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Zephyr Magazine is a bullshit FREE mag recognising the people in small towns with big talent. Creative Director Anthea Charalambous Photo & Design Editor Samuel Connelly Copy Editor Chris Baker Contributing Writers Chelsea Anstee Contributing Photographers Fiona Titheridge Brett Randal Nathan Hennessy Tilly Clifford Jay Shmizter Troy Landendoen

printed at J.A Wales Printers.

Thanks to...Nathan Smith, Mulga, Ima AKA Stelly Gapasaurus, Ellis Lanyon, Alex Sinadinovic, Avalon McRae, Muzzy at Quay Collective, Jackson Foord, Callum Crinis, Kyle Lochhead, Ben UFO, ROME, Frolic, Blake Johnson, Samantha De Santis, Courtenay Lee.

For advertising and submissions please contact: zephyrmag@me.com


S E A S C A P E / P H O T O G R A P H E R / / N AT H A N H E N N E S S Y



We h ad a q uick cha t w i t h M i cha e l


“ Muz z y ” Grah am a b o u t hi s n ew

b et w e e n

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Q uay us


Co ll e c t i v e .


li t t l e

co ll e cti v e

w h a ts a nd

th e


Qu a y

Co llec -

Neg a tive

th rea ds ?


So Quay Collective its our concept

M uz ?

store, its our studio and you can se e

Q u a y Co ll e ct ive is a reta il sp a ce ,

we don’t just stock our label cos


st u -

theres plenty of other co ol stuff go-

dio s pace fo r o u r l a b e l N e g a-

gall e ry

s pace

ing on and its more or less about


Th re ads .



having a base for ourselves where

ra t he r

we can do fun stuff and involve

than a s to re an d tha t so r t of t i e s

and collaborate with other artists,

in wit h t h e value s of t he sto re .


What are t h e pl an s fo r t he sp a ce ?


We pl an to us e t h e sp a ce a s oft e n a s


poss ibl e fo r ex hibit i o n s, p a r t i e s a n d

Q u a y Collective is in th e Centra l

ju st h ave an e mph a si s o n so r t of

Cha m b ers building , th e entra nce is

gett in g s t uff h appenin g in Wo ll o n g

d ow n n ea r th e pla y g rou nd in th e

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m a ll in betwe en flig ht centre a nd th e

the s hit nightclubs a ro u n d he re

n ew ta kea wa y s u s hi jo int, th eres a

ha ha h a yo u can t a dd t ha t in ! N a r

d o o r a nd s ta irs , h ea d u p th e s ta irs ..

e mph as is





m o re

sp a ce

fu ck it h ah a An d t h en ye a h j u st so r t of know wh e re t h e re s a lo t g a ll e r i e s ha ppe nin g in Syd n ey a n d e l sew he re an d t h e re s s o much ha p p e nin g in Wollo n go n g no

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wh ere find


other a bo u ts ra d

avenues. ca n s pa ce?

“don’t be afraid of the dog” CYPRUS

Photography // Anthea Charalambous

ladys mile beach

the village view.

the ice-cream man came every afternoon, mouth watering good.

Thea Christalla, an inspirational women. She will make you a mean ‘hamburger’, cyprus style.

golden beach restaurant & bar, frappes and haloumi on the sand.

my papou (middle) escaping the hoards of family outside on easter sunday.

Photography / Styling // Anthea Charalambous - Makeup // Samatha De Santis

all clothes worn throughout vintage

Co-Founder of the universally acclaimed Hessle Audio, discover of names like James Blake & Objekt and regarded as one of the best DJ’s in the UK (if not the world), Ben Thompson aka BenUFO is that dude who knows about everything before you do (with the fuck-off record collection to prove it). But don’t worry, he’s actually the nicest dude you could find in buzz-word electronic genres. We were lucky to get him on the phone to discuss Jungle Music, Homelessness and the life-changing powers of FM transmitters.

BEN UFO interview: chris barker

Hey Ben. Hope your good, I think we

have often gone hand in hand with creativ-

should just jump right into it. I saw

ity, I don’t know if one thing leads to another.

your online protests against anti-

it’s probably more likely that people who are

squatting laws in the UK. Whats your

trying to satisfy themselves creatively or artis-

stance on this?

