Zepter revija rose 1.2

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Zepter International is a multi-brand international company that produces, sells and distributes exclusive, high quality consumer goods around the world, principally through its own sales network as well as through high end stores. Since its inception, Zepter International has established very high quality standards and has become an essential part of the lives of millions of people throughout the world. A new presentation of Zepter products starts every 10 seconds somewhere in the world, as Zepter is present on 5 continents in more than 60 countries. Zepter International owns 8 factories in Switzerland, Germany and Italy, and over 320,000 m2 of business space in the world’s top locations. The past 29 years have been very successful as over 80,000,000 people have become satisfied users of Zepter products. Zepter’s vision, superior qualit y, innovative products and unique sales system, with over 100,000 employees and consultants worldwide, contribute to Zepter’s success. Zepter takes pride in its superbly trained, highly motivated and inspired sales managers and consultants, on a global mission of health and beauty:


Zepter International is a multi-brand international company that produces, sells and distributes exclusive, high quality consumer goods around the world, principally through its own sales network as well as through high end stores. Since its inception, Zepter International has established very high quality standards and has become an essential part of the lives of millions of people throughout the world. A new presentation of Zepter products starts every 10 seconds somewhere in the world, as Zepter is present on 5 continents in more than 60 countries. Zepter International owns 8 factories in Switzerland, Germany and Italy, and over 320,000 m2 of business space in the world’s top locations. The past 29 years have been very successful as over 80,000,000 people have become satisfied users of Zepter products. Zepter’s vision, superior qualit y, innovative products and unique sales system, with over 100,000 employees and consultants worldwide, contribute to Zepter’s success. Zepter takes pride in its superbly trained, highly motivated and inspired sales managers and consultants, on a global mission of health and beauty:

8 100,000 320,000 65,000,000








5 CONTINENTS 8 100,000 320,000 65,000,000 80,000,000





Philip Zepter, name, trademark and personality is one of the world’s most recognised businessmen, philanthropists and sports enthusiasts. A man who now lives and works in Monte Carlo was born as a nobody in a small town in Serbia. Now a billionaire, he made everything from nothing with hard work and fantastic ideas. He is the chairman of Zepter International, active worldwide in many segments of business. The most important is his philosophy that everything that you want is possible to achieve.

Philip Zepter

Mister Zepter, you are known as the »maestro of feasibile«.

It is true. 99 procent of average people consider most projects as impossible. I myself, if believe in a project, I also carry it out. In this probably really am a “maestro”.

How much time did you need as a young businessman to earn your first billion?

Just four years. In this outdo well-known individuals such as Bill Gates. Doing the impossible possible is probably the cause of my so rapid ascent. I have received several international awards for young businessmen for this success.

What is the essence of your business?

The essence of my business are products for a healthy life. The backbone is our cookware made from the finest steel, which is the most friendly material for food preparation. Nowadays the competition offers cheap dishes with various coatings, which are the main materials that emit harmful substances. And all of this goes into your body. You are what you eat and drink.

What do you stand for in a healthy diet?

am a real advocate for a healthy diet. Every time make public appearances, say that people bring in themselves too much unhealthy food, especially too much sugar, which is now a major enemy of healthy living. It is not only important that we eat food that is healthy, but also the method of preparation. If we prepare the food with oil at high temperatures, this oil will change its properties and become toxic. In addition to the highest quality cookware, our corporation also offers a way to a healthy diet.

What do you think about the water we drink?

Water is very important, as it represents the majority of the human body and without it there is no life. Therefore, from the outset have strived for clean water. Today water is very polluted with heavy metals as a result of our relationship with nature. We have designed a filter that cleans the water so it is suitable for drinking and cooking. I repeat: “You are what you drink and eat!” In the last years we are dedicating more and more attention to water, as we research its amazing features in our scientific laboratories.

In addition to products for healthy living we can also see other prestigious products and services of your brand Zepter.

Zepter International has, inter alia, a luxury airline Zeptair, and in the last years we have also reached into the area of luxury yachts with Philip Zepter Yachts. And the first result of these efforts is a motorized beauty ‘joyMe, which has already at its presentation at the famous Salon Monaco Yacht Show asserted itself as one of the most luxurious and advanced vessels ever anchored in the exclusive surroundings of the cosmopolitan principality. am involved in the designing process of all products, like with the yacht ‘joyMe or the color combinations of our jet planes and therefore it is not surprising that we prevail in the area of innovative technologies and modern design. That is the secret of success of our brand products.

What has led you to the creation of a one of a kind 50 meter yacht?

I strove to a design, organization of space, and color that stands out from other conventional yachts. ‘JoyMe is based on the concept of the golden mean, using the ideas of the Dutch painter Piet Mondrian and innovative color schemes. am just a man who knows how to locate and coordinate true experts.

You are a great patron of sports, culture and humanity. It is true. am excited about sports and in life have invested a lot of money in it. Sponsoring Formula 1 and other automotive sports, world tennis, basketball, hockey, athletics, I do not know what still have not supported. Meanwhile my wife Madlena is responsible for culture and humanitarian projects. She has built Europe’s first private opera house »Madlenianum«, a museum of painting and sculpture, and she also supports and organizes numerous artistic projects and awards.

You are celebrating the 30th anniversary of your corporation. Are you preparing any surprises?

Anniversaries are always beautiful and fun. For this occasion I am especially prepared and I promise you a new project: “Zepter Mania”. More I can not disclose, but it will again be one of my business revolutions.

exciting A NEW EMOTION

Zepter Cosmetics consists of scientifically-advanced Swiss cosmetic lines based on active ingredients with beautifying and healing properties to prevent and repair the signs of ageing in the name of Health & Beauty. Pure and effective formulas are Swiss made, dermatologically tested and approved to guarantee the highest level of safety and efficiency. Intercosmetica Neuchâtel S.A, produces advanced, clinically tested Zepter cosmetic products guaranteeing Swiss quality standards of excellence.

Zepter Cosmetics

La Danza Hyperlight Fusion

The Zepter team of scientists and biomedical engineers have developed and patented a unique derivative of C60 molecule; nano-harmonized material – fullerene water complex (3HFWC) that puts Zepter at the forefront of the groundbreaking skin care. Zepter’s latest invention is inspired by a revolutionary nanomaterial, fullerene C60 as the most perfect symmetrical form in nature. The scientists who discovered this remarkable molecule were awarded a Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1996 after its discovery in 1985. 3HFWC displays multiple age-defying actions; anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-viral, antioxidant, the inhibition of collagen degradation and the recovery of the epidermal barrier function.

Hyperlight Fluid Fusion

The structure and energy properties of C60 are perfectly compatible with and complementary to almost 75% of biomolecules. The presence of water-based nanoharmonized substance in biological tissues imparts the Fibonacci driving force of a natural self-assembly process, which can restore damaged functions of biomolecules. C60 molecule vibrates-rotates at incredible 18 billion times per second, transmitting energy to our cells, reestablishing the balance and energetic processes of biostructures. Hyperlight Fluid Fusion reacts through resonance and light fusion (frequency, vibration, information) with electromagnetism of biomolecules and it aligns covalent and non-covalent hydrogen bonds, bringing the biomolecules into their natural, harmonized state. As an effect, it improves the biophysical characteristics of the skin and the functionality of the basement membrane. Besides biophysical mode of action, these magic molecules have proven antimicrobial effects in the case of microorganism infections through unique dual physical and chemical mechanism.

Swisso Logical

The Swisso Logical skincare range is based on a highquality natural active ingredient found in the Echinacea plant. Thanks to its valuable properties, fresh Echinacea extract helps fight inflammation and infection by stimulating cell activity, which - in turn - enhances its power to nourish, smooth, moisturise and protect the skin. Because every type of skin needs a helping hand, the Swisso Logical range includes six different lines: Skincare, Active Spa, Sun, Baby, Exxxtra, and Philip for Men.

oasis MOBILE

Zepter ‘joyMe

When yachts of various tycoons and moguls leave port in Monte Carlo and set sail for the far corners of the world, towards destinations such as the Caribbean or the South Pacific, the topic of discussion on board is clear – ‘joyMe.

