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Structured Hyperlight Restores Self-Similar Structured Body Matter

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Biophotons are defined as the electromagnetic radiation produced from biomolecules (the term biophotons is from the Greek “βιος” meaning “life” and “φπς” meaning “light”).

Dr. Popp demonstrated that cells emit either a structured healthy light, which is responsible for good health, or a chaotic light, which indicates disease.

A healthy human body possesses the highest level of harmony, coherence and a well regulated biophoton cellular communication. Likewise, an unhealthy human body (weak immune system) has chaotic biophoton radiation, disturbed coherence and disrupted cellular communication. Once cellular metabolism is compromised, that cell becomes isolated from the regulated processes of natural growth control.

BIOPTRON® Quantum Hyperlight has a hexagonal energy structure that is identical to that of healthy biophotons: QUANTUM HYPERLIGHT (a perfectly ordered photon structure) = BIOPHOTONS (the perfectly ordered electromagnetic radiation of biomolecules).

When applied, Quantum Hyperlight efficiently supplies disrupted biophotons with the order of new highly organized photons (the additional photons-electrons-energy). Through this process, the disordered biophoton status is regulated, cellular communication is established and therefore the whole body system is brought into a state of coherence/health.

(Influence of Light on Biophotons, Dr. Johan Boswinkel, Institute for Applied Biophoton Science).


Robert F. Curl Jr. Sir Harold W. Kroto Richard E. Smalley

Dan Shechtman Jeffrey C Hall Michael Rosbash

Niels Ryberg Finsen

Robert F. Furchgott Louis J. Ignarro Ferid Murad

– In 1903, Dr. Niels Ryberg Finsen was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology for demonstrating the efficacy of ordered light in the medical treatment of various diseases, such as Lupus Vulgaris (i.e., tuberculosis of the skin or cutaneous tuberculosis). Dr. Niels Ryberg

Finsen is therefore considered to be the founder of modern light therapy.

– In 1996, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Sir Harold W. Kroto, Robert F. Curl, and Richard E. Smalley for discovering that C60 has a Fibonacci structure and icosahedral symmetry. These three researchers, together with a British-American team from Rice

University in the U.S., managed to characterize the fullerene nanomolecule C60 during experiments with graphite. The discovery of C60 inspired the development of BIOPTRON® C60 Tesla Hyperlight Optics®, which acts as a nanophotonic generator of Quantum Hyperlight.

The influence of BIOPTRON® Quantum Hyperlight on biostructures is at its most efficient. It is this quantum phenomenon that enables the quantum information to modify biological matter, ultimately bringing the whole body into homeostasis.

– In 1998, the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology was awarded to Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro, and Ferid Murad “for their discoveries of nitric oxide as a signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system”. The near-infrared portion of the BIOPTRON® Quantum Hyperlight spectrum stimulates the local production of nitric oxide, which improves vasodilatation of the blood vessels, and thereby plays an important role in healing cardiovascular diseases.

– In 2011, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Dan Shechtman for discovering the icosahedral phase and ordered, but non-periodic structures called quasicrystals, which are arranged according to Fibonacci’s Law and the golden ratio. Thus, quasicrystals — also known as Fibonacci crystals — have the same spatial arrangement as the photons of Hyperpolarized Light.

– In 2017, the Nobel Prize in Physiology was awarded to Jeffrey C. Hall, Michael Rosbash, and Michael W. Young for their discoveries of the molecular mechanisms that control circadian rhythm. BIOPTRON® Quantum Hyperlight is medically certified for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), as it also regulates circadian rhythm (see section for SAD, page 38).

Alfred Bernhard Nobel

MOLECULE C60 - Bucky ball

C60 belongs to the fullerene family (C60, C70, C76, C82 and C84 molecules). It is one of the eight allotropic forms of carbon in nature (the well- known forms are graphite and diamond).

Carbon, along with hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur is the basis of biological life and a building block of genes, proteins, lipids and other important biomolecules.

In a natural state it is so rare that it may be found in the most hidden places and only in trace amounts. It was found in a meteorite in Canada and it has been established that it was older than the solar system.

It is believed that it came from cosmic realms from red giant stars, where it was synthesized and ejected into space.

On earth, C60 can be found in trace amounts in a burning candle, as activated carbon, and in Russia in a mineral called shungite.

diamond face-centered cubic crystal fullerene diameter of C60: 700 pm

graphite hexagonal crystal layer distance: 335 pm

C60 is a molecule composed of 60 carbon atoms arranged in a geometric shape called a truncated icosahedron with the Fibonacci structure. It is the only molecule of a single element to form a spherical cage: C60 has 12 regular pentagonal and 20 regular hexagonal faces. No two pentagons share an edge which could destabilize the structure.

The C60 color is originally black in nature. The patented technology process of fullerene application changes it into the unique BIOPTRON® Quantum Hyperlight color.

Quantum Medicine for a quantum body

C60 and its healing properties date back to the 18th century.