Yeah…basically it’s about unnecessarily criminalising people more than it is about a particular personal attachment to squat-

tically often aren’t making money out of it, and live that way out of necessity. You’ve spoken how, with pirate radio in London, what you listened to de-

ting. I’ve never squatted, but I know a few

pended on where you grew up, do you

people who have for whatever reason –

think this

because they might be looking for ways

culture is still relevant?

to opt out, or looking for different ways to

I hope so yeah, just because I listen to radio

live, but I think from everyone’s perspec-


tive it’s less about those people and more

location-based radio was a part of life for

about people who’re squatting out of

anyone that grew up in London. It would be a

necessity. There’s a lot of homelessness in

shame if it died out

London (and a lot of empty buildings), and

completely. I like the increased access that

tackling that

comes with

problem by criminalising people just en-

internet radio, but it would be a shame if it

trenches the problem, and aside from that

was at the

it’s going to cost a huge amount of money.

expense of hearing people broadcasting on

That’s basically it.

FM. That very direct form of participation that

I heard about a place called The Red

comes with setting up an unlicensed FM trans-


mitter and broadcasting across a city is hugely

it used to be a squat that hosted some

different from just setting up an internet stream.

of the earliest dubstep nights…

I’m not sure if The Red Star itself used to be

There’s a huge resurgence of American dance music, both good and bad. Do you have much connection to

a squat. It was a fairly informal venue, I’m not


sure what their license

happening over there.

situation was… But around that time (2006-7)

Only in as much as I get sent the music and I

there were quite a lot of squatted venues in

play quite a lot of it. I’m in touch with people

London that were

like Kingdom and the Fade to Mind label, and

starting to put on DJ’s from our world, which

people like Helix who is based in the States

at that time was basically the dubstep scene.

and releasing on Night Slugs, but beyond that

I guess those kinds of living arrangements

not so much. I haven’t toured over there very

much but I’m going out for an extended pe-

elsewhere is the main thing.

riod of time for the first time, which I’m really

Is there anyone from Australia inter-

excited about. Hopefully that will be an oppor-

esting you at the moment?

tunity to go out and meet more people who

There is actually yeah, a lot. It takes a lot to

are making new music over there. That’s the

catch my ear at the moment mainly because

really positive side of internet culture – people

of the volume of music being sent, but some-

can send music from all over the world. So on

thing that made a real impact on me recently

from that, with Hessle Audio are you

was the CD compilation from a label I was

apprehensive to release anything out-

following called Templar Sound. I’ve been in

side of London, it seems very London

touch with Aidan who runs that label for a

based in terms of style and musicality.

while, and I’ve been in touch with Dro Carey

I’m not opposed to it in principle at all – Ob-

who releases with them for quite a while now,

jekt, who did the last release, is based in Ber-

but the CD really took me off guard because

lin for example. It’s true though that we haven’t

there were so many producers I’d never heard

released anybody yet with whom we don’t

of before and there were so many amazing

have a personal direct connection – everyone

tracks on there – there is one in particular by

we have released on the label so far I know

a guy called Mokona which I was just blown

quite well now, and I think that’s facilitated by

away by, so I’m looking forward to coming out

knowing people in person. But I think it’s prob-

and hopefully getting a chance to meet some

ably possible for us to develop that sort of

of these people as well.

relationship with a producer via the internet

And your also playing Ibiza for the first

as well.

time? Do you have any expectations

I wouldn’t rule it out at all…

from that?

So what do you think is the difference

Well I’m playing at Space, so I think it’s go-

between a really good record and

ing to be an extremely big room, but I’m lucky

something you would release?

in that I’m playing with a lot of people that I

A few things really. I think primarily it’s to try

really respect: Derrick May, Carl Craig and

and identify whether a track could have a

Paul Woolford, so it’s loosely based around

comfortable home

the Planet E label. I’m playing back to back

elsewhere. If there’s a track that I really love

with Paul who knows that venue and knows

which I can’t see being released on any other

Ibiza well. It should be good. So the whole

label, than that’s a good sign. We started the

Jungle and DnB thing sort of fell out a few

label to give an outlet to

years ago. It’s still spoken a lot of by yourself,

producers who might not have an outlet any-

Oneman, Jackmaster etc but it rarely gets

where else, so releasing something that might

played out these days.

not fit comfortably

Do these genres still have much of an influence on what you do?

Absolutely yeah, I mean jungle and drum ‘n’ bass was the first kind of London dance music that I really became interested in, and I think it still feeds quite directly into what I do. More or less everything I listened to as a kid in London feeds into what I do now. I don’t very often DJ that music anymore but I still have a huge amount of love for it and a huge amount of time for it. Every now and then I’ll do something like the mix I recorded for Boiler Room about 6 months ago, which was kind of a tribute to that kind of music. It was called Never Went to Blue Note - basically Blue Note was a club in East London where the Metalheadz label used to do their parties, and I recorded a mix based on my ideas of what that club would have been like as I was much too young to actually get down there.