The personal yacht of Zepter International’s president and founder Mr. Philip Zepter, ‘joyMe is a 50 meter yacht that pushes the boundaries of conventional yacht design and is the embodiment of a dream and a philosophy that permeates the company life of Zepter International and the over 80,000,000 satisfied users of Zepter products worldwide. Created with the ethos of the Zepter Company and their commitment to high design ideals and innovative technology, ‘joyMe is different in every respect. The exterior lines and sumptuous lines of form are a bold statement of excitement and joy in the beautiful. Accentuating its length rather than its height the craft seems in a permanent state of readiness. An energised state of action, even when it is at rest in the dock. The exuberant paint job together with its flowing curves do not shy away from the celebration of youth

and positivity that it was designed to embrace. Whatever about its breath taking visage on the sea, when you step on board this vessel you are invited into another exclusive world of luxury and serenity. The interior is specially designed to offer the passenger an array of different experiences depending on their mood and each room has a distinct personality that marks them apart yet retains an overall inclusivity and harmony with the yacht’s sense of purpose. The individual compartments are fitted with the very best of everything and the on board experience is one of utmost tranquillity and luxury, dynamism and youthfulness.

The creation of this nautical masterpiece has ignited Mr. Zepter’s passion for the sea and his pursuit of a lifestyle set perfectly in equilibrium between relaxation, pleasure and business success. Indeed it is this philosophy that has spurred Mr. Zepter in his global success with Zepter International present in over 60 countries on 5 continents.

Zepter International always pushes the boundaries in creating new and uncompromising solutions to offer a healthier and happier lifestyle for all its customers. This pleasure craft reflects the design ideals of Zepter International and how conceptual design can have a real and transformative effect on the user and aid in the realisation of a better life. ‘joyMe is an extraordinary example of the excellence of Zepter International in every field from luxury consumer goods to Financial Services and Design of super yachts. ‘joyMe is more than a yacht, it is a celebration of a dream, a dream that has already touched the lives of millions all over the world and an

affirmation that anything is possible. It is the first finished project of Philip Zepter Yachts and marks a new era of luxury as there are many more in development. Zepter International continues its expansion into high end luxury fields with ZeptAir, its luxury airplane company and now Philip Zepter Yachts, which floats the Zepter Philosophy on the high seas. The mission of Zepter International spells out this simple creed and how we can use success to be a force for good in society with the simple motto – Live Better Live Longer.

incredible MADLENA, BUT REAL

The following interview has its own heroine. Madam Madlena, incredible but real. Were she thought up by a writer, she’d come across as a being of fantasy. Her imaginary author would surely go to great lengths to make her appear as real as possible and try to present her in a frame of today’s zeitgeist. So it seems that reality can be even more fantastic than the fantasy of an artist.

Almost thirty years you, along with your partner Philip, created the world renowned Zepter corporation, a company which today counts numerous production facilities and several hundred thousand employees among its worldwide assets. But who exactly created the Zepter name? The name was born from my wish to create something worthwhile and eternal. first uttered it on a sleepless night in Lienz in 1986. Even now still vividly remember the moment when I felt as if someone had reached the end of their exhausting quest, had at last discovered the glorious portal they had been seeking for so long. The name is an expression of essence. The name is a path. The name is a symbol and as with all symbolic things it at some point becomes reality. It encompasses its future, strength and its limitations. This is a rule all names abide by. May its future be bright, its strength great and its limitations never reached.

You are one of the largest and most respected patrons of art and culture in the whole of Europe. Has giving to art given you a sense of purpose?

Due to the global expansiveness of our business activities I have the privilege to create that which is eternal inside of me. From a distance – spatial, chronological and cultural – I turn to my homeland and consciously, thoughtfully and systematically invest, now already for several decades, into the spiritual raising and cultural prosperity of my compatriots. My endeavours of giving and repairing that which I deem is worthy of these actions, are done in my way, without any models by which to abide, which is why I set the standards as high as possible. Perhaps it is the originality of the motive, the diversity and individuality of the acts that make the concept of a patron so difficult to define. A modern patron, which am, is someone who obliterates the archaic stereotype of a person of Samaritan inspiration who supports and subsidizes literature, art,

science, a particular artist or their work in order to allow the epoch to enjoy a prosperity without time or fashion.

Which of your endeavours do you think stand out especially? The Madleanium, your museum, the Parisian literary awards…

I am not one to discuss material powers or spiritual impotency. Instead wish to change the flow, so to say, to see the material transcend into the spiritual, the creative, to witness the “ordinary” transmute itself into the “alluring”. Remember the Roman imperator who said: “Everything have I been, and nothing have gained”. Power, authority and material possessions are a fickle mistress, which is why I prefer to build palaces of spirit – a childhood intention of mine. Always and forever.

The divine geometry of diamonds. Are they an addiction?

For a long time took no stock in Marilyn Monroe’s song about diamonds being a girl’s best friend. In time, however, diamonds won me over, not as a glittering article of jewellery but as a symbol of the highest principle on earth – the divine. Even though I only rarely brandish any jewels at all, this fact doesn’t inhibit my limitless and conscious adoration of them. To have diamonds means to be part of the secret of revering the hidden and understanding the unspoken. Diamonds adorn not only jewellery but other works of art as well. first came to understand this with my mother’s two Cartier purses. This was many years ago, when was still a little girl, and they grew on me, regardless of me being completely oblivious to their value. Today they are a most valued part of my collection.

You mention your mother. Was she the one to introduce you to the world of fashion?

Fashion and movement have been an inseparable item for more than a century. Since the dawn of time fashion represented, first and foremost, a way of living and only in its expanded sense also dictates an individual’s choice of clothing. The French have a delightful expression “mode de vie”, which exemplifies all goings-on, what is being worn and also that which is being spoken. Such fashion, of course, required certain “arbiters”. Princes, aesthetes, Louis XIV., artists, painters and actors all served, and still do, as a mechanism of indoctrinations and cause us to follow their examples. If you are lucky, you already receive this at

home. Love, warmth, tenderness, politeness, taste … and everything else, important and inconsequential, which helps one develop as an independent entity, who creates and chooses his own style. When discussing image, care, choice of clothing, I must say have been quite privileged to be raised by a mother who ran a fashion salon attended by ladies of Belgrade who genuinely knew and were also financially capable of picking only the best for themselves. Their refined taste in clothing, footwear, details and ability to always combine the right colour and fabric eventually led me to discover the apparel etiquette: what to wear in the forenoon, afternoon and in the evening, what to wear for a regular visit and what to choose for a ceremonious occasion. can’t say to what extent fine materials and the occasional fashion show hosted in mother’s boutique had affected me, but they were in any case a benign upgrade to my upbringing. They were something a woman longs for, as some things are bestowed upon us, even before birth. It is as Balzac said: “A man becomes rich, he is born elegant”. Even the old saying “Clothes do not make a man”, would be more accurate if modified to “Clothes express the man”, as it includes all realizations of who we are and what we wish for.

What is your view on life?

When first read the testament of Immanuel Kant found it a bit too romantic for my taste, thought of it as youthful daydreams of a great philosopher. However immediately took it up as my own as a part of understanding the concept of freedom which conquered me in my early youth. love life, all its colour, myself and its grandeur. I relish being in the limelight of life and not to be a distant fantasizing observer. Like wine I convert such fantasies into words. My wine is the reality which create for myself, my friends and those who understand me as well as for the cities where I reside.

You are what people call a cosmopolite, bound between your home in Monaco, palaces all around the globe and eternal Vienna. Why precisely Vienna? Because Vienna is a metropolis, the heart of culture and education in the region, because simply feel good here and last but not least because this is where our business endeavours really took off.

Everything have I been, and nothing have I gained
- Roman Emperor Septimius Severus 193-211

Zepter Timepieces and Writing Instruments

Prestigious Swiss-made Timepieces, Writing Instruments, and Jewellery. These luxurious collections are exceptionally crafted down to the last detail, and make a sublime statement of style.

Simple and elegant, prestigious but efficient down to the last detail, Philip Zepter Timepieces are Swiss-made watches crafted in a limited series by the best master watchmakers in Switzerland. Sculptured in steel or 18 ct gold, with wristpowered movement, and original Breguet hands protected by a sapphire glass, these wrist jewels make a sublime fashion statement. Crocodile bracelets, handmade engravings and classy designs concur to make these eternal objects truly extraordinary. The Philip Zepter Pen Collection consists of stylish fountain pens, ballpoint pens, rollerball pens and propelling pencils that all share the craftsmanship of top Italian masters. Top of line, the Montegrappa fountain pens stand out for their amazing yet restrained elegance and design perfection: beautiful low-relief decorations embellish the barrel, whose distinctive shape is the result of 8 deep-drawing operations that ensure an unrivalled brilliance.



