD Training course is an intensive three weeks in duration and covers all subjects you need to know to operate as a proficient PSD Operator. Over 180 hours of theory and practical instruction is covered. Successful graduates will receive the following certificates: »» PSD Course Attendance and Proficiency Certification »» PSD Unarmed Combat Certification »» PSD Tactical Driving & Convoy Certification »» PSD CQB Tactical Firearms Certification »» PSD Combat First Aid Instruction Students who do not make the mark are rated at the level they are suited to operate until such time as they are able to achieve the relevant course mark for PSD Operators. Students who are notcapable are not passed. Only the best come out of these courses and students are not passed simply because everyone else does so.

Relevant PSD Skills and tactics training

Making up the bulk of the course are all the skills required of a high-risk PSD Operator. The course teaches you al the neccessary operational skills needed as a PSD when planning and implementing vehicle movements, cleint escorting, residential security, personal escort section teams, venue security, counter assualt team (CAT), close quarter combat (fire & manouver) and all other tasks associated with operating as a professional PSD team member. The following subjects (but not limited to) are covered on the PSD & SET courses in both theory and practical session.

Some of the PSD & SET Training Course Training Subjects: »» »» »» »» »» »»

»» »» »» »» »»

Introduction to the PSD Philosophy of Close Protection Protocol of a PSD Team Leader PSD Team Organisation Planning Operations Introduction to Personal Security


The RST Team Static Guard Training Vehicle Searching Risk Evaluation Training Risk Management Training


»» »» »» »» »»

»» »» »» »»

The PES Team Basic Foot Formations Advanced Foot Formations Body Protection Drills Standard Operational Procedures Personnel Searching


Embus & Debus Training Foot Escort Presentations Rules of Engagement Live Fire Training & NSPs Security Advance Party


»» »» »» »» »»

»» »» »»

IED Presentations Ambush Awareness Trainign CP Planning Process Operational Orders CATVehicle Training Dead Vehicle Drills

Vehicle Escort Drills Vehicle Escort for Principals Venue Security Teams Unarmed Combat

These courses are not for beginners! “..... I was immediately impressed with Steve’s knowledge of security operations especially those concerning executive protection. His ability to instruct on this subject is unsurpassed by other instructors that I've attended classes with. His ability to keep a student focused on the subject being taught is unrivalled. His ability to add humour and wit to class subjects makes retention of subjects easier for students. I learned a great deal from him and would love to have him working with my team here in Iraq as Team Leader ....." Reference: Chris, former US Military (PSD Manager, Iraq) CK No: 1998/038584/23 VAT No: 4580203331 SDL No: L520745243 PSIRA No: 464976 SASSETA No: 071952452437 SAPS Acc: 4000651


HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT AWARENESS TRAINING What is a Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) course?

The HEAT course is ideally suited to companies and or organisations that will be placing their staff into potentially hostile high-risk environments and wish for those persons to be educated in the dangers of living and operating in such environments. Companies and organisations who are ideal candidates for this course are groups such as: »» The Media »» Non-Government Organisations (NGO’s) »» Registered Charities »» Aid Workers »» Contractors »» Security Assistance Forces The HEAT course is designed specifically for companies and individuals that operate worldwide, particularly in areas where there may be concerns for personal health or safety. It has proved extremely effective for ''frontline'' organisations, e.g . the Media, NGO’s, Aid Agencies, etc. but can equally be applied to the work of a range of other companies working in potentially or actively volatile areas. The two-week course addresses a range of threats to the health and safety of the persons operating in these environments and covers such factors as proliferation of weapons, landmines and booby traps, constructing temporary shelters etc, The main aim is to teach people how to identify end correctly assess risks to safety and security while living and working in areas that may be volatile, whether though political unrest, unfriendly governments or regimes, harsh climatic conditions, and a variety of other reasons. ESTS has developed a varied range of HEAT training modules that convey an enhanced awareness covering a variety of related Subjects. These include reaction to being taken hostage, the good points and bad points about I.P.E (Individual Protective Equipment) and living in hostile surroundings in a survival situation. The course covers many other areas but must not be mistaken for a survival course. This course teaches you to act, live and survive in a hostile environment where you may be living or working in. We do teach you in the second week the basic survival skills such as escape planning, constructing temporary shelters, water management and emergency navigation which will stand you in good form should things take a turn for the worse. The ESTS HEAT course is one of the most comprehensive of its type available on the commercial market and has been designed purely for the non-security trained person who is contracted to work overseas in potentially hostile environments.