Photo // Matt Hipsley

P h o t o g r a p h y S a m C o n n e l y // F a s h i o n A n t h e a C h a r a l a m b o u s

our version of a centerfold.

making it a new thing, every issue we will bring you super babes in hats,

H e r e at Z e p h y r m a g a z i n e w e l o v e a r a d b a b e i n a h at. T h at ’s w h y w e a r e

damn she can wear the hell out of a 5 panel.

This is Alex.

Dead Castle Project jumper & I Love Ugly five panel from Quay Collective.

Insight jacket, Shakunachi leather dress from Frolic & Cal’s Supreme Hat.

Cal’s Santa Cruz shirt, customised vintage levi’s, I Love Ugly five panel from Quay Collective.

Jack’s Nickelodean t-shirt, Friend of Mine shorts, I Love Ugly five panel from Quay Collective.

Shakuhachi dress Cal’s Supreme hat

Vintage shirt & shorts I Love Ugly five panel from Quay Collective

Crisis In Cambodia : the Bonnie Situation


“…I moved from across the fucking country for you… it was a surprise for when you got back from overseas, I dunno I guess after the time we spent in Cambodia ,I guess I was just blinded by love…but your just a fucking dickhead” Blinded by love…what the fuck does that mean? You can also be blind drunk, blind with rage or poked in both eyes with a hot iron; none of which have positive connotations. So why does love get such stella appeal? Is it an academic approved justification for stupid behaviour?

I’m offering you this deeply philosophical and prophetic discussion so hopefully one day, when you find yourself laying on a secluded Cambodian beach, unable to Right now you’re probably wondering one of two things; 1. What are you talking about? Or, 2. I want to visit Cambodia, what’s it like? Here are your answers: After downing my daily breakfast special: instant coffee with condensed milk and bowl-o-rice with a raw egg that the shack-turned-hostel boasts so highly, I was feeling invigorated and adventurous. It’s not every day you get to wake up and meet the Cambodian coastline from your hammock. And, if you’re like me and love to experiment with drugs in places you have no idea about, the prospect of hiring a scooter and asking a few key shopfronts in the next town for a bottle of liquid ketamine (a trick I learned from an American I was travelling with to in Phnom Penh) seemed like a fantastic way to start the day. Within the hour 50ml’s of Ketamil, 6 Angkor’s and a bag of rice to offer to the monks at a temple nearby left with me. The advantage of tropical heat means that the sun not only gives myself a healthy glow but also gives 50ml’s of liquid a change to evaporate. By early afternoon I was 6 beers poorer and had 5 grams maturing. I had a monk write me my own protective incantation and, after news of a psyc-trance party reaching me, I decided to see the illegal Australian down at the other beach to indulge in some sticky half melted MDMA and a little weed to keep my predicted buzz going. Needless to say, if you’re like me that is, I was in pretty high spirits for dinner. Now I can’t say I am a big fan of psyc-trance music. But somewhere between the $1 No2 balloons and sandy lines of Cambodian delicacies I found my dance rhythm – somewhere between Robert Smith and a Tai Chi master. Soon after “Electric Breeze” or whatever shit was blasting I bought a sugar cube of acid and swam in the biolumincent plankton. Sunrise saw me upside-down. Without the ability to walk, talk or swallow my saliva I realised I was in trouble. The beach umbrella I was sitting under seemed to be my seat. The sand was the sky. Reality was gone. Hunter said there is no man more pathetic than one deep in the depth of an ether binge, I beg to differ. It’s a strange feeling knowing your insane, stranger still knowing your insane miles away from anything familiar. Drooling and unable to move, there I sat, looking at the crystal clear Cambodian water wondering whether i will ever be able to express myself again. Enter Bonnie. I met bonnie in Europe, we did MDMA and went to a dubstep silent disco somewhere in Ireland and made out. We fucked that night and were both covered in bruises in the morning. She left to go back home and I stayed to keep living the good life. We stayed in contact, and by Christmas my plans were developing to skip the euro-winter and head for tropical heat instead. Lord behold, Bonnie was going to be around there as well, what are the chances? We met up on the bus from Bangkok to Cambodia and spoke about how boring our lives were....I lied, though I suspect she didn’t

Bonnie found me in the morning and realised I wasn’t another person who came to Cambodia and stayed for the drugs, I was stuck in Cambodia because of the drugs. It took her 2 hours of slowly talking to me before I could unravel my head and slowly formulate my first articulate sentence in 6 hours. FFFFUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKK – followed by a healthy dose of dribble. We both laughed and 2 hours later she had me standing up against the (to my surprise, now completely upright) umbrella, I fell three times before she decided to use herself as my walking stick all the way back to the hostel. Granted it was 300m but, doing the ketty crawl, this took a substantial amount of physical and mental strength. She told me the best way to get yourself out of the corrosive mindfuck that is an acidKhole is to ejaculate. What? I may sound a little offhand at this point of the story but being forced to kneal over a woman who is performing far to vigorous actions on a far too flaccid object is just not interesting, it’s boring...and painful.