The newest member of the Zepter empire is ZeptAir, a private jet charter company with modern solutions.

As commercial air travel gets more vexing and vacation itineraries more ambitious, a growing number of leisure travellers are turning to private jets. It’s the stuff of dreams for coach travellers curled up in the fetal position: being whisked through customs and immigration to special boarding areas; on-board chefs who cater to culinary whims; and capacious leather seats. You turn up at the airport 15 minutes before your scheduled take-off, meet your pilots, enjoy some caviar – or whatever

else takes your fancy – while you’re in the air and before you know it, you’ve arrived on time and in style. Whether your business takes you from city to city or from continent to continent, you can trust ZeptAir to never waste your time or waste your money. They combine the strength of an airline with the one-to-one support, value and flexibility your business needs to perform. The aircraft is all yours, so you can work and hold meetings in peace and privacy. No prying eyes, no lost productivity. And because your journey times are shorter, you arrive feeling relaxed and refreshed. Set the schedule based on what’s

good for you – not someone else. Other operators fly the routes and times that suit them, but Zeptair flies whenever and wherever you choose. The Zeptair experience is built around you. Your needs, your business, your priorities. Choose between 900 airports in Europe and 5.000 airports worldwide. Among these destinations are hundreds that simply can’t be reached on commercial routes, from exotic islands to remote mountain villages – or just the airport that’s closest to your home or office. You’ll leave from the airport that’s convenient for you, and fly directly to the airport that’s closest to where you need to be. In between,

you’ll skip the queues, delays and connections that can make air travel such a hassle. Zeptair currently opreate a Global 5000 Vision and plan to add two more aircraft of this category to their fleet. The Global 5000, built by one of the world’s largest aerospace companies, Bombardier, is built for maximum comfort and speed and easily outclasses all competitors within the same business class, offering more space, more technology and more performance.



Created as the result of many years of relentless scientific research and technological development Zepter products represent a unique system that offers a complete solution for a healthy lifestyle. All Zepter products have been developed with the same high quality standards and excellent workmanship to enhance your health and well-being. Today Bioptron is the leader in light therapy, which supplies light with the following features: polarized, polychromatic, incoherent, low energy, hyperpolarized.

Bioptron Hyperlight Therapy
Striving for a longer, healthier and happier life

Bioptron Hyperlight Therapy is a patented, clinically tested, proven and certified Swiss-made medical device (in compliance with 93/42/ EEC). It is a safe and effective medical treatment with a wide range of applications for your health, beauty & well-being: natural healing therapy and pain relief, rehabilitation and prevention.

Bioptron Hyperlight Therapy is intended for home and professional use. It provides a range of medical devices used by professionals in hospitals, specialist institutions, wellness and sports centres. However, Bioptron devices have been studied and designed to be user friendly so that anyone can use them in their homes.

All three Bioptron Hyperlight Therapy devices emit identical medical grade polarized light, they differ only in the treatment surface area, size and design. Bioptron devices use polarised, low energy light, which enables optimal penetration of the skin’s surface with minimum heating effects and without the slightest skin damage. Bioptron Hyperlight Therapy also improves microcirculation, harmonises metabolic processes and reinforces the human defence system. Bioptron devices are also successfully used in rheumatology, to help relieve pain, reinforce muscles and body motion and also improve the quality of sleep. In sports medicine, they can help to relieve aching muscles, increase the range of both active and passive joint movements and speed up recovery after muscular activity. Bioptron Light Therapy provides an outstanding complementary treatment for contusions, dislocations, strains, sprains, abrasions, cuts and bruises. Last but not least, Bioptron Light Therapy is irreplaceable in modern cosmetology as it is an excellent supplement to everyday skincare. It improves skin elasticity and firmness, reduces the lines, giving you a glowing and youthful look. There are no known negative side effects to either the medical or cosmetic application of Bioptron Light Therapy.

Recenlty Mr. Zepter and his team of scientists discovered new coating for the Biotron filter. It is the coating of Fullerene, a special carbon mulecule which transforms the healthy light to be even more active as with the present filters.


Hyperlight Eyewear Smart Glasses

Sunlight is diffused and harmonised in time and not in space. When a beam of Sunlight interacts with innovative and patented Hyperlight Eyewear Smart Glasses Bioptron Fullerene C60 generator - it assumes harmonisation both in space and time according to Fibonacci sequence and becomes Hyperharmonised Light which propagates in form of Tesla toroid.

Sunflowers are also built according to the Fibonacci pattern, which enables them to rotate in a chase for photons confined in diffused light, which contain polarised planes of the electrical and magnetic components of light.

Fullerene C60 is a molecule composed of 60 carbon atoms arranged in geometric shape called truncated icosahedron, and has 12 regular pentagonal and 20 regular hexagonal faces, where no two pentagons share an edge, which can destabilise the structure. Fullerene is the only molecule of a single element to form a spherical cage. It is also the most massive and complex object in which wave-particle duality behaviour has been observed. C60 exhibits the same wave-particle quantum duality as photons of light (it can behave like an electromagnetic wave or like a particle). It is exceptionally stable and resistant to radioactivity and chemical corrosion. It greedily accepts electrons, but is not reluctant to release them. Its pentagons generate harmonic processes, and structure of hexagon perfection.

Leonardo da Vinci claimed that such a geometric figure

has a divine proportion - golden ratio. Through evolution, we become adapted to diffused Sunlight which includes high energy UV and a high-energy visible light (called blue-violet light from 380 to 450 nm) which kept us on constant alert, always ready for escape or assault, under permanent stress.

We have not yet been able to adapt to the modern conditions without the need for constant caution and we have remained under a lot of stress, which we now have to reduce with technology by eliminating harmful high energy portion of light spectrum. Now we have developed a method for transforming of the light into more beneficial for our body.

Based on our patented technology and initial scientific pilot studies we can recommend wearing of Hyperlight Eyewear Smart Glasses as a replacement for sunglasses for blocking UV and highly energetic blue Sunlight, as well as for a possible relaxing effect, improved decision-making processes, and protection against a harmful portion of blue-violet light emitted by LCD and LED screens (as replacement for blue blocker glasses). When artificial LED white light or LED from mobile devices and computers passes through the Hyperlight Eyewear Smart Glasses, it gets shifted into a light spectrum away from the harmful UV and blue-violet light and becomes hyperharmonised at the same time. Light spectrum of Hyperlight Eyewear Smart Glasses exactly corresponds to the eye sensibility spectrum.

Hyperlight Eyewear Smart Glasses provide active hyperlight therapy that maintains, strengthens and revitalizes the body of the wearer on a quantum level.

Hyperlight Eyewear Smart Glasses protect against harmful rays from natural and artificial lighting, sunlight and the light from electronic devices, and in particular against their combined effect to which we are exposed around the clock.

contribute to our mission: Feel better. Live better


Blocking and conversion of UV and blue light


Quantum Hyperlight Optics® lenses are coated on both sides with the finest protective layers. They are easy to maintain, scratch-resistant and have a long lifespan. Quality production of the lenses and frames make Tesla Hyperlight Eyewear® glasses a cutting-edge and elegant product.


Light regulates the levels of hormones in the brain, i.e. the circadian rhythm. The Nobel Prize in Medicine for 2017 was awarded to scientists Hall, Rosbash and Young for this discovery.

Carbon Black



inserted beauty. temporal and information SLEEP AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM

Titanium Blue


Carbon Black


Tourmaline Brown


Retail price | 390€

Cognitive Abilities

Club Live 100 members price 20% off | 312€ Join now. Order now. | teslahyperlighteyewear.com

Titanium Blue


Tourmaline Brown


THE® Glasses enable users to regenerate biomolecules and biostructures in a unique way, maintaining optimum bioprocesses in the eyes and brain. The result is a psychophysical balance - we see better, we feel better, we think better, we are more productive and more successful. All this makes the choice of these glasses necessary, reasonable and intelligent for each individual.