Introduction to some of the HEAT course subjects:

The two week course is highly informative and covers many subject-related topics. Towards the end of the course a few days is spent training on survival techniques should your escape or evacuation plan entail travelling across inhospitable terrain to safety. The course is split in various levels which incorporate the following (but not limited to) subjects:

Travel awareness: »» »» »» »» »»

Air travel awareness Surviving a hijacking Travel to areas with moderate crime Travel to Muslim countries Travel to hostile countries »» Travel to countries with sever crime or terrorism »» Security travel tips for woman

Living and working in the environment »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»

Personal safety and security Accommodation considerations Travel considerations Personal Security Details (PSD’s) IED awareness Kidnap awareness Points of contact Reporting and check-in considerations Evacuation procedures and planning

Survival training »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»

Seeking shelter Basic survival medicine Resourcing food Food storage guidelines Resourcing water Recovery requirements Induced conditions The will to survive

Ph: 031 503 1688 Fax 031 503 4198 Email

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“When your future depends on using only the best … Zenzele is the school for all your security training needs”

MEDICAL & TRAUMA TRAINING These courses are intended for those persons who intend operating in hostile environments where access to medical facilities are limited 3-Day Trauma Skills for Security Operators

This course can be instructed to all field operators and they do not require prior medical training. The Trauma Skills course will give each team member the basic skill set to manage traumatic injuries in a hostile operational environment.

• Evacuations • Range Work with TCCC.

7-Day PSD Medic Training Intermediate Level Course:

The Protective Security Detail - Medic course can be instructed to all field operators and they do not require prior medical training. This course will give each team member the basic skill set to manage traumatic injuries in a hostile operational environment. It is a comprehensive program that incorporates didactic material that is emphasized through practical scenario application. Students will develop life saving skills. In this 50-hour course students will be introduced to the most up to date critical life-support

• Hypovolemic shock • Soft tissue & Wound care (H-Bandage, • CAT Application & Combat Gauze) • Thoracic trauma (Decompression • Penetrating trauma • CASEVAC set-up • Thermal Injuries • Environmental emergencies. Students will have a chance to practice skill application in multiple field scenarios. The course is concluded with a practical integration scenario which includes sound and light distractions and a written confirmation.

12-Day Combat Medic Advanced Level Course

The Advanced Combat Medic course must be preceded by the PSD- Medic course. It is an intense two week program that enhances the field medics’ capabilities and expands on trauma management and casualty care. This course consists of pre-readings and extensive lectures, labs and integration scenarios.

By training all operational team members in basic tactical combat casualty care we will increase the unit’s combat effectiveness and its survivability. If we can make some minor changes in the teams trauma care skills training and equipment, we can improve the overall survival rate. Prerequisite / Current CPR. • Tactical Combat Casualty Care • Field Medic Assessments • Open and Manage a Casualty's Airway • Bleeding Control & Blood stoppers • Treatment of Blast Injuries • Burns and Gunshot wounds • Initiate a Field Medical Card

interventions. The primary focus will be on the management of traumatic injuries that a casualty may suffer in a hostile environment. With proper training and equipment operators can decrease preventable death while on high-risk operations. The PSD-medic training will increase the unit’s combat effectiveness and its survivability. • Equipment Selection & Considerations • Tactical Combat Care • Care under fire • Critical field interventions • Patient assessments • Airway management (NPA, OPA & King)