“The beach umbrella I was sitting under seemed to be my seat. The sand was the sky. Reality was gone”.

There’s a little side note I’d like to explore in this point. I feel its counterproductive taking drugs and having sex. From an outside perspective I find; we suck at it, it hurts, it last far too long and people generally look uglier.

Eventually, after asking her to stop and her persistence we came to an agreement – that was, an ejaculation on her breasts. I came, collapsed and slept for the next 30 hours. Once again it was time to depart from each other. We caught the same bus back to Bangkok, got searched for drugs somewhere between Koh Kong and TatIdon’tknowwherethefuck-Soi. After giving a healthy bribe to not confiscate Bonnies birth control I was out of money and out of patience. I don’t like to travel with people. I especially don’t like to travel with people who don’t have money, are fucking retards or are totally in love with the idea of being in love. Unfortunately, I was. As my unfortunate adventure came to an end I said goodbye to SE Asia and to her at the same time. I told her I’d be home in 6 months and the first thing I wanted to do was visit my sister in Melbourne. She said cool and cried because she was leaving, I said she was only here for 2 weeks and that she should have gone to some other places or extended her stay, as the reason for her tears couldn’t possibly be me but because she felt like she squandered her trip...right? I went back to Europe, she went home. I kind of forgot about the entire thing until last night. 6 months is alot of time. It’s enough to see a whole continent. It’s also enough time to move to an entirely new city on the otherside of Australia, in the hope they would run into someone. Kids, the only thing worse than using facebook to keep in contact with someone is to not use it at all. Girls, don’t change your life on the assumption and a very hungover, dirty and generally angry guy leads you to believe in an airport in Bangkok. Guys, never tell anyone your real name.

SICK!! Cal draws some pretty fucked up shit, its art that keeps you looking...hard. Its not for the faint hearted so don’t show your mothers or your little sisters. artwork by Callum Sinadinovic

Everyday footwear crimes Bad









Let’s get one thing clear. I may be a bit of a snob, but I’m

shoelace. I, for example cannot be bothered—and am pretty

certainly not shallow. I just have a particular frustration

incapable—of doing my hair in the morning or applying foun-

for perfectly presentable people who make the poorest of

dation. But I conceal this weakness with a giant bun perched

choices. These bad choices most commonly take place in

on the crown of my head and a bit of mascara.

the form of the most frightening footwear one could possibly envisage. Things like ‘what the fuck were you thinking

As proven, there are shortcuts when it comes to appearing

when you willingly put those shoes on your feet?’ often

presentable. There are alternate styles of footwear to choose

cross my mind, but over time I’ve developed the ability to

from. Alternatives that don’t resemble a giant pair of

pretend these offenders are

bleached-white baby shoes with bi-Velcro do-ups and fleecy

wearing a pair of decent, era-appropriate, outfit-appro-

lining. Surely one could select the slip-on men’s brogue, or the

priate shoes.

elasticated Chelsea boot, could they not?

My inability to understand such motives lies in the fact

I accept that style isn’t for everyone, but wouldn’t any dignified

that I care for people. I care that you decided to put on

woman realise that wearing old mesh running shoes and flare

a great, respectable outfit this morning and then had a

jeans just isn’t the best way they could showcase their

mental spasm and opted for the white old-man-sneaker-

femininity? Even defying university OH&S requirements and

style shoes with Velcro fastenings. Appearance is every-

wearing thongs would be better than the freak-show shoe

thing. You are not going to get a job in most fields if you

parade you have going on there. Sure, you may have a bad

are wearing a pencil skirt, sheer stockings and off-white

shoe fetish, but keep it inside your four walls. I have a par-

sneakers with purple features and laces tied so tight they


suffocate the living shit out of your feet.

fixation for my pink fluffy dressing gown, but I certainly wouldn’t intentionally upset people by wearing it to the

A member of a group assignment I was part of last semes-

shopping mall.

ter has inspired this desperate need to vent. The project required a number of design decisions to be made. He

I have friends who turn up to university in their gym gear or

announced, ‘I hope one of you are capable of tying a

something equally as casual. That’s great. By all means, wear

nice bow around this, because I’m completely hopeless,

your lace-up running shoes. But even if you think you might

hence why my shoes have Velcro.’ Now, to you this may

be able to, you cannot go unnoticed with the 90s wide legs,

seem like a guilty-conscience, but in reality, it was as if this

the polar fleece jumper with the zipper collar and the giant

old-enough-to-dress-himself male was proud of his baby-

baby shoes.

meets-old-incapable-man shoes. And whatever you do, steer clear of the Crocs, or I may be Although I struggle to deal with people who cannot fathom sewing a button, I understand that some people cannot come to terms with simple tasks such as tying a

forced to set a croc upon you.