Quantum Hyperlight is created by passing light through the Quantum Hyperlight Optics® lens, which positively affects both vision and brain function. This contributes to the general improvement of the wearer’s physical and mental state, thereby optimising the body functions.

Eye Protection

Hyperlight Eyewear Smart Glasses protect the eyes by eliminating and transforming dangerous UV and blue radiation into the wavelengths (green, yellow, orange, red light) optimum for the molecular structure of the eye. Further, they protect the eyes from excessive amounts of combined light energy from all the light sources we are exposed to (artificial light, light from electronic devices and sunlight), because they let the ideal amount of the total energy through.

Improving Both Vision and Mind

Hyperlight Eyewear Smart Glasses provide a sharper image even in poor light conditions and contribute to better and faster decision-making, thus making us more efficient and successful in everyday professional and leisure activities.

Fullerene C60

Style & Beauty

Hyperlight Eyewear Smart Glasses have an anti-aging effect on the skin around the eyes. They eliminate and convert dangerous UV and blue light spectrum radiation into desirable light waves that maintain and stimulate natural regeneration/ synthesis of collagen and elastin. This contributes to alleviating the existing and preventing the emergence of new wrinkles around the eyes. Such a unique feature is another reason to wear them both indoors and outdoors!

Hormonal Status

Hyperlight Eyewear Smart Glasses uniquely optimize the levels of serotonin (“happiness hormone”), dopamine (“pleasure hormone”), melatonin (the hormone responsible for sleep regulation) and cortisol (stress hormone), bringing them into a natural balance, crucial for a healthy mental and physical functioning of the organism.

Who Will Benefit from Hyperlight Eyewear Smart Glasses?

Everyone who cares about themselves and works hard and lives an active lifestyle: you, students, pupils, policemen, professors, pilots, soldiers, drivers (professional and amateur), athletes, politicians and parliamentarians, etc. All of us who are exposed, on a daily basis, to dangerous radiation of sunlight, as well as artificial lighting indoors (house, work, school, concerts, shopping centres, etc.).

Good Eyesight Is the Key to Good Health

Our eyes do not have natural, physiological protection against dangerous photons of high-energy light (UV and blue) from the sunlight, artificial illumination and radiation from electronic devices. This harmful light irreversibly damages our eyes, causing cataract and the degeneration of the macula. What is more, such light adversely affects brain functions and our general health.

Hyperlight Eyewear Smart Glasses represent a unique solution to improve both vision and brain functions, because they block harmful radiation and simultaneously convert it into an optimum range of quantum hyperlight that reflects an ideal symmetry that is identical to biological structures. Hyperlight Eyewear Smart Glasses will help you become more vital, healthier and more successful. www.zepter.com


MyIon is an innovative, wearable air purifier which uses advanced air ionizing technology to eliminate all harmful airborne particles: PM 2.5, dust, allergens and viruses. Small, portable and lightwear (weights only 25 grams), Myion creates a zone of clean, healthy air within the immediate vicinity of the device.

Escaping polluted air might feel like a mission impossible on our polluted planet. We take on average 20,000 breaths/day, inhaling over 11 000 litres of air per day, or nearly 8 litres every minute. We unfortunately breathe this much polluted air during all of our 24-hour activities: while at work or at school and even while sleeping. Air pollution has a devastating effect on every cell in the body and contributes to everything from diabetes, and dementia to fertility problems and childhood leukemia. Sadly, every eighth death is directly caused by air pollution.

Masks are effective while we wear them, but they become useless when we remove them to eat, drink, work out, or during facial and dental treatments, etc. MyIon wearable purifier is a perfect device for a first line defence against viruses on every occasion. Using a unique built-in carbon fibre brush system, MyIon releases massive 18 millions of negative ions per cm3, creating an invisible barrier that prevents dangerous particles from entering the

respiratory system. Negative ions purify the air by binding to pollutants until these newly-formed larger particles become too heavy to remain in our breathing zone.

How do negative ions eliminate viruses? Negative ions attach to airborne pathogens, such as viruses, causing a chemical reaction on the cell membrane’s surface. This deactivates viruses, rendering them harmless. Exposure to negative ions, also known as “Vitamins of the Air”, gives us that special feeling we get when at the beach, near a waterfall or after a storm. With MyIon, we take that feeling everywhere with us.

Negative ions also have anti-allergic effects, they enable better sleep and relaxation, reduce stress during and after prolonged computer time resulting in a significant task performance improvement, and strengthen immunity cells, enhancing their ability to destroy pathogens and protect the body from viruses and bacteria.



Zepter Home Art

Since its inception, Zepter International has strived to enhance lifestyles around the world and to become an essential part of everyday living. The backbone of the products for a healthy life is the revolutionary stackable cooking system designed to cook without using salt, water or oil, thus allowing food to retain its natural aromas, vitamins and nutritional properties. In addition Zepter offers a wide range of tableware made of the finest-quality materials, and sophisticated table decorations, combining style and elegance.

Introducing Magic Harmony, a Zepter brainchild that won’t fail to surprise your guests. Three different crystal glasses fit into a unique steel base, so that you can choose your glasses’ style and dimensions, according to the mood and occasion. The patented click mechanism joins and separates the stem and glass in a split second. This sophisticated mechanism allows you to display beautiful long stem calices on your table and wash and store them easily, just like any other glass. Magic Harmony: the sophisticated elegance of crystal and the resilience and durability of top-quality steel combined in a luxurious collection to create a magic atmosphere.

A touch of class for everyday meals is guaranteed by these top-quality fine porcelain and handmade fine bone china sets, produced in limited series to the highest technological standards. Cobalt Royal, Eden, Flora and Versailles are the names of their delicate, yet surprisingly tough, sets of plates, accessories and coffee sets, all designed to make every occasion special. Made of the finest combination of Bone ash, Kaolin and Feldspar, Zepter porcelain is characterised by an excellent hardness and transparency and by a very complex and expensive procedure used to add the cobalt and polished gold decorations.

The mise-en-place of a laid table is not complete without the right tablecloth. With its ingenious production programme, Zepter International has developed a collection of exclusive tablecloths and napkins so that you can turn your dining table into a truly wonderful creation. Roma, Fiien, Vene and Siena are the names chosen for these elegant tablecloths which confer a special tone of distinction to the table and underline the host’s refinement.

On most elegant tables, luxurious style meets the finest quality. Kimono, Caprice, Senator and Venus are the names of the Zepter Cutlery collections, a unique choice of everlasting materials: 999 silver-plated, 24 carat gold-plated, and stainless steel mirror-polished finishes. Supreme technology, constant expert monitoring and quality control on a “piece-by-piece” basis guarantee the long life of each Individual aricle. To satisfy customers’ different demands and tastes, the sets styles range from classic to modern, so that anyone can find the cutlery set to satisfy their personal household requirements and preferences.

Zepter Masterpiece Cookware is a revolutionary cooking system designed to enable us to cook healthily - using no oils, no water and no salt. Food prepared in Zepter Masterpiece Cookware retains its natural ingredients (vitamins and minerals), aroma and flavour. What’s more, the Zepter way of cooking means that the food has less fat and fewer calories.

Zepter Masterpiece Cookware will enable you to retain all of your food’s natural properties, so that you don’t have to add any unnecessary ingredients. This means you can create completely healthy meals, which are also a nutritious remedy.

The perfection of Zepter Masterpiece Cookware is visible in every detail, starting from the quality of material, its functionality and practicality through to its modern design and easy maintenance. It is made of long-lasting, indestructible stainless steel, which is superior to any other cookware material. In Zepter Masterpiece Cookware you can economically prepare healthy and tasty meals,

with maximum savings of energy, time and space. The secret of Zepter Masterpiece Cookware lies in the patented accuthermal bottom, which is designed to accumulate heat quickly and evenly, transferring it to the food almost without any reduction in intensity. As a source of heat you can use a standard electric or gas stove, or even better - an induction heating hob! The entire cooking process is controlled by a special instrument - the Thermocontrol, so food is always cooked at just the right temperature. Thanks to the Zepter integrated cooking system, you can prepare several meals on just one stove. Before Masterpiece Cookware this possibility was just a dream. The Zepter system has been created in such a way that, apart from preparing healthy meals, you can use it to wash, drain, store and serve all types of food. Zepter research teams have developed a perfect system which offers unique solutions - the most functional, practical, efficient and intelligent - the best!