CK No: 1998/038584/23 VAT No: 4580203331 SDL No: L520745243 PSIRA No: 464976 SASSETA No: 071952452437 SAPS Acc: 4000651

• Equipment Selection & Considerations • DRABC & CPR • Primary & Secondary Surveys • Airway Skills • Surgical Airways • Baseline Vitals • Patient Assessments • Bandaging & Splinting • Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) • Kinematics of Trauma • Blast Injuries (IED’s) & Burns • Multi-System Trauma • Lifting & Moving • Medical Emergencies • Shock & Sepsis • Anaphylaxis • CASEVAC • Intravenous Therapy • AEDs • Pain Control & Antibiotics • Triage / MCI’s


INTRODUCTION TO MARITIME SECURITY Introduction Since 9/11 and the rise of hostilities in the Middle East, security at International ports has come under considerable scrutiny. The Maritime Transportation Security Act and the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code require training on security issues for portside and shipside workers. These programs provide training in the awareness of, prevention of and response to breaches of security. It examines the major security issues faced by the maritime industry. In association with Executive Security & Training Services Ltd (ESTS International) a privately-owned, UK-based executive close protection & security training company, Zenzele Security & Training are now offering training courses within the maritime industry.

the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention (1974/1988) on minimum security arrangements for ships, ports and government agencies. Having come into force in 2004, it prescribes responsibilities to governments, shipping companies, shipboard personnel, and port/facility personnel to "detect security threats and take preventative measures against security incidents affecting ships or port facilities used in international trade."

ing minimum requirements for security of ships and ports. Part A provides mandatory requirements. Part B provides guidance for implementation. The ISPS Code applies to ships on international voyages (including passenger ships, cargo ships of 500 GT and upwards, and mobile offshore drilling units) and the port facilities serving such ships. The main objectives of the ISPS Code are:


The IMO states that "The International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code) is a comprehensive set of measures to enhance the security of ships and port facilities, developed in response to the perceived threats to ships and port facilities in the wake of the

• To detect security threats and implement security measures • To establish roles and responsibilities concerning maritime security for governments, local administrations, ship and port industries at the national and international level • To collate and promulgate security-related information • To provide a methodology for security assessments so as to have in place plans and procedures to react to changing security levels


The Code does not specify specific measures that each port and ship must take to ensure the safety of the facility against terrorism because of the many different types and sizes of these facilities. Instead it outlines "a standardized, consistent framework for evaluating risk, enabling governments to offset changes in threat with changes in vulnerability for ships and port facilities." For ships the framework includes requirements for: • Ship security plans. • Ship security officers • Company security officers • Certain onboard equipment

Courses offered, include:

9/11 attacks in the United States" (IMO).

For port facilities, the requirements include:

• Port facility security plans Development and implementation were • Port facility security officers speeded up drastically in reaction to the Sep• Ship Security Officer (SSO) – 3 days • Certain security equipment tember 11, 2001 attacks and the bombing of • Company Security Officer (CSO) – 3 days In addition the requirements for ships and the French oil tanker Limburg. The U.S. Coast • Maritime Security Awareness (MSA) – 2 for port facilities include: Guard, as the lead agency in the United States days 2. Maritime Asset Security Teams (MAST) - in- delegation to the International Maritime Or- • Monitoring and controlling access ganization (IMO), advocated for the measure. • Monitoring the activities of people and cluding qualified SSO/Team Leader cargo The Code was agreed at a meeting of the 108 signatories to the SOLAS convention in Lon- • Ensuring security communications are International Ship and Port don in December 2002. The measures agreed readily available Facility Security Code under the Code were brought into force on The International Ship and July 1, 2004. Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code is an amendment to Scope The Code is a two-part document describ1. Maritime Security Training Courses: Ph: 031 503 1688 Fax 031 503 4198 Email

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“When your future depends on using only the best … Zenzele is the school for all your security training needs”

MARITIME SECURITY TRAINING Maritime Security Awareness (MSA)