Photographer Fiona Titheridge // Fashion Anthea Charalambous

vintage bonds top / supre skirt / demonia creepers / all jewellery models own [worn throughout].

fernando frisoni top / dion lee skirt.

wayne cooper dress / PAM hat / nike shoes.

vintage jumper [love from ellis] / friend of mine shorts.

vintage crop top from scrags / ksubi shorts.

versace 4h&m jumper / army pants.

josh goot dress.


he next few pages were meant to be

full of skate photos from this abandoned m a n s i o n o n t h e r i v e r. T h i s p l a c e i s h u g e, i t l o o k s l i k e t h e f i n a l m i s s i o n b i t i n Vi c e C i t y, o r t h e h o u s e t h e y b l o w u p i n B a d B o y s 2 ( w i t h o u t M a r t i n L a w r e n c e ye l l i n g i n m y ear). Apparently the owner stole all the money from these people out west or was on t h e r u n o r s o m e t h i n g. I d u n n o , yo u a l w a y s hear lots of rumors about these things. But i t w a s b i g, a n d i t w a s v e r y e m p t y.

This place is h u g e, i t l o o k s like the final mission b i t i n Vi c e C i t y. words / chris barker // photo / jay shmitzer


nyway when we got there a semi-trailer

w a s b l o c k i n g t h e d r i v e w a y s o w e p l a ye d t h e waiting game behind some compound. There w a s a g u a r d d o g, o r a g u a r d B l u e H e e l e r i f t h a t ’s m e a n t t o b e s c a r y ( ? ) . Wi t h i n 3 0 s e c o n d s the semi trailer was flying towards us l e av i n g a f u c k i n g i n c h t o s m a s h i n t o u s . What the fuck. At first we thought he just lost control until he jumped out and told we stole h i s s t u f f . A f e w k w o r t h o f “ m a c h i n e r y ” ( ye a h right…) He did actually look like he was going to pull a gun out so I guess we were l u c k y w e l o o k l i k e t h e s h i t h e a d 2 0 ye a r o l d s w e a r e. A n d b e s i d e s , p e o p l e h av e b e e n g e t t i n g b l a z e d u p t h e r e f o r a b o u t 2 w e e k s n o w, i f a n yo n e w a s t o s t e a l s o m e t h i n g i t ’s e i t h e r been smoked on bailed on. Lucky for us, he d i d n’ t p u l l a g u n b u t h e t o l d u s w e w e r e c u n t s (sad face) and to fuck off before the cops c a m e. A s m u c h a s w e w a n t e d t o a s k h i m m o r e a b o u t i t , w e w e r e n’ t keen on getting hit in an industrial compound w i t h a l o u s y b l u e h e e l e r t o s av e u s . . . … B e c a u s e B l u e H e e l e r s c a n’ t s av e s h i t . H e r e ’s a o f Tr o y t a k e n by Ja y S h m z i t e r, t h e y made it to the mansion).

New York, Unique?

photography / tilly clifford. words / chris barker

You take a handful of residents from “the center of the universe”

informing drag queens of their inferiority:

and place them in a room to discuss the benefits of their Big Apple’d surrounds. It’s not the deafening ramblings of Americans praising their home country that fills the air, but a strange silence as their self-affirming views are lost on others just as miserable as they are. “The nightlife!” is yelled, to the tired eyes of those working 14 hours a day to pay their rent. “Food?” one hopeful guy looks up before a pretzel napkin falls out of his pocket reminding him of this weeks meal plan. “Guys…coffee?” Again, silence because… well ...just no. From the parent-funded intern to the Wall St newbie with too many tumblr followers - nobody in New York is making enough money to take advantage of it, and the city isn’t doing much to fix it. It’s a Beta culture lost in its own innovation, where every ounce of creative output is squashed by the very same volume of people creating it (isn’t THAT something to ponder!). Whilst living in the city of dreams gives its inhabitants a sense of superiority, they wouldn’t dare talk highly of it to anyone who had any chance of actually going there (but broke 25-30 year old Sex & the City devotees are the fairest of game). Because chances are the person who finally gets there won’t return the feelings.