Fine porcelain brings sophistication and poise to every mealtime. Zepter has brought porcelain back to its original splendour and allows you to revel in royal elegance at home. Zepter’s Masterpiece Collection is made exclusively using hard-paste porcelain, which is resistant even to steel scratching. The absolute superiority of Zepter’s Masterpiece Collection is evident in every detail. Zepter’s sophisticated porcelain turns an everyday occasion into a celebration. Black & White, Royal Gold, Imperial Gold, Cobalt Royal, Flora and Eden are the names of these glorious dinner sets, they are available in a range of colours to suit every taste.

On most elegant tables, luxurious style meets the finest quality. Kimono, Caprice, Senator and Venus are the names of the Zepter Cutlery collections, a unique choice of everlasting materials: 24 ct fine gold plated, 24 ct fine decor gold plated, 999 fine silver plated, or stainless steel mirror-polished finishes. Supreme technology, constant expert monitoring and quality control - on a “piece-by-piece” basis - guarantee the long life of each individual piece. To satisfy customers’ different demands and tastes, the sets’ styles range from classic to modern: so that anyone can find the cutlery set to satisfy their personal household requirements and tastes.

The perfect complement for your table. Zepter created several different sets with a timeless design to enhance the style and elegance of your meals. La Perle, Baron, Prince, King, Taiga, Conte and Astra are appropriate names for these complete sets which will fulfil your most demanding desires: from glasses to goblets, from flutes to coffee cups.

Real jewellery for your table, crafted in gold plated, decor gold plated, silver plated with decor gold, silver plated or stainless steel. The highest grades of precious 24 ct fine gold and 999 fine silver are used to enrich these objects to the standard that they deserve.

and beauty harmony DESIGN IN GOLDEN

Zepter All Gold Special

Gold means quality, gold means the best, the highest, the royal, the elite. For millennia gold has been the material most sought after by man. Gold is our greatest desire, gold is our biggest dream and our ultimate fantasy.

Your private treasure PRINCE

The perfect golden complement for your table. A rich set to celebrate a special occasion in a noble style. Prince set is composed of 3 different kinds of glasses for water, wine and liqueur.

Precious saucers give a touch of sophistication while a luminous tray complements this everlasting tableware. Ideal for water, juices, beer, wine, cocktails...

Luxury, first class service

A functional set with a timeless design. King combines the most modern manufacturing techniques, performed by a dedicated professional team which takes care of every detail like those of the ice tongs.

King ice bucket is an original piece of design; gorgeous and useful at the same time, it also includes a lid to preserve ice for longer. The whisky glasses are special, they are also thermic cups.

Real jewellery for your table


Taiga set fulfills even the most demanding desires in terms of luxury and service. Thanks to its large range of accessories, it is the perfect set to be used on special occasions to give a touch of distinction, or everyday, to enjoy a unique style.

The thermos, the sugar bowl and the spoons are unique pieces of design. Taiga set includes a sparkling tray, creamer and saucers even drinking straws and two tea cups, with or without handle for your convenience.

Precious saucers give a touch of sophistication while a luminous tray complements this everlasting tableware. www.zepter.com


FELIX® is a company with tradition, and one of the oldest knife manufacturers, producing cutlery since 1790. Karl Gustav FELIX founded the company in 1843, establishing a two centuries long legacy of craftsmanship, manufacturing knives renowned around the world for their extraordinary quality. In 2012, Zepter International purchased FELIX®, thus securing its position as the market leader for the production of top quality knives. Zepter’s unique vision, superior quality and innovative products found a true match in the tradition and superior craftsmanship of FELIX®.

Zepter Knives

Quality starts with the right raw material, and FELIX® uses only the best: ranging from highalloyed X50 CrMoV15 chromium molybdenum vanadium steel, Japanese VG10 multilayer Damascus steel, or X65 CR13 razor blade steel. Being homogenous and compact, the microstructure of these steel grades guarantees flexibility, resistance to corrosion and edge retention of the blades.

Being handmade, the quality directly depends on the skill of our master craftsmen. Each knife goes through 45 different work stages, and every single step relies on

centuries old Solingen knowledge, precision work, a good eye, care and love for detail.

The final seal of quality lies in the functionality and design of the knives. The perfect handling and use of a knife depends on how it is shaped, how it fits in your hand, how it is balanced, how the power reaches the blade when cutting. From the first look and touch, FELIX® knives have all these characteristics and distinguish themselves through their superior quality and beautiful design.



The coffee plant, which was discovered in Ethiopia in the 11th Century, has a white blossom that smells like jasmine and a red, cherry-like fruit. Back then, the leaves of the socalled “magical fruit” were boiled in water and the resulting concoction was thought to have medicinal properties.

Ze-Presso Café

Ebut capable of growing more than 30 feet high, a coffee tree is covered with dark-green, waxy leaves growing opposite each other in pairs. Coffee cherries grow along the tree’s branches. The genus Coffea is native to tropical Africa, and Madagascar, the Comoros, Mauritius

cardiovascular disease to lowering rates of depression.

Experience a unique journey with the Ze-Presso Café Collection, a sophisticated delight for your palate, a joy for your senses. Let the five different blends of the highest quality Arabica and Robusta beans captivate you with their

flavours. Ze-Presso coffee beans are carefully selected and handpicked at various plantations around the globe, roasted separately and delicately at the correct temperature to preserve natural aromas and flavours, ground, and immediately packed into hermetically sealed coffee capsules. By hermetically sealing the coffee capsules, the oxidation process is prevented, guaranteeing freshness. Each capsule contains 7 grams of coffee, the perfect amount for one cup of authentic Italian espresso, whenever you are in the mood for good coffee.

Created under the watchful eyes of Zepter’s experts, the Ze-Presso Café includes five distinctive blends of coffee.

Ristretto is a short espresso, typical in Italy. The finest blend of Arabica coffee beans, carefully selected in Brazil and Central America, reign in this particular brew. A light addition of Ethiopian Arabica, finely combined with a hint of Indian Robusta, make the ideal Ristretto. Special notes of distinctive chocolatey and spicy flavours add a fine and delicate yet persistent aftertaste.

The divine harmony of taste - Royal is a typical Italian espresso with a strong taste and aroma. A blend consisting of three kinds of the highest quality Arabica beans from Brazil, Colombia and Guatemala. The intense roasting process of Brazilian Santos Arabica beans accentuates medium acidity and adds a subtle chocolate note. The unique, light, fruity flavour, with a dominant orange note, is guaranteed by using the most exquisite beans from Colombia and Guatemala.

Barista is a espresso balanced in flavour and intensity. This blend is made of the highest quality Arabica and Robusta coffee beans. The perfect blend of Barista coffee ensures medium density, while at the same time offering low acidity and a delicate taste.

Intenso, a strong and intense espresso with a steady and distinctive taste. A carefully selected blend of Robusta coffee beans from Vietnam and India ensures the velvety and rich aroma of Intenso.

Last but not least, Decaffeinato is an espresso made of a pure blend of decaffeinated coffee beans with a velvety consistency and abundant cream. The delicate and mild aroma of this blend is carefully preserved during the decaffeination process, thus respecting the true structure, aromas and flavours of the coffee bean. www.zepter.com


Home Care

Revolutionary domestic and professional appliances for fast cleaning, disinfecting and purifying. Designed to clean your home, making it a healthy and safe place for you and your family. TUTTOLUXO 6SB, is the Complete Cleaning System by Zepter with 6 unique functions. A masterpiece of modern design that looks like a work of art, so you don’t have to store it but you can proudly enjoy its beauty as home decoration. Natural power, home health, domestic cleanliness, personal luxury and cost-effectiveness all rolled into one amazing ecological, noiseless device for the modern age.



Water is the carrier of life, the carrier of our universal collective memory and the foremost carrier of information. It has its own identity, inteligence, memory, divinity and its own mission. It is also our faithful evolutionary companion on our earthly escapades. As a teacher, it continues to remind us of our true purpose, to create harmony and perfection in our environment. The molecules of water combine into clusters and can freely osciallate in nine different directions. Ergo, one single molecule of water can pertain to nine or one of 362880 binary combinations. Thirty thousand pages of A4 paper can be used to write down the possible combinations of only a dozen molecules of water. Even today, no one can even imagine the meaning of a single scene in the play of waters collective memory.