In the early 1700's, Tzar Peter the Great had a palace in Karelia, near a magic spa center named the “Martial Waters”. The water at the Martial spa, which passed through the thick layers of shungite (C60) was used to cure a weak stomach, vomiting, diarrhea, hypochondria, kidney problems, various skin conditions, and many other ailments.

Peter the Great instigated its use as a way to create purified structured drinking water for the Russian army, and required every soldier to carry a piece of this energy-potent stone in his backpack. Many believed that the reason the Russians prevailed in the battle of Poltava was the shungite C60 that they all carried with them.


Since 1994, the Emoto Institute has been demonstrating that various emitted energies (sound/music or light) change the arrangement of water molecules by creating various specific coherent or non-coherent water “crystals.” This is the quantum phenomenon whereby energy is able to modify matter. Under the influence of BIOPTRON® Quantum Hyperlight energy, the arrangement of treated water is modified into a pattern corresponding with the Quantum Hyperlight pattern, which represents the optimal state of molecular coherence and harmony.

Quantum Hyperlight has the same harmonizing effect on biostructures in the human body, which are mediated by hydrogen bonds of water molecules. Because the human body consists of about 70 percent water, Quantum Hyperlight could ideally restore and maintain the body's water structure to its optimal hexagonal energetic state of coherence. Scientific evidence indicates that structured/hexagonal water is the preferred structure of all biological organisms. Structured water has evolved with the healthy functioning of DNA, enzyme reactions, and numerous metabolic processes. Therefore, Quantum Hyperlight could enhance the healing processes, leading to homeostasis. (Ref. Dr. Mu Shik Jhon, Dr. G. Pollack, Dr. Yang Oh, and Gil Ho Kim). 1. 2.

1. The crystalline (molecular) structure of tap water is irregular, incoherent, and unstructured, and represents ‘molecular incoherence’, meaning that it is not identical to the body's water. 2. Emoto’s experiment reveals that when tap water is exposed to the BIOPTRON® Quantum Hyperlight, the crystalline (molecular) structure of water is modified into hexagonal water, which represents the ultimate state of ‘molecular coherence’ - the healthy state!

An Observation Report Method:10 minutes of HLPL exposure at a distance of 8 cm The number of observed ice drops: 50 Observation apparatus: Olympus optical microscope (magnification: x 200) Photographing conditions: freezing temperature: - 25 degrees, freezing time: 4 hours, observation temperature: - 3 degrees Place & date: Emoto Institute, Japan, March 2018

This graphic represents the hexagonal structure of water in a healthy body. Dr. Brill, Saratov State Medical University, Russia.

Scientific evidence indicates that hexagonal water is the preferred structure of all biological organisms.

Structured water has evolved with the healthy functioning of DNA, enzyme reactions, and numerous metabolic processes. (Ref. Dr. Mu Shik Jhon, Dr. G. Pollack, Dr. Yang Oh, and Gil Ho Kim). Therefore, Quantum Hyperlight—as a perfectly harmonized and structured source of energy—could arrange the body's water into a healthy, structured state of coherence.

A photograph of fullerene C60, taken by Professor Dr. Djuro Koruga and his team of researchers with a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) at the Nano Laboratory of the University of Belgrade (1992). This photograph confirms quantum mechanical equations governing the hexagonal “openings” of the C60 molecule.


These images illustrate an analysis of live blood cells (dark-field microscopy) after 10-minute of exposure to the BIOPTRON® Quantum Hyperlight.

Comparison and evaluation

(Picture 1) Red blood cells are clotted and inactive (forming clustered structures), which could be indicative of or lead to cardiovascular diseases, inflammation, and oxygen deficiency (hypoxia) at the tissue level.

(Picture 2) After only 10 minutes of exposure to LPL, the previous organization of the blood cells (clotted, disorganized, and inactive) changed from clustered structures to separated groups or isolated red blood cells and substantially improved conditions: increased blood flow and oxygenation, and therefore improved regeneration.

Picture 3) After 10 minutes of exposure to Quantum Hyperlight (Hyperpolarized Light), previously clustered cells become completely separated blood cells, which embody the entirety of blood revitalization: microtubules are modified from a previously unhealthy state into a torus shape with the same energetic structure as Quantum Hyperlight (i.e., the natural, healthy state, arranged according to the Golden Ratio [see page 24]). Empowered by this specialized light energy, cells are able to move faster, thereby illustrating the remarkable anticoagulating effect. The red blood cells appear to revive from a state of inactivity into healthy, live active cells, demonstrating that HPL has quantum properties that heal at the quantum level. The energized blood flows unrestrictedly through the veins, effortlessly transporting oxygen to the vital organs, improving the processes of nutrient transport to the cells, facilitating the removal of debris, and possibly preventing conditions such as hypertension, thrombosis (hazardous blood coagulation), stroke, heart attack, and inflammation.

BIOPTRON® Quantum Hyperlight can rejuvenate unhealthy cells into vigorous, healthy blood cells (i.e., to the ideal state and formation of the cells), both of which are critical to maintaining a healthy body.

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