I sat down with a good friend recently to chat about his 6 weeks in the city, where his penultimate experiences were Shopping at Century 21 (“If I were lower-middle class I would love this!”) and

“Americans don’t like to be told they’re not the best at something. Drag queens in Sydney are like…’that is definitely a woman’ but over there I thought ‘daaaaaamn’. I could’ve sworn I was whispering but it turns out I announced to an entire room that I thought Sydney Queens were much better than any of the bitches in here, with a monster standing right next to me. I assured her she was fierce before she poured a drink on me, but my thoughts haven’t changed”.

“(Americans) are in a world of their own - something I always heard was ‘Australia: I’ve always ‘wanted’ to go there, not ‘I’m gonna go there’ or ‘my daughter has been there’. They are so intent on telling everyone to experience how amazing they are but completely unwilling to experience anything else. It could be a reason why their culture is stuck in the glow of hot dog booths and yellow cabs as opposed to obvious innovation in any sense of the term. Its insane that even a city with so many late night tales cannot create new ones. “I went to a bar called The Cock on a Monday night because it was $10 entry and free drinks all night, but nobody was even taking advantage of it. They had a big sign for “Sperm Sundays”, so I guess they’re pretty open over there, but I was still the drunk Australian guy when everyone else was wondering how they were going to afford to

eat tomorrow”. It feels strange that a city known for creating the

these claims quite like the one who shouldn’t. People in New York

modern dancefloor has done nothing since

only tell other people to move there because they know they never will. And its not because they don’t want them to come -

Sure there are hideaway cultures like the burgeoning Vogue/ Ballroom scene and Brooklyn’s Garden disco’s, but you don’t hear it as a clubbing capital. You hear it, like many overrated

nobody dislikes a familiar face – it’s because they would hate for people to know how doing ‘the best thing ever’ was actually their least affirming decision to date (albeit the most expensive).

experiences, as ‘something you NEED to do’, by people who have never actually done it.

It’s a bit like driving through a country town thinking ‘who the fuck lives here?’. Except it’s a big fucking city and it takes about 6

Even Darshan Jesrani, a Brooklyn native and ½ of the particularly influential duo Metro Area is critical of the nightlife that raised him. “I’m talking from the perspective of having been to clubs that were permanent spaces built for dancing. It’s a completely different thing going to a dedicated nightclub as opposed to a warehouse or commercial space where people set up just for one night. In New York I really miss the dedicated club – it’s a place where the sound system gets really tuned over the course of months and you have a resident DJ and sometimes guests –you would go just to dance. We don’t have many places like that right now. The music scene is good, and people will always find somewhere to play, but I miss the dedicated venue”.

When you put it in perspective, most big cities around the world suck for their own reasons. London is too cold, Tokyo too crowded, Paris too big, Sydney too expensive. But no place on earth denies

months (or until you run out of money, whatever comes first). Point is, don’t believe the Facebook photo albums or tumblr trends, Sex and the City is pretty much as close as you ever want to get.

even tide photography by troy troydiary.tumblr.com



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22222222244444444666666666666666611111111111111111111111111111111113857985718789 35872980315798444444444444444423849721398575444444444434985798254793444444




35872980315798444444444444444423849721398575444444444434985798254793444444444444495798025474444449899990----11222222222444 908249020456666666663215981-0928575778888882-3587298031579844444444444444442384972139857544444




35872980315798444444444444444423849721398575444444444434985798254793444444444444495798025474444449899990----11222222222444 908249020456666666663215981-0928575778888882-3587298031579844444444444444442384972139857544444

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4444444444423849721398575444444444434985798254793444444444444495798025474444449899990----112222222224444444466666666666666 0928575778888882-358729803157984444444444444444238497213985754444444444349857982


0928575778888882-35872980315798444444444444444423849721398575444444444434985798254793444444444444495798025474444449899990 908249020456666666663215981-0928575778888882-358729803157984444444444444442



interview:chris barker We logged on to have a chat with Jerome LOL, one half of LOL Boys, 11111111111111111111111111111111113857985718789127598237591-82759189822631398`17-908249020456666666663215981-092857577 alias of DJ Dodger Stadium and co-founder of Zephyr label of choice from 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2Body 2 2 4 4 High, 4 4 4 4 4 whose 4 6 6 6 6 6output 6 6 6 6 6 6(including 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 EP’s 11111 1 1 1 1Todd 1 1 1 1 Edwards 1 1 1 1 1 1 1and 1 1 1 1DJ 1 1 Fu1111385798571878 neral) has been amongst the most consistently original (and amazing) 35872980315798444444444444444423849721398575444444444434985798254793444444444444495798025474444449899990----11222222222444 since their 2011 conception. We discuss those amazing film clips, the 908249020456666666663215981-0928575778888882-3587298031579844444444444444442384972139857544444


internet club zone and trust issues circa Y2K. N-JOY.