Edel Wasser & Aqueena

The water within our bodies is also a carrier of vital data, as it carries all the information regarding our illnesses, the reasons for these same illnesses and their prevention. All that water experiences, it remembers. It is therefore no coincidence that the human brain consists of upwards of 92% water and that a human embryo contains of roughly 97% water. The secret of waters ability to memorize virtually anything lies in the facts that water always exists in clusters of molecules that combine together to form a shape simillar to DNA found in human cells.

Recently, scientists have begun to research the memorization aspect of water by closely observing the crystals of frozen water. The shapes of these crystals pertain to the information contained within the memories of water. These observation methods can differ greatly. Masaru Emoto, a japanese researcher, has developed a method for inspecting water crystals by freeezing a drop of water to preciesly -25°C for three hours and then slowly heating it up to a temperature of -5°C. The structure of the crystals is most apparent at this temperature and allows him to photograph the complex crystal structures during the slow thawing process. The lifetime of a water crystal in this state is roughly 2 minutes as it already begins to melt at -2°C. Masaru Emoto has discovered that the shape of these crystal structures coresponds to the information or code contained within the water. He has also come to some remarkable conclusions, such as the fact that the most profound influence on the memory of water is the energy of a persons thoughts, emotions and feelings. His photographs show and an indivertible link between the crystal formations and the information within the subject water. Destructive data manifests itself as a unarranged, deformed crystal structure, whereas information regarding love, prayers and a general positive attitude form remarkable, prodigious crystal shapes.

The best way to protect your and your family’s health is with a constant supply of clean, pure water straight from your tap. Zepter Edel Wasser will supply the purest water for all your needs. By drinking 2-3 l of water purified by Zepter Edel Wasser per day you can improve the overall condition of your body, strengthen your immune system and boost your health. By removing dangerous pollutants from your water you remove the dangers posed by these toxic substances that can have fatal consequences in the short-term and the long-term. The chemical processes used to clean water in its municipal source can leave harmful residues as well as affect the taste of your drinking water, these too are removed by the comprehensive 5-stage water filtration process. The Hygienic filter ensures your water is free from harmful bacteria and viruses that make you ill, offering a last line of defence to your family’s health.


The ultimate source of pure, healthy water, AqueenaPro is a highly technologically advanced filtering system, designed around the most effective filtration process: Reverse Osmosis. Being equipped with a 5 stage filtration system, it ensures maximal purification of the water, by effectively removing all dangerous contaminants making it pure and healthy to drink. Fully automatized and practical, it represents the best economical solution for your daily healthy water supply for home and office use. Zepter International, known for its strict quality control standards, uses the latest technology and rigorous testing, as well as international certification to ensure the high level of safety and efficiency of AqueenaPro for positive health benefits.



In today’s world, it’s not just the air we breathe outside on the city streets, but the air inside our homes and offices - places where we should feel safe and secure - that has become a life-threatening problem. What can we do? We must take preventative steps to avoid health issues caused by pollution in our own homes. Zepter’s Therapy Air Purifying Systems have the answers. They effectively fight against indoor air pollution, giving you and your loved ones a chance to breathe freely.

Zepter International researchers, experts and technicians have designed and built a real innovative device for you. This application uses highly sophisticated technology capable of dealing with all kinds of threats to both your breathing and health. One of Therapy Air® iOn’s main characteristics is that its incredible power and technology can be operated using a simple, direct user interface. Your preferred settings can be programmed in at the touch of a button. Therapy Air® iOn is the ideal solution for keeping living spaces clean and safe as it filters, purifies and enriches the air with negative ions. The action of its failsafe five-level filtering system is further enhanced by the properties of the negative ions emitted. Reproducing natural mechanisms, Therapy Air® iOn is as multifunctional and technically advanced as it is easy to

use. It will allow you to enjoy pure, forest-like air all around you.

The functionality and high technology of the Therapy Air® iOn is perfectly reflected in its sober and modern design. Its flat shape and stylish control panel form a wonderful blend of technological materials and pleasant colours to make Therapy Air® iOn a fashion icon that is just as much at home in classical as in modern surroundings. Therapy Air® iOn is elegant and very much in line with the latest trends in interior design. Its simple beauty belies the fact of its effectiveness in purifying the air you breathe. You can enjoy an exclusive, beautiful device with excellent performance and unequalled user-friendliness. www.zepter.com


Therapy Air Smart

Air is most essential to life. But only clean air is essential to a healthy life. We take on average 20 000 breaths/day, inhaling over 11 000 l of air per day, or nearly 8 litres every minute. Imagine breathing this much polluted air. Longterm exposure to air pollution has damaging effect on every organ and virtually every cell in the human body. More than 9 out of 10 people in the world – 92% – live in the places where air pollution exceeds safe limits, according to research from the World Health Organization (WHO). Globally, nearly 8.8 million people die prematurely due to air pollution, which is now the world’s largest single environmental health risk. In one decade, the death rate from polluted air has almost doubled.

Air pollution - a „silent killer“ - does headto-toe harm: from heart and lung disease to diabetes and dementia, and from liver and gut problems to brittle bones and dehydrated skin. Fertility, fetuses and children are also affected by toxic air. There is a solution! The latest generation of the most effective air purification system that combines proven HEPA technology with the power of negative Ions and UV-C light. This all-in-one filtration system removes 99.9% of harmful particulates, pathogens and polluting gasses from air. Therapy Air® Smart is the most effective, innovative solution to your quest for clean and healthy air. Therapy Air® Smart uses 360° multi-stage filtration system which allowws purified air to be quickly distributed in all corners of the 71m2 indoor space. Thanks to its three-dimensional circulation system, the air will be purified no matter where you place the device.The unique 360o integrated triple-layer filter consists of primary pre-filter, H13-grade HEPA filter and activated carbon filter that completely eliminate inhalable particles such as bacteria, viruses, allergens and other pathogens.



The Zepter More Juice Press Frozen gives you more juice, more vitamins, and more great taste without wasting a drop. The patented slow action of More Juice Press Frozen guarantees that you get the most juice from your fruits and vegetables every time. You will never look at juice the same way again! ArtMix Pro is a cooker and blender with an automated vacuum function for fast and hustlefree preparation of healthy meals! This all-in-one kitchen hero chops, mixes, blends and cooks the food in a single container using different automatic programs with an option of a manual mode set-up.

More Juice Press Frozen and ArtMix Pro


With More Juice Press Frozen Zepter has got you covered. The 3 in 1 Smart Extraction System uses slow but thorough rotation of 40 rpm and powerful pressing force to squeeze fruits and vegetables through its gently rotating screw, while the metal mesh precisely separates juice from the pulp, making every single drop of your ingredients go straight into your glass and fully preserve its nutritional value. Thanks to the innovative dual-stage process, the pulp goes out through a separate outlet and can be used as per personal tastes and never-ending creativity. Did you know that you lose most of the vitamins when using a traditional juicer? The much needed vitamins in foods become unstable and even destroyed after being exposed to temperatures higher than 50°C, which is exactly what happens in old-fashioned high speed juicers. Zepter’s More Juice Press Frozen slow juicer does not get hot. Just like squeezing by hand, it gives you all the healthy vitamins and good and taste – in a slow and cold pressed juice. Freshly squeezed juice made with More Juice Press Frozen has up to 6 times more vitamins.

Acting as catalysts, enzymes represent essential bioelements that control all major metabolic processes, while ensuring healthy functioning of the human body. Mainly all fruit and vegetable enzymes take part in digestion processes and nutrient absorption, while some of them have more specific roles such as: Lipase that supports fat digestion process (avocado), AMPK that increases calorie burn and maintains lower-blood pressure and triglycerides level (grapefruit), Gallic acid that supports immune system (raspberries), Bromelain that decreases appetite (pineapple), Proxeronine that boosts endorphin (one of the “happy hormones”) and prevents allergies and respiratory track infections (noni fruit) etc. Thanks to its 3 in 1 Smart Extraction System and integrated screwsqueezing technology, More Juice Press Frozen does not only use the most of the ingredients, it as well preserves all valuable enzymes, retaining up to 4 times more enzymes in a single serving than any other juicer.