This course provides knowledge to all facility and vessel personnel with respect to the security of a facility and/or vessel. Upon completion of this course, participants will have met training requirements as defined by Parts B13.4 and B18.3 of the ISPS Code. Product Offering: Classroom Training Duration: 1 day Typical Audience: All maritime personnel Maximum Students: 15 Learning Objectives • Familiarity with relevant provisions of the PFSP and SSP. • The meaning and the consequential requirements of the different security levels. • Recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous substances and devices. • Knowledge of the emergency procedures and contingency plans. • Recognition of characteristics and behavioral patterns of persons who are likely to threaten security. • Techniques used to circumvent security measures.

and contingency planning. • Instruction techniques for security training and education, including security measures and procedures. • Handling sensitive security related information and security related communications. • Knowledge of current security threats and patterns. • Recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous substances and devices. • Recognition, on a non discriminatory basis, of characteristics and behavioral patterns of persons who are likely to threaten the security. • Techniques used to circumvent security measures. • Security equipment and systems and their operational limitations. • Methods of conducting audits, inspection, control and monitoring. • Methods of physical searches and nonintrusive inspections. • Security drills and exercises, including drills

Ship Security Officer (SSO)

This course provides knowledge to those who may be designated to perform the duties and responsibilities of a Ship Security Officer (CSO), in particular, the duties and responsibilities with respect to the security of a ship. This certified course meets the training requirements as defined by Parts B13.1 and B13.2 of the ISPS Code. Product Offering: Classroom Training Course Format: 3 days Typical Audience: Ship Security Officers Maximum Students: 15 Learning Objectives • Security administration. • Relevant international conventions, codes and recommendations. • Relevant Government legislation and regulations. • Responsibilities and functions of other security organizations. • Methodology of ship security assessment. • Methods of ship security surveys and inspections. • Ship and port operations and conditions. • Ship and port facility security measures. • Emergency preparedness and response

and exercises with facilities. • Assessment of security drills and exercises. • Layout of the ship. • The Ship Security Plan and related procedures (including scenario-based training on how to respond). • Crowd management and control techniques. • Operations of security equipment and systems. • Testing, calibration and, while at sea, maintenance of security equipment and systems.

This course provides knowledge to those who may be designated to perform the duties and responsibilities of a Company Security Officer (CSO), in particular, the duties and responsibilities with respect to the security of a ship. This certified course meets the training requirements as defined by Part B13.1 of the ISPS Code. Product Offering: Classroom Training Course Format: 3 days Typical Audience: Company Security Officers Maximum Students: 15 Learning Objectives • Security administration. • Relevant international conventions, codes and recommendations. • Relevant Government legislation and regulations. • Responsibilities and functions of other security organizations. • Methodology of ship security assessment. • Methods of ship security surveys and inspections. • Ship and port operations and conditions. • Ship and port facility security measures. • Emergency preparedness and response and contingency planning. • Instruction techniques for security training and education, including security measures and procedures. • Handling sensitive security related information and security related communications. • Knowledge of current security threats and patterns. • Recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous substances and devices. • Recognition, on a non discriminatory basis, of characteristics and behavioral patterns of persons who are likely to threaten the security. • Techniques used to circumvent security measures. • Security equipment and systems and their operational limitations. • Methods of conducting audits, inspection, control and monitoring. • Methods of physical searches and nonintrusive inspections. • Security drills and exercises, including drills and exercises with facilities. • Assessment of security drills and exercises.

Company Security Officer (CSO)

CK No: 1998/038584/23 VAT No: 4580203331 SDL No: L520745243 PSIRA No: 464976 SASSETA No: 071952452437 SAPS Acc: 4000651


“When your future depends on using only the best … Zenzele is the school for all your security training needs”


KWAMASHU TRAINING CENTRE E1137 Ntombela Road kwaMashu (Next to kwaMashu SAPS) Tel: 031 503 1688 Fax: 031 503 4198 VERULAM TRAINING CENTRE Room 10, 1st Floor Ayasha Centre 55-59 Moss Street Verulam Tel: 032 533 8582 Fax: 031 503 4198 PIETERMARITZBURG TRAINING CENTRE 565 Jabu Ndlovu Street (Loop) Pietermaritzburg Tel: 033 345 8657 Fax: 033 342 9248


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