11111111111111111111111111111111113857985718789127598237591-82759189822631398`17-908249020456666666663215981-092857577 11222222222444444446666666666666666


4444444444423849721398575444444444434985798254793444444444444495798025474444449899990----112222222224444444466666666666666 0928575778888882-358729803157984444444444444444238497213985754444444444349857982

11111111111111111111111111111111113857985718789127598237591-82759189822631398`17-908249020456666666663215981-092857577 11222222222444444446666666666666666


4444444444423849721398575444444444434985798254793444444444444495798025474444449899990----112222222224444444466666666666666 0928575778888882-358729803157984444444444444444238497213985754444444444349857982

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5718789127598237591-82759189822631398`17-908249020456666666663215981-092858 -





What is the internet to LOL Boys?

Haha, well I think LOL Boys is influ-

11111111113857985718789127598237591-82759189822631398`17-908249020456666666663215981-0928575778888882-3587298031579844444Everything enced by percussion more than other

How did you become so romantically sounds, and when you have many lay11111111111111111111111111111111113857985718789127598237591-82759189822631398`17-908249020456666666663215981involved with it? ers of percussion in your songs, 0----1122222222244444444666666666666666611111111111111111111111111111111113857985718789127598237591-82759189822631398`17Literally growing up and evolving they can end up being described as 238497213985754444444444349857982547934444444444444957980254744444498999911 with the Internet has had its impact “tropical.” 912759823 7 5LOL 9 1 - Boys. 8 2 7 5 9 The 1 8 9 8young 2 2 6 3 1kids 3 9 8 `of 1 7 today - 9 0 8 2 4 9A0 2lot 0456 6 6 the 6 6 6 6posts 6 6 3 2 1 on 5 9 8 your 1 - 0 9 2tumblr 8575778888882on of 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 will 9 5 7 9 never 8 0 2 5 4 be 7 4 4familiar 4 4 4 4 9 8 9with 9 9 9 1Prodigy 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 (http://jeromelol.tumblr.com/) 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1are 11111111111 or Kazaa. The older generation may so jaw-droppingly “internet” that 35872980315798444444444444444423849721398575444444444434985798254793444444444444495798025474444449899990---remember those things, yet also reit’s impossible to believe. Where do 89127598237591-82759189822631398`17-908249020456666666663215981-0928575778888882member a time when they did not exyou find this stuff? 4444446666666666666666 11111111111111111111111111111111113857985718789127598237591-82759189822631398`17ist at all. LOL Boys is very influenced by the and 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 9 8 Body 5 7 9 8 2 5High 4 7 9 3 4 began 4 4 4 4 4 4 4last 4 4 4 4 4year 9 5 7 9 8 0and 2 5 4 7has 4 4 4 4 4 4evolution 9 8 9 9 9 9 0 - - -of - 1 1 2the 2 2 2 2web 22224 4 4 4 4where 4 4 4 6 6 6 is 6666666666666 pretty much become one of the most has been and where it is presently. 78888882-35872980315798444444444444444423849721398575444444444434985798254793444444444444495798025474444449899990---hyped labels around, what were the A lot of it is screenshots of funny 891275982 3 7 5 9 1 - 8 2 7 5 9 1 8 9 8 2 2 6 3 1 3 9 8 ` 1 7 - 9 0 8 2 4 things 9 0 2 0 4 5 that 6 6 6 6 6happen 6 6 6 6 3 2on 159 8 1 -internet, 0928575778888882intentions? the Thanks a lot. It means a tonne to or just cool images that fit my aes4444446666666666666666 11111111111111111111111111111111113857985718789127598237591-82759189822631398`17Samo (Sound Boy) and I that people thetic. 4444434985798254793444444444444495798025474444449899990----11222222222444444446666666666666666 are responding well to the label. What is the ultimate club setting? 78888882-35872980315798444444444444444423849721398575444444444434985798254793444444444444495798025474444449899990---From the start, the idea of Body Real, fictional or virtual. 11111111113857985718789127598237591-82759189822631398`17-908249020456666666663215981-0928575778888882-3587298031579844444High was to put out quality club muhttp://megatoys.webcindario.com/ sic from our comrades. We both just What is one destination you would 666 11111111111111111111111111111111113857985718789127598237591-82759189822631398`17-908249020456666666663215981wanted to have complete control over recommend to any user of the inter54793444444444444495798025474444449899990----11222222222444444446666666666666666 the whole label as opposed to relynet? 