With today’s stressful and fast-paced lifestyle, optimal nutrition and a well-balanced diet pose an ever increasing challenge to be and stay healthy. ArtMix Pro fits perfectly into the modern and busy lifestyle of today. Fast, easy and versatile cooker-blender for the preparation of healthy,

tasty meals and less chaos in the kitchen! Enjoy being creative in making delicious, healthy cakes, baby meals, soups and main courses in no time. The process of fine pulverisation extracts maximum nutrients from ingredients, making them more bioavailable for the body to absorb. The automated vacuum function for cold recipes, removes the air from the blending jar and ultimately prevents oxidation.

A combination of the revolutionary Vacuum and Cyclone Pro technology guarantees the maximum release and retention of nutrients as well as the perfectly smooth blend.


VacSy® is a worldwide-patented food vacuum system - designed to create a vacuum inside special glass containers and special air-tight bags. The vacuum environment deprives bacteria, moulds and fungi of the oxygen needed for survival and maintains the flavour and nutritional properties of the food in an unaltered state. Food stays fresh and healthy for up to 5 times longer than in the normal refrigerator conditions, so your food will never again lose its taste and nutrients.

The VacSy® System protects food from premature spoilage making it easy to plan ahead and buy food in larger volumes, thus saving on grocery purchases and on time spent shopping. Cook less often, but still have delicious and healthy meals ready to be enjoyed. A longer life for your food, a healthy life for you!

The VacSy® System, which is the most versatile and powerful food vacuum system for professional and home use, can be used to vacuum-pack fresh or prepared foods directly in VacSy® Containers, Zepter Cookware, Bottles and VacSy® Rolls.

With VacSy you can also marinate in a shorter time and enjoy a delicious meal or reseal your opened glass jars by re-vacuuming them. Vacuum sealed in bags, jewellery, money, important documents, electronic devices or other valuables are protected from oxidation, water and dust. By vacuum packing your clothes, you can save space in your luggage while traveling, or in your closet at home. On a boat or when camping, vacuum-packing your clothes in VacSy® bags will keep them dry.



Madlenianum and Zepter Museums

Mrs. Madlena Zepter, whose love for culture and art represent the largest personal benefactor deed in this domain, not only in her mother country Serbia, but also in the European range in general. Madlenianum has been organized as a model of a new musicalscenic theatre , Zepter Museum in heart of Belgrade has become a meeting place for all lovers of art from the town, the entire region and also from abroad. With new opening of Zepter Museum in Milan, Italy, Zepter Group has become a citizen of the world.

The construction of the building where MADLENIANUM is located today started during the fifties.

The original architectural and technical-technological concept of the building, with its overall reductionism, resembled more to a model of socrealistic cultural centre than to a modern theatre. When MADLENIANUM, as a new institution, moved in 1998 into the building of Zemun Theatre, it was a completely dilapidated, ruined and devastated building. By a decision of the founder, Mrs. Zepter, a process of capital phase reconstruction has started, with a basic goal not only to bring the building into function, but also to conform it to the spirit of the times, new technical possibilities, and thus enable realization of the most complex artistic scenic undertakings, concepts and settings. We can say today that these aspirations have been completely realized and MADLENIANUM is undoubtedly one of the most representative theatre halls, not only in Belgrade and Serbia, but in the wider region as well.

A new modern, but at the same time carefully suited into the ambience and context of the old Zemun pointed out an exceptional importance of a public function of theatre, but reaffirmed potentials of the place itself. This quality is particularly visible in the solution of the small square in front of the building, which is sensibly treated as a place where interior and exterior overlap, so that is can be

seen as an extension of the foyer, or, on the other hand, as a special urban stage. Reshaping of entrance parties technologically completes a dominant theatrical function: hall, space, artistic and technical ensemble. However, the lavishness of new MADLENIANUM building is in numerous, almost unforeseeable alternative possibilities of space utilization.

The Zepter Museum has become a meeting place for all lovers of art from the town, the entire region and also from abroad. It was opened on July 1, 2010 in that magnificent building in the historic centre of Belgrade and the vicinity of the most precious cultural and educational institutions .The core activity of the ZEPTER MUSEUM is to collect systematically, protect, study, exhibit and publish works of art. It is intended to gather together in one place the works and artists who can visualize the complex art scene in Serbia in the second half of the 20th century and the The ZEPTER MUSEUM has all the necessary modern technical equipment and everything else required by any museum activity. The ZEPTER MUSEUM is a living organism and its doors are open to a broad variety of cultural events – chamber music concerts, video presentations, discussions and promotions, lectures, topical meetings and professional talks. In other words, it is our desire that the Museum functions as a cultural centre with events of the highest standard.


Zepter Museum Belgrade

Zepter Museum Milano is exhibiting the company’s history and its five brands that promote its mission: “Live Better – Live Longer’’

Zepter Museum Milano


Zepter Towers

Ever since the company was established, Zepter International has been building the iconic building projects in every corner of the world - from Monte Carlo Palace to Prague business tower. The company designs and builds high quality buildings, which provide a pleasant work ambience and many possibilities for innovative solutions that respond to the challenges of increasing energy efficiency and protecting the environment. Zepter boasts more than 320,000 m2 of business space all over the world. Its distinctive buildings are situated in the most important cities worldwide, on 5 continents.

The prestigious headquarters around the world are made out of modern materials and in Zepter colours. The group also has many shops and pavilions located on the finest avenues of major cities such as Athens, Barcelona, Belgrade, Budapest, Chicago, Monte Carlo, Moscow, Munich, Paris, Prague, Vancouver, Warsaw, Zagreb etc.

The products and the environment of the modern and elegant shops express the Zepter philosophy at its best: everything is created to improve health and the quality of life. So, by entering one of these luxurious buildings you will feel at ease, maybe even happier because every product that you see will become an investment for your health and your future lifestyle. Eight Zepter stylish designed factories based in Germany, Italy and Switzerland produce hundreds of top-class home appliances everyday for your health and beauty and give work to thousads of workers.


Zepter Hotel Dubica on the LUXURY RIVER UNA

The Una river, deviding Croatia and Bosnia is truly unique. The hotel’s location adds to its exclusive character. It is set on the bank of the river Una and you feel that it is floating on the river or is diving into the emerald green waters of this picturesque river that is never still. When they first beheld it, the Romans cried:” “Truly unique!” Nowadays, they would say the same of the hotel. The numerous open terraces and balconies bring the hotel even closer to the river, which allows guests to enjoy the lush greenness of the untouched natural surroundings.


Superbly located in the heart of the most fashonable quarter of city of Belgrade, Zepter Hotel is shining with magnificent facade. Fronting the Terazije street is idealy situated near the business district and major tourist attractions. Zepter Apart Hotel, a 5-star exclusive apartment hotel, first of its kind, offers to its guests a unique Zepter lifestyle experience.

Zepter Apart Hotel

All 32 suits and luxury rooms, ranging from 30 to 300 m2 are equipped with high quality Zepter products of worldwide reputation for their exceptional superior quality, advanced technology and original design. Guests can freely relax and enjoy the

benefits of Zepter Masterpiece System, an everlasting way to preparing healthy and delicious food; Bioptron Light Therapy a worldwide patented, clinically tested, proven & certified as an effective medical device for a safe and effective medical treatment; Zepter Home Care products for clean air, clean water and clean environment and pamper their skin with high quality Zepter Swiss cosmetics.

Hotel guests have on their disposal Zepter Meeting Club, SmartLife restaurant and Zepresso Aperitif bar. All menus served are based on Mediterranean and international cuisine, properly prepared with Zepter’s unique and everlasting solution to preparing healthy food for a better, longer and healthy life. The unique feature of this hotel is

possibility for all their guests to enjoy private cooking class with hotel’s chef and learn all the secrets of proper food preparation using Zepter Masterpiece CookArt.



Zepter Manufacturing Plants is vertically

Today, eight Zepter factories based in Germany, Italy and Switzerland produce hundreds of top-class home appliances everyday for your health and beauty: Menfi 1 and Menfi 2 – Milan, Felix Solingen, Intercosmetica Neuchâtel, Bioptron AG – Wollerau, Zolan – Poland, Zepter Dubica, Silberwarenfabrik Jäger Viersen.

Zepter’s success story started two decades ago in 1986 when the company was founded in Austria, and the first production plant in Milan, Italy, which manufactured the top-quality Masterpiece Cookware and artistic Table Decorations. Masterpiece Cookware is still synonymous worldwide with unequivocal and longlasting value, so this modern factory - Menfi Industria in Milan, with a production capacity of more than 1,000,000 units per year, has also become the heartland as well as the birthplace of the Zepter Empire with its 24,000 m2 of business space. In 1996, the Zepter Group branched out into the market of medical devices. The purchase of the Swiss-based company, Bioptron AG, marked Zepter’s revolutionary entry into the business of light therapy.

In the same year, the Swiss company, Intercosmetica Neuchâtel SA, was incorporated into the Zepter Group. After significant investments in the production facilities and in research and development, the production lines and a new biotechnology laboratory were established. Today, Intercosmetica Neuchâtel SA produces an average of 5,000,000 products a year, and Zepter Cosmetics, in accordance with Zepter’s mission of health, offers the best products in the range of top-quality cosmetics in the world. The most recent Zepter purchase is Felix Solingen GmbH, one of the oldest knife manufacturers in the world. Felix has been making unique knives since 1790. They are second to none in quality, function and design. Felix knives won the Gold iF Product Design Award for one of the most attractive products worldwide as well as the Red Dot Design Award.

Intercosmetica Neuchâtel
Bioptron AG


When the hard working Zepter family needs a balance of style, ambience and comfort, they go to one of their villas, ranging from Monaco-Cap

to Belgrade and Paris.

Zepter Villas
Zepter Villa Cap Martin - Monaco

All of the villas are located in the most desirable areas of luxury and peace. The stunning Villa Trianon is situated among other extravagnt villas in the magical Cap Martin, just a stone’s throw away from Monaco, while the Villa Emma is located in Dedinje, a famous part of Begrade that sits on the hill above the capital city of Serbia.

The magnificent Villa Trianon consists of a villa and an annex. A main house with an area of about 800 m is complemented with

land of about 1,6 hectares. The main house is on three levels with four bedrooms with private bathrooms, a main kitchen and a billiard room with parquet floor and wood surrounds. An internal elevator serves all floors of the villa. On the ground floor there is a great dining room with a red lounge with a fireplace. The villa also has a private tennis court and a big swimming pool. It is siuated in a tropical garden with various rare species and trees (palm trees, umbrella pines, century-old olive trees) and exotic plants. The chef prepares the family and guests delicious meals according to their wishes.

Zepter Villa Cap Martin - Monaco

Set on the banks of one of the most romantic hills, Dedinje in Begrade, Villa Emma was built as the residence of the Serbian king Karađorđević. The architectural jewel of the XVIIIth century, is neo classic still. The property comprises of gardens and the Villa has 400 m . Continuously renovated and updated, without sacrificing any of its old-world charm, Villa Emma today offers 5 bedrooms, all different

in decor but linked by the superior standards of luxury. Zepter family and guests are able to use all of the facilities and amenities of the villa while mantaining the privacy and exclusivity that a private villa can offer.

Mat Tom
Zepter Villa Emma - Belgrade

real estate ZEPTER PROJECT

Belgrade, Serbia is a the biggest South-eastern European country located in the central part of the Balkan and borders on Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. The residential real estate market in Serbia is most developed in its capital, Belgrade. Historically, the overall supply of residential units in urban municipalities in Belgrade has been developing in line with urbanization trends and the increase in the number of residents in the city. New Belgrade is one of the newest municipalities, during the development of which modern building techniques have been implemented with more efficient land use.

Belgrade Shipyard IMMO

Zepter Shipyard IMMO is located in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia and its largest city, approximately 3 km from the City center and 9 km from international airport. In terms of river transpor- tation, Belgrade lies on the confluence of two interna- tional waterways, Danube and Sava. Both rivers en- able passenger transpor- tation (tourism) as well as cargo transportation. Zepter Shipyard Immo is a unique, one-of-a-kind project in western Balkans due to its exclusive position on Sava river bank and potential to develop close to 800.000 m2 of premium mixed-use real

estate. The plan for the project designates it as Mixed Use City Center with highrise buildings, with following usage: residential between 0-80% and commercial between 20100%. The maximum height is 100 m with a possibility to be increased. Further development of this project is planned via Plan of Detailed Regulation which contains all the details that can be directly implemented by the investor. 187.000 m2 land complex is located within Block 69 in the prime area of New Belgrade’s emerging western edge of the central business district, where major new office developments in Belgrade are being built. Main Bus station and Railway Station will be located 500 meters

from the complex, offering excellent road infrastucture and connectivity to the entire city of Belgrade. The site is conveniently located on the newly constructed „ADA Bridge“ and less than 1 km away from “GAZELA Bridge” and main E-75 highway. ADA Bridge is part of the new inner ring road, connecting New Belgrade to the Senjak and Čukarica highly populated residential areas. It has direct access to Jurija Gagarina street, one of New Belgrade’s main arteries, which has increased in significance due to extensive construction of several commercial and residential projects along the route Jurija Gagarina street is a major traffic artery Boulevard and is well served by public transport. Total

area: 822 745 m2 is divided in residential use 328 330 m2, business - commercial use 219 823 m2 and garagesarages 274 592 m2. The complex will consists of three pedestals and 5 buildings, some of which will be residential, some are intended for business, and some will have mixed use. One of the buildings will partly spread over the water. Pedestals will have one underground floor and three above ground (one for garage and two for retail). The whole complex will be enriched with greenery on three floors. www.zepterrealestate.rs

The story of Zepter International is a story of strength, greatness, passion and belief. For many years the renowned company has been the main sponsor of hundreds of global sport events, such as F1 world championships (Monaco, Canada and Brazil), F1 Powerboat world championships, FIBA world and European basketball championships, Ice Hockey world championships (official sponsor and national team sponsor) and Euro Handball.

Zepter International also support various other sports: from Zepter Herculis IAAF Golden League athletic meeting in Monte Carlo, to major tennis tournaments in Monte Carlo, Mallorca, Stuttgart, and

Hanover, and always with the same ideal. Zepter sponsorship is one of the most efficient and economical ways to promote brand and products through an emotional environment. With Zepter sportsmen they reached their respective target market and overall objectives. With sports engagement Zepter group gained high visibility and a fully-comprehensive engagement platform for brand building, relationship management, and campaigning. Maintaining successful relationships with many world sport organizations and sportsmen provides Zepter with a wide network of extensive opportunities and creating brand-related conversations across all media through sponsorship and activation strategies by developing customised presentation and fan engagement approaches.

Tennis player Alexander Zverev


Monte Carlo

In the capital of luxury and its official headquarters, the Zepter group hosted a conference under the name “Golden Age”. Over a thousand of Zepter’s guests took part in the convention where a golden, limited collection of Zepter healthy living products was unveiled. Famous guests were in abundance: Guido Capellini – Formula One Powerboat world champion, the Olympian Sergey Bubka, Michael Adam – owner of Fashion TV and beauties such as Nikolina Pisek, Nina


Monaco boat show

Philip Zepter held a magnificent event at the Monaco Yacht Show to celebrate his new yacht ‘joyMe. As expected of a yacht made by Philip Zepter Yachts, it drew much attention at the port of Monte Carlo where the most expensive and most prestigious yachts from the world over were presented. The presentation took


Goran Bregović
Madlena and Philip Zepter
Sergey Bubka with his consort
Mrs. Tatana Kutcharova, miss World 2006, with Žarko Džomba
Multiple F1 Powerboat champion Guido Capellini and his wife
Michael Adam - Fashion TV, Nina Senićar and Philip Zepter
Senicar, ex-miss Italy Roberta Capua and ex-miss World Tatana Kuchorova.
The President of Zepter International Mr. Philip Zepter and Fashion TV presenter
Philip Zepter and Matjaž Murko - Mennyacht



Philip Zepter and Ivana Trump
Mr. Kraljevič and miss Universe Barbara Filipović
Matjaž Murko - Mennyacht


Lago di Como

In the magnificent ambience of Villa Erba on the Italian Lake Como, Mr. and Mrs. Zepter celebrated 30 years of success of their international company along with their closest friends. Worldrenowned stars Peppino di Capri and Iva Zanicchi entertained the guests deep into the night.

Zepter family
Alex Lee and Nicholas Rudaz
Luna Berlusconi and Philip Zepter
Viktoria Denysova and Mile Zepter
Villa Erba

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