66666666 11111111111111111111111111111111113857985718789127598237591-82759189822631398`17-908249020456666666663215981ing on others to make certain deciI could try to be clever here, but 0----1122222222244444444666666666666666611111111111111111111111111111111113857985718789127598237591-82759189822631398`17sions. Los Angeles is definitely a I think wikipedia is an invaluable huge inspiration for Body High. The 3 8 4 9 7 2 1 3 9 8 5 7 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 9 8 5 7 9 8 2 5 4 7 9 3 4tool, 4 4 4 4 4 and 4 4 4 4all 4 4 4 9members 5 7 9 8 0 2 5of 4 7 4society 444449899990-space, the food, the pace, and the should use it. 789127598237591-82759189822631398`17-908249020456666666663215981-0928575778888882entire vibe of the city all play an And one you wouldn’t? 222222244444444666666666666666611111111111111111111111111111111113857985718789127598237591-82759189822631398`17important part in the label. As much as I like and use facebook, ‘Changes’ terrified of 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 9 8 The 57982 5 4 7 9 3 4 4 4 4 4film 4 4 4 4clip 4 4 4 4 9is 5 7 9very 8 0 2 5 4spe7 4 4 4 4 4 4I’m 9 8 9 9 9pretty 90----11 2222222224 4 4 4 what 4 4 4 4 6 6 the 66666666666666 cial. What was the inspiration for company will do with the enormous 78888882-35872980315798444444444444444423849721398575444444444434985798254793444444444444495798025474444449899990---this? amount of data they have collected. 89127598237591-82759189822631398`17-908249020456666666663215981-0928575778888882I’m glad you enjoyed it. I was inCan you ever really trust the #world4444446666666666666666 11111111111111111111111111111111113857985718789127598237591-82759189822631398`17spired by people covering pop songs wideweb ? YouTube. 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 9 8 on 5798 2 5 4 7 9 3 4 4 4I4 4thought, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 9“Why 5 7 9 8 0not 2 5 4 7ask 4 4 4 4 4 4Yes. 9 8 9 9 9There 9 0 - - - -is 1 1 2no 2 2 2difference 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 between 446666666666666666 a bunch of our friends to do a kind the web and reality. They are the 78888882-35872980315798444444444444444423849721398575444444444434985798254793444444444444495798025474444449899990---of home made clip to the song?” The same at this point and will continue 11111111113857985718789127598237591-82759189822631398`17-908249020456666666663215981-0928575778888882-3587298031579844444idea of then putting it within a fake to be forever until technology gets 666 11111111111111111111111111111111113857985718789127598237591-82759189822631398`17-908249020456666666663215981computer with desktop and icon and to the point where we are making of our universes 5 4 7 9 3 4 4 4all 4 4 4 kind 4 4 4 4 4of 4 4 just 9 5 7 9 8made 0 2 5 4sense 7 4 4 4 4 kind 44989 9990 - - -own -112 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2with 4 4 4 4 the 4 4 4 4internet 6666666666666666 just came to me after watching peo(which is what we are inside now 78888882-35872980315798444444444444444423849721398575444444444434985798254793444444444444495798025474444449899990---ple on YouTube covering pop songs. lol). 11111111113857985718789127598237591-82759189822631398`17-908249020456666666663215981-0928575778888882-3587298031579844444Why is your music music so (beautiBody High & Jerome LOL continue to fully) tropical? create beautiful sounds.... 666 11111111111111111111111111111111113857985718789127598237591-82759189822631398`17-908249020456666666663215981-
















DID U KNO: If you’re wondering what we do between issues, we throw a little party called Cater 2 U where we only play Destiny’s Child and Brandy. We also help some buddies called Parkside bring people like Horse Meat Disco and Future Classic to Wollongong, all whilst putting on live art shows with Mulga, Alana and Cal Sinadovic. Generally speaking, shit tends to go down. #themoreyouknow.

. NOW TAKING SUBMISSIONS FOR ISSUE 3 we take submissions of all kinds art, photography, editorials, interviews, articles and short stories. email your submissions/ideas to zephyrmag@me.com

STORE | GALLERY | FIXIES Studio 14, Upstairs 157 Crown Street Wollongong www.quaycollective.com.au instagram @quaycollective | facebook quay